PE - M9 - 01 - Create Areas

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Exercise duration: ~30 minutes

Create areas
In this exercise you create an area scheme in an
existing project.

You will then create Area Plans and place areas

in those plans before assigning a color scheme
to each plan and creating an area schedule.

Learning objectives:

• Create areas

The finished project

Completed areas

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Area boundary lines added to create the circulation zones

1. Open the project Create Areas.rvt.

Figure 1. Opening the Revit project file

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From the Architecture ribbon tab, select

the Room & Area drop down menu and
choose Area and Volume Computations,
as shown in Figure 2.

From the Area Schemes tab create a Figure 2. The Room & Area drop down menu
new area scheme and name it Useable
Area. Select OK to save the area

From the Architecture ribbon tab, in the

Room & Area panel, choose Area Plan
under the Area tool.

Select the Useable Area scheme and

create plans for levels 1, 2 and 3.

Click Yes to associate area boundaries

with external walls.

Open the newly created area plans and

create area boundaries around the stair
lobbies as shown in the plans above.
Use the Pick Lines tool to select walls
where possible and draw lines where
required on Level 3.

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In each area plan, choose the Area tool

and place areas to fill all the internal
space within the plan.

Assign a name to each area of either Figure 3. The Color Fill Legend tool on the
Office or Circulation as per the plans Annotate ribbon tab

above. To assign the name, either edit

the name field on the area tag or select
the area and assign the name via the
Properties palette.

From the Annotate ribbon tab, choose

to place a Color Fill Legend. The legend
should be placed to the right-hand side
of the plan and the scheme should be
Schema 1.

Select the Legend and choose Edit

Color Scheme from the Modify ribbon
tab, change the Color to Name and the
Title to Area Type.

Add the color fill legend to the other

area plans.

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From the View ribbon tab, choose

Schedules and Quantities from
Schedules on the Create panel.

For Category choose Areas (Useable

Area) and select OK.

From Available Fields add Level, Name

and Area to the Schedule Fields panel.

From the Sorting/Grouping tab, choose

Sort by: Name and Then by: Level. Figure 4. Creating a new Areas (useable
Area) schedule
Check to assign a Footer to the Name
sorting and check to include Grand

From the Formatting tab, choose the

Area field and select to Calculate a
Total from the calculation drop-down

Click OK to create the schedule and

review the area for the building.

5. End of exercise.

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