Episode 4

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Episode 4

Scenario A: Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?

Yes, of course. I have identified Miss Fely's issue as the students' inadequate comprehension of
vertebrates and invertebrates. Her students, as previously stated, are unable to classify animals
according to the aforementioned animal classifications.
Can you find solutions to solve her problem?
a. I can suggest to Miss Fely that charts be used with the animal classification at the top,
which will serve as the heading. That, along with some illustrations of animals belonging
to the vertebrate and invertebrate categories, will help each student distinguish between
the two categories.
b. Utilizing a video presentation that focuses on the distinction between vertebrates and
invertebrates is another option that I can suggest to Miss Fely.
What solution can solve Miss Fely’s Problem?
I believe that the use of video presentations that include content on the subject is the one that has
the best chance of resolving her issue.
Well, by carrying out the solution. She must first choose videos that are suitable for students in
the fourth grade. Next, she needs to make sure that the content does not contain any violent
videos that students might not want to watch. She must also demonstrate the videos to the class
and elaborate on the subject. Consequently, she must reiterate and emphasize key lessons learned
at the presentation's conclusion.
Are you matched with the problem?
I believe so, yes. Miss Fely's issue is satisfies by the aforementioned solutions that I suggested.
Miss Fely's concern of her understudies' unfortunate comprehension of their point on vertebrates
and spineless creatures is tended to by the arrangements gave.

Scenario B:
a. Due to the fact that the majority of Sir Ryan's students came from families that were
tumultuous, which immediately reduces the amount of time parents spend with their
children, a lack of parental assistance would most likely be the most likely teaching-
learning issue in his class.

b. Students in the disadvantaged urban community are deprived of basic human needs like
food, clothing, and shelter, which has a negative impact on their interest and could lead to
low attendance and insufficient student motivation.

 One of the best solutions to poor attendance and inadequate student motivation, in my
opinion, is holding students and parents accountable for frequent and unjustified
absences. Additionally, he must implement a stringent attendance policy to address the
problem of excessive absences. Before beginning the class discussion, Sir Ryan must
daily share inspirational sayings, videos, or stories. His students will be encouraged to
value education and realize that their current situation is temporary by these things. He
needs to convince his students that there are numerous examples of people who rose from
poverty to become famous and wealthy, and that they can do the same if they are willing
to study.

Because relying solely on a single solution would not be sufficient, the aforementioned problem
has multiple solutions. Keep in mind that every issue we face has multiple potential solutions.
All that remains is for us to investigate and locate these solutions. In order to come up with
multiple solutions to the same problem, we need to be creative, adaptable, and innovative. For
instance, a solution might be effective in one class but not in another; consequently, it ought to
always include alternative strategies for dealing with issues.
If you want to become a teacher, you'll need to be observant to spot problematic situations. By allowing
yourself to notice the little things in your environment. I will be able to become a better educator by
improving my ability to look and observe with attention and identifying problematic classroom situations
and potential solutions. Aside from that, it enables me to develop and comprehend classroom-related

Connectivity, involvement, home, and social status are a few examples of problematic classroom
situations that can have an effect on the teaching-learning process for both teachers and students.
Furthermore, according to scenario 2, the majority of Sir Ryan's students belonged to troubled
families and came from disadvantaged urban communities. There is a possibility that they are
disinterested in the lessons, that there is a greater number of dropouts, that there is a greater
number of absent students, and that they are unable to concentrate on each and every lesson that
is provided by teacher Ryan.
The first change I want to make is to socially interact with students while also offering them a meaningful
teaching-learning process. Second, I want them to get involved in every activity and realize that they can
get help and hope. Third, I maintain that they should be aware and accept that I am ready to make every
effort to assist them with turning out to be better forms of themselves, and that I will urge them to be
more helpful and have a more certain instructive experience. Last but not least, I want them to change
their mindset and have faith in their own capacity to make positive changes that will benefit them.
I want to make the current situation better by regularly going to their house to get to know them and build
a good relationship with their parents. I will arrange a meeting with the parents and establish the "Parents-
Teacher Association" organization. I will be flexible and sensitive as a teacher. Students and parents
ought to be able to voice their concerns. I will present myself as a role model in order to earn their trust
because I believe that fostering a positive attitude in the classroom begins with me. Additionally, I will
praise and reward students for their good behavior because it is a straightforward yet potent way to inspire
them to do their best. Students will be able to bring all of their needs to the classroom thanks to these
methods. I know it's hard, but it will all be worth it in the end if the teacher and parents are working
toward the same goal and moving in the same direction.

Action Research Title:

Add: Solutions / actions

I will conduct this research as a teacher because I am certain that it will assist and benefit both parents
and students. I will propose this study to the principal for approval and gather the necessary materials in
order to carry it out. I will find and solicit an in-kind donation as part of the research process to meet
some of the needs of the parents and students.

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