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A.D.1707. Anno fexto Ann Regine. CG. 18. 297 Deterninaion of he fit Sg Earl of Guin, vo proceat upon and fete the Terms and Con ¥en tions of te fame, a bis Lordhip fill think ft, fo a8 the whole be made, fetded, perfeetedy and coms weed oe ated on or before the twenty-ninth Day September in the Year one thouland feven hundred and eight, Bit! o Gets. Writing teed under ip Lordthip’s Hand and Seal; which fsid Award being fo made and fected ™ fin the’ Time afore(aid, *hall in all Parts thereof be binding and concluf as well to. the faid mor and Company of Merchants of Lendin trading into tte £aff Indi, 23 to the rc of the =" Members of he fd Lyi Company, and thall be by them complied with, and fabmited t IIL Provided always, and it is hereby further enaéted by the Authority afore(aid, "That from and After fan fer the making of the ftid Award, and Surrender of the Charter of the fad, Governor and Company of Av" ee Sarre 2 puree of the Char ofthe td Gover nd Comma ol are ans who, atthe Time of fuch Surrender, {tall in purfuance of the fame Indenture be the Managers Witt'g2* the united Trade_ of the Engl Company trating to the Ho? Inder and mone others, thell be the wm kets ee ey omnick ‘Company fhall then be called, The wsited Company of Afer~ new ones be OF England trading to the Ealt Indies) until fach Time as new Directors dkall be cholen for the © fiance of the iid Charter, bearing Date the fifth Day of Scpfenber in the tenth Year of li forefaid, ‘That this prefent AG, and the A@s herein Aas te, tobe trued, adjudged, and taken to be publick Aéts to all Pubick Ads, Tarthr Bere Sonreteg te 8, 40m 24 Ese 32 Cm.2628 17 Cm ne, CAP. XVIII. AG for the more effeétual Difcovery of the Death of Perfons pretended to be alive, to che Prejudice of thofe who claim Eftates after their Deaths. 1. YT HEREAS divers Perfons, as Guardians and Truftees forInfants, and Hufbands ia Right of 1yGz-2.« 6 it Wives, and other Perfons having Kitaces or Interefls determinable upon a Life of Lives, Continued to reccive their Rents and Profits of fuch Lands after the Determination of thei {aid par icular Eftates or Interets: And whereas the Proof of the Death of the Perfons, on whofe Lives fuch par~ jevlar Effatosor Intereits depended, is very dificult, and feveral Perfons have'been, an, may he thercby defrauded” For Remedy whereof, ‘and for preventing fuch fraudulene Practices, Be it enaéted by the Ducen’s molt Excellent Majelty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and ‘Tem- jy and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That any Peron aiming Peron of Perfons who hath or fhall have any Claim or Demand in or to any Remainder, Reverfion, or Efate in Re- peanes, in oF to any Rfse aher the Death of any Pesfn within Age, saried Woman, o7 any ofher it 96 fosver, upon. Affidavit made in the High Court of Chancery, by the Perfons fo chaining fuch (7%, Bilate, of his or her Title, sd chat ho or fhe hath Caule to believe thee fuch Minor, married Woman, Wowta" ‘other Perfon is dead, and that his or her Death is concealed by fuch Guardian, Trufee, Hufband, of sey ther Pesfon, thall and may once Yesr, if the Perfon aggrieved thall think fit, move the Lord thst be huh fancellor, Kecper, or Commitfioners for thé Cultody of the Grezt Scal of Great Britain for the Time ste sallete b toorder, and they arc hereby authorized and required to osder fuch Guardian, Trultee, Hu! Pais: i Perfon, concealing or fufpeéted to conceal fuch Perfon, at fuch Time and Place as the faid ehanesis: ethall direct, on perfonal or other due Service of fich Ordcr, to produce and fhew to fuch Perfon eal ch bie gud Perfons, (not exceeding two) as fball in fuch Order be named by the Pasty or Parties profecusing "ot. > lich Order, fuch Minor, married Woman, or other Perfons aforefsid; and if fuch Guardian, Truflee, rote &c. i |, or fuck other Berfon, as aforefaid, thall refufe or neglect to produce or fhew fuch Infant, mar~ Suadian, ee. Womsa, or fuch other Ferfon, on whofe Lif any fuch Dlfate doth depend, according’ to. the Dic Stam Me Bicns of the faid Order, That thin the Court of Chaverry is hereby authorized and requited to order 2" ‘Guaidian, Truflee, Histhand, or other Perfon, to produce fuch Minor, married Woman, or other fon concesed, in the {aid Court, of Chancery, oF otherwife before Commifioncrs to be appointed by {aid Court, at-fuch Time and Place as the Court ‘hall direst, two of which Commiffioners fhall he omiuated by Whe Party on Pardes profecutng fuch Onder, at his er, or eels Coils and Charges and in cale fuck Guardian, Teuton, Hatbind, or other Perlon, dic refuls or neginet to produer fuch married Wonia, or other Perfon {0 cosicealed, in the Court of Chancery, oz before fuch Commi rs, whercof Reiuén fhall be made by fuch Commilfioners, and that Return filed in the Petty Bag =) in either or any of the faid Cafes, the faid Minor, married Woraan, or fuch other Perfon (0 con Party foccaca- led, hall be taken to be desd, and i dhall be lawful for any Perfon claiming any Right, Title or In- ¢! betes co Fin Remainder or Reyerfion, or otherwife after the Death of fuch Infant, married Woman, or fuch Gt a8 Perfons fo concealed, 2s aforefaid, to enter upon fuch Lands, ‘Tenements and Heredicaments, a3 if emeron Lang, Infant, married Woman, or other Perfon fo concealed, were s€ually dea ge ‘And be it further enacted by the Authority aforo(aid, "That if it Shall. appear to the fxid Court by On ARdvctat davit, that fuch Minor, married Woman, of other Perfon, for whofe Life fuch Litate is holden, is, Misoye,sto= lately was at fone certain Place beyond the Seas in the faid AGidavit co be mentioned, it fhall and may goo! Se, Clin- Tawtul for the Pasty or Parties profecuting fuch Order, se forelaid, at hisy her, or thelr Colt, and a8. ef, to fend oyer one or both the fiid Perfons eee by the faid Order, to view fuch Minor, 3% er nie q Siew fick Minor a married a, sf tof, lie, a Tntiae, . sray Hi Geardisn, ee. trove that he Sethe ie Endewoore © rece fch To- Fine pes fod tht he an ‘thea living, ee Gomi ‘oncnue in Pot {eto ee. Goartan, te, Ioliing Ets ter Determia- tien of Life josged Delp im Hees es may reeoesDatmagee 1G 2 he C.rg. Anno fexto Anna Regine. A.D. 170 married Woman, or other Pecfon, for whofe Life any fuch Eftate is holden 5 and in cafe fuch Guardia ‘Truftec, Huband, or other Perfon concealing or fufpected to conceal fuch Perfons as aforefaid, thall ree fufe or neglect to produce or procure to be produced to fuch Perfon or Perfons, a perfonal View of fud Infant, married Woman, or other Perfon, for whofe Life any fuch Eftate is holden, ‘That then and im fuch Cafe fuch Pesfon or Perfons are hereby required to make a true Return of fuch Refulal or Ne to the Court of Chancery, which Return fhall be filed in the Petty Bag Office, and thereupon fuch nor, manied Woman, or other Perfon, for whole Life any fuch Bftate is holden, fhall be taken to dead; and it fhall be Tavwful for sny Perfon claiming any Right, Title, or Interel, in Remainder, verfion, or otherwife after the Death of fuch Infant, married Woman, or other Perfon, for whole fuch Effate is holden, to enter upon fuch Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, as if fuch Inf ‘Woman, or other Perfon, for whofe Life any fuch Iflate’is holden, were actually dead. TIL, Provided siways, ‘That if it hall afterwards appear upon Proof, in. any Adtion to be brow that fuch Infant, married Woman, or other Perfon, for whofe Life any fuch Eftate is holden, were alive Ht the Time of fuch Order made, ‘That then it fall be lawful for fuch Infant, married Wottan, Gi dian, or Truftec, or other Perfon having any Eitate or Intereft, determinable upon fuch Life, ta: enter upon the faid Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, and for fuch Infant, married Woman, other Perfon, having eny E@tate or Intereft determinable upon fuch Life, their Executors, Adminifty tors or Aiigns, to maintain an Action againi thole who, fince the faid Order, received the Profits of f Lands, Tencments, or Hereditaments, or their Executors or Adminiftrators, and therein to recover ful Damages for the Profits of the fame received, from the ‘Time that fuch Infant, married Woman, o other Perfon, having any Eftate or Intereft determinable upon fuch Life, were oulted of the Polfeffion of fuch Lands, “Penements, or Hereditaments, IV. Provided always, That if any fuch Guatdian, Truftee, Hufband, or other Perfon or Perfons holding or having any. Eftate or Tneeveft determinable upon the Life or Lives of any other Perfon ot P fons thall by Alidavit or otherwite, to the Satisfaction of the faid Court of Chancery, make appear, ‘Thal he, fhe, or they have ufed his, her, or theit utmoft Endesyours to procure fuch Infant, married We min, or other Perfon or Pesfons, on. whofe Life or Lives fuch Eftate or Intereft doth depend, to. in the faid Court of Chancery, or elfewhere, aceording to the Order of the faid Court in that Behalf mi and that he, fie, or they cannot procure ér compel fuch Infant, married Woman, or other Perfon 0 Perfons fo to appear, and that fuch Infant, married Woman, or other Perfon os Perfons, on whol Lif or Lives fuch Eitate or Intercit doth depend, is, are, or were living at the Time of fueh Return 1 ‘nd filed as aforefaid, then it fhall be lawful for fuehPerfon or Perfons to continue in the Pollefion ol {uch Eitate, and receive the Rents and Profits thereof for and during the Infancy of fuch Infant, and Life or Lives of fuch married Woman, or other Pesfon or Perfons, on whole Life or Lives fuck fle or Interett doth or all depend, a tlly ashes hey or they might have done this AGL adm V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who, as Guardian oF ‘Trufec for any Infant, and every Hutband feized in Right of his Wife only, and every other Perfon hi ving any Eflate determinable upon any Life or Lives, who after the Determination of fuch particular, ftates or Interefts, without the exprefs Confent of him, her, .or them. who are or fell be next and ii mediately intitled upon and after the Determination’ of {uch particular Eftates or Interefts, thal over and continue in Poflefiion of any Manors, Meffuages, Lands, ‘Tenements, or Hereditaments be and are hereby adjudged to be ‘Ire(paflers ; and that every Perfon and Perfons, his, her, and th Executors and Adminiltrators, who are or fhall be intitled to any fuch Manors, Meffuages, Lands, 1 ements, and Hereditaments, upon or after the Determination of fuch particular Eflates or Int fhall and may recover in Damages againit every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo holding over as aforefaid, egainit hiss her, or their Executors, or Adminiftrators, the full Value of the Profits received during fue wrongful Poffefion as aforefid. CAP. XIX, An AG for continuing the Half Sublidies therein mentioned, with feveral Impofitions an other Duties, to raife Money by way of Loan, for the Service of the War, and other Majefty’s neceflary and important Occafions, and for charging of Prize Goods and Sei and for taking off the Drawbacks of foreign Cordage, and to obviate the clandeftine I portation of wrought Silks. “LWA OST aracious Sovereign ; We your Majefty’s moft dutiful and loyal Subjeéts the Comm ‘ of Great Britain in Paliament afembled, duly confidering the Neceflity of making an ample « and compleat Provifion to enable your Majefty to carry on the prefent War, and to defray your 0 { Recefary Expenecs, have for that End and Puxpotecheaully and unanimoully given and granted, Me by this AGE git and grant so your Mey, the feveral and refpettve Subidies, Impohtions « Duties herein after particularly deferibed, for and during the Terms herein after exprelfed, that i « fay, Whereas feveral Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties and Sums of Money < Wines, Goods, and other Merchandizes, were given and granted unto his late Majefty King Cet * the Second, of Blefféd Memory, for his Life, by an Aét of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of ¢ Reign, (intituled, 4 Subfdy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundagey and ther Suoas of Monty pay

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