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Media Information Literacy

(Performance task)

Typography Poster Design

Text Media
At the end of the exercise, students should be able to:
1. Create & evaluate a text-based presentation through design principles and elements.
2. Produce a creative text-based presentation using design principles and elements.
Offline Resources:
1. MS Powerpoint
2. MS Publisher
3. MS Word
Online Resources:
1. You can used either offline or online resources, which do you prepared most.
2. Group your selves into 3 members, choose leader, secretary & member.
3. Make a documentation during the brainstorming of the project (picture/selfie) social distancing, face
mask is required. (online session is recommended)
4. The group may choose which topic do they prepared most.

A. Tourism Campaign
B. Election Campaign
C. School Admission Campaign
D. Community awareness Campaign
5. Used this guide question in planning your Typography Poster Design.

Questions for Poster Planning

Target Audience Who are the possible readers of this poster?
Sender/Author Who is the author of this poster?
Key content What is the tone of the text in the poster? What are the sample
phrases or taglines that you will? What are the facts/figures that you
will include in the poster?
Purpose What is the intention of the poster?
Form/Style What are the font types, colors and shapes that you will use in the
poster? What are the words or phrases that you need to emphasize in
the poster? How will you organize your text elements?
Medium / Format What are the blank of the brochure? - paper type, texture, glossy,
matte, folding (threefold, two-fold), full color, black and white,
totally online

6. The campaign poster will have a statement consisting of 10-20 words.

Example: “Let our children learn and play. Keep them in schools. Stop child labor.”
7. In the bottom part of a poster, include an explanation (150-200 words) about the campaign.
Typography Campaign Poster Rubric
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Communication to The combination of There is evidence There is little sign The poster is either
the elements of the use of text of mutual empty and plain or
audience Takes and other elements reinforcement confusing and
communication to a combined to among the text cluttered.
superior level. adequately deliver a elements. There is
high impact some
message. tendency toward
random use of
elements to
communicate the
Organization of The organization of The organization of There is an There is no clear
elements (font elements is smartly elements is clear organization of the organization of the
types, shapes, thought of. and direct. elements but it is elements
color, etc.) confusing.
Spelling and Most words are Most words are Words are chosen Words are chosen
readability appropriately carefully chosen; with less care; with less care;
chosen; writing is writing is clear and writing is writing is
clear and legible. legible. Most words sometimes sometimes unclear;
Most words are are spelled unclear. Most some words are
spelled correctly correctly and words are spelled spelled incorrectly
and proper proper correctly and is and proper
punctuation is punctuation is grammatically punctuation is not
employed. employed. correct. employed

8. For Individual reflection question.

a. Why did you choose this advocacy or issue for this campaign poster?
b. How effective do you think is your message to your target audience?


Design principles and elements
The principles in designing text elements are Emphasis, Appropriateness, Proximity, Alignment,
Organization, Repetition and Contrast.

1. Emphasis - refers to the importance or value given to a part of the text-based content. When trying to make a
point or highlighting a message, you can make the text bold, italicized, have a heavier weight,
darkened or lightened (depending on your background color) or enlarged.

2. Appropriateness - refers to how fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience, purpose or event.
In the creation of text-based content, make sure that the selection criteria (tone, style, purpose,
clarity) is followed. As for the choice of typefaces to be used, refer to the discussion of the
characteristics of the fonts. When it comes to large body text, the font should be clear enough to

3. Proximity - refers to how near or how far are the text elements from each other. When two things are closely
related, we bring them close together. Otherwise, we put text elements far from each other. For
example, the main title and subtitle are usually placed close to each other.

4. Alignment - refers to how the text is positioned in the page. This can be left, right, center or justified.

5. Organization - refers to a conscious effort to organize the different text elements in a page. Organization
ensures that while some text elements are separated from each other (based on the principle of
proximity), they are still somehow connected with the rest of the elements in the page. When
there are many elements needed to fit in a page, start by creating a framework or a compartment
for the elements. Divide the space by creating lines across the page, making it look like a cabinet
with various space sizes. Once you are done compartmentalizing, you can place the different text
elements on the boxes.

6. Repetition- concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design. Repetition encourages the
use of repeating some typefaces within the page. When several typefaces are used on a page, it
might distract the audience and fail to communicate what you want them to get from the content.
To strike a balance, do not also use just a single typeface for a visual design product.

7. Contrast- creates visual interest to text elements. Contrast is achieved when two elements are different from
each other. When you place a white text on a very light yellow background, contrast is not
achieved and the text will be difficult to read, but when you put a white text on a dark brown
background, contrast is created. Contrast can be achieved in various ways, by joining the
following elements: large font with a small font, serif and sans serif, thin elements with thin
elements, cool color and warm color.

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