Lesson Plan in Explicirt Teaching in Oral Lnguage and Grammar (Checked)

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Angels’ Hills Retreat and Formation Center, Tagaytay City
July 22-31, 2015
Batch II, Class A



I. Objectives
Distinguish between common and proper nouns
II. Subject Matter and Materials
Common and Proper Nouns
pictures, chart, box, basket, worksheet, paper ball,
III. Procedure
A. Pre-Lesson The teacher groups the pupils into five.
Assessment of Target
Skills Each group will pick a cell phone picture from me. At the back of it
is a sentence. Read the sentence and encircle the noun/s. Post
your answer on the board.

1. The boy is Pepe.

2. Pikpakbum is a dog.

3. The nurse works at

Rizal Hospital.

4. The shirt has a Jag tag

5. We buy cake during

New Year’s Day.

B. Introduction Today we are going to study how to distinguish a proper nouns

and common nouns.
The teacher presents these pictures with sentences.
1. This is Mang Ben, a driver.
2. The mouse is Minnie.

3. I got my doll, Barbie from the


4. We eat lechon during birthday

and Christmas.

5. Mario attends school at Bangon

Elementary School.

In each sentence are nouns. It may be either proper or common.

C. Teaching Modelling The teacher will model how the nouns are grouped.

Proper Nouns Common Nouns

(Specific Names) (General Names)
Mang Brando driver
Minnie mouse
Barbie doll, market
Christmas lechon, birthday
Mario, Bangon school
In the first column are names of particular people, place, animal,
thing or event. How are the names written? These names are
called proper noun. In the second column are general names of
people, place, animal, thing or event. How are these names
written? These names are called common nouns.
D. Guided Practice The teacher asks the pupils to form a circle.

Children, let us practice distinguishing whether a name is proper

or common noun. I have here a mystery box. Pass this box while
singing the song “Twinkle-twinkle Little Star” When the song is
finished the one holding the box will pick one strip. He/she will
read the word and place it on the correct column on the board.
Proper Nouns Common Nouns

After the first activity is done, the pupils will face affront.
Children, what words are under the proper nouns column?
common nouns column? How are the words in proper/common
nouns column written?
So, what are proper nouns? What are common nouns?

I still have more naming words for you. Pick one after the other.
Read it to the class and place it on the correct labelled basket.
Let us see if your answers are correct. I show you all the words in
each basket. Say yes if the words are placed on the right basket
and say no if it is not.

This time let us play ball catching. I will throw the ball upward. If
you catch the ball, peel it and read the word written on it. Read it
to your classmate and distinguish whether it is proper or common

E. Independent Practice Pick a fruit from the basket. At the back of it is a sentence. Read
the names in the sentence and tell whether it is proper or
common noun.
Angelo loves his cat.

Joan visits the library.

Cora went to Cebu to visit

Dr. Cruz.

My father and mother

bought a new car.

Miko’s birthday is every


Iv. Evaluation Box the proper noun and encircle the common nouns in the
1. My mother loves birds.
2. The book is very new.
3. Luisa went to Jollibee.
4. I want to go to town.
5. Tomorrow is my birthday.

Prepared and executed by:

Romblon Division

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