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142 Blood Leak Alarm

 Blood Leak
Blood Leak Detection

A blood leak during a treatment on the AK200 is indicated by blood leak constant light
and constant alarm

Automatic machine responses 

o Blood pump stops

o Arterial and venous line clamps activate
o Dialysate bypass
o TMP moves to 10 mmHg

Note:  Flashing blood leak button indicates blood is no longer detected: press blood leak
button to confirm

Recommended Procedure

Press Mute (Mute time: 2 min)

Verify presence of blood in dialysate

o Macroscopic : Visible
o Microscopic : Positive haematest from red dialysate line sample port. 
o (Negative haematest retest; 2nd negative - see below)

For all persistent blood leak alarms, proceed as follows

o Note treatment time remaining

o Decrease time remaining to "0.00"
o Press time key to confirm end of treatment

Note: Treatment settings and accumulated data to date will be retained

o Stop blood pump

o Return dialysate lines to machine ports

o Press blood  leak button

 If flashing, press until light goes off
 If constant, press (3 sec) until line clamps are released
o Macroscopic blood leak 
 Discard blood with dialyser and bloodlines
 Microscopic blood leak
 Return blood to patient
 Culture dialysate
 Culture blood from venous sample port

 If treatment is to be continued

o Remove venous line from priming detector

o Briefly press heat disinfect until red light in blood pathway goes off
o Collect and assemble new equipment as necessary
o Activate priming mode; prime new set up
o Reset time remaining (If unsure of time remaining, subtract time passed from
original treatment time)
o Recommence treatment (treatment settings and accumulated data prior to blood
leak have been  retained)

Disinfection at end of patient treatments

Following a confirmed blood leak, Chemical Disinfection using 0.5% Sodium

Hypochlorite is recommended

Do not carry out a heat disinfection cycle after blood leak  (it will caramelise the blood)

Negative haematest following blood leak alarm

The likelihood of a false blood leak alarm is extremely rare.

Possible causes of a negative haematest result in the presence of a blood leak alarm

o Expired haematest agent may show negative in the event of a true microscopic
blood leak.  Small particles in blood leaking housing (avoided with regular
maintenance procedures.  Should be referred to a technician)

o Failure of blood leak detector system during treatment.  The blood leak detector
system is routinely and automatically tested by AK 200 as part of the machine
function check.  In addition, the system is checked every 5 minutes to ensure that
it is able to detect non-transparency.  If not, the system will act as a if a blood leak
alarm has occurred and enter a patient safe condition.  (Should be referred to a

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