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Resolution ....................................................... 16
Orcs: Think of the children..............................17
Credits ......................................................... 2 Summary ......................................................... 17
Introduction .................................................. 3 Setting ............................................................. 17
Materials & formatting .................................... 3 Backstory......................................................... 17
Running the Encounter ..................................... 17

Giants: Roll for inspiration............................... 4
Summary ........................................................... 4 Encounter Areas .............................................. 17
Setting................................................................ 4 Developments .................................................. 18
Background ........................................................ 4 Resolution ....................................................... 18

Running the encounter ........................................ 4 Appendix A. New Monsters............................20
Encounter areas .................................................. 4
Resolution.......................................................... 6
Gnolls: By the power of hyena!.......................... 7
Writing/Design/Layout. Jean Lorber
Summary ........................................................... 7
Cover Art. Sebastian Tulchoski
Setting................................................................ 7
Interior Art. Tazio Bettin, David Lewis Johns, Ian

Backstory ........................................................... 7
Running the encounter ........................................ 7
Encounter areas .................................................. 7
MacLean, Matt Morrow, Marta Sokolowska, Nimgyu
Cartography. Jean Lorber
Resolution.......................................................... 8
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Goblinoids: An army marches on its stomach…or Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
yours ........................................................... 9 Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product
Summary ........................................................... 9 names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards
Setting................................................................ 9 of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters
and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of
Backstory ........................................................... 9 the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright

laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or

Running the encounter ........................................ 9 unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
Encounter areas .................................................. 9 herein is prohibited without the express written permission
of Wizards of the Coast. All other original material in this
Developments .................................................. 11 work is copyright 2019 by Jean Lorber and published under
the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Resolution........................................................ 12 Guild.
Hags: Noble hearts break best.......................... 13

Summary ......................................................... 13 ©2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton,
WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue
Setting and Utility............................................. 13 Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by
Backstory ......................................................... 13 Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge,
Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Running the encounter ...................................... 13
Encounter Areas ............................................... 14
Developments .................................................. 15

Quite clearly, I liked Volo’s Guide to Monsters. It This collection of encounters was written for the 5th
breathed life into some of the oldest monster species in edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Each encounter can
D&D, and generated tons of new ideas for how to use be completed in a single, 2-4 hour session of play. To
them in adventures. These encounters focus on some of run these encounters, you’ll need Volo’s Guide to
monster groups featured in VGTM, with each encounter Monsters (VGTM), your trusty Monster Manual, and the
illustrating something cool, unique or deadly about the Dungeon Master’s Guide (for the occasional magic item
species. description).

How would a hobgoblin-led quartermaster squad go There are several visual signals used in this document to
about collecting tribute from a subdued village? What call your attention to important features or bits of
sort of a twisted plan would a hag enact to corrupt a information:
noble paladin’s heart? What happens when you leave orc
youngsters unattended? These are the questions that • Major NPCs or monsters will be named in bold type

the first time they are mentioned in the encounter—
must be answered now.
e.g. kobold sorcerer.
Version 2.0 Note. It’s been almost 3 years since I
released ‘Volo’s Lost Encounters’ on the DMs Guild, one • Some game mechanics are capitalized when they are
of my first products! After taking a look at the original mentioned—e.g. Advantage, Inspiration, names of
document, I realized I wanted to freshen up these fun Actions.
encounters using the lessons I’ve learned since 2017. • Ability names in checks or saving throws are in all
I updated the formatting and maps quite a bit. I tweaked caps—e.g. DC13 DEXTERITY saving throw.
the encounters themselves, mostly enhancing • Text in red boxes is meant for DM eyes only, usually
opportunities to involve all 3 Pillars of gameplay (combat, providing context for some element of the encounter.
don’t parley with them…
exploration and interaction); the gnolls are still nasty—

So take a look. Hopefully you’ll find these encounters

have remained fun and unique, with enough detail to
• Text in white boxes is meant to be read aloud to your
To calculate the difficulty of each encounter, I used the
help you bring these monsters to life! Thanks for your updated encounter building guidelines in ‘Xanathar’s
support! Guide to Everything’. Kind of. As you’ll see, many of
the encounters are multi-stage, and have several
outcomes or pathways to success. Like all things D&D,
use my “official” numbers as suggestions, and adapt them
to your campaign and players.
In the ‘Summary’ section of each encounter, I present the

encounter Challenge Rating (based on the adjusted

encounter XP, and assuming a party of 4 PCs). In the
‘Resolution’ section, I present the XP that the PCs should
be awarded (based on the official XP for each creature).

1. Ambush site

The PC’s are part of a caravan that must traverse a long

section of road while subject to attacks from a stone giant
and his hill giant minion. This encounter has a Challenge
Rating of around 12 (but could be much lower if the PCs
choose not to fight the stone giant).

Ashlithon’s wail is a signal to his hill giant minion in
This encounter is best suited for a wilderness setting, with Area 2. The nervous caravan master Verna (neutral
appropriate habitat nearby for hill and stone giants. human male scout, MM) wants to press on quickly, but
he can be convinced to let the PCs scout around. A

successful DC14 WISDOM (Perception) check also
A stone giant named Ashlithon has created a massive reveals the presence of carved channels on the hillside
carving near his cave: a dense network of Giant runes above, but nothing more is visible from this location.
etched into the rocky ground, all the way down to a trade
route below. Even though the surface world is unsettling, If the PCs do scout around, they find a muddy path
he couldn’t resist the chance to carve on a “canvas” this leading to Area 2, and can surprise Ashlithon’s minion
big. there. If the PCs don’t scout around, then the minion
Grung lumbers down from Area 2 and attempts to startle
The carved runes are deep enough to serve as channels the caravan here. The horses bolt and any checks to
for boulders, which Ashlithon discovered to his great control them have Disadvantage for 3 rounds. Grung can
interest. He now spends much of his time rolling

boulders down the hill, noting the path each one takes.
To him, each roll spells out a message from his god
Annam that he must interpret. He sees the caravans on
the trade road as yet another part of the message, and
keep up with running horses, targeting people on the
wagons rather than the wagons themselves.
Once the ambush is sprung, the stone giant (MM)
Ashlithon targets the lead wagon, rolling boulders (see
inset-‘Boulder Attacks’) that arrive the next round after
happily tries to “incorporate” the wagons into his
destructve ritual. the horses bolt and every third round thereafter until the
wagons arrive at Area 3 (3 rounds if running, 12 if
He enlisted a hill giant minion named Grung to keep him walking). Grung does not go past Area 3.
supplied in boulders, as well as to jumpstart any caravans
with an ambush. Grung watches the carnage with great
Boulder attacks
glee, and happily consumes the wreckage left behind.
Unless otherwise noted, Ashlithon’s boulder attack has
the following mechanics:

If playing with a grid, the boulder moves in a 50-foot

Begin with the PCs and a two-wagon caravan at Area 1. straight line that is 10 feet wide, targeting all creatures
If all goes according to Ashlithon’s plan, Grung spooks in the line. Otherwise, two PCs per round (DM’s
the caravan into bolting, giving him a good chance to hit choice) are targeted.
the out-of-control wagons. Grung continues to harry the
caravan, distracting them while Ashlithon continues to Each target must make a DC12 DEXTERITY saving
roll boulders down on them. If the caravan gets past throw, taking 27 (6d8) bludgeoning damage and being
Area 4, they are outside of his rune-field and have won knocked Prone on a failed save, and avoiding these

effects on a successful one. The boulder comes to a

the encounter.
stop after one attack.
The encounter’s design makes it difficult to stop the stone
giant, but there is a “short-circuit”: if the PCs approach If the target is a wagon, the wagon’s driver must make
the giant directly (taking some risks to do so), the attacks the DEXTERITY saving throw as above. The PCs’
on the caravan end quicker. Otherwise, the PCs should actions may grant Advantage to the driver’s check with
a relevant Aid action or successful DC14 check (Animal
focus on killing or manipulating the hill giant and
Handling or DMs choice). If hit, the wagon takes
spotting environmental hazards along the road. damage as above and all creatures within the wagon
Deciphering the nature of the stone giant’s attacks will take 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage.
also help them avoid boulders. Staying in the wagons
minimizes damage taken from boulders. Creatures in a targeted wagon can jump off at the last
second before it is struck. In this case, each jumper
must succeed on a DC14 DEXTERITY (Acrobatics)
check or else take damage equal to 13 minus their roll.

2. Grung’s cave 4. Open country
This long section of road begins once the caravan leaves
Area 3. Before the party sets out from Area 3, read or
paraphrase the following:

This is the lair of Grung (hill giant, MM) who is eagerly

awaiting the ambush. At the sound of Ashlithon’s eerie
wailing, he is supposed to charge the caravan’s horses
A successful DC10 WISDOM (Perception) check reveals
then give chase after they bolt. But it takes him a couple the presence of Ashlithon’s carved channels in the

of minutes to ready himself before he heads to Area 1. ground. Beating a DC20 reveals the location of
If the PCs surprise Grung in his cave, the dim giant is Ashlithon’s cave (Area 5-it is automatically seen once the
confused; being discovered isn’t part of the plan. He attacks start).
blurts out: “This not the plan!” and scratches his head. If
There is no cover from boulder attacks here, and

asked, he will give a very basic description of his role: “I traversing this section takes 9 rounds if the caravan horses
scare horsies, they run. Fun!!!” With a successful DC13 are running (27 if the party is walking). Ashlithon rolls
CHARISMA (Persuasion) check, the giant will also talk a boulders at the lead wagon that arrive in the 2nd round
bit about Ashlithon: “Other giant roll stones. Big boom!” after it leaves, then every third round thereafter. Before
The check is made with Advantage if the giant is offered the first attack, read the following:
food (at least a large ham hock, if you please). If given a
distracting or fun item, Grung will forget his assigned job.
If combat breaks out at the cave, the caravan master
quickly leads his wagons to the relative safety of Area 3.
Ashlithon ignores the wagons and rolls one boulder at
Grung and the PCs in frustration.
Treasure. Broken chests inside Grung’s cave hold trade
goods from distant lands worth 600 gold pieces.
Ashlithon excitedly yells out the name of the rune where
he thinks the boulder will exit. The PCs can improve
their chances of getting through this section by figuring
this out:
• A successful DC14 INTELLIGENCE (History) or
(Religion) check allows the PCs to recognize that the
carved channels are in the shape of Giant runes.
• A successful DC16 INTELLIGENCE or
3. Protected grove
INTELLIGENCE (Religion) check allows the PCs to

recognize the word spoken by Ashlithon and match it

to a rune on the ground. (automatic success if a PC
speaks Giant).
If the caravan and the PCs are separated in Area 1, the
If the PCs succeed on both of the above checks, then they
caravan comes to a stop here. Any inspection of the area
automatically succeed in avoiding the next 2 boulders.
reveals clear evidence of past boulder attacks (e.g.
But then Ashlithon catches on and stops yelling out his
splintered or broken trees), but the trees offer some
protection; all targets of the boulder attacks have

Advantage on their saving throws. See details in Area 5 if the PCs investigate the source of
the boulders.
Ashlithon rolls boulders towards the grove only if the
caravan stops here for too long (for instance, to allow the Other scenarios may present themselves to complicate the
PCs to scout a second time). How many boulders is up to caravan’s race across this straightaway. Roll a d4 and
you; this area should be relatively safe, but not forever. consult the table below. One scenario will probably be
enough for this challenge rating, but feel free to add more
The first boulder knocks down a hollow tree containing a
(if your PCs deserve it…).
nest of 8 stirges (MM), which attack the caravan, even if
it is moving.
See details in Area 5 if the PCs investigate the source of
the boulders.

Open Country complications 5. Stone giant’s lair
d4 Description Your PCs might get the idea to directly investigate the
1 Lurking predator boulders’ source. If needed, read the following:

2 Pillar obstacle

3 Bullywug ambush

4 sheep

Reaching Ashlithon’s cave from any of the other
Predator. The caravan’s horses smell a displacer beast locations takes a few minutes of rock-hopping, during
(MM) that is lurking in the nearby forest. The horses which the PCs are subject to 2 boulder attacks (DC13
come to an abrupt halt and will not move until the DEXTERITY saving throw to avoid).
creature is chased away or a PC succeeds on a DC18 Ashlithon sits just inside the cave mouth. If the PCs

WISDOM (Animal Handling) check. make it to the cave and address him, he is equal parts
Pillars. Ashlithon has stuck two large, intricately-etched weirded-out and embarrassed that these tiny creatures in
stone pillars in the road, blocking the way. The caravan his dreams are getting so close. He flicks soccer ball-sized
master thinks they are valuable and wants to collect them rocks at the PCs but then just tries to verbally shoo them
(1,000 gp value each). It takes 3 rounds to load them. away: “I am speaking to the All-Father. Leave me be”. He
Otherwise, a successful DC18 STRENGTH (Athletics) will go on to explain the carvings and his actions.
check is needed to push each one over, and both must be A successful DC15 CHARISMA (Persuasion) check with
moved to allow the wagons through. Ashlithon means that he will tell the PCs something
Bullywug ambush. A section of the road has become a useful to make them leave, including the location of

mud pit, due to 3 bullywugs (MM) re-routing a creek
across it. A successful DC11 WISDOM (Perception) or
INTELLIGENCE (Nature) check allows the PCs to
notice it ahead of time. A successful DC15 WISDOM
(Animal Handling) check allows them to steer the wagon
treasure in a nearby cave. You could also use this
opportunity to deliver some information that is important
to your campaign. Any Intimidation checks makes him
go silent and retreat into his cave. After 2 failed checks or
after losing 50 hit points, he moves a 1,000-pound
around it. Otherwise, the pit restrains the wagon until boulder in front of his entrance.
two PCs attempt to free it and succeed on a DC13 Treasure. In the neighboring cave is a chest with 2,000
STRENGTH (Athletics) check in the same round. gp, chainmail +1 and an ioun stone of fortitude). Or,
The bullywugs fight anything that crosses their bog, but substitute 2 magic items that will suit your party’s needs.
will allow passage if they are given weapons, shields or
other equipment totaling 20gp or more.
If Ashlithon’s cave entrance is sealed, then the caravan

Sheep. A flock of sheep blocks the road, requiring two master gives each PC a bonus of 200 gp. Otherwise,
successful DC14 ANIMAL HANDLING checks to clear.
everyone makes it to the next caravan station with a story
Running over sheep incurs the wrath of their druid
to tell. Award your PCs a total of 5,000 XP.
shepherd who casts thunderwave at the lead wagon.

2. Skirmish site

The PCs arrive at a village during the last stage of a gnoll

raid. They must identify a dark gnoll ritual and take steps
to ensure it isn’t consummated. Overall, this encounter Twenty villagers (18 commoners and 2 scouts, MM) are
has a Challenge Rating of around 8-10, depending on the battling 4 gnolls and 2 gnoll flesh gnawers (MM). With

PCs actions. a successful DC12 DEXTERITY (Stealth) check to sneak
up on the village, the PCs can attack in a surprise round.
When the PCs show up, the gnolls attack them with
This encounter is best suited for village or town setting, matching numbers (starting with the flesh gnawers), with
the rest focusing on the villagers. Until the number of

one small enough that a gnoll raiding force would be
quite a threat. gnolls equals the number of PCs, one villager dies per
round. Other features of the skirmish could include:
• A young girl with a sickle stands protectively over her
A sizeable gnoll warband has been decimated by fighting fallen father.
with a tribe of orcs. To bolster their numbers, the gnolls
are now focused on an easier target: a small human • One of the gnolls has climbed onto the rooftop of a
settlement. The villagers seem to be holding their own, burning building, intending to pounce on the villagers
but the gnolls are simply stalling for time in order to (DC15 WISDOM (Perception) to notice).
complete their dark ritual of regeneration. If the gnoll’s • A villager (the local healer) is yelling at the PCs.

hyenas can gorge on the bodies of the slain, they will
spawn a new wave of the bloodthirsty creatures.

The encounter consists of two separate groups of

Running over to her or a DC9 WISDOM
(Perception) check allows the PCs to hear her over
the clamor: “The creatures over there (Area 3) are trying
to use dark magic. Stop them!!”
adversaries and the PCs must choose who to fight first. • Two villagers with longbows (the 2 scouts) are hiding
Helping the villagers first might feel right, but it becomes behind a wagon. They would gladly join the attack
a much more difficult fight if the Fang of Yeenoghu is but are both out of arrows.
allowed to complete the ritual. • 2 gnolls chase a fleeing family into a ransacked
With a 10-round countdown until the ritual is complete, cottage.
the PCs have a little time to strategize, even in mid-
melee. Give them a sense of how the ritual is

progressing, building it up in intensity so that they can

recognize this as a developing threat.

1. Village edge
Begin the encounter with the PCs just outside the village.

Read or paraphrase the following:

If the PCs charge towards the commotion, they enter

Area 2. If they choose to reconnoiter first, inform them
that they see two groups of gnolls in Areas 2 and 3. The
eastern group in Area 3 is not fighting, but rather is
dragging the carcasses of farm animals and villagers into
a large pile. The western group in Area 2 is actively
fighting the villagers.


3. Ritual site
When a PC examines this area, read or paraphrase the
discernable with a successful DC10 INTELLIGENCE
(Religion), (Arcana) or (History) check.
Eight hyenas (MM) lurk at the edge of a green bonfire,
waiting to consume the carcasses and complete the ritual
(visible with a successful DC12 WISDOM (Perception
check). If sighted, read the following:

Four gnoll hunters (MM) form a defensive perimeter to


prevent anyone from reaching the ritual. Any one of The Fang of Yeenoghu completes the spawning ritual 10
rounds after the PCs enter the village at which time the
them can be baited into charging recklessly with a
successful DC14 INTIMIDATION check. hyenas descend and devour the offering. They become
gnolls 3 rounds after they begin eating. During those 3
Further back, a Fang of Yeenoghu (MM) is enacting the rounds, they are defenseless, granting Advantage on any
dark ritual that spawns more of their kind (see VGtM, attack against them. If more than 10 villagers or any of
page 37). They have gathered carcasses of humanoids the PCs have been killed prior to their spawning, one of
and animals they’ve slain and piled them together as an the hyenas instead becomes a leucrotta (MM), a reward

offering to Yeenoghu. The nature of the ritual is from Yeenoghu.

Assuming the PCs prevail, the villagers thank them

heartily. These stout-hearted folk take their losses in
stride, and insist on rewarding the PCs as a matter of
honor. They have few possessions but offer to re-name
the village after the PCs (the group name or an individual
if that seems reasonable). Award your PCs a total of
2,300 XP (add 600 more XP if the leucrotta showed up).

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