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Proposed Outcomes-Based Graduate Teacher Education Program (OBGTEC)

For Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education

(A Revision of the Existing Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education)


Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education

Science and Mathematics Cluster
Graduate Teacher Education Faculty
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research


The PNU-CGSTER embarks on a university-wide curriculum revision

and development of new Graduate Education Programs in response to the on
going educational reforms. These reforms are driven by significant global and
national developments and trends that are internal and external to the
educational system which includes:

1. National and Global Mind shifts - Autonomy and Accountability,

Innovativeness and Knowledge Creation, Globalization (Intemationalization
vis-a-vis localization), high interconnectivity, ethical and moral responsibility;
2. Basic Education and Higher Education imperatives - Kto 12 competencies vis
a-vis PQF and IQF requirements, BESRA implications, EFA demands,
Outcomes-Based Quality Assurance;
3. Standards Movements and Global Rankings (NCBTS, Bologna Accord,
Washington Accord, ARWU, URAP);
4. Medium term Development Plan particularly the Key Result Areas (KRAs) of
President Aquino's Social Contract with the Filipino people (Poverty Reduction
and Empowerment of the Poor and Vulnerable and the Rapid Inclusive and
Sustained Economic Growth);
5. Growing Internationalization of Education (ASEAN 2015 - Strategic actions
for the ASEAN 2015 Socio-Cultural Community-ASCC)
6. Developments in the Disciplines and in Education as a field of inquiry
(multidisciplinary, interfacing of PC, CK, PCK, TPCK)

Triggered by the new graduate teacher education framework and the

shift from inputs-based to outcomes-based quality assurance program strongly
advocated by CHED, a proposed master's program in mathematics education is
deemed necessary. Hence this program entitled Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics Education is a revision and improvement of the existing Doctor of
Philosophy in Mathematics Education

The program is designed to prepare students to obtain leadership
positions in Mathematics Education as teachers, supervisors, teacher educators,
and faculty members in college and universities. Students of the program will


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also be prepared to become researchers and decision-makers in the development
and improvement of Mathematics Education. Key domains of Mathematics
Education are included in the program such as matiiematics content, curriculum
development, educational leadership, and research.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics education is aligned with the
frameworks of the OBTEC and OBGEP. The goal of the program is to broaden
and deepen teacher knowledge of both content and pedagogy in mathematics,
conduct scientific research that contribute to the advancement of mathematics
education, and develop leadership skills in managing mathematics programs.
To achieve these goals the program offers courses in mathematics education,
mathematics content, and research in mathematics education.

Framework of the Mathematics Education Program


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Institutional Outcomes PNU Graduates PROGRAM OUTCOMES

in Advance
Education leaders who are Educational
competent with knowledge, Leader • Create/innovative and
skills, attitudes, values, and Demonstrate the advocate effective leadership
ethics to lead and manage skills of an practices and principles in
high quality education expert mathematics education
programs practitioner who
is strongly • Lead in the development of
grounded in educational programs,
theory and practices, or policies in
evidence-based mathematics education
practice in one's
area of • Exhibit commitment to and
discipline. advocacy for transformational

Research scholars who are Research

proficient in ground Scholar • Demonstrate expertise in the
breaking cross-disciplinary Exhibit design and conduct of
inquiries leadership and scientific research studies
competencies in with strong and direct
generating, contribution to the
integrating, and advancement of mathematics
innovating education
knowledge of
theory and • Manifest expertise in
practice in conceptualizing a research
advance higher problem that is shaped by
education theoretical or practical issues
in mathematics education

• Demonstrate in-depth
knowledge and understanding
of advance and contemporary
quantitative and qualitative
research methods used in
mathematics education

• Display expertise in the

design and conduct of
practice-oriented, theory-
driven, methodically sound

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research in matiiematics

• Display capability to
communicate research
findings and their
implications to research,
theory, practice and policy
development in matiiematics

Innovative teachers who are Expert

excellent in their discipline Practitioner • Display expertise in die
and at par with the best Generate application of concept,
graduates of Teacher knowledge and theories, models, frameworks,
Education in die world; products with and principles in mathematics
responsive and deeply rooted strong education
in one's heritage, sensitive to theoretical and
cultural diversity and practical • Manifest ability to express
appreciative of different implications in expert views or opinions on
value systems. policy and various issues and problems
practice in die in mathematics education
field of
education • Demonstrate conceptual and
sciences and procedural knowledge in die
related scholarship of teaching
disciplines. mathematics

• Manifest expertise in the

utilization and integration of
communication and
information teclmology in die
design and delivery of
instruction, assessment or
research in mathematics

• Design and implement

evidence-based approach and
strategies in addressing issues
and problems in matiiematics

• Display commitment to and

advocacy for social
transformation in the school,
community or national level

Teachers, administrators, and curriculum writers in basic and higher
education who wash to broaden and deepen their knowledge of content and


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pedagogy of mathematics and take leadership position in implementing changes
and innovations in mathematics education.


Course Code Course Unit


Core Courses (12 units)

Ed 801 Philosophy and Practice of Transformational Leadership 3

Ed 802 Education and Development 3

Ed 803 Quantitative Design and Data Management 3

Ed 804 Qualitative Design and Data Management 3

Specialization Courses (33 units)

Madi Ed 801 Current and Emerging Perspectives in Matiiematics 3


Math Ed 802 Leadership and Management in Mathematics Education 3

Math Ed 803 Contemporary Curricular Perspectives in Mathematics 3


Math Ed 804 Analysis and Critique of Research in Mathematics 3


Math Ed 805 Seminar in Dissertation Writing 3

Math 801 Special Topics in MeUiods of Madiematical Proofs 3

Madi 802 Advanced Topics in Discrete Matiiematics I 3

Madi 803 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics II 3

Madi 804 Advanced Topics in Geometry 3

Math 805 Advanced Topics in Algebra 3

Math 806 Advanced Topics in Analysis 3

Cognate Course (3 units)

Any course from other Ph.D. programs 3

Dissertation (12 units)

Ed 900 Dissertation Writing 12

Total 60

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1.1. Core Courses

Ed 801- Philosophy and Practice of Transformational Leadership

This course shall enable the students to acquire deliberate and critical
understanding of Transformational Leadership including the underlying
premise in its practice in education-related organizations. Likewise, it will
highlight the opportunity for students to analyze theoretical and philosophical
perspectives on transformational leadership and the how of its practice.
Students in this course shall focus on analyzing the inner work of leadership in
addition to expanding participants' understanding of how to lead in the midst
of change and complexity both in the Philippineeducational system and society
and global context, and consequently, be able to develop a leadership
framework on three levels:

1. Learning about self as a leader and instrument of change; (self)

2. Creating productive and fulfilling relationships in a leadership role
(organization) and
3. Understanding leadership within complex systems (Phil and beyond).

Ed 802- Education and Development

The course critically analyses the educational development programs and
policies of the country based on the development frameworks such as education
for sustainable development, education for all, Philippine development Plan,
ASEAN Socio-cultural blueprint and other emerging frameworks on education.
In this course, the students are expected to show how these educational
development frameworks relate to the country's economic, socio-cultural and
political development. Further, the students will be able to examine existing
programs and policies relating to educational processes and practices and make
recommendations to improve them.

Ed 803 Quantitative Design and Data Management

The course prepares doctoral students for the tasks of conducting theoretically
oriented and methodologically sound quantitative research. It begins with a brief
theoretical, conceptual, and discursive perspective of quantitative research
methodologies with focus on multivariate designs and culminates with managing
and analyzing quantitative data using technologies. Students will be able to apply
specific designs relevant to their educational practice.

Ed 804 Qualitative Design and Data Management

The course covers qualitative research methodologies that apply modem,

postmodern, post structuralist and interpretive perspectives. Focus will be on


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qualitative designs such as phenomenological, grounded theory, narratives,
participatory, feminist research and other emerging qualitative research
methodologies. At the end of the course, students will demonstrate competence
in the collection, analysis and interpretationof qualitative data.

1.2. Specialization Courses

Math Ed 801 Current and Emerging Perspectives in Mathematics Education

Explores the theory and practice of school mathematics from psychological,
sociological, philosophical, historical and mathematical perspectives. The course
also analyses international, national, and local policies in mathematics education and
their impact. This course develops in students the skills for informed analysis of
policy in a K-12 and college setting. In addition to studying the economic,
administrative,and political perspectives pertaining to educational policy and reform,
students will investigate the past and proposed future delivery of K-12 and college
mathematics education.

Math Ed 802 Leadership and Management in Mathematics Education

This course provides school leaders in mathematics education with preparation in
skills for providing purpose and direction for individuals and groups, shaping school
culture and value, facilitating the development of shared strategic vision for the
school, formulating goals and planning change efforts with staff, and setting priorities
for one's school in the context of local and national priorities for students and staff

Math Ed 803 Contemporary Curricular Perspectives in Mathematics


The course deals with principles, strategies, and techniques for curriculum
development. It includes a review and comparison of mathematics curriculum in
different nations. It also presents curriculum and instruction from a leadership
perspective within the contexts of K-12 schools and colleges. Students examine
contemporary issues in school curriculum, including policy initiatives and reform
efforts affecting curricular decision-making. The course prepares students to analyze
and design appropriate strategies for implementing and evaluating curricula and to
investigate the implications of curricula for educational programming.

Math Ed 804 Analysis and Critique of Research in Mathematics Education

An examination of the various current social, political, and economic trends in local,
regional, national, and international settings that are related to research in
Mathematics Education.

Math Ed 805 Seminar in Dissertation Writing

An examination of the processes and procedure in dissertation writing. A dissertation
proposal in mathematics education is the major output in this course.

Math 801 Special Topics in Methods of Mathematical Proofs

An exploration of the different methods and techniques in mathematical proofs and
their specific applications. The course gives emphasis on the axiomatic method of



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proof. The students should display mastery in the use of different techniques and
strategies in proving mathematical statements.

Math 802 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics I

An examination of special topics in number theory and graph theory including their
applications. The students should be able to use and relate these theories in teaching
school mathematics.

Math 803 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics II

The course deals with special topics in combinatorics and the theory of probability-
including their applications. The students should be able to identify and use
appropriate strategies in teaching different topics in probability and combinatorics.

Math 804 Advanced Topics in Geometry

A survey of modern geometries and their implications to the teaching of Euclidean
Geometry. The students should be able to relate modem geometries in the teaching
of geometry in the basic and college curriculum.

Math 805 Advanced Topics in Algebra

An exploration of the different algebraic structures such as groups, rings, fields, and
vector spaces. The students are expected to relate the concepts and theories of the
different algebraic structures in teaching algebra.
Math 806 Advanced Topics in Analysis
An examination and exploration of the theory of functions of real and complex
variables. The students should be able to relate the theories of functions of real and
complex variables in teaching calculus in the secondary and tertiary levels.



Existing Program Revised Program

History and Ed 801

Philosophy of Philosophy and
Mathematics Practice of
Education Transformational

Core Courses (9 Management of Core Courses (12 Ed 802 Education

units) Educational units) and Development

Curriculum Ed 803
Development and Quantitative
Assessment in Design and Data
Mathematics Management


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