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Adventurer’s Guide

Swarming Pests. Several Medium-sized

swarms of Tiny native creatures enter the
Calls of the Wild
spaces of up to 5 Small, Medium, or Large Using verbal and nonverbal cues to communicate
creatures you choose, or the space of a Huge with beasts, you can gain basic information from
or Gargantuan creature. Each enemy creature them or make a simple request (like delivering a
in the swarm’s area must make a Constitution short message or small object).
saving throw against your maneuver DC or
become blinded and slowed until the start of Ear to the Ground
your next turn, and loses concentration on
By expending 1 minute remaining stationary, using
any spell or effect it is concentrating on. On
sound and vibrations alone, until you move or take
a successful save, an enemy creature is
an action you are able to deduce information up to
instead slowed.
30 feet in every direction, as if using blindsight or

Exploration Knacks tremorsense.

When you gain access to a new exploration knack,

choose one of the following. Some knacks have
Expert Foraging
requirements, such as minimum ranger level or Once between long rests, you can take 1 minute
another knack. You must meet those requirements to collect a number of edible, non-poisonous plants
before you choose that knack. and grubs equal to your proficiency bonus. A crea-
ture can use its action to eat up to 5 plants or grubs,

Beast Friend each of which restores 1 hit point and constitutes

1 Supply. The grubs die and spoil 1 hour after
If you spend 10 minutes befriending and feeding being collected.
a Medium or smaller beast of CR 1/8 or less, you
become its guardian ranger. It follows you and is
loyal to you, but it acts independently. In combat,
Forced Marcher
it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. You can travel an additional number of hours equal
The beast won’t attack except as a reaction to to your proficiency bonus before needing to make a
being attacked, but it can take other actions as Constitution saving throw for a forced march.
normal and makes death saving throws. You can
only be a guardian ranger to one beast at a time. Guide
While traveling, when you would have a failure or
Build Shelter critical failure for a Scout journey activity, you
You can spend a day (8 hours) building a basic shelter succeed instead, and you can Scout while engaged
which protects up to 8 people from the elements and in any other journey activity.
reduces the likelihood of attack from monsters and
bandits. The shelter counts as a haven. It lasts for as Healing Salves
long as it is needed, but falls apart permanently after
Once between long rests you can spend an hour to
being left for a month unattended.
collect natural ingredients and concoct an ointment
Once you have used this feature, you cannot do
that speeds healing. This salve is potent for 24 hours
so again for a week.
and has a number of uses equal to 1 + your Wisdom
modifier. As an action, you can use the salve to
restore 1d4 hit points to a creature within reach.


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