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NS Brees Iroeveg:2 =~ = __ Al Trssves are group of cells ravi ____levigin, ctevelopment and funtion. e Cane Bare et pereaivies Hessves ace classie fed twtas he mafor tyes thie capacity, — aud Tr greek, Meris Fen means aivigehe. Medstemsare these cells febewaar R5, can 1) Mevicstematic tissue _ 3 Ss lditde. The tissue made up of Ho se catled meristematte fissue- Pred Les ace Allpdattion ef new cells ts restricted 4 ck parks. a J We acheletfom qrow vs posstble tm voy a Wee ef orqanrsms due in presence of Merictems Oe found fi fimdanuntel/primary part of glant at earliest stage. S = Secondary meristems:= Tay ave mp cotls trot appears ot staye of alevelopment ofan organ |/Primary meristems * Primitive meristems op ofa plot edly. @D | On the basis of location, meristems are ividea tuto Maree fypes SiS St Aptest Heristems Found ot Hofapexet cveot ond reef ane 7 aroek WaT thevtgserns Stem of plant Sheet Apical Merietems ave wad é et He of sheet of plant. thts FL Wespensibie for growth of lengtin ox roet cop/ vest tie of plant. This vesponsibte. for. clesstopnert “ SPon si bo for clevetogrrert yf of veot mafewwien Ups tn QvcorpHon: TEntercalary Meristems. found atiiGtecnedes, base of leat Muey ave portent apteat meet ieparated ducing growth Tey are Short Niviva. fund in qeass, menocotytedon and cospensth fovgrewttt of branch wer Flower. Tresttg Laterot mertstem . Tey voles to tnevement of diam eter of plant. 01 st fli 2° geewth fw dicot awd ches Si Tw Ev stehib etsy hd : 2 pita ye tod Cells ate Barty Hefe edie et Septal and veaind wall Ts ~d Caspartan strips. Bondie of conducting Hssuer with Rem ang pWloem Rodicl ty pe wri equat now ef Aylem and pitoem | axronged atternately D_No. of Rytem ana pl ) uonfes. from 2-6: ent fs seen. af Ter prldenr ts absent cS Le) feet stem oom — Now cot stem. VB. arranged tr radfol ls v.8. scattered fn grome Fssvue hype oF accavye nent, TAN-B. fs wedge chepe Caxe)/PV.B fs ovat fetreviar. a|lv.8 fs neared without VB fs coverod by selerenchy sheath na _seoth» zl > Corton, pent cycle endedermis|y Yer diffe reteted . axe differentiated Camboiom civq fs present [3 absent plloem parenchyma and 2 abseut tepres are presevt armel hetr ts evesevt cot Tt Le) cory *, - a. oa Pe ‘ WiDersiverntrat leaf v SL Tis type of loaf have See and appearence on dorsat and ventral side. disHuguish about dorcel end € x We can ea NMewtul svae of tus type of wean a = = 2 se S| ors jeat ts: und tn DD icot plata a : 5 puree eye ee ; ses r ar veegise® 5 Collenedyma mg [ ywatesTay Bovate —, = oh eS peltsade Hs sve [| > sporsyty WSsue i: + eel... Serres eppese of dest HH sith a ft oe Ss0 aaa SL 44 atigade & P Meee —— erioe Seo f) 2S $s , J aa yorum ca cell eke a IS brooke concle.: Lower ep Pa ee | Feidernds have tin cuttete wrth obone mal qvard cell ee | Mesopmytt =| Gweond tissue of teat lee’ LeerPne DT ts photosyntictte tesue chlo revehyaiaeaell have tue hye © oper epidermis) = Palisade Hesve consist of Pelee abendang figgaa ey et ‘ * 2 AGG) Wesue’ = behuten polis adele aS geugy tissu = tower C21 “ery u reeltular space. el @| Vaseviar loeindte 4] Found in midvte and leteret vefng Sire _qee on decreasiw mi lbese isp a Real cu atnae soy singAe Voxered bundte stentin BE “pavenciny motos cette, =i ghiem tres Howards Upoer eptdemfs and % akk Rourelenwats, consist a _epr: Mid bear stomata whe EPA Ss Asa Aa an Ae 7 Mesopuy tl. a De ies fh behveen uppen and (ower, = eo vet and galt evel sl ed chlorenchyna-| fos eeu. NO dfiferentatfen into palisode ang Spongy tissue. Fi plliVascutar bunaies: vel, Starch containh avers os AEeTEI 3) Lorgey Pn efarip % zs Dae [res ewards upper. pr dente A) Ness esB ove civeviay and woher cautty Ss Seer. Pee ar Putoem ites Toward lower Both en upper % ITO Binur |" Tephaetnatss 99S — ete upper epiaewis|—> Bott ave of equelseren = HS thick than Now er. Pig 328 Pe Bonate sueath are op sclerencty neetoy ss avehcnanaetous | oe ape re Se 4 growth Se pelee a tom inba tT root aug "grew sara bette of ood merfsrem fs called peo th, ; ndars growth Is tncrease °F girth dicot Plaut. ctteral _mecictems are tuvewed tn” Secondar rowth. fekvess of! Stemits: aces an increas? tn the quavt?hY of wasculent issue tn dcet stem. -2) The tneveasd ime bs Seconday cow th wis with tose cals Sullars Coys (yMq fn We wrth scfcvlat” Camptum, becondva montere em tuter fe S ctoutay Cam bum fv at et embetel rt ReGute new cals bor on ou BA campicl » Cell formes on ouser side ——> ec, phloem Sel torreden tuner side ——> Sec. wyiem Cambium 5 mave acthve fm UN See, Hence, $e. FYE > Secondary puloem Wie primary xylem beconts puswed buwacde we Jeentre (mi the pith and rematns intaet. Himary and seconda as ead crested as Ey are puswed toward eotward b [aec-xyiem- PF [Sec ondary meauilandy rave ave alse forntd & camiprum thet pass thewugh Secondary 1 And Seeardery puioem On tose vege AUR tries gas ers beidiarel-ty ial seee atin ve *tfssve replaces te epfdermfs beren DB) ters combs faerents. AThe eetle formed onovter side of phetlo: tor ork @ Suctem) same and fanee stat form second ac ov te K pve o darm Shelocderm + phetlogen + prellem <> erge = en eon rorectt-] wate Beco mCpwetlogen) develops fom eerten bein ~| Suderm.

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