Lesson Plan

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Jayson Broncano


Instructional materials are essential since they help the teacher and learners avoid
overemphasis on recitation and rote learning that can easily dominate a lesson. Resource
materials allow learners to have practical experiences which help them to develop skills and
concepts and to work in a variety of ways.

I . Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:

1. Identify what is preposition of time

2. Understand the different and types of preposition
3. Make own sentences using preposition of time
4. Explain what is preposition

II. Subject Matter : Preposition


 http://logcero.blogspot.com/2016/09/preposition.html.com
 https://www.teach-this.com/parts-of-speech-activities-worksheets/prepositions-place
 III. Learning Task
 Priming
 Starts with prayer
 Provide an energizer
 Introduction
 Check the attendance
 Classroom management
 Review and recalling previous topics.

1. Analysis
 The teacher will start the discussion
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Good Morning Class  Good Morning Sir

 Everybody, stand up and let us start  Father God, Come be with us today.
Fill our hearts with joy. Fill our minds
our day with a prayer.
with learning. Fill our classrooms with
peace. Fill our lessons with fun. Fill
our friendships with kindness. Fill our
school with love. Amen

 Thank you so much and you may

 .Students will take their seat
now take your seat and please
arrange your chair and yourself
properly.  Hi sir, we are doing good. How about
yourself, Sir?
 Good day again class, how is your
 Ms. Secretary: I am glad to tell that
day so far? By the way, Ms. there is no absentees for today.
Secretary, is there any absents for  Everyone will do the money clap.
“Money, money, money!”
 Good to hear that everyone are
present. Please give yourself a
money clap. I love the vibe you are
giving. And please maintain that until  Group one will have the
at the end of our discussion. representative A and group two have
the representative B. Group one will
 Before we discuss our lesson, I play the game first and have to act
prepared a short game called Act it out the five words and next the
representative B.
Out! I will divide the class into to  Group one answered and guessed
groups and each group will have one the words correctly with a short of
period of time..
representative. This representative
will be the one who will act out the
words I will provide and the rest of the
members will guess it. The group will
get the highest score will receive a
 Wow congratulations to our winner  Yeheyy congtaulations
which is the group one and they will
receive a prize.
 What are your thoughts to our game?  Student A: some of the words are the
What have noticed with the words? Is days we celebrate
there any connection of that game to  Student B: It shows days and time
our lesson for today?  Student C: There are dates and
 Good, is there any hands? occasions.
 Precisely student B. Will anyone add  Student A: Sir, I think like what we
more? All of your answers are have discussed last meeting was
correct. And how will you connect the about preposition of place and we will
game to our topic? move to preposition of time.
 Exactly! You hit the right spot. So we  Sir, we have discussed the
will discuss the preposition of time but preposition of place which consist of
let us have a short recap on the topic in, on and at.
we discussed last meeting which  Student D: in is used when we are
already mentioned by student A inside and covered by something
 Any other hands? Great good thing  Student B: on is used when we are
you remembered our last topic and above of something while at used in a
lest us now move to the new topic very specific place in a certain point
which is the preposition of time. 
 Discussion 
 So when you hear the word time, 
what comes to your mind? How about  Student A: time refers to the specific
the student at the back? Do you have time when things was happened
any idea what is preposition of time?  Student B: Preposition of time refers
 Fantastic! Everyone is correct. We to the time when specific things
will discuss preposition of time which happens like a dates, a days, a
is refers to a time when things holidays and more..
 A preposition of time is a preposition
that allows you to discuss a specific
time period. Prepositions of time
show the relationship of time between
the nouns to the other parts of a

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