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Pursuing Dreams And Fostering Resilience In The Face Of Adversity

My warmest greetings to everyone present here today. Honestly, I cannot say that I

had dreams of standing on this podium before you today and delivering this speech. And so

let me start by saying what a great honor it is to have this opportunity.

At every commencement ceremony, graduates look up to everyone standing on this

podium to spit words of wisdom that will guide them through their next phase of life and

level of study. I am disappointed to bring to your attention that standing here using this

microphone does not make me more of a wise man than sitting there does to you, but instead,

it just makes me louder!

I am hopeful that not a single individual is stopping at this level, we are all going to

pursue the next level of study. It is only fair for me to bring to your attention that the next

chapter is not going to be any easier than the one you are closing today. In the quest to

achieve your set goals, dreams, and objectives, a lot of challenges are going to stand in your

way, that's for sure, some of which are beyond your capabilities. But remember, no matter

how high the wall standing in your way is, giving up is not an option.

I believe that you can build resilience like a muscle within your body, only that in this

case you will have to train your minds and not the body. Sorry for those who thought I want

to talk about gymnastics, I also wish it were that easier. However, it is worth mentioning that

this class has higher chances of handling whatever the outside world throws unto you because

you have already survived one of the toughest times in history, the COVID pandemic. I'm not

implying that those who succumbed to the pandemic were weak, God rest their souls, I'm

only trying to believe that you are stronger.

Earlier, I mentioned that I'm not wiser than any of you in the audience but talking

about resilience and training the mind, I would like you to scratch that because I have some

wisdom to share! At any time when you will be faced with a challenge whether big or small,

take a moment and re-frame your perspective. Then take a look at the bigger picture and

focus all your energy only on the aspects that you can control.

Whenever you feel like giving up, take a moment and ask yourself, why am I doing

this? And when answering that question, ensure that I don't know and there is no reason, are

not parts of the answer. It would be a lie if I told you that success is always guaranteed every

single time you try something, because it is not. Always be ready to embrace any possible

risks, bearing in mind that there is a possibility of failure. It is also wise to acknowledge that

no man is an island and therefore you should always have the courage to reach out for a hand

when necessary.

Finally, let me conclude by congratulating all of you for making it this far, it is a very

big milestone. Always stay strong, resilient, and focused on whatever dream you are working

towards. I wish you well in your next endeavors. Thank you!

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