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Submitted to
Sir Muzzam Arif
Submitted by
Umama Shahab
Save water
There are three things (oxygen, water, and
food) without which we cannot live on the earth.
But the most precious thing is oxygen, water,
and food because we cannot live without
oxygen even for a second. Clean water is also
important as we need it in daily activities,
especially drinking.
Already the percentage of clean water was less,
but due to the industrial activities, our clean
water under the ground is getting dirty and
polluted. Because of the lack of fresh mineral
water has been sold in the local shops for many
years. And, people are ready to buy it worth 30
to 35 Rs because they know that simple tap
water may not be clean, especially in public
With the increasing rate of people’s
carelessness (regarding water saving and
safety) and population, it is sure that our future
generations must suffer a shortage of clean
water. A very little percentage of the earth’s
water is suitable for drinking, and many people
(at the place of water shortage) survive on
much less water per day.

Importance of Clean Water

in our Life:
71% of the earth’s surface is covered with
water. It is vital to all forms of life found on the
earth. It is found below the ground, in oceans,
large water bodies, and small water reservoirs.
Water is also available in many forms like
vapor, clouds, precipitation, surface water,
glaciers, polar ice caps, etc. The life cycle of
water runs all around the earth continuously
through evaporation, precipitation, runoff, rain,
etc. We also lack clean drinking water in many
areas of the country. Water scarcity is the lack
of access to safe water.
Slowly, it is hard to manage the quality of water
for the people who lack it. In some areas, lack
of water is a daily problem. People have to
suffer a lot from the scarcity of water. It takes a
lot of effort, cost, and time to manage water
access, especially in water scarcity.

Water scarcity:
Water scarcity (closely related to water
stress or water crisis) is the lack of fresh
water resources to meet the standard water
demand. There are two types of water scarcity:
physical or economic water scarcity. Physical
water scarcity is where there is not enough
water to meet all demands, including that
needed for ecosystems to function
effectively. Arid areas for example Central
and West Asia, and North Africa often suffer
from physical water scarcity.[2] On the other
hand, economic water scarcity is caused by a
lack of investment in infrastructure or
technology to draw water from rivers, aquifers,
or other water sources, or insufficient human
capacity to satisfy the demand for water.[3] Much
of Sub-Saharan Africa has economic water
scarcity.[4]: 11 

Why Save Water:

We are living in a time when we need to save
clean water and use it according to our use
only. People in many places in India and other
countries face huge water scarcity. They must
depend on the government water supply by
tanks or some natural water reservoirs long
distances. They have to go for a long distance
daily to arrange drinking water. They better
understand water’s value than those with
sufficient water supply in their areas. The lack
of water becomes terrible for the people who
don’t have enough water to fulfill their basic
needs of drinking, bathing, washing, etc.

How to Save Water;

We can follow different methods to save clean
drinking water from dealing with water scarcity.
Rainwater harvesting is one of the most
effective and suitable saving water techniques.
Afforestation is also the best method as it
reduces the surface runoff and recharges the
groundwater. It promotes underground water
conservation. By practicing such methods, we
can conserve more water naturally and ensure
its availability for future generations. We should
pledge and make a lifelong motto: “Save water,
save a life, save the earth.

Water is known as the elixir of life, so we should
save it to save life on the earth. We need water
for many purposes in our daily walks of life. So,
we should understand the value of water drops
and save the every drop of water.

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