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1. Write an Essay on Globalization

Contemporary World
Quiz 1
1. The speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital,
technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. – Globalization
2. Refers to the period of time when there is a strong belief that all people are connected, that all
humans share a common fate, and that the survival of the human species on Earth is under danger.
- Global Age
3. Movement of people, things, information, and places due, in part, to the increasing porosity of
global barriers. – Global Flows
4-7 – 4 types of flow
 Interconnected flows
 Multidirectional flows
 Conflicting flows
 Reverse flows
8. Believe that there is such a thing as globalization and that it encompasses virtually the entire
- Globalist
9. Contend that there is no such thing as globalization. – Skeptics
10 & 11 The idealist position on globalization is that the main drivers of the process are changes in
 thinking and ideas
 information and knowledge
12. Described as an ideology, political strategy, practice, state policy, or advocacy that entails
expanding political and economic authority over additional regions by territorial conquest
- Imperialism
13. The process of gaining full or partial governmental control over another nation, populating it
with settlers, and then economically exploitation it. -Colonialism
14. Developments that take place in a former colony after the colonizing power departs.
15. Economic, political, and cultural influence of the West on the rest of the world. –
2. Research this following Regional Political Organization and answer the follow up questions:
1. How does Regional Political Organization Works?
2. What makes this 3 Regional Political Organization unique with each other?
3. Examine the relevance of global political structures such as the Regional Political Organization in
light of global flows and processes.

Quiz 2
True or False
1. The origin of the modern nation-state is traced to the Peace of Westphalia, and its treaties which
led to the notion that nation-states are non-autonomous. - False
2. The threats to the nation-independence state's include information flows, undocumented
immigration, new social movements, conflict, terrorism, criminals, drug trafficking, money
laundering, and sex trafficking. – True
3. That governance structures are not all created to meet general functional needs but can also be
developed to pursue narrow interests. – True
4. The nation-state is especially threatened by the global economy and global economic flows. –
5. ASEAN was founded in 1968, with Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand
as the original members, to foster regional cooperation in Southeast Asia among its smaller,
developing nations. – False
6. The UN integrates sub-groups that define themselves as a nation with the organizational
structure of the state. – False
7. Globalization creates a sense of interdependence among nations, which could create an
imbalance of power among nations of different economic strengths. – True
8. ASEAN has engaged economically, by way of trade and investments, with all the large economies
of the world. – True
9. Global governance has developed in response to the decline of the nation-state, as well as to
global crises that nation-states cannot control. -True
10. Local civil society now co-exists with “global civil society.” – True
3. Describe the Global Economic flows by creating a collage.
1. Value-adding activities in the production process beginning with raw materials and ending with a
finished product. – Supply Chains
2. Networks of producers involved in producing a finished product.
- International production networks
3. Value-adding chains, global industries, and the sellers of global products.
- Global commodity chains

4. Various phases of production, delivery to final consumers, final disposal. -Global Value Chain
5. Countries involved in a downward spiral of competitiveness. - Race to the bottom
6. Nation-states, firms, and even workers move from low-value to relatively high-value production.
- Industrial upgrading

7. Transfer of activities once performed by an entity to a business (or businesses) in exchange for
money. -Outsourcing
8. Transfer of activities to entities in other countries. - Offshore outsourcing
9. Buying more than one can afford. – Hype-consumption
10. Owing more than one will be able to repay. – Hyper-debt


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