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Hunter’s Best Man Speech

We gather here today in loving memory of Hunter Carcione …. oh wait, this is the wrong
speech. [Tosses extra sheets of paper away] Ah, there we go.
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Clayton Miller and I have had the
privilege of calling Hunter my best friend for at least 8 years. But BOY does time fly by, it
feels like we went from talking about our crushes in middle school to complaining about
our taxes REALLY quick.”

Before I continue I would like to say thank you Hunter for giving me the honor of being
your best man, it truly means the world to me. If you asked me 8 years ago that I would
be here giving a speech at your wedding, I would be shocked that you made it this far in
life without losing an eye or a limb.
On behalf of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, I would like to thank Hunter and Gracie
for including us on their very special day. What a fantastic day it has been so far and so
much of Gracie’s hard work and preparation has gone into it. Hunter, you were just
[INCLUDE MISHAPS OF THE DAY, IF ANY] (But for me) Today has gone incredibly
well, I have yet to stain my shirt by tripping on grass, so that’s a plus.

Hunter’s Best Man Speech 1

Now, I first meet Hunter during a Sunday School class where he was the new weird kid
of the bunch (which was alright because I was weird anyway). From there a wonderful
friendship (and occasional rivalry) was born. Almost everything was turned into a
competition (whether it was intended to or not) from ultimate frisbee, Bible trivia, to
picking up as many chairs as possible.
After I became good friends with Hunter, Gracie started to attend youth on Wednesday
nights. After the first night she started to attend, Hunter was immediately asking me
“Who is that girl!?” and “Is she single?” Since I was unfamiliar with her at the time I had
no idea. | And so the social media stalking ensued. | It took us a little bit but we
eventually found her Instagram while Hunter and I were volunteering at Meet the Need
one Wednesday. Hunter wanted to start texting her but there was one issue, Hunter was
too afraid to text her. So, with nothing to lose, I took Hunter’s phone and started a
conversation with Gracie myself. (Of course since this was Hunter’s phone, half of my
conversation was trying my best to make Hunter seem weird) After that I handed his
phone back to him and said there you go, and the rest was history. So I am
inadvertently part of the reason why these two are where they are today. (BTW, I am still
waiting on Hunter to return the favor, so don’t forget)

Then to Today
As soon as Gracie started dating Hunter, I had been demoted to the official third wheel
for both of them. This meant that I was now relegated to the back seat of car rides.
However this did not change the fun that we had together.

Over the course of their relationship we went on many fun escapades: Sonic Runs with
the Youth on Wednesday nights, watching Marvel movies, Shopping at Ross and Zona
Rosa, and many others.

Many times I would be dragged along for Hunter and Gracie’s adventures, and often
Gracie was dragged along for Hunter and I’s adventures.

Connection to Christ
If I have learned something throughout my time being with Hunter and Gracie, it is that
their commitment to one another has given me a picture of Christ’s love for His church.

Hunter’s Best Man Speech 2

Hunter’s love and commitment to Gracie reminds me of the love and commitment that
Jesus has for His church!
I charge both of you to reflect the gospel in your marriage! Let the good news of Jesus
Christ’s death and resurrection be at the forefront of all that you do together going
In the words of the great reformer Martin Luther: "There is no more lovely, friendly, and
charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.”

Ending Encouragement
Hunter, where you may lack in height you more than make for in zeal for the Scriptures.
Your dedication to the Word of God has no doubt challenged me to grow deeper in my
faith with the Lord. I pray that you make them your family's light in the darkness when
times of hardship arrive.

Also Hunter, do not provoke Gracie to anger (as I know from personal experience you
have for me). I implore you to remember the words of Solomon in Proverbs 21:9: “Better
to live on a corner of the roof than to share a house with a quarrelsome wife.”

And Gracie, please do your best to keep him alive(preferably with all his limbs intact).
Make sure that he looks both ways before crossing the road. Make sure that he wears
his seatbelt (and that he doesn’t open another knife in the car ever again).
With how much Gracie and Hunter’s relationship has shaped me over the years I often
ask myself where I would be without these two, “I guess we’ll never know…”
Lets raise our glasses and toast to the new Mr. & Mrs. Carcione!

Hunter’s Best Man Speech 3

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