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>Off track, uphill dune - CAP 1

2<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - GO!
3<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - CAP 1
4<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, BUMP - Danger 2
5<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention, BUMP! - Danger 2 - CAP 358
6<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - CAP 358 - Big dunes.
7<!sp!>1<!sp!>Now. Left to CAP 279.
8<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - CAP 279
9<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, go Right, over the dune - Attention!
10<!sp!>1<!sp!>Right, over the dune - CAP 14
11<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - CAP 14
12<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, go Right - CAP 61 - dunes.
13<!sp!>1<!sp!>CAP 61
14<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 61 - GO!
15<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 61 - Let´s go!
16<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, pass to the Right of the house - Sensitive Zone.
17<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow on the Right to CAP 83 .
18<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - CAP 83
19<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, ATTENTION DANGER 3 - step down dunes.
20<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION DANGER 3 - step down dunes - CAP 63
21<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CAP 63
22<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow the fence on the right side - CAP 96 - dunes
23<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 96 - Follow the fence
24<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, at the end of the fence - Go Left.
25<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go Left. - CAP 66 - dunes
26<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - CAP 66
27<!sp!>1<!sp!>Right on the house with the fence - Straight to CAP 78 - dunes -
Sensitive Zone.
28<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - CAP 78 - Go!
29<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 78 - Let´s go!
30<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, hairpin right to CAP 170 - Straight to the dunes.
31<!sp!>1<!sp!>Hairpin right - CAP 170 - Straight to the dunes
32<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - CAP 170 - dunes.
33<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, hairpin right.
34<!sp!>1<!sp!>Hairpin right - CAP 268
35<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 268
36<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, straight to the dunes and stay on the left of the palm
37<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on the left of the palm trees, straight to CAP 251
38<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Go to CAP 251
39<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 251 - Let´s go!
40<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, across the dunes on CAP 291
41<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross the dunes on CAP 291
42<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred, on the vegetation go to the Left.
43<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, LEFT!
44<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT to CAP 212 - Go to the dunes - Danger 2!
45<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CAP 212
46<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross the dune - ATTENTION! DANGER 3 - CAP 214
47<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - CAP 214
48<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred, across the dunes - Attention! Danger 2!
49<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2 on the dunes - CAP 278
50<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred CAP 278 - Go
51<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 278 - Let´s go!
52<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred, uphill. Big dune.
53<!sp!>1<!sp!>Uphill. Big dune. - CAP 257
54<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - CAP 257 - Go
55<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 257 - Let´s go!
56<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, go Left. Downhill the dunes.
57<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, downhill the dunes on CAP 161
58<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms CAP 161
59<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 161 - Let´s go!
60<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, hairpin right.
61<!sp!>1<!sp!>Dunes, hairpin right to CAP 289 - Attention!
62<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms CAP 289
63<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW ON CAP 289 - Let´s go!
64<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, LEFT, between the Fences.
65<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, between the Fences CAP 184
66<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Final
67<!sp!>1<!sp!>Final. Well done! Congratulations! We made it!
68<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on sand and CAP 7.
69<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - GO!
70<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Sand. -CAP 7
71<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Right - Dunes!
72<!sp!>1<!sp!>Now!Hairpin Right to CAP 121
73<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 121 - Sand. Let´s GO!
74<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 121 - Sand.
75<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left - Danger 2 - Downhill dunes.
76<!sp!>1<!sp!>Hairpin Left to CAP 345 - Danger 2! - Downhill dunes.
77<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms and Two hundred - CAP 345
78<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km - CAP 345 - Small dunes.
79<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to CAP 81
80<!sp!>1<!sp!>Right. Now. To CAP 81 - DANGER 2 - downhill and uphill dunes -
81<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms to CAP 81 - Attention.
82<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km Danger 3 over the dunes.
83<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3 over the dunes.
84<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION DANGER 3 - OVER the DUNES. CAP 82.
85<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Go straight to CAP 82.
86<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go straight to CAP 82.
87<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred DANGER 3 - DUNES!
88<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION DANGER 3 - DUNES - Straight to CAP 79.
89<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - GO to CAP 79.
90<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km! Straight to CAP 79
91<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred. Turn to CAP 57.
92<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - turn to CAP 57 - Dunes.
93<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred CAP 57
94<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred. Stay right past the palm trees on CAP 57
95<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go straight to CAP 64 - WAYPOINT OK!
96<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - FOUR kms on CAP 64 - Attention!
97<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on CAP 64 - Attention!
98<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, turn to CAP 103.
99<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn to CAP 103 - Danger 2 -DUNES
100<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - Continue FOUR kms on CAP 103
101<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on CAP 103 - ATTENTION!
102<!sp!>1<!sp!>Now adjust to CAP 93 - GO!
103<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - FIVE kms on CAP 93
104<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms- Focus on CAP 93 - Continue.
105<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Lookout! - DANGER 2 - downhill dunes.
106<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2 - Downhill dunes - CAP 108
107<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred continue on CAP 108
108<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 108
109<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - Vegetation
110<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2 - Vegetation - Adjust to CAP 101 - Go straight.
111<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred CAP 101
112<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention DANGER 3 - Uphill dune.
113<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3 -ACROSS the DUNES - UPHILL and DOWNHILL - DANGER 3 - CAP
114<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - CAP 102
115<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred turn Left to CAP 46 - Vegetation.
116<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn Left to CAP 46
117<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - CAP 46
118<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 46 - GO!
119<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention - Turn LEFT to CAP 326 - Dunes!
120<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn to CAP 326 -Attention - DUNES! - WAYPOINT OK!
121<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Go on CAP 326
122<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on CAP 326
123<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2 - DOWNHILL DUNES - CAP 326
124<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - FOUR Kms on CAP 326
125<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 326 - Attention on marks
126<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred, enter in the river, between the rocks - turn to CAP
127<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - enter in the river between the rocks - CAP 355 -
128<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 355
129<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 335 - Go carefully.
130<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - get out of the river on hairpin Left after a rock.
- Danger 2.
131<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT! - Get out the River on CAP 238 - Track
132<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km. Danger 2.
133<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right- Danger 2.
134<!sp!>1<!sp!>Tight Right - Hole on the left - Danger 2.
135<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Off-track on CAP 234
136<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Off-track - Go to the dunes.
137<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - CAP 234 - Straight to the dunes
138<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - SAND!
139<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SAND! - CAP 237
140<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention CAP 237
141<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms on CAP 237
142<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 237
143<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go RIGHT to CAP 295
144<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW - Go RIGHT to CAP 295 - Uphill dunes!
145<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - FIVE Kms on CAP 295
146<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 295 - CAP ATTENTION!
147<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred GO LEFT! - DANGER 3
148<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3 - GO LEFT to CAP 197 - Downhill dunes!
149<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Go on to CAP 197
150<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 197
151<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to CAP 258
152<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go Right to CAP 258
153<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION - TEN Kms ON CAP 258
154<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - CAP 258 - Attention!
155<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km - Keep on CAP 258
156<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go straight on CAP 271 - Fence on the left side.
157<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - CAP 271
158<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fence on the left side.
159<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go Straight on CAP 262 - End Fence - Sand.
160<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Keep on CAP 262
161<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3
162<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3 - DUNES! - Keep on CAP 262
163<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - CAP 262
164<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 262
165<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3. Go over the dunes.
166<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3 - DUNES! - CAP 263
167<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred on CAP 263
168<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to CAP 183 - Danger 2!
169<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go Left to CAP 183 - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
170<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms on CAP 183
171<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep on CAP 183
172<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - GO LEFT to CAP 81
173<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go Left to CAP 81 - WAYPOINT OK!
174<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 81
175<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to CAP 170
176<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT to CAP 170 - WAYPOINT OK!
177<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - Six hundred BUMP - Danger 2!
178<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2
179<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
180<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Final - GO! GO!
181<!sp!>1<!sp!>Final. Excellent! Congratulations! We made it!
182<!sp!>1<!sp!>Recall to Km 85,58 - Let´s go to 2nd section!
183<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on a main track, keep attention!
184<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1 - GO!
185<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms in main track - attention!
186<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - straight ahead
187<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight. - Main track.
188<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred, go left.
189<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - go left
190<!sp!>1<!sp!>Left - stay on main track.
191<!sp!>1<!sp!>During FOUR kms, keep on a main track.
192<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - keep on a main track
193<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight ahead.
194<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and five hundred, go Left.
195<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go left - CAP 91
196<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go left! - CAP 91
197<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Continue on the main track.
198<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - At the house, go Right to CAP 138 - off track.
199<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go right to CAP 138!
200<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - CAP 138
201<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep on CAP 138
202<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CAP 83 over the dunes.
203<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - CAP 83
204<!sp!>1<!sp!>NINE KMS! - Keep on CAP 83
205<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Attention! - Dunes DANGER 2 - CAP 83
206<!sp!>1<!sp!>Dunes DANGER 2 - Attention! - CAP 85 - WAYPOINT OK!
207<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - keep on CAP 85
208<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Towards Traces. - Track.
209<!sp!>1<!sp!>Towards Traces - Track on CAP 91
210<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Go ahead on CAP 91
211<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep on CAP 91
212<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go right - Towards track.
213<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - CAP 134 - Towards track! - Traces.
214<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km on CAP 134 - Traces!
215<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go right to CAP 220
216<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT to CAP 220
217<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms on CAP 220
218<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - turn to CAP 189.
219<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - CAP 189 - Towards track! - Traces!
220<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS - Go ahead on CAP 189 - Traces!
221<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep on CAP 189
222<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left to CAP 130
223<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT to CAP 130 - Off track!
224<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - CAP 130
225<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Danger 2 on Vegetation!
226<!sp!>1<!sp!>Lookout! - Danger 2 on Vegetation! CAP 129
227<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS on CAP 129
228<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep on CAP 129 - Attention!
229<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn to CAP 91
230<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn to CAP 91 - Danger 2!
231<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred on CAP 91
232<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km keep on CAP 91
233<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TURN RIGHT to CAP 178
234<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT to CAP 178 - Wall in front!
235<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km on CAP 178
236<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - RIGHT to CAP 269
237<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT to CAP 269
238<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Keep on CAP 269
239<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go ahead to CAP 248.
240<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go ahead to CAP 248.
241<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Go on to CAP 248
242<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
243<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - DUNES! DANGER 3! - CAP 250
244<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - Keep on CAP 250
245<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on CAP 250
246<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to CAP 195
247<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn Left to CAP 195!
248<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS- CAP 195
249<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DUNES! Danger 2!
250<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! Danger 2! - Attention! - CAP 212
251<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - CAP 212
252<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
253<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! DANGER 3! - CAP 208
254<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - keep CAP 208
255<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Across track! - Go straight ahead! - Barrel on the
right side.
256<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO! Straight ahead. - CAP 210
257<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 210
258<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Off track. Danger 2!
259<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW!- DANGER 2! Off track! - CAP 192
260<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - CAP 192
261<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention! SPEED ZONE!
262<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED ZONE 30!
263<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Speed Zone 30! - Keep on CAP 199
264<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR HUNDRED! - Attention! PC! - Across track!
265<!sp!>1<!sp!>PC!- Control! - CAP 186
266<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Finish Speed Zone!
267<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish Speed Zone! - Turn left to CAP 117
268<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish Speed Zone! - Left to CAP 117! - Off track. GO! GO!
269<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and five hundred - CAP 117
270<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn right to Road - TIRE!
271<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to Road!
272<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on the Road during SIX KMS.
273<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to Off track!
274<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go Right to Off track on CAP 195!
275<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep on CAP 194
276<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - attention ON CAP 194
277<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
278<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! DANGER 3! - CAP 228
279<!sp!>1<!sp!>TEN KMS ON CAP 228
280<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - Attention! STAY ON CAP 228!
281<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to CAP 143 - Danger 2!
282<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT! - Danger 2! -CAP 143
283<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms keep on CAP 143
284<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - ATTENTION! STEP DOWN! - Danger 2!
285<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2! - STEP DOWN! - CAP 130 - Follow Canyon. - WAYPOINT OK!
286<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - FOLLOW CANYON ON CAP 130!
287<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Follow Canyon.
288<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CANYON ON CAP 232
289<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - FOLLOW CANYON!
290<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow Canyon - Attention!
291<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CAP 201
292<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CANYON ON CAP 201!
293<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - FOLLOW CANYON ON CAP 201!
294<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Danger 2! - Follow Canyon!
295<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - Danger 2! - Follow Canyon on CAP 229!
296<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - FOLLOW CANYON! - Attention!
297<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Before Beach go LEFT to CAP 139 - SAND!
298<!sp!>1<!sp!>BEFORE BEACH, GO LEFT TO CAP 139! - WAYPOINT OK!
299<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN KMS - ALONG THE BEACH! - Attention! SAND! - FAST TRACK!
300<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - Attention to SPEED! - Continue along the river.
301<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SAND! Danger 2!
302<!sp!>1<!sp!>SAND! Danger 2! - CAP 156 - ALONG THE RIVER!
303<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - FAST TRACK! - Attention! CAP 156
304<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Towards Dunes!
305<!sp!>1<!sp!>TOWARDS DUNES ON CAP 153 - SAND!
306<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 153 - Towards Dunes.
307<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - UP and DOWNHILL DUNES!
308<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNE! Go to CAP 155!
309<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms ON CAP 155
310<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep on CAP 155
311<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go ahead to track! - Traces.
312<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go ahead to Track ON CAP 145! - Traces. - SAND!
313<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms on Sand Track
314<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Stay on track.
315<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - After the house GO LEFT TO OFFTRACK ON CAP 42!
316<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO LEFT TO CAP 42! - SAND!
317<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms on CAP 42 - Attention! OFFTRACK!
318<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - GO TO CAP 37!
319<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - UPHILL DUNES ON CAP 37!
320<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Go on to CAP 37
321<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn to CAP 20
322<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn to Cap 20! - TOWARDS ANTENNA!
323<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Keep on CAP 20 - TOWARDS ANTENNA!
324<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left! - FOLLOW TRACK, MORE OR LESS VISIBLE! - CAP
325<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT! - TOWARDS Track More or Less Visible! - CAP 352
326<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - TEN KMS - TRACK ahead.
327<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight!
328<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO AHEAD!
329<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Track.
330<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go ahead to Track.
331<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight. - Main Track.
332<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on Track.
333<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep straight ahead on Track -Rocks on right side!
334<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep straight ahead.
335<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX KMS - Continue on main track.
336<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
337<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue straight ahead in main track.
338<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Main Track.
339<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - GO Right! OFFTRACK!
341<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX KMS - OFFTRACK! - KEEP ON CAP 61 - Towards Dunes.
342<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Towards dunes. - CAP 61
343<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - ATTENTION! DUNES! DANGER 3!
344<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! DANGER 3! - ATTENTION - CAP 62
345<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - CAP 61
346<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! CAP 61
347<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - UP and DOWNHILL DUNES!
348<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - UP and DOWNHILL DUNES - CAP 60 - Attention!
349<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Attention to CAP 60
350<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Follow Valley!
351<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW VALLEY ON CAP 38!
352<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT KMS - Keep straight through the Valley.
353<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Uphill Dunes! Danger 2!
354<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - UPHILL DUNES! - WAYPOINT OK!
355<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Straight ahead.
356<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Right to CAP 183.
357<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 183! - WAYPOINT OK!
358<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS - CAP 183
359<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 183
360<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Onward to the VALLEY.
361<!sp!>1<!sp!>ONWARD TO THE VALLEY - CAP 184 - WAYPOINT OK!
362<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - FOLLOW VALLEY!
363<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Danger 2! - ON THE VALLEY GO LEFT TO CAP 165
364<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - ON THE VALLEY GO LEFT! - CAP 165 - Off track.
365<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT KMS - Follow valley - Off track.
366<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS - Straight ahead.
367<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left!
368<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Hairpin LEFT to CAP 46!
369<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Straight ahead.
370<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go forward.
371<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go forward to CAP 46. - Fence on left side.
372<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - GO ON TO CAP 46!
373<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 46
374<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to CAP 353!
375<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW!- TURN LEFT TO CAP 353!
376<!sp!>1<!sp!>NINE KMS - KEEP ON CAP 353
377<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - Stay on CAP 353
378<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Danger 2! - Turn to CAP 328!
379<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - Go to CAP 328!
380<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT HUNDRED! - Keep going!
381<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to CAP 10.
382<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! -LEFT! - CAP 10
383<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - CAP 10
384<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - DOWNWHILL DUNE!
385<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT! - DANGER 3! DOWNWHILL DUNE! - CAP 85
386<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 85
387<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go! Go! Go!
388<!sp!>1<!sp!>Final! Good job, buddy! - Wow. NOOOT EASY!
389<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Race! - Let´s do this. Start on Track. Follow Main Track
390<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!
391<!sp!>1<!sp!>Main Track.
392<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead on Main Track
393<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Straight ahead - Main Track
394<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going. - Main Track
395<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Main Track
396<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - On the Left - Main Track
397<!sp!>1<!sp!>On the Left - Main Track
398<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on Main Track
399<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go Left to Off Track after a rock on left side -
Danger 2!
400<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go LEFT! - Off Track CAP 136 - Danger 2! Traces, more or
less visible.
401<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Continue Off Track. - Traces.
402<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! - Uphill! - Rock on left side.
403<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - Uphill! - Attention!
404<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue Off Track.
405<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - After a BUMP, go Left. - Danger 2!
406<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention - BUMP DANGER 2! More or less visible! - After GO LEFT.
407<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Stay on Track.
408<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - On the Right of Off Track - Small dunes. Danger 2!
409<!sp!>1<!sp!>At the end of the fence - Go RIGHT to CAP 135 Off Track! - Small
dunes. Danger 2!
410<!sp!>1<!sp!>Small dunes. Attention! - CAP 135 - Two kms and a half
411<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Left, to small dune valley.
412<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Left, to small dune valley. - CAP 59
413<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, to CAP 59 - Attention! Small dunes.
414<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - CAP 59 - Attention! Small dunes.
415<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 59 - Small dunes.
416<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go Right - Attention! Rock on vegetation.
417<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT to CAP 117! - ROCK on the right side. - Attention.
418<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue on CAP 117.
419<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! DOWNHILL!
420<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! DOWNHILL! Attention! - GO LEFT to CAP 80
421<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - CAP 80
422<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
423<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! DUNES! DANGER 3! - Continue on CAP 80.
424<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE kms - CAP 80 - Attention.
425<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 80 - Let's go. Remain on CAP!
426<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - SIGNPOST on right side. - Go straight ahead.
427<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go ahead and turn to CAP 96. - WAYPOINT OK!
428<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms - Continue on CAP 96.
429<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Go on. Forward to the dunes.
430<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Dunes! Danger 2!
431<!sp!>1<!sp!>Across the Dunes! Danger 2 on CAP 97!
432<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - CAP 97
433<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Across the Dunes. Danger 2! Attention!
434<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT to CAP 174! - Dunes. Danger 2! - TOWARDS ANTENNA!
435<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - STAY ON CAP 174.
436<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL! - ANTENNA on left side.
437<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL! - Attention! CAP 175!
438<!sp!>1<!sp!>TEN kms - ATTENTION ON CAP 175 - Go straight ahead.
439<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE kms - CAP 175 - Watch out.
440<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - CONTROLLED SPEED ZONE 30 km/h - Attention!
441<!sp!>1<!sp!>START OF CONTROLLED SPEED ZONE 30 km/h - CAP 138 - TRACES!
442<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - CP! - Stop to get Time Card stamped.
443<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - Stop to get Time Card stamped!
444<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Danger 2! - Go straight ahead.
445<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH CONTROLLED SPEED ZONE - GO! GO! - Forward to CAP 124 -
446<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms - Continue on CAP 124.
447<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on TRACES. - Keep on CAP 124
448<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn Right! - Fence on the left side.
449<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Turn RIGHT to CAP 193! - TOWARDS DUNE! - WAYPOINT OK!
450<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 193 - TOWARDS DUNES!
451<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred -TOWARDS DUNES! - Attention! Danger 3!
452<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! DANGER 3! -Turn to CAP 170
453<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred. - Stay on CAP 170.
454<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left - Danger 2! UP and DONWHILL!
455<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - LEFT TO CAP 104 - Off Track! Danger 2!
456<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on CAP 104.
457<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go Right to uphill Danger 2!
458<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT to CAP 188! - UPHILL DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
459<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX kms - CAP 188.
460<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE kms - Attention on CAP - Let´s go!
461<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! UPHILL DUNES!
462<!sp!>1<!sp!>UPHILL DUNES! DANGER 3! - Go straight ahead to CAP 204!
463<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on CAP 204.
464<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
465<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! DANGER 3! - STRAIGHT to CAP 203!
466<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - Nine hundred on 203.
467<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Tight Left! DOWNHILL DUNES! DANGER 3!
468<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT to CAP 91 - DOWNHILL DUNES! DANGER 3 !
469<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - On CAP 91
470<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! DOWNWHILL DUNES!
471<!sp!>1<!sp!>DOWNHILL DUNES! DANGER 3! - Continue on CAP 90.
472<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on CAP 90.
473<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on CAP 90 - Dunes!
474<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Hairpin Right - Step down! Danger 2!
475<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 211! Off Track! - STEP DOWN! Danger 2! -
476<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 211 - Off Track!
477<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - STEP! UP AND DOWN!
478<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - STEP! UP AND DOWN! - Off Track on CAP 204!
479<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - CAP 204 Off Track.
480<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Enter Valley - SAND! - Twisty!
481<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT to CAP 174 - ENTER VALLEY! - SAND! - TWISTY!
482<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Through the VALLEY - CAP 174
483<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go straight ahead to the Dunes.
484<!sp!>1<!sp!>CAP 172 - Danger 2! Dunes!
485<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWELVE kms! ATTENTION ON CAP. - 172
486<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX kms - Continue on CAP 172 - Stay focused.
487<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Rock on the right side. - Hairpin Right. - Off Track.
488<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN RIGHT AROUND THE ROCK! - CAP 294! - Danger 2! - Off Track!
489<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Off Track on CAP 294!
490<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
491<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! DUNES! - Continue ON CAP 294!
492<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Stay on CAP 294
493<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred -DANGER 3! DUNES!
494<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! DUNES! - Continue on CAP 290!
495<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - CAP 290
496<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Fence on the left side - Go Right to CAP 347
497<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 347
498<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Stay on CAP 347
499<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 347
500<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - DUNES! DOWN and UPHILL!
501<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DUNES! DOWN and UPHILL! - Straight ahead.
502<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms - Attention on CAP 347!
503<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 347
504<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - DUNES! DOWN and UPHILL!
505<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DUNES! DOWN and UPHILL! - Straight ahead.
506<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue on CAP 347
507<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead.
508<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! - UNDULATION! - Off Track!
509<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - UNDULATION! - Off Track! - To CAP 351.
510<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and nine hundred - Stay on CAP 351
511<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 351
512<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Tight Left. - Danger 2! - Dunes!
513<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT! - Danger 2! - Dunes! - CAP 229 - WAYPOINT OK!
514<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on CAP 229
515<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention on CAP 229
516<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - Dunes! - Downhill!
517<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES! - CAP 243
518<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on CAP 243
519<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP! - Attention.
520<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Hairpin Right to CAP 9 - Ruins straight ahead.
521<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 9 - Danger 2! - UPHILL DUNES.
522<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE kms - CAP 9 - Stay focused.
523<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 9 - Attention!
524<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - BUMP! DANGER 3! - Dunes!
525<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - BUMP! DANGER 3! - Dunes!
526<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead - CAP 9
527<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 9 - Attention!
528<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - Dunes!
529<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DUNES! - CAP 9
530<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Keep on CAP 9
531<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 9 - Attention!
532<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Hairpin Left. - Ruins straight ahead.
533<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT TO CAP 208
534<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT kms - Stay on CAP 208
535<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms - Attention! Dunes! Danger 3!
536<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES!
537<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES! - CAP 206
538<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Go straight ahead on CAP 206
539<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Danger 2! - Dunes! Undulation!
540<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - Dunes! Undulation! - CAP 204
541<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - CAP 204
542<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - DOWN and UPHILL DUNES!
543<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWN and UPHILL DUNES!
544<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Stay on CAP 204
545<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - On vegetation, go Right to Traces!
546<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT TO TRACES - CAP 287 - WAYPOINT OK!
547<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Go straight to CAP 287
548<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Attention! Stay on CAP 287
549<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - CONTROLLED SPEED ZONE 30 km/h - Attention!
550<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 km/h - Danger 2! - Traces!
551<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Stop for Passage Control - SPEED LIMIT 30!
552<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! - Stamp Time Card and continue on CAP 291
553<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Tight Left. - Rock on the right side.
554<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Tight Left. - Rock on the right side.
556<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Stay on CAP 181
557<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! CROSS STEP ahead!
558<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! CROSS STEP! - Go ahead to CAP 182!
559<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Keep going on CAP 182
560<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - UPHILL DUNES!
561<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - UPHILL DUNES!
562<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - keep going straight.
563<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! Go straight ahead.
564<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! - Turn Right to Road. - Main Track.
565<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - RIGHT to Main Track - WAYPOINT OK!
566<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Main Track.
567<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Main Track. - Attention.
568<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - STRAIGHT AHEAD on Main Track.
569<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX kms - Remain on Main Track.
570<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE kms - Main Track. - Stay focused.
571<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Straight ahead. - Main Track. - Rocks on the left
572<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead. - Main Track.
573<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE kms - Continue on Main Track.
574<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go to Off Track ahead.
575<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - SIGNPOST! - Continue to Off Track
577<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Off Track on CAP 189.
578<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Cross Track. - DANGER 3!
579<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - CROSS Track! STEP DOWN!
580<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross Track! - DANGER 3! STEP DOWN! - Continue ahead on CAP 188.
581<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead to CAP 188
582<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - STEPDOWN DUNE!
583<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - DANGER 3! - STEPDOWN DUNE!
584<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - CAP 188
585<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Attention! - Go towards River.
586<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - After BARRELS, go Right! - DANGER 3! UPHILL DUNES!
588<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Along River, on CAP 258.
589<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow River.
590<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go Right to CAP 328
591<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 328 - WAYPOINT OK!
592<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Along River.
593<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention! - Continue along the River.
594<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go Right, to CAP 29
595<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT to CAP 29!
596<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue straight ahead on CAP 29
597<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 29 - Forward to Dunes.
598<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! - Forward to Dunes.
599<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2! - UPHILL DUNES! - CAP 4
600<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue ahead on CAP 4
601<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Cross track. - DANGER 3! STEP DOWN!
602<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - CROSS TRACK. - STEP DOWN! - CAP 4
603<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Straight ahead to CAP 4
604<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - UPHILL DUNES! DANGER 2!
605<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - UPHILL DUNES! - CAP 0
606<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Straight to CAP 0
607<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Dunes! Danger 2!
608<!sp!>1<!sp!>Dunes! Danger 2! - Continue ahead to CAP 1
609<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 1
610<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Off track CAP 1
611<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Cross track and go Left to CAP 299 - Danger 2! STEP
612<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS TRACK! - Danger 2! STEP DOWN! - Go Left to CAP 299 - WAYPOINT
613<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Forward on CAP 297
614<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go on.
615<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! STEP DOWN! - Off Track.
616<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - STEP DOWN!
617<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Continue on CAP 297
618<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Danger 2! DOWNHILL! - Go Right, to CAP 338
619<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2 - DOWNHILL! - Turn Right to CAP 338 - WAYPOINT OK!
620<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - CAP 228
621<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! - STEP DOWN to RIO!
622<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - STEP DOWN TO RIO! - CAP 43 - WAYPOINT OK!
623<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - FOLLOW RIO - CAP 43
624<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - SAND!
625<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go ahead to CAP 62 - SAND!
626<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead on CAP 62 - Towards house.
627<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Leave the house on the right side.
628<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO LEFT TO CAP 6 - SAND!
629<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms - CONTINUE ON CAP 6
630<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Towards Dunes.
631<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Dunes! Danger 2!
632<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue straight ahead. - Danger 2! - Dunes! - CAP 5
633<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and two hundred - Stay on CAP 5
634<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Forward.
635<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DUNES! DANGER 3!
636<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES!- Go straight ahead on CAP 6
637<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 6
638<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead.
639<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - DANGER 3! DIP! - Off Track.
640<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! DIP! - Off Track.
641<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead on CAP 6
642<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Left to Main Track.
643<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Left to Main Track.
644<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT to Main Track - CAP 315
645<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - STAY ON MAIN TRACK.
646<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - MAIN TRACK.
647<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going.
648<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING! MAIN TRACK!
649<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - MAIN TRACK!
650<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE kms - MAIN TRACK! - Keep pushing.
651<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Leave Main Track - Left to Off Track. - ROCKS ON THE
652<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO OFF TRACK - Attention! More or less visible! - CAP
653<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Attention on CAP 346
654<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE. 30km/h.
655<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30km/h! - KEEP GOING! - TRACES!
656<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CP! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
657<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! - Stamp Time Card! - Go straight ahead on CAP 10 - SPEED
658<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
659<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Straight ahead to CAP 13
660<!sp!>1<!sp!>END SPEED LIMIT ZONE - GO! GO! - CAP 13
661<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Let´s go to CAP 13
662<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three km - Attention! Stay on CAP.
663<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - On the rocks, turn to CAP 356 - SAND!
664<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN TO CAP 356 - SAND!
665<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km and six hundred - CAP 356
666<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - On the Small Dunes, turn to CAP 296
667<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 296 - Small Dunes! - WAYPOINT OK!
668<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms. - Remain on CAP 296 - Attention! Small dunes.
669<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Wake up! Go to CAP 296
670<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave ruins on the Left side - Sand!
671<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go straight ahead! - CAP 298 - SAND!
672<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 298
673<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention!
674<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Cross track and go straight ahead to CAP 347 - TIRE
on the Left side.
675<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross Track and go straight ahead - CAP 347 - SAND!
676<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - FOLLOW CAP 347
677<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep Following CAP 347
678<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - On BARRELS, Go Left to CAP 307
679<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 307
680<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - CAP 307
681<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave house on the left side. - TWISTY. - TRACES.
682<!sp!>1<!sp!>Press on. - TWISTY TRACK! - CAP 323
683<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - CAP 323
684<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Left to Main Track
685<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT TO MAIN TRACK! - CAP 253 - WAYPOINT OK!
686<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Main Track. - Let´s go!
687<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to Main Track.
688<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT - MAIN TRACK!
689<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on the Main Track - GO!
690<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Let´s go! Push! Push!
691<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave main track - Left, more or less visible.
692<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Left to Track. - More or less visible. - Attention! TWISTY!
693<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Stay on Track. - Go straight ahead.
694<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Go straight ahead!
695<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Straight ahead, between the rocks. -
696<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, BETWEEN ROCKS! - TWISTY. - Danger 2!
697<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR kms AND A HALF - FINISH LINE!
698<!sp!>1<!sp!>PUSH! PUSH!
699<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINAL!!! … Good Job!
700<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start along the Beach on CAP 300
701<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - GO!
702<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and a half - Straight to CAP 300
703<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Fast section! - Attention! - Undulation.
704<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused.
705<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross the water. DANGER 2!
706<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - Cross the Water. - CAP 291
707<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Stay on the Beach. - Attention!
708<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Come on! - Let´s go!
709<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Along the beach! - Attention! Undulation!
710<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Go Right! To the RIO!
711<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 331 - Stay on RIO - FOLLOW TRACES!
712<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Leave RIO. Turn Left.
713<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Leave RIO. Turn Left.
714<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT! Leave RIO on CAP 302! - TRACES!
715<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Go straight ahead to CAP 308 - Start SPEED LIMIT
ZONE 30Km/h
716<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Start SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30Km/h
717<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30Km/h - TRACES!
718<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD - Cross Road!
719<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Go straight ahead!
720<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred -Finish Speed Limit Zone.
721<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Danger 2! - CAP 335 - Off Track. -
722<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep on CAP 335 - Off Track.
723<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue between mountains. - Off Track.
724<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn to CAP 295 - Danger 2!
725<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN TO CAP 295 - Danger 2! - Off Track.
726<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Keep going on CAP 295
727<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention. Stay on CAP.
728<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead. - Beach on Left side.
729<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT to Track on CAP 323 - TRACES! - WAYPOINT OK!
730<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Go straight ahead on CAP 323
731<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on Track.
732<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Danger 2! - Undulation. - Off Track.
733<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 298! - Attention! Undulation. - Danger 2! - Off Track.
734<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and a half - Off Track on CAP 298
735<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! Stay on CAP.
736<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Straight to TRACK - Wall and House in the left side.
737<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep Straight to TRACK - TOWARDS ANTENNAS. - CAP 300 - FOLLOW
738<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - Keep on Track - CAP 300
739<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE KMS - Continue TOWARDS ANTENNAS
740<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to Off Track - CAP 21
741<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 21 - Danger 2! Undulation! -
742<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue Off Track CAP 21
743<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Between mountains. - Go Right to CAP 72
744<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT TO CAP 72 - Danger 2! - Off Track.
745<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT KMS - Keep on CAP 72
746<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS - CAP 72
747<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go straight ahead and cross Track - Between Rocks - Danger
748<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross Track on CAP 75 - Danger 2! - Between Rocks.
749<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN KMS - Go Straight ahead on CAP 75 - Off Track.
750<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 75 - Attention!
751<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to Track.
752<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO TRACK ON CAP 271 - WAYPOINT OK!
753<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - Continue on Track. - CAP 271
754<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on Track. - Attention! Vegetation!
755<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to Off Track on CAP 21 - Danger 2!
756<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 21 - Off Track more or less visible! - Danger
757<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Stay on CAP 21
758<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE KMS - Attention! Off Track! - Follow CAP!
759<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to CAP 67.
760<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 67 - Off Track! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
761<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE hundred - Go straight ahead to Track between POSTS - START
762<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30Km/h - TRACES!
764<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Go straight ahead - SIGNPOST on left
765<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
767<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Keep straight ahead on Track.
768<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to RIO! - Danger 2! - STEP DOWN!
769<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO RIO, between rocks - Danger 2! STEP DOWN! - WAYPOINT
770<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Stay on RIO.
771<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Right to leave RIO - more or less visible.
772<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT! - LEAVE RIO TO CAP 44 - STEP UP! Danger 2! - TRACES!
773<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 44 ON TRACES!
774<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to CAP 348
775<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 348! - WAYPOINT OK!
776<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 348 - Off Track.
777<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Right to Main Track.
778<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT TO MAIN TRACK - CAP 57
779<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Keep straight ahead - Let´s go! PUSH! PUSH!
780<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Come on! We are on MAIN TRACK - Go on!
781<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD ON MAIN TRACK! - Electric Lines! - Danger 2! CAP
782<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue on MAIN TRACK
783<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead to Track.
784<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Straight ahead to Track - TWISTY! - Danger 2! - TOWARDS
785<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVENTEEN KMS - ATTENTION!
787<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to first Track - Electric lines ahead.
788<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT HERE! - CAP 61 - WAYPOINT OK!
789<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVENTEEN KMS - ATTENTION!
790<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY ON TRACK - Attention.
791<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Hairpin RIght on Water tank! - DANGER 3! DOWNHILL!
792<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! DOWNHILL! - CAP 111 - WAYPOINT OK!
793<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and a half - STAY ON TRACK.
794<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - Careful!
795<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - After Ruins, turn Left on Track. - More or less
796<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT ON TRACK TO CAP 319 - More or less visible. - Follow
797<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIXTEEN KMS - ATTENTION! KEEP ON CAP 319
798<!sp!>1<!sp!>OHHHH... Attention, please! CAP 319
799<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead, between mountains!
801<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOURTEEN KMS - Attention to distance. - STAY ON TRACK.
802<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
803<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Go straight ahead!
804<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO HUNDRED - CP!
805<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
808<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - STAY ON TRACK!
809<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right. - Towards Dunes!
811<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - TOWARDS DUNES ON CAP 74
812<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - Dunes! Danger 2!
813<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to CAP 27 - Dunes! Danger 2!
814<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO LEFT TO CAP 27! - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
815<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Follow CAP 27
816<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention! Stay on CAP!
817<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - UP and DOWNHILL DUNE! - TO CAP 109
818<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - ATTENTION ON DOWNHILL! - TURN TO CAP 109!
819<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - STAY ON CAP 109
820<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention to CAP in the dunes! Stay on CAP 109
821<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to CAP 62 - Danger 2! - Dunes!
822<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 62! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
823<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - FOLLOW CAP 62
824<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - STAY ON CAP! - Let´s go!
825<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left. - Dunes! Danger 2!
826<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT! Danger 2! - CAP 270
827<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - FOLLOW CAP 270 - Careful in the DUNES!
828<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 270 - Continue in the dunes!
829<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - Go Right to CAP 329
830<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - Attention! - GO TO CAP 329! - WAYPOINT OK!
831<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Continue on CAP 329
832<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - KEEP ON 329! - Attention!
833<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left TO RIO! - STEP DOWN! Danger 2!
834<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! -GO LEFT TO RIO! - STEP DOWN! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
835<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue in RIO.
836<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention! - Continue straight ahead.
837<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead to Track.
839<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Keep going straight ahead on Track.
840<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going! Straight ahead on Track.
841<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - KEEP ON TRACK!
842<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Go! Straight ahead!
843<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - Go Right to Off Track. - Ruins on left
844<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT TO CAP 6 - TOWARDS DUNES!
845<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Stay on CAP 6
846<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to CAP 43 - Dunes! Danger 2!
847<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 43 - DUNES! DANGER 2!
848<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 43 - Attention!
849<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention in the dunes! - CAP 43
850<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Right to CAP 84 - Dunes! Danger 2!
851<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 84! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
852<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - KEEP ON CAP 84
853<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to CAP 29 - Dunes! Danger 2!
854<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 29! - Dunes! Danger 2!
855<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Attention! Stay on CAP 29 - Dunes! Danger 2!
856<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay focused, please! - CAP 29
857<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left to CAP 269 - Dunes! Danger 2!
858<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 269 - Dunes! Danger 2!
859<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - FOLLOW CAP 269
860<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to CAP 215 - Dunes! Danger 2!
861<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 215 - Dunes! Danger 2!
862<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Attention! - Go to CAP 215
863<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - CAP 215
864<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Right to CAP 287
865<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 287 - Dunes! Danger 2!
866<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
867<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30Km/h
868<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30Km/h
869<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - CP!
871<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
15 - GO! GO!
873<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - CAP 15
874<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - DUNES!
875<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - DANGER 3! - DUNES! - CAP 15
876<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Follow CAP 15 - Attention!
877<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to CAP 94 - Dunes! Danger 2!
878<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO RIGHT TO CAP 94 - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
879<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! Dunes! Danger 2! - CAP 94
880<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Stay focused.
881<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward to CAP 80 - Dunes! Danger 2!
882<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD TO CAP 80 - Dunes! Danger 2!
883<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - CAP 80
884<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention in the Dunes.
885<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left to CAP 333 - Dunes! Danger 2!
886<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 333! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
887<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and five hundred - CAP 333
888<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to CAP 258 - Danger 2!
889<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO LEFT TO CAP 258 - Dunes! Danger 2!
890<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - CAP 258
891<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Dunes! Danger 2!
892<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Right
893<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 32 - Dunes! Danger 2!
894<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 32
895<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention in the dunes.
896<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left - UP and DOWNHILL DUNES! Danger 2!
897<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT - CAP 251 - DOWNHILL DUNES! Danger 2! -
898<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on CAP 251
899<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - CAP 251
900<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to CAP 212 - Danger 3!
901<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 212 - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
902<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - GO ON! CAP 212 - Attention!
903<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 212 - Dunes! Attention!
904<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - UP and DOWNHILL DUNES! - DANGER 3!
905<!sp!>1<!sp!>UP and DOWNHILL DUNES! DANGER 3! - LEFT TO CAP 180 - WAYPOINT OK!
906<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Attention! - CAP 180
907<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay focused! - GO TO 180
908<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead - Dunes! Danger 2!
909<!sp!>1<!sp!>Dunes! Danger 2! - Go straight ahead to CAP 198 - WAYPOINT OK!
910<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue on CAP 198
911<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to CAP 150 - Rocks on the Left side.
912<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO LEFT TO CAP 150!
913<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on CAP 150
914<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Remain on CAP!
915<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to RIO! - STEP DOWN! Danger 2!
916<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT TO RIO! - STEP DOWN! Danger 2!
917<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX KMS - Stay in RIO
918<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead in RIO
919<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to TRACK - Leave RIO ON CAP 261
920<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! - Leave RIO! - CAP 261 - UPHILL! -
921<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - STAY ON TRACK!
922<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going!
923<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left to Off Track!
924<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 149 - WAYPOINT OK!
925<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX KMS - STAY ON CAP 149 - Keep sharp!
926<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 149
927<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Track! - Electric lines!
928<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 2! - CROSS TRACK! - OFF TRACK!
929<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - Stay on CAP 149
930<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to TRACK - More or less visible. -
931<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! - More or less visible. - WAYPOINT OK! - CAP
932<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE.
933<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - House on the left side!
935<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - CP! - Cross road!
936<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Go straight ahead OFF TRACK! - TRACES! -
Electric lines.
938<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Go straight ahead ON CAP 275 - GO! GO!
939<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - STAY ON CAP 275
940<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! Remain on CAP!
941<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - HOLE! DANGER 3!
942<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! HOLE! DANGER 3! - STEP DOWN!
944<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT TO RIO! - ROCKS! DANGER 2! - TWISTY! - CAP 335
945<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and a half - Continue in RIO.
946<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - Rocks!
947<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TURN LEFT TO CAP 254
949<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go Left.
950<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - GO LEFT TO CAP 239
951<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! GO LEFT TO CAP 239 - CANYON! - TOWARDS TRACK!
952<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Go straight ahead to MAIN TRACK!
953<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead to MAIN TRACK!
954<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT on MAIN TRACK! - WAYPOINT OK!
955<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and a half - MAIN TRACK.
956<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Attention! - Stay focused!
957<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Right after RUINS
958<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN RIGHT!
959<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and seven hundred - Stay on MAIN TRACK
960<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - LEFT, more or less visible. - Rock on the Left side.
961<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT to TRACK! - CAP 251
962<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and five hundred - Continue on TRACK.
963<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left to OFF TRACK, more or less visible. -
964<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 145 - Danger 2!
965<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - CAP 145 - Attention!
966<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP!
967<!sp!>1<!sp!>five hundred - DANGER 3! - BIG STONE! DOWNHILL! - STEP DOWN!
968<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - BIG STONE! DOWNHILL! - STEP DOWN! - CAP 146
969<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX KMS - Continue on OFF TRACK on CAP 146
970<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention on OFF TRACK - CAP 146
971<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross MAIN TRACK! - Danger 2! - OFF TRACK! - RUINS
on the left side.
972<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS MAIN TRACK! - Danger 2! - OFF TRACK TO CAP 145
973<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - CAP 145
974<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Right to TRACK! - More or less visible. -
976<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX KMS and nine hundred - FINISH! - Remain focused!
977<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! - Good job!
978<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Race! - Let´s do this! Start on Track, follow Track!
979<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!
980<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO KMS - STAY ON TRACK.
981<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep on track.
982<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go Left to CAP 21 - Attention on vegetation!
983<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT ON TRACK - CAP 21
984<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Go straight ahead. - CAP 21
985<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go Left to Off Track.
986<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Attention! - Go Left to Off Track on CAP 335 -
Danger 2!
987<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO OFF TRACK ON CAP 335! - Danger 2!
988<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 335
989<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention! OFF TRACK!
990<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross track! - Between rocks. - CAP 332
991<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - ROCKS! - Keep going ON CAP 332
992<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - CAP 332
993<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to CAP 34 - Danger 2!
994<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 34! - Danger! - Continue in Off Track -
995<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - STAY ON CAP 34
996<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention to CAP - Continue on CAP 34
997<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right on Track - Vegetation ahead.
998<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - TRACK!
999<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - STAY ON TRACK
1000<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to RIO! - Step Down! Danger 2!
1001<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP DOWN! Danger 2! - TURN LEFT TO RIO! - OFF TRACK! - CAP 20
1002<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - CONTINUE ON RIO! - CAP 20
1003<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on RIO! - Attention!
1004<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - Leave Rio to the Left.
1005<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEAVE RIO TO THE LEFT! - Attention! STEP UP! Danger 2! -
CAP 327
1006<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue on CAP 327
1007<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Go to the Dunes! - Attention!
1008<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - Dunes! - Turn Right to CAP 14
1009<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - DUNES! DANGER 3! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 14 - WAYPOINT OK!
1010<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - STAY ON CAP 14 - Attention to CAP!
1011<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 14
1012<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - DUNES! - CAP 15
1013<!sp!>1<!sp!>DUNES! DANGER 3! - Continue on CAP 15
1014<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Straight ahead, on CAP 15
1015<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 15 - Caution on the dunes!
1016<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to CAP 91 - Dunes! Danger 2!
1017<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 91 - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1018<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue on CAP 91
1019<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to CAP 8 - Danger 2!
1020<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 8! - Dunes! Danger 2!
1021<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - Continue on CAP 8
1022<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Attention on CAP 8
1023<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Undulation! Danger 2!
1024<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 91 - UNDULATION! Danger 2!
1025<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms -Continue ON CAP 91
1026<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention ON CAP 91
1027<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn to CAP 159 - Danger 2!
1028<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN TO CAP 159! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1029<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 159
1030<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 159
1031<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Hairpin Right! - Up and Downhill!
1032<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 286! - UP and DOWNHILL! DANGER 3!
1033<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on CAP 286
1034<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 286 - Attention on Dunes!
1035<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Hairpin Left - Danger 2!
1036<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT TO CAP 143! - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1037<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on CAP 143
1038<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention on CAP 143
1039<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right - Danger 2!
1040<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 265! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1041<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on CAP 265
1042<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on Dunes! Careful!
1043<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn right to CAP 318 - Danger 2!
1044<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 318! - DOWNHILL DUNE! DANGER 2!
1045<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue on CAP 318
1046<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Stay focused. - CAP 318
1047<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left.
1048<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 208 - WAYPOINT OK!
1049<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on CAP 208
1050<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! CAP 208
1051<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left.
1052<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 107!
1053<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 107
1054<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to keep Left.
1055<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW - KEEP LEFT TO CAP 55!
1056<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Continue on CAP 55
1057<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Downhill! Danger 2!
1058<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - KEEP RIGHT TO CAP 80! - DOWNHILL DUNE! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT
1059<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Continue on CAP 80
1060<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and half - Stay on CAP 80
1061<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES!
1062<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - KEEP RIGHT TO CAP 96! - DANGER 3! DOWNHILL DUNES! -
1063<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Stay on CAP 96
1064<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right to RIO! - Danger 2!
1065<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIO! - TIGHT RIGHT! - Danger 2! - CAP 231 - WAYPOINT OK!
1066<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and four hundred - Stay on RIO.
1067<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - Continue on RIO.
1068<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Tight Left! - Danger 2!
1069<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - Danger 2! - Stay on Traces in RIO! - CAP 87
1070<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and eight hundred - STAY ON RIO.
1071<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on RIO. - Attention.
1072<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead on RIO
1073<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 128.
1074<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Continue on RIO
1075<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue Off Track.
1076<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to TRACK! - Danger 2!
1077<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TRACK! - Danger 2! - CAP 92 - WAYPOINT OK!
1078<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - STAY ON TRACK.
1079<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right to Off Track
1080<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO OFF TRACK! - Danger 2! Dunes! - CAP 129
1081<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - CONTINUE ON CAP 129
1082<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES!
1083<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNE! - CAP 150! - WAYPOINT OK!
1084<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Get ready for Tight Right on TRACK. - Danger 2!
1085<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT ON MAIN TRACK! - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1086<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - CONTINUE ON MAIN TRACK.
1087<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to Off Track! - Danger 2!
1088<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO OFF TRACK - Danger 2! Dunes! - CAP 301
1089<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - CONTINUE ON CAP 301 - TOWARDS DUNES!
1090<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on CAP 301
1091<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn Left. - Danger 2!
1092<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN LEFT TO CAP 231! - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1093<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and five hundred - Continue on CAP 231 - DUNES!
1094<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left. - Danger 2!
1095<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 112! - Danger 2! - Dunes!
1096<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - STAY ON CAP 112
1097<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - CAP 112 - Attention!
1098<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right to Main Track. - Danger 2!
1099<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO MAIN TRACK! - Danger 2! - CAP 257
1100<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - STAY ON MAIN TRACK!
1101<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - Stay focused!
1102<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left on main track. - TWISTY!
1103<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT - Danger 2! TWISTY!
1104<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - REMAIN ON MAIN TRACK!
1105<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right.
1106<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON MAIN TRACK - Attention! - TOWARDS ANTENNA!
1107<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue on Main Track.
1108<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Main Track.
1109<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON MAIN TRACK - Antennas!
1110<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue on Main Track.
1111<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Attention! - Stay focused! Push! Push!
1112<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Let´s go!
1113<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn Left - OFF TRACK!
1114<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN LEFT TO CAP 205! - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1115<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - CONTINUE ON CAP 205
1116<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to RIO - Step Down! Danger
1117<!sp!>1<!sp!>Step Down! - Danger 2! - TURN LEFT TO RIO! - CAP 206!
1118<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on RIO!
1119<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention. Stay on RIO.
1120<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave RIO to the Right
1121<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT! LEAVE RIO!
1122<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on Track.
1123<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - House on the Left
1124<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
1125<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred -CP!
1126<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Cross road and go straight ahead.
1127<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - House on the Left - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1129<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and a half - Continue on CAP 189
1130<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 189 - Attention!
1131<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross track! - Between rocks. - CAP 186
1132<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS TRACK! Danger 2! - CAP 186
1133<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue on CAP 186
1134<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Track. - Danger 2! - RUINS on the Left side.
1135<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS TRACK! Danger 2! - CAP 188
1136<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on CAP 188
1137<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Danger 2! - Vegetation!
- Wind turbine.
1138<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 253 - Danger 2! - Wind turbines! -
1139<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Attention! - STAY ON CAP 253 - OFF TRACK!
1140<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - CAP 253 - Stay focused!
1141<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - HEY! KEEP ON CAP! Wake up!
1142<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! Between ROCKS!
1144<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue on CAP 257
1145<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left on Track
1147<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on TRACK!
1148<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! Stay on Track!
1149<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go to Off Track - Danger 2!
1151<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and seven hundred - Attention! - KEEP GOING ON CAP 116
1152<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - CAP 116 - Attention!
1153<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - Go ahead, TO TRACK! - TRACES! - WAYPOINT OK!
1154<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on TRACES.
1155<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! Stay focused!
1156<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep Left on CAP 117
1158<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue along the Beach. - CAP 117
1159<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue along the Beach!
1160<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1161<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
1162<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - CP!
1163<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
1164<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1165<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Go Ahead, TO TRACK!
1166<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Get ready to go Right on RIO.
1167<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT, ON RIO! - TRACES!
1168<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on RIO.
1169<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - leave Track!
1170<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT - LEAVE TRACK ON CAP 119
1171<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue ON CAP 119
1172<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Attention! - STAY ON CAP 119 - Continue along the
1173<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep going along the Beach!
1174<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SAND!
1175<!sp!>1<!sp!>SAND! - CAP 115
1176<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue along the Beach
1177<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - GO! GO! KEEP PUSHING!
1178<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - Danger 2!
1179<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - Danger 2! - FIND TRACES!
1180<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE KMS TO FINISH LINE!
1181<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! Well done!
1182<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go?!! Let´s do this!
1183<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start ON DUNES - CAP 17
1184<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - GO!
1185<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - STAY ON CAP 17 - Dunes!
1186<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right.
1187<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 101
1188<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Continue on CAP 101
1189<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 350
1190<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Continue on CAP 350
1191<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Attention! Vegetation! -
CAP 63
1192<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW!- TURN RIGHT TO CAP 63! - Rocks on the left side! - WAYPOINT
1193<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on CAP 63
1194<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left. - Danger 2! - Dunes!
1195<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 344! - Danger 2! Dunes! - WAYPOINT OK!
1196<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on CAP 344
1197<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Danger 2!
1198<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - RIGHT TO CAP 59! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1199<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Continue on CAP 59
1200<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Tight Right. - Danger 2!
1201<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 166! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1202<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - STAY ON CAP 166
1203<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on CAP 166
1204<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Hairpin Left. - Danger 2!
1205<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT TO CAP 30! - Dunes! Danger 2!
1206<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on CAP 30 - Dunes! Danger 2! - Attention!
1207<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep Left! - Dunes! Danger 2!
1208<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - KEEP LEFT TO CAP 342! - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1209<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue on CAP 342
1210<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DOWNHILL! DANGER 3!
1211<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - DOWNHILL DUNES! - Attention! - CAP 342
1212<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - STAY ON CAP 342
1213<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Attention! CONTINUE ON 342
1214<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Hairpin Right. - Dunes! Danger 2!
1215<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 118 - Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1216<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and a half - STAY ON CAP 118
1217<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Dunes! Attention! Be careful! - CAP 118
1218<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Hairpin Left - DANGER 3! Up and
Downhill Dunes!
1219<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT TO CAP 328 - DANGER 3! - UP and DOWNHILL DUNES!
1220<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and a half - STAY ON CAP 328 - Attention on DUNES!
1221<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Remain on CAP! Attention! CAP 328
1222<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right! - Dune VALLEY! - Danger 2!
1224<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on DUNE VALLEY! - Attention!
1225<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue through VALLEY.
1226<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - UPHILL! DANGER 3!
1227<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! UPHILL! - TURN LEFT TO CAP 27!
1228<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue on Off Track on CAP 27.
1229<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Attention to CAP! Stay on 27.
1230<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Main Track! - DANGER 3!
1232<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue on MAIN TRACK.
1233<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Be ready for BUMP! DANGER 3!
1234<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 3!
1235<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue on MAIN TRACK.
1236<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Tight Left Danger 2! - Rock on the left
1237<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT ON MAIN TRACK! Danger 2!
1238<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Continue on MAIN TRACK.
1239<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - STAY ON MAIN TRACK.
1240<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave MAIN TRACK! - Danger 2!
1241<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO TRACK! - UPHILL! Danger 2!
1242<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - STAY ON TRACK.
1243<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead on TRACK - Danger 2! - STEP and
1244<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO TRACK! - STEP and DOWNHILL! Danger 2! - TRACES!
1245<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - STAY ON TRACK.
1246<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on TRACK
1247<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep Left, on TRACK - Danger 2! - SAND!
1248<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT ON TRACK! - Danger 2! - SAND!
1249<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - REMAIN ON TRACK.
1250<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on TRACK.
1251<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2!
1252<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - More or less visible. - TIGHT RIGHT ON TRACK! -
CAP 170
1253<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - KEEP GOING ON TRACK!
1256<!sp!>1<!sp!>Let´s go! - Start on Track! - More or less visible in Vegetation.
1257<!sp!>1<!sp!>5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - GO!
1258<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on Track.
1259<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - Go straight ahead. Track more or less
1260<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Let´s go! - Stay on track. - Attention!
1261<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - HOLE! - STEP UP! DANGER 2!
1262<!sp!>1<!sp!>HOLE WITH STEP UP! DANGER 2!
1263<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - STAY ON TRACK! - Go straight ahead.
1264<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep going on track! - Attention!
1265<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Water on track. - More or less visible.
1266<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION - WATER ON TRACK! - Go ahead, to CAP 133!
1267<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on track, more or less visible - CAP 133
1268<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Attention! Stay on track!
1269<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - HOLES! Danger 2! - STEP DOWN and STEP UP!
1270<!sp!>1<!sp!>HOLES! DANGER 2! - STEP UP and STEP DOWN! - Careful!
1271<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms and a half - Continue on track.
1272<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay focused on track!
1273<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to TURN LEFT.
1274<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW - TURN LEFT TO TRACK ON CAP 68! - DANGER 2! - DROP!
1275<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue to Dune Valley - CAP 68
1276<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and a half - Attention! - Stay on track.
1277<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - STRAIGHT AHEAD ON MAIN TRACK!
1279<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on Main Track.
1280<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay focused!
1281<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - ON SIGNPOST, Bump and Downhill!
1282<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION- BUMP and DOWNHILL! - CAP 38
1283<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
1284<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on track. - Attention.
1285<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - NARROW GATE - DANGER 2!
1286<!sp!>1<!sp!>NARROW GATE! - DANGER 2!
1287<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five Kms - Continue on track.
1288<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Stay focused.
1289<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - ON SIGNPOST, TRACK! - TWISTY - DANGER 2!
1290<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! DANGER 2! - Hole on the Right side!
1291<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred- Attention! TIGHT RIGHT! - DANGER 2! - Ruins,
straight ahead!
1292<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - DANGER 2! -DROP! TWISTY!
1293<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms and seven hundred - Continue on track. - Attention!
1294<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Remain focused.
1295<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right. - Hole on the Left side.
1297<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Kms - Continue on track.
1298<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Keep focused! Go straight ahead.
1299<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left. - HOLE INSIDE DANGER 2! -
More or less visible.
1300<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION - TIGHT LEFT! - HOLE INSIDE DANGER 2! - More or less
1301<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five Kms - Continue on track.
1302<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
1303<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DITCH! DANGER 2! - Water on track.
1304<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! DANGER 2! - Attention! WATER!
1305<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Kms and a half - Continue on track.
1306<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused on track!
1307<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CROSS WATER! - Rock on the Right side - Danger 2!
1309<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Go straight ahead on track.
1310<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - KEEP RIGHT TO VALLEY. - CAP 113
1311<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT TO VALLEY - CAP 113
1312<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1313<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30
1314<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1317<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km - Keep going ahead on track. - Go! Go!
1318<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! TIGHT RIGHT! - Danger 2!
1319<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! - DANGER 2! - More or less visible. - TWISTY.
1320<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
1321<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention!
1322<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! CROSS NARROW GATE. - Danger 2!
1323<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! More or less visible. - CROSS NARROW GATE! - Danger 2!
1324<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
1325<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Straight ahead! Go!
1326<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - KEEP LEFT, ON TRACK. - DOWNHILL! DANGER 2!
1327<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING! - DOWNHILL! DANGER 2! - More or less visible.
1328<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Stay on track.
1329<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2! - UNDULATION.
1330<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - UNDULATION! - WAYPOINT OK!
1331<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP and DOWNHILL! DANGER 2! - Rocks on the left
1332<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - DANGER 2! - DOWNHILL! - Attention.
1333<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Cross River - DANGER 3!
1334<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River - DANGER 3!
1335<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! - CROSS RIVER! - DANGER 3! -WAYPOINT OK! - GO!
1336<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km - Continue on track.
1337<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! - UNDULATION! DANGER 2! - DIP!
1338<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - UNDULATION! DANGER 2! - DIP! - TWISTY TRACK!
1339<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Go straight ahead on track.
1340<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going forward. - ROCKS on the Left side.
1341<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Let´s go!
1342<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track. - Attention.
1343<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep going forward.
1344<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! KEEP LEFT. - DANGER 2!
1345<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! KEEP LEFT! - DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
1346<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and seven hundred - Keep going!
1347<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! KEEP LEFT! DOWNHILL! - DANGER 2!
1348<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! KEEP LEFT! - DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
1349<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Attention - Continue in twisty track!
1350<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track.
1351<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TURN LEFT, BETWEEN RUINS! - CAP 76
1352<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! LEFT, MORE OR LESS VISIBLE! - TWISTY! - CAP 76!
1353<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on track. - Attention! Twisty!
1354<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep going.
1355<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TIGHT RIGHT! - More or less visible. - ROCKS ahead!
1356<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - Attention. - More or less visible. - CAP 171!
1357<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Stay on track.
1358<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - NARROW BETWEEN ROCKS! - BUMP! - DANGER 2!
1359<!sp!>1<!sp!>NARROW BETWEEN ROCKS!- BUMP! - DANGER 2! - TIGHT RIGHT - More or
less visible.
1360<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue on track. - Attention! TWISTY!
1361<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - NARROW BETWEN ROCKS!
1362<!sp!>1<!sp!>NARROW! - TURN LEFT! - GO!
1363<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and a half - Continue straight ahead. - Attention.
1364<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - MUD PUDDLE, times TWO! - DANGER 3!
1365<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 3! - MUD PUDDLE, times TWO! - DANGER 3! - WAYPOINT OK!
1366<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue straight ahead on track. - Go! Go!
1367<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Narrow Gate.
1369<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms to FINISH! Let´s go!
1370<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP PUSHING! - Let´s finish this!
1371<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! - CONGRATS BUDDY! - GOOD JOB!
1372<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go? - Let´s get busy!
1373<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on Track, on CAP 177 - Focus!
1374<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
1375<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - STAY ON TRACK - CAP 177
1376<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused.
1377<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred- Go Left to MAIN TRACK.
1378<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT! - MAIN TRACK!
1379<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Right. - Continue on MAIN TRACK.
1380<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT! - MAIN TRACK!
1381<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Attention. - Main Track during seven kms.
1382<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Remain focused. -Let's go!
1383<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DIP! - Danger 2!
1384<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! - DIP! DANGER 2!
1385<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - Continue on Main Track
1386<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Keep going! - Main Track
1387<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Let´s go. Straight ahead on Main Track.
1388<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right. - Danger 2!
1389<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - DANGER 2! - Attention!
1390<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on Main Track. - Keep paying attention.
1391<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50 - RUINS on the left side.
1392<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50!
1393<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Cross bridge. - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50.
1394<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention on bridge!
1395<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE, ON RUINS. - Right side.
1396<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! GO!
1397<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms - Continue on MAIN TRACK. - CAP 240
1398<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Keep focused on Main Track. - Let´s go!
1399<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep your concentration on this fast track!
1400<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention - BUMP! - Danger 2!
1401<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - DANGER 2!
1402<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Continue on Main Track
1403<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! Concentrate.
1404<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - On the Houses.
1405<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1406<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Attention! Go Left!
1407<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT! - MAIN TRACK! - Attention.
1408<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - Between the houses!
1410<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and a half - Continue going straight on MAIN TRACK.
1411<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Stay on Main Track - Keep going straight ahead.
1412<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused! - Let´s go!
1413<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DIP! COMPRESSION! - Danger 2!
1414<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! - DANGER 2! - COMPRESSION!
1415<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue straight ahead on Main Track. - Attention.
1416<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms -Main Track. - Stay focused.
1417<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50 - RUINS on the right side.
1418<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50! - Attention!
1419<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX HUNDRED - HOLE! DANGER 3! - Go Left to Off Track.
1420<!sp!>1<!sp!>HOLE! DANGER 3! - GO LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 155
1421<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - TIGHT RIGHT! Between Houses! - Attention!
1422<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - Attention! Houses! - CAP 251
1423<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on CAP 251 - Attention! Off Track.
1424<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left to Main Track. - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE.
1426<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on Main
1427<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on Main Track. - Let´s go!
1428<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention. - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - On the BARREL,
on the Right side.
1429<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Go straight ahead.
1430<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO HUNDRED - Cross road! - CP on SIGNPOST!
1431<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Go straight ahead on Main Track -
1432<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead. - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
- WELL on the Right side
1433<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO!
1434<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on Main Track - Let´s go!
1435<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - RIGHT ON MAIN TRACK! - Attention!
1436<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - CAP 257!
1437<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on Main Track.
1438<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms- Attention. - Keep focused!
1439<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for TIGHT LEFT. - Rock on the Right side.
1440<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - DANGER 2! - More or less visible.
1441<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms - Continue on Main Track - Attention!
1442<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Keep focused! - Fast tracks!
1443<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! Keep your concentration.
1444<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2!
1445<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - Attention!
1446<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead on Main Track.
1447<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2!
1448<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - Attention!
1449<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seventeen kms - Attention! - Continue straight ahead on Main
1450<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Stay focused.
1451<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on Main Track.
1452<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! DIP! - Danger 2! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30
1454<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR HUNDRED - CROSS RIVER.
1455<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! - Go straight ahead, between the Houses.
1457<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Circular fence on the right side.
1458<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seventeen kms - Attention! - Continue straight ahead on Main
1459<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Remain focused. - Go straight ahead.
1460<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on Main Track.
1461<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross bridge!
1462<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross bridge - Go straight ahead.
1463<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms - Continue straight ahead on Main Track
1464<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Keep focused!
1465<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Let´s go!
1466<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Cross Rail Road - BUMP! DANGER 3!
1467<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RAIL ROAD! - BUMP! DANGER 3! - WAYPOINT OK!
1468<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue on Main Track. - Go!
1469<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep going on Main Track. - Focus!
1470<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave Main Track and Turn Right to Track.
1471<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK ON CAP 101!
1472<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Go straight ahead on Track on CAP 101.
1473<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on track. - Keep attention on CAP!
1474<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River. - Hole on the Left side! Danger 2!
1475<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross River! - Hole on the Left side! - DANGER 2!
1476<!sp!>1<!sp!>Sixteen kms -Stay on Track. - Go! Go!
1477<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Attention on Track.
1478<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep focused! - Go straight ahead.
1479<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross MUD! Danger 2!
1480<!sp!>1<!sp!>MUD! - DANGER 2! - CAP 79!
1481<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue straight ahead on CAP 79
1482<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention. - Turn Left.
1483<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! - TURN LEFT! - Go Between the mountains.
1484<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue on track - Attention.
1485<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn LEFT. -Danger 2!
1486<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - BETWEEN POST AND ROCK! - DANGER 2!
1487<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and six hundred - Continue on Track.
1488<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Continue straight ahead - Posts on the left side.
1489<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross bridge. - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50
1490<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50!
1491<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and three hundred - Continue going straight on track -
1492<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT ON TRACK! - SPEED LIMIT!
1493<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and two hundred - Continue going straight on track - SPEED
1494<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT ON TRACK! - SPEED LIMIT!
1495<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Continue going straight on track - SPEED LIMIT!
1496<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT ON TRACK! - SPEED LIMIT!
1497<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue going straight on track - SPEED LIMIT!
1499<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Continue going straight on track -
1500<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - House on the left side.
1501<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Continue straight ahead on Track.
1502<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay focused! - Finish line is near! Let´s go!
1503<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TIGHT RIGHT! - Attention - More or less visible!
1504<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - More or less visible! - Let´s go!
1505<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Go straight ahead to FINISH LINE.
1506<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Concentrate! - Let´s go!
1507<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! WOW! WHAT A CHALLENGE!
1508<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go! - It's going to be a long one. Stay focused.
1509<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start ON TRACK with Undulation. - Be careful. - Danger 2!
1510<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
1511<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Attention! UNDULATION.
1512<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! Danger 2! - Watch out!
1513<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - Attention to Vegetation!
1514<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on Track. - Attention.
1515<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP and UNDULATION! - Danger 2!
1516<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND UNDULATION! - DANGER 2!
1517<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on Track - Careful with the Undulation.
1518<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Go straight ahead. - It´s a long stage today!
1519<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Bridge. - Danger 2!
1520<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 2! - Keep on the left side.
1521<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km- Continue straight ahead on Track.
1522<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going.
1523<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go straight ahead. - Main Track.
1524<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Keep going. - Main Track.
1525<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - TWO BUMPS! - DANGER 2!
1526<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO BUMPS! - DANGER 2! - ATTENTION!
1527<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - Attention!
1528<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1530<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TRACK, BETWEEN THE HOUSES! - More or less visible. -
1531<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Keep going and keep right on the Track.
1532<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING TO RIGHT TRACK. - WHEEL on the Right side.
1533<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Stay on Track.
1534<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - Go to Right Track.
1535<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING TO RIGHT TRACK!- Attention.
1536<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Remain on track - Attention on vegetation!
1537<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - GO TO LEFT TRACK! - UNDULATION! DANGER 2!
1538<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Straight ahead on track.
1539<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Keep attention on Track!
1540<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for a TIGHT RIGHT. - More or less
1541<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW !- TIGHT RIGHT! - More or less visible. - CAP 183!
1542<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Continue on CAP 183.
1543<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Attention! STAY ON TRACK.
1544<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention.
1545<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1546<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Continue straight ahead. - Attention! HOUSES!
1548<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 ENDS BETWEEN HOUSE on your LEFT
and ROUND FENCE on your RIGHT.
1549<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1550<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on MAIN TRACK .
1551<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Remain on Main Track. - Stay focused.
1552<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - Attention! HOUSES!
1553<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention! HOUSES!
1554<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Prepare to turn Left on MAIN TRACK.
1555<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON MAIN TRACK! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
1556<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Keep going on Main Track - Reaching END OF SPEED
LIMIT ZONE! - House on the left side.
1557<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! GO!
1558<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - REMAIN ON MAIN TRACK.
1559<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! - Keep going.
1560<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to Cross River - Danger 2!
1561<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - CROSS RIVER! DANGER 2!
1562<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - CONTINUE ON MAIN TRACK.
1563<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Attention on vegetation.
1564<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn Left on Main Track! - River on the
Right side.
1565<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - STAY ON MAIN TRACK!
1566<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on Main Track.
1567<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused! - Remain on Main Track.
1568<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to leave Main Track on your Right. - More
or less visible.
1569<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! ON YOUR RIGHT! LEAVE MAIN TRACK. - More or less visible. -
1570<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Continue on Track. - Bad!
1571<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. Round fence on the Left side.
1572<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1573<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO HUNDRED - PC!
1574<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Cross Road ahead! - Danger 2!
1575<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - RUINS ON THE LEFT SIDE.
1576<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1577<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and six hundred - Keep going.
1578<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY ON TRACK.
1579<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead.
1580<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River - Danger 2!
1581<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! - DANGER 2! - CAP 230!
1582<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Continue on track.
1583<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Keep focused. - Go on!
1584<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Let´s go!
1585<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left. - Track more or less
1586<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - more or less visible. - CAP 136!
1587<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on Track. - Attention.
1588<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - BUMP and DIP! - Danger 2!
1589<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP and DIP! - DANGER 2! - UNDULATION!
1590<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms and seven hundred - Keep going! Pay attention! -
1591<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Keep focused. - Straight ahead.
1592<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Attention.
1593<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention. House on the Left
1594<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1595<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go forward and pass to the right of the houses.
1596<!sp!>1<!sp!>Pass to the right of the houses - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! -
1597<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep on the right of the houses.
1598<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Track and FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - House on
the Left side.
1599<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Cross Track ahead. - CAP 196!
1600<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue on track.
1601<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention. - BUMP and DIP! - Danger 2!
1602<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP and DIP! - DANGER 2! - UNDULATION! - Go straight between the
1603<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - KEEP FOCUSED!
1604<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight on track.
1605<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO AHEAD!
1606<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Stay on track.
1607<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1608<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Rock on Left side.
1609<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and one hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
1610<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Let´s go! - Go on!
1611<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Cross track!
1612<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Remain on track.
1613<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn left after RUINS on the Left side.
1614<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT AFTER THE RUINS! - Rocks on the Right side. - Attention!
1615<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on track after RUINS.
1616<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track - Danger 2!
1617<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 46! - TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
1618<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on track.
1619<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - ATTENTION - Get ready to turn RIGHT on the WHEEL -
1620<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 131! - More or less visible.
1621<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Continue straight ahead. - CAP 131!
1623<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going.
1624<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1626<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Attention. Straight ahead. - Between rocks.
1628<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1629<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT!
1630<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five km and two hundred - Keep going on Off Track.
1631<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three km - Attention on vegetation. - Go on.
1632<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Danger 2! - Undulation.
1633<!sp!>1<!sp!>UNDULATION! DANGER 2! - GO STRAIGHT AHEAD! More or less visible.
1634<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep going.
1635<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! - Go straight ahead.
1636<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! UNDULATION! - Track more or less
1637<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING! - Track more or less visible - UNDULATION. - CAP 151.
1638<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Continue on OFF TRACK
1639<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention! Stay on Track.
1640<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD! - Attention to ROCK. - WAYPOINT OK!
1641<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Continue straight ahead on track.
1642<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - KEEP GOING STRAIGHT.
1643<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING STRAIGHT! - Attention.
1644<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Continue moving forward.
1645<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to go forward, to the right.
1647<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Straight ahead, on Track.
1648<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - STRAIGHT AHEAD!
1650<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Straight ahead, on track.
1651<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to go RIGHT. - Between Rocks!
1652<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT, TO CAP 272! - BETWEEN ROCKS!
1653<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six km and seven hundred - Keep going.
1654<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Km - Attention! Stay on track.
1655<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! BUMP! - Danger 2! - More or less
1656<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - DANGER 2! - More or less visible. - CAP 334!
1657<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Follow track. Keep going.
1658<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue pushing forward.
1659<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING!
1660<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Stay on track.
1661<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
1662<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD - More or less visible. - DANGER 2! - Rock on left
side! - CAP 285.
1663<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
1664<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Prepare to go RIGHT. - Between Rocks. - More or
less visible. - DANGER 2!
1665<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT! - BETWEEN ROCKS! - DANGER 2!
1666<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED - Go straight ahead.
1667<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING! - CAP 310!
1668<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Stay on track.
1669<!sp!>1<!sp!>CONTINUE GOING FORWARD!
1670<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Attention! Remain on track.
1671<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue going straight ahead.
1673<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Follow track, straight on.
1674<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going.
1675<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP STRAIGHT TO CAP 319! - Rock on the Left side.
1676<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue straight ahead on track.
1677<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Stay on track. - Between rocks.
1678<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY ON TRACK! - BETWEEN ROCKS! - More or less visible.
1679<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
1680<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left. - More or less visible.
1681<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP270! - More or less visible. - WAYPOINT OK!
1682<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Keep going on CAP 270.
1683<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead!
1684<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING FORWARD. - River on the Left side.
1685<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Go straight ahead along the river.
1687<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Stay on track.
1688<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK. - Rock on the Left side.
1689<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1690<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Rock on the Left side.
1691<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Continue straight ahead along the river.
1693<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - Continue along the river.
1694<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING ALONG THE RIVER.
1695<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue ahead on track.
1696<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to go Left. - More or less visible.
1697<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT TO CAP 210! - Attention! - WAYPOINT OK!
1698<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on track. - CAP 210
1699<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO FORWARD!- Let´s go!
1700<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Continue on track.
1701<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Rocks on the left side!
1702<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms- Keep going on track - Attention.
1703<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused - Stay on track.
1704<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - Wheel on the Left side.
1705<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TAKE TRACK - CAP 181!
1706<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Attention! Keep going straight ahead on track.
1708<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue on track.
1709<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to go Left.
1710<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT. - CAP 166! - Rock on the Left side.
1711<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1713<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five km and six hundred - Continue on Main Track.
1714<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Focus! Remain on Main Track.
1715<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! - DANGER 2!
1716<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - DANGER 2! - GO STRAIGHT AHEAD! CAP 148!
1717<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep going on main track
1718<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - Round fence on your Left and
House on your Right.
1719<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Go straight ahead!
1720<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on Main Track - SPEED LIMIT ZONE.
1721<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1722<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Continue pushing forward.
1723<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO AHEAD, ON CAP 157!
1724<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Remain on Main Track.
1725<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - House on the Left side.
1726<!sp!>1<!sp!>START A SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Keep going.
1727<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Cross village - Attention.
1728<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! - Go straight ahead. - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1729<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Keep going. - Cross bridge.
1731<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
1732<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - Cross bridge.
1733<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, ON TRACK! - CROSS BRIDGE!
1735<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE!- KEEP GOING!
1736<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Get ready to turn Left along the river.
1737<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ALONG THE RIVER.
1738<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track along the river - Follow posts on the
Right side.
1739<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on track.
1740<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - House on Left side.
1741<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30
1742<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1743<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! Village! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1744<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE FINISH at round
fence on the Left side.
1746<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
1747<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Stay focused. Keep going straight ahead.
1748<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO! GO! - CROSS ELETRIC LINES! - CAP 96!
1749<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track.
1750<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! - Let´s go!
1751<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - keep ahead - Cross many tracks ahead.
1752<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING STRAIGHT! - Cross many tracks. - CAP 103
1753<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and one hundred - Go straight ahead on Main Track.
1754<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Remain concentrated. - Let´s go!
1755<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right - Rocks ahead!
1756<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON TRACK TO CAP 165!
1757<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
1758<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! Keep focused!
1759<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going forward. - Cross track!
1760<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - CROSS TRACK!
1761<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half- Stay on track.
1762<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left.
1763<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TRACK! CAP 21!
1764<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
1765<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right.
1766<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT.
1767<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Get ready to turn Right - Electric Line just ahead.
1768<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - CAP 142!
1769<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three km and eight hundred - Keep going forward on track.
1770<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - Between the houses!
1771<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1772<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Attention! Go Right! Between the Houses.
1773<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT! - Attention! Speed limit zone!
1774<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead on track.
1775<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING! - Speed limit zone!
1776<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
1777<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! - Cross electric lines ahead.
1778<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Stay on track.
1779<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - Leave electric lines on the left side.
1780<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Remain on track.
1782<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
1783<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused! Let´s go!
1784<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - House on your Left side and
round fence on your Right.
1785<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1786<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Go right! Between the Houses
1787<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT! - Attention on village! SPEED LIMIT 30!
1788<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Turn Left at the end of the Houses - More or less
1789<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT - Attention! More or less visible - SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1790<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Keep going straight on village.
1791<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO AHEAD TO THE RIGHT! - SPEED LIMIT 30!
1792<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Round fence on the right
1793<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! GO!
1794<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and a half - Stay on track - GO!
1795<!sp!>1<!sp!>two kms - Stay focused!
1796<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1797<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1798<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue along the Houses on the Left side.
1799<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD.
1800<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - Water tank on the right
1801<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! Follow electric lines.
1802<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Forward, along the electric lines.
1803<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Danger 2!
1804<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 212! - UNDULATION! DANGER 2!
1805<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and three hundred - Continue on track. - CAP 212
1806<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Remain focused.
1807<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - Round fence on the Left side.
1808<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1809<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
1810<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead. - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1811<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
1812<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO!
1813<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Go straight ahead. - Attention.
1814<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left! - Danger 2!
1815<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - DANGER 2!
1816<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and four hundred - Follow track.
1817<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep focused. - Let´s go!
1818<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - Ruins on the right side.
1819<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1820<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Tight Left - House on the Right side.
1821<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! TIGHT LEFT!
1822<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - House on the Right side.
1823<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO!
1824<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
1825<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross river. - danger 3!
1826<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIVER! DANGER 3! - Attention! Cross river slowly! - WAYPOINT OK!
1827<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and two hundred - Stay on track.
1828<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - KEEP FOCUSED! - GO ON!
1829<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - Ruins on the Right side.
1830<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1831<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue on track
1832<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - PC! - TIGHT LEFT, TO ROAD!
1834<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Leave Road and turn Right to Track. - SPEED LIMIT
1835<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! - Attention! - WAYPOINT OK!
1836<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Ruins on the Right side.
1837<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - DANGER 2! - GO!
1838<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and five hundred - Keep going forward on track.
1840<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Remain on track.
1841<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Turn Right to Track. - Wheel on the
right side!
1842<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK!
1843<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - Between the Houses!
1844<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1845<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Ruins on the right side.
1846<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! GO!
1847<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
1848<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2!
1849<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
1850<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Keep going.
1851<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross river! Danger 3!
1852<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIVER! DANGER 3! - Attention! Cross river slowly! - WAYPOINT OK!
1853<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Straight ahead.
1854<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused! Let´s go!
1855<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - On the barrel, go Left.
1856<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT!
1857<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead
1858<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross river. Danger 3!
1859<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIVER! DANGER 3! - Cross river slowly!
1860<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - House on the Left side
1861<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1862<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Finish speed limit zone!
1864<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms- Continue on track.
1865<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - WAKE UP! Let´s go!
1866<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! BUMP! - Danger 2!
1867<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - STEP UP! - CAP 148!
1868<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on Track
1869<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Let´s go! - Keep pushing.
1870<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the right - Vegetation!
1871<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - Let´s go!
1872<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Go straight, to the right.
1873<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT, TO THE RIGHT.
1874<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Stay on track.
1875<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - Between the Houses.
1876<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1877<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead. - Speed limit zone!
1878<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead.
1879<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
1880<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO!
1881<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
1882<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Let´s go! - STAY ON TRACK!
1883<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to track.
1884<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON TWISTY TRACK! - DANGER 2!
1885<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Remain on track.
1886<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Narrow, between rocks. - Tight Left.
1888<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and two hundred - Keep going.
1889<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Remain concentrated!
1890<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30 - Left, on the house!
1891<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn Left. START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30
1892<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Turn Right, between the Houses.
1893<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - Continue speed limit zone 30.
1894<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Ruins on the Right side.
1895<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE.
1896<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on track.
1897<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - STAY FOCUSED! GO ON!
1898<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River - Danger 2!
1899<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
1900<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Forward to the right and across river.
1901<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! - DANGER 2!
1902<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Stay on track.
1903<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, on the Left - Rock on the left side.
1904<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, ON THE LEFT! - Rock on the left side.
1905<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - FORWARD, ON THE RIGHT!
1906<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO RIGHT, ALONG THE RIVER!
1907<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Keep going.
1908<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1909<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1910<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Straight ahead.
1911<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left. - Houses just ahead.
1912<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT ON TRACK!
1913<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Go Left.
1914<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT! - FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1915<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Continue on track.
1916<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1918<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
1919<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Ruins on the right side.
1920<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - GO AHEAD!
1921<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on track.
1922<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross river. - Danger 2! - Rocks on the left side.
1923<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! DANGER 2!
1924<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - Stay on track - Keep going!
1925<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Focus! - Go on!
1926<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Let´s go! - STAY ON TRACK!
1927<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right before the houses. - SPEED
1929<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - House on the left side.
1930<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO!
1931<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on track.
1932<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to go forward, to the Left - Rock just
1933<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! CAREFUL!
1934<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Remain on track.
1935<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Pay attention! Stay on track.
1936<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the right.
1937<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT.
1938<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms and a half - Keep going straight ahead.
1939<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Remain focused! Let´s go!
1940<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - GO ON!
1941<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue forward, to the Right.
1942<!sp!>1<!sp!>TO THE RIGHT! - CAP 259!
1943<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Straight ahead.
1944<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Enter RIO just ahead - Between rocks! - Danger 2!
1945<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
1946<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Continue in RIO.
1947<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left and leave Rio. - Between houses. - SPEED
1949<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Between rocks.
1950<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
1951<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and six hundred - Remain on track.
1952<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Remain concentrated!
1953<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP and DIP. - Danger 2!
1954<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP DANGER! - DIP DANGER 2! - Attention!
1955<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on track.
1956<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Bridge. - Danger 2!
1957<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 2!
1958<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
1959<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead. - Cross track just ahead. -
Rocks on the left side.
1960<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Cross track! - FOLLOW POSTS! - Rocks on the
left side.
1961<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Straight ahead, on track.
1963<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Remain on track.
1964<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the right. - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1965<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1966<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
1967<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING!
1968<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Get ready to turn Right. - Rock on the left side.
1969<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT. - Rock on the left side.
1970<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - DIP! DANGER 2!
1971<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP WITH COMPRESSION! - DANGER 2! - Rock on the right side. -
Straight ahead! TWISTY!
1972<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track. - TWISTY!
1973<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Go on!
1974<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. - House on the right side.
1975<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - KEEP GOING!
1976<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Rocks on the right
1977<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - GO! GO!
1978<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
1979<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Focus! Let´s go!
1980<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for TIGHT LEFT. - House just ahead.
1981<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! CROSS RIVER! - Attention.
1982<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
1983<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River! Danger 2!
1984<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! DANGER 2!
1985<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Remain on track.
1986<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the right. Off Track! - Danger 2!
1987<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! OFF TRACK! - CAP 180!
1988<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue on CAP 180.
1989<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
1990<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1991<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn Left, to track. - House just ahead.
1992<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, TO TRACK! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
1993<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO HUNDRED - PC!
1994<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Danger 2! - Straight ahead.
1995<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
1996<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO OFF TRACK! - DANGER 2! - CAP 180! - FINISH SPEED
1997<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Stay on CAP 180.
1998<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five Hundred - Turn Left to Track. - Undulation! Danger 2! -
2000<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
2001<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Attention! Stay on track. - Go on!
2002<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE. - Between houses.
2003<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2004<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going. Remain on track.
2005<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Barrel on the right
2006<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - On barrel.
2007<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms - Stay on track. - Let´s go!
2008<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on track.
2009<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP and DIP! - Danger 2!
2010<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP and DIP WITH COMPRESSION! - DANGER 2!
2011<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2012<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to Off Track. - Ruins!
2013<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - Danger 2! - CAP 138!
2014<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - Remain on Off Track! CAP 138!
2015<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Let´s go!
2016<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - KEEP PUSHING! - GO! GO!
2017<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right into RIO. - Danger 2!
2018<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO RIO! - DANGER 2! - TWISTY! - WAYPOINT OK!
2019<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on RIO.
2020<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Stay on RIO - Let´s go!
2021<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Before the bridge, turn Left and leave RIO.
2022<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - LEAVE RIO! - CAP 132!
2023<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred to Finish line! Keep pushing!
2024<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! Wow! This was a real challenge!
2025<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to go!
2026<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start ON TRACK with Undulation - Attention!
2027<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
2028<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Stay on track. - Attention!
2029<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - Undulation. - Danger 1!
2031<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Straight ahead towards RIO.
2032<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, INTO RIO! - CAP 137
2033<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Stay on track.
2034<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave RIO!
2035<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - LEAVE RIO!
2036<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Straight ahead on track.
2037<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP and DIP DANGER 2 DURING 20 KMS!
2038<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND DIP with compression! DANGER 2!
2039<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Remain on track.
2040<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! - Stay on track.
2041<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Undulation!
2042<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!- Attention! UNDULATION
2043<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fourteen kms and a half - Attention! Stay on Track!
2044<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay focused! - Attention!
2045<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Attention to BUMPS and DIPS! - Keep going!
2046<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP and DIP! DANGER 2!
2047<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP and DIP! DANGER 2! - CAP 125!
2048<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on track. Go straight ahead.
2049<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left! - Hole, on the Right! - Danger 3!
2051<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue going straight ahead.
2052<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Rio - Danger 1!
2053<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! KEEP GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Danger 1!
2054<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2055<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross Rio. - Downhill! - Danger 2!
2056<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! PUSH FORWARD! - Downhill! DANGER 2!
2057<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
2058<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left and Enter in RIO! - Step down! - Danger
2060<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and one hundred - Follow RIO
2061<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Keep going on RIO
2062<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward and to the Right in RIO
2064<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Follow RIO
2065<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going. - Danger 2!
2066<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD IN RIO! - DANGER 2! - CAP 124! - WAYPOINT OK!
2067<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Continue in RIO.
2068<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right in RIO. - ROCKS! Danger 2!
2069<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT IN RIO - CAP 176! - ROCKS! DANGER 2!
2070<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - Continue in RIO. - CAP 176!
2071<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep going in RIO
2072<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five thousand - Step Up! Danger 2! - Attention!
2073<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON CAP 167! - STEP UP! - DANGER 2!
2074<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Go straight ahead on Track. - CAP 167
2075<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Off Track. - Attention! Rocks! - Danger 2!
2076<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD on CAP 167 - OFF TRACK! - ROCKS! DANGER 2!
2077<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and nine hundred - Stay on CAP 167.
2078<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay focused! - Attention!
2079<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right and enter in RIO - Step Down! - Danger
2080<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT AND ENTER IN RIO! - CAP 247! - STEP DOWN! DANGER 2! -
2081<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Follow RIO.
2082<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Continue in RIO!
2083<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead in RIO - Vegetation! - Rocks on the
left side! Danger 2!
2084<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD IN RIO - CAP 285! - WAYPOINT OK!
2085<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and two hundred - Follow RIO.
2086<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Pay attention! Stay inside Rio.
2087<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left and leave RIO! - DANGER 2!
2088<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT - LEAVE RIO! - CAP 207! - WAYPOINT OK!
2089<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Keep going on CAP 207.
2090<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - DANGER 2!
2091<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - DANGER 2!
2092<!sp!>1<!sp!>ONE HUNDRED - CROSS ROAD AHEAD! - CAP 207! - DANGER 2!
2093<!sp!>1<!sp!>ONE HUNDRED - CP! STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Continue straight
2095<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on Main Track
2096<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave Main Track. Turn left to Off
2097<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LEFT, TO OFF TRACK - CAP 224! -
Undulation! - DANGER 2!
2098<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and a half - Continue straight ahead on CAP 224.
2099<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay focused. Remain on CAP 224!
2100<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Downhill! Danger 2!
2101<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!- Attention! DOWNHILL! DANGER 2!
2102<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and two hundred - Continue Off Track.
2103<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - BUMP! DANGER 2! - UPHILL and DOWNHILL!
2104<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - UPHILL and DOWNHILL! - UNDULATION! - CAP 226! -
2105<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and three hundred - Continue on CAP 226! - Attention!
2106<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms and half - Careful with Undulation!
2107<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left, to Main Track - More or less
2108<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, TO MAIN TRACK - CAP 179! - WAYPOINT OK!
2109<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eighteen kms and two hundred - Continue on Main Track.
2110<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Concentrate! - Go straight ahead.
2111<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on Main Track!
2112<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross narrow bridge. - Danger 2!
2113<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS NARROW BRIDGE! - DANGER 2!
2114<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on Main
2115<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on Main Track.
2116<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Ditch! Danger 2! - Post on the Right Side.
2117<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! DANGER 2!
2118<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms - Keep going on Main Track.
2119<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six Kms - Stay focused. - Attention!
2120<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Tight Right! - Danger 2! - Twisty!
2121<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
2122<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Continue on Main Track.
2123<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Attention - Stay on track.
2124<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead. - Uphill!
2125<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON MAIN TRACK! - CAP 210!
2126<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - Continue on Main Track.
2127<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Holes on both sides! - Attention!
2128<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - HOLES ON BOTH SIDES!
2129<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms and nine hundred - Continue on Main Track.
2130<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Focus! - Go On!
2131<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead. Enter in RIO - Danger 2! - Canyon!
2132<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! ENTER RIO! DANGER 2! - CAP 280!
2133<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue in RIO.
2134<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left. - Leave RIO! - Step Up! Danger 2! - Rock
on the Left side!
2135<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT! - LEAVE RIO ON CAP 236!
2136<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and seven hundred - Continue on CAP 236.
2137<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Turn Right, to Track.
2138<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO TRACK! - UNDULATION!
2139<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
2140<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DIP! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2141<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2142<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn right on the Houses ahead.
2143<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO TRACK!
2144<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Cross River.
2145<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Cross River! Keep going! - DANGER 2!
2146<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2147<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left and Right between the Ruins. - Danger 2!
2148<!sp!>1<!sp!>Left and Right, between the Ruins. - DANGER 2! - SENSIBLE ZONE!
2149<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
2150<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Straight ahead. - Go On!
2151<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Rocks on the right side.
2152<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - UNDULATION!
2153<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track.
2154<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the left, to Off Track.
2155<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT - CAP 268! - OFF TRACK!
2156<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead in Off Track.
2157<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep pushing!
2158<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! - Big Rock on the right side! -
2159<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD IN OFF TRACK! - CAP 291!
2160<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Continue in Off Track. - CAP 291.
2161<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - On Big Stone ahead, turn Right. - Undulation.
2162<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO CAP 341! - DANGER 2! - UNDULATION!
2163<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seventeen kms and two hundred - Remain in Off Track - CAP 341!
2164<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Stay focused on CAP. - GO! GO!
2165<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - CAP 341!
2166<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the left to CAP 315!
2167<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT TO CAP 315! - DANGER 2!
2168<!sp!>1<!sp!>Sixteen kms and seven hundred - STAY ON CAP 315!
2169<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms to Finish line.
2170<!sp!>1<!sp!>Pay attention to CAP - 315! - Attention!
2171<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on CAP! Let´s go!
2172<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISHED! Well done
2173<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
2174<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention on vegetation. - Start on CAP 114
2175<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
2176<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Go straight ahead on CAP 114
2177<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and Dip! - Attention! - Danger 2!
2178<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP and DIP! - DANGER 2! - UNDULATION! - DANGER 2!
2179<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue straight ahead on track. - Undulation!
2180<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep going straight on track. - Keep going.
2181<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right on Off Track. - River on the
left side.
2182<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT ON CAP 159! - DANGER 2!
2183<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue off track on CAP 159
2184<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - go ahead - Focus on CAP.
2185<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - Danger 2!
2186<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT ON CAP 112 - DANGER 2! - OFFTRACK! - WAYPOINT OK!
2187<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and eight hundred - Follow CAP 112
2188<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue straight ahead, on CAP 112
2189<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 112
2190<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to Track. - Danger 2!
2191<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO TRACK! - TWISTY! DANGER 2!
2192<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead on track
2193<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Narrow Tight Left! - Danger 2!
2194<!sp!>1<!sp!>NARROW TIGHT LEFT! - DANGER 2!
2195<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and eight hundred - Continue going straight. Stay on
2196<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Cross River ahead!
2197<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - CROSS RIVER!
2198<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn left. Between houses
2199<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2200<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Cross river ahead.
2202<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and five hundred - Continue on track.
2203<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused! - Let´s Go!
2204<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn right to Track. Rock just ahead! - Attention!
2205<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! - CAP 212
2206<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
2207<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Let´s go! - Straight ahead!
2208<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River! Danger 2!
2209<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! DANGER 2! - Attention!
2210<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track. - Let´s go
2211<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River! Danger 2!
2212<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! DANGER 2! - Attention!
2213<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and four hundred - Remain on track.
2214<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
2215<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead to Off Track on CAP 49 -
Undulation! Danger 2!
2217<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue on CAP 49
2218<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left to Track.
2219<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TRACK!
2220<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River! - Attention!
2221<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! - ATTENTION!
2222<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Continue on track.
2223<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD. - Rock on the left side.
2224<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue on track.
2225<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going.
2226<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK.
2227<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Follow track.
2228<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! - Cross River and Dip! - Danger 2 with
2229<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - CROSS RIVER! DIP with compression! - Attention!
2230<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Stay on track. Keep going straight.
2231<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River! - Danger 2!
2232<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! - DANGER 2! - Keep to the Right.
2233<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Cross River! - Danger 2! - Twisty! - Rocks!
2234<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIVER! - DANGER 2! - ROCKS! - TWISTY!
2235<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and eight hundred - Straight ahead, on track. - Attention!
2236<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Stay on track.
2237<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
2239<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
2240<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused. - Let´s go!
2241<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Twisty! Danger 2! - Holes on both sides.
2242<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! DANGER 2! - HOLES ON THE SIDES!
2243<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue straight ahead.
2244<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left. More or less visible. - Rocks just
ahead. - Danger 2!
2245<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - Attention! More or less visible. - Danger 2!
2246<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and a half - Stay on track.
2247<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Straight ahead! - Let´s go.
2248<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross River! - Danger 2!
2250<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep going!
2251<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 3! - Holes on the sides! - Attention!
2253<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue straight ahead.
2254<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - Rock, just ahead. -
2255<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT.
2256<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Rock on the left side, after
2257<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - Rock on the Left side! - Attention!
2258<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight on track.
2260<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
2261<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. Cross River.
2263<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead - Twisty.
2264<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - TWISTY!
2265<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
2266<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Concentrate! - Let´s Go!
2267<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right. Between Rocks.
2269<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and a half - Straight ahead, on track.
2270<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Go ahead. - Stay focused!
2271<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on track. - Rock on the
Left side.
2272<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING! STAY ON TRACK!
2273<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Stay on Track.
2274<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead, to CAP 79!
2275<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON CAP 79.
2276<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
2277<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track.
2278<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK. - TWISTY!
2279<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
2280<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay focused. - Let´s go!
2281<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - Downhill! Danger 2! - Rocks
just ahead.
2282<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - DOWNHILL! DANGER 2!
2283<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
2284<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left! Between Rocks! - Narrow! - Danger 2!
2286<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead.
2287<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track. - Rocks on the left side.
2288<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
2289<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
2290<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going! - Rocks on the right side.
2291<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK.
2292<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Continue on track.
2293<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Between rocks. - Danger 2!
2295<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Continue straight ahead.
2296<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Rocks just ahead! -
Twisty! - Danger 2!
2297<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! - TWISTY! DANGER 2!
2298<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and eight hundred - Keep going.
2299<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three km - Focus on track! Let´s Go!
2300<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left and Right, between Rocks! - Danger 2! -
Narrow! - Hole on the right side!
2302<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and seven hundred - Go straight ahead.
2303<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep going! Let´s go!
2304<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Ditch! Danger 2! Tight Right!
2305<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! DANGER 2! - TIGHT RIGHT!
2306<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead to finish
line! Let´s go!
2307<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Kms - Remain focused. We're in the last Kms!
2308<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left. More or less visible. - Attention!
2309<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! DANGER 2! - More or less visible.
2310<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and two hundred to finish line!
2311<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Keep focused! Go! Go!
2312<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! CONGRATS! Good job!
2313<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] Pay attention.
2314<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] Pay attention to the CAP!
2315<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] We’re moving away from our CAP.
2316<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] We’re moving away from our bearing.
2317<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] CAP is not this way.
2318<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] Stay on course!
2319<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] Did you listen to me?
2320<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] We are moving too far away.
2321<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] Are you listening to me?
2322<!sp!>2<!sp!>[veering from CAP 5 degrees] We need to get our CAP.
2323<!sp!>3<!sp!>[too fast towards danger] Attention! DANGER!
2324<!sp!>3<!sp!>[too fast towards danger] Careful! We’re nearing a danger zone!
2325<!sp!>3<!sp!>[too fast towards danger] Attention! Approaching a danger zone!
2326<!sp!>3<!sp!>[too fast towards danger] Danger ahead!
2327<!sp!>3<!sp!>[too fast towards danger] Drive carefully! Danger ahead!
2328<!sp!>3<!sp!>[too fast towards danger] Watch out! There’s a danger zone close
2329<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Careful!
2330<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Careful! Careful! CAREFUL!
2331<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Watch out!
2332<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Attention! Careful with the car. We need to
avoid damage!
2333<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] That was a rough crash.
2334<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] You should be more careful.
2335<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Are you OK, buddy? I think the car is OK too.
2336<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Auch! That was rough.
2337<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] Are you hurt? No? OK. Let’s move on.
2338<!sp!>4<!sp!>[Hitting obstacles] It’s OK. It’s OK. I think we can go on.
2339<!sp!>5<!sp!>[Flat tire front] One of the front tires is flat!
2340<!sp!>5<!sp!>[Flat tire front] We have a flat tire! In the front.
2341<!sp!>5<!sp!>[Flat tire front] I think we have a flat tire!
2342<!sp!>5<!sp!>[Flat tire front] Flat tire. Flat tire! We should stop and check.
2343<!sp!>5<!sp!>[Flat tire front] Flat tire! We should stop.
2344<!sp!>5<!sp!>[Flat tire front] Stop. Stop. STOP! Flat tire.
2345<!sp!>6<!sp!>[Flat tire back]
2346<!sp!>6<!sp!>[Flat tire back]
2347<!sp!>6<!sp!>[Flat tire front] I think we have a flat tire!
2348<!sp!>6<!sp!>[Flat tire front] Flat tire. Flat tire! We should stop and check.
2349<!sp!>6<!sp!>[Flat tire front] Flat tire! We should stop.
2350<!sp!>6<!sp!>[Flat tire front] Stop. Stop. STOP! Flat tire.
2351<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We are lost! Let’s get back to the last roadbook
note we know.
2352<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We better get to the last note we know.
2353<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We’re lost. Let’s get back to the last roadbook
2354<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We’re lost and losing precious time. Let’s get
back to the last note.
2355<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We’re moving too far away.
2356<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] I think we’re lost.
2357<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We are far off from the track.
2358<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We should return to the last roadbook note.
2359<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We need to get our bearings right.
2360<!sp!>7<!sp!>[Lost from track] We’re way too far.
2361<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] Ready to go?
2362<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] Are you OK? OK. Good. Let’s go.
2363<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] That could’ve been worse. Let’s keep going.
2364<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] We’re OK. We’re OK!
2365<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] Let’s keep moving.
2366<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] It seems we’re OK to go.
2367<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] Does it start? Good. Let’s go.
2368<!sp!>8<!sp!>[accident] Nothing is broken. Let’s move.
2369<!sp!>9<!sp!>[a little after the driver leaves the car] So? Let’s keep moving?
2370<!sp!>9<!sp!>[a little after the driver leaves the car] Enough fresh air. Let’s
eat some dust.
2371<!sp!>9<!sp!>[a little after the driver leaves the car] The view is great but
we need to keep moving.
2372<!sp!>9<!sp!>[a little after the driver leaves the car] Is there something
2373<!sp!>9<!sp!>[a little after the driver leaves the car] No time to stop and
smell the flowers.
2374<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] You’re driving exactly like my granny.
2375<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] Are we going to get there today?
2376<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] Is there something wrong with the throttle?
2377<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] It seems that the throttle has a problem.
2378<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] You should drive a little faster.
2379<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] You know this is a competition, right?
2380<!sp!>10<!sp!>[driving too slow] Why are we slowing down?
2381<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] Easy. Easy. EASY! Let’s try and finish this in
one piece.
2382<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] Easy there, rocketman.
2383<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] Slow down or we will miss our mark.
2384<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] Is there something wrong with the brakes?
2385<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] It seems that the brakes are not working.
2386<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] You should drive a little slower.
2387<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] Reckless driving won’t get us to the podium if
we crash.
2388<!sp!>11<!sp!>[driving too fast] Why are you going so fast?
2389<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
2390<!sp!>1<!sp!>Let´s go. Follow the track! - Pay attention.
2391<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
2392<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Follow the track, straight ahead. - Let
´s go!
2393<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - Attention! More or less
visible - Rocks!
2394<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 138!
2395<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Cross water. DANGER 3! - Between Rocks! - Attention!
2397<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Continue straight ahead on track. -
Stay focused.
2398<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to Main Track. - Follow electric lines!
2400<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Continue on Main Track.
2401<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for a Tight Left. - Leave Main Track. -
2402<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! LEAVE MAIN TRACK! - ROAD! - DANGER 2!
2403<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and seven hundred - Stay on track. - Attention!
2404<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred- Continue on track. - Let´s go!
2405<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to go straight ahead to Off Track. -
Attention! - Sand!
2406<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 0! - SAND!
2407<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Stay on CAP 0 - Go straight ahead.
2408<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead. Uphill Dune. - Ruins on
the right side.
2410<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Continue on CAP 332
2411<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for downhill Dune. - Danger 3! - Palm tree
on the right side.
2412<!sp!>1<!sp!>DOWHILL DUNE! DANGER 3! - CAP 332!
2413<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Get ready to turn Left on CAP 256 - Dunes! - Palm
trees just ahead!
2414<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - LEFT TO CAP 256! - DUNES!
2415<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Downhill dunes! - Danger 2!
2416<!sp!>1<!sp!>DOWNHILL DUNES! DANGER 2! - CAP 292!
2417<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - CROSS DUNES ON CAP 295! DANGER 2 - SPEED
LIMIT ZONE 30 - Attention!
2418<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2419<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - CP! - Get ready to stop!
2421<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred to finish speed limit zone!
2423<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and one hundred - Stay on track! - Let´s go!
2424<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms to finish line - Remain focused!
2425<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep pushing! - Go! GO!
2426<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE!!! - Good Job!
2427<!sp!>12<!sp!>START: Welcome, partner! I’m your co-driver. I’m here to help you
with the navigation.
2428<!sp!>12<!sp!>START: You need to follow my instructions which I’ll read from
the “Road Book”.
2429<!sp!>12<!sp!>START: Let’s test your driving skills in this DAKAR 18 qualifying
2430<!sp!>13<!sp!>HELP: Let’s help that fellow over there. Sportsmanship always
pays off!
2431<!sp!>13<!sp!>HELP: Let’s get out and tow that car stuck in the mud.
2432<!sp!>13<!sp!>HELP: Pull the car out of the Mud pond.
2433<!sp!>13<!sp!>HELP: Let’s get out of the car and unhook the cable.
2434<!sp!>13<!sp!>HELP: Let’s go! Get back in and let’s keep moving!
2435<!sp!>14<!sp!>REPAIR: The car is damaged! Let’s stop and check it out.
2436<!sp!>14<!sp!>REPAIR: Well done! The car is now repaired and we are ready to
go! Get back in and let’s keep going!
2437<!sp!>15<!sp!>FAIL WP: We failed! We missed a lot of waypoints. Let’s try
2438<!sp!>16<!sp!>FAIL TIME: We failed! We need to do better time. Let’s try again!
2439<!sp!>17<!sp!>WIN INST INCMPLT: Great! We did it!
2440<!sp!>17<!sp!>WIN INST INCMPLT: Let’s try again and beat the time of another
2441<!sp!>18<!sp!>WIN INST CMPLT: Great! We did it!
2442<!sp!>18<!sp!>WIN INST CMPLT: We are ready for the real challenge in DAKAR 18.
2443<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go! - This is going to be a long day... Keep sharp!
2444<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on CAP 334
2445<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
2446<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - Keep going straight on track.
2447<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Let´s go!
2448<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on track.
2449<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue forward, to the Right.
2450<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT. - Keep going!
2451<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Stay on track.
2452<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Left, along the River. - Vegetation!
2453<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP GOING, ALONG THE RIVER!
2454<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue straight ahead.
2455<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left between trees to Off Track. - Danger 2! -
More or less visible.
2456<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT TO OFF TRACK ON CAP 290! - More or less visible. - FOLLOW
2457<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and four hundred - Continue on CAP 290
2458<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep on CAP 290
2459<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to Traces on CAP 23!
2460<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO TRACES - CAP 23! - WAYPOINT OK!
2461<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Continue on Traces.
2462<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on traces!
2463<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to traces on CAP 287
2464<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO TRACES ON CAP 287! - WAYPOINT OK!
2465<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Continue in traces. - CAP 287
2466<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead to Small Dunes. DANGER 2!
2467<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO SMALL DUNES! DANGER 2! - CAP 289!
2468<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Straight ahead on CAP 289 - Small Dunes!
Danger 2!
2469<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right! Danger 2!
2470<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 34! - OFF TRACK!
2471<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on CAP 34
2472<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 34
2473<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right on CAP 108. - Small Dunes!
Danger 2!
2474<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT! TO CAP 108! - Small Dunes! Danger 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
2475<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 108 - Small dunes! Danger 2!
2476<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross dune just ahead. Danger 2! - Rocks on the
left side.
2477<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS DUNE JUST AHEAD! - DANGER 2! - Rocks on the left.
2478<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead.
2479<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left - Follow Traces.
2480<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, ON TRACES! - CAP 19! - WAYPOINT OK!
2481<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue on CAP 19 - Follow Traces.
2482<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right TO RIO. - Danger 2!
2483<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! RIGHT, TO RIO! - FOLLOW RIO! - CAP 89! - DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
2484<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Follow Rio.
2485<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to Track. - River just
ahead. - Attention!
2486<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, TO TRACK.
2487<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
2488<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track. - Keep going straight ahead.
2489<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Remain on track. - CAP 320
2490<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK! - CAP 320
2491<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
2492<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK!
2493<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Keep going straight. BETWEEN ROCKS! - DANGER 2! -
More or less visible.
2495<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Stay on track.
2496<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left! - Danger 2! - More or less
2498<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track - More or less visible. - Follow
2499<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY ON TRACK. More or less visible. - FOLLOW TRACES!
2500<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue straight ahead.
2501<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going. - Danger 2! - More or less visible.
2502<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT, ON CAP 357! - DANGER 2!
2503<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Stay on CAP 357
2504<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left and enter RIO! - Danger 2!
2505<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, TO RIO! - DANGER 2! - CAP 291!
2506<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Follow RIO - CAP 291
2507<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right, in RIO - Attention! Rocks just ahead!
2509<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and two hundred - Continue in RIO. - Follow Traces.
2510<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Careful in RIO. - Go ahead.
2511<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left in RIO. - Attention. More or less
2513<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Continue in RIO.
2514<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left - Follow RIO.
2515<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - FOLLOW RIO!
2516<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue in RIO - Attention.
2517<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Follow RIO.
2518<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - FOLLOW RIO ON CAP 297!
2519<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead in RIO.
2520<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Tight Left on Track - LEAVE RIO!
2521<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT ON TRACK! - LEAVE RIO!
2522<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Forward, to the Right - Rock on the right side.
2523<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - Attention! Rock on the right side.
2524<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Forward, to the Right.
2525<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT.
2526<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Forward, to the Left.
2527<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT.
2528<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow track.
2529<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left to RIO. - Rocks just ahead!
2530<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO AND TURN LEFT! - CAP 169! - WAYPOINT OK!
2531<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Follow RIO on CAP 169
2532<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on RIO - Let´s go!
2533<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Stay on RIO. - CAP 187
2534<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO ON CAP 187!
2535<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Straight ahead! Stay in RIO.
2536<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO!
2537<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Prepare to turn left and leave RIO. - Danger 2! -
More or less visible.
2538<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! LEAVE RIO! CAP 120! - DANGER 2! - More or less visible.
2539<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on CAP 120
2540<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right. - Danger 2!
2541<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 190! - DANGER 2! - SAND! - OFF TRACK!
2542<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Continue on CAP 190
2543<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 292! - DANGER 2! OFF TRACK!
2544<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on CAP 292
2546<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on CAP 288
2547<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Enter RIO and turn Left. - Between vegetation.
2548<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - FOLLOW RIO!
2549<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead in RIO.
2550<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Km - Remain focused. Stay in RIO. - Attention!
2551<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead to EXIT RIO.
2552<!sp!>1<!sp!>EXIT RIO! - STRAIGHT AHEAD ON CAP 142! - WAYPOINT OK!
2553<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO and turn Right on CAP 242.
2555<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and eight hundred - Continue in RIO.
2556<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay in RIO - Let´s go!
2557<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead in RIO
2558<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! - FOLLOW RIO!
2559<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and four hundred - ATTENTION! FOLLOW RIO!
2560<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue in RIO - Go on!
2561<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Follow RIO
2562<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO! - CAP 170! - FOLLOW CAP!
2563<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Continue in RIO.
2564<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right - Exit RIO!
2565<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - EXIT RIO! - CAP 269! - WAYPOINT OK!
2566<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - OFF TRACK on CAP 269
2567<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, on the Right to Track - More or less
2568<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, ON THE RIGHT TO TRACK - CAP 273!
2569<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Continue on Track.
2570<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track. More or less
2571<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TRACK! - More or less visible! - CAP 185!
2572<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on track. - CAP 185
2573<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Remain on track! Go ahead!
2574<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare for Tight Left on Off Track.
2575<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 65!
2576<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and eight hundred - Continue on CAP 65
2577<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Attention! Stay on CAP 65
2578<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Turn Right to Track. - More or less visible. - CAP
2579<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO TRACK - LET'S GO! - CAP 101
2580<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2581<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave track and turn Right to Off Track. - Danger
2! - Rock on the left side.
2582<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 136! - DANGER 2!
2583<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue Off Track on CAP 136
2584<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross track just ahead. - Off Track on CAP 135.
2585<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! ON CAP 135! - OFF TRACK!
2586<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Continue on CAP 135.
2587<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Before the road, cross track! Get ready for Tight
Right! - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Danger 2!
2589<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue straight ahead in off track along
the road. - Speed limit zone!
2590<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left and go under the road! - CP!
2591<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
2592<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
2594<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Continue on track.
2595<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave track - Turn Left to Off Track.
- Attention!
2596<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN LEFT TO OFF TRACK ON CAP 105! - Attention!
2597<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - Continue on CAP 105.
2598<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Enter RIO and turn Right. - Off Track.
2600<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Follow RIO - Attention!
2601<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay in RIO - Keep going.
2602<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left and exit RIO. More or less visible. -
2604<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and seven hundred - Follow Traces. - Go on.
2605<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on CAP 138!
2606<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left. More or less visible. -
Danger 2!
2607<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - CAP 47! - FOLLOW TRACES!
2608<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Stay on CAP 47 - Attention!
2609<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Follow traces! CAP 47!
2610<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO and turn Left.
2611<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN LEFT! - FOLLOW RIO ON CAP 339!
2612<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and nine hundred - Stay in Rio. - Keep going.
2613<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Follow RIO! Straight ahead.
2614<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right in RIO! Danger 2!
2615<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - FOLLOW RIO! - CAP 162!
2616<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and one hundred - Follow RIO - Attention!
2617<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay in RIO.
2618<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue in RIO
2619<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD IN RIO! - GO ON!
2620<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half- Follow RIO. - Attention!
2621<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay in RIO
2622<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred -Get ready to leave RIO - Follow Track! - ELECTRIC
2624<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and three hundred - Continue on track. - CAP 211
2625<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Straight ahead, on track.
2626<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track - Electric post on the right
2627<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK - GO ON!
2628<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - Continue on track.
2629<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Concentrate! - Let´s go!
2630<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO and turn Right to Off Track.
2631<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO RIO! - CAP 298! - FOLLOW RIO!
2632<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and eight hundred - Stay in RIO. - Keep going!
2633<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn left and leave RIO. More or less
visible. - Attention!
2634<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT! LEAVE RIO ON CAP 271!
2635<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Continue on CAP 271
2636<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Enter RIO and turn Left.
2637<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN LEFT! - FOLLOW RIO!
2638<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - Continue in RIO.
2639<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right! - Exit RIO!
2640<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! EXIT RIO! - CAP 274!
2641<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and two hundred - Follow CAP 274.
2642<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO just ahead. - CAP 280.
2643<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! - CAP 280! - WAYPOINT OK!
2644<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Stay on CAP 280.
2645<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay focused! Go to 280!
2646<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO and turn Right!
2647<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN RIGHT! - WAYPOINT OK!
2648<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - Follow RIO - Attention!
2649<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay in Rio!
2650<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five Hundred - Get ready to exit RIO and go Left, to CAP 305.
2651<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEAVE RIO! GO LEFT TO CAP 305!
2652<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Continue on CAP 305.
2653<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT TO TRACK ON CAP 283!
2654<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
2655<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to Track. More or less visible. - Danger
2656<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK ON CAP 15! - Danger 2! More or less visible.
2657<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Stay on track.
2658<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave track and go Left to Off Track -
Danger 2!
2659<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT! TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 324! - DANGER 2!
2660<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Stay on CAP 324 - ATTENTION!
2661<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Focus! Remain on CAP 324!
2662<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - Attention Cross track!
2663<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - CAP 286!
2664<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km to Finish line! Concentrate! Keep going straight ahead on
2665<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! GOOD JOB! - Let´s get to the road section for the last
stage today!
2666<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
2667<!sp!>1<!sp!>Let´s go! FOLLOW RIO - Attention!
2668<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO! - STRAIGHT AHEAD. FOLLOW RIVER!
2669<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms and one hundred - Keep going.
2670<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right in RIO.
2671<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - FOLLOW RIO ON CAP 186
2672<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Forward, to the Left, in RIO.
2673<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT, IN RIO. - CAP 131
2674<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seventeen kms and nine hundred - FOLLOW RIO.
2675<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Keep going straight ahead in RIO.
2676<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay in Rio. Go on!
2677<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right. - Danger 2! - Off Track!
2678<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK!
2679<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - FOLLOW RIO.
2680<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Rocks on the Left! Danger 2!
2681<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! ROCKS ON THE LEFT! - DANGER 2 !
2682<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms and six hundred - Continue in RIO.
2683<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Keep going! Stay in RIO.
2684<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead in RIO
2685<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave RIO, straight to CAP 119 - More or less
visible. - Danger 2!
2686<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT TO CAP 119! - LEAVE RIO! - DANGER 2!
2687<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and one hundred - FOLLOW CAP 119 - Off Track.
2688<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 119.
2689<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left to CAP 60. - Danger 2! - Off
2690<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT, TO CAP 60! - DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK! - WAYPOINT OK!
2691<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay in Off Track on CAP 60.
2692<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right. - Danger 2! - Off
2693<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 177! - DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK!
2694<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Follow CAP 177.
2695<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention! - Stay on CAP 177
2696<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right, to CAP 207! - Danger 2!
2697<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT TO CAP 207! - OFF TRACK!
2698<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on CAP 207
2699<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep going on CAP 207
2700<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO and turn Right! - Danger 2!
2701<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO AND TURN RIGHT TO CAP 343 - DANGER 2!
2702<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Follow RIO.
2703<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to exit RIO to the Left - Danger 2! - Off
2704<!sp!>1<!sp!>EXIT RIO TO THE LEFT ON CAP 270
2705<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Follow CAP 270
2706<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Attention! Stay on CAP 270
2707<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Enter RIO and turn Right. - More or less
visible. - Danger 2!
2708<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO AND TURN RIGHT! - CAP 350! - WAYPOINT OK!
2709<!sp!>1<!sp!>Sixteen kms - FOLLOW RIO! - Keep focused!
2710<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue in RIO, straight ahead. - Let´s go!
2711<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Kms - Stay in RIO. - Go ahead!
2712<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Danger 2! - More or less visible. -
Twisty in vegetation!
2713<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! - DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
2714<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - FOLLOW RIO.
2715<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay in RIO. - Go on!
2716<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - Cross MUD! - Danger 2!
2717<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS MUD! DANGER 2! - CAP 287!
2718<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Follow RIO.
2719<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Concentrate! - Let´s go!
2720<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right and exit RIO. More or less
visible. - Very difficult! - Follow Traces!
2722<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms and six hundred - Follow Traces.
2723<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on Traces. - Go on!
2724<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right, between Trees! Danger 2! - More or less
2725<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, BETWEEN TREES! - DANGER 2!
2726<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on Traces.
2727<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Enter RIO and turn Right. - FOLLOW RIO!
2728<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN RIGHT! - FOLLOW RIO! - CAP 341!
2729<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead in RIO.
2730<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to keep Left in RIO. - More or less
2731<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT IN RIO! - More or less visible.
2732<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Continue in RIO.
2733<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to keep Left in RIO. - More or less
2734<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT IN RIO! - More or less visible.
2735<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Keep going.
2736<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to keep Left in RIO. - More or less
2737<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT IN RIO! - More or less visible.
2738<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX HUNDRED TO FINISH LINE!
2739<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! CONGRATS, BUDDY! That was a quite a fight against Nature.
Let´s get to the Bivouac and rest a bit!
2740<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to go!
2741<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on OFF TRACK. - Attention with directions! Let´s go!
2742<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
2743<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Go on CAP 69.
2744<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn Left! - Vegetation! - Danger 2!
2745<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - TURN LEFT TO CAP 358! - DANGER 2!
2746<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Keep going on CAP 358 - Attention!
2747<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on CAP 358. - Let´s go!
2748<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter Rio and turn Right. - Danger 2!
- Rock on the right side!
2749<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! - TURN RIGHT! - FOLLOW RIO! - WAYPOINT OK! - CAP 162
2750<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Follow RIO.
2751<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left. More or less visible. -Rocks! Danger 2!
2752<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - ROCKS! DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK! - CAP 43
2753<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready to leave RIO, to the Right. - More or
less visible.
2754<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT! - EXIT RIO ON CAP 9! - DANGER 2!
2755<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Stay on CAP 9. - Off Track.
2756<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left, between rocks. - Danger 2!
- Off Track.
2757<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT! BETWEEN ROCKS! - DANGER 2! - CAP 278!
2758<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on CAP 278.
2759<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter Rio between rocks and turn Right
- Danger 2! - Step down!
CAP 344!
2761<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Follow RIO.
2762<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead - Tunnel! Danger 2!
2763<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! TUNNEL! - DANGER 2! - CAP 4
2764<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue in RIO.
2765<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right! - Rock just ahead! -
Danger 2!
2767<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow RIO.
2768<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30! - Danger 2!
2769<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - ATTENTION!
2770<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - CP! - Leave RIO!
2771<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - LEAVE RIO! Continue speed limit
zone 30!
2772<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Vegetation!
2774<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 52! - DANGER 2! SUPRIMIR!
2775<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Continue on CAP 52! - Attention!
2776<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the right, to CAP 83! - Danger 2! - Off
2777<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT, TO CAP 83! - DANGER 2!
2778<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Keep on CAP 83 - Attention!
2779<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 83! - Attention!
2780<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to the mountains. - Danger
2781<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO THE MOUNTAINS ON CAP 65! - DANGER 2!
2782<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue through the mountains on CAP 65.
2783<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Prepare to keep Left, between the mountains. -
Uphill! Danger 2!
2785<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 13 - Between the mountains - Off
2786<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right, between the mountains. - Danger 2!
2788<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Stay on CAP 53.
2789<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead on CAP 53.
2790<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn Left! - Downhill! Danger 2! -
Between the mountains.
2791<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 332! - DOWNHILL! DANGER 2! - Off Track!
2792<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on CAP 332.
2793<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on CAP 332. - Attention.
2794<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step Down! Danger 3! - Rock on the left side!
2795<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP DOWN! DANGER 3! - ATTENTION! - Go straight ahead.
2796<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on CAP 332.
2797<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Continue straight ahead.
2798<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right! - Danger 2! - Vegetation!
2799<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO CAP 61! - DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
2800<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Follow CAP 61.
2801<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue forward, to the right. Between the
2802<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! CAP 91! - DANGER 2!
2803<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Continue on CAP 91
2804<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - get ready to turn Left on vegetation - Danger 2!
Off Track! - Dunes just ahead.
2805<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 4! - VEGETATION! - DANGER 2!
2806<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue on CAP 4.
2807<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left, between the mountains. -
Off Track! Danger 2!
2809<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and seven hundred - Straight ahead, on CAP 275.
2810<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 275!
2811<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue forward, to the Left. - Vegetation! - Off
2812<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT, TO CAP 245! - DANGER 2! OFF TRACK! -
2813<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Straight ahead on CAP 245.
2814<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on CAP 245 - Attention!
2815<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right! - Danger 2!
2816<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 6! - DANGER 2!
2817<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Straight ahead on CAP 6.
2818<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on CAP 6. - Attention!
2819<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Off Track! Danger 2!
2820<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT, TO CAP 59! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2! -
2821<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue straight ahead, to CAP 59.
2822<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Off Track! Danger 2!
2823<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT, TO CAP 91! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2!
2824<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Continue on CAP 91.
2825<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left, around the mountain.-
Downhill! Danger 2! - Between the mountains!
2826<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, TO CAP 355! - DANGER 2!
2827<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Straight ahead, on CAP 355.
2828<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left to Track.
2829<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - FOLLOW TRACK!
2830<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Straight ahead, on track - Keep going!
2831<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK - FAST! Attention!
2832<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWENTY KMS - Straight ahead on track. - Keep focused!
2833<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Stay on track. - Keep going straitght ahead.
2834<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five Kms - Concentrate! Fast track! - Attention!
2835<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to Track. - Attention! More or less
2836<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO TRACK! - ATTENTION!
2837<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2838<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left.
2839<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! - Attention!
2840<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready to turn Left. - Attention! Rock in the
2841<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! - Attention! Rock in middle!
2842<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Forward, to the Left.
2843<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - More or less visible.
2844<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead, on track. -
2845<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Concentrate! Keep going!
2846<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! ROCKS on the right! - Danger 2! -
2848<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2849<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left. - More or less visible. -
Cross RIO!
2850<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - More or less visible! - CROSS RIO! DANGER 2!
2851<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead on track.
2852<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2853<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2854<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Twisty! - Turn Right and then Left after the house!
More or less visible!
2855<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT AND THEN LEFT! - After the house! Attention! - More or less
2856<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Continue on track. - Speed Limit Zone!
- Attention!
2857<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Get ready to turn Left
near the house!
2859<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2860<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
2861<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK!
2862<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
2863<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO! - Danger 2!
2864<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! - DANGER 2!
2865<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue on track.
2866<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep Left, on track.
2867<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT, ON TRACK!
2868<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue on track.
2869<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to Off Track. - Danger 2 !
2870<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, TO CAP 117! - OFF TRACK! - DANGER 2!
2871<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2872<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Enter RIO and turn Right. - Danger 2!
2873<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN RIGHT - DANGER 2! WATER! - CAP 147!
2874<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Follow RIO.
2875<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right in RIO.
2876<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT IN RIO! TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
2877<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Follow RIO.
2878<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left in RIO. - Attention!
2880<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Follow RIO.
2881<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right to track. - More or less
visible. - Danger 2!
2882<!sp!>1<!sp!>RIGHT, TO TRACK! - DANGER 2! - CAP 212
2883<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Straight ahead, on track.
2884<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO -Danger 2!
2885<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! - DANGER 2!
2886<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and two hundred - Continue on Track.
2887<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right and enter RIO! - More or
less visible. - Danger 2!
2888<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! ENTER RIO! - DANGER 2! - More or less visible!
2889<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Follow RIO - Straight ahead!
2890<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Stay in RIO!
2892<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and a half - Continue in off track.
2893<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left to Track!
2894<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO TRACK! - CAP 230!
2895<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Straight ahead on track.
2896<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right! - Danger 2! Rock on the
left! - Off Track.
2897<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT, ON CAP 247! - DANGER 2! - ROCK ON THE LEFT!
2898<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue in off track, on CAP 247.
2899<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Rocks on track! - Danger 2!
2900<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! CAP 245! - ROCKS ON TRACK! DANGER 2!
2901<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue in off track, on CAP 245
2902<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to Track.
2903<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO TRACK! FAST TRACK! - Let´s go!
2904<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and two hundred - Remain on Track! Attention! Fast!
2905<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Attention to Speed! Keep focused!
2906<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right on track!
2907<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, ON TRACK!
2908<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Continue on track.
2909<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left! - Attention!
2910<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, ON TRACK!
2911<!sp!>1<!sp!>Sixteen kms and eight hundred - Keep going straight ahead on
2912<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - straight ahead!
2913<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready! Straight ahead to Off Track! - Danger 2!
- Vegetation!
2914<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON CAP 174! - OFF TRACK! - DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT
2915<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and four hundred - Continue on CAP 174. - Attention!
2916<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - STAY ON CAP 174
2917<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30.
2918<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
2919<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - CP! - Keep Left.
2920<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Continue speed limit zone 30! -
Keep Left!
2921<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Turn right.
2923<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Continue in RIO.
2924<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left! - Leave RIO.
2925<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - LEAVE RIO! - CAP 144! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2!
2926<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Follow CAP 144!
2927<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for Tight Right!
2928<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT, TO CAP 262! - DANGER 2!
2929<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eighteen kms and a half - Follow CAP 262.
2930<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Stay on CAP 262. - Attention!
2931<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Focus on CAP! - Stay on 262!
2932<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for Tight Left to enter RIO! - Step down!
2933<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! ENTER RIO! - DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK - CAP 103
2934<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - Follow Traces in RIO.
2935<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Attention! Stay in RIO
2936<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue in RIO - Let´s go!
2937<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 103! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2!
2938<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and six hundred - Follow CAP 103!
2939<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Attention! Stay on CAP 103!
2940<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for tight left - Danger 2!
2941<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! FOLLOW TRACES! CAP 356! - DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK!
2942<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and three hundred - Follow traces, on CAP 356!
2943<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep going straight ahead to finish line! - Go on!
2944<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH! CORDOBA IS CLOSER! Let´s go to the Bivouac and rest a
couple of hours! I´m hungry!
2945<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
2946<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention in vegetation! - Start on CAP 264.
2947<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
2948<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Get ready to turn Right on tree!
2949<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 349! - GO ON!
2950<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Follow CAP 349.
2951<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Enter Rio and turn right. - Danger 2! Step down!
2952<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! - STEP DOWN! DANGER 2! - TURN RIGHT TO CAP 10!
2953<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Follow RIO.
2954<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Stay in RIO - Danger 2!
2955<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO! DANGER 2! - CAP 17!
2956<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five km and seven hundred - Continue in RIO.
2957<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - stay in RIO.
2958<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the left to Off Track. - Danger 2! -
2959<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT TO CAP 345. - DANGER 2!
2960<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Follow CAP 345.
2961<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step Down! Enter RIO! - Danger 2! - Turn Right in
2963<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Attention! Keep Left in RIO. - Danger 2!
2964<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! FOLLOW RIO! - DANGER 2!
2965<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Follow RIO.
2966<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead on CAP 28. - Danger 2! -
Off Track.
2967<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON CAP 28! - DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK!
2968<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and eight hundred - Continue on CAP 28. - Off Track!
2969<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on CAP 28. - Attention!
2970<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! - Rock and tree on the left! - Danger 2!
2971<!sp!>1<!sp!>CAP 26! - Danger 2! OFF TRACK! - Rock and Tree on the left.
2972<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fourteen kms and eight hundred - Follow CAP 26.
2973<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Attention! Stay on CAP 26.
2974<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross road and turn left, between
canyons. - More or less visible! -- Danger 2!
2975<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2! - CROSS ROAD! - TURN LEFT! FOLLOW CANYON ON CAP 291! -
2976<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - FOLLOW CANYON! CAP 291!
2977<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CANYON! - More or less visible. - DANGER 2!
2978<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and two hundred - Get ready to follow track. - Keep going
straight ahead.
2979<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead to track. - More or less
visible. - Danger 2!
2980<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO TRACK! - TWISTY! DANGER 2! - More or less
2981<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and four hundred - Follow track. - Attention!
2982<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on track. - Attention!
2983<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left on BUMP! - Danger 2 - More
or less visible!
2984<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT ON BUMP! - DANGER 2! - ATTENTION!
2985<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
2986<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track! Pay attention!
2987<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step Down! DANGER 3! - Dip! Compression!
2989<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue straight ahead on track!
2990<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and Dip! Danger 2! - Dip with compression!
2992<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Continue on track. - Attention!
2993<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Straight ahead, on track. - Let´s go!
2994<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for twisty track. More or less visible!
Danger 2!
2996<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
2997<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right on track.- Attention!
2998<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON TRACK! - Between the trees! - Attention!
2999<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and two hundred - Straight ahead on track.
3000<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Start Speed Limit Zone 30 on HOUSES!
3001<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
3002<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
3003<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - GO! MAIN TRACK!
3004<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Get ready to cross road to Off Track. - Attention!
More or less visible!
3005<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS ROAD! - STRAIGHT AHEAD TO OFF TRACK ON CAP 8! - Attention!
3006<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fourteen kms and two hundred - FOLLOW CAP 8! - OFF TRACK!
3007<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on CAP 8! - Attention!
3008<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead, between rocks! CAP 8!
3009<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2! BETWEEN ROCKS! - CAP 8!
3010<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Follow CAP 8. - Attention!
3011<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on CAP! Keep focused!
3012<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead on CAP 9. - Off Track.
3014<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Follow CAP 9.
3015<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on CAP 324. - Off Track.
3016<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 324! - ATTENTION! OFF TRACK!
3017<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and a half - Follow CAP 324.
3018<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on CAP 324. - Attention.
3019<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to Main Track. - Rock and Tree just
ahead! Danger 2!
3021<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on main
3022<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going.
3024<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready to cross RIO. - Danger 2!
3025<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! STRAIGHT AHEAD! - DANGER 2!
3026<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and eight hundred - Continue on track.
3027<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross RIO - Twisty! Danger 2!
3029<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and three hundred - Continue on track. - Attention!
3030<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! Keep going!
3031<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right, to the mountain! Danger 2! - Off Track.
3032<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO CAP 268! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2!
3033<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Stay on CAP 268.
3034<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track. - More or less
visible. - Twisty!
3036<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twenty one kms - Continue on Track. - Attention!
3037<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten Kms - Continue straight ahead! - Attention!
3038<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Keep focused! Let´s go!
3039<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to Turn Right on Track. - Danger 2! More
or less visible.
3041<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Continue on track.
3042<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track. - Fence just
ahead. - Danger 2!
3043<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, ON TRACK! - DANGER 2! More or less visible.
3044<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30. - ON THE HOUSES.
3045<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
3046<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
3047<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - GO!
3048<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms and six hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track!
Let's go!
3049<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on track.
3050<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to Off Track. - Danger 2!
3051<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 232! - FOLLOW TRACES!
3052<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and four hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30.
3053<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone 30.
3054<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention! FOLLOW TRACES!
3055<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - CP! - CROSS ROAD!
3057<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Follow traces.
3058<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - GO! ON CAP 226! - OFF TRACK!
3059<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Follow CAP 226!
3060<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 226!
3061<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to enter RIO -Step Down. - Danger 2!
3063<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and nine hundred - Follow RIO.
3064<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue in RIO. - Attention.
3065<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to Keep Right in RIO - Danger 2!
3066<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP TO THE RIGHT! - FOLLOW RIO ON CAP 290!
3067<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Follow RIO! Attention!
3068<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay in RIO!
3069<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave RIO! - BUMP! - More or less visible - Danger
3071<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and nine hundred - ATTENTION! FOLLOW CAP 226!
3072<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on CAP 226! Attention!
3073<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead to Track. - Between the mountains. -
3075<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
3076<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
3077<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track! - Attention!
3078<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON TRACK! - Attention!
3079<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and three hundred - Stay on track - Let´s go!
3080<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Focus! Go on!
3081<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Twisty!
3082<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
3083<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirty two kms - FOLLOW TRACK! ATTENTION!
3084<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms - Attention! Go on!
3085<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six Kms - Stay focused! Continue on track!
3086<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! Between mountains! - Danger 2! More
or less visible. - Undulation!
3088<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and six hundred - Continue on track. - Attention!
3089<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep on Track.
3090<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Dip and Tight Right, between
3091<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! - TIGHT RIGHT! - ATTENTION!
3092<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and one hundred - Continue on track.
3093<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and then Left on Track! - Danger 2!
3094<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - KEEP TO THE LEFT! - DANGER 2!
3095<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and eight hundred - Continue on track.
3096<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - More or less visible.
3097<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - MAIN TRACK!
3098<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3099<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track - Keep going.
3100<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead. - Narrow! Undulation. - Danger 2!
3102<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
3103<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
3104<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON CAP 128
3105<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue on track.
3106<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead, on track.
3107<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Vegetation!
3108<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue on track.
3109<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right! Danger 2! - Hole just ahead!
3110<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! DANGER 2! - HOLE JUST AHEAD!
3111<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
3112<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
3113<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3114<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Follow track.
3115<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and step up! Danger 2!
3116<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND STEP UP! DANGER 2! - ATTENTION!
3117<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead.
3118<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right! Danger 2! - Hole just ahead.
3120<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - KEEP GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
3121<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
3122<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
3123<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3124<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Follow track! Keep going!
3125<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
3127<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and six hundred - Follow track,
3128<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
3129<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3130<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half to finish line!
3131<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! Let´s get to the last stage!
3132<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
3133<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention on vegetation!
3134<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
3135<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Follow track.
3136<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Main Track.
3138<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and nine hundred - Follow main track.
3139<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight up. Bump. - Attention!
3140<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT UP! ATTENTION! BUMP!
3141<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twenty seven kms - Follow main track - Attention!
3142<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - keep focused on main track! Go on!
3143<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Attention! Fast track!
3144<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Attention!
3145<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - MAIN TRACK!
3146<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and a half - Follow main track.
3147<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on main track.
3148<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left. - Narrow! Between rocks!
- Danger 2!
3150<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirty kms - FOLLOW MAIN TRACK! - ATTENTION!!
3151<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms - Keep focused on main track.
3152<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Continue straight ahead on main track.
3153<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Leave main track just ahead.
3154<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - Leave main track!
3155<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Turn Right to Main Track.
3156<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO MAIN TRACK!
3157<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Follow main track.
3158<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TWO BUMPS! DANGER 2!
3159<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO BUMPS! DANGER 2!
3160<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Follow main track. Straight ahead.
3161<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Pay attention!
3162<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave main track. - Turn right. - More
or less visible.
3163<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! - TWISTY!
3164<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on track.
3165<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track. - Let's go!
3166<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead on track. Between mountains. - More
or less visible. - Danger 2!
3168<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue on track.
3169<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to off track. - Turn Right. - More or
less visible. - Danger 2!
3170<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - FOLLOW TRACES! - DANGER 2!
3171<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Follow traces.
3172<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Straight ahead! Go on!
3173<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right. - Danger 2! - Follow
3174<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - FOLLOW TRACES! - TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
3175<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and four hundred - Continue following traces.
3176<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay in traces! Let's go!
3177<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO. - More or less visible.
3179<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Follow RIO.
3180<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue in RIO.
3181<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO!
3182<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Follow RIO.
3183<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave RIO. - Danger 2!
3184<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT AND LEAVE RIO, TO CAP 180! - DANGER 2!
3185<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Follow CAP 180! - Attention!
3186<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on CAP 180!
3187<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO.
3189<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and two hundred - Follow RIO.
3190<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue in RIO.
3191<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Stay in RIO.
3192<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO! - DANGER 2!
3193<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Follow RIO.
3194<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue in RIO. - Attention!
3195<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead in RIO
3196<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, IN RIO.
3197<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow RIO.
3198<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave RIO - Turn left and follow
3200<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow track.
3201<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep following track.
3203<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3204<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2!
3205<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
3206<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Stay on track.
3207<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2!
3208<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
3209<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Follow track.
3210<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO. - Step Down! Danger 2!
3212<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Follow RIO.
3213<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to leave RIO!
3215<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
3216<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2!
3217<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
3218<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Straight ahead, on track.
3219<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track.
3220<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3221<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
3222<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track.
3223<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK.
3224<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on track.
3225<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
3226<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3227<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going straight ahead.
3228<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to enter RIO and turn Right. -Danger 2!
3229<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO AND TURN RIGHT, TO CAP 301! - DANGER 2!
3230<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Follow RIO.
3231<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead and keep to the Right - Follow RIO.
3232<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP TO THE RIGHT, IN RIO.
3233<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and one hundred - Follow RIO.
3234<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay in RIO. - Attention.
3235<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to leave RIO - Turn Left to Track.
3237<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Follow track. Keep going straight ahead.
3238<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay focused! Attention!
3239<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Three bumps! Danger 2! Attention!
3240<!sp!>1<!sp!>THREE BUMPS! DANGER 2!
3241<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3242<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Straight ahead, on track.
3243<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Two bumps! Danger 2!
3244<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO BUMPS! DANGER 2!
3245<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Follow track.
3246<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead. Attention.
3247<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Dip with compression and Bump! Danger 2!
3248<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP AND BUMP! DANGER 2!
3249<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Bump and Dip! Danger 2!
3250<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND DIP! DANGER 2!
3251<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and six hundred - Follow track.
3252<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Straight ahead, on track.
3253<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 3!
3254<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 3! - WAYPOINT OK!
3255<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and nine hundred - Continue on track.
3256<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Dip with compression and Bump! Danger 2!
3257<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP AND BUMP! DANGER 2!
3258<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3259<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Rocks on the left.
3260<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - KEEP TO THE RIGHT!
3261<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3262<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left. - More or less visible. -
Danger 2!
3263<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - DANGER 2! - Vegetation.
3264<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and eight hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
3265<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
3266<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead, on track. - Hole on the right!
Danger 2!
3268<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Speed limit zone 30.
3269<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3270<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn right, on track.
3271<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, ON TRACK! - More or less visible.
3272<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred- CP!
3273<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
3274<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
3276<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead, on track.
3277<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left, to Off Track. - Danger 2!
3278<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! TO OFF TRACK ON CAP 153!
3279<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and seven hundred - Follow CAP 153!
3280<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 153!
3281<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn right on CAP 250! - Off track!
Danger 2!
3282<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 250! - OFF TRACK! - DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
3283<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Stay on CAP 250
3284<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Prepare to turn left on CAP 216! - Off Track! -
Danger 2!
3285<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, ON CAP 216! - OFF TRACK! - DANGER 2!
3286<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on CAP 216, through
3289<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Stay on track. Finish line on road just ahead.
3291<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
3292<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention in vegetation - Start on track! Keep focused!
3293<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
3294<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right! Attention! More or less
3295<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION - TURN RIGHT!
3296<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Continue on track. More or less
3297<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms and a half - Stay on track! Go on!
3298<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left between mountains. -
Uphill! More or less visible. - Attention!
3299<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - Uphill! More or less visible!
3300<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
3301<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow track! Attention!
3302<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left - Attention!
3303<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP TO THE LEFT! - GO ON!
3304<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue on track.
3305<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and Dip! Danger 2! - Twisty!
3306<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND DIP! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
3307<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms - Continue straight ahead. Be careful! Let's go!
3308<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - keep focused! Attention!
3309<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for a Twisty zone. - Danger 2! - Between
the trees!
3310<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! DANGER 2! - Attention!
3311<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms - Continue straight ahead. Be careful! Let's go!
3312<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Keep focused! Attention!
3313<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left on tree! More or less
visible. - Danger 2!
3314<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
3315<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on track!
3316<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow track!
3317<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and Dip! Danger 2!
3318<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND DIP! DANGER 2!
3319<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and three hundred - Stay on track.
3320<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Attention! Continue on track - Go on!
3321<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Bump! DANGER 3! - Step Down!
3323<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3324<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Narrow between rocks! - Danger 2!
3325<!sp!>1<!sp!>NARROW BETWEEN ROCKS! - DANGER 2!
3326<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and two hundred - Follow track.
3327<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Bump! Keep to the left! Danger 2! - Downhill!
3328<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! KEEP TO THE LEFT! DANGER 2!
3329<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Straight ahead, on track.
3330<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK!
3331<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and three hundred - Follow track! Attention!
3332<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead, on track! Concentrate!
3333<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right!
3335<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Continue on track.
3336<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK! - GO ON! - CAP 140!
3337<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Follow track.
3338<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead, on track - Narrow! Danger 2!
3340<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Follow track.
3341<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep to the Right! Twisty!
3342<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT! - TWISTY! - ATTENTION!
3343<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue straight ahead.
3344<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep to the Right - Twisty! - More or less visible!
3345<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT! - TWISTY! - ATTENTION!
3346<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3347<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right! - Twisty! - Attention!
3349<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on track.
3350<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
3351<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK! - CAP 78! - TWISTY!
3352<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Straight ahead!
3353<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right - Twisty! - Attention!
3355<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and five hundred - Follow track.
3356<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on track!
3357<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right! - Twisty! - Attention!
3359<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and two hundred - Follow track.
3360<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Focus! Go on!
3361<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left! - Danger 2!
3362<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON TRACK! CAP 359! - DANGER 2! - FAST JUMPS! - WAYPOINT
3363<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and two hundred - Attention! Fast jumps! - Danger 2! -
Continue on track.
3364<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! - Bump! - Attention! More or less
3366<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going! Straight ahead!
3367<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left! - Attention! Bump! - More
or less visible!
3368<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - ATTENTION! BUMP!
3369<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and three hundred - Continue on track. - Let's go!
3370<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
3371<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
3373<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Keep to the Right. - Narrow! - Downhill! Twisty!
3374<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT! - NARROW! - TWISTY! - ATTENTION!
3375<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nineteen kms and two hundred - ATTENTION! TWISTY TRACK!
3376<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - BE VERY CAREFUL! Stay on track.
3377<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Concentrate! Twenty kms to finish line.
3378<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Twisty!
3379<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
3380<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Continue on track.
3381<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, ON TRACK! Let's go!
3382<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and a half - Follow track! Attention!
3383<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Attention! Go on!
3384<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2!
3385<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
3386<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Follow track! Attention!
3387<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS TO FINISH LINE - FOCUS!
3388<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! - First part of this day is done! Let's get to the
last stage. It's not going to be easy.
3389<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
3390<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on track! Keep focused! - Attention! - Last section today!
3391<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
3392<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Follow Track. - Attention!
3393<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30! - Houses on the left!
3394<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3395<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left! Speed Limit Zone.
3396<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT!- Keep going, between houses. - Speed Limit Zone!
3397<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Finish Speed Limit Zone.
3398<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - Let's go!
3399<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3400<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Two Bumps! - Danger 2!
3401<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO BUMPS! DANGER 2! - ATTENTION!
3402<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Keep following track!
3403<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Left! - Uphill! Twisty! Danger2!
3404<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - UPHILL! TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
3405<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Follow track! - Attention!
3406<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Keep focused! - Go ahead!
3407<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30. - Houses!
3408<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3409<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Go ahead! - Speed Limit Zone!
3410<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Finish Speed Limit Zone!
3411<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - Let´s GO!
3412<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Follow track. - Attention!
3413<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep going. Continue on track.
3414<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left at the end of the fence! - More or less
3415<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON FENCE! - Let´s go!
3416<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30. - Turn Left and then Right. -
Fence on your left!
3417<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3418<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Finish Speed Limit Zone.
3419<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LET'S GO!
3420<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3421<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Let´s go!
3422<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow track.
3423<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
3424<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD - CAP 281!
3425<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on track! - Go on!
3426<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right at the end of the fence on
your right! - Speed Limit Zone 30!
3427<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - DANGER 2!
3428<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Turn Left! - House on the right!
3430<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish Speed Limit Zone.
3431<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LET'S GO!
3432<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Get ready to turn Right, between fences! -
3434<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Follow track. - Attention!
3435<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right!
3436<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! - Go on!
3437<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Keep following track.
3438<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right! - Twisty! - More or less
3439<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - Attention! Twisty!
3440<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
3441<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track!
3442<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3443<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Turn Right after house and then Left!
3444<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT AND THEN LEFT! Attention!
3445<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Follow track. Straight ahead! Let´s go!
3446<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Attention! Vegetation! - Straight ahead to Off
Track - Danger 2!
3447<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 324! - DANGER 2!
3448<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Follow CAP 324!
3449<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to MAIN TRACK!
3451<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on Main Track.
3453<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and three hundred - Follow track.
3454<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! - Keep focused!
3455<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO! Danger 2!
3457<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on track!
3458<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO! Danger 2!
3459<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! - DANGER 2!
3460<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and four hundred - Follow track. - Keep pushing!
3461<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Focus! Let´s go!
3462<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Forward, to the Right!
3464<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue on Speed limit zone! Attention!
3465<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone! - House on the Left!
3466<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LET'S GO!
3467<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Follow track.
3468<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right! Main Track!
3469<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT! - MAIN TRACK!
3470<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Follow main track.
3471<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to leave main Track! Tight Left! More or
less visible!
3472<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! LEAVE MAIN TRACK! - More or less visible!
3473<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Follow track.
3474<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right! - Danger 2! - More or
less visible!
3475<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - DANGER 2! - More or less visible!
3476<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Continue on track.
3477<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead!
3478<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! MAIN TRACK!
3479<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
3480<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30!
3481<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Keep to the right on main track.
3482<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left on track. - Speed limit zone.
3483<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
3484<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Finish Speed Limit Zone.
3485<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LET'S GO!
3486<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Follow main track! Push!
3487<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! - Keep focused!
3488<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on main track.
3490<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and three hundred - Follow main track!
3491<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! - Keep focused!
3492<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on main track!
3494<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Follow main track.
3495<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Remain focused on main track! Go on!
3496<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30! - Houses on the left!
3497<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3498<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30!
3499<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LET'S GO!
3500<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Follow main track. - Go on!
3501<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! - Keep focused!
3502<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left! Attention!
3503<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - ATTENTION!
3504<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Follow track! Straight ahead.
3505<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead on track.
3506<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
3507<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue following track.
3508<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left.
3509<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - ATTENTION!
3510<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30. - Houses!
3511<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3512<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Turn Left to Main
3514<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Follow main track.
3515<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right.
3516<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT! - MAIN TRACK!
3517<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on track. - Go ahead.
3518<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! Keep focused!
3519<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Straight ahead on main track. - Cross road!
3521<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on main track.
3523<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow main track.
3524<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on main track.
3526<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3527<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone 30!
3528<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3529<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and two hundred - Continue ahead on main track. - Speed
limit zone.
3530<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish Speed Limit Zone - Ruins on the Left.
3531<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! - LET'S GO!
3532<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue straight ahead on main track.
3533<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left between rocks! - Danger 2!
3534<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! BETWEEN ROCKS! - DANGER 2!
3535<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Keep going straight ahead on track.
3536<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on main track.
3537<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP TO THE LEFT ON MAIN TRACK! - Attention!
3538<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Straight ahead on main track.
3539<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on main track. - Prepare to turn right.
3540<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON MAIN TRACK!
3541<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep to the Right on main track.
3542<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT ON MAIN TRACK!
3543<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Leave main track to the Right. - More or less
3544<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT AND LEAVE MAIN TRACK! - More or less visible!
3545<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Turn Right! - Attention! More or less visible.
3546<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - Attention! More or less visible!
3547<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Forward, to the Left - More or less visible!
3548<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - GO ON!
3549<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Forward, to the right.
3551<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Forward, to the Left.
3552<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - MAIN TRACK!
3553<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Follow main track.
3554<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on main track.
3556<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Speed limit zone 30!
3557<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3558<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone 30!
3559<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3560<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Follow main track.
3561<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right on main track!
3562<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT!
3563<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and four hundred - Continue on main track.
3564<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone 30!
3565<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3566<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone!
3567<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
3568<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms - Follow main track.
3569<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on main track. - Keep going!
3570<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone 30!
3571<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3572<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Keep to the Right on main track.
3574<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Turn right on main track!
3576<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
3577<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - GO!
3578<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Follow main track.
3579<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross village on main track. - Danger
3581<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Turn Left on main track.
3582<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON MAIN TRACK!
3583<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Follow main track.
3584<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on main track.
3586<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue straight ahead on main track.
3587<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30! - House on the left!
3588<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3589<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - CP!
3590<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
3591<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish Speed limit zone.
3592<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
3593<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Follow main track.
3594<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave main track. - Keep to the right. - More or
less visible.
3596<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms - Follow main track.
3597<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six Kms - Stay on track - Keep focused!
3598<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left. More or less visible. - Attention!
3599<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - ATTENTION! TWISTY!
3600<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue on track.
3601<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn left. - Twisty! - More or less visible.
3602<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! TWISTY!
3603<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and six hundred - Follow track.
3604<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Concentrate! Go on!
3605<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left.
3606<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO MAIN TRACK!
3607<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Follow track! Straight ahead! Attention!
3608<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep focused! Let's go!
3609<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross bridge! Danger 2!
3610<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 2!
3611<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue on track.
3612<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone 30. - Houses on the left!
3613<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
3614<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - CP!
3615<!sp!>1<!sp!>CP! - STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! - Cross road just ahead!
3616<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Cross bridge! Danger 2!
3618<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Continue on main track.
3619<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on main track! - Keep going!
3620<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on main track!
3622<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue on track! - Go on!
3623<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone. - Keep to the Left.
3625<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow track. - Speed limit zone.
3626<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
3627<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE!
3628<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms - Follow track. Straight ahead. - Pay attention.
3629<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue on track! - Keep focused!
3630<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left. More or less visible. - Attention!
3631<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! TWISTY! - Attention!
3632<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seventeen kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
3633<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Keep going!
3634<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO! Danger 2!
3635<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 2! UPHILL! - WAYPOINT OK!
3636<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms to Finish Line - Keep focused!
3637<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on Track! Go! Go!
3773<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
3774<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on track! Keep focused! - Attention! - Last kms to Cordoba!
3775<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn Right to track. More or less visible. - Twisty!
3776<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifty - Turn Right to track. More or less visible. - Twisty!
3777<!sp!>1<!sp!>ATTENTION! - TURN RIGHT!
3778<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Follow track. - Attention!
3779<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Straight ahead!
3780<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2!
3781<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
3782<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Follow track.
3783<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for hairpin Right! - More or less
visible. - Attention! Rocks on the left!
3784<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - ATTENTION! Turn Right, to track.
3785<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Follow track.
3786<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3787<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3788<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Follow track.
3789<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Attention.
3790<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT!
3791<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track.
3792<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3793<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Just ahead Turn Right to Main Track.
3794<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO MAIN TRACK!
3795<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Continue on Main track.
3796<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right. - Leave Main Track. -
More or less visible. - Rocks on the left.
3798<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Follow track.
3799<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Straight ahead!
3800<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight!
3802<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Follow track.
3803<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Tight Left and then Right!
3805<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Straight ahead!
3806<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2!
3807<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2!
3808<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
3809<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right on the rock! Danger 2! -
Hole on the left!
3810<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! DANGER 2! - HOLE ON THE LEFT!
3811<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn left and cross bridge! - Danger
3813<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready for Tight Left between rocks!
3815<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms and six hundred - Follow track.
3816<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track! Concentrate!
3817<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to cross RIO! Danger 2!
3818<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 2!
3819<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
3820<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
3821<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3822<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
3823<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left! Danger 3! - Hole on the right!
3825<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
3826<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going! - Twisty! Danger 2!
3827<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - TWISTY! DANGER 2!
3828<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - Rocks on the right.
3829<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - TWISTY! - DOWNHILL!
3830<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and eight hundred - Continue on track.
3831<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Forward, to the Left. - More or less visible.
3832<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT - TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
3833<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3834<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross RIO! Danger 2!
3835<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 2!
3836<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Follow track.
3837<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! Keep Focused!
3838<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight on track. - Rock on the right!
3840<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
3841<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
3842<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3843<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead!
3844<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep to the Right.
3845<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY RIGHT! - TWISTY!
3846<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Keep to the Left.
3847<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! - TWISTY!
3848<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
3849<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3850<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - TWISTY!
3851<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3852<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Right. - Attention!
3853<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! - TWISTY!
3854<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Continue straight ahead!
3855<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3856<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Continue straight ahead!
3857<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross bridge! Danger 3! - Twisty!
3858<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 3!
3859<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Keep to the Left.
3860<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! - TWISTY!
3861<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead.
3862<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - keep going straight.
3863<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - TWISTY!
3864<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3865<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left.
3866<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT!
3867<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross bridge! Danger 3!
3868<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 3! - WAYPOINT OK!
3869<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
3870<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
3871<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - TWISTY!
3872<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3873<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left! - Attention! Twisty!
3874<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! - TWISTY!
3875<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue on track.
3876<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross bridge! Danger 2!
3877<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 2!
3878<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
3879<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Straight ahead!
3880<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left - More or less visible! - Twisty!
3881<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - More or less visible!
3882<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Continue straight ahead.
3883<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross RIO! - Danger 2!
3884<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 2!
3885<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3886<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Focus! Stay on track!
3887<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left! - More or less visible.
3889<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and a half - Continue straight ahead on the track.
3890<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused!
3891<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Take the right and go around Rock! - Twisty!
3893<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and three hundred - Continue on track.
3894<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right on track - Twisty! - More or less
3895<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - TWISTY!
3896<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
3897<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross bridge! Danger 3! - Uphill!
3898<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS BRIDGE! DANGER 3! - UPHILL! TWISTY!
3899<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
3900<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight. Stay on track!
3901<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
3902<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and eight hundred - FOLLOW TRACK! LET'S FINISH DAKAR
4077<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
4078<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! Follow track on right - Keep focused!
4079<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
4080<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Follow track.
4081<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
4082<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD.
4083<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
4084<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 50 - Tight Left!
4086<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX HUNDRED - Finish speed limit zone. - Keep going straight.
4088<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and seven hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
4089<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - DANGER 3! - LEAVE TRACK. ON YOUR LEFT. - DANGER 3!
4091<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Continue on track.
4092<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right! - Uphill and Downhill -
4094<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Keep going!
4095<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead!
4096<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4097<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Follow track.
4098<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! - Danger 3! - uphill and downhill
4100<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Get ready for Tight Left! - Danger 2! - Uphill and
4102<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and a half - Continue straight ahead.
4105<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
4106<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for hairpin Left! Danger 2!
4107<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT! - DANGER 2!
4108<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead!
4109<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep straight ahead! - Undulation! Danger 2!
4111<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms and a half - Follow track!
4112<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead!
4113<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4114<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Speed limit zone 50!
4115<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 50!
4116<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50!
4117<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and nine hundred - Continue on speed limit zone.
4118<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead. - house on the right. -
Speed limit zone.
4119<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Speed limit zone!
4120<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
4121<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Finish Speed limit zone!
4123<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on track!
4124<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4125<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Turn Right, on track.
4126<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, ON TRACK!
4127<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
4128<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left! - Danger 2!
4129<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4130<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going straight ahead on track.
4131<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead!- Danger 2!
4133<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Forward, to the right. - More or less visible. -
Uphill! Danger 2!
4134<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! - UPHILL! DANGER 2!
4135<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms and six hundred - Follow track. Straight ahead. -
4136<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track. - Concentrate!
4137<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for twisty zone. - More or less visible!
- Vegetation!
4139<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Follow track.
4140<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left. - Uphill! Danger 2! - More or less
4142<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead.
4143<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross RIO - Danger 3! - Mud! -
4145<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and nine hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4146<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight. - Twisty! - Danger 2!
4147<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! - TWISTY! - DANGER 2!
4148<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Follow track.
4149<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead! - Uphill and downhill -
Danger 3!
4151<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Keep going. Stay on track!
4152<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left! - Uphill and Downhill!
Danger 3!
4154<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine kms - Continue straight ahead on track.
4155<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
4156<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4157<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!- DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
4158<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Follow track.
4159<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Turn Right. - Attention! Rocks!
4160<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - ATTENTION! ROCKS!
4161<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue on track. - Attention!
4162<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track - Attention!
4163<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! - Danger 2! - More or less visible!
4164<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD, TO THE RIGHT! - DANGER 2!
4165<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4166<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused! Go on!
4167<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the right - Danger 3! - Twisty!
4168<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT! - DANGER 3! - TWISTY!
4169<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms - Continue straight ahead.
4170<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Twisty! Danger 3!
4171<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! DANGER 3! - UNDULATION!
4172<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on track.
4173<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
4174<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - TWISTY! DANGER 3! - ATTENTION! STEP UP!
4175<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! DANGER 3! - STEP UP!
4176<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue on track.
4177<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn right! - Step up! Danger 2! - More or less
4178<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - STEP UP! - DANGER 2!
4179<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Follow track.
4180<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Downhill! - DANGER 3! - Undulation.
4182<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead.
4183<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! DANGER 3! - Twisty! Vegetation!
4185<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused! Go on!
4186<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Go straight ahead! - Vegetation!
4187<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - WAYPOINT OK!
4188<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready to turn Left! - RIO! - Danger 2! -
4189<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - RIO! DANGER 2! - UNDULATION!
4190<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
4191<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Pay attention on vegetation!
4192<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Turn Left on RIO! - Step Up! - Danger 2!
4193<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - STEP UP! - DANGER 2!
4194<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Follow track.
4195<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross RIO. - Danger 2!
4196<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4197<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms - Continue on track. - Attention!
4198<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track! - Careful!
4199<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to Turn Right. - Leave RIO!
4200<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEAVE RIO! - TURN RIGHT!
4201<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Turn Left! - Danger 2!
4202<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! - DANGER 2!
4203<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track. More or less
4204<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4205<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn Left, between the trees! - Danger 2!
4206<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! BETWEEN TREES! DANGER 2!
4207<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Straight ahead, on track.
4208<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead. - Danger 2!
4209<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK! - DANGER 2!
4210<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Continue on track.
4211<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Stay Left! - Danger 2! - Rocks on the left.
4212<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! - DANGER 2!
4213<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track.
4214<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to cross RIO! DANGER 3! - Mud!
4215<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 3! - MUD! - WAYPOINT OK!
4216<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30! - Danger 2!
4217<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
4218<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - Keep going straight.
4220<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Turn Left to Off Track.
4221<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 225!
4222<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred -Get ready for hairpin Left!
4223<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! - HAIRPIN LEFT! - CAP 86!
4224<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going straight ahead on track.
4225<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn right! - RIO! DANGER 3!
4226<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, ON TRACK! - RIO! DANGER 3! - WAYPOINT OK!
4227<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
4228<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right! - RIO! Danger 2!
4230<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead!
4231<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going! - RIO!
4232<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - RIO!
4233<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
4234<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead on twisty track.
4235<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - TWISTY TRACK!
4236<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Stay on track - Attention!
4237<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead.
4238<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave RIO! Between rocks. - Turn right and then
4240<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4241<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight - Danger 2! - More or less
4243<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4244<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right on the rock! - Step up! - Danger 2!
4245<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON THE ROCK! - STEP UP! DANGER 2!
4246<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Hairpin Left. - Step up! Danger 2!
4247<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN LEFT! - STEP UP! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
4248<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms and six hundred - Follow track. - Attention!
4249<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven Kms - Stay on track. - Keep focused!
4250<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4251<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4252<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4253<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step Down between rocks! DANGER 3! - Bump!
4255<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4256<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step up! - Undulation! Danger 2!
4257<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP UP! DANGER 2! - UNDULATION!
4258<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and seven hundred - Keep going straight on track.
4259<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step down! Danger 2!
4260<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP DOWN! DANGER 2!
4261<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
4262<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Cross RIO! DANGER 3! - Mud!
4263<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DANGER 3! - MUD! - WAYPOINT OK!
4264<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4265<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right. - Danger 2! UPHILL!
4266<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE RIGHT - UPHILL! DANGER 2!
4267<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Keep going straight! DANGER 3! DOWNHILL! - Twisty.
4269<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two Kms and two hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4270<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Danger 2! Undulation!
4271<!sp!>1<!sp!>UNDULATION! DANGER 2!
4272<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred- Turn Left on ruins. - RIO! DANGER 3!
4273<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! - RIO! DANGER 3!
4274<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4275<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
4276<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4277<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Get ready for Tight Right on tree.
4278<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT, ON TRACK!
4279<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine hundred - Keep going straight on track.
4280<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
4281<!sp!>1<!sp!>One hundred - Tight Right! - More or less visible. - Danger 2!
4282<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - DANGER 2!
4283<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and four hundred - Continue on track.
4284<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30! - Leave RIO!
4286<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - CP!
4287<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
4288<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
4289<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - Step up! Danger 2!
4290<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms and two hundred - Keep going straight on track.
4291<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - continue on track.
4292<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going!
4293<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4294<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on track.
4295<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track. - Attention.
4296<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight on track!
4297<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
4298<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Turn Right on track.
4299<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON TRACK!
4300<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4301<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Forward, to the left.
4302<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT!
4303<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Keep focused! Go on!
4304<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right! - RIO! IMPERATIVE! - DANGER 3!
4305<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! - RIO! IMPERATIVE! - DANGER 3!
4306<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Keep going straight. Follow RIO.
4308<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and six hundred - Straight ahead in RIO!
4309<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right to second track. - Leave RIO! - More or
less visible.
4311<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and four hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4312<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Kms - Keep focused! Go on!
4313<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left!
4314<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! - ATTENTION!
4315<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Continue on track.
4316<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the left. - More or less visible.
4317<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY LEFT! - More or less visible.
4318<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Turn Left.
4319<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT!
4320<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km and six hundred - Continue straight ahead!
4321<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight!
4322<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4323<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Keep going straight!
4324<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! GO! GO!
4325<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep going straight on track.
4326<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue on track.
4327<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4328<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half - Continue straight ahead.
4330<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! CONGRATS BUDDY! Let's rest a couple of hours!
4331<!sp!>19<!sp!>In this first lesson we are going to improve the way we look at
the terrain and identify the main tracks.
4332<!sp!>19<!sp!>We are going to get familiar with some basic concepts of
4333<!sp!>19<!sp!>In Rally raids there is no previous survey of the stages
therefore we have no knowledge about the terrain.
4334<!sp!>19<!sp!>Improvisation will be the keyword.
4335<!sp!>19<!sp!>Concentration is your most important asset so you can evaluate
and decide the best course of action in a split second.
4336<!sp!>19<!sp!>You must remain focused so you can listen and assimilate
everything your navigator tells you.
4337<!sp!>19<!sp!>I’ll be counting down the distances, so what you hear is the
distance left to the next note.
4338<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready!
4339<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1 - Go! Follow Main Track!
4340<!sp!>1<!sp!>During three kms and one hundred meters your objective is to
4341<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Remain on the MAIN TRACK! Keep moving forward following
the main track.
4342<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead on the Main Track - Go
past the house on your right.
4344<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT HUNDRED - Go past the house on your right and keep going
forward, to the Left. - Continue on Main Track.
4346<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED - Get ready to turn right and immediately left. Pay
attention. The track is more or less visible! - Continue on MAIN TRACK.
4348<!sp!>1<!sp!>For two kms and six hundred meters you will continue driving
straight ahead on the main track.
4349<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight ahead between the rocks. - Main
4351<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Keep focused on the main track.
4352<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to leave main track and take a Tight
Right. Track is more or less visible.
4354<!sp!>1<!sp!>For five kms you will keep going straight ahead on this track. -
Remain focused! It's a long distance.
4355<!sp!>1<!sp!>Pay attention! Don't get distracted! Follow the track.
4356<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead between the rocks. - Danger
2! - Attention!
4358<!sp!>1<!sp!>Now, during four kms and nine hundred meters you will continue
following the track.
4359<!sp!>1<!sp!>OK! A couple more kms and you'll arrive at finish line.
4360<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! - GOOD JOB! - Let's get ready for the next lesson!
4361<!sp!>20<!sp!>In this lesson we will focus on CAP navigation.
4362<!sp!>20<!sp!>This is an instrument that helps with off road navigation
confirming the precise direction you will have to follow.
4363<!sp!>20<!sp!>You will have to reach the waypoint and then you will receive
another CAP indication.
4364<!sp!>20<!sp!>Sometimes the CAP heading is the only indication of the direction
you must take.
4365<!sp!>20<!sp!>By crossing these two factors, CAP and distance, we get our goal,
that we can achieve by following the indicated course.
4366<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready!
4367<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1 - Go! Follow Main Track!
4368<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Follow track straight ahead. - Pay
attention and concentrate on track!
4369<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue going straight ahead on track.
4370<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
4371<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT HUNDRED - Keep going forward, to the left. - Remain on main
4373<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right and immediately turn
left. - Attention! The track is more or less visible.
4375<!sp!>1<!sp!>For two Kms and six hundred meters continue on the main track. -
Let's go!
4376<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left to OFF TRACK! - Leave Main
Track! - Big rock on your Left!
4378<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE KMS - KEEP ON CAP 120! - ATTENTION! FOLLOW CAP! - FOCUS!
4380<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for a Tight Right and change to CAP 281!
4382<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue on Off Track and follow CAP
281! - Imperative to stay on CAP!
4383<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Cross track ahead on CAP 282! - Undulation with
Compression! Danger 2!
4385<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - FOLLOW CAP 282! - ATTENTION!
4386<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right, back to Main Track-
4387<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO MAIN TRACK!
4388<!sp!>1<!sp!>SIX HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left and leave main track. - The
track is more or less visible. - SAND!
4390<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on track. - Attention! Sand
track! Twisty!
4391<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep focused on track! Go straight ahead - Let's go!
4392<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Straight ahead between the rocks! - Danger 2!
4394<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on track. -
Pay attention!
4395<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOCUS! Two kms before we get to the Finish line!
4396<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! - Good job! Let's try another challenge!
4397<!sp!>21<!sp!>In this lesson we will combine navigating between tracks and off-
4398<!sp!>21<!sp!>Concentration is key when following off-road directions.
4399<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready!
4400<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1 - Go! Follow Main Track!
4401<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and one hundred - Follow the track. Straight ahead. -
Pay attention and concentrate on the track!
4402<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead on track. - Go past the
house on your right.
4403<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK.
4404<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT HUNDRED - Keep going forward, to the left. - Remain on the
main track.
4406<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right and immediately left. -
Attention! Track is more or less visible! - Main Track!
4408<!sp!>1<!sp!>For two kms and six hundred meters continue on main track. - Let's
4409<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left to OFF TRACK and leave Main
Track. - Big rock on your Left.
4411<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Follow traces on CAP 127.
4412<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight ahead. - Rock on your left. -
Follow traces. - Danger 2!
4414<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Keep following traces. - Let's go!
4415<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Bump! - After the bump turn Left to track. -
Attention! Track more or less visible.
4416<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - TURN LEFT TO TRACK!
4417<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Continue following TRACES.
4418<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right at the end of the fence and
follow Off Track. Danger 2! - Dunes!
4419<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 139! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2! - DUNES!
4420<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Follow CAP 139! - Be very careful in
the DUNES!
4421<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for a Tight Right. Turn to CAP 287. -
Danger 2!
4422<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 287! - DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4423<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and seven hundred - Follow CAP 287!
4424<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight on twisty track. - More or
less visible. - Go past the house on your left.
4426<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and eight hundred - Keep following traces. - Let's go!
4427<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left to Cap 253! - More or less
4429<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue following traces.
4430<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to Right on Main Track.
4431<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO MAIN TRACK! - Let's go!
4432<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and three hundred - Continue on main track.
4433<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left and leave main track. - More
or less visible - SAND!
4435<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Continue straight ahead on track. - Attention! Twisty!
Sand track!
4436<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and a half - Keep focused on track! Go straight ahead! -
Let's go!
4437<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Straight ahead, between rocks! - Danger 2!
4439<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Continue straight ahead on track. -
Pay attention!
4440<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - FOCUS! Two kms to the finish line!
4441<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! - Good Job! Let's try another challenge!
4442<!sp!>22<!sp!>In this lesson we will be driving only on off-track.
4443<!sp!>22<!sp!>To be successful one must pay close attention to the distances
and the directions from the road book.
4444<!sp!>22<!sp!>Keep your eyes peeled! Respect the distances and focus on your
given CAP.
4445<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready!
4446<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1 - Go! Follow Sand track - CAP 7!
4447<!sp!>1<!sp!>One Km and two hundred - Continue straight ahead on CAP 7.
4448<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for Tight Right to CAP 121 - SAND!
4449<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 121! - DUNES!
4450<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Follow CAP 121. - Attention! Remain on CAP.
4451<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left to CAP 70! - Danger 2!
4452<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 70! - UPHILL! - DUNES! DANGER 2!
4453<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOR THE NEXT NINE KMS REMAIN ON CAP 70!
4454<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOUR KMS - STAY FOCUSED! CAP 70!
4455<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - get ready for Tight Left to CAP 311!
4456<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 311! - DUNES! DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4457<!sp!>1<!sp!>For eight kms and a half follow CAP 311! - ATTENTION!
4458<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - KEEP FOCUSED ON CAP! - LET´S GO!
4459<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left. - Downhill! Danger 2!
4460<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 246! - DOWNHILL! DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4461<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and two hundred - Continue following CAP 246.
4462<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - KEEP FOCUSED ON CAP! - REMEMBER! 246!
4463<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left. - Dunes! Danger 2!
4464<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 183! - DUNES! DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4465<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Keep on CAP 183!
4466<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for TIGHT LEFT to CAP 81!
4467<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 81! - WAYPOINT OK!
4468<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Keep on CAP 81!
4469<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for Tight Right. - Attention!
4470<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 209! - WAYPOINT OK!
4471<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and three hundred - Keep CAP 209!
4472<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Bump! Danger 2! - Attention! - Between ROADSIGNS!
4474<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED! Keep going straight ahead to finish line!
4475<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! CONGRATULATIONS! - Let´s try the last challenge!
4476<!sp!>23<!sp!>Now that you can handle off-road navigation following CAP
headings, you will face some dangerous uphill and downhill dunes.
4477<!sp!>23<!sp!>Pay close attention to my warnings as we approach danger zones,
for a simple misstep may mean the end of your time here in the rally.
4478<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready!
4479<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1 - Go! Follow OFF TRACK! UPHILL DUNES! - CAP 1!
4480<!sp!>1<!sp!>SEVEN HUNDRED - Go straight ahead to the Dunes - Bump! Danger 2!
4481<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - DUNES!
4482<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow CAP 1.
4483<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left. - Big Dune!
4484<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 279! - BIG DUNE!
4485<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Follow CAP 279!
4486<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right to Uphill Dune! -
4487<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! UPHILL DUNE! - CAP 14! - ATTENTION!
4488<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Follow CAP 24!
4489<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight ahead to CAP 24! - Dunes!
4490<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 24!
4491<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km - Follow CAP 24!
4492<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight to CAP 22! - Dunes! Danger 2!
4493<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON DUNES! DANGER 2! - CAP 22!
4494<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and four hundred -Follow CAP 22!
4495<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight ahead. - Danger 2!
4496<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 24! - DUNES! DANGER 2!
4497<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Follow CAP 24! - Attention!
4498<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Right to CAP 121! - Uphill Dunes!
4500<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Follow CAP 121. - Pay attention!
4501<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn Left to CAP 78! - Fence on your
4502<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 78! - DUNES! DANGER 2!
4503<!sp!>1<!sp!>NINE HUNDRED - Keep going straight ahead. - Ruins and fence on
your right!
4504<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 78! - GO ON!
4505<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Follow CAP 78.
4506<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - KEEP ON CAP 78! ATTENTION!
4507<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn right to CAP 204! - Dunes! Danger
4508<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 204 - DUNES! DANGER 2! - WAYPOINT OK!
4509<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and seven hundred - Follow CAP 204!
4510<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Keep going straight to CAP 204! - Dunes! Danger 2!
4511<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 204! - Dunes! Danger 2!
4512<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and two hundred - Follow CAP 204. - Focus!
4513<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - KEEP ON CAP 204! - PAY ATTENTION!
4514<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for Tight Right to CAP 290!
4515<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 290! - DUNES! DANGER 2!
4516<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Follow CAP 290. - ATTENTION!
4517<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - STAY ON CAP 290! Careful!
4518<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left to CAP 194! - Downhill Dune!
4519<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 194! - DOWNHILL DUNE! - WAYPOINT OK!
4520<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and nine hundred - Follow CAP 194!
4521<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn right to CAP 289!
4522<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 289!
4523<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and four hundred - Keep CAP 289!
4524<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to turn left to CAP 180!
4525<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 180! - WAYPOINT OK!
4526<!sp!>1<!sp!>EIGHT HUNDRED METERS TO FINISH LINE! - Concentrate!
4528<!sp!>1<!sp!>(perdido no caminho CAP) Pay attention to the CAP heading! Let’s
get back to the last roadbook note we know.
4529<!sp!>1<!sp!>(perdido no caminho CAP) We’re moving away from our CAP. We better
get to the last note we know.
4530<!sp!>1<!sp!>(perdido no caminho CAP) CAP is not this way. Let’s get back to
the last roadbook note.
4531<!sp!>1<!sp!>(interruption) HEY!
4532<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
4533<!sp!>1<!sp!>Atention on vegetation! - Start on CAP 254.
4534<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
4535<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - get ready to go left. - more or less visible!
4536<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT! More or less visible!
4537<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and half - Follow track.
4538<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep left. - More or less visible! - CAP 216
4539<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - CAP 216
4540<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five km and four hundred - Follow track.
4541<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three Km - Attention! Stay on track! Go on!
4542<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead on track. - Mountains on
the left. - Off Track! - Danger 2!
4543<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD TO CAP 152 - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2!
4544<!sp!>1<!sp!>Sixteen km - Follow track. - Attention!
4545<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight km - Stay on track.
4546<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km - Attention! Danger 2!
4547<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to go Left to off track.
4548<!sp!>1<!sp!>LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 140! - DANGER 2!
4549<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Follow CAP 140! - Attention!
4550<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO!
4551<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! - TURN RIGHT! - WAYPOINT OK!
4552<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight km and one hundred - Follow RIO!
4553<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km - Stay in RIO
4554<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get raedy to turn left and leave RIO!
4555<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! LEAVE RIO! - CAP 170
4556<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Km - Follow CAP 170! - Attention!
4557<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Stay on CAP 170!
4558<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to Turn Left. - Off Track. - Danger 2 !
4560<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine km - Straight ahead through canyon.
4561<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Km - Keep following canyon.
4562<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready for Tight Right! - Danger 2! - Off Track!
4563<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! - FOLLOW CANyON! - DANGER 2! - OFF TRACK!
4564<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four Km and half - Follow canyon.
4565<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Keep following canyon.
4566<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to Turn Left. - Danger 2!
4567<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT! - FOLLOW CANYON! - DANGER 2! ROCKS! - OFF TRACK! -
4568<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six km - Follow canyon. - Attention!
4569<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three km - Keep going!
4570<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead through canyon.
4572<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven km and a half - Continue thorugh canyon.
4573<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three km - Keep going.
4574<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue through canyon.
4575<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD THROUGH CANYON. - ROCKS on the Left. - Danger 2!
4576<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km and nine hundred - Follow canyon.
4577<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km - Keep going.
4578<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Follow canyon.
4580<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two km and seven hundred - Follow canyon
4581<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to enter RIO just ahead - Danger 2!
4582<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO - DANGER 2! - WATER!
4583<!sp!>1<!sp!>Sixteen km - Follow RIO.
4584<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight km - Stay in RIO.
4585<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km - Continue straight ahead in RIO.
4586<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue ahead in RIO - Danger 2! - WATER!
4587<!sp!>1<!sp!>WATER! DANGER 2! - CAP 215! - FOLLOW RIO! - WAYPOINT OK!
4588<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km and two hundred - FOLLOW CAP 215! - RIO!
4589<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready turn right and leave RIO! - Tree on the
4590<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! LEAVE RIO! - CAP 267
4591<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30. - House straight ahead. Turn
Left to Track!
4593<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Finish speed limit zone. - At the end of the
4594<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Fast Track!
4595<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Keep going straight ahead. - Fast Track.
4596<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Fast Track!
4597<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km and four hundred - Continue straigh ahead on fast track.
4598<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Ditch! - Danger 2!
4599<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! DANGER 2!
4600<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine km - Follow fast track!
4601<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight km - Push! Push! Fast track!
4602<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km - Stay focused! Fast track!
4603<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Right. - Off track! - More or
less visible. - Danger 2!
4605<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - FOLLOW CANYON! CAP 291!
4606<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CANYON! - More or less visible! - DANGER 2!
4607<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and two hundred - Follow track! - Straight ahead!
4608<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight. - More or less visible. -
Danger 2!
4609<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT ON TRACK - TWISTY! DANGER 2! - More or less visible!
4610<!sp!>1<!sp!>Nine km and four hundred - Follow track! - Attention!
4611<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four km - Continue straight ahead on track! - Attention
4612<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Tight Left after BUMP! - Danger 2! -
More or less visible!
4613<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! TIGHT LEFT! - DANGER 2! - ATTENTION!
4614<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen km and three hundred - Follow Track.
4615<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six km - Continue straight ahead on Track.
4616<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead - Danger 2!
4618<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms and seven hundred - Continue straigh ahead on track.
4619<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track! Pay atention!
4620<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Step Down! DANGER 3! - Dip! Compression!
4622<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and three hundred - Continue straight ahead on track!
4623<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and Dip! Danger 2! - Dip with compression!
4625<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms - Continue on track. - Attention!
4626<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Straight ahead, on track. - Let´s go!
4627<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for twisty track. More or less visible!
Danger 2!
4629<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and four hundred - Continue on track.
4630<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Right on track.- Attention!
4631<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON TRACK! - Between the trees! - Attention!
4632<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and two hundred - Straight ahead on track.
4633<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Start Speed Limit Zone 30 on HOUSES!
4634<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
4635<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
4636<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - GO! MAIN TRACK!
4637<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Get ready to cross road to Off Track. - Attention!
More or less visible!
4638<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS ROAD! - STRAIGHT AHEAD TO OFF TRACK ON CAP 8! - Attention!
4639<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fourteen kms and two hundred - FOLLOW CAP 8! - OFF TRACK!
4640<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on CAP 8! - Attention!
4641<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead, between rocks! CAP 8!
4642<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 2! BETWEEN ROCKS! - CAP 8!
4643<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Follow CAP 8. - Attention!
4644<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Attention on CAP! Keep focused!
4645<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Continue straight ahead on CAP 9. - Off Track.
4647<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms and a half - Follow CAP 9.
4648<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on CAP 324. - Off Track.
4649<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 324! - ATTENTION! OFF TRACK!
4650<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and a half - Follow CAP 324.
4651<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on CAP 324. - Attention.
4652<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Left to Main Track. - Rock and Tree just
ahead! Danger 2!
4654<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and seven hundred - Continue straight ahead on main
4655<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going.
4657<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready to cross RIO. - Danger 2!
4658<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! STRAIGHT AHEAD! - DANGER 2!
4659<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and eight hundred - Continue on track.
4660<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to cross RIO - Twisty! Danger 2!
4662<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms and three hundred - Continue on track. - Attention!
4663<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track! Keep going!
4664<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Turn Right, to the mountain! Danger 2! - Off Track.
4665<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT, TO CAP 268! - OFF TRACK! DANGER 2!
4666<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and six hundred - Stay on CAP 268.
4667<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track. - More or less
visible. - Twisty!
4669<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twenty one kms - Continue on Track. - Attention!
4670<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten Kms - Continue straight ahead! - Attention!
4671<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms - Keep focused! Let´s go!
4672<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to Turn Right on Track. - Danger 2! More
or less visible.
4674<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and one hundred - Continue on track.
4675<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track. - Fence just
ahead. - Danger 2!
4676<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT, ON TRACK! - DANGER 2! More or less visible.
4677<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30. - ON THE HOUSES.
4678<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention!
4679<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Finish speed limit zone.
4680<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - GO!
4681<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twelve kms and six hundred - Keep going straight ahead on track!
Let's go!
4682<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Continue on track.
4683<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left to Off Track. - Danger 2!
4684<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO OFF TRACK! - CAP 232! - FOLLOW TRACES!
4685<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and four hundred - Speed Limit Zone 30.
4686<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Speed limit zone 30.
4687<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! - Attention! FOLLOW TRACES!
4688<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - CP! - CROSS ROAD!
4690<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two hundred - Finish speed limti zone. - Follow traces.
4691<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE - GO! ON CAP 226! - OFF TRACK!
4692<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and eight hundred - Follow CAP 226!
4693<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay on CAP 226!
4694<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to enter RIO -Step Down. - Danger 2!
4696<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and nine hundred - Follow RIO.
4697<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Continue in RIO. - Attention.
4698<!sp!>1<!sp!>FIVE HUNDRED - Get ready to Keep Right in RIO - Danger 2!
4699<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP TO THE RIGHT! - FOLLOW RIO ON CAP 290!
4700<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Follow RIO! Attention!
4701<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Stay in RIO!
4702<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Leave RIO! - BUMP! - More or less visible - Danger
4704<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ten kms and nine hundred - ATTENTION! FOLLOW CAP 227!
4705<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on CAP 227! Attention!
4706<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead to Track. - Between the mountains. -
4708<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eleven kms and seven hundred - Continue on track.
4709<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
4710<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready to turn Left on Track! - Attention!
4711<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON TRACK! - Attention!
4712<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven kms and three hundred - Stay on track - Let´s go!
4713<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Focus! Go on!
4714<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump! Danger 2! - Twisty!
4715<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! DANGER 2! - TWISTY!
4716<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirty two kms - FOLLOW TRACK! ATTENTION!
4717<!sp!>1<!sp!>Fifteen kms - Attention! Go on!
4718<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six Kms - Stay focused! Continue on track!
4719<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead! Between mountains! - Danger 2! More
or less visible. - Undulation!
4721<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight kms and six hundred - Continue on track. - Attention!
4722<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms - Keep on Track.
4723<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Get ready for Dip and Tight Right, between
4724<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! - TIGHT RIGHT! - ATTENTION!
4725<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and one hundred - Continue on track.
4726<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and then Left on Track! - Danger 2!
4727<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! - KEEP TO THE LEFT! - DANGER 2!
4728<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and eight hundred - Continue on track.
4729<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Forward, to the Left. - More or less visible.
4730<!sp!>1<!sp!>FORWARD, TO THE LEFT! - MAIN TRACK!
4731<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and six hundred - Continue straight ahead on track.
4732<!sp!>1<!sp!>Three kms - Stay on track - Keep going.
4733<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead. - Narrow! Undulation. - Danger 2!
4735<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and six hundred - Continue on track.
4736<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4737<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON CAP 128
4738<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and one hundred - Continue on track.
4739<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Straight ahead, on track.
4740<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! - Vegetation!
4741<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and four hundred - Continue on track.
4742<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right! Danger 2! - Hole just ahead!
4743<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT! DANGER 2! - HOLE JUST AHEAD!
4744<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms and two hundred - Continue on track.
4745<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Keep going straight ahead.
4746<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4747<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five kms and two hundred - Follow track.
4748<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Bump and step up! Danger 2!
4749<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP AND STEP UP! DANGER 2! - ATTENTION!
4750<!sp!>1<!sp!>Two kms - Continue straight ahead.
4751<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Tight Right! Danger 2! - Hole just ahead.
4753<!sp!>1<!sp!>Thirteen kms - KEEP GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
4754<!sp!>1<!sp!>Six kms - Stay on track. - Attention!
4755<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4756<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4757<!sp!>1<!sp!>Four kms and three hundred - Follow track! Keep going!
4758<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4760<!sp!>1<!sp!>One kms and six hundred - Follow track,
4761<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Continue straight ahead.
4762<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD!
4763<!sp!>1<!sp!>One km and a half to finish line!
4764<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! Let´s get to the last stage!
4765<!sp!>13<!sp!>Hi Pilot and welcome to Dakar 18!
4766<!sp!>13<!sp!>On this tutorial we are going to train the basic elements so you
can begin our Rally Raid.
4767<!sp!>13<!sp!>The objective in the Dakar Rally is to find and validate all the
Waypoints in our route before crossing the finish line, in the shortest time
4768<!sp!>13<!sp!>Every time one of these lights turns on it means you successfully
validated the Waypoint and you should proceed to the next one.
4769<!sp!>13<!sp!>It’s not mandatory to validate Waypoints sequentially as long as
you get them.
4770<!sp!>13<!sp!>Not all of them are mandatory, but if you reach the finish line
with some Waypoints which weren't validated you will suffer penalties that can lead
to disqualification.
4771<!sp!>13<!sp!>There are several types of Waypoints. Most of them are not
visible and are only detectable by the navigation GPS provided by the rally’s
4772<!sp!>13<!sp!>It’s through the validation of each waypoint that you will be
able to discover the stage’s route.
4773<!sp!>13<!sp!>This allows you to finish each step successfully avoiding
penalties, disqualifications or even worse, getting lost.
4774<!sp!>13<!sp!>In the lower right corner you will find the roadbook.
4775<!sp!>13<!sp!>The roadbook is the navigation key element in Dakar 18. It
describes all the necessary information to navigate between each waypoint.
4776<!sp!>13<!sp!>Centered at the top of the screen, and always visible, you have
the representation of the kilometer and CAP heading repeaters.
4777<!sp!>13<!sp!>Whenever you reach the validation radius of a waypoint it will be
verified as valid.
4778<!sp!>13<!sp!>When you get to a waypoint location as indicated in the tulip,
the roadbook note will be considered as “passed”.
4779<!sp!>13<!sp!>When in Rookie difficulty mode, this will be checked
4780<!sp!>13<!sp!>If the waypoint is not WPC, or Waypoint Control, an arrow will
appear between the repeaters.
4781<!sp!>13<!sp!>You should follow the direction of the arrow to the Waypoint
location and validate it.
4782<!sp!>13<!sp!>When in Rookie difficulty mode an extra indicator is added, but
4783<!sp!>13<!sp!>You should keep the indicator centered because it points you to
the location of the next Waypoint.
4784<!sp!>13<!sp!>This is just a helper for Rookies and it isn’t used by real rally
4785<!sp!>13<!sp!>On the left side we have the waypoint index that represents all
the existing waypoints in a stage and their respective number.
4786<!sp!>13<!sp!>The waypoint number is always corresponding to the roadbook’s
note number.
4787<!sp!>13<!sp!>When a waypoint is validated the corresponding cell changes to
green and in the case of PCs, or Passage Controls, it changes to yellow.
4788<!sp!>13<!sp!>Every waypoint has a validation radius. Remember that the
validation of waypoints is mandatory to avoid penalties.
4789<!sp!>13<!sp!>Each note in the roadbook is divided in three columns: Total and
partial kilometers, tulip, and warnings.
4790<!sp!>13<!sp!>Roadbook notes are read from left to right.
4791<!sp!>13<!sp!>At 18 km
4792<!sp!>13<!sp!>Go straight ahead on CAP heading 332, after the palm tree.
4793<!sp!>13<!sp!>Attention! Danger 3 over the Dunes.
4794<!sp!>13<!sp!>After reading the note, you have to focus on the kilometer and
CAP heading repeater.
4795<!sp!>13<!sp!>Do not miss the reference to the indication of the tulip which
will take you to the next waypoint.
4796<!sp!>13<!sp!>If you choose a vehicle category with navigator, I’ll be at your
side to tell you the way.
4797<!sp!>13<!sp!>But if you choose to ride a Bike or a Quad you will be alone and
on your own.
4798<!sp!>13<!sp!>OK. Let’s begin our training, then.
4799<!sp!>1<!sp!>countdown 5
4800<!sp!>1<!sp!>countdown 4
4801<!sp!>1<!sp!>countdown 3
4802<!sp!>1<!sp!>countdown 2
4803<!sp!>1<!sp!>countdown 1
4804<!sp!>1<!sp!>countdown GO
4805<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
4806<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on track.
4807<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
4808<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km – Remain on track.
4809<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Stay on track.
4810<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare to turn right. Danger 1! DIP!
4811<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Turn right on track. Danger 1! DIP!
4812<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Cross RIO. DIP! Danger 1! Turn Right then Left!
4813<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! CROSS RIO! DIP! RIGHT, THEN LEFT!
4814<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Danger 1!
4815<!sp!>1<!sp!>Waypoint OK!
4816<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Stay on track. Danger 1! DIP! Bumpy!
4817<!sp!>1<!sp!>DANGER 1! DIP! BUMPY AHEAD!
4818<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km – Follow track! Prepare to keep right.
4819<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare to keep right!
4820<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT!
4821<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN LEFT!
4822<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! FOLLOW RIO! DANGER 1!
4823<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW RIO! DANGER 1! ROCKS!
4824<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for tight left! Danger 2!
4826<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue in RIO!
4827<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Prepare to leave RIO! Tight right on Track! More or less
4829<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Get ready to keep right. Stay on track.
4830<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare to keep right on track.
4831<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT! Speed limit zone 50 ahead.
4832<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50! Follow road!
4833<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight ahead on road. Careful with speed limit.
4834<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! Continue straight ahead on track!
4835<!sp!>1<!sp!>Remain on track! Continue straight ahead!
4836<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Keep left on track!
4837<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT! STAY ON TRACK!
4838<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Approaching speed limit zone 30. Straight ahead on
4839<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! Remain on track!
4840<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue going straight on track.
4841<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! Finish speed limit zone! Prepare to tight left!
4842<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT! Tree on your right.
4843<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Bump! Danger 1!
4844<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Careful!
4845<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – DANGER 2! Double ditch! Cross RIO!
4847<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for tight right! Danger 2! Remain on track!
4848<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! Stay on track! Bumpy!
4849<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Prepare to cross RIO! Stay on track!
4851<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Continue on track! Prepare for BUMP! Danger 1!
4852<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Prepare to keep left on track!
4853<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP LEFT! Stay on track!
4854<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km – Keep going forward!
4855<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for DIP straight ahead! Danger 1!
4856<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Danger 1! Bumpy!
4857<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Continue on track! BUMP just ahead! Danger 1!
4858<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Danger 1! Bumpy road ahead.
4859<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Keep going straight ahead! Between rocks!
4860<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Danger 1!
4861<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Bump straight ahead! Danger 1! Bumpy track!
4862<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Danger 1! Bumpy road ahead.
4863<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Continue on track!
4864<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare to cross RIO! Stay on main track!
4865<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on main track! Bumpy road ahead.
4866<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km – Continue on track!
4867<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare for DIP! Danger 1!
4868<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Danger 1! Stay on track!
4869<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Prepare to cross RIO! Continue on track!
4870<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! BUMPY ROAD AHEAD!
4871<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Prepare for DIP! Remain on track.
4872<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Careful! Double bump ahead! Danger 2!
4873<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km – Keep following track! Bumpy road ahead!
4874<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Get ready for tight left on track!
4875<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT ON TRACK! TWISTY!
4876<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Get ready for DIP! Danger 1!! Remain on track!
4877<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Waypoint OK! HOLE ON TRACK AHEAD! DANGER 2!
4879<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track!
4880<!sp!>1<!sp!>Hole on your left! Continue uphill on track! Jumps straight ahead!
Danger 2!
4881<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Prepare for Step Down! Danger 2!
4882<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! STEP DOWN! DANGER 2! Remain on track! Twisty.
4883<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Cross RIO ahead! DIP! Danger 2!
4885<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DIP! DANGER 1!
4886<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Ditch! Speed limit zone 50 ahead.
4887<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50!
4888<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right! Speed limit zone 50. Remain on track.
4889<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone 50. Remain on track. Prepare for double
4890<!sp!>1<!sp!>Triple ditch! Danger 1!
4891<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Get ready for Ditch! Danger 1
4892<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! DITCH! More or less visible! Twisty road ahead! Sand!
4893<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! DANGER 2! SAND! Step down and Cross RIO ahead!
4894<!sp!>1<!sp!>Step down! Cross RIO! Step up! Ditch ahead!
4895<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Continue on track! Hole on your left! Danger 2!
4896<!sp!>1<!sp!>Hole on your left! Danger 2! Twisty!
4897<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Cross RIO straight ahead! Bump! Danger 2! Be very careful!
4898<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Cross RIO! Step up! Danger 2! DIP ahead!
4899<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Continue on track. Prepare for double bump. Danger 2!
4900<!sp!>1<!sp!>DOUBLE BUMP! DANGER 2!
4901<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Continue on track! Twisty!
4902<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track! Twisty!
4903<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for ditch straight ahead! Danger 2!
4904<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! DITCH! DANGER 2! Prepare to enter RIO, then right!
4906<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left! Follow RIO!
4907<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP LEFT! FOLLOW RIO!
4908<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Follow RIO!
4909<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Keep right in RIO! DITCH ahead! Danger 2!
4910<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! DITCH! Turn right! Follow RIO!
4911<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Follow RIO!
4912<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Get ready to turn left in RIO!
4914<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for step up! Keep right in RIO!
4915<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! STEP UP! DANGER 2! KEEP RIGHT IN RIO! Waypoint OK!
4916<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Keep right in RIO!
4917<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT IN RIO!
4918<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Continue in RIO!
4919<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Keep going!
4920<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay in RIO!
4921<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km – Continue in RIO!
4922<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km – Danger ahead! Hole in RIO! Careful!
4923<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – Big hole on the right! Go around and exit RIO!
4924<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! More or less visible! EXIT RIO!
4925<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track!
4926<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Continue on track. Cross track!
4927<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep straight ahead.
4928<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Remain on track!
4929<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross track! Straight ahead.
4930<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km – Continue on track! Prepare to turn right in RIO!
4931<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT IN RIO! FOLLOW RIO!
4932<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Follow RIO!
4933<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Get ready for hairpin left in RIO!
4934<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT IN RIO! Waypoint OK!
4935<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Get ready to exit RIO and turn right to track.
4936<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! EXIT RIO!
4937<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Continue on track!
4938<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Get ready to turn left! Twisty track! Fesh fesh.
4939<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! DANGER 1! FESH FESH! Follow twisty track!
4940<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half – Get ready for hairpin left!
4941<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT! Waypoint OK! Continue on track!
4942<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Get ready for DIP in RIO! Danger 2!
4943<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! DIP IN RIO! DANGER 2! FOLLOW TRACK!
4944<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Get ready for DIP! Danger 2!
4945<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! DIP! DANGER 2! Continue on track!
4946<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – DIP in RIO! Danger 1!
4947<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! CROSS RIO! DIP! Danger 1! Remain on track!
4948<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Cross RIO! DIP! Keep going forward on track!
4949<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! CROSS RIO! DIP! Continue straight ahead on track!
4950<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead! Remain on track!
4951<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Continue on track! Prepare for double bump! Danger 1!
4952<!sp!>1<!sp!>DOUBLE BUMP! DANGER 1!
4953<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Keep going straight ahead on track!
4955<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km – Keep following track!
4956<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for step down! Cross RIO! DIP!
4958<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km – Keep following track!
4959<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km – Continue on track!
4960<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Keep going!
4961<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track!
4962<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km – Keep going straight ahead.
4963<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Get ready to turn right on track!
4964<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT ON TRACK!
4965<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km – Continue on track!
4966<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km – Prepare for DIP straight ahead!
4967<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! DANGER 1! CROSS RIO!
4968<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred – We are getting close to the Finish line!
4969<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH LINE! Congratulations! We made it!
4970<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
4971<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start on track.
4972<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
4973<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right on track.
4974<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on track.
4976<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready to turn right!
4977<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT
4978<!sp!>1<!sp!>Prepare to cross RIO! STEP! Follow track! Keep right!
4980<!sp!>1<!sp!>Prepare for DITCH! Follow track!
4981<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! Follow track! Waypoint OK! Get ready to turn right on track
4982<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following main track!
4983<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right and follow track!
4984<!sp!>1<!sp!>Danger 1! Hole on your left!
4985<!sp!>1<!sp!>Careful! Hole on your left! Keep following track!
4986<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross RIO ahead! DIP! Prepare to go off track.
4987<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! DIP! GO TO CAP 38! OFF TRACK!
4988<!sp!>1<!sp!>Seven hundred - Get ready to enter RIO and turn left.
4989<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! ENTER RIO AND TURN LEFT! FOLLOW RIO! Waypoint OK!
4990<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO! Prepare to turn left in RIO!
4991<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! Keep following RIO! Waypoint OK!
4992<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following RIO!
4993<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain in RIO!
4994<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO! Waypoint OK!
4995<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following RIO!
4996<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Go under the bridge! Follow RIO!
4997<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go under the Bridge! Follow RIO!
4998<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Keep following RIO! Careful with ROCKS!
4999<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow RIO! Keep focused!
5000<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay in RIO! Keep going! Waypoint OK!
5001<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep in RIO!
5002<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO! Concentrate!
5003<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going!
5004<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km - Follow RIO!
5005<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Prepare to turn left in RIO.
5006<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT IN RIO! FOLLOW RIO! Waypoint OK!
5007<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO! Bridge ahead!
5008<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go under the Bridge! Keep following RIO!
5009<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn right! Keep following RIO!
5010<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO!
5011<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following RIO! Canyon ahead!
5012<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow RIO! Between canyon.
5013<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn right. Follow RIO!
5014<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! Prepare to leave RIO. Track on your right. More
or less visible.
5015<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5016<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. Prepare to turn right in RIO ahead.
5017<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO!
5018<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare for step down. Danger 3! Be very careful!
5019<!sp!>1<!sp!>Step down ahead. Easy!
5020<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP DOWN! DANGER 3! ROCKS! Follow RIO!
5021<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! EXIT RIO! FOLLOW TRACES! Speed limit zone 30 ahead.
5022<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30!
5023<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! Stamp time card.
5024<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! Turn left! Follow TRACES!
5025<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT ON CAP 205. FOLLOW RIO!
5026<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWO BUMPS! WATER! DANGER 2! STAY IN RIO!
5027<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO!
5028<!sp!>1<!sp!>Careful! Remain in RIO!
5029<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay in RIO! Waypoint OK!
5030<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Cross track ahead. Keep following RIO!
5031<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS TRACK! Stay in RIO! Between electric poles.
5032<!sp!>1<!sp!>7km - Remain in RIO!
5033<!sp!>1<!sp!>2km - Keep following RIO!
5034<!sp!>1<!sp!>Waypoint OK! Stay in RIO!
5035<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Keep following RIO! Remain focused.
5036<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare to turn left! Follow RIO!
5037<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! STAY IN RIO!
5038<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Prepare to exit RIO on track to your right.
5039<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Attention. Get ready to exit RIO. Between rocks. Traces on
your right.
5040<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Follow TRACES. Between rocks. Approaching speed limit zone
5041<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30
5042<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD! Prepare to turn right on track.
5043<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! Turn right to track!
5044<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare tight left to track.
5045<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5046<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following track.
5047<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to cross track. Keep going straight ahead.
5049<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on track.
5050<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight ahead on track!
5051<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - DIP! Danger 2! ROCKS! Prepare for tight right!
5052<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! DITCH! Follow track!
5053<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Remain on track.
5054<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare for BUMP!
5055<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Waypoint OK! Stay on track!
5056<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track! Get ready to enter RIO and turn right!
5058<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow RIO!
5059<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare for hairpin left. Mud. Danger 3!
5060<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT! MUD! Waypoint OK! Follow RIO!
5061<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Stay in RIO! Remain focused.
5062<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep pushing. Follow RIO.
5063<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare to Exit RIO to your right.
5064<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW CAP 317. OFF TRACK!
5065<!sp!>1<!sp!>12 km - Keep following CAP 317!
5066<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Remain focused on CAP! Be very careful.
5067<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 317. Prepare to enter RIO just ahead.
5068<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN LEFT! Waypoint OK. Follow RIO.
5069<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following RIO! Twisty!
5070<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay in RIO! Twisty. Waypoint OK.
5071<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km - Follow RIO: Twisty.
5072<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO!
5073<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep going. Remain in RIO.
5074<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO! Twisty! Waypoint OK!
5075<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Twisty! Stay in RIO!
5076<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO! Twisty!
5077<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following RIO!
5078<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to exit RIO and turn right to track.
5079<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 280! Waypoint OK!
5080<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 280.
5081<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left to CAP 205.
5082<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 205. Waypoint OK.
5083<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn left to CAP 115.
5084<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 115. Waypoint OK!
5085<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 115.
5086<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right on track.
5087<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO TRACK! Waypoint OK!
5088<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready for tight right.
5089<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5090<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following track!
5091<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare to enter RIO and turn right.
5092<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! ENTER RIO! TURN RIGHT! Follow RIO!
5093<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare to exit RIO to your left.
5094<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 324. EXIT RIO! FOLLOW CAP!
5095<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 324.
5096<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn right on track ahead.
5097<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5098<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Keep following track! Straight ahead!
5099<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Approaching speed limit zone 30. Stay on track. Attention.
5100<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Attention. Speed limit zone 30 just ahead.
5101<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5102<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP TO STAMP TIME CARD!
5103<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE! Keep following track. Narrow.
5104<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on track.
5105<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready for tight left on track.
5106<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK! Waypoint OK.
5107<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep following track.
5108<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Off track ahead. Attention.
5109<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to go off track to your right on CAP 345.
5110<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 345. OFF TRACK!
5111<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO!
5112<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO!
5113<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay in RIO! Prepare to turn right to off track
on CAP 60.
5114<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! CAP 60! STEP UP! DANGER 2! Waypoint OK!
5115<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep following CAP 60.
5116<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Remain focused. Attention on CAP!
5117<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left to CAP 30
5118<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 30. Waypoint OK!
5119<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep following CAP 30.
5120<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Remain focused. Attention on CAP!
5121<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right to CAP 96.
5122<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 96. Waypoint OK.
5123<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following CAP 96.
5124<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Attention on CAP.
5125<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left to CAP 25.
5126<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 25! Waypoint OK.
5127<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left to CAP 280.
5128<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 280. Waypoint OK.
5129<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Remain on CAP 280.
5130<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn right to CAP 330
5131<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 330. Waypoint OK!
5132<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 330.
5133<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right to CAP 50.
5134<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 50. Waypoint OK.
5135<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 50.
5136<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left to CAP 320.
5137<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 320. Waypoint OK.
5138<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km - Follow CAP 320. Careful. Bumpy.
5139<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Attention on CAP! Careful.
5140<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn right to CAP 82.
5141<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 82. Waypoint OK.
5142<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on CAP 82. Attention. Bumpy.
5143<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to enter RIO and turn right.
5145<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY IN RIO! Waypoint OK.
5146<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following RIO! Prepare to turn left.
5147<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! FOLLOW RIO.
5148<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO.
5149<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to exit RIO. Turn right on track!
5151<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to cross track ahead. TRACES on your
5153<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following traces.
5154<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Straight ahead on track. Main track.
5156<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Fast track. Straight ahead.
5157<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep pushing. GO!
5158<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going! Stay on track!
5159<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep pushing! Straight ahead on track.
5160<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep going forward. Prepare to cross track.
5162<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Straight ahead.
5163<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track!
5164<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow track.
5165<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going forward on track!
5166<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on track!
5167<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep pushing!
5168<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on track!
5169<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep going straight on track. We are close to the finish
5170<!sp!>1<!sp!>Congratulations! We made it!
5171<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
5172<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start In RIO.
5173<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
5174<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay in RIO. Prepare to turn right in RIO.
5175<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Turn right! Follow RIO!
5176<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO. Get ready to keep right.
5177<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Prepare to keep right.
5178<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Keep right. Follow RIO!
5179<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay in RIO. Keep left.
5180<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead in RIO.
5181<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue in RIO.
5182<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay in RIO. Prepare to keep left.
5183<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW - Keep left.
5184<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Continue following RIO.
5185<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO LEFT IN RIO. Tree on your right. Waypoint OK.
5186<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following RIO. Careful. Vegetation.
5187<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO. Straight ahead. Rock on your right.
5189<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following RIO.
5190<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay in RIO. Twisty.
5191<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue in RIO. Keep right just ahead.
5192<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT! STAY IN RIO:
5193<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Keep following RIO. Attention. Twisty.
5194<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Stay in RIO! Careful!
5195<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Get ready to turn right and exit RIO.
5196<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! CAP 205! EXIT RIO! VEGETATION! Waypoint OK.
5197<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on CAP 205.
5198<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare to turn left on CAP 155
5199<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 155. Waypoint OK.
5200<!sp!>1<!sp!>Remain on CAP 155.
5201<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right to CAP 225.
5202<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 225. Waypoint OK.
5203<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Remain on CAP 225. Attention. Vegetation.
5204<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following CAP 225. Careful. Vegetation. Rocks. Danger
5205<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Get ready to turn left to CAP 160. Careful. ROCKS.
5206<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 160. Waypoint OK.
5207<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Keep following CAP 160. Attention. Vegetation. Danger 1.
5208<!sp!>1<!sp!>5km - Stay on CAP 160. Careful. Dunes. Danger 1.
5209<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Get ready to cross RIO just ahead. Danger 2! Step down and
step up.
5211<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Remain on CAP 175. Vegetation.
5212<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Get ready to turn right to CAP 270. Attention! Dunes.
Danger 1.
5213<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 270. Waypoint OK.
5214<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Continue following CAP 270. Vegetation. Danger 1!
5215<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP. Prepare to turn right just ahead.
5216<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 360. Waypoint OK.
5217<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Keep following CAP 360. Vegetation. Danger 1.
5218<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Remain on CAP 360. Get ready to start speed limit zone 30
just ahead.
5219<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Speed limit zone 30 just ahead. Attention.
5220<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5221<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stamp time card.
5222<!sp!>1<!sp!>FINISH SPEED LIMIT ZONE. Follow RIO:
5223<!sp!>1<!sp!>12 km - Keep following RIO. Twisty! Water!
5224<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Continue in RIO. Careful. Twisty. Water!
5225<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Get ready to turn left and exit RIO. Danger 1! Sand.
5226<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! EXIT RIO! TRACES! FOLLOW CAP 260.
5227<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 352! Waypoint OK.
5228<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following CAP 352.
5229<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to turn left in RIO just ahead.
Downhill! Danger 3! Careful!
5230<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT IN RIO! FOLLOW RIO! TWISTY! Waypoint OK.
5231<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO! Careful! Twisty.
5232<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Keep following RIO. Careful! Rock on your right!
Danger 2.
5233<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue in RIO.
5234<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Stay in RIO. Twisty.
5235<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue in RIO. Prepare to keep right.
5236<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right! Stay in RIO.
5237<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Continue following RIO.
5238<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay in RIO. Careful! MUD! Danger 2!
5239<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue in RIO! MUD! DANGER 2! Waypoint OK.
5240<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare to keep right in RIO.
5241<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right. Follow RIO! Twisty.
5242<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to keep right in RIO!
5243<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right! Stay in RIO! Careful Twisty
5244<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to keep right in RIO.
5245<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right in RIO. Follow RIO. Twisty.
5246<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Continue in RIO and keep left.
5247<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Turn right between ROCKS. Keep following RIO.
5248<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO! Prepare to keep left.
5249<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Keep left. Follow RIO. Waypoint OK.
5250<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue in RIO. Prepare to turn right in RIO.
5251<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO!
5252<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following RIO!
5253<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue in RIO! Under the bridge. Straight ahead!
5254<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow traces! Approaching speed limit zone 50.
5256<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON ROAD! Speed limit zone 50.
5257<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on road! Speed limit zone 50.
5258<!sp!>1<!sp!>seven hundred - Prepare to cross road and go straight ahead on
5261<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue in RIO! Danger 2! Narrow.
5262<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to turn right and exit RIO between
5264<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue on track. Narrow. Get ready for tight right.
5265<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACK.
5266<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to keep left.
5267<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP LEFT. Prepare to turn left.
5268<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! Keep going straight just ahead.
5269<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK!
5272<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP FOLLOWING TRACK! TWISTY! Waypoint OK!
5273<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Prepare to enter RIO and turn left!
5275<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Keep following RIO!
5277<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO!
5278<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Keep going forward. Remain in RIO.
5279<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD! FOLLOW RIO.
5281<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep going straight ahead. Stay in RIO!
5282<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue in RIO. Prepare to turn right in RIO.
5283<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO!
5285<!sp!>1<!sp!>14 km - Stay in RIO! Twisty!
5286<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Continue in RIO! Attention. Twisty.
5287<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following RIO. Careful.
5288<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare for a tight right. Danger 1! Narrow.
5289<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO!
5290<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following RIO. Careful. Twisty.
5291<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue in RIO. Attention. Twisty!
5292<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Get ready to turn right and exit RIO. CAP 300
5293<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT ON CAP 300. Get ready to turn left.
5294<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT ON CAP 205! DANGER 2! Vegetation. Waypoint OK.
5295<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep following CAP 205. Careful! Undulation.
5296<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Get ready to turn left to CAP 145.
5297<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 145. DANGER 2! Vegetation. Waypoint OK:
5298<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Continue following CAP 145. Undulation.
5299<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on CAP 145. Careful. Danger 2! Undulation.
5300<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Stay on CAP 145. Attention.
5301<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 145.
5302<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Remain on CAP 145.
5303<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP! Get ready to turn right to CAP 190.
5304<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 190. Waypoint OK.
5305<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 190. Attention! Undulation.
5306<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare to turn left to CAP 120.
5307<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 120. Waypoint OK.
5308<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Continue following CAP 120. Danger 1. Undulation.
5309<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Follow CAP 120! Keep focused. Careful. Undulation.
5310<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to turn right to CAP 213.
5311<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 213! Waypoint OK.
5312<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 213. Prepare to turn left just ahead.
5313<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW TURN LEFT TO CAP 190. Waypoint OK.
5314<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 190. Get ready to turn left just
5315<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 170. Waypoint OK!
5316<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following CAP 170. Danger 1! Undulation.
5317<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 170. Prepare to turn right just ahead.
5318<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 295! Waypoint OK.
5319<!sp!>1<!sp!>15 km - Just keep following CAP 195. Danger 1! Undulation.
5320<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km - Keep focused. Remain on CAP 195. Careful.
5321<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 195. Get ready for a tight right to CAP 25.
Attention. Rocks.
5322<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT ON CAP 25. Waypoint OK.
5323<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 25.Attention. Undulation.
5324<!sp!>1<!sp!>1k and a half - Stay on CAP. Get ready to turn left on track just
5325<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT ON TRACK! Waypoint OK. Follow track.
5326<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km - Keep following track.
5327<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep pushing. Remain on track.
5328<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - DIP just ahead. More or less visible. Danger 2.
5329<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Keep following track! Danger 2! Twisty.
5330<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Hole on track just ahead. Keep left on track.
5331<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5332<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to keep left on track. BUMP! Danger 2!
5333<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK! BUMP!
5334<!sp!>1<!sp!>REMAIN ON TRACK!
5335<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK! NARROW! More or less visible! Careful. Hole just
5337<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5338<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following track.
5339<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Hole on your right just ahead.
5341<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on track. Attention. Hole on your left.
5342<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going! Remain on track!
5343<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following track. Finish line just ahead.
5344<!sp!>1<!sp!>Congratulations! We made it!
5345<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
5346<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start in Main track.
5347<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
5348<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left in RIO. DIP! Danger 2!
5349<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! ENTER RIO! DIP!
5350<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow RIO! Twisty!
5351<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km - Continue RIO! Careful. Twisty.
5352<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! CONTINUE IN RIO! KEEP RIGHT!
5353<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT IN RIO! Waypoint OK! Keep going straight to track.
5354<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight on track. Through the valley.
5355<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Stay on track! Follow track to your left just
5356<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Uphill. Enter RIO just ahead.
5357<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! Turn Right. Exit Rio on track.
5358<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Undulation.
5359<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross track! Continue straight ahead. Undulation.
5360<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow track! Prepare to turn right on Traces just ahead.
5361<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Turn right! Follow Traces.
5362<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following Traces.
5363<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following Traces. Attention! Danger 2! Enter RIO just
5364<!sp!>1<!sp!>Enter RIO! DIP! Follow traces. Water.
5365<!sp!>1<!sp!>Exit RIO on your right. Uphill!
5366<!sp!>1<!sp!>Go around tree. Follow traces. Waypoint OK. Straight to track.
5368<!sp!>1<!sp!>TWISTY! More or less visible. Prepare to keep left just ahead.
5369<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK! Twisty.
5370<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready for tight left! Attention. BUMP! Danger 2!
5371<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT! DOWHILL! Prepare for tight right in RIO.
5372<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO! Waypoint OK!
5373<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow RIO! Attention! Water.
5374<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Continue in RIO. Careful. Water.
5375<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO! Waypoint OK.
5376<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Follow RIO! Attention. Twisty!
5377<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO! Danger 2! Water. Twisty!
5378<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue in RIO! Prepare to go under the bridge. Narrow.
5379<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP FOLLOWING RIO! Get ready to turn right and exit RIO just
5380<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT ON CAP 81! FOLLOW CAP! Track just ahead.
5381<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT ON TRACK! Follow track. Undulation.
5383<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare for off road just ahead.
5384<!sp!>1<!sp!>GO STRAIGHT AHEAD! FOLLOW CAP 12! Off road. Undulation.
5385<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 Km - Remain on CAP 12. Attention. ROCKS. DANGER 2!
5386<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 15. Keep going!
5387<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 15! Attention. ROCKS! Danger 2!
5388<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN TO CAP 9. Attention. Undulation. DANGER 2!
5389<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 9!
5390<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following CAP 9. Careful. ROCKS! DANGER 2!
5391<!sp!>1<!sp!>Attention! ROCKS! Danger 2! Stay on CAP 9.
5392<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 9. Get ready to turn right to CAP 55.
5393<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 55!
5394<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 55! Danger 2! Vegetation! Get ready
to turn right.
5395<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 115! ATTENTION! ROCKS! UPHILL! Waypoint OK.
5396<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn left.
5397<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 69. UPHILL! Undulation.
5398<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Remain on CAP 69. UPHILL.
5399<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue uphill. Stay on CAP 69!
5400<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn left.
5401<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON CAP 347. Waypoint OK.
5402<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Stay on CAP 347. Attention. Danger 3! Undulation.
5403<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue downhill. Follow CAP 347. Danger 3! Undulation!
5404<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Downhill! Danger 3!
5405<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 305! Waypoint OK!
5406<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue downhill. Follow CAP 305. Careful!
5407<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 305! Get ready to turn right!
5408<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 360! Waypoint OK!
5409<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on CAP 360. Danger 2! Undulation.
5410<!sp!>1<!sp!>Five hundred - Prepare to turn right.
5411<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 62. DANGER 2! Waypoint OK!
5412<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 62. Attention. Danger 2! Undulation.
5413<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right!
5414<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 93!
5415<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 93!
5416<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready for tight left. Danger 3! Undulation.
5417<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 355! Waypoint OK!
5418<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready to turn left.
5419<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 292. Waypoint OK. Downhill.
5420<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Attention. Downhill. Danger 3! Follow CAP 292.
5421<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left.
5422<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 250! Waypoint OK!
5423<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Continue following CAP 250! Danger 1. Undulation.
5424<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep going! Follow CAP 250. Careful. Undulation.
5425<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Approaching speed limit zone 30. Attention. Remain on CAP
5426<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Speed limit zone 30 just ahead.
5427<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5428<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! Stamp time card.
5429<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish Speed limit zone. Go straight ahead on track.
5430<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow track. Undulation. More or less visible.
5431<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track. Twisty. Undulation.
5432<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow track. Undulation. Danger 1!
5433<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to turn right and leave track. BUMP!
Danger 3!
5434<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 90! OFF ROAD! FOLLOW CAP!
5435<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Continue following CAP 90.
5436<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow CAP 90. Attention! Undulation. Danger 3!
5437<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare for hairpin left.
5438<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN LEFT TO CAP 320. Downhill! Danger 2! Waypoint OK.
5439<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 320. Downhill. Danger 2.
5440<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn left. Danger 2! Undulation.
5441<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 277. Downhill! Danger 2! Waypoint OK.
5442<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 277. Danger 2! Downhill.
5443<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare to turn left. Undulation. Danger 3!
5444<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 270. Waypoint OK!
5445<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 270. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
5446<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5447<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! Stamp time card.
5448<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow CAP 275. Downhill.
5449<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following CAP 275.
5450<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 275. Danger 2! Undulation.
5451<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare for hairpin right. Danger 3! Drop just ahead.
5452<!sp!>1<!sp!>HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 50. ATTENTION! DROP! Waypoint OK!
5453<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep following CAP 50.
5454<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Attention. Undulation. Stay on CAP 50.
5455<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready for tight left. Danger 3! Undulation.
5456<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 300. Waypoint OK.
5457<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Follow CAP 300. Danger 3. Undulation.
5458<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 300. Downhill. Prepare to turn right.
5459<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 340. Waypoint OK.
5460<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on CAP 340.
5461<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue following CAP 340. Prepare to turn left.
5462<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 328.
5463<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Continue following CAP 328.
5464<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on CAP 320. Undulation. Danger 2!
5465<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Attention. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
5466<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5467<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! Stamp time card.
5468<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Enter RIO. Turn Right and follow RIO.
5469<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right! Follow RIO.
5470<!sp!>1<!sp!>Exit RIO! Follow CAP 23. Track just ahead. Waypoint OK.
5471<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 23. Undulation! Prepare to turn left
to track!
5472<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK! Undulation.
5473<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track!
5474<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Twisty. Danger 2!
5475<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on track! Twisty.
5476<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on track. Undulation.
5477<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Twisty. Undulation. Get ready to turn left.
5478<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT. FOLLOW TRACK! DOWNHILL! Approaching speed limit zone
5479<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30! Keep right.
5480<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right after the house and then turn left!
5481<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow track!
5482<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow track. Get ready for tight left.
5483<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! HOUSES ON YOUR RIGHT! Follow track.
5484<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Continue straight ahead on track.
5485<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD ON TRACK! TWISTY! Prepare to turn left in RIO.
5486<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! TURN LEFT! WATER! FOLLOW RIO! Waypoint OK.
5487<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue in RIO! Attention! Water.
5488<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay in RIO! Keep going.
5489<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue following RIO!
5490<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Stay in RIO. Twisty. Prepare to turn right and
exit RIO!
5491<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 193! EXIT RIO! Waypoint OK.
5492<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 193! Attention! Undulation!
5493<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to enter RIO just ahead. Downhill.
Danger 2. More or less visible.
5494<!sp!>1<!sp!>ENTER RIO! DOWNHILL! TURN LEFT! Water! Waypoint OK.
5495<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue in RIO.
5496<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn right to track. Mud just ahead.
5498<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following track.
5499<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Cross RIO just ahead. Downhill. Danger 1.
5501<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Keep following track. Keep left just ahead.
5502<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left! Follow track.
5503<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track. Waypoint OK.
5504<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow track. Get ready to turn left.
5505<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5506<!sp!>1<!sp!>18 km - Keep following track!
5507<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Keep pushing!
5508<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Continue on track. Go! Go! Go!
5509<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow traces.
5510<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow CAP 174. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
5511<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on CAP 174. Attention. Undulation.
5512<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 174. Get ready to turn left just
5513<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 125. DOWNHILL! Approaching speed limit zone 30.
5514<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5515<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! Stamp time card.
5516<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow track.
5517<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Keep following track. Prepare for tight right
just ahead.
5518<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 265. OFF TRACK!
5519<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Continue following CAP 265. Undulation.
5520<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 265. Attention. Careful.
5521<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CAP 267. Undulation.
5522<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 267.
5523<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CAP 269. Waypoint OK. Attention. Undulation.
5524<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Follow CAP 269. ROCKS! Careful.
5525<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 269. Keep pushing. Vegetation.
5526<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW CAP 275! ROCKS!
5527<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue on CAP 275. Undulation.
5528<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 275. Prepare for tight left just
ahead. BUMPS!
5529<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 152. Undulation. Waypoint OK.
5530<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Remain on CAP 152. Get ready to turn left on
5531<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT ON TRACK! FOLLOW TRACK! Waypoint OK.
5532<!sp!>1<!sp!>7 km - Keep following track.
5533<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue following track. Go!
5534<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep pushing. Stay on track.
5535<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on track!
5536<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Continue on track. Straight ahead.
5537<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on track. Attention. Undulation.
5538<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Remain on track. Prepare to turn right on track.
5540<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track. Follow traces. Waypoint OK.
5541<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow traces. Prepare to turn left.
5543<!sp!>1<!sp!>CONGRATULATIONS! Finish line!
5773<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
5774<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start in Main track. Straight ahead.
5775<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
5776<!sp!>1<!sp!>Twisty track. Cross river just ahead. Danger 3. Downhill.
5777<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross river. Downhill. Continue on track.
5778<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following track. Undulation. Danger 2.
5779<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Attention. DIP! Danger 2!
5780<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Continue on track! Twisty.
5781<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on track. Undulation. DIP just ahead. Danger 1!
5782<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Continue following track. Undulation.
5783<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow track. Undulation.
5784<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue following track. Prepare to keep left.
5785<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left. Follow track. Downhill.
5786<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left. Fence blocking track just ahead. Prepare to turn left.
5787<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! GO AROUND FENCE. Get back on track to your right.
5788<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Straight ahead on track. Cross RIO just ahead. DIP!
5789<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! CROSS RIO! Continue on track. Cross RIO just ahead. DIP!
5790<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Cross RIO. Follow track. Undulation.
5791<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track. Undulation. Waypoint OK. Get ready to turn
5792<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 200. OFF TRACK. UPHILL.
5793<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 200. Uphill. Undulation. Danger 3.
5794<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 180. Continue uphill. Danger 3! Undulation.
5795<!sp!>1<!sp!>3km - Keep following CAP 180.
5796<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Stay on CAP 180. Prepare to cross river.
Attention. STEP!
5797<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP! CROSS RIVER! FOLLOW CAP 190.
5798<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 185. Continue uphill. Go through VALLEY.
5799<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Continue through VALLEY. Get ready for tight
right just ahead.
5800<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT ON CAP 230. Waypoint OK. Downhill
5801<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep going through VALLEY. Downhill.
5802<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow VALLEY. Twisty. Between the ROCKS.
5803<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Between ROCKS. Narrow. Get ready to enter RIO just ahead.
5805<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following RIO. Twisty. Danger 2! Step just ahead.
5806<!sp!>1<!sp!>CAREFUL! STEP! Continue in RIO! Waypoint OK.
5807<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue following RIO. Twisty.
5808<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Attention. Twisty. Follow RIO.
5809<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right and exit RIO just ahead.
5813<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Undulation. Danger 2.
5814<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Straight ahead on track. Undulation.
5816<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - FOLLOW RIO. ATTENTION! ROCKS.
5817<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK.
5818<!sp!>1<!sp!>CONTINUE ON TRACK! STEP UP! DANGER 2!
5819<!sp!>1<!sp!>DITCH! CONTINUE ON TRACK! Twisty just ahead.
5820<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track. Uphill just ahead.
5821<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue uphill. Follow track.
5822<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue on track.
5823<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to leave track and enter RIO on your right just
5826<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 138. Prepare to exit RIO.
5827<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON TRACK!
5828<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK! TWISTY! Waypoint OK.
5829<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK! DIP! DANGER 2!
5830<!sp!>1<!sp!>STAY ON TRACK! STEP UP!
5832<!sp!>1<!sp!>Get ready to turn left and exit RIO.
5833<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5834<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on track. Undulation.
5835<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Undulation. Turn left in RIO just ahead.
5836<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO. Prepare to turn left and exit RIO just ahead.
5837<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT. EXIT RIO! FOLLOW TRACK! DIP just ahead.
5838<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK! DIP! Danger 3! Undulation. Twisty.
5839<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on track.
5840<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Twisty.
5841<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK! Waypoint OK. Undulation.
5842<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Undulation. Prepare to cross RIO just ahead. Follow track.
5843<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! Continue following track.
5844<!sp!>1<!sp!>Enter RIO. Turn right Prepare for tight left just ahead.
5845<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT! Downhill! Follow RIO.
5846<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue in RIO. Attention! ROCKS!
5847<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following RIO.
5848<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Continue in RIO.
5849<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep going straight ahead in RIO.
5850<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare for tight right in RIO just ahead.
5851<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO! Waypoint OK.
5852<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO.
5853<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Get ready to keep left in RIO. Attention. Rocks.
5854<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT IN RIO!
5855<!sp!>1<!sp!>KEEP LEFT IN RIO!
5856<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay in RIO.
5857<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to exit RIO and go straight ahead to track.
5859<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT ON TRACK! Attention! Undulation.
5860<!sp!>1<!sp!>STEP DOWN! TURN LEFT! FOLLOW RIO.
5861<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following RIO.
5862<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead in RIO. Keep pushing.
5863<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay in RIO! Keep going!
5864<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Follow RIO. Attention. ROCKS.
5865<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following RIO.
5866<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Careful with ROCKS. Keep going.
5867<!sp!>1<!sp!>Remain in RIO!
5868<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Let's go. Straight ahead,
5869<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Prepare to go straight ahead in RIO. Attention. ROCKS.
5870<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right. Follow RIO.
5871<!sp!>1<!sp!>12 km - Keep following RIO! Careful. ROCKS.
5872<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Attention. Water. Stay in RIO.
5873<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following RIO.
5874<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue in RIO. Waypoint OK. Keep going.
5875<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Attention. Water. Keep following RIO.
5876<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay in RIO. Careful. Twisty.
5877<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn right just ahead.
5878<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 253. Exit RIO just ahead.
5879<!sp!>1<!sp!>Prepare to turn left on track just ahead.
5880<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! Follow track.
5881<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Water.
5882<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on track. Twisty.
5883<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow track. Attention. Narrow ahead. Twisty.
5884<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. NARROW.
5885<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on track. Keep right. Twisty.
5886<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right. Leave houses on your left.
5887<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track.
5888<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep going on track. Attention. BUMP!
5889<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Straight ahead on track. Careful. DIP just ahead.
5890<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Follow track.
5891<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track.
5892<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on track.
5893<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track.
5894<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep pushing. Straight ahead on track.
5895<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Let's go!
5896<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep going. Follow track.
5897<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on track. Attention. Undulation.
5898<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Straight ahead. Keep going.
5899<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on track.
5900<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track. Twisty.
5901<!sp!>1<!sp!>Prepare for DIP just ahead.
5902<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Follow track. Keep going.
5903<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track. Attention. DIP just ahead.
5904<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Continue following track. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
5905<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5906<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP. Stamp time card.
5907<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Go straight ahead. Between the rocks.
5908<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going between the rocks. Prepare to keep right just ahead.
5909<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT. FOLLOW TRACK. More or less visible.
5910<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following track.
5911<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on track. Twisty.
5912<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track. Twisty.
5913<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Stay on track. Twisty.
5914<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue on track. Twisty. Undulation.
5915<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track.
5916<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track. Prepare for tight left.
5917<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT. Keep following track. Waypoint OK.
5918<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track.
5919<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Keep pushing. Follow track! Twisty.
5920<!sp!>1<!sp!>8 km - Stay on track! Twisty! Undulation!
5921<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Danger! Step down just ahead!
5922<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Twisty! Danger! Step down just ahead! Keep following track.
5923<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track! Twisty.
5924<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Twisty. Waypoint OK!
5925<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going. Straight ahead on track.
5926<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on track.
5927<!sp!>1<!sp!>Let's go. Follow track. Waypoint OK.
5928<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track. Twisty. Prepare to turn right to CAP 310 just
5929<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 310. FOLLOW CAP. OFF TRACK.
5930<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT IN RIO! FOLLOW RIO! Waypoint OK.
5931<!sp!>1<!sp!>STRAIGHT AHEAD IN RIO! CROSS TRACK! Prepare to turn left.
5932<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT! FOLLOW RIO. Waypoint OK.
5933<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Approaching speed limit zone 30.
5934<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30.
5935<!sp!>1<!sp!>STOP! Stamp time card.
5936<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow RIO.
5937<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO. Get ready to turn right and exit RIO. Step up.
5938<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT! STEP UP! FOLLOW CAP 235.
5939<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Remain on CAP 235. Undulation!
5940<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 235. Careful. Undulation.
5941<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 230.
5942<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on CAP 230. Undulation.
5943<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 230. Prepare to turn right just ahead.
5944<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 290. Waypoint OK!
5945<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Keep following CAP 290. Attention. Undulation.
5946<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Continue on CAP 290.
5947<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 290. Careful. Rocks. Prepare to enter RIO and
keep left.
5948<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left in RIO. Prepare to turn left on track just ahead.
5949<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT! FOLLOW TRACK!
5950<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on track. Prepare for DIP just ahead.
5951<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Follow track. Keep right just ahead. More or less visible.
5952<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right. Follow track.
5953<!sp!>1<!sp!>Tight right. Twisty. Danger 2! Follow track.
5954<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track! DIP!
5955<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track. Careful. Undulation.
5956<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to enter RIO and turn right just ahead. Follow
5957<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow traces. Remain in RIO!
5958<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow RIO. Get ready to keep right.
5959<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! KEEP RIGHT! FOLLOW RIO!
5960<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following RIO!
5961<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow RIO! BUMP just ahead. Prepare to keep left.
5962<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT. FOLLOW TRACES. Waypoint OK.
5963<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going. Go between ROCKS just ahead.
5964<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following VALLEY.
5965<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following VALLEY.
5966<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow VALLEY! DIP!
5967<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Straight ahead in VALLEY. Between ROCKS.
5968<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow VALLEY.
5969<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight ahead. Uphill.
5970<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT. FOLLOW TRACK.
5971<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. Twisty.
5972<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track. Uphill. Twisty
5973<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Downhill. Twisty.
5974<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. Tight left.
5975<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track. Uphill.
5976<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on track. Uphill.
5977<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - DIP just ahead.
5978<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Follow track. DIP just ahead.
5979<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Keep going. Straight on track.
5980<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. DIP just ahead.
5981<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Waypoint OK. DIP just ahead.
5982<!sp!>1<!sp!>Remain on track.
5983<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on track. Undulation. Prepare to turn left just ahead.
5984<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT. FOLLOW TRACK!
5985<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going. Straight ahead on track.
5986<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Attention. Undulation.
5987<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track.
5988<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare for BUMP just ahead. Danger 2!
5989<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track. Twisty.
5990<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on track. Undulation.
5991<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue following track.
5992<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep going. Straight ahead.
5993<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on track.
5994<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following track.
5995<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Attention. Undulation.
5996<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going. Follow track.
5997<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - DIP just ahead.
5998<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight on track. BUMP just ahead.
5999<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going! Twisty.
6000<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Twisty. Follow track.
6001<!sp!>1<!sp!>Hole on your left. Danger! Follow track.
6002<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Keep going straight ahead on track.
6003<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Twisty. Follow track
6004<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Let's go!
6005<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on track.
6006<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep going straight ahead on track.
6007<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track.
6008<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
6009<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30
6010<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow track. Undulation.
6011<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Approaching speed limit zone 50
6012<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 50. Prepare to cross RIO just ahead
6013<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS RIO! Finish speed limit zone. Continue on track.
6014<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left on track. Twisty. Undulation.
6015<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow track. Undulation.
6016<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue straight ahead.
6017<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow track. DIP just ahead.
6018<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left. Uphill.
6019<!sp!>1<!sp!>Downhill. Cross RIO! Follow track.
6020<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep left. Follow track.
6021<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on track. Undulation.
6022<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on track. Attention. Undulation.
6023<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready for tight right.
6024<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Tight right. Follow track.
6025<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep right. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6026<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track. Undulation.
6027<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track.
6028<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. Waypoint OK.
6029<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue on track.
6030<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track. Twisty. Undulation. Approaching speed limit
zone 30.
6031<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. Follow track.
6032<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Continue on track. Undulation.
6033<!sp!>1<!sp!>DIP! Twisty. Follow track.
6034<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following track.
6035<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on track. Undulation. Approaching speed limit zone
6036<!sp!>1<!sp!>START SPEED LIMIT ZONE 30. Follow track.
6037<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Continue on track. Twisty. Undulation.
6038<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Follow track.
6039<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Uphill. Follow track. Undulation.
6040<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep going.
6041<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following track.
6042<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Attention. BUMP! Stay on track.
6043<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Let's go. Follow track.
6044<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue on track.
6045<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead. Follow track.
6046<!sp!>1<!sp!>9 km - Follow track. Careful. Uphill.
6047<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep going. Cross track just ahead.
6048<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow track. Undulation.
6049<!sp!>1<!sp!>Cross track. Go straight ahead.
6050<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead to finish.
6051<!sp!>1<!sp!>Congratulations. We made it.
6052<!sp!>1<!sp!>TUTORIAL SOFT TERRAIN Now that we're standing in soft terrain,
let's get out of the car. I will teach you how to dig yourself out if you happen to
get stuck.
6053<!sp!>1<!sp!>TUTORIAL SOFT TERRAIN You can dig the terrain around the wheels to
get them unstuck. Now, let's check the recovery boards.
6054<!sp!>1<!sp!>TUTORIAL SOFT TERRAIN Recovery boards are great for giving the
vehicle traction when in a situation like this.
6055<!sp!>1<!sp!>TUTORIAL SOFT TERRAIN OK! Let's get back in and keep going.
6056<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
6057<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left and follow traces.
6058<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
6059<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left. Follow traces. Get ready to turn right just ahead.
6060<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 286! DUNES! Waypoint OK.
6061<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 286. Undulation. DITCH just ahead!
6062<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 286. Prepare for tight left.
6063<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 182. Waypoint OK.
6064<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 182. Undulation.
6065<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 160
6066<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 160. Approaching Speed limit zone 30. Attention.
6067<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6068<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stop. Stamp time card.
6069<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Straight ahead on CAP 130. Dunes.
6070<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 115. Big dunes.
6071<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 115. Over the dunes.
6072<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 162. Over the dunes.
6073<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 220. Down the dunes. Prepare to turn right.
6074<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 296. Down the dunes.
6075<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and two hundred - Stay on CAP 296.
6076<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 283. FOLLOW CAP!
6077<!sp!>1<!sp!>Prepare to turn left on road just ahead.
6079<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACES!
6080<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and eight hundred - Follow traces over the dune. Straight
6081<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Prepare to turn left.
6082<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 260.
6083<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and seven hundred - Stay on CAP 260. Over the dunes.
6084<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Get ready to turn left.
6085<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 242. Down the dunes. Danger 2! Waypoint OK.
6086<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 242. Get ready to turn left.
6087<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 213. DUNES! DANGER 1! Waypoint OK.
6088<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 213. Over the dunes.
6089<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn left.
6090<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 173.
6091<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 173. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
6092<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6093<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 149.
6094<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow CAP 119.
6095<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Stay on CAP 119. Over the dune.
6096<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 110.
6097<!sp!>1<!sp!>Eight hundred - Remain on CAP 110. Down the dune.
6098<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TUNR RIGHT! FOLLOW TRACES. Waypoint OK.
6099<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following traces.
6100<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow traces. Prepare to turn left.
6101<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 123.
6102<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 123. Track just ahead.
6104<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. Prepare to turn right to CAP 140 just ahead
6105<!sp!>1<!sp!>CROSS TRACK. TURN TO CAP 140. Waypoint OK.
6106<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 48. Dunes. Waypoint OK.
6107<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow CAP 48. Over the dune. Prepare to turn right.
6108<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 82. Uphill over the dune.
6109<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and seven hundred - Stay on CAP 82. Continue uphill.
6110<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 109. Downhill.
6111<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 219. Waypoint OK.
6112<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 219. Uphill. Over the dune.
6113<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 219. Prepare to turn left.
6114<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 194.
6115<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 194. Uphill over the dune.
6116<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 194. Prepare for tight left.
6117<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT. CAP 77. Waypoint OK.
6118<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 77. Downhill.
6119<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 77. Across the dune.
6120<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow CAP 75.
6121<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 75. Downhill just ahead.
6122<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 24. Uphill over the dune.
6123<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow CAP 24. Prepare to turn right. Danger 1.
6124<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 100. Waypoint OK.
6125<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 192. Undulation.
6126<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 192. Undulation.
6127<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - FOLLOW CAP 192.
6128<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 201.
6129<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 201.
6130<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 208. Waypoint OK. Uphill.
6131<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 208. Uphill along the dune.
6132<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 208. Downhill just ahead.
6133<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 242.
6134<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 242. Uphill over the dune.
6135<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 238. Waypoint OK. Downhill.
6136<!sp!>1<!sp!>Remain on CAP 238. Downhill.
6137<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following CAP 238. Across the dunes.
6138<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 238. Downhill. Uphill.
6139<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 345. Dunes.
6140<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 345.
6141<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 345.
6142<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 327. Cross dunes. Danger 2. Waypoint OK.
6143<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 327. Prepare to turn left.
6144<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 290. FOLLOW TRACES. Waypoint OK.
6145<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - FOLLOW TRACES. UPHILL.
6146<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - DOWNHILL. ATTENTION. Keep following traces. Undulation.
6147<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 252. Traces.
6148<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow CAP 252. Uphill.
6149<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep going uphill. CAP 252. Prepare to turn right.
6150<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 335. FOLLOW CAP. Bump just ahead.
6151<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Keep following traces. Remain on CAP 335.
6152<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following CAP 335. Keep pushing.
6153<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 335. Attention! Approaching speed
limit zone 30!
6154<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6155<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stop. Stamp time card. Cross road.
6156<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. CAP 326. Prepare for tight right.
6157<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 38. Waypoint OK!
6158<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Keep following CAP 38.
6159<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 38. Dunes!
6160<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 40. Waypoint OK.
6161<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 40. Prepare for tight left.
6162<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 253. Waypoint OK.
6163<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 253. Get ready for tight right.
6164<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 351. Waypoint OK. Attention. Vegetation.
6165<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 320. Over the dune.
6166<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 331. Waypoint OK.
6167<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 331. Straight ahead across the dunes.
6168<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 314.
6169<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 314. Uphill.
6170<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 336. Downhill.
6171<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 336. Across the dunes.
6172<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 336. Get ready for tight left just ahead.
6173<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 258.
6174<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 258. Prepare for tight right just ahead.
6175<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 339. Waypoint OK. Dunes.
6176<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following 339. Over the dunes.
6177<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 339. Get ready to turn left.
6178<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 263. Waypoint OK.
6179<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 263. Downhill.
6180<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 263. Downhill. Prepare to turn right just
6181<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 321.
6182<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep focused on CAP 321.
6183<!sp!>1<!sp!>Continue following CAP 321.
6184<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 321. Prepare to turn right.
6185<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 25. Undulation.
6186<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 27. Waypoint OK.
6187<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 27. Undulation.
6188<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 27. Get ready to turn right.
6189<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 95. Waypoint OK. Uphill over the dune.
6190<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 95.
6191<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 95. Prepare for tight right.
6192<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 181. Over the dune.
6193<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 181. Prepare to turn left.
6194<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 168. Waypoint OK.
6195<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on CAP 168. Get ready to turn left.
6196<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 123.
6197<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a hlaf - Keep following CAP 123. Over the dune. Prepare
for tight left.
6198<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 27. Waypoint OK. Downhill.
6199<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Continue following CAP 27.
6200<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 103. Waypoint OK.
6201<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 103. Undulation.
6202<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 108.
6203<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 108. Undulation. Prepare to turn left.
6204<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 42. Waypoint OK. Downhill.
6205<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT. FOLLOW TRACK. More or less visible.
6206<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following track. Attention. Undulation. Bump just ahead.
6207<!sp!>1<!sp!>BUMP! Follow track.
6208<!sp!>1<!sp!>FOLLOW TRACK ON CAP 44.
6209<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 44. Cross track just ahead.
6210<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 46. Waypoint OK.
6211<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 46. Vegetation. Undulation.
6212<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Remain on CAP 46. Undulation. Prepare to turn
6213<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 97. Waypoint OK.
6214<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 97. Undulation.
6215<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 83. Waypoint OK.
6216<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 83. Get ready to turn right.
6217<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 132. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6218<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 132. Vegetation.
6219<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 162. Waypoint OK.
6220<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 162. Vegetation. Undulation.
6221<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 120. Waypoint OK.
6222<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 120. Finish line just ahead.
6223<!sp!>1<!sp!>Congratulations. We made it.
6224<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
6225<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on CAP 302.
6226<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
6227<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow CAP 302. Straight ahead.
6228<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 302. Prepare to turn left.
6229<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 293. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6230<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 293. Undulation.
6231<!sp!>1<!sp!>Follow CAP 293. Between poles. Undulation.
6232<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 278. Attention. Bumps. Prepare for tight right just
6233<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 355. Waypoint OK. Dunes.
6234<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue following CAP 355. Careful. Dunes.
6235<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 355. Waypoint OK.
6236<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on CAP 355. Dunes. Undulation. Prepare to turn
6237<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 313.
6238<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 313. Dunes.
6239<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 299.
6240<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 264. Waypoint OK.
6241<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 264. Prepare to turn right.
6242<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 293. Attention Undulation.
6243<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 293. Undulation.
6244<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 286.
6245<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 286. Prepare to turn left.
6246<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 205.
6247<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 192. Waypoint OK.
6248<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 192. Attention. Undulation. Danger 1!
6249<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 213. Uphill.
6250<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stay on CAP 213. Waypoint OK. Dunes. Undulation.
6251<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue following CAP 213. Attention. Dunes.
6252<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 208
6253<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 208. Careful. Dunes. Cross track just ahead.
More or less visible.
6254<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 208. Straight ahead across the dunes.
6255<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 208. Over the dunes.
6256<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 201. Attention. Dunes.
6257<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 201. Prepare to turn right.
6258<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 258. Over the dunes.
6259<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 284. Waypoint OK.
6260<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 284. Get ready to turn left.
6261<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 275. Waypoint OK. Across the dunes.
6262<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 275. Attention. Dunes.
6263<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 256. Waypoint OK. Across the dunes.
6264<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 256. Careful. Prepare to turn right.
6265<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 338. Downhill. Prepare to turn right just ahead.
6266<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 8. Waypoint OK. Attention. Dunes.
6267<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 8.
6268<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 355. Over the dunes.
6269<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 355. Attention. Downhill.
6270<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 44. Across the dunes.
6271<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 44. Prepare to turn left!
6272<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 4. Straight ahead across the dunes.
6273<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 4. Get ready for tight left.
6274<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 235.
6275<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following CAP 235. Across the dunes.
6276<!sp!>1<!sp!>3km - Stay on CAP 235. Keep pushing.
6277<!sp!>1<!sp!>1km and a half - Attention. Downhill dunes. Danger 1.
6278<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 238. Careful. Undulation.
6279<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 186. Waypoint OK.
6280<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 152. Straight ahead towards the dunes.
6281<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 152. Go uphill just ahead. Attention on CAP.
6282<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 165. Along the dune. Prepare for tight left just
6283<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 44. Downhill.
6284<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 44. Prepare for hairpin right just
6285<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 180. Over the dune.
6286<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 180. Careful. Dunes. Prepare for
hairpin left just ahead.
6287<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN LEFT TO CAP 50. Waypoint OK.
6288<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Keep following CAP 50. Dunes. Prepare for tight
6289<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 161.
6290<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 116. Over the dune.
6291<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 152. Straight ahead across the dunes.
6292<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 152. Prepare to turn right.
6293<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 175. Waypoint OK.
6294<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 175. Prepare to turn left.
6295<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 157. Waypoint OK.
6296<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 157. Prepare to turn left.
6297<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 85. Waypoint OK.
6298<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 85. Prepare for tight right.
6299<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 160. Waypoint OK.
6300<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 160. Attention. Undulation. Prepare for tight
6301<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 68. Careful. Fesh fesh.
6302<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on CAP 68. Vegetation.
6303<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Keep following CAP 68. Dunes. Get ready for
hairpin right.
6304<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 230.
6305<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue following CAP 230. Across the dunes.
6306<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Remain on CAP 230. Attention. Over the dune.
6307<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 211.
6308<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 211. Prepare for tight left.
6309<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 163. Waypoint OK. Dunes.
6310<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 163.
6311<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 149. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
6312<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6313<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stop! Stamp time card.
6314<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow CAP 248. Straight ahead.
6315<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 248. Attention. Dunes.
6316<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 248. Prepare to cross road and turn left.
6317<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 180. Waypoint OK.
6318<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 180. Dunes
6319<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 193. Waypoint OK.
6320<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 193. Keep going.
6321<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 197. FOLLOW CAP.
6322<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Stay on CAP 197. Dunes.
6323<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 197. Careful. Bump.
6324<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Get ready to turn left.
6325<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 166. Waypoint OK.
6326<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Keep following CAP 166. Attention! Rocks.
6327<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Stay on CAP 166. Keep going! Dunes!
6328<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Prepare to turn left. Attention. Dunes.
6329<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 144. Uphill over the dune. Waypoint OK.
6330<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 144. Downhill. Prepare for tight left.
6331<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 39. Attention. Uphill.
6332<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Keep following CAP 39. Along the dune.
6333<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Stay on CAP 39. Attention. Fesh fesh. Go over the dune just
6334<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 39. Across the dunes. Attention.
6335<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 43. Uphill. Follow CAP.
6336<!sp!>1<!sp!>10 km - Continue following CAP 43. Attention. Dunes.
6337<!sp!>1<!sp!>6 km - Remain on CAP 43. Keep pushing. Attention. Broken dune.
6338<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow CAP 43. Uphill. Over the dune. Attention.
6339<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Attention. Downhill. Focus on CAP 43. Prepare to turn right
just ahead.
6340<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 101. Waypoint OK.
6341<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 180. Waypoint OK.
6342<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Attention. Downhill. Keep following CAP 180.
6343<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 180. Uphill. Prepare to turn left.
6344<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 151. Over the dune. Follow CAP. Waypoint OK.
6345<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 100. Waypoint OK.
6346<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 100. Prepare to turn left.
6347<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 55.Between dunes. Waypoint OK.
6348<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 343. Uphill over the dune. Waypoint OK.
6349<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue uphill. Follow CAP 343.
6350<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Downhill. Stay on CAP 343.
6351<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 344. Uphill. Waypoint OK.
6352<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Downhill. Keep following CAP 344.
6353<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 344. Attention. Go over the dune just ahead.
6354<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 10. Downhill.
6355<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue downhill. Follow CAP 10. Ruins on your left.
6356<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 41. Along the dunes.
6357<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue on CAP 41. Over the dunes. Careful.
6358<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 51. Between the dunes. Waypoint OK.
6359<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 51. Along the dunes. Careful.
6360<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 51. Waypoint OK.
6361<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 10
6362<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 8. Undulation. Uphill just ahead.
6363<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 280. Downhill. Follow CAP.
6364<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 280. Prepare for tight right.
6365<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 22. Prepare for tight left.
6366<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 307. Prepare to turn right. Waypoint OK.
6367<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 347.
6368<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 347. Prepare to turn right.
6369<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 2. Along the dune. Waypoint OK.
6370<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 2. Undulation.
6371<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 1. Undulation. Waypoint OK.
6372<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km and a half - Continue on CAP 1. Uphill. Over the dune.
6373<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 1. Uphill. Over the dune. Careful.
6374<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 241. Waypoint OK.
6375<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 281. Undulation. Approaching speed limit zone
6376<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6377<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stop! Stamp time card.
6378<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow CAP 338.
6379<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 338. Across the dunes.
6380<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 338. Prepare to turn right.
6381<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 2.
6382<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 2. Bumps.
6383<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep going. Follow CAP 2. Prepare for tight right.
6384<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 104. Undulation. Waypoint OK.
6385<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 104. Undulation.
6386<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 104. Attention. Undulation. Prepare to turn
6387<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 79. Between the poles. Finish line just ahead.
6388<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Straight ahead to finish line.
6389<!sp!>1<!sp!>Congratulations. We made it.
6390<!sp!>1<!sp!>Ready to Go!
6391<!sp!>1<!sp!>Straight ahead on CAP 305
6392<!sp!>1<!sp!>5,4,3,2,1… - GO!
6393<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 305.
6394<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Attention. Undulation.
6395<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 299. Waypoint OK.
6396<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 299. Attention. Bumps.
6397<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 299. Careful. Undulation.
6398<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 295. Between poles.
6399<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow cap 295. Attention. Bumps. Prepare for tight right.
6400<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 27. Waypoint OK. Dunes.
6401<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 27. Undulation. Prepare to turn left.
6402<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 310.
6403<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Remain on CAP 310. Undulation. Dunes.
6404<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 312. Waypoint OK.
6405<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 312. Attention. Downhill just ahead.
6406<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 296. Along the dune.
6407<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 263. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6408<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 293. Attention. Vegetation.
6409<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 293.
6410<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 244. Attention. Undulation.
6411<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue following CAP 244. Cross road just ahead.
6412<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 244. Undulation. Uphill.
6413<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 281. Waypoint OK. Dunes.
6414<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 281. Across the dunes. Undulation.
6415<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 281. Attention. Dunes. Uphill just ahead.
6416<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 234. Waypoint OK.
6417<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on CAP 234. Undulation.
6418<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 269.
6419<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! Turn to CAP 265. Undulation.
6420<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 265. Across the dunes.
6421<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 252. Waypoint OK.
6422<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 266. Dunes.
6423<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 266. Across the dunes.
6424<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 258. Waypoint OK. Prepare to turn left just ahead.
6425<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 216. Waypoint OK.
6426<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 216. Undulation. Prepare to turn right
just ahead.
6427<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 268. Waypoint OK. Across the dunes.
6428<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue following CAP 268. Undulation.
6429<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 268. Get ready for tight left.
6430<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 189. Waypoint OK.
6431<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on CAP 189. Undulation.
6432<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 195.
6433<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km and a half - Follow CAP 195. Uphill over the dune just ahead.
6434<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 195. Attention. Along the dunes.
6435<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 148. Careful. Downhill. Waypoint OK.
6436<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 148. Attention. Step just ahead.
6437<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 148. Across the dunes. Get ready for tight
left just ahead.
6438<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 42. Waypoint OK.
6439<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Follow CAP 42. Uphill.
6440<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Attention. Downhill. Stay on CAP 42.
6441<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 42. Uphill.
6442<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 10. Continue uphill. Attention.
6443<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on CAP 10. Prepare for tight right.
6444<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 107. Downhill. Waypoint OK.
6445<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 165.
6446<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 165. Across the dunes.
6447<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 132.
6448<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 123. Waypoint OK.
6449<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 123. Dunes.
6450<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 155. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6451<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Continue on CAP 155. Prepare for tight right just ahead.
6452<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 248. Waypoint OK.
6453<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 298.
6454<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN LEFT TO CAP 235.
6455<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 235.
6456<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 235. Undulation. Prepare for tight left.
6457<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 111.
6458<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 111. Undulation.
6459<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 143. Uphill.
6460<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Follow CAP 143. Undulation.
6461<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 154. Waypoint OK.
6462<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 160. Uphill just ahead.
6463<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 160. Get ready for tight left just ahead.
6464<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 83. Waypoint OK. Across the dunes.
6465<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue following CAP 83. Downhill just ahead.
6466<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 83. Attention. Downhill. Prepare for tight
6467<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 187. Waypoint OK.
6468<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 182.
6469<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Stay on CAP 182. Get ready for tight left just
6470<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 64. Across the dunes.
6471<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Follow CAP 64. Attention. Dunes.
6472<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 64. Go over the dune. Prepare for hairpin right
just ahead.
6473<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! HAIRPIN RIGHT TO CAP 227. Waypoint OK.
6474<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Continue following CAP 227. Downhill just ahead.
6475<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and a half - Remain on CAP 227. Attention. Dunes.
6476<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 245. Palm tree on your right.
6477<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Keep following CAP 245. Straight ahead.
6478<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 245. Approaching speed limit zone 30.
6479<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 149.
6480<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6481<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stop. Stamp time card.
6482<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow CAP 155.
6483<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 155. Keep going straight.
6484<!sp!>1<!sp!>Keep following CAP 155.
6485<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue on CAP 155.
6486<!sp!>1<!sp!>Now. Follow CAP 154. Attention. Bumps just ahead.
6487<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 154. Get ready for tight left.
6488<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 70. Waypoint OK. Downhill
6489<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 70. Downhill just ahead.
6490<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 78. Across the dunes. Follow CAP!
6491<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue following CAP 78. Attention. Downhill just ahead.
6492<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km and half - Uphill! Keep following CAP 78. Careful. Big dunes
6493<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 106. Get ready for tight right.
6494<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 213. Waypoint OK. Downhill.
6495<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 213. Attention. Downhill just ahead.
6496<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - Follow CAP 213. Across the dunes. Tight left just
6497<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 126. Uphill just ahead
6498<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 126. Get ready for downhill.
6499<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 167. Downhill. Waypoint OK.
6500<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 167. Across the dunes. Prepare for tight left
just ahead.
6501<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 51. Downhill.
6502<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km - Continue following CAP 51. Across the dunes. Undulation.
6503<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Stay on CAP 51. Along the dunes. Uphill just ahead.
6504<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 37. Over the dune. Waypoint OK.
6505<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 37. Downhill just ahead. Careful.
6506<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Continue uphill. Follow CAP 37.
6507<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Downhill. Careful. Stay on CAP 37.
6508<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 27. Waypoint OK. Attention. Downhill just ahead.
6509<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km and a half - Downhill. Follow CAP 27.
6510<!sp!>1<!sp!>4 km and half - Uphill. Big dune. Remain on CAP 27. Downhill just
6511<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Dunes just ahead. Undulation. Keep following CAP 27.
6512<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 29. Attention. Undulation. Vegetation
6513<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 29. Prepare for tight left.
6514<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW. TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 310. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6515<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Remain on CAP 310. Undulation.
6516<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn left to CAP 249. Undulation.
6517<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 281. Downhill. Waypoint OK. Get ready to turn
6518<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 335. Attention. Undulation.
6519<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN LEFT TO CAP 286. Bumps. Prepare to turn right.
6520<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 340. Across the dunes. Downhill. Get ready for
tight right.
6521<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 54. Waypoint OK.
6522<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Follow CAP 54. Attention. Undulation. Prepare for tight
left just ahead.
6523<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 300. Get ready to turn right.
6524<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 336. Undulation. Get ready to turn right just
6525<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN RIGHT TO CAP 7. Waypoint OK. Uphill.
6526<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Follow CAP 7. Uphill. Careful.
6527<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Stay on CAP 7. Undulation.
6528<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn to CAP 0. Undulation.
6529<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Uphill. Keep following CAP 0. Attention! Rocks!
6530<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Over the dunes. Follow CAP 0. Prepare for tight left.
6531<!sp!>1<!sp!>TIGHT LEFT TO CAP 235. Uphill just ahead. Waypoint OK.
6532<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TURN RIGHT TO CAP 280.
6533<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Keep following CAP 280. Attention! Approaching speed limit
zone 30.
6534<!sp!>1<!sp!>Start speed limit zone 30.
6535<!sp!>1<!sp!>Stop! Stamp time card.
6536<!sp!>1<!sp!>Finish speed limit zone. Follow CAP 338.
6537<!sp!>1<!sp!>5 km - Continue following CAP 338. Undulation.
6538<!sp!>1<!sp!>2 km - Remain on CAP 338. Careful. Undulation.
6539<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Bumps! Attention. Follow CAP 338.
6540<!sp!>1<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 0. Undulation. Careful.
6541<!sp!>1<!sp!>NOW! TIGHT RIGHT TO CAP 118. Waypoint OK. Undulation.
6542<!sp!>1<!sp!>3 km - Keep following CAP 118. Undulation.
6543<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km and half - DITCH! Just ahead! Careful. Stay on CAP 118
6544<!sp!>1<!sp!>TURN TO CAP 79. Undulation. Finish line just ahead.
6545<!sp!>1<!sp!>1 km - Straight ahead to finish line.
6546<!sp!>1<!sp!>Congratulations! We made it!
6547<!sp!>24<!sp!>Let´s go!
6548<!sp!>24<!sp!>Danger 2! Bump! Just ahead.
6549<!sp!>24<!sp!>Attention Bump - Careful!
6550<!sp!>24<!sp!>Keep to the left - Follow traces.
6551<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn right.
6552<!sp!>24<!sp!>Attention Danger 2 - Tight Right.
6553<!sp!>24<!sp!>Danger 2! Rocks. Tight Left - Careful.
6554<!sp!>24<!sp!>Continue straight ahead.
6555<!sp!>24<!sp!>GO GO GO
6556<!sp!>24<!sp!>Attention! Uphill just ahead.
6557<!sp!>24<!sp!>Be careful - Danger 3 - Downhill just ahead.
6558<!sp!>24<!sp!>Keep Pushing.
6559<!sp!>24<!sp!>Uphill! Be Careful.
6560<!sp!>24<!sp!>Attention! Twisty just ahead - Follow traces.
6561<!sp!>24<!sp!>Danger 3 - hairpin left just ahead - Careful!
6562<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn right. Now! Downhill. Water just ahead.
6563<!sp!>24<!sp!>Cross and follow rio - Prepare to turn left.
6564<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn left - Attention - Uphill just ahead.
6565<!sp!>24<!sp!>Keep to the right - Careful! Twisty. Rocks. Danger 3!
6566<!sp!>24<!sp!>Continue straight ahead.
6567<!sp!>24<!sp!>Attention! Follow the valley - Downhill.
6568<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn right - Follow traces.
6569<!sp!>24<!sp!>Now! Turn Right - Waypoint OK!
6570<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn left after rock.
6571<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn Left - Follow Traces.
6572<!sp!>24<!sp!>Attention! Bump.
6573<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn left.
6574<!sp!>24<!sp!>Keep to the left.
6575<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn left - follow traces.
6576<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn right.
6577<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 58.
6578<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn right - Atention! Dunes.
6579<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 151.
6580<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn right.
6581<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn right to CAP 223.
6582<!sp!>24<!sp!>Prepare to turn left - Road.
6583<!sp!>24<!sp!>Turn left - Follow road.
6584<!sp!>24<!sp!>Finish line on road just ahead.
6585<!sp!>24<!sp!>Keep pushing - Focus!
6586<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 0 (low)
6587<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 0 (mid)
6588<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 0 (high)
6589<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 1 (low)
6590<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 1 (mid)
6591<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 1 (high)
6592<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 2 (low)
6593<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 2 (mid)
6594<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 2 (high)
6595<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 3 (low)
6596<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 3 (mid)
6597<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 3 (high)
6598<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 4 (low)
6599<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 4 (mid)
6600<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 4 (high)
6601<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 5 (low)
6602<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 5 (mid)
6603<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 5 (high)
6604<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 6 (low)
6605<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 6 (mid)
6606<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 6 (high)
6607<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 7 (low)
6608<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 7 (mid)
6609<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 7 (high)
6610<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 8 (low)
6611<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 8 (mid)
6612<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 8 (high)
6613<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 9 (low)
6614<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 9 (mid)
6615<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 9 (high)
6616<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 10 (low)
6617<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 10 (mid)
6618<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 10 (high)
6619<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 11 (low)
6620<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 11 (mid)
6621<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 11 (high)
6622<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 12 (low)
6623<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 12 (mid)
6624<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 12 (high)
6625<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 13 (low)
6626<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 13 (mid)
6627<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 13 (high)
6628<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 14 (low)
6629<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 14 (mid)
6630<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 14 (high)
6631<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 15 (low)
6632<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 15 (mid)
6633<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 15 (high)
6634<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 16 (low)
6635<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 16 (mid)
6636<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 16 (high)
6637<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 17 (low)
6638<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 17 (mid)
6639<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 17 (high)
6640<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 18 (low)
6641<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 18 (mid)
6642<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 18 (high)
6643<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 19 (low)
6644<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 19 (mid)
6645<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 19 (high)
6646<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 20 (low)
6647<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 20 (mid)
6648<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 20 (high)
6652<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 21 (low)
6653<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 21 (mid)
6654<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 21 (high)
6655<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 22 (low)
6656<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 22 (mid)
6657<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 22 (high)
6658<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 23 (low)
6659<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 23 (mid)
6660<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 23 (high)
6661<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 24 (low)
6662<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 24 (mid)
6663<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 24 (high)
6664<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 25 (low)
6665<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 25 (mid)
6666<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 25 (high)
6667<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 26 (low)
6668<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 26 (mid)
6669<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 26 (high)
6670<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 27 (low)
6671<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 27 (mid)
6672<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 27 (high)
6673<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 28 (low)
6674<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 28 (mid)
6675<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 28 (high)
6676<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 29 (low)
6677<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 29 (mid)
6678<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 29 (high)
6679<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 30 (low)
6680<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 30 (mid)
6681<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 30 (high)
6682<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 31 (low)
6683<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 31 (mid)
6684<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 31 (high)
6685<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 32 (low)
6686<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 32 (mid)
6687<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 32 (high)
6688<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 33 (low)
6689<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 33 (mid)
6690<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 33 (high)
6691<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 34 (low)
6692<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 34 (mid)
6693<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 34 (high)
6694<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 35 (low)
6695<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 35 (mid)
6696<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 35 (high)
6697<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 36 (low)
6698<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 36 (mid)
6699<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 36 (high)
6700<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 37 (low)
6701<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 37 (mid)
6702<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 37 (high)
6703<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 38 (low)
6704<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 38 (mid)
6705<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 38 (high)
6706<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 39 (low)
6707<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 39 (mid)
6708<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 39 (high)
6709<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 40 (low)
6710<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 40 (mid)
6711<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 40 (high)
6712<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 41 (low)
6713<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 41 (mid)
6714<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 41 (high)
6715<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 42 (low)
6716<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 42 (mid)
6717<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 42 (high)
6718<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 43 (low)
6719<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 43 (mid)
6720<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 43 (high)
6721<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 44 (low)
6722<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 44 (mid)
6723<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 44 (high)
6724<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 45 (low)
6725<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 45 (mid)
6726<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 45 (high)
6727<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 46 (low)
6728<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 46 (mid)
6729<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 46 (high)
6730<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 47 (low)
6731<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 47 (mid)
6732<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 47 (high)
6733<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 48 (low)
6734<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 48 (mid)
6735<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 48 (high)
6736<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 49 (low)
6737<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 49 (mid)
6738<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 49 (high)
6739<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 50 (low)
6740<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 50 (mid)
6741<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 50 (high)
6742<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 51 (low)
6743<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 51 (mid)
6744<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 51 (high)
6745<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 52 (low)
6746<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 52 (mid)
6747<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 52 (high)
6748<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 53 (low)
6749<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 53 (mid)
6750<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 53 (high)
6751<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 54 (low)
6752<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 54 (mid)
6753<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 54 (high)
6754<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 55 (low)
6755<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 55 (mid)
6756<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 55 (high)
6757<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 56 (low)
6758<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 56 (mid)
6759<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 56 (high)
6760<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 57 (low)
6761<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 57 (mid)
6762<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 57 (high)
6763<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 58 (low)
6764<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 58 (mid)
6765<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 58 (high)
6766<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 59 (low)
6767<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 59 (mid)
6768<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 59 (high)
6769<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 60 (low)
6770<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 60 (mid)
6771<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 60 (high)
6772<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 61 (low)
6773<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 61 (mid)
6774<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 61 (high)
6775<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 62 (low)
6776<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 62 (mid)
6777<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 62 (high)
6778<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 63 (low)
6779<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 63 (mid)
6780<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 63 (high)
6781<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 64 (low)
6782<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 64 (mid)
6783<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 65 (high)
6784<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 66 (low)
6785<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 66 (mid)
6786<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 66 (high)
6787<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 67 (low)
6788<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 67 (mid)
6789<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 67 (high)
6790<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 68 (low)
6791<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 68 (mid)
6792<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 68 (high)
6793<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 69 (low)
6794<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 69 (mid)
6795<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 69 (high)
6796<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 70 (low)
6797<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 70 (mid)
6798<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 70 (high)
6799<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 71 (low)
6800<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 71 (mid)
6801<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 71 (high)
6802<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 72 (low)
6803<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 72 (mid)
6804<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 72 (high)
6805<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 73 (low)
6806<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 73 (mid)
6807<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 73 (high)
6808<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 74 (low)
6809<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 74 (mid)
6810<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 74 (high)
6811<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 75 (low)
6812<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 75 (mid)
6813<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 75 (high)
6814<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 76 (low)
6815<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 76 (mid)
6816<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 76 (high)
6817<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 77 (low)
6818<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 77 (mid)
6819<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 77 (high)
6820<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 78 (low)
6821<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 78 (mid)
6822<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 78 (high)
6823<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 79 (low)
6824<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 79 (mid)
6825<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 79 (high)
6826<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 80 (low)
6827<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 80 (mid)
6828<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 80 (high)
6829<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 81 (low)
6830<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 81 (mid)
6831<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 81 (high)
6832<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 82 (low)
6833<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 82 (mid)
6834<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 82 (high)
6835<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 83 (low)
6836<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 83 (mid)
6837<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 83 (high)
6838<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 84 (low)
6839<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 84 (mid)
6840<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 84 (high)
6841<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 85 (low)
6842<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 85 (mid)
6843<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 85 (high)
6844<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 86 (low)
6845<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 86 (mid)
6846<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 86 (high)
6847<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 87 (low)
6848<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 87 (mid)
6849<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 87 (high)
6850<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 88 (low)
6851<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 88 (mid)
6852<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 88 (high)
6853<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 89 (low)
6854<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 89 (mid)
6855<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 89 (high)
6856<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 90 (low)
6857<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 90 (mid)
6858<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 90 (high)
6859<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 91 (low)
6860<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 91 (mid)
6861<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 91 (high)
6862<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 92 (low)
6863<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 92 (mid)
6864<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 92 (high)
6865<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 93 (low)
6866<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 93 (mid)
6867<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 93 (high)
6868<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 94 (low)
6869<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 94 (mid)
6870<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 94 (high)
6871<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 95 (low)
6872<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 95 (mid)
6873<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 95 (high)
6874<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 96 (low)
6875<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 96 (mid)
6876<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 96 (high)
6877<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 97 (low)
6878<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 97 (mid)
6879<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 97 (high)
6880<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 98 (low)
6881<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 98 (mid)
6882<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 98 (high)
6883<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 99 (low)
6884<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 99 (mid)
6885<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 99 (high)
6886<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 100 (low)
6887<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 100 (mid)
6888<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 100 (high)
6889<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 101 (low)
6890<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 101 (mid)
6891<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 101 (high)
6892<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 102 (low)
6893<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 102 (mid)
6894<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 102 (high)
6895<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 103 (low)
6896<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 103 (mid)
6897<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 103 (high)
6898<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 104 (low)
6899<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 104 (mid)
6900<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 104 (high)
6901<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 105 (low)
6902<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 105 (mid)
6903<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 105 (high)
6904<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 106 (low)
6905<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 106 (mid)
6906<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 106 (high)
6907<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 107 (low)
6908<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 107 (mid)
6909<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 107 (high)
6910<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 108 (low)
6911<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 108 (mid)
6912<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 108 (high)
6913<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 109 (low)
6914<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 109 (mid)
6915<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 109 (high)
6916<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 110 (low)
6917<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 110 (mid)
6918<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 110 (high)
6919<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 111 (low)
6920<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 111 (mid)
6921<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 111 (high)
6922<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 112 (low)
6923<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 112 (mid)
6924<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 112 (high)
6925<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 113 (low)
6926<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 113 (mid)
6927<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 113 (high)
6928<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 114 (low)
6929<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 114 (mid)
6930<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 114 (high)
6931<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 115 (low)
6932<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 115 (mid)
6933<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 115 (high)
6934<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 116 (low)
6935<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 116 (mid)
6936<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 116 (high)
6937<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 117 (low)
6938<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 117 (mid)
6939<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 117 (high)
6940<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 118 (low)
6941<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 118 (mid)
6942<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 118 (high)
6943<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 119 (low)
6944<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 119 (mid)
6945<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 119 (high)
6946<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 120 (low)
6947<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 120 (mid)
6948<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 120 (high)
6949<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 121 (low)
6950<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 121 (mid)
6951<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 121 (high)
6952<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 122 (low)
6953<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 122 (mid)
6954<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 122 (high)
6955<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 123 (low)
6956<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 123 (mid)
6957<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 123 (high)
6958<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 124 (low)
6959<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 124 (mid)
6960<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 124 (high)
6961<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 125 (low)
6962<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 125 (mid)
6963<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 125 (high)
6964<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 126 (low)
6965<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 126 (mid)
6966<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 126 (high)
6967<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 127 (low)
6968<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 127 (mid)
6969<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 127 (high)
6970<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 128 (low)
6971<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 128 (mid)
6972<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 128 (high)
6973<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 129 (low)
6974<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 129 (mid)
6975<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 129 (high)
6976<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 130 (low)
6977<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 130 (mid)
6978<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 130 (high)
6979<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 131 (low)
6980<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 131 (mid)
6981<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 131 (high)
6982<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 132 (low)
6983<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 132 (mid)
6984<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 132 (high)
6985<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 133 (low)
6986<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 133 (mid)
6987<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 133 (high)
6988<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 134 (low)
6989<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 134 (mid)
6990<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 134 (high)
6991<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 135 (low)
6992<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 135 (mid)
6993<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 135 (high)
6994<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 136 (low)
6995<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 136 (mid)
6996<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 136 (high)
6997<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 137 (low)
6998<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 137 (mid)
6999<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 137 (high)
7000<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 138 (low)
7001<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 138 (mid)
7002<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 138 (high)
7003<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 139 (low)
7004<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 139 (mid)
7005<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 139 (high)
7006<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 140 (low)
7007<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 140 (mid)
7008<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 140 (high)
7009<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 141 (low)
7010<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 141 (mid)
7011<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 141 (high)
7012<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 142 (low)
7013<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 142 (mid)
7014<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 142 (high)
7015<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 143 (low)
7016<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 143 (mid)
7017<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 143 (high)
7018<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 144 (low)
7019<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 144 (mid)
7020<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 144 (high)
7021<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 145 (low)
7022<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 145 (mid)
7023<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 145 (high)
7024<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 146 (low)
7025<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 146 (mid)
7026<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 146 (high)
7027<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 147 (low)
7028<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 147 (mid)
7029<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 147 (high)
7030<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 148 (low)
7031<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 148 (mid)
7032<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 148 (high)
7033<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 149 (low)
7034<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 149 (mid)
7035<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 149 (high)
7036<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 150 (low)
7037<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 150 (mid)
7038<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 150 (high)
7039<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 151 (low)
7040<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 151 (mid)
7041<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 151 (high)
7042<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 152 (low)
7043<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 152 (mid)
7044<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 152 (high)
7045<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 153 (low)
7046<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 153 (mid)
7047<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 153 (high)
7048<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 154 (low)
7049<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 154 (mid)
7050<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 154 (high)
7051<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 155 (low)
7052<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 155 (mid)
7053<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 155 (high)
7054<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 156 (low)
7055<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 156 (mid)
7056<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 156 (high)
7057<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 157 (low)
7058<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 157 (mid)
7059<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 157 (high)
7060<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 158 (low)
7061<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 158 (mid)
7062<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 158 (high)
7063<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 159 (low)
7064<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 159 (mid)
7065<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 159 (high)
7066<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 160 (low)
7067<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 160 (mid)
7068<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 160 (high)
7069<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 161 (low)
7070<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 161 (mid)
7071<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 161 (high)
7072<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 162 (low)
7073<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 162 (mid)
7074<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 162 (high)
7075<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 163 (low)
7076<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 163 (mid)
7077<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 163 (high)
7078<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 164 (low)
7079<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 164 (mid)
7080<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 164 (high)
7081<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 165 (low)
7082<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 165 (mid)
7083<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 165 (high)
7084<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 166 (low)
7085<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 166 (mid)
7086<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 166 (high)
7087<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 167 (low)
7088<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 167 (mid)
7089<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 167 (high)
7090<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 168 (low)
7091<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 168 (mid)
7092<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 168 (high)
7093<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 169 (low)
7094<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 169 (mid)
7095<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 169 (high)
7096<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 170 (low)
7097<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 170 (mid)
7098<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 170 (high)
7099<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 171 (low)
7100<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 171 (mid)
7101<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 171 (high)
7102<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 172 (low)
7103<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 172 (mid)
7104<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 172 (high)
7105<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 173 (low)
7106<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 173 (mid)
7107<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 173 (high)
7108<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 174 (low)
7109<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 174 (mid)
7110<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 174 (high)
7111<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 175 (low)
7112<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 175 (mid)
7113<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 175 (high)
7114<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 176 (low)
7115<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 176 (mid)
7116<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 176 (high)
7117<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 177 (low)
7118<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 177 (mid)
7119<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 177 (high)
7120<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 178 (low)
7121<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 178 (mid)
7122<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 178 (high)
7123<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 179 (low)
7124<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 179 (mid)
7125<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 179 (high)
7126<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 180 (low)
7127<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 180 (mid)
7128<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 180 (high)
7129<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 181 (low)
7130<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 181 (mid)
7131<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 181 (high)
7132<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 182 (low)
7133<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 182 (mid)
7134<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 182 (high)
7136<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 183 (low)
7137<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 183 (mid)
7138<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 183 (high)
7139<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 184 (low)
7140<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 184 (mid)
7141<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 184 (high)
7142<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 185 (low)
7143<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 185 (mid)
7144<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 185 (high)
7145<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 186 (low)
7146<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 186 (mid)
7147<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 186 (high)
7148<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 187 (low)
7149<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 187 (mid)
7150<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 187 (high)
7151<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 188 (low)
7152<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 188 (mid)
7153<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 188 (high)
7154<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 189 (low)
7155<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 189 (mid)
7156<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 189 (high)
7157<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 190 (low)
7158<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 190 (mid)
7159<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 190 (high)
7160<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 191 (low)
7161<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 191 (mid)
7162<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 191 (high)
7163<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 192 (low)
7164<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 192 (mid)
7165<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 192 (high)
7166<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 193 (low)
7167<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 193 (mid)
7168<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 193 (high)
7169<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 194 (low)
7170<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 194 (mid)
7171<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 194 (high)
7172<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 195 (low)
7173<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 195 (mid)
7174<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 195 (high)
7175<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 196 (low)
7176<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 196 (mid)
7177<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 196 (high)
7178<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 197 (low)
7179<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 197 (mid)
7180<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 197 (high)
7181<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 198 (low)
7182<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 198 (mid)
7183<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 198 (high)
7184<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 199 (low)
7185<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 199 (mid)
7186<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 199 (high)
7187<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 200 (low)
7188<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 200 (mid)
7189<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 200 (high)
7190<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 201 (low)
7191<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 201 (mid)
7192<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 201 (high)
7193<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 202 (low)
7194<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 202 (mid)
7195<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 202 (high)
7196<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 203 (low)
7197<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 203 (mid)
7198<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 203 (high)
7199<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 204 (low)
7200<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 204 (mid)
7201<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 204 (high)
7202<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 205 (low)
7203<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 205 (mid)
7204<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 205 (high)
7205<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 206 (low)
7206<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 206 (mid)
7207<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 206 (high)
7208<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 207 (low)
7209<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 207 (mid)
7210<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 207 (high)
7211<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 208 (low)
7212<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 208 (mid)
7213<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 208 (high)
7214<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 209 (low)
7215<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 209 (mid)
7216<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 209 (high)
7217<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 210 (low)
7218<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 210 (mid)
7219<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 210 (high)
7220<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 211 (low)
7221<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 211 (mid)
7222<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 211 (high)
7223<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 212 (low)
7224<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 212 (mid)
7225<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 212 (high)
7226<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 213 (low)
7227<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 213 (mid)
7228<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 213 (high)
7229<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 214 (low)
7230<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 214 (mid)
7231<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 214 (high)
7232<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 215 (low)
7233<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 215 (mid)
7234<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 215 (high)
7235<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 216 (low)
7236<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 216 (mid)
7237<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 216 (high)
7238<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 217 (low)
7239<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 217 (mid)
7240<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 217 (high)
7241<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 218 (low)
7242<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 218 (mid)
7243<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 218 (high)
7244<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 219 (low)
7245<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 219 (mid)
7246<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 219 (high)
7247<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 220 (low)
7248<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 220 (mid)
7249<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 220 (high)
7250<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 221 (low)
7251<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 222 (mid)
7252<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 222 (high)
7253<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 223 (low)
7254<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 223 (mid)
7255<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 223 (high)
7256<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 224 (low)
7257<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 224 (mid)
7258<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 224 (high)
7259<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 225 (low)
7260<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 225 (mid)
7261<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 225 (high)
7262<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 226 (low)
7263<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 226 (mid)
7264<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 226 (high)
7265<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 227 (low)
7266<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 227 (mid)
7267<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 227 (high)
7268<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 228 (low)
7269<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 228 (mid)
7270<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 228 (high)
7271<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 229 (low)
7272<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 229 (mid)
7273<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 229 (high)
7274<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 230 (low)
7275<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 230 (mid)
7276<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 230 (high)
7277<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 231 (low)
7278<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 231 (mid)
7279<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 231 (high)
7280<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 232 (low)
7281<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 232 (mid)
7282<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 232 (high)
7283<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 233 (low)
7284<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 233 (mid)
7285<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 233 (high)
7286<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 234 (low)
7287<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 234 (mid)
7288<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 234 (high)
7289<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 235 (low)
7290<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 235 (mid)
7291<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 235 (high)
7292<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 236 (low)
7293<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 236 (mid)
7294<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 236 (high)
7295<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 237 (low)
7296<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 237 (mid)
7297<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 237 (high)
7298<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 238 (low)
7299<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 238 (mid)
7300<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 238 (high)
7301<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 239 (low)
7302<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 239 (mid)
7303<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 239 (high)
7304<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 240 (low)
7305<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 240 (mid)
7306<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 240 (high)
7307<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 241 (low)
7308<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 241 (mid)
7309<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 241 (high)
7310<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 242 (low)
7311<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 242 (mid)
7312<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 242 (high)
7313<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 243 (low)
7314<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 243 (mid)
7315<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 243 (high)
7316<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 244 (low)
7317<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 244 (mid)
7318<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 244 (high)
7319<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 245 (low)
7320<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 245 (mid)
7321<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 245 (high)
7322<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 246 (low)
7323<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 246 (mid)
7324<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 246 (high)
7325<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 247 (low)
7326<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 247 (mid)
7327<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 247 (high)
7328<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 248 (low)
7329<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 248 (mid)
7330<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 248 (high)
7331<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 249 (low)
7332<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 249 (mid)
7333<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 249 (high)
7334<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 250 (low)
7335<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 250 (mid)
7336<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 250 (high)
7337<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 251 (low)
7338<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 251 (mid)
7339<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 251 (high)
7340<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 252 (low)
7341<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 252 (mid)
7342<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 252 (high)
7343<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 253 (low)
7344<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 253 (mid)
7345<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 253 (high)
7346<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 254 (low)
7347<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 254 (mid)
7348<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 254 (high)
7349<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 255 (low)
7350<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 255 (mid)
7351<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 255 (high)
7352<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 256 (low)
7353<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 256 (mid)
7354<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 256 (high)
7355<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 257 (low)
7356<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 257 (mid)
7357<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 257 (high)
7358<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 258 (low)
7359<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 258 (mid)
7360<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 258 (high)
7361<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 259 (low)
7362<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 259 (mid)
7363<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 259 (high)
7364<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 260 (low)
7365<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 260 (mid)
7366<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 260 (high)
7367<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 261 (low)
7368<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 261 (mid)
7369<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 261 (high)
7370<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 262 (low)
7371<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 262 (mid)
7372<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 262 (high)
7373<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 263 (low)
7374<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 263 (mid)
7375<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 263 (high)
7376<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 264 (low)
7377<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 264 (mid)
7378<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 264 (high)
7379<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 265 (low)
7380<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 265 (mid)
7381<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 265 (high)
7382<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 266 (low)
7383<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 266 (mid)
7384<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 266 (high)
7385<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 267 (low)
7386<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 267 (mid)
7387<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 267 (high)
7388<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 268 (low)
7389<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 268 (mid)
7390<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 268 (high)
7391<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 269 (low)
7392<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 269 (mid)
7393<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 269 (high)
7394<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 270 (low)
7395<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 270 (mid)
7396<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 270 (high)
7397<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 271 (low)
7398<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 271 (mid)
7399<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 271 (high)
7400<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 272 (low)
7401<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 272 (mid)
7402<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 272 (high)
7403<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 273 (low)
7404<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 273 (mid)
7405<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 273 (high)
7406<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 274 (low)
7407<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 274 (mid)
7408<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 274 (high)
7409<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 275 (low)
7410<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 275 (mid)
7411<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 275 (high)
7412<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 276 (low)
7413<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 276 (mid)
7414<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 276 (high)
7415<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 277 (low)
7416<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 277 (mid)
7417<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 277 (high)
7418<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 278 (low)
7419<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 278 (mid)
7420<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 278 (high)
7421<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 279 (low)
7422<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 279 (mid)
7423<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 279 (high)
7424<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 280 (low)
7425<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 280 (mid)
7426<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 280 (high)
7427<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 281 (low)
7428<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 281 (mid)
7429<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 281 (high)
7430<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 282 (low)
7431<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 282 (mid)
7432<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 282 (high)
7433<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 283 (low)
7434<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 283 (mid)
7435<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 283 (high)
7436<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 284 (low)
7437<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 284 (mid)
7438<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 284 (high)
7439<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 285 (low)
7440<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 285 (mid)
7441<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 285 (high)
7442<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 286 (low)
7443<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 286 (mid)
7444<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 286 (high)
7445<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 287 (low)
7446<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 287 (mid)
7447<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 287 (high)
7448<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 288 (low)
7449<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 288 (mid)
7450<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 288 (high)
7451<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 289 (low)
7452<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 289 (mid)
7453<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 289 (high)
7454<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 290 (low)
7455<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 290 (mid)
7456<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 290 (high)
7457<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 291 (low)
7458<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 291 (mid)
7459<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 291 (high)
7460<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 292 (low)
7461<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 292 (mid)
7462<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 292 (high)
7463<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 293 (low)
7464<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 293 (mid)
7465<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 293 (high)
7466<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 294 (low)
7467<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 294 (mid)
7468<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 294 (high)
7469<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 295 (low)
7470<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 295 (mid)
7471<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 295 (high)
7472<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 296 (low)
7473<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 296 (mid)
7474<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 296 (high)
7475<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 297 (low)
7476<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 297 (mid)
7477<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 297 (high)
7478<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 298 (low)
7479<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 298 (mid)
7480<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 298 (high)
7481<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 299 (low)
7482<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 299 (mid)
7483<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 299 (high)
7484<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 300 (low)
7485<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 300 (mid)
7486<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 300 (high)
7487<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 301 (low)
7488<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 301 (mid)
7489<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 301 (high)
7490<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 302 (low)
7491<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 302 (mid)
7492<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 302 (high)
7493<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 303 (low)
7494<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 303 (mid)
7495<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 303 (high)
7496<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 304 (low)
7497<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 304 (mid)
7498<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 304 (high)
7499<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 305 (low)
7500<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 305 (mid)
7501<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 305 (high)
7502<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 306 (low)
7503<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 306 (mid)
7504<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 306 (high)
7505<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 307 (low)
7506<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 307 (mid)
7507<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 307 (high)
7508<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 308 (low)
7509<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 308 (mid)
7510<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 308 (high)
7511<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 309 (low)
7512<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 309 (mid)
7513<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 309 (high)
7514<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 310 (low)
7515<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 310 (mid)
7516<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 310 (high)
7517<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 311 (low)
7518<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 311 (mid)
7519<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 311 (high)
7520<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 312 (low)
7521<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 312 (mid)
7522<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 312 (high)
7523<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 313 (low)
7524<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 313 (mid)
7525<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 313 (high)
7526<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 314 (low)
7527<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 314 (mid)
7528<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 314 (high)
7529<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 315 (low)
7530<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 315 (mid)
7531<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 315 (high)
7532<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 316 (low)
7533<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 316 (mid)
7534<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 316 (high)
7535<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 317 (low)
7536<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 317 (mid)
7537<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 317 (high)
7538<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 318 (low)
7539<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 318 (mid)
7540<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 318 (high)
7541<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 319 (low)
7542<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 319 (mid)
7543<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 319 (high)
7544<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 320 (low)
7545<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 320 (mid)
7546<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 320 (high)
7547<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 321 (low)
7548<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 321(mid)
7549<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 321 (high)
7550<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 322 (low)
7551<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 322 (mid)
7552<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 322 (high)
7553<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 323 (low)
7554<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 323 (mid)
7555<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 323 (high)
7556<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 324 (low)
7557<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 324 (mid)
7558<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 324 (high)
7559<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 325 (low)
7560<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 325 (mid)
7561<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 325 (high)
7562<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 326 (low)
7563<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 326 (mid)
7564<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 326 (high)
7565<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 327 (low)
7566<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 327 (mid)
7567<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 327 (high)
7568<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 328 (low)
7569<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 328 (mid)
7570<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 328 (high)
7571<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 329 (low)
7572<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 329 (mid)
7573<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 329 (high)
7574<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 330 (low)
7575<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 330 (mid)
7576<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 330 (high)
7577<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 331 (low)
7578<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 331 (mid)
7579<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 331 (high)
7580<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 332 (low)
7581<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 332 (mid)
7582<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 332 (high)
7583<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 333 (low)
7584<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 333 (mid)
7585<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 333 (high)
7586<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 334 (low)
7587<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 334 (mid)
7588<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 334 (high)
7589<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 335 (low)
7590<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 335 (mid)
7591<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 335 (high)
7592<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 336 (low)
7593<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 336 (mid)
7594<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 336 (high)
7595<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 337 (low)
7596<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 337 (mid)
7597<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 337 (high)
7598<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 338 (low)
7599<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 338 (mid)
7600<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 338 (high)
7601<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 339 (low)
7602<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 339 (mid)
7603<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 339 (high)
7604<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 340 (low)
7605<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 340 (mid)
7606<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 340 (high)
7607<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 341 (low)
7608<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 341 (mid)
7609<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 341 (high)
7610<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 342 (low)
7611<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 342 (mid)
7612<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 342 (high)
7613<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 343 (low)
7614<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 343 (mid)
7615<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 343 (high)
7616<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 344 (low)
7617<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 344 (mid)
7618<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 344 (high)
7619<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 345 (low)
7620<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 345 (mid)
7621<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 345 (high)
7622<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 346 (low)
7623<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 346 (mid)
7624<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 346 (high)
7625<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 347 (low)
7626<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 347 (mid)
7627<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 347 (high)
7628<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 348 (low)
7629<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 348 (mid)
7630<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 348 (high)
7631<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 349 (low)
7632<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 349 (mid)
7633<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 349 (high)
7634<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 350 (low)
7635<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 350 (mid)
7636<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 350 (high)
7637<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 351 (low)
7638<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 351 (mid)
7639<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 351 (high)
7640<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 352 (low)
7641<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 352 (mid)
7642<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 352 (high)
7643<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 353 (low)
7644<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 353 (mid)
7645<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 353 (high)
7646<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 354 (low)
7647<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 354 (mid)
7648<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 354 (high)
7649<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 355 (low)
7650<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 355 (mid)
7651<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 355 (high)
7652<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 356 (low)
7653<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 356 (mid)
7654<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 356 (high)
7655<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 357 (low)
7656<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 357 (mid)
7657<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 357 (high)
7658<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 358 (low)
7659<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 358 (mid)
7660<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 358 (high)
7661<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 359 (low)
7662<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 359 (mid)
7663<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 359 (high)
7664<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 64 (high)
7665<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 65 (low)
7666<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 65 (mid)
7667<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 221 (mid)
7668<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 221 (high)
7669<!sp!>25<!sp!>CAP 222 (low)
7670<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tarmac road (low)
7671<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tarmac road (mid)
7672<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tarmac road (high)
7673<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road (low)
7674<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road (mid)
7675<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road (high)
7676<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dual carriageway (low)
7677<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dual carriageway (mid)
7678<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dual carriageway (high)
7679<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel track (low)
7680<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel track (mid)
7681<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel track (high)
7682<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off track (low)
7683<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off track (mid)
7684<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off track (high)
7685<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow track at the crossroad (low)
7686<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow track at the crossroad (mid)
7687<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow track at the crossroad (high)
7688<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel track (low)
7689<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel track (mid)
7690<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel track (high)
7691<!sp!>27<!sp!>Big (low)
7692<!sp!>27<!sp!>Big (mid)
7693<!sp!>27<!sp!>Big (high)
7694<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small (low)
7695<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small (mid)
7696<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small (high)
7697<!sp!>27<!sp!>Large track (low)
7698<!sp!>27<!sp!>Large track (mid)
7699<!sp!>27<!sp!>Large track (high)
7700<!sp!>27<!sp!>Winding track (low)
7701<!sp!>27<!sp!>Winding track (mid)
7702<!sp!>27<!sp!>Winding track (high)
7703<!sp!>27<!sp!>Winding main track (low)
7704<!sp!>27<!sp!>Winding main track (mid)
7705<!sp!>27<!sp!>Winding main track (high)
7706<!sp!>27<!sp!>Main track (low)
7707<!sp!>27<!sp!>Main track (mid)
7708<!sp!>27<!sp!>Main track (high)
7709<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave main track (low)
7710<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave main track (mid)
7711<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave main track (high)
7712<!sp!>27<!sp!>Parallel tracks (low)
7713<!sp!>27<!sp!>Parallel tracks (mid)
7714<!sp!>27<!sp!>Parallel tracks (high)
7715<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off road (low)
7716<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off road (mid)
7717<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off road (high)
7718<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off road forbidden (low)
7719<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off road forbidden (mid)
7720<!sp!>27<!sp!>Off road forbidden (high)
7721<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 1 (low)
7722<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 1 (mid)
7723<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 1 (high)
7724<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 2 (low)
7725<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 2 (mid)
7726<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 2 (high)
7727<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 3 (low)
7728<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 3 (mid)
7729<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 3 (high)
7730<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 1(low)
7731<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 1 (mid)
7732<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 1 (high)
7733<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 30 (low)
7734<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 30 (mid)
7735<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 30 (high)
7736<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 30 (low)
7737<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 30 (mid)
7738<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 30 (high)
7739<!sp!>27<!sp!>End of speed limit (low)
7740<!sp!>27<!sp!>End of speed limit (mid)
7741<!sp!>27<!sp!>End of speed limit (high)
7742<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stop (low)
7743<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stop (mid)
7744<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stop (high)
7745<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint masked (low)
7746<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint masked (mid)
7747<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint masked (high)
7748<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint eclipse (low)
7749<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint eclipse (mid)
7750<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint eclipse (high)
7751<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint safety (low)
7752<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint safety (mid)
7753<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint safety (high)
7754<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint hidden (low)
7755<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint hidden (mid)
7756<!sp!>27<!sp!>Waypoint hidden (high)
7757<!sp!>27<!sp!>Distance (low)
7758<!sp!>27<!sp!>Distance (mid)
7759<!sp!>27<!sp!>Distance (high)
7760<!sp!>27<!sp!>Passage control (low)
7761<!sp!>27<!sp!>Passage control (mid)
7762<!sp!>27<!sp!>Passage control (high)
7763<!sp!>27<!sp!>Announcement less 300m (low)
7764<!sp!>27<!sp!>Announcement less 300m (mid)
7765<!sp!>27<!sp!>Announcement less 300m (high)
7766<!sp!>27<!sp!>Note less 300m (low)
7767<!sp!>27<!sp!>Note less 300m (mid)
7768<!sp!>27<!sp!>Note less 300m (high)
7769<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 3 announcement (low)
7770<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 3 announcement (mid)
7771<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger 3 announcement (high)
7772<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dunes. Level 1.
7773<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dunes. Level 2.
7774<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dunes. Level 3.
7775<!sp!>27<!sp!>Summit (low)
7776<!sp!>27<!sp!>Summit (mid)
7777<!sp!>27<!sp!>Summit (high)
7778<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dip (low)
7779<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dip (mid)
7780<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dip (high)
7781<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bump (low)
7782<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bump (mid)
7783<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bump (high)
7784<!sp!>27<!sp!>Compression (low)
7785<!sp!>27<!sp!>Compression (mid)
7786<!sp!>27<!sp!>Compression (high)
7787<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ditch (low)
7788<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ditch (mid)
7789<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ditch (high)
7790<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step (low)
7791<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step (mid)
7792<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step (high)
7793<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step down (low)
7794<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step down (mid)
7795<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step down (high)
7796<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step up (low)
7797<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step up (mid)
7798<!sp!>27<!sp!>Step up (high)
7799<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hole (low)
7800<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hole (mid)
7801<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hole (high)
7802<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruts (low)
7803<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruts (mid)
7804<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruts (high)
7805<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sea (low)
7806<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sea (mid)
7807<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sea (high)
7808<!sp!>27<!sp!>Undulation (low)
7809<!sp!>27<!sp!>Undulation (mid)
7810<!sp!>27<!sp!>Undulation (high)
7811<!sp!>27<!sp!>Undulation broken (low)
7812<!sp!>27<!sp!>Undulation broken (mid)
7813<!sp!>27<!sp!>Undulation broken (high)
7814<!sp!>27<!sp!>Above bridge (low)
7815<!sp!>27<!sp!>Above bridge (mid)
7816<!sp!>27<!sp!>Above bridge (high)
7817<!sp!>27<!sp!>Under bridge (low)
7818<!sp!>27<!sp!>Under bridge (mid)
7819<!sp!>27<!sp!>Under bridge (high)
7820<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water (low)
7821<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water (mid)
7822<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water (high)
7823<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hole (low)
7824<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hole (mid)
7825<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hole (high)
7826<!sp!>27<!sp!>Holes (low)
7827<!sp!>27<!sp!>Holes (mid)
7828<!sp!>27<!sp!>Holes (high)
7829<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cairn (low)
7830<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cairn (mid)
7831<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cairn (high)
7832<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel (low)
7833<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel (mid)
7834<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gravel (high)
7835<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock (low)
7836<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock (mid)
7837<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock (high)
7838<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks (low)
7839<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks (mid)
7840<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks (high)
7841<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocky (low)
7842<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocky (mid)
7843<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocky (high)
7844<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain (low)
7845<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain (mid)
7846<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain (high)
7847<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sand (low)
7848<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sand (mid)
7849<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sand (high)
7850<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sand spit (low)
7851<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sand spit (mid)
7852<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sand spit (mid)
7853<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dune (low)
7854<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dune (mid)
7855<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dune (high)
7856<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dunes (low)
7857<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dunes (mid)
7858<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dunes (high)
7859<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dune (low)
7860<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dune (mid)
7861<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dune (high)
7862<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dunes (low)
7863<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dunes (mid)
7864<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dunes (high)
7865<!sp!>27<!sp!>Borken dune (low)
7866<!sp!>27<!sp!>Broken dune (mid)
7867<!sp!>27<!sp!>Broken dune (high)
7868<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camel grass (low)
7869<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camel grass (mid)
7870<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camel grass (high)
7871<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree (low)
7872<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree (mid)
7873<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree (high)
7874<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees (low)
7875<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees (mid)
7876<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees (high)
7877<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree (low)
7878<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree (mid)
7879<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree (high)
7880<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees (low)
7881<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees (mid)
7882<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees (high)
7883<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub (low)
7884<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub (mid)
7885<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub (high)
7886<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass (low)
7887<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass (mid)
7888<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass (high)
7889<!sp!>27<!sp!>Vegetation (low)
7890<!sp!>27<!sp!>Vegetation (mid)
7891<!sp!>27<!sp!>Vegetation (high)
7892<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain (low)
7893<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain (mid)
7894<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain (high)
7895<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains (low)
7896<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains (mid)
7897<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains (high)
7898<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi. (low)
7899<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi. (mid)
7900<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi. (high)
7901<!sp!>27<!sp!>Big bowl in dunes (low)
7902<!sp!>27<!sp!>Big bowl in dunes (mid)
7903<!sp!>27<!sp!>Big bowl in dunes (high)
7904<!sp!>27<!sp!>Lateral inclination (low)
7905<!sp!>27<!sp!>Lateral inclination (mid)
7906<!sp!>27<!sp!>Lateral inclination (high)
7907<!sp!>27<!sp!>Collapsed (low)
7908<!sp!>27<!sp!>Collapsed (mid)
7909<!sp!>27<!sp!>Collapsed high)
7910<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bad (low)
7911<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bad (mid)
7912<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bad (high)
7913<!sp!>27<!sp!>Twisty (low)
7914<!sp!>27<!sp!>Twisty (mid)
7915<!sp!>27<!sp!>Twisty (high)
7916<!sp!>27<!sp!>Twisty down (low)
7917<!sp!>27<!sp!>Twisty down (mid)
7918<!sp!>27<!sp!>Twisty down (high)
7919<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight (low)
7920<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight (mid)
7921<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight (high)
7922<!sp!>27<!sp!>Average (low)
7923<!sp!>27<!sp!>Average (mid)
7924<!sp!>27<!sp!>Average (high)
7925<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bearing (low)
7926<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bearing (mid)
7927<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bearing (high)
7928<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bearings (low)
7929<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bearings (mid)
7930<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bearings (high)
7931<!sp!>27<!sp!>Obliquo (low)
7932<!sp!>27<!sp!>Obliquo (mid)
7933<!sp!>27<!sp!>Obliquo (high)
7934<!sp!>27<!sp!>Many (low)
7935<!sp!>27<!sp!>Many (mid)
7936<!sp!>27<!sp!>Many (high)
7937<!sp!>27<!sp!>Narrow (low)
7938<!sp!>27<!sp!>Narrow (mid)
7939<!sp!>27<!sp!>Narrow (high)
7940<!sp!>27<!sp!>Damage (low)
7941<!sp!>27<!sp!>Damage (mid)
7942<!sp!>27<!sp!>Damage (high)
7943<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water in concrete (low)
7944<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water in concrete (mid)
7945<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water in concrete (high)
7946<!sp!>27<!sp!>Concrete (low)
7947<!sp!>27<!sp!>Concrete (mid)
7948<!sp!>27<!sp!>Concrete (high)
7949<!sp!>27<!sp!>New note after opening (low)
7950<!sp!>27<!sp!>New note after opening (mid)
7951<!sp!>27<!sp!>New note after opening (high)
7952<!sp!>27<!sp!>Modified note after opening (low)
7953<!sp!>27<!sp!>Modified note after opening (mid)
7954<!sp!>27<!sp!>Modified note after opening (high)
7955<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start (low)
7956<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start (mid)
7957<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start (high)
7958<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of selective section (low)
7959<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of selective section (mid)
7960<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of selective section (high)
7961<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish (low)
7962<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish (mid)
7963<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish (high)
7964<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish of selective section (low)
7965<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish of selective section (mid)
7966<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish of selective section (high)
7967<!sp!>27<!sp!>Time control (low)
7968<!sp!>27<!sp!>Time control (mid)
7969<!sp!>27<!sp!>Time control (high)
7970<!sp!>27<!sp!>Clock (low)
7971<!sp!>27<!sp!>Clock (mid)
7972<!sp!>27<!sp!>Clock (high)
7973<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start neutralisation (low)
7974<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start neutralisation (mid)
7975<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start neutralisation (high)
7976<!sp!>27<!sp!>End of neutralisation (low)
7977<!sp!>27<!sp!>End of neutralisation (mid)
7978<!sp!>27<!sp!>End of neutralisation (high)
7979<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of service area (small)
7980<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of service area (mid)
7981<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of service area (high)
7982<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish of service area (low)
7983<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish of service area (mid)
7984<!sp!>27<!sp!>Finish of service area (high)
7985<!sp!>27<!sp!>Village (low)
7986<!sp!>27<!sp!>Village (mid)
7987<!sp!>27<!sp!>Village (high)
7988<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp (low)
7989<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp (mid)
7990<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp (high)
7991<!sp!>27<!sp!>Restricted area (low)
7992<!sp!>27<!sp!>Restricted area (mid)
7993<!sp!>27<!sp!>Restricted area (high)
7994<!sp!>27<!sp!>Petrol station (low)
7995<!sp!>27<!sp!>Petrol station (mid)
7996<!sp!>27<!sp!>Petrol station (high)
7997<!sp!>27<!sp!>Refuelling point (low)
7998<!sp!>27<!sp!>Refuelling point (mid)
7999<!sp!>27<!sp!>Refuelling point (high)
8000<!sp!>27<!sp!>House (low)
8001<!sp!>27<!sp!>House (mid)
8002<!sp!>27<!sp!>House (high)
8003<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses (low)
8004<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses (mid)
8005<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses (high)
8006<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings (low)
8007<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings (mid)
8008<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings (high)
8009<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow (low)
8010<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow (mid)
8011<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow (high)
8012<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument (low)
8013<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument (mid)
8014<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument (high)
8015<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort (low)
8016<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort (mid)
8017<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort (high)
8018<!sp!>27<!sp!>Kilometre marker (low)
8019<!sp!>27<!sp!>Kilometre marker (mid)
8020<!sp!>27<!sp!>Kilometre marker (high)
8021<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel (low)
8022<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel (mid)
8023<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel (high)
8024<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels (low)
8025<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels (mid)
8026<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels (high)
8027<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline (low)
8028<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline (mid)
8029<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline (high)
8030<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad (low)
8031<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad (mid)
8032<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad (high)
8033<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well (low)
8034<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well (mid)
8035<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well (high)
8036<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel (low)
8037<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel (mid)
8038<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel (high)
8039<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall (low)
8040<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall (mid)
8041<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall (high)
8042<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wall (low)
8043<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall (mid)
8044<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall (high)
8045<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence (small)
8046<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence (mid)
8047<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence (high)
8048<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier (small)
8049<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier (mid)
8050<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier (high)
8051<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid (low)
8052<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid (mid)
8053<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid (high)
8054<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre (low)
8055<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre (mid)
8056<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre (high)
8057<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank (low)
8058<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank (mid)
8059<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank (high)
8060<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins (low)
8061<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins (mid)
8062<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins (high)
8063<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post (low)
8064<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post (mid)
8065<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post (high)
8066<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts (low)
8067<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts (mid)
8068<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts (high)
8069<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole (low)
8070<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole (mid)
8071<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole (high)
8072<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles (low)
8073<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles (mid)
8074<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles (high)
8075<!sp!>27<!sp!>High voltage tower (low)
8076<!sp!>27<!sp!>High voltage tower (mid)
8077<!sp!>27<!sp!>High voltage tower (high)
8078<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric (low)
8079<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric (mid)
8080<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric (high)
8081<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line (low)
8082<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line (mid)
8083<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line (high)
8084<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines (low)
8085<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines (mid)
8086<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines (high)
8087<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna (low)
8088<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna (mid)
8089<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna (high)
8090<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence (low)
8091<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence (mid)
8092<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence (high)
8093<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels (low)
8094<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels (mid)
8095<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels (high)
8096<!sp!>27<!sp!>Info after the note (small)
8097<!sp!>27<!sp!>Info after the note (mid)
8098<!sp!>27<!sp!>Info after the note (high)
8099<!sp!>27<!sp!>On the right (low)
8100<!sp!>27<!sp!>On the right (mid)
8101<!sp!>27<!sp!>On the right (high)
8102<!sp!>27<!sp!>On the left (low)
8103<!sp!>27<!sp!>On the left (mid)
8104<!sp!>27<!sp!>On the left (high)
8105<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right (low)
8106<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right (mid)
8107<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right (high)
8108<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left (low)
8109<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left (mid)
8110<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left (high)
8111<!sp!>27<!sp!>Canyon (low)
8112<!sp!>27<!sp!>Canyon (mid)
8113<!sp!>27<!sp!>Canyon (high)
8114<!sp!>27<!sp!>Downhill (low)
8115<!sp!>27<!sp!>Downhill (mid)
8116<!sp!>27<!sp!>Downhill (high)
8117<!sp!>27<!sp!>Towards (low)
8118<!sp!>27<!sp!>Towards (mid)
8119<!sp!>27<!sp!>Towards (high)
8120<!sp!>27<!sp!>Uphill (low)
8121<!sp!>27<!sp!>Uphill (mid)
8122<!sp!>27<!sp!>Uphill (high)
8123<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between (low)
8124<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between (mid)
8125<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between (high)
8126<!sp!>27<!sp!>Valley (low)
8127<!sp!>27<!sp!>Valley (mid)
8128<!sp!>27<!sp!>Valley (high)
8129<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into (low)
8130<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into (mid)
8131<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into (high)
8132<!sp!>27<!sp!>Slow down (low)
8133<!sp!>27<!sp!>Slow down (mid)
8134<!sp!>27<!sp!>Slow down (high)
8135<!sp!>27<!sp!>Take again (low)
8136<!sp!>27<!sp!>Take again (mid)
8137<!sp!>27<!sp!>Take again (high)
8138<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave (low)
8139<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave (mid)
8140<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave (high)
8141<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight (low)
8142<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight (mid)
8143<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight (high)
8144<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow main gravel road (low)
8145<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow main gravel road (mid)
8146<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow main gravel road (high)
8147<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow main tarmac road (low)
8148<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow main tarmac road (mid)
8149<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow main tarmac road (high)
8150<!sp!>27<!sp!>Always (low)
8151<!sp!>27<!sp!>Always (mid)
8152<!sp!>27<!sp!>Always (high)
8153<!sp!>27<!sp!>More or less visible (low)
8154<!sp!>27<!sp!>More or less visible (mid)
8155<!sp!>27<!sp!>More or less visible (high)
8156<!sp!>27<!sp!>Less visible (low)
8157<!sp!>27<!sp!>Less visible (mid)
8158<!sp!>27<!sp!>Less visible (high)
8159<!sp!>27<!sp!>Imperative (low)
8160<!sp!>27<!sp!>Imperative (mid)
8161<!sp!>27<!sp!>Imperative (high)
8162<!sp!>27<!sp!>Get around (low)
8163<!sp!>27<!sp!>Get around (mid)
8164<!sp!>27<!sp!>Get around (high)
8165<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the left (low)
8166<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the left (mid)
8167<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the left (high)
8168<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the right (low)
8169<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the right (mid)
8170<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the right (high)
8171<!sp!>28<!sp!>Missing file
8175<!sp!>27<!sp!>River. (low)
8176<!sp!>27<!sp!>River. (mid)
8177<!sp!>27<!sp!>River. (high)
8178<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left (low)
8179<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left (mid)
8180<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left (high)
8181<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right (low)
8182<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right (mid)
8183<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right (high)
8184<!sp!>29<!sp!>Be careful (low)
8185<!sp!>29<!sp!>Be careful (mid)
8186<!sp!>29<!sp!>Be careful (high)
8187<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right (low)
8188<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right (mid)
8189<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right (high)
8190<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left (low)
8191<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left (mid)
8192<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left (high)
8193<!sp!>29<!sp!>Waypoint OK (low)
8194<!sp!>29<!sp!>Waypoint OK (mid)
8195<!sp!>29<!sp!>Waypoint OK (high)
8196<!sp!>29<!sp!>Stay focused (low)
8197<!sp!>29<!sp!>Stay focused (mid)
8198<!sp!>29<!sp!>Stay focused (high)
8199<!sp!>29<!sp!>Focus on (low)
8200<!sp!>29<!sp!>Focus on (mid)
8201<!sp!>29<!sp!>Focus on (high)
8202<!sp!>29<!sp!>Turn to (low)
8203<!sp!>29<!sp!>Turn to (mid)
8204<!sp!>29<!sp!>Turn to (high)
8205<!sp!>29<!sp!>Attention! (low)
8206<!sp!>29<!sp!>Attention! (mid)
8207<!sp!>29<!sp!>Attention! (high)
8208<!sp!>29<!sp!>Should be (low)
8209<!sp!>29<!sp!>Should be (mid)
8210<!sp!>29<!sp!>Should be (high)
8211<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to (low)
8212<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to (mid)
8213<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to (high)
8214<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to (low)
8215<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to (mid)
8216<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to (high)
8217<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on (low)
8218<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on (mid)
8219<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on (high)
8220<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on (low)
8221<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on (mid)
8222<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on (high)
8223<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to (low)
8224<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to (mid)
8225<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to (high)
8226<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to (low)
8227<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to (mid)
8228<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to (high)
8229<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on (low)
8230<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on (mid)
8231<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on (high)
8232<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on (low)
8233<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on (mid)
8234<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on (high)
8235<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the left on (low)
8236<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the left on (mid)
8237<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the left on (high)
8238<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the right on (low)
8239<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the right on (mid)
8240<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep to the right on (high)
8241<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to (low)
8242<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to (mid)
8243<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to (high)
8244<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to (low)
8245<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to (mid)
8246<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to (high)
8247<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on (low)
8248<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on (mid)
8249<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on (high)
8250<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on (low)
8251<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on (mid)
8252<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on (high)
8253<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on (low)
8254<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on (mid)
8255<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on (high)
8256<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to (low)
8257<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to (mid)
8258<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to (high)
8259<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 2 (low)
8260<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 2 (mid)
8261<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 2 (high)
8262<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 3 (low)
8263<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 3 (mid)
8264<!sp!>27<!sp!>Danger in all the figure 3 (high)
8265<!sp!>26<!sp!>NOW! (low)
8266<!sp!>26<!sp!>NOW! (mid)
8267<!sp!>26<!sp!>NOW! (high)
8268<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep on (low)
8269<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep on (mid)
8270<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep on (high)
8274<!sp!>29<!sp!>You should go to (low)
8275<!sp!>29<!sp!>You should go to (mid)
8276<!sp!>29<!sp!>You should go to (high)
8277<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to tarmac road (low)
8278<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to tarmac road (mid)
8279<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to tarmac road (high)
8280<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to tarmac road (low)
8281<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to tarmac road (mid)
8282<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to tarmac road (high)
8283<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to road (low)
8284<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to road (mid)
8285<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to road (high)
8286<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to road (low)
8287<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to road (mid)
8288<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to road (high)
8289<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to dual carriageway (low)
8290<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to dual carriageway (mid)
8291<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to dual carriageway (high)
8292<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to dual carriageway (low)
8293<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to dual carriageway (mid)
8294<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to dual carriageway (high)
8295<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to gravel track (low)
8296<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to gravel track (mid)
8297<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to gravel track (high)
8298<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to gravel track (low)
8299<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to gravel track (mid)
8300<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to gravel track (high)
8301<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to off track (low)
8302<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to off track (mid)
8303<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to off track (high)
8304<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to off track (low)
8305<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to off track (mid)
8306<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to off track (high)
8307<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to winding track (low)
8308<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to winding track (mid)
8309<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to winding track (high)
8310<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to winding track (low)
8311<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to winding track (mid)
8312<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to winding track (high)
8313<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to large track (low)
8314<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to large track (mid)
8315<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to large track (high)
8316<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to large track (low)
8317<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to large track (mid)
8318<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to large track (high)
8319<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to winding main track (low)
8320<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to winding main track (mid)
8321<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to winding main track (high)
8322<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to winding main track (low)
8323<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to winding main track (mid)
8324<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to winding main track (high)
8325<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to main track (low)
8326<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to main track (mid)
8327<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to main track (high)
8328<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to main track (low)
8329<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to main track (mid)
8330<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to main track (high)
8331<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to parallel tracks (low)
8332<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to parallel tracks (mid)
8333<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to parallel tracks (high)
8334<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to parallel tracks (low)
8335<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to parallel tracks (mid)
8336<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to parallel tracks (high)
8337<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to canyon (low)
8338<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to canyon (mid)
8339<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to canyon (high)
8340<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to canyon (low)
8341<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to canyon (mid)
8342<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to canyon (high)
8343<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to valley (low)
8344<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to valley (mid)
8345<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to valley (high)
8346<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to valley (low)
8347<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to valley (mid)
8348<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to valley (high)
8349<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to river (low)
8350<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to river (mid)
8351<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to river (high)
8352<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to river (low)
8353<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to river (mid)
8354<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to river (high)
8355<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to tarmac road (low)
8356<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to tarmac road (mid)
8357<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to tarmac road (high)
8358<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to road (low)
8359<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to road (mid)
8360<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to road (high)
8361<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to dual carriageway (low)
8362<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to dual carriageway (mid)
8363<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to dual carriageway (high)
8364<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to gravel track (low)
8365<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to gravel track (mid)
8366<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to gravel track (high)
8367<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to off track (low)
8368<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to off track (mid)
8369<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to off track (high)
8370<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to winding track (low)
8371<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to winding track (mid)
8372<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to winding track (high)
8373<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to large track (low)
8374<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to large track (mid)
8375<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to large track (high)
8376<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to winding main track (low)
8377<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to winding main track (mid)
8378<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to winding main track (high)
8379<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to main track (low)
8380<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to main track (mid)
8381<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to main track (high)
8382<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to parallel tracks (low)
8383<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to parallel tracks (mid)
8384<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to parallel tracks (high)
8385<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to canyon (low)
8386<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to canyon (mid)
8387<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to canyon (high)
8388<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to valley (low)
8389<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to valley (mid)
8390<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to valley (high)
8391<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to river (low)
8392<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to river (mid)
8393<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight to river (high)
8394<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to tarmac road (low)
8395<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to tarmac road (mid)
8396<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to tarmac road (high)
8397<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to tarmac road (low)
8398<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to tarmac road (mid)
8399<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to tarmac road (high)
8400<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to road (low)
8401<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to road (mid)
8402<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to road (high)
8403<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to road (low)
8404<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to road (mid)
8405<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to road (high)
8406<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to dual carriageway (low)
8407<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to dual carriageway (mid)
8408<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to dual carriageway (high)
8409<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to dual carriageway (low)
8410<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to dual carriageway (mid)
8411<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to dual carriageway (high)
8412<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to gravel track (low)
8413<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to gravel track (mid)
8414<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to gravel track (high)
8415<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to gravel track (low)
8416<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to gravel track (mid)
8417<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to gravel track (high)
8418<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to off track (low)
8419<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to off track (mid)
8420<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to off track (high)
8421<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to off track (low)
8422<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to off track (mid)
8423<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to off track (high)
8424<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to winding track (low)
8425<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to winding track (mid)
8426<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to winding track (high)
8427<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to winding track (low)
8428<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to winding track (mid)
8429<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to winding track (high)
8430<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to large track (low)
8431<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to large track (mid)
8432<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to large track (high)
8433<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to large track (low)
8434<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to large track (mid)
8435<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to large track (high)
8436<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to winding main track (low)
8437<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to winding main track (mid)
8438<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to winding main track (high)
8439<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to winding main track (low)
8440<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to winding main track (mid)
8441<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to winding main track (high)
8442<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to main track (low)
8443<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to main track (mid)
8444<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to main track (high)
8445<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to main track (low)
8446<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to main track (mid)
8447<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to main track (high)
8448<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to parallel tracks (low)
8449<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to parallel tracks (mid)
8450<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to parallel tracks (high)
8451<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to parallel tracks (low)
8452<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to parallel tracks (mid)
8453<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to parallel tracks (high)
8454<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to canyon (low)
8455<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to canyon (mid)
8456<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to canyon (high)
8457<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to canyon (low)
8458<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to canyon (mid)
8459<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to canyon (high)
8460<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to valley (low)
8461<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to valley (mid)
8462<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to valley (high)
8463<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to valley (low)
8464<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to valley (mid)
8465<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to valley (high)
8466<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to river (low)
8467<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to river (mid)
8468<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to river (high)
8469<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to river (low)
8470<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to river (mid)
8471<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to river (high)
8472<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to tarmac road (low)
8473<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to tarmac road (mid)
8474<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to tarmac road (high)
8475<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to tarmac road (low)
8476<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to tarmac road (mid)
8477<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to tarmac road (high)
8478<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to road (low)
8479<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to road (mid)
8480<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to road (high)
8481<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to road (low)
8482<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to road (mid)
8483<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to road (high)
8484<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to dual carriageway (low)
8485<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to dual carriageway (mid)
8486<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to dual carriageway (high)
8487<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to dual carriageway (low)
8488<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to dual carriageway (mid)
8489<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to dual carriageway (high)
8490<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to gravel track (low)
8491<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to gravel track (mid)
8492<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to gravel track (high)
8493<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to gravel track (low)
8494<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to gravel track (mid)
8495<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to gravel track (high)
8496<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to off track (low)
8497<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to off track (mid)
8498<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to off track (high)
8499<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to off track (low)
8500<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to off track (mid)
8501<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to off track (high)
8502<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to winding track (low)
8503<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to winding track (mid)
8504<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to winding track (high)
8505<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to winding track (low)
8506<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to winding track (mid)
8507<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to winding track (high)
8508<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to large track (low)
8509<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to large track (mid)
8510<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to large track (high)
8511<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to large track (low)
8512<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to large track (mid)
8513<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to large track (high)
8514<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to winding main track (low)
8515<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to winding main track (mid)
8516<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to winding main track (high)
8517<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to winding main track (low)
8518<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to winding main track (mid)
8519<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to winding main track (high)
8520<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to main track (low)
8521<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to main track (mid)
8522<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to main track (high)
8523<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to main track (low)
8524<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to main track (mid)
8525<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to main track (high)
8526<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to parallel tracks (low)
8527<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to parallel tracks (mid)
8528<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to parallel tracks (high)
8529<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to parallel tracks (low)
8530<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to parallel tracks (mid)
8531<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to parallel tracks (high)
8532<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to canyon (low)
8533<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to canyon (mid)
8534<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to canyon (high)
8535<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to canyon (low)
8536<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to canyon (mid)
8537<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to canyon (high)
8538<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to valley (low)
8539<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to valley (mid)
8540<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to valley (high)
8541<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to valley (low)
8542<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to valley (mid)
8543<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to valley (high)
8544<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to river (low)
8545<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to river (mid)
8546<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to river (high)
8547<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to river (low)
8548<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to river (mid)
8549<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to river (high)
8550<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to tarmac road (low)
8551<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to tarmac road (mid)
8552<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to tarmac road (high)
8553<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to road (low)
8554<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to road (mid)
8555<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to road (high)
8556<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to dual carriageway (low)
8557<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to dual carriageway (mid)
8558<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to dual carriageway (high)
8559<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to gravel track (low)
8560<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to gravel track (mid)
8561<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to gravel track (high)
8562<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to off track (low)
8563<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to off track (mid)
8564<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to off track (high)
8565<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to winding track (low)
8566<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to winding track (mid)
8567<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to winding track (high)
8568<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to large track (low)
8569<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to large track (mid)
8570<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to large track (high)
8571<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to winding main track (low)
8572<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to winding main track (mid)
8573<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to winding main track (high)
8574<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to main track (low)
8575<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to main track (mid)
8576<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to main track (high)
8577<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to parallel tracks (low)
8578<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to parallel tracks (mid)
8579<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to parallel tracks (high)
8580<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to canyon (low)
8581<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to canyon (mid)
8582<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to canyon (high)
8583<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to valley (low)
8584<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to valley (mid)
8585<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to valley (high)
8586<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to river (low)
8587<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to river (mid)
8588<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to river (high)
8589<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on tarmac road (low)
8590<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on tarmac road (mid)
8591<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on tarmac road (high)
8592<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on tarmac road (low)
8593<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on tarmac road (mid)
8594<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on tarmac road (high)
8595<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on road (low)
8596<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on road (mid)
8597<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on road (high)
8598<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on road (low)
8599<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on road (mid)
8600<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on road (high)
8601<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on dual carriageway (low)
8602<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on dual carriageway (mid)
8603<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on dual carriageway (high)
8604<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on dual carriageway (low)
8605<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on dual carriageway (mid)
8606<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on dual carriageway (high)
8607<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on gravel track (low)
8608<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on gravel track (mid)
8609<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on gravel track (high)
8610<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on gravel track (low)
8611<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on gravel track (mid)
8612<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on gravel track (high)
8613<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on off track (low)
8614<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on off track (mid)
8615<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on off track (high)
8616<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on off track (low)
8617<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on off track (mid)
8618<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on off track (high)
8619<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on winding track (low)
8620<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on winding track (mid)
8621<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on winding track (high)
8622<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on winding track (low)
8623<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on winding track (mid)
8624<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on winding track (high)
8625<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on large track (low)
8626<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on large track (mid)
8627<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on large track (high)
8628<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on large track (low)
8629<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on large track (mid)
8630<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on large track (high)
8631<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on winding main track (low)
8632<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on winding main track (mid)
8633<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on winding main track (high)
8634<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on winding main track (low)
8635<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on winding main track (mid)
8636<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on winding main track (high)
8637<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on main track (low)
8638<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on main track (mid)
8639<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on main track (high)
8640<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on main track (low)
8641<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on main track (mid)
8642<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on main track (high)
8643<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on parallel tracks (low)
8644<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on parallel tracks (mid)
8645<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on parallel tracks (high)
8646<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on parallel tracks (low)
8647<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on parallel tracks (mid)
8648<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on parallel tracks (high)
8649<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on canyon (low)
8650<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on canyon (mid)
8651<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on canyon (high)
8652<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on canyon (low)
8653<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on canyon (mid)
8654<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on canyon (high)
8655<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on valley (low)
8656<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on valley (mid)
8657<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on valley (high)
8658<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on valley (low)
8659<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on valley (mid)
8660<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on valley (high)
8661<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on river (low)
8662<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on river (mid)
8663<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on river (high)
8664<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on river (low)
8665<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on river (mid)
8666<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on river (high)
8667<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on tarmac road (low)
8668<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on tarmac road (mid)
8669<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on tarmac road (high)
8670<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on tarmac road (low)
8671<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on tarmac road (mid)
8672<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on tarmac road (high)
8673<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on road (low)
8674<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on road (mid)
8675<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on road (high)
8676<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on road (low)
8677<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on road (mid)
8678<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on road (high)
8679<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on dual carriageway (low)
8680<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on dual carriageway (mid)
8681<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on dual carriageway (high)
8682<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on dual carriageway (low)
8683<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on dual carriageway (mid)
8684<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on dual carriageway (high)
8685<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on gravel track (low)
8686<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on gravel track (mid)
8687<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on gravel track (high)
8688<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on gravel track (low)
8689<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on gravel track (mid)
8690<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on gravel track (high)
8691<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on off track (low)
8692<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on off track (mid)
8693<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on off track (high)
8694<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on off track (low)
8695<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on off track (mid)
8696<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on off track (high)
8698<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on winding track (low)
8699<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on winding track (mid)
8700<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on winding track (high)
8701<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on winding track (low)
8702<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on winding track (mid)
8703<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on winding track (high)
8704<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on large track (low)
8705<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on large track (mid)
8706<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on large track (high)
8707<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on large track (low)
8708<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on large track (mid)
8709<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on large track (high)
8710<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on winding main track (low)
8711<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on winding main track (mid)
8712<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on winding main track (high)
8713<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on main track (low)
8714<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on main track (mid)
8715<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on main track (high)
8716<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on winding main track (low)
8717<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on winding main track (mid)
8718<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on winding main track (high)
8719<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on main track (low)
8720<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on main track (mid)
8721<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on main track (high)
8722<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on parallel tracks (low)
8723<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on parallel tracks (mid)
8724<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on parallel tracks (high)
8725<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on parallel tracks (low)
8726<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on parallel tracks (mid)
8727<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on parallel tracks (high)
8728<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on canyon (low)
8729<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on canyon (mid)
8730<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on canyon (high)
8731<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on canyon (low)
8732<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on canyon (mid)
8733<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on canyon (high)
8734<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on valley (low)
8735<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on valley (mid)
8736<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on valley (high)
8737<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on valley (low)
8738<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on valley (mid)
8739<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on valley (high)
8740<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on river (low)
8741<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on river (mid)
8742<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on river (high)
8743<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on river (low)
8744<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on river (mid)
8745<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on river (high)
8746<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on tarmac road (low)
8747<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on tarmac road (mid)
8748<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on tarmac road (high)
8749<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on tarmac road (low)
8750<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on tarmac road (mid)
8751<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on tarmac road (high)
8752<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on road (low)
8753<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on road (mid)
8754<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on road (high)
8755<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on road (low)
8756<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on road (mid)
8757<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on road (high)
8758<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on dual carriageway (low)
8759<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on dual carriageway (mid)
8760<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on dual carriageway (high)
8761<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on dual carriageway (low)
8762<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on dual carriageway (mid)
8763<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on dual carriageway (high)
8764<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on gravel track (low)
8765<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on gravel track (mid)
8766<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on gravel track (high)
8767<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on gravel track (low)
8768<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on gravel track (mid)
8769<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on gravel track (high)
8770<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on off track (low)
8771<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on off track (mid)
8772<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on off track (high)
8773<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on off track (low)
8774<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on off track (mid)
8775<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on off track (high)
8776<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on winding track (low)
8777<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on winding track (mid)
8778<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on winding track (high)
8779<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on winding track (low)
8780<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on winding track (mid)
8781<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on winding track (high)
8782<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on large track (low)
8783<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on large track (mid)
8784<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on large track (high)
8785<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on large track (low)
8786<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on large track (mid)
8787<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on large track (high)
8788<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on winding main track (low)
8789<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on winding main track (mid)
8790<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on winding main track (high)
8791<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on winding main track (low)
8792<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on winding main track (mid)
8793<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on winding main track (high)
8794<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on main track (low)
8795<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on main track (mid)
8796<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on main track (high)
8797<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on main track (low)
8798<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on main track (mid)
8799<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on main track (high)
8800<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on parallel tracks (low)
8801<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on parallel tracks (mid)
8802<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on parallel tracks (high)
8803<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on parallel tracks (low)
8804<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on parallel tracks (mid)
8805<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on parallel tracks (high)
8806<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on canyon (low)
8807<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on canyon (mid)
8808<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on canyon (high)
8809<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on canyon (low)
8810<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on canyon (mid)
8811<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on canyon (high)
8812<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on valley (low)
8813<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on valley (mid)
8814<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on valley (high)
8815<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on valley (low)
8816<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on valley (mid)
8817<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on valley (high)
8818<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on river (low)
8819<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on river (mid)
8820<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on river (high)
8821<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on river (low)
8822<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on river (mid)
8823<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on river (high)
8824<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on tarmac road (low)
8825<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on tarmac road (mid)
8826<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on tarmac road (high)
8827<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on road (low)
8828<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on road (mid)
8829<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on road (high)
8830<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on dual carriageway (low)
8831<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on dual carriageway (mid)
8832<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on dual carriageway (high)
8833<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on gravel track (low)
8834<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on gravel track (mid)
8835<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on gravel track (high)
8836<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on off track (low)
8837<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on off track (mid)
8838<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on off track (high)
8839<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on winding track (low)
8840<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on winding track (mid)
8841<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on winding track (high)
8842<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on large track (low)
8843<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on large track (mid)
8844<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on large track (high)
8845<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on winding main track (low)
8846<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on winding main track (mid)
8847<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on winding main track (high)
8848<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on main track (low)
8849<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on main track (mid)
8850<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on main track (high)
8851<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on parallel tracks (low)
8852<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on parallel tracks (mid)
8853<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on parallel tracks (high)
8854<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on canyon (low)
8855<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on canyon (mid)
8856<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on canyon (high)
8857<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on valley (low)
8858<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on valley (mid)
8859<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on valley (high)
8860<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on river (low)
8861<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on river (mid)
8862<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep straight on river (high)
8863<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on tarmac road (low)
8864<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on tarmac road (mid)
8865<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on tarmac road (high)
8866<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on road (low)
8867<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on road (mid)
8868<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on road (high)
8869<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on dual carriageway (low)
8870<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on dual carriageway (mid)
8871<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on dual carriageway (high)
8872<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on gravel track (low)
8873<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on gravel track (mid)
8874<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on gravel track (high)
8875<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on off track (low)
8876<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on off track (mid)
8877<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on off track (high)
8878<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on winding track (low)
8879<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on winding track (mid)
8880<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on winding track (high)
8881<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on large track (low)
8882<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on large track (mid)
8883<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on large track (high)
8884<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on winding main track (low)
8885<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on winding main track (mid)
8886<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on winding main track (high)
8887<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on main track (low)
8888<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on main track (mid)
8889<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on main track (high)
8890<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on parallel tracks (low)
8891<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on parallel tracks (mid)
8892<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on parallel tracks (high)
8893<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on canyon (low)
8894<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on canyon (mid)
8895<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on canyon (high)
8896<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on valley (low)
8897<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on valley (mid)
8898<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on valley (high)
8899<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on river (low)
8900<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on river (mid)
8901<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on river (high)
8902<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to tarmac road (low)
8903<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to tarmac road (mid)
8904<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to tarmac road (high)
8905<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to road (low)
8906<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to road (mid)
8907<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to road (high)
8908<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to dual carriageway (low)
8909<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to dual carriageway (mid)
8910<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to dual carriageway (high)
8911<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to gravel track (low)
8912<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to gravel track (mid)
8913<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to gravel track (high)
8914<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to off track (low)
8915<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to off track (mid)
8916<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to off track (high)
8917<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to winding track (low)
8918<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to winding track (mid)
8919<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to winding track (high)
8920<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to large track (low)
8921<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to large track (mid)
8922<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to large track (high)
8923<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to winding main track (low)
8924<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to winding main track (mid)
8925<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to winding main track (high)
8926<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to main track (low)
8927<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to main track (mid)
8928<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to main track (high)
8929<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to parallel tracks (low)
8930<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to parallel tracks (mid)
8931<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to parallel tracks (high)
8932<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to canyon (low)
8933<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to canyon (mid)
8934<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to canyon (high)
8935<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to valley (low)
8936<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to valley (mid)
8937<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to valley (high)
8938<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to river (low)
8939<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to river (mid)
8940<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to river (high)
8941<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on tarmac road (low)
8942<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on tarmac road (mid)
8943<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on tarmac road (high)
8944<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on road (low)
8945<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on road (mid)
8946<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on road (high)
8947<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on dual carriageway (low)
8948<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on dual carriageway (mid)
8949<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on dual carriageway (high)
8950<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on gravel track (low)
8951<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on gravel track (mid)
8952<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on gravel track (high)
8953<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on off track (low)
8954<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on off track (mid)
8955<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on off track (high)
8956<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on winding track (low)
8957<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on winding track (mid)
8958<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on winding track (high)
8959<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on large track (low)
8960<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on large track (mid)
8961<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on large track (high)
8962<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on winding main track (low)
8963<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on winding main track (mid)
8964<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on winding main track (high)
8965<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on main track (low)
8966<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on main track (mid)
8967<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on main track (high)
8968<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on parallel tracks (low)
8969<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on parallel tracks (mid)
8970<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on parallel tracks (high)
8971<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on canyon (low)
8972<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on canyon (mid)
8973<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on canyon (high)
8974<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on valley (low)
8975<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on valley (mid)
8976<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on valley (high)
8977<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on river (low)
8978<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on river (mid)
8979<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on river (high)
8980<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave tarmac road (low)
8981<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave tarmac road (mid)
8982<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave tarmac road (high)
8983<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave road (low)
8984<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave road (mid)
8985<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave road (high)
8986<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave dual carriageway (low)
8987<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave dual carriageway (mid)
8988<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave dual carriageway (high)
8989<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave gravel track (low)
8990<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave gravel track (mid)
8991<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave gravel track (high)
8992<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave off track (low)
8993<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave off track (mid)
8994<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave off track (high)
8995<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave winding track (low)
8996<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave winding track (mid)
8997<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave winding track (high)
8998<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave large track (low)
8999<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave large track (mid)
9000<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave large track (high)
9001<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave winding main track (low)
9002<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave winding main track (mid)
9003<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave winding main track (high)
9004<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave main track (low)
9005<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave main track (mid)
9006<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave main track (high)
9007<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave parallel tracks (low)
9008<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave parallel tracks (mid)
9009<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave parallel tracks (high)
9010<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave canyon (low)
9011<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave canyon (mid)
9012<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave canyon (high)
9013<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave valley (low)
9014<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave valley (mid)
9015<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave valley (high)
9016<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave river (low)
9017<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave rio (mid)
9018<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave river (high)
9019<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain on the left (low)
9020<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain on the left (mid)
9021<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain on the left (high)
9022<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree on the left (low)
9023<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree on the left (mid)
9024<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree on the left (high)
9025<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees on the left (low)
9026<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees on the left (mid)
9027<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees on the left (high)
9028<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree on the left (low)
9029<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree on the left (mid)
9030<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree on the left (high)
9031<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees on the left (low)
9032<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees on the left (mid)
9033<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees on the left (high)
9034<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub on the left (low)
9035<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub on the left (mid)
9036<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub on the left (high)
9037<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass on the left (low)
9038<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass on the left (mid)
9039<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass on the left (high)
9040<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain on the left (low)
9041<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain on the left (mid)
9042<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain on the left (high)
9043<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains on the left (low)
9044<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains on the left (mid)
9045<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains on the left (high)
9046<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi on the left (low)
9047<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi on the left (mid)
9048<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi on the left (high)
9049<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp on the left (low)
9050<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp on the left (mid)
9051<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp on the left (high)
9052<!sp!>27<!sp!>House on the left (low)
9053<!sp!>27<!sp!>House on the left (mid)
9054<!sp!>27<!sp!>House on the left (high)
9055<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses on the left (low)
9056<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses on the left (mid)
9057<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses on the left (high)
9058<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings on the left (low)
9059<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings on the left (mid)
9060<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings on the left (high)
9061<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument on the left (low)
9062<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument on the left (mid)
9063<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument on the left (high)
9064<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort on the left (low)
9065<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort on the left (mid)
9066<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort on the left (high)
9067<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker on the left (low)
9068<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker on the left (mid)
9069<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker on the left (high)
9070<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel on the left (low)
9071<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel on the left (mid)
9072<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel on the left (high)
9073<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels on the left (low)
9074<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels on the left (mid)
9075<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels on the left (high)
9076<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline on the left (low)
9077<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline on the left (mid)
9078<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline on the left (high)
9079<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad on the left (low)
9080<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad on the left (mid)
9081<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad on the left (high)
9082<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well on the left (low)
9083<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well on the left (mid)
9084<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well on the left (high)
9085<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel on the left (low)
9086<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel on the left (mid)
9087<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel on the left (high)
9088<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall on the left (low)
9089<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall on the left (mid)
9090<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall on the left (high)
9091<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wall on the left (low)
9092<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall on the left (mid)
9093<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall on the left (high)
9094<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence on the left (low)
9095<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence on the left (mid)
9096<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence on the left (high)
9097<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier on the left (low)
9098<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier on the left (mid)
9099<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier on the left (high)
9100<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid on the left (low)
9101<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid on the left (mid)
9102<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid on the left (high)
9103<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre on the left (low)
9104<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre on the left (mid)
9105<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre on the left (high)
9106<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank on the left (low)
9107<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank on the left (mid)
9108<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank on the left (high)
9109<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins on the left (low)
9110<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins on the left (mid)
9111<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins on the left (high)
9112<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post on the left (low)
9113<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post on the left (mid)
9114<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post on the left (high)
9115<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts on the left (low)
9116<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts on the left (mid)
9117<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts on the left (high)
9118<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole on the left (low)
9119<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole on the left (mid)
9120<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole on the left (high)
9121<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles on the left (low)
9122<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles on the left (mid)
9123<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles on the left (high)
9124<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower on the left (low)
9125<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower on the left (mid)
9126<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower on the left (high)
9127<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line on the left (low)
9128<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line on the left (mid)
9129<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line on the left (high)
9130<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna on the left (low)
9131<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna on the left (mid)
9132<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna on the left (high)
9133<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence on the left (low)
9134<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence on the left (mid)
9135<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence on the left (high)
9136<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels on the left (low)
9137<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels on the left (mid)
9138<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels on the left (high)
9139<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain on the right (low)
9140<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain on the right (mid)
9141<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain on the right (high)
9142<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree on the right (low)
9143<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree on the right (mid)
9144<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree on the right (high)
9145<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees on the right (low)
9146<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees on the right (mid)
9147<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees on the right (high)
9148<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree on the right (low)
9149<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree on the right (mid)
9150<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree on the right (high)
9151<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees on the right (low)
9152<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees on the right (mid)
9153<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees on the right (high)
9154<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub on the right (low)
9155<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub on the right (mid)
9156<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub on the right (high)
9157<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass on the right (low)
9158<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass on the right (mid)
9159<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass on the right (high)
9160<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain on the right (low)
9161<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain on the right (mid)
9162<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain on the right (high)
9163<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains on the right (low)
9164<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains on the right (mid)
9165<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains on the right (high)
9166<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi on the right (low)
9167<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi on the right (mid)
9168<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi on the right (high)
9169<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp on the right (low)
9170<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp on the right (mid)
9171<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp on the right (high)
9172<!sp!>27<!sp!>House on the right (low)
9173<!sp!>27<!sp!>House on the right (mid)
9174<!sp!>27<!sp!>House on the right (high)
9175<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses on the right (low)
9176<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses on the right (mid)
9177<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses on the right (high)
9178<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings on the right (low)
9179<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings on the right (mid)
9180<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings on the right (high)
9181<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument on the right (low)
9182<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument on the right (mid)
9183<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument on the right (high)
9184<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort on the right (low)
9185<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort on the right (mid)
9186<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort on the right (high)
9187<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker on the left (low)
9188<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker on the left (mid)
9189<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker on the left (high)
9190<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel on the right (low)
9191<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel on the right (mid)
9192<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel on the right (high)
9193<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels on the right (low)
9194<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels on the right (mid)
9195<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels on the right (high)
9196<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline on the right (low)
9197<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline on the right (mid)
9198<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline on the right (high)
9199<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad on the right (low)
9200<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad on the right (mid)
9201<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad on the right (high)
9202<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well on the right (low)
9203<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well on the right (mid)
9204<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well on the right (high)
9205<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel on the right (low)
9206<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel on the right (mid)
9207<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel on the right (high)
9208<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall on the right (low)
9209<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall on the right (mid)
9210<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall on the right (high)
9211<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wall on the right (low)
9212<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall on the right (mid)
9213<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall on the right (high)
9214<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence on the right (low)
9215<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence on the right (mid)
9216<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence on the right (high)
9217<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier on the right (low)
9218<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier on the right (mid)
9219<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier on the right (high)
9220<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid on the right (low)
9221<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid on the right (mid)
9222<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid on the right (high)
9223<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre on the right (low)
9224<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre on the right (mid)
9225<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre on the right (high)
9226<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank on the right (low)
9227<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank on the right (mid)
9228<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank on the right (high)
9229<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins on the right (low)
9230<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins on the right (mid)
9231<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins on the right (high)
9232<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post on the right (low)
9233<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post on the right (mid)
9234<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post on the right (high)
9235<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts on the right (low)
9236<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts on the right (mid)
9237<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts on the right (high)
9238<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole on the right (low)
9239<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole on the right (mid)
9240<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole on the right (high)
9241<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles on the right (low)
9242<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles on the right (mid)
9243<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles on the right (high)
9244<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower on the right (low)
9245<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower on the right (mid)
9246<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower on the right (high)
9247<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line on the right (low)
9248<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line on the right (mid)
9249<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line on the right (high)
9250<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna on the right (low)
9251<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna on the right (mid)
9252<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna on the right (high)
9253<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence on the right (low)
9254<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence on the right (mid)
9255<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence on the right (high)
9256<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels on the right (low)
9257<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels on the right (mid)
9258<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels on the right (high)
9259<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain just ahead (low)
9260<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain just ahead (mid)
9261<!sp!>27<!sp!>Plain just ahead (high)
9262<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree just ahead (low)
9263<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree just ahead (mid)
9264<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tree just ahead (high)
9265<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees just ahead (low)
9266<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees just ahead (mid)
9267<!sp!>27<!sp!>Trees just ahead (high)
9268<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree just ahead (low)
9269<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree just ahead (mid)
9270<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm tree just ahead (high)
9271<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees just ahead (low)
9272<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees just ahead (mid)
9273<!sp!>27<!sp!>Palm trees just ahead (high)
9274<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub just ahead (low)
9275<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub just ahead (mid)
9276<!sp!>27<!sp!>Shrub just ahead (high)
9277<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass just ahead (low)
9278<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass just ahead (mid)
9279<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tall grass just ahead (high)
9280<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain just ahead (low)
9281<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain just ahead (mid)
9282<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountain just ahead (high)
9283<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains just ahead (low)
9284<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains just ahead (mid)
9285<!sp!>27<!sp!>Mountains just ahead (high)
9286<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi just ahead (low)
9287<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi just ahead (mid)
9288<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wadi just ahead (high)
9289<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp just ahead (low)
9290<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp just ahead (mid)
9291<!sp!>27<!sp!>Camp just ahead (high)
9292<!sp!>27<!sp!>House just ahead (low)
9293<!sp!>27<!sp!>House just ahead (mid)
9294<!sp!>27<!sp!>House just ahead (high)
9295<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses just ahead (low)
9296<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses just ahead (mid)
9297<!sp!>27<!sp!>Houses just ahead (high)
9298<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings just ahead (low)
9299<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings just ahead (mid)
9300<!sp!>27<!sp!>Buildings just ahead (high)
9301<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument just ahead (low)
9302<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument just ahead (mid)
9303<!sp!>27<!sp!>Monument just ahead (high)
9304<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort just ahead (low)
9305<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort just ahead (mid)
9306<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fort just ahead (high)
9307<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker just ahead (low)
9308<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker just ahead (mid)
9309<!sp!>27<!sp!>KM marker just ahead (high)
9310<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel just ahead (low)
9311<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel just ahead (mid)
9312<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrel just ahead (high)
9313<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels just ahead (low)
9314<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels just ahead (mid)
9315<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barrels just ahead (high)
9316<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline just ahead (low)
9317<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline just ahead (mid)
9318<!sp!>27<!sp!>Pipeline just ahead (high)
9319<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad just ahead (low)
9320<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad just ahead (mid)
9321<!sp!>27<!sp!>Railroad just ahead (high)
9322<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well just ahead (low)
9323<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well just ahead (mid)
9324<!sp!>27<!sp!>Well just ahead (high)
9325<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel just ahead (low)
9326<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel just ahead (mid)
9327<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tunnel just ahead (high)
9328<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall just ahead (low)
9329<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall just ahead (mid)
9330<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stone wall just ahead (high)
9331<!sp!>27<!sp!>Wall just ahead (low)
9332<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall just ahead (mid)
9333<!sp!>27<!sp!>Low wall just ahead (high)
9334<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence just ahead (low)
9335<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence just ahead (mid)
9336<!sp!>27<!sp!>Fence just ahead (high)
9337<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier just ahead (low)
9338<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier just ahead (mid)
9339<!sp!>27<!sp!>Gate barrier just ahead (high)
9340<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid just ahead (low)
9341<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid just ahead (mid)
9342<!sp!>27<!sp!>Cattle grid just ahead (high)
9343<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre just ahead (low)
9344<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre just ahead (mid)
9345<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tyre just ahead (high)
9346<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank just ahead (low)
9347<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank just ahead (mid)
9348<!sp!>27<!sp!>Water tank just ahead (high)
9349<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins just ahead (low)
9350<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins just ahead (mid)
9351<!sp!>27<!sp!>Ruins just ahead (high)
9352<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post just ahead (low)
9353<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post just ahead (mid)
9354<!sp!>27<!sp!>Post just ahead (high)
9355<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts just ahead (low)
9356<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts just ahead (mid)
9357<!sp!>27<!sp!>Posts just ahead (high)
9358<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole just ahead (low)
9359<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole just ahead (mid)
9360<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric pole just ahead (high)
9361<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles just ahead (low)
9362<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles just ahead (mid)
9363<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric poles just ahead (high)
9364<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower just ahead (low)
9365<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower just ahead (mid)
9366<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric tower just ahead (high)
9367<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line just ahead (low)
9368<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line just ahead (mid)
9369<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric line just ahead (high)
9370<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna just ahead (low)
9371<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna just ahead (mid)
9372<!sp!>27<!sp!>Antenna just ahead (high)
9373<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence just ahead (low)
9374<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence just ahead (mid)
9375<!sp!>27<!sp!>Barbed wire fence just ahead (high)
9376<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels just ahead (low)
9377<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels just ahead (mid)
9378<!sp!>27<!sp!>Panels just ahead (high)
9379<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between trees (low)
9380<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between trees (mid)
9381<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between trees (high)
9382<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between palm trees (low)
9383<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between palm trees (mid)
9384<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between palm trees (high)
9385<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between mountains (low)
9386<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between mountains (mid)
9387<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between mountains (high)
9388<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between houses (low)
9389<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between houses (mid)
9390<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between houses (high)
9391<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between buildings (low)
9392<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between buildings (mid)
9393<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between buildings (high)
9394<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between barrels (low)
9395<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between barrels (mid)
9396<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between barrels (high)
9397<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between posts (low)
9398<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between posts (mid)
9399<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between posts (high)
9400<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between electric poles (low)
9401<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between electric poles (mid)
9402<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between electric poles (high)
9403<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between panels (low)
9404<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between panels (mid)
9405<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between panels (high)
9406<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between ruins (low)
9407<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between ruins (mid)
9408<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between ruins (high)
9409<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines on the left (low)
9410<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines on the left (mid)
9411<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines on the left (high)
9412<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines on the right (low)
9413<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines on the right (mid)
9414<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines on the right (high)
9415<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines just ahead (low)
9416<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines just ahead (mid)
9417<!sp!>27<!sp!>Electric lines just ahead (high)
9418<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between electric lines (low)
9419<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between electric lines (mid)
9420<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between electric lines (high)
9424<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare to turn left (low)
9425<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare to turn left (mid)
9426<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare to turn left (high)
9427<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare to turn right (low)
9428<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare to turn right (mid)
9429<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare to turn right (high)
9430<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for tight left (low)
9431<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for tight left (mid)
9432<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for tight left (high)
9433<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for tight right (low)
9434<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for tight right (mid)
9435<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for tight right (high)
9436<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for hairpin left (low)
9437<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for hairpin left (mid)
9438<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for hairpin left (high)
9439<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for hairpin right (low)
9440<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for hairpin right (mid)
9441<!sp!>27<!sp!>Prepare for hairpin right (high)
9442<!sp!>27<!sp!>Try to adjust to CAP (low)
9443<!sp!>27<!sp!>Try to adjust to CAP (mid)
9444<!sp!>27<!sp!>Try to adjust to CAP (high)
9445<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 50 (low)
9446<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 50 (mid)
9447<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 50 (high)
9448<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 90 (low)
9449<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 90 (mid)
9450<!sp!>27<!sp!>Start of speed limit 90 (high)
9451<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 50 (low)
9452<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 50 (mid)
9453<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 50 (high)
9454<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 90 (low)
9455<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 90 (mid)
9456<!sp!>27<!sp!>Speed limit 90 (high)
9457<!sp!>27<!sp!>Location known (low)
9458<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow ruts (low)
9459<!sp!>26<!sp!>500m (low)
9460<!sp!>26<!sp!>1 km (low)
9461<!sp!>26<!sp!>2 km (low)
9462<!sp!>26<!sp!>4 km (low)
9463<!sp!>26<!sp!>5 km (low)
9464<!sp!>26<!sp!>10 km (low)
9465<!sp!>26<!sp!>20 km (low)
9466<!sp!>26<!sp!>30 km (low)
9467<!sp!>26<!sp!>500m (mid)
9468<!sp!>26<!sp!>1 km (mid)
9469<!sp!>26<!sp!>2 km (mid)
9470<!sp!>26<!sp!>4 km (mid)
9471<!sp!>26<!sp!>5 km (mid)
9472<!sp!>26<!sp!>10 km (mid)
9473<!sp!>26<!sp!>20 km (mid)
9474<!sp!>26<!sp!>30 km (mid)
9475<!sp!>26<!sp!>500m (high)
9476<!sp!>26<!sp!>1 km (high)
9477<!sp!>26<!sp!>2 km (high)
9478<!sp!>26<!sp!>4 km (high)
9479<!sp!>26<!sp!>5 km (high)
9480<!sp!>26<!sp!>10 km (high)
9481<!sp!>26<!sp!>20 km (high)
9482<!sp!>26<!sp!>30 km (high)
9483<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow ruts (mid)
9484<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow ruts (high)
9485<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be on your left (low)
9486<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be on your left (mid)
9487<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be on your left (high)
9488<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be on your right (low)
9489<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be on your right (mid)
9490<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be on your right (high)
9491<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be just ahead (low)
9492<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be just ahead (mid)
9493<!sp!>27<!sp!>Should be just ahead (high)
9494<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 30 (low)
9495<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 30 (mid)
9496<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 30 (high)
9497<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 50 (low)
9498<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 50 (mid)
9499<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 50 (high)
9500<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 90 (low)
9501<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 90 (mid)
9502<!sp!>27<!sp!>Approaching speed limit zone 90 (high)
9503<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stop to stamp time card (low)
9504<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stop to stamp time card (mid)
9505<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stop to stamp time card (high)
9506<!sp!>27<!sp!>Location known (mid)
9507<!sp!>27<!sp!>Location known (high)
9508<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow canyon (low)
9509<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow canyon (mid)
9510<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow canyon (high)
9511<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow valley (low)
9512<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow valley (mid)
9513<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow valley (high)
9514<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow wadi (low)
9515<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow wadi (mid)
9516<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow wadi (high)
9517<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow river (low)
9518<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow river (mid)
9519<!sp!>27<!sp!>Follow river (high)
9520<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left inclination (low)
9521<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left inclination (mid)
9522<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left inclination (high)
9523<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right inclination (low)
9524<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right inclination (mid)
9525<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right inclination (high)
9526<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock on the right. (low)
9527<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock on the right. (mid)
9528<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock on the right. (high)
9529<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock on the left. (low)
9530<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock on the left. (mid)
9531<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock on the left. (high)
9532<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock just ahead. (low)
9533<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock just ahead. (mid)
9534<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rock just ahead. (high)
9535<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bumps (low)
9536<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bumps (mid)
9537<!sp!>27<!sp!>Bumps (high)
9538<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dips (low)
9539<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dips (mid)
9540<!sp!>27<!sp!>Dips (high)
9541<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road collapse along (low)
9542<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road collapse along (mid)
9543<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road collapse along (high)
9544<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road collapse round (low)
9545<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road collapse round (mid)
9546<!sp!>27<!sp!>Road collapse round (high)
9547<!sp!>26<!sp!>100 mts. (low)
9548<!sp!>26<!sp!>200 mts. (low)
9549<!sp!>26<!sp!>400 mts. (low)
9550<!sp!>26<!sp!>800 mts. (low)
9551<!sp!>26<!sp!>6 km (low)
9552<!sp!>26<!sp!>100 mts. (mid)
9553<!sp!>26<!sp!>200 mts. (mid)
9554<!sp!>26<!sp!>400 mts. (mid)
9555<!sp!>26<!sp!>800 mts. (mid)
9556<!sp!>26<!sp!>6 km (mid)
9557<!sp!>26<!sp!>100 mts. (high)
9558<!sp!>26<!sp!>200 mts. (high)
9559<!sp!>26<!sp!>400 mts. (high)
9560<!sp!>26<!sp!>800 mts. (high)
9561<!sp!>26<!sp!>6 km (high)
9562<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into canyon. (low)
9563<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into canyon. (mid)
9564<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into canyon. (low)
9565<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into valley. (low)
9566<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into valley. (mid)
9567<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into valley. (high)
9568<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into river. (low)
9569<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into river. (mid)
9570<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into river. (high)
9571<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into wadi. (low)
9572<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into wadi. (mid)
9573<!sp!>27<!sp!>Into wadi. (high)
9574<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to wadi. (low)
9575<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to wadi. (mid)
9576<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to wadi. (high)
9577<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to wadi. (low)
9578<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to wadi. (mid)
9579<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to wadi. (high)
9580<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to wadi. (low)
9581<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to wadi. (mid)
9582<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward to wadi. (high)
9583<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to wadi. (low)
9584<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to wadi. (mid)
9585<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to wadi. (high)
9586<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to wadi. (low)
9587<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to wadi. (mid)
9588<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to wadi. (high)
9589<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to wadi. (low)
9590<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to wadi. (mid)
9591<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to wadi. (high)
9592<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to wadi. (low)
9593<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to wadi. (mid)
9594<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to wadi. (high)
9595<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to wadi. (low)
9596<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to wadi. (mid)
9597<!sp!>27<!sp!>You should go to wadi. (high)
9598<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on wadi. (low)
9599<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on wadi. (mid)
9600<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on wadi. (high)
9601<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave wadi. (low)
9602<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave wadi. (mid)
9603<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave wadi. (high)
9604<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on wadi. (low)
9605<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on wadi. (mid)
9606<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right on wadi. (high)
9607<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on wadi. (low)
9608<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on wadi. (mid)
9609<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left on wadi. (high)
9610<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on wadi. (low)
9611<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on wadi. (mid)
9612<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right on wadi. (high)
9613<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on wadi. (low)
9614<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on wadi. (mid)
9615<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left on wadi. (high)
9616<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on wadi. (low)
9617<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on wadi. (mid)
9618<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left on wadi. (high)
9619<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on wadi. (low)
9620<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on wadi. (mid)
9621<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right on wadi. (high)
9622<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be on your left (low)
9623<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be on your left (mid)
9624<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be on your left (high)
9625<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be on your right (low)
9626<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be on your right (mid)
9627<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be on your right (high)
9628<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be just ahead (low)
9629<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be just ahead (mid)
9630<!sp!>27<!sp!>Will be just ahead (high)
9631<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks on the right. (low)
9632<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks on the right. (mid)
9633<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks on the right. (high)
9634<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks on the left. (low)
9635<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks on the left. (mid)
9636<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks on the left. (high)
9637<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks just ahead. (low)
9638<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks just ahead. (mid)
9639<!sp!>27<!sp!>Rocks just ahead. (high)
9640<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between rocks. (low)
9641<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between rocks. (mid)
9642<!sp!>27<!sp!>Between rocks. (high)
9643<!sp!>30<!sp!>Are you ready? Let’s do this!
9644<!sp!>30<!sp!>Let’s go! Get ready to floor it!
9645<!sp!>30<!sp!>This is not going to be easy! But that’s why we’re here!
9646<!sp!>30<!sp!>Here we go, buddy! Focus and let’s win this!
9647<!sp!>30<!sp!>Ready to Race! - Let´s do this.
9648<!sp!>31<!sp!>Finished! Congratulations!
9649<!sp!>31<!sp!>Congratulations! We made it!
9650<!sp!>31<!sp!>Wow! That was a bumpy ride!
9651<!sp!>31<!sp!>Well done! We made it!
9652<!sp!>31<!sp!>Wow! What a ride!
9653<!sp!>32<!sp!>Something’s wrong with the engine.
9654<!sp!>32<!sp!>We should check the engine.
9655<!sp!>32<!sp!>We should check the engine.
9656<!sp!>32<!sp!>Something’s wrong with the exhaust.
9657<!sp!>32<!sp!>We should check the exhaust.
9658<!sp!>32<!sp!>We should repair the exhaust.
9659<!sp!>32<!sp!>Whoa. Careful! Try not to break the gearbox.
9660<!sp!>32<!sp!>You missed the gear stick there, didn’t you?
9661<!sp!>32<!sp!>Uh. The sound of gears grinding. Beautiful. (sarcastic)
9662<!sp!>27<!sp!>Small dunes.
9663<!sp!>33<!sp!>Welcome to Dakar Desert Rally, the greatest rally race on the
9664<!sp!>33<!sp!>Dare to adventure in the most epic desert rally.
9665<!sp!>33<!sp!>Pick up the Road Book to explore the vast Saudi Arabian desert.
9666<!sp!>33<!sp!>Congratulations! You achieved the minimum experience required to
have your own garage.
9667<!sp!>33<!sp!>This garage will be your home base where you can store, repair,
and setup your vehicles for all Dakar events.
9668<!sp!>33<!sp!>You have completed Dakar Desert Rally’s first qualification event
and you have won 500 Dakar Points.
9669<!sp!>33<!sp!>You can now buy a vehicle and its respective team. Let’s see what
you can afford.
9670<!sp!>33<!sp!>Now that you have your garage and your first vehicle, you are
prepared to start racing on your first career event.
9671<!sp!>33<!sp!>Racing events will allow you to earn more Dakar Points and
Experience Points for you to progress on your career.
9672<!sp!>33<!sp!>Every time you complete a stage of an event, you will receive the
amount of Dakar Points and Experience Points that you have accumulated during the
9673<!sp!>33<!sp!>Each rally event requires a minimum experience level and leveling
up will allow you to get access to more events to progress on your career and
automatically expand your garage with more slots.
9674<!sp!>33<!sp!>Now let’s select the most suitable game mode for you.
9676<!sp!>33<!sp!>If you don’t want to worry about navigation and you want to focus
on driving only for sport. If you like to compete side by side with other vehicles,
then this is the right mode for you.
9678<!sp!>33<!sp!>If you really want to navigate and drive like a professional,
then this is your game mode.
9679<!sp!>33<!sp!>In Professional mode there are no Rally Beacons and navigation is
carried out by professional Road Books.
9680<!sp!>33<!sp!>You will have to pay attention to the road book and follow the
instructions to complete each stage.
9682<!sp!>33<!sp!>This is for those who want to experience the real Dakar Rally.
Sim mode is the real endurance Dakar experience. No save games, no assistants, no
repositioning options. You must do it all yourself.
9683<!sp!>33<!sp!>This option requires a minimum experience level of 25.
9684<!sp!>33<!sp!>Now that you have selected your Game Mode, let’s choose the Rally
Event to race. There are several Rally Events, each one of which requires a certain
level of XP to enter.
9685<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sea on the right.
9686<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sea on the left.
9687<!sp!>27<!sp!>Sea just ahead.
9688<!sp!>34<!sp!>Welcome to Dakar Desert Rally, partner!
9689<!sp!>34<!sp!>I’m your co-driver and navigator. I’m here to help you win the
9690<!sp!>34<!sp!>I’ll read from the road book. Follow my instructions, and we’ll
make it to the finish line.
9691<!sp!>34<!sp!>Ready? Let’s do this, partner!
9692<!sp!>34<!sp!>Let's speed it up.
9693<!sp!>34<!sp!>The goal is to reach the finish line in the shortest time
9694<!sp!>34<!sp!>DAKAR is an off-road navigation rally, a Rally Raid, and the goal
is to get to the end in one piece.
9695<!sp!>34<!sp!>Let’s navigate following the CAP Heading to the next Road Book
9696<!sp!>34<!sp!>We need to validate all the Way Points and Control Points.
9697<!sp!>34<!sp!>In SPORT game mode you just need to drive toward beacons.
9698<!sp!>34<!sp!>Follow the Road Book instructions to ensure you don’t get any
time penalties time that will put us out of the race.
9699<!sp!>34<!sp!>Let's Go!
9700<!sp!>34<!sp!>Fantastic! Excellent driving, buddy. We’re on top.
9701<!sp!>34<!sp!>Outstanding skills! Just… wow. Top three!
9702<!sp!>34<!sp!>Whoa. Awesome race. we made it!
9703<!sp!>34<!sp!>Amazing. What a ride! Let’s keep this up.
9704<!sp!>34<!sp!>Great work partner. We made it!
9705<!sp!>34<!sp!>What a race! Podium, here we come!
9706<!sp!>34<!sp!>We made it partner! We’re on top!
9707<!sp!>34<!sp!>Great moves, partner. We’re out front.
9708<!sp!>34<!sp!>Way to go! We placed partner!
9709<!sp!>34<!sp!>That’s it! We’re in the top three!
9710<!sp!>34<!sp!>We’re way out front. Brilliant!
9711<!sp!>34<!sp!>Well done partner! Next stop: winners’ podium!
9712<!sp!>34<!sp!>Unbelievable! We got in the top three!
9713<!sp!>34<!sp!>We left them in the dust! Well done partner!
9714<!sp!>34<!sp!>Wow, what a race! We’re in the podium!
9715<!sp!>34<!sp!>That was some nice driving partner. Well done.
9716<!sp!>34<!sp!>Well done partner! Top three! You did it!
9717<!sp!>34<!sp!>What a race! We’re top three!
9718<!sp!>34<!sp!>Nicely done. We’re headed to the podium.
9719<!sp!>34<!sp!>We made it! We’re on the podium. Great work!
9720<!sp!>34<!sp!>Almost there! We’ll get them next time. Well done partner.
9721<!sp!>34<!sp!>Oh, we almost had it. Next time we’ll make the podium! Well done
9722<!sp!>34<!sp!>Nice going, but we need to be faster. Let’s try again partner.
9723<!sp!>34<!sp!>Oh, nearly there. Let’s try harder next time. Well done anyway
9724<!sp!>34<!sp!>Decent, but not good enough. Push harder next time partner!
9725<!sp!>34<!sp!>Darn. Nice driving, but we didn’t place. Well done anyway
9726<!sp!>34<!sp!>Not bad, but not enough for the podium. Next time we will do it
9727<!sp!>34<!sp!>Good work, but we didn’t place. We’ll need better to reach the
podium partner.
9728<!sp!>34<!sp!>We almost had it, partner. Let’s try harder on the next run.
9729<!sp!>34<!sp!>Good, but we’ll have to be great to reach the podium. We’ll do
better next time.
9730<!sp!>34<!sp!>Good effort, but we’ll need more if we’re going to win!
9731<!sp!>34<!sp!>Good ride, but not good enough. We didn’t place. We’ll do better
next time.
9732<!sp!>34<!sp!>Not quite there. They got lucky. We’ll do better next time
9733<!sp!>34<!sp!>You almost did it! We’ll make the podium next time, I can feel
9734<!sp!>34<!sp!>Solid, but not quite good enough. These are serious competitors.
Let’s do better next time.
9735<!sp!>34<!sp!>So close. If we had a little more concentration, we’d be on the
9736<!sp!>34<!sp!>Well done partner, but the luck was against us this time. Keep at
9737<!sp!>34<!sp!>We’ve got the spirit, but they had the speed. Let’s do better
next time.
9738<!sp!>34<!sp!>Phew, we almost had it there. Push just a little harder next
time, and we’ll make the podium.
9739<!sp!>34<!sp!>Phew! Pretty close, partner, but we didn’t place. Let’s do better
next time.
9740<!sp!>34<!sp!>Too bad. That was some tough competition.
9741<!sp!>34<!sp!>Don’t feel bad! A few setbacks, we just need to do better next
time. And we will.
9742<!sp!>34<!sp!>Man, that was rough. We’re way behind.
9743<!sp!>34<!sp!>Ow. Desert’s a tough place, we’re going to have to up our game.
9744<!sp!>34<!sp!>Man, that hurts. We have to go a lot faster to stay in this race.
9745<!sp!>34<!sp!>Wow, I thought we’d do better than this.
9746<!sp!>34<!sp!>Boy, that was rough. How are we going to beat these guys?
9747<!sp!>34<!sp!>Uh oh — we’re way behind. We’re going to have to do way better.
9748<!sp!>34<!sp!>This is not good, they’re way out in front of us.
9749<!sp!>34<!sp!>Way behind. This is tough, but we can do it! We won’t give up!
9750<!sp!>34<!sp!>Walk it off! We’ll show them what we can do.
9751<!sp!>34<!sp!>Wow, they really left us in the dust. Don’t give up, we can do
9752<!sp!>34<!sp!>Partner, we’re going to need a miracle if you’re going to drive
like that.
9753<!sp!>34<!sp!>Don’t let it get you down, partner. We’ll get another shot.
9754<!sp!>34<!sp!>Man, they blew past us like we were standing still. Think you can
beat them?
9755<!sp!>34<!sp!>Wow — way behind. We can do this, partner!
9756<!sp!>34<!sp!>Alright, now I’m mad. C’mon, partner, let’s show them what we can
9757<!sp!>34<!sp!>That’s it, we blew it. Not even close.
9758<!sp!>34<!sp!>It’s all over. Don’t let these guys beat you, partner!
9759<!sp!>34<!sp!>Nice try, but that was not a good run.
9760<!sp!>34<!sp!>Let’s try again.
9761<!sp!>33<!sp!>Congratulations! You’ve earned enough experience to level-up, and
an additional garage slot has been unlocked.
9763<!sp!>33<!sp!>If you have enough Dakar Points, you can buy now another vehicle.
9764<!sp!>33<!sp!>Each vehicle and team can participate in different events.
9765<!sp!>33<!sp!>Welcome to the Bivouac.
9766<!sp!>33<!sp!>This is a campsite where you can sleep, eat, and where your team
of mechanics can repair your vehicle.
9767<!sp!>33<!sp!>Every Dakar stage starts daily at the Bivouac, where you can
check your briefing, examine the roadbook, and tune and repair your vehicle.
9768<!sp!>33<!sp!>Drivers should be well prepared before starting each stage.
9769<!sp!>33<!sp!>Your vehicle has been damaged.
9770<!sp!>33<!sp!>You can repair some parts of your vehicle while in the field, but
not all.
9771<!sp!>33<!sp!>Open your Repair Menu and check the list of components that may
need fixing.
9772<!sp!>33<!sp!>Doing this you will spend additional time on repairs, so it's
wise to be selective about what you repair.
9773<!sp!>33<!sp!>See what needs fixing by opening your Repair Menu now.
9774<!sp!>33<!sp!>Congratulations on yet another great achievement!
9775<!sp!>33<!sp!>You’ve reached the event podium, awarded to the three top-placed
vehicles in the event.
9776<!sp!>33<!sp!>Continue to reach the podium in all events to become the champion
of Dakar Desert Rally.
9778<!sp!>33<!sp!>Welcome back, and congratulations on completing the previous
9779<!sp!>33<!sp!>You have a new challenge waiting for you.
9780<!sp!>33<!sp!>Use the map to find out where the next challenge is taking place.
9806<!sp!>34<!sp!>Introduction to Rally Raid
9807<!sp!>34<!sp!>In this navigation lesson, we’re going to train you in the basics
of rally raid.
9808<!sp!>34<!sp!>Your objective in Dakar Desert Rally is to find and validate all
waypoints in your route before crossing the finish line, and in the shortest time
9809<!sp!>34<!sp!>Since you’re competing with a class that doesn’t have a
navigator, you will have to read the roadbook by yourself as you ride.
9810<!sp!>34<!sp!>How to read a roadbook
9811<!sp!>34<!sp!>In the lower right corner, you will find the roadbook.
9812<!sp!>34<!sp!>The roadbook is the key navigation element in rally raid. It
provides all information needed to navigate between waypoints.
9813<!sp!>34<!sp!>At the top of the screen are kilometer and CAP heading repeaters.
9814<!sp!>34<!sp!>If the waypoint is not WPC, or Waypoint Control, an arrow will
appear between the repeaters.
9815<!sp!>34<!sp!>You should follow the direction of the arrow to the waypoint
location to validate it.
9816<!sp!>34<!sp!>Each note in the roadbook is divided in three columns: Total and
partial kilometers, tulip, and details.
9817<!sp!>34<!sp!>Roadbook notes are read from left to right.
9818<!sp!>34<!sp!>Check the kilometers for the next note and compare them with your
kilometers here.
9819<!sp!>34<!sp!>Confirm the CAP and follow the instructions indicated in the
9820<!sp!>34<!sp!>If the note includes the “C” icon, then it is a waypoint or
checkpoint, and you will be notified as it validates.
9821<!sp!>34<!sp!>You should also be mindful to whenever the “!” [exclamation mark]
icon appears.
9822<!sp!>34<!sp!>There are three levels of danger severity, represented by the
number of “!” [exclamation marks], from 1 to 3.
9823<!sp!>34<!sp!>After reading the note, focus on the kilometer and CAP heading
9824<!sp!>34<!sp!>Every time you reach the kilometer mark, I will move the note up
for you and adjust the kilometers.
9825<!sp!>34<!sp!>Tulip icons reference terrain features and dangers. Follow them
to the next waypoint or note.
9826<!sp!>34<!sp!>Notes, waypoints, and penalties
9827<!sp!>34<!sp!>On the left side of the screen is the waypoint index, showing all
waypoints in a stage and their respective number.
9828<!sp!>34<!sp!>The waypoint number always corresponds to the roadbook’s note
9829<!sp!>34<!sp!>Every time one of these lights turns green, it means you’ve
successfully validated a waypoint, and you should proceed to the next one.
9830<!sp!>34<!sp!>PCs, or Passage Controls, change to yellow.
9831<!sp!>34<!sp!>It’s not mandatory to validate waypoints sequentially.
9832<!sp!>34<!sp!>Not all of them are required, but if you reach the finish line
with unvalidated waypoints, you face time penalties that can lead to
9833<!sp!>34<!sp!>There are several types of waypoints. Many of them are not
visible and can only be detected by the GPS provided by the rally organization.
9834<!sp!>34<!sp!>You discover stages' routes by validating these waypoints.
9835<!sp!>34<!sp!>This enables you to complete each step and avoid penalties,
disqualifications, or getting lost.
9836<!sp!>34<!sp!>Each waypoint has a detection radius. When you reach a waypoint
as indicated in the tulip, the roadbook note is also validated.
9837<!sp!>34<!sp!>When you reach the final note, you will be in the Arrival Section
of the Stage.
9838<!sp!>33<!sp!>In case you get lost, or your vehicle gets stuck, you can always
use the reposition option.
9839<!sp!>33<!sp!>Bear in mind that positioning your vehicle will make you lose
additional time.
9840<!sp!>33<!sp!>While using the road book, if some of the icons seems unfamiliar,
you can always check the the Road Book Lexicon to understand it means.
9841<!sp!>33<!sp!>If you have any doubts, you can always check all your control
options in the game by opening the Pause Menu.
9842<!sp!>34<!sp!>Welcome, partner!
9843<!sp!>34<!sp!>This is your first experience in Sport mode.
9844<!sp!>34<!sp!>This will be your first experience as a Professional.
9845<!sp!>34<!sp!>This means you will have to navigate as in the real Rally Raid
9846<!sp!>34<!sp!>Pay close attention to what I’m going to teach you before we
9847<!sp!>34<!sp!>In PROFESSIONAL game mode waypoints are hidden and can only be
validated using your GPS location.
9848<!sp!>33<!sp!>Ladies and gentlemen,
9849<!sp!>33<!sp!>the unrelenting wilderness of the desert was no match for the
skills and passion shown by the bravest of the brave.
9850<!sp!>33<!sp!>I give to you the true Dakar Hero!
9851<!sp!>33<!sp!>From this moment on, the winds of the Arabian desert will echo
the triumphs of the one who won every Dakar event.
9852<!sp!>33<!sp!>I give to you the true Dakar Champion!
9853<!sp!>33<!sp!>no roadbook left unread, no stone left unturned, no vehicle left
9854<!sp!>33<!sp!>I would like to present to you the greatest driver of all times,
who dominated every vehicle and won of every event.
9855<!sp!>33<!sp!>The efforts of our winner will forever be part of the Dakar
Desert Rally history, whose name shall live on as the DAKAR ULTIMATE CHAMPION!
9857<!sp!>33<!sp!>You have successfully completed all events, proving yourself to
be a true Hero of Dakar!
9858<!sp!>33<!sp!>But it's not over yet!
9859<!sp!>33<!sp!>Race again in the events you didn't win and become the Dakar
9860<!sp!>33<!sp!>You have successfully achieved the podium in every event, proving
yourself to be a true Champion of Dakar!
9861<!sp!>33<!sp!>Complete all the events in every other vehicle class to become
the Ultimate Dakar Champion!
9862<!sp!>33<!sp!>You have successfully achieved the Dakar podium in all events,
with every vehicle class!
9863<!sp!>33<!sp!>You have proven yourself to be the Ultimate Dakar Champion!
9864<!sp!>33<!sp!>The Dakar challenges continue with custom events created by the
Dakar Desert Rally community.
9865<!sp!>33<!sp!>Grab those victories as well.
9866<!sp!>27<!sp!>Stay on traces.
9867<!sp!>27<!sp!>Forward on traces.
9868<!sp!>27<!sp!>Keep on traces.
9869<!sp!>27<!sp!>Left to traces.
9870<!sp!>27<!sp!>Right to traces.
9871<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight left to traces.
9872<!sp!>27<!sp!>Tight right to traces.
9873<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin left to traces
9874<!sp!>27<!sp!>Hairpin right to traces.
9875<!sp!>27<!sp!>Leave traces.

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