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Manual of Policies

B.Com & B.B.M

Academic Year 2020-23

Office of the Dean (Academics)

Xavier School of Commerce
Xavier University

I Scope and Applicability 1-1

II-IV Vision, Mission AND values 2-3

1 Xavier School of Commerce 4-4

2 Culture 4-4

3 Academic Year 4-4

4 Registration 4-5

5 Curriculum Design 5-6

6 Teaching Methodology 6-6

7 Examination and Evaluation 6-7

8 Grading and computation of SGPA & CGPA 7-8

9 Mode of Conducting Examination 8-9

10 Examination and Declaration of Result 9-9

11 Supplementary, Special Examination and Number of Chances 9-10

12 Code of Conduct of Student During Examination 10-13

13 Penalties that may Imposed for Misconduct in the Examination 13-15

14 Admission to Higher Class and Semester 15-15

15 Policy on Plagiarism 15-16

17 Reevaluation & Clarification 16-16

18 Summer Internship 17-18

19 Attendance 18-19

20 Eligibility to appear end semester examination 18-18

21 Leave of Absence 19-19

22 Discipline 19-23

23 Grievance Resolution 23-24

24 Alcoholic Abuse Deterrence Policy 24-24

25 Fees 25-25

26 Penalty for Default in Payment 25-25

27 Railway/Air Concessions 25-25

28 General 26-26

Annexure-1: Contact Information 27-27

Annexure-II: Course Details 28-39


Scope and Applicability

The Manual of Policies for students comes into effect for a student from the
date of registration in the University. The rules or policies prescribed in the
manual are applicable to all students pursuing B. Com and B.B.M in Xavier
School of Commerce under Xavier University, Bhubaneswar without prejudice
to any actions or decisions already taken in the previous Academic year and
also without prejudice to any special rules framed or to be framed with regard
to examination, hostel, library, computer center etc. Every Student must secure
a copy of the “Manual of Policies” and carefully go through the prescribed rules
and policies. Onus of ignorance will be on the student and will not be a ground
for any consideration.

Disclaimer: The statements made in this Student Manual of Policies and all
other information, contained herein are believed to be correct at the time of
publication. However, the School/ University reserves the right to make any
changes in and additions to the policies and regulations, conditions governing
the conduct of students, requirements for degree, fees and any other
information or statements contained in this Manual from time to time. No
responsibility will be accepted by the University for hardship or expense
encountered by its students or any other person for such changes, additions,
omissions or errors, no matter how they are caused.

Dean (Academics)

I. Vision, Mission AND values

Xavier University Bhubaneswar (XUB), Odisha, India

A Digital University, A Research University, A Jesuit University, An

Innovative University, A University with a Vision.

Xavier University is a private university established in accordance with The

Xavier University, Odisha Act, 2013. The University is a private self-financing
institution of higher learning for imparting professional and technical
education. The XUB Board of Governors comprising representatives of the
Jesuit Society, Government of Odisha, and eminent industrialists and
educationists, provides overall direction to the University.

The Xavier University stands tall in its mission of inspiring future generation
of students aspiring for excellent quality higher education. We offer a wide
gamut of programs in Business and Management, Humanities and Social
Sciences, Communication and Engineering. The University aims to fulfill its
mission by continuing to introduce new programmes to groom visionary,
competent, committed, compassionate and value-based leaders. It empowers
the students with the knowledge, skills, and long-term vision that leads to
innovation, service to society and growth. The University encourages the
students to cultivate learning opportunities beyond the classroom, through
various Student Forums. The academic programs are designed around a
“learning by-doing” model that encourages extensive interaction with all
components of the University’s ecosystem which serves as a starting point for
evolving leadership philosophy and resilient business, industry and
commercial practices. Apart from academic activities, the co-curricular

activities, sports, cultural and community activities, form important parts of
the life of the students


Enabling people to live extraordinary lives, and be the light of the world


Commerce education in the spirit of “Magis”


Integrity and Excellence of Character

Our conduct remains ever truthful, fair and transparent. We do our utmost to
excel in all our accomplishments. We demonstrate character which resonates
with people and induces them to follow and trust.
Compassion and Commitment
We encourage humane behavior instilled with empathy, tolerance, harmony
and mutual support. We strive to achieve, through shared aim and team
spirit, the goals in pursuit of the mission and the vision of the University.
Social and Ecological Sensitivity
We offer our service for the benefit of communities at large and make them
accessible to ever growing mass of people for the empowerment. We adopt
measures, in partnerships with interested groups, to promote environmental
balance and sustainability.

1. Xavier School of Commerce

The school, established in the year 2014, offers 3-year Bachelor of Commerce
(B.Com.), Bachelor of Business Management (B.B.M) and Master of Business
Finance (MBF) Programs. The school housed in the sprawling new campus having
24x7 digital library and all the modern state of the art facilities is an ideal place
for pursuing commerce education that meets industry expectations.

1.1 Motto of the School

1.1.1 School with a difference: We shall develop competent, committed, and

compassionate graduates with advanced level of knowledge, skills, and right
attitude required to manage change in the sectors they serve.
1.1.2 Knowledge generation and dissemination: In a rapidly changing world,
the School shall strive to embrace continuous learning through research and
publication and thereby contribute towards intellectual capital and make
commerce education relevant and challenging.

2. Culture

The faculty, the students and the administration of School of Commerce, Xavier
University contribute to the building up of an organizational culture marked by
esprit de corps, confidence, and mutual respect, concern for others’ needs, hard
work, social values, personal maturity and integrity. The university’s culture is to
make every student feel confident in dealing with people in all walks of life.

3. Academic Year

Both B. Com and B.B.M programs consist of six semesters spread over three
academic years. Each Academic Year consists of two semesters and the duration of
each semester is approximately five months.

4. Registration

4.1. Students are required to register in person or in the online mode on the day
earmarked for registration as per the admission call letter and thereafter on
the first day of each subsequent semester as indicated in the Academic
Calendar. A notice will be put up by the Dean’s Office for verification of the
original certificates. In case original certificates are not available at the time
of verification, provisional certificates will have to be shown.

4.2. The students, who could not submit their final year plus 2 mark sheets from
their respective universities by the day of the verification, should submit
them latest by the Registration Day of semester-II, failing which a student’s
registration may be cancelled. In exceptional circumstances, the last date for
submission of certificates in support of the qualifying degree can be extended
by the Dean (Academics) for an appropriate period in consultation with the
Registrar / Vice-chancellor.

4.3 Those who fail to register for each semester / year after joining the
Program on the specified date as per the calendar will be deemed to have
left the institute unless prior permission for delayed registration is obtained
from the Dean (Academics). If the Dean permits, a student can register by
paying a late registration fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) per day after
the due date subject to a maximum allowance of 10 days for late
registration. The late registration fee is payable irrespective of the reason or
circumstances for the delay in seeking registration.

4.4 Re-admission: Any student who has discontinued his/her studies for more
than 2 consecutive semesters cannot seek re admission. However, under
extra-ordinary cases such students may be allowed readmission with the
approval of Registrar.
5. Curriculum Design

The school offers Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The course structure of
B.Com and B.B.M program, spread over six semesters, has been designed as
per the guidelines of UGC. The structure has been made robust by offering a
combination of Core Courses, Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses,
Generic Elective (GE) Courses, Skill Enhancement Courses(SEC) and Ability
Enhancement Courses(AEC). In semester V and VI, students will choose from
the list of electives which are specific to the specialisation they have opted for.
All courses do not carry the same weight. While Core and elective courses are
of 6 credits each, AEC and SEC are of 2 and 4 credits respectively. The total
number of credits in each discipline is 160. A detailed course structure is
attached as an annexure. The school reserves the right to change / modify the
course curriculum to suit the industry requirement or for regulatory

Important: In the first year, students will take admission either in B.

Com or B.B.M program depending on their choice. Students registering
for B. Com program will choose either Accounting or Finance and
students registering for B.B.M program will choose either HR or
Marketing as their specialization. The students shall exercise their
choice of specialization (Hons) towards the end of Sem-II. It should be
noted that the school requires a minimum of 6 students in order to run
an elective course. Under no circumstances, a student shall be allowed to
change from B. Com to B.B.M or vice versa.

6. Teaching Methodology

Teaching methodology consists of lecture inputs, exercises, cases, role plays,

presentations, project-work, term papers, etc. Each instructor uses a suitable mix
of methodology to suit the requirements of the course. Students in a course are
likewise evaluated in various components, viz. quiz, mid-semester examination,
end-semester examination, cases, role plays, and other assignments. Course
outline / session plan for every course specifying the contents of the course, the
methodology and the norms for evaluation is uploaded in the Academic
Information System (AIS) in the beginning of a semester. The students may,
however, check with the instructor if these details are not specified.
Classes and examinations are held in the classrooms in physical mode inside the
university premises. However, if physical classes and examinations are not
possible due to exigencies arising out of situation beyond the control of the
university, it reserves the right to conduct online classes and exams in order to
fulfill the academic requirements of a program.
7. Examination and Evaluation
7.1 Components of Evaluation
Each course will have following evaluation components:

Sl. No. Components Suggested weightage

1 Quiz 10%
2 Assignment 10%
3 Mid-Semester exam 30%

4 End- Semester exam 50%

7.1 The above components are suggestive in nature and the concerned faculty has
the discretion to make changes as may be suitable for a particular course.
However, the component of end-semester examination shall not be less than
7.2 Project work / Dissertation / Practical will also be a component for award of
final degree to a student. The evaluation of these courses will not have above
7.3 The decision of the Dean regarding segment of evaluation of a paper will be
final. A student who needs clarification on his or her grades may discuss with
the concerned faculty/ dean and dean’s office within a week of receiving the
7.4 Faculty will give feedback to students periodically on their performance
through written comments on answer sheets or through individual meetings.

8. Grading and Computation of SGPA & CGPA:

8.1. The XUB follows a grading pattern as mentioned below:

Letter Grade O A+ A B+ B C F
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 0
(percentage of 9.0-10.0 8.0-8.99 7.0-7.99 6.0-6.99 5.0-5.99 4.0-4.99 0-3.99

8.2. Method of Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA): The

SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the
grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the
sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e.
SGPA (Si) = ∑ (Ci x Gi) / ∑ Ci
Where Ci is the number of credits of the course and Gi is the grade point
scored by the student in the course.

8.3 Method of computation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the
courses undergone by a student over all the semesters of a programme, i.e.
CGPA = ∑ (Ci x Si) / ∑ Ci

Where Si is the SGPA of the semester and Ci is the total number of credits
in that semester.
8.4 The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in
the transcripts.

Illustration of Computation of SGPA and CGPA and Format for Transcripts

Illustration for SGPA

Course Credit Grade point Credit point (Credit x Grade)
Course 1 3 8 3x8=24
Course 2 4 7 4x7=28
Course 3 3 6 3x6=18
Course 4 3 10 3x10=30
Course 5 3 5 3x5=15
Course 6 4 6 4x6=24
20 139

Thus, SGPA=139/20=6.95

Illustration for CGPA

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6
Credit: 20 Credit: 22 Credit: 25 Credit: 26 Credit: 26 Credit: 25
SGPA: 6.9 SGPA:7.8 SGPA: 5.6 SGPA: 6.0 SGPA: 6.3 SGPA: 8.0

Thus, CGPA= 20x6.9+22x7.8+25x5.6+26x6.0+26x6.3+25x8.0 = 6.73

9. Mode of Conducting Examination:
Examinations such as quiz, mid semester and end semester examination may
be conducted both in offline and online mode. A student is supposed to be in
full preparedness to appear the examination in both online and offline mode.
i. Under offline mode, a student will appear the examination in examination
hall. The end semester examination must be pen and paper based i.e. in
offline mode. However, under exceptional conditions, the end semester
examination may be conducted in online mode with the approval of the
ii. The Online examination may be through AIS or through any electronic
media. The student may also be required to appear the examination by
installing web camera.

10. Examination and declaration of result

10.1. Publication of result: The final semester examination of each programme will
be published within 30 days of the completion of the examination.
10.2. Pass Mark: A student must secure minimum grade point of 5 (equivalent to
Letter grade – C) in individual papers to pass a semester.
10.3. SGPA – A student must secure minimum SGPA of 5 in order to pass in a
10.4. CGPA – A student must secure minimum CGPA of 5 in order to graduate in
a programme
10.5. Award of Honours – A student must secure minimum grade point of 5.5 in
aggregate in Core Courses and Discipline Specific Electives subjects to be
awarded Honours in a particular stream. However, the name of the courses
to be taken for award of Honours will be notified to the students by the
Dean’s office.
10.6. Distinction: A student securing final CGPA of 7 and above in aggregate
shall be awarded Distinction.
10.7. Ranks and Medals: Ranks and medals will be only awarded to those students
who have passed the entire course in the first attempt.
10.8. Conversion of CGPA into percentage: The final CGPA can be converted to
percentage by the following method: (CGPA-0.5) ×10.
10.9. A student who has not secured an aggregate of SGPA of 5 in a semester shall
have to repeat the entire semester. However, if s/he has secured more than 6
Grade point in a particular paper then s/he will be exempted for re-appearing
in that paper though s/he has failed to secure the aggregate in a semester.

11. Supplementary, Special examination and number of chances

11.1. If a student is marked ‘absent’ in any sitting(s) of an examination, then such
a student shall have to appear in that paper(s) for declaration of her/ his
result. The semester or final result will not be declared for a student who has
remained absent (including those who have been debarred) in any of the
paper in the end-semester examination.
11.2. A student failing to secure a minimum grade point of 5 in a course(s) may be
allowed to appear in those course(s) in a supplementary examination for not
more than two chances to clear the back paper(s) on payment of prescribed
fees. The supplementary examination schedule shall be announced by the
controller of Examination office.
11.3. A student will appear supplementary examination which will be a
comprehensive one and the examination will be conducted for full mark of
the course and will cover the entire syllabus of the course.
11.4. Special examination will be conducted with the approval of the dean in case
of grave personal tragedy or hospitalization of the student. The student has
to approach the Controller of Examinations for conduct of special
examination after it has been approved by the dean of the school. The special
examination will be conducted for the component that the student has
11.5. In case of a student repeating a paper, his/ her latest mark will be
11.6. A student who is debarred due to shortage of attendance will not be allowed
in the semester examination as well as the supplementary examination
following semester examination. However, he/she will be allowed to appear
the said examination with the junior batch students. A debarred student will
be allowed to appear for two more chances to clear the paper.
11.7. A student can not avail the supplementary chance if he / she has not
appeared in the end-sem. examination of that semester. Students, in their
own interest, are required to appear in all quizzes, and examinations as per
11.8. The first Supplementary examination will be conducted within one month of
publication of result. On failing in first supplementary, the student will be
allowed to appear for second supplementary with the junior batch of
11.9. A student has to register for supplementary examination within one month
of the publication of result by paying the prescribed fees which is Rs.1000 for
first chance and Rs.2000 for appearing the second supplementary.

12. Code of Conduct during Examination

The university attaches great importance to proper conduct of a student
during examinations i.e. quizzes, mid-semester/ mid-semester, end-semester
and end-semester. The code of conduct is applicable to both online and offline
examinations. It is expected that all students will behave in a responsible
manner and will refrain from any unethical practices. Any deviation from the
prescribed code of conduct will be seriously viewed and punishment as laid in
the Examination rule will be imposed on the erring student. A student at

Xavier University must abide herself/ himself to the following ‘code of
conduct’ during examinations

i. A student should report at the examination hall at least 15 minutes before

the scheduled time of the exam. A student will not be ordinarily allowed into
examination hall after the starting of the examination. However, under no
circumstance a student will be allowed into the examination hall after 10
minutes of the commencement of examination.
ii. Each student is expected to bring their own writing equipment/aid including
ruler, calculator, etc., into the examination hall, as permitted by the
Instructor. Exchanging/borrowing of writing equipment/aid from other
examinees is not permitted at any time during the examination. Any
violation of this code will be considered as a serious offence. However, the
invigilator may help a student to acquire a pen or pencil if required, without
disturbing other students.
iii. Carrying of mobile phones or any electronics device including smart watch
into the examination hall is strictly prohibited. Students are not allowed to
keep mobile phones / electronics gadget with them even in switched off or
silent mode during examination. If a student has any electronics gadget/
mobile phone with him/her then she/he must deposit it with the invigilators
before the examination begins. Invigilators may receive the mobile phones,
but the invigilator will not be held responsible for loss of any phone.
Students are, therefore advised to refrain from carrying phones to the
examination hall. If necessary, students shall be frisked and then be allowed
inside the exam hall. If any student is found with a mobile phone in the
examination hall then punishment as laid down in this rule will be imposed.
iv. All tests are “closed book” unless explicitly specified otherwise by the faculty
concerned with prior intimation to the Dean’s Office and the Controller of
Examinations Office. No paper, books, or notes, etc. are allowed into the
examination hall, except when the test is declared to be “open-book”.
v. Any notes/incriminating documents found in possession or recovered from
students or any exchange of remarks, notes or purposeful gestures, or
glances at another student’s paper in the examination hall will be
considered as an attempt to cheat and will be treated as a malpractice. The
invigilator will report this to the Controller of Examinations in the
prescribed form where both the student and the invigilator are required to
sign. The invigilator can take away the answer paper temporarily or ask
the students to change the seat or take any other suitable action as deemed
vi. Except for essential communication with the invigilator, a student is not
permitted to communicate in any form with anyone during the examination.
Passing or receiving information in any form or peeping into the answer
books of others during the examination constitutes misconduct and is
strictly prohibited. A student, who assists or abets giving or passing of
information, in any form whatsoever, will be considered as guilty and
punishable as the one receiving it.
vii. No student will be allowed to go to washroom during examination
particularly if the examination is less than 60 minutes. However, in case of
any exigencies only, the student may be allowed to go to washroom by the
invigilator, but this will be after recording the time by the invigilator.
viii. Only one person at a time will be allowed to go out of the examination hall
to the washrooms. The invigilator will monitor the students and may record
the time taken by the student in the washroom.
ix. Students must fill the particulars such as name, roll no., etc. on the cover
page of the answer booklet as soon as it is distributed, before proceeding to
answer any question. The same will be the case with every additional
booklet used.
x. Students must stop writing, as soon as the invigilator signals the end of the
time allotted for the examination.
xi. No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall before submitting
the answer sheet personally to the invigilator.
xii. Any action to undermine the seriousness of examinations such as
appearing in fancy dress during the examinations shall not be allowed.
xiii. Any violation of the norms of examination will be considered a serious
offence and an act of misconduct and will be reported in the prescribed
format by the invigilator to the Controller of Examinations for necessary
xiv. In case of any violation of the code of conduct, appropriate action will be
taken as mentioned below.
xv. An Examination Disciplinary Committee (EDC) will be constituted to look
into any violation that is reported.
xvi. The EDC will comprise of the Controller of Examinations, the Dean of the
concerned School and the Dean of another school. The concerned faculty

member, in whose paper there is an allegation of misconduct, may be invited
to be a part of the EDC.
xvii. An illustrative list of the kinds of penalties that may be imposed in case of
misconduct during examinations are listed below. The EDC may decide to
impose penalties depending on the nature and seriousness of the

13. Penalties that may be imposed for misconduct in the examination:
The EDC after conducting the inquiry may recommend the following
punishments. However, the student concerned must be heard by the EDC before
imposing the punishment.
a. Talking to another student in • Warning by the invigilators and
the examination hall. (both in immediate change of seat.
offline/ online exam.) • On second recurrence, the invigilator
will report to Controller of
Examinations. The Examination
Disciplinary Committee (EDC) may
impose a penalty of deduction of marks
up to 50%, secured in that paper.

b. Possession of chits/ notes/ • Examination of the particular paper

books/ copies or any may be cancelled.
unauthorized materials • The EDC may impose a penalty of
relating to the exam. deduction up to 50% marks secured in
that paper.
• If charge is found to be serious enough
then the student will be imposed a
penalty of “I” (Incomplete)”. S/he will
have to clear the paper in the next
available semester/ semester along
with the junior batch.

c. Possessing mobile phone • The EDC may recommend for 50%-

in switched off mode during mark deduction in that paper.

d. Browsing through mobile • Examination of the particular paper

phone or mobile phone in may be cancelled.
switched on mode during • If charge is found to be serious enough
examination then the student may be imposed a
penalty of “I” (Incomplete)”. S/he will
have to clear the paper in the next
available semester/ semester with the
junior batch

e. Impersonation • Entire examination of both the

students is to be cancelled after an
investigation into the matter. The
student will be imposed a penalty of
“I” (Incomplete S/he will have to clear
the paper in the next available
semester/ semester along with the
junior batch.
• The EDC may recommend for
suspension of the student from

f.Misbehavior in any form • Examination of the particular paper

towards invigilator. may be cancelled.
• The EDC may deduct up to 50% of
marks. If the charge is found to be
serious enough then EDC may also
impose a penalty of “I” (Incomplete
S/he will have to clear the paper in the
next available semester/ semester
along with the junior batch

g. Refusal to give written • Examination of the particular paper

statement about the incident may be cancelled with a scope to repeat
when demanded by
examination related

h. Misbehaviour to any • Examination of the particular paper

officer/staff associated with may be cancelled.
examination. • The EDC may deduct 50% of marks. If
the charge is found to be serious
enough then EDC may also impose a
penalty of “I” (Incomplete) S/he will
have to clear the paper in the next
available semester/ semester along
with the junior batch

i. Unauthorized use of any other • The EDC may recommend for 50%-
type of electronics device / mark deduction of the secured mark.

In addition to the above punishment for the offence, the EDC may also impose
following penalties.

a. Monetary fine up to Rs. 5000

b. Informing the parents / guardians of the concerned student.
c. Informing to the higher authority of XUB for further action.

14. Admission to higher class and semester

i. A student who has secured required percentage of grades/ attendance in the
lower semester will be promoted to the next higher class.
ii. A student will not be promoted to a 3rd semester (2nd Year) if he has 4 full
credit back-papers in 1st and 2nd Semester.
iii. A student will not be promoted to a 5th Semester (3rd Year) if he has 4 full
credit back-papers in 3rd and 4th Semester.

15. Policy on Plagiarism

Each faculty member shall develop guidelines for the presentation of

assignments, reports and theses, incorporating information on the matter of
plagiarism for the courses he / she is teaching in addition to the general
guidelines provided in the Manual of Policies for Students. These are to be
communicated to the students at the beginning of each course, preferably, in
the Course Outline.

Allegations of Plagiarism: Plagiarism may result from poor technique or more

serious causes such as copying the work of another person, submitting the
work of another person, or closely paraphrasing a piece of work without due
acknowledgment. The circumstances relating to an allegation of plagiarism
shall be assessed to determine which of the following should apply:

i. Minor matters of plagiarism may be dealt with by the faculty member.

ii. More serious matters including multiple allegations may be referred to the
Student Disciplinary Committee at the Dean’s discretion.
iii. Penalty: Each case shall be treated on its merit. The first minor
infringements may be corrected by counseling or by the imposition of a
penalty, as appropriate. Depending on the gravity of the matter, the penalty
imposed may include a warning, resubmission, loss of marks, failure on a

particular task or in a subject, or a charge of misconduct to be dealt with by
the Student Disciplinary Committee.
16. Re-evaluation/Clarification:
11.1 A student seeking clarification on any grade awarded to him/her may
meet the concerned faculty within one week of publication of the grade.
11.2 Re-evaluation of examination or semester papers is normally not
allowed. In exceptional cases, as determined by the Dean, the student
concerned should appeal for re-evaluation, with a valid reason, to the
Dean within one week of the announcement of the grade. The Dean will
forward the request to the concerned Faculty. Should a re-evaluation be
done, the student would have to accept the new grade, irrespective of its
increase or decrease over the previous grade, and that would be taken for
the final computation of the course grade.
11.3 No request for re-evaluation will be considered under any
circumstances less than eight days before the Convocation. If an
exception has to be made under very unusual circumstances, the
concerned student will not be eligible to receive his/her Degree in the
forthcoming convocation and will also not be eligible to figure in the merit
list of his/her class or of the next graduating class. S/he will likewise be
deprived of any medal awarded for excellence in any segment of the


a. At the end of the sixth/eights semester, the bachelor’s Degree will be

awarded to those who have fulfilled all the conditions and requirements for
the award of degree
b. Successful students will be awarded degree on the University’s Annual
Convocation day. All students who qualify for the Degree are expected to
attend the Convocation. Under exceptional conditions the degree certificate
may be sent to the student by post/ courier.
c. The award of Degree shall be withheld for non-payment of dues and non-
settlement of accounts with the University or any establishment functioning
under the University.
d. A student may be issued Provisional degree certificate after the successful
completion of the program but before the issue of final degree certificate.
e. Duplicate Transcript/Degree:
In case of loss of original Degree/Transcript, a duplicate copy can be
obtained on submission of a court affidavit and on payment of fees as
applicable at the time of application. The application is to be addressed to
the Registrar, Xavier University Bhubaneswar.

18. Summer Internships

18.1. At the end of the second year, during the summer, a student is required to
undergo “Summer Internship” in an organization for 6 to 8 weeks. The
objective of the summer internship is to expose the student to the practical
aspects of commerce and trade. This exposure to the real world of business
and industry allows him/her an opportunity to relate the classroom learning
to live problems. It gives students an opportunity to observe a business
organization in operation and to sharpen their knowledge and skills by
putting them to use. Summer internship also gives students practical
experience that will help them plan their careers.
18.2. The student would have an executive guide in the organisation taking
him/her for summer internship. On completion of the project a student is
required to submit his/her Project Report to the executive guide for
evaluation and to the Dean (Academics). Ordinarily, the report may not
exceed 30 typed pages (sides). The contents should include definition of the
problem, methodology used, data analysis, findings, conclusions and
18.3. Each student is required to make a presentation on the summer project
undertaken by him or her before a panel of faculty who will evaluate and
award marks / grades.
18.4. No students will be entitled to receive the Degree without completing the
summer internship satisfactorily. A student, who does not complete the
summer internship satisfactorily, and who does not comply with the
requirements, will have to do another summer internship before becoming
eligible to receive the Degree.
18.5. Students, who receive adverse comments from their company guides and do
any act which brings disrepute to the university will be liable for
disciplinary action, which may result in expulsion from the university.

19. Attendance:
The university attaches great importance to punctuality and regular attendance of
all class sessions. Students are required to attend a minimum of 75% of classes in
all individual courses. The guidelines mentioned below will be followed in all
19.1. The final grade assigned to them takes into account their class
participation. It is, therefore, advised that the students, in their own
interest, should not miss any class.
19.2. Written attendance record is taken in each class, or through the AIS.
19.3. Absence without prior permission/intimation for leave is considered to be a
serious breach of discipline, and the student is liable for appropriate
disciplinary action, besides reduction in grade points.
19.4. Exemption from attending classes is not permissible for reasons other than
personal physical illness, grave personal tragedy and university work. A
committee of Faculty members concerned shall, however, advise suitable
relaxation in penalty for such cases. Absence even with prior
permission/intimation for leave is included in computing ‘absence’ for the
purpose of reduction in grade points.
19.5. A student shall not be allowed to appear in the Semester examination
(including Supplementary Examination of that year) in those courses where
he/she has shortage of attendance. Attendance record shall be compiled at
the time of mid-semester and end-semester examinations and the same
shall be informed to all students and their parents.

20. Eligibility to appear end semester examination:

a. A student will be allowed to appear the end-semester examination where she/

he has minimum 75% attendance. Absence in more than 25% of classes in a
course will require a student to repeat the course when it is offered next.
For assessing the eligibility of a student in case of decimal number, the
attendance will be converted to the nearest integer.
b. Absence in more than 25 % of classes in 3 or more full-credit courses during a
semester would require the student to discontinue and rejoin on the
commencement of the same semester in the next academic year.

21. Leave of Absence

21.1. Under special circumstances, a student may be granted leave of absence.

Such leave of absence will be granted on application, for good and sufficient
reasons, by the Dean.
21.2. The application may be addressed to the Dean after obtaining views of the
Faculty. Faculty are not responsible for any student losing any segment of
evaluation on account of leave availed by him/her with prior permission, and
the make-up of class tests, which are missed-out due to such absence is left
entirely to the discretion of the faculty.
21.3. Students missing classes due to sickness are required to produce valid
medical certificate along with doctor’s prescription and cash memo for the
medicines purchased. However, a maximum of 15% of total number of
classes in a course(s) can be credited towards attendance in such cases. It
must be noted that if after considering the leave on medical ground a
student does not meet a minimum of 75% attendance in a course or
semester, then the student has to repeat that entire semester.


22.1. Conduct: The University attaches utmost importance to personal integrity,

honesty and discipline. A sense of responsibility and a high degree of
maturity is expected of all students inside and outside the campus, as befits
future managers and as students of Xavier University. The University
strives to achieve this standard in every phase of campus life. Each student
of the University shall consciously strive to excel in her/his personal as well
as academic conduct. A proven case of violation of the aforesaid behavioural
norms can expose the student to deprivation of a place in the merit list,
award of medal and other such penalties.
22.1.1. Misconduct: The following are considered serious breaches of discipline
and will attract the penalty of immediate expulsion from the University:
22.1.2. Ragging: Any disorderly conduct whether by verbal or written words or
by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with
rudeness any other student(s), indulging in rowdy or undisciplined
activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or
physical harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in fresher(s) or

junior student(s) or any other student(s), asking the student(s) to do any
act or perform something which such student(s) will not in the ordinary
course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame
or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such
student(s). As per the Hon’ble Supreme Court’s guidelines on Ragging vide
SLP. No. 24295 of 2006, in case of any cognizable offences of ragging by a
student would be reported to the Police and appropriate action initiated as
per law.
22.1.3. Indulging in or aiding/abetting acts of violence, riotous or disorderly
behaviour, moral turpitude, directed at a fellow-student or a faculty or any
other employee of the University/hostel mess, etc.
22.1.4. Fraud, dishonesty, misappropriation of University funds or funds of
Students’ Organizations, misuse of Rail/Air concessions, and complicity in
other financial irregularities in connection with studentship of the
22.1.5. Involvement in serious academic malpractice, including plagiarism as per
Policy No.14 of the Manual of Policies for Students.
22.1.6. Reporting of fictitious data in an empirical study as and when detected
and established.
22.1.7. Indulging in the violation of community and organizational norms,
practices and values during Summer Internship or any other external
academic or non-academic activity leading to physical and psychological
harm to individuals and groups in the community and organization.
22.1.8. Misuse of the Information Technology (I.T.) infrastructure of the
University through software, hardware, applications, systems or processes.
22.1.9. Indulging in anonymous slander, deception, harassment, and the like
using information technology;
22.1.10. Violation of software copyrights.
22.1.11. Unsolicited communication by group email.
22.1.12. Impersonation or proxy submission of assignments, reports and other
documents to the faculty.
22.1.13. Leveling false and baseless allegations against any faculty member or
officer or employee of the University.
a. Doing or causing to do any act, which is likely to adversely affect the
relations of the University with its customers, i.e., industrial

b. Indulging in any act or acts, such as, defacing, burning or otherwise
damaging any banner or property or equipment of a company, erected by
the company or by an Association of Xavier University commemorating an
event organized or sponsored by the company at Xavier University;
c. Indulging in any act subversive of general discipline (the word “discipline”
being used here in its generic sense and in its widest amplitude), inside or
outside the campus, and/or is detrimental to the reputation, image or
standing of the University;
d. Indulging in dissemination of unsolicited and/or malicious
correspondences either electronically or through hard copies within the
University and outside which distorts the image or disturbs the collegiate
atmosphere of the University.
e. Notwithstanding any of the above-mentioned aspects, the University can
immediately expel the student(s) if it deems any action of the student as
an act of indiscipline. The decision of the University would be final and
binding and by accepting admission in this University, the student on
her/his part also accepts this clause in full.
f. Absence without prior permission from the Dean-SoC and the Faculty;
and/or mass absence from classes.
g. Drinking and Drunkenness in the public areas.
h. Entering the restricted areas like Xerox room in the academic building
without the express permission of the concerned authority.
i. Theft, fraud, dishonesty, bribing or attempt to bribe.
j. Copying in any form in the assignments, projects or in any examination.
k. Permitting, whether willfully or otherwise, a co-student to copy from one’s
own answer book or document or material.
l. Smoking in the campus area.
m. Communication of written analyses or answers, in any manner
whatsoever, to other student(s) in respect of home assignments or projects
of individual nature.
n. Whispering or communicating with one another by means of signs,
symbols or gestures or in any other body language in the examination
o. Any other act of indiscipline, which is herein unspecified and deemed at
the time of offence as an inappropriate behaviour and conduct by the

Disciplinary Committee of Xavier University and/or the management of
the University.
22.2. Disciplinary Procedure
22.2.1. For minor acts of indiscipline, the Faculty/Evaluator shall be the sole
disciplinary authority acting on her/his own judgment. A Faculty can
award penalty mentioned in 18.3.1 and 18.3.2 listed below.
22.2.2. For major acts of indiscipline, the Dean-SoC shall be the disciplinary
authority, acting on her/his own judgment and/or in consultation with the
Student Disciplinary Committee/Academic Committee/Academic Council
at her/his discretion. The Dean-SoC can award one or more penalties
listed in 18.3 below.
22.2.3. All major allegations brought to the notice of the Dean-SoC shall be
ordinarily referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee and the Dean-
SoC shall act on the basis of the report of the Committee. However, in
cases of exigencies with time constraints and in cases of extreme gravity,
the Dean-SoC may award a penalty deemed appropriate in consultation
with the Faculty concerned.
22.2.4. Before imposition of any penalty, the explanation of the student concerned
and her/his record of past misconduct, similar or otherwise shall be taken
into consideration. Repeat of any misconduct and number of incidents of
misconduct shall add to the gravity of the offence and invite higher
22.3. Penalty: One or more of the penalties listed below can be awarded to a
student for breach of discipline amounting to misconduct:
22.3.1. Warning
22.3.2. Reduction of marks/quality points/grade in a component of a Course
22.3.3. Reduction of marks/quality points/grade for the whole Course
22.3.4. Fine up to Rs.5,000/-
22.3.5. Repeating a course of the First to Sixth semester in 3 year degree as the
case may be, along with the next batch;
22.3.6. In cases where a student is awarded an “I” grade in a course as a penalty
for malpractice during examinations, the student has to remove the “I”
grade by taking the course the next time it is offered during the next year,
concurrently with the other courses that she/he has to take during that
particular term.
22.3.7. Suspension of studentship for a year
22.3.8. Expulsion from the University.
22.3.9. Cancellation or withdrawal of any Academic honours – Certificate of
Merit, Diploma, Medallion, Scholarship, etc.;
22.3.10. Notwithstanding any of the above mentioned aspects, the University can
immediately expel the student if it deems any action of the student as an
act of indiscipline. The decision of the University would be final and
binding and by accepting admission in this University, the student on
her/his part also accepts this clause in full.
22.4. Appeal: In matters of sufficient gravity, a student may appeal within one
week of punishment, to the Vice Chancellor for review. The Vice
Chancellor’s decision shall be final.

23. Grievance Resolution

23.1 Any student, having a grievance, may submit a written application to the
Dean-SoC setting out all the circumstances and/or details therein clearly.
The grievance application should be signed by the student concerned.
23.2 Anonymous applications/ petitions/ letters will not be entertained or
attended to under any circumstances.
23.3 If a student, having obtained grade “F” in any course, feels that he has been
unfairly discriminated against in evaluation/grading or has become a victim
of subjectivity or internal inequity, he can make a representation to the
Dean-SoC within seven days after receiving the grade. No grievance shall be
considered, if the student has obtained any grade above “C”.
23.4 The representation should set out all the circumstances and grounds and
should be accompanied by all the relevant documents in support of the
allegation. If the Dean-SoC is satisfied that the representation is not
frivolous or vexatious, and that there is a prima facie case, s/he may
constitute a Committee in consultation with the area concerned and get the
papers/issue re-examined.
23.5 In all such cases, however, the onus of proving such discrimination,
subjectivity or internal inequity, as the case may be, lies entirely on the
student concerned. If, at any time during investigation, it is found that the
allegations are mala fide or wild or without substance, the student
concerned will expose herself/himself to the risk of extreme punishment of
expulsion from the University as provided herein.

23.6 Misconduct related to residential rules will be dealt by the Hostel Warden,
the Registrar, Assistant Registrar (Administration) and the Vice Chancellor,
as per the Hostel Administration Rules of Xavier University.

24. Alcoholic Abuse Deterrence Policy

The University has zero tolerance for possession, solicitation, distribution,

sale or use of alcohol on campus by the students. The students engaging in
any of these shall be expelled from XUB. This policy applies to all students
in any time and any place on campus. By this policy, the student may
receive dismissal notice for the following offences:

 alcohol use or possession on campus,

 alcohol use off campus that which discredits XUB,

In such cases the student will not be awarded Degree or Diploma

Certificate, without paying a penalty of Rs. 1,00,000/-.

On dismissal from XUB, the student may apply for readmission by paying
penalty of Rs.1,00,000/- and providing sufficient and necessary information
on the steps that the student has taken to undergo treatment for alcohol
abuse de-addiction. Student’s readmission request must accompany Doctor’s
certification as proof of sufficient treatment for reducing alcohol dependency
and abuse.

The readmission request of the student shall be made formally by an

application along with Rs.1,00,000/- and upon receipt of this application,
the students readmission request shall be decided by the following

a) Registrar
b) Deputy Registrar
c) Dean, Academics

The University will appreciate any voluntary reporting about any student
who has past history of alcohol abuse. This will be treated confidentially for
the purpose of proposing de-addiction treatment of the student.

25. FEES

The fees of the school are usually announced in the Admission Bulletin or
Admissions Offer letters. However, the fee structure is liable to changes as
and when necessary through appropriate notification. Fees for each year must
be paid by the due date specified in the Academic Calendar. A late payment
fee of Rs.500/- per day is charged in case of a payment made after the due
date subject to a total of maximum of Rs.5,000/-.

26. Penalty for default in payment of fees

26.1. A student will not be allowed to register for the semester if he/she has not
paid the fees.
26.2. No certificate of any kind or Degree will be issued to a student who has not
cleared his/her dues. A No Dues Certificate (NDC) form can be obtained
from the Accounts Office and the clearance is to be obtained in written
endorsement thereupon, from Library, Mess/Canteen, Reception, Accounts.
The duly completed NDC is to be submitted to the Dean’s Office, before the
student leaves the Campus after the completion of the sixth semester

27.1. Railway Concession: Student’s railway concession certificates are issued

by the Dean’s Office to full time students (who in age are not older than 24
years and are not wage-earners or housewives) only for going home or for
summer placement training during vacations. Concession orders will be
issued only during the vacation of the Institute. The outward journey on the
student’s concession order is not to be undertaken before the vacation
27.2. The term ‘home’ denotes – “The place where the parent (or if no parent is
alive, the student’s guardian) normally resides. When the parent is alive,
the question of using the concession for visiting the ‘guardian’ does not
27.3. Air travel Concession: Concession forms may be obtained from the Indian
Airlines Office and submitted to the Dean’s Office for certification, after
affixing a passport size photograph of the applicant. Eligibility rules for air
concessions are the same as for Railway Concessions.
28. General

The Administration of School of Commerce, Xavier University reserves the

right to change requirements for admissions or graduation, courses and
their contents, fees charged, scholarships, awards and regulations affecting
students, or make any other suitable modification, should they be deemed
necessary in the interest of the students, the School or the profession.



Office Name PBX Extn. E-Mail

Dean Prof. P.K.Mohanty 7843

SOC Office V.Nagmani 7751

Deba Ranjan Dhir 7761

Xavier School of Commerce (XSC) Faculty

Prof.Ashok Mishra 7750

Prof.Abhimanyu Sahu 7754

Prof. Shivam Rai 7844

Prof. Sibanjan Mishra 7711

Prof. Rashmi Singh 7825

Prof.Manindra Narayan Nayak 7710

Prof. Suparna Ray 7709

Fr. Prof. V.Arockia Das, SJ 7790

Prof.Vijaya Batth 3371


B. Com-Accounting

Three-year CBCS Program

Course code Course Structure Category

Semester- I

English AECC-1

Financial Accounting-I Core course-1

Principles of Management Core course-2

Business Mathematics GE-1

Principles of Marketing SEC-1


Environmental Studies AECC-2

Business Law Core-3

Financial Management Core-4

Business Statistics GE-2

Introduction to OB& HR SEC-2


Financial Institutions and Markets Core course-5

Financial Accounting-II Core course-6

Cost & Management Accounting-I Core course-7

Computer Application for Business SEC-3

Managerial Economics-I GE-3


Banking Core course-8

Direct Tax Law Core course-9

E-commerce and Computerized Accounting Core course-10

Ethics, Governance and Sustainability SEC-4

Managerial Economics-II GE-4


Entrepreneurship Development Core course-11

Corporate Accounting Core course-12

Indirect Tax Laws SEC-5

DSE-1(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-1

DSE-2(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-2


Corporate Laws Core course-13

Auditing and Assurance Services Core course-14

International Finance SEC-6

DSE-3(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-3

DSE-4(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-4

Group A

1. Insurance & Risk Management

2. Accounting Standards and Corporate Financial Reporting

3. Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

4. Marketing Research

5. Group Dynamics & Team Building

Group B

1. Derivatives

2. Fundamentals of Labour Laws

3. Financial Statement Analysis

4. Rural Marketing


1. CBCS: Choice based credit system

2. AECC: Ability enhancement compulsory course

3. SEC: Skill enhancement course

4. GE: Generic elective

5. DSE: Discipline specific elective

6. Each AECC course is of 2 credits and SEC course is of 4 credits. Each Core,

GE, and DSE course is of 6 credits

7. Total credits: 160

B. Com-Finance

Three-year CBCS Program

Course code Course Structure Category

Semester- I

English AECC-1

Financial Accounting-I Core course-1

Principles of Management Core course-2

Business Mathematics GE-1

Principles of Marketing SEC-1


Environmental Studies AECC-2

Business Law Core-3

Financial Management Core-4

Business Statistics GE-2

Introduction to OB & HR SEC-2


Financial Institutions and Markets Core course-5

Financial Accounting-II Core course-6

Cost & Management Accounting-I Core course-7

Computer Application for Business SEC-3

Managerial Economics-I GE-3


Banking Core course-8

Direct Tax Law Core course-9

E-commerce and Computerized Accounting Core course-10

Ethics, Governance and Sustainability SEC-4

Managerial Economics-II GE-4


Entrepreneurship Development Core course-11

Financial Management-II Core course-12

Security Analysis & Portfolio Management SEC-5

DSE-1(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-1

DSE-2(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-2


International Finance Core course-13

Corporate Laws Core course-14

Derivatives SEC-6

DSE-3(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-3

DSE-4(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-4

Group A

1. Insurance & Risk Management

2. Indirect Tax Laws
3. Marketing Research
4. Corporate Accounting
5. Group Dynamics & Team Building

Group B

1. Financial Statement Analysis

2. Fundamentals of Labour Laws
3. Auditing and Assurance Services
4. Rural Marketing


1. CBCS: Choice based credit system

2. AECC: Ability enhancement compulsory course
3. SEC: Skill enhancement course
4. GE: Generic elective
5. DSE: Discipline specific elective
6. Each AECC course is of 2 credits and SEC course is of 4 credits. Each
Core , GE, and DSE course is of 6 credits

7. Total credits: 160


Three-year CBCS Program

Course code Course Structure Category

Semester- I

English AECC-1

Financial Accounting-I Core course-1

Principles of Management Core course-2

Business Mathematics GE-1

Principles of Marketing SEC-1


Environmental Studies AECC-2

Business Law Core-3

Financial Management Core-4

Business Statistics GE-2

Introduction to OB & HR SEC-2


HR Planning & Talent Acquisition Core course-5

Individuals in Organisation Core course-6

Research Methodology Core course-7

Computer Application for Business SEC-3

Managerial Economics-I GE-3


Soft Skill and Personality Development Core course-8

Production and Operations Management Core course-9

Training and Development Core course-10

Ethics, Governance and Sustainability SEC-4

Managerial Economics-II GE-4


Entrepreneurship Development Core course-11

Group Dynamics & Team Building Core course-12

Performance Management SEC-5

DSE-1(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-1

DSE-2(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-2


Fundamentals of Labour laws Core course-13

Industrial and Employment Relations Core course-14

Organization Structure and Design SEC-6

DSE-3(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-3

DSE-4(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-4

Group A

1. Insurance & Risk Management

2. Accounting Standard and Corporate Financial Reporting
3. Financial Management-II
4. Change Management and Organization Development

Group B

1. Compensation and Reward Management

2. Auditing and Assurance Services
3. International Finance


1. CBCS: Choice based credit system

2. AECC: Ability enhancement compulsory course
3. SEC: Skill enhancement course
4. GE: Generic elective
5. DSE: Discipline specific elective
6. Each AECC course is of 2 credits and SEC course is of 4 credits. Each
Core , GE, and DSE course is of 6 credits
7. Total credits: 160


Three-year CBCS Program

Course code Course Structure Category

Semester- I

English AECC-1

Financial Accounting-I Core course-1

Principles of Management Core course-2

Business Mathematics GE-1

Principles of Marketing SEC-1


Environmental Studies AECC-2

Business Law Core-3

Financial Management Core-4

Business Statistics GE-2

Introduction to OB & HR SEC-2


Services Marketing Core course-5

Consumer Behaviour Core course-6

Research Methodology Core course-7

Computer Application for Business SEC-3

Managerial Economics-I GE-3


Soft Skill and Personality Development Core course-8

Production and Operations Management Core course-9

Distribution Mangement Core course-10

Ethics, Governance and Sustainability SEC-4

Managerial Economics-II GE-IV


Entrepreneurship Development Core course-11

Selling Lab Core course-12

Marketing Analytics SEC-5

DSE-1(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-1

DSE-2(Any one from Gr.A) DSE-2


Retail Marketing Core course-13

Marketing Communication Core course-14

Rural Marketing SEC-6

DSE-3(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-3

DSE-4(Any one from Gr.B) DSE-4

Group A

1. Supply Chain Management

2. Customer Relationship Management

3. Insurance & Risk Management

4. Accounting Standard and Corporate Financial Reporting

5. Financial Management-II

Group B

1. Digital Marketing

2. Brand Management

3. Fundamentals of Labour Laws

4. Auditing and Assurance Services

5. International Finance


1. CBCS: Choice based credit system

2. AECC: Ability enhancement compulsory course

3. SEC: Skill enhancement course

4. GE: Generic elective

5. DSE: Discipline specific elective

6. Each AECC course is of 2 credits and SEC course is of 4 credits. Each

Core, GE, and DSE course is of 6 credits
7. Total credits: 160

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