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Bellefleu is a country located in northwest Europe, close to Spain and France.

People living in Bellefleu are called “Bellineseans”. The northern part of Bellefleu
accounts for around 15% of the Iberian Peninsula, and its shores border the
Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, the country, like its
neighbors Spain and France, is classified as an island. Bellefleu is particularly well-
known for its famed tourist attraction, the "Elmisle Forest," which is rich in both
flora and fauna. The stunning backdrop of the woodland has made it a popular
location for films such as Rapunzel and Beauty and the Beast . Hailed as Europe’s
largest exporter of roses, Bellefleu is well-known for its Bellinesean roses, owing to
the environment of the region. The Bellinese are passionate about the
environment around them, believing that how they care for it determines their
country's destiny. They are also known for their Roseceae festival, in which they
celebrate the month of harvest for their roses, and tourists from all over the world
come to see the event, which is dedicated to beauty and flowers, spring, and the
perfume of the Bellinesean rose.

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