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Sophia Micaella M.

December 18,2022
Prof. Dennis Estocado
Primary Sources Analysis

Title of sources: The Tabon Caves: Archaeological Explorations and Excavations on

Palawan Island, Philippines
Type of primary source: Book Report

Content and Context analysis

Who is the author of the primary source? What do you know about the author that may
shape his/her perspective?
❖ The author of the primary source is Robert B. Fox. He is an anthropologist and a
leading historian on pre- Hispanic Philippines. He also headed the anthropology
division of the National Museum of the Philippines and that’s why it makes him
credible with his perspective on conducting the excavations.

Who is the intended audience of the primary source?

❖ There wasn’t a particular audience that was mentioned on this primary source that
was intended only to them. That’s why anyone can be the audience for this primary
source. As long as they want to read and understand the history of the Tabon man
and caves.

Where and when is the primary source published or created?

❖ Tabon Man refers to remains discovered in the Tabon Caves in Lipuun Point in
Quezon, Palawan in the Philippines. They were discovered by Robert B. Fox, an
American anthropologist of the National Museum of the Philippines, on May 28,
1962.Additionally, his book about his discoveries of the Tabon man was published
in 1970 by the National Museum of Manila.

Describe the historical context. What was happening during this event or time period?

❖ The Tabon Cave Complex (or simply Tabon Caves) was discovered by Robert Fox
and the National Museum team during their exploration of the limestone formations
in the municipality of Quezon. Interviews with the Palawan informants led them to
explore Lipuun Point, where they discovered several caves rich with archaeological
materials scattered on the floor. Among these caves is the magnificent Tabon
Cave, where the earliest direct evidence of modern humans (Homo sapiens
sapiens) in the Philippines was recovered. The Tabon Man is the oldest confirmed
modern human to have been found in the Philippines. His bones, which provide
evidence of the existence of Home sapiens between 37,000 and 47,000 years ago,
were discovered in the Tabon Caves in Quezon, Palawan Island in 1962.

These caves contained an astonishing wealth and an extensive time-range of

cultural materials: a flake tool tradition which dates from the Late Pleistocene and
early post-Pleistocene periods including a highly developed jar burial complex
which appeared during the Late Neolithic and continued on to the developed Metal
Age; and finally, porcelains and stoneware indicating local trade with China during
the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The excavations have revealed more than 50,000
years of Philippine prehistory and; south and East Asian relationships.


Description of source: Meaning: What is the What sentiment What about the source
what do you observe? meaning of the object (attitude or feelings) makes you curious?
Consider the images, words, symbols etc? do you think the What questions
people, objects, author wants to remain? What
activities, action, convey through the additional information
words, phrases, facts source? What based would you need to
and numbers. on the source can you know to deepen your
infer about the understanding of the
historical event or time ideas expressed in the
period source?

Based from my There are a lot of What the author is I have a lot of
observations, the meaning that were trying to convey questions in my mind
images provided hidden from the from his source is when it comes to the
from the report of objects that they that he is very Tabon man. My first
Fox shows the first discovered. The passionate on trying question is that their
hand or raw images fossils that they to make us inform of ways of
of the evidences found on the cave our roots from our communicating and
such as the jars, serves as their ancestors. The the language that
skull, bones and evidences for the evidences from the they are using. I am
other ornaments. I existence of the artefact about the also curious if there
also observed that Tabon man. Flakes earliest humans are other places
through the way Fox Assemblage were proves that the aside from Palawan
wrote his also presented on history that we know that they existed. I
discoveries shows the report as it about the Tabons also wanted to know
you how did the symbolizes their are authentic their facial structures
Tabon man existed weapon or tool to know what they
back then. exactly looked like.

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