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RollNo.: Total Questions: 35 [tr t]-Tl Time:1 hr. s@r SOF.


OLYMPIAD Guidelines for the Candidate 1. You will get additional ten minutes to fill up information
about yourself on the Answer Sheet, before the start of the exam. 2. The Question Paper comprises four
sections: Logicat Reasoning (10 Questions), Mathematical Reasoning (10 Questions), Everyday
Mathematics (10 Questions) and Achievers Section (5 Questions) Each question in Achievers Section
carries 2 marks each, whereas all other questions carry one mark each. 3. All questions are
compulsory.There is no negative marking. Use of calculator is not permitted. 4. Write your Name, Roll
No. and Class clearly on the Answer Sheet and do not forget to sign it. 5. There is only ONE correct
answer. Choose only ONE option for an answer. 6. To mark your choice of answers by darkening the
circles in the Answer Sheet, use an HB Pencil or a Blue / BIack ball point pen only. E.g. Q.16; A number
has nine ones, six tens and eight hundreds. What is the number? A.869 C. 968 As the correct answer is
option A, you must darken the circle corresponding to option A in the Answer Sheet. 16.o@oo 7. Rough
work should be done in the blank space provided in the booklet. 8. Return the Answer Sheet to the
invigilator at the end of the exam. 9. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper too and take it home for
future reference. CLASS B. 896 D. 986 Copyright @ Science Olympiad Foundation pattern V tr 1. )( CE
Which of the following options will complete the in fig. (X)? B. D. FiE.0q 2. * Study the given figure
carefully and find the value of Y. A. 20 B. 98 c. 48 D. 40 A. C. n D. ffi€$$ 85. There are _ more straight
lines than triangles in the adjoining figure. A.3 B.1IIlore'.','*orIl9lt,DllltIliiCruJ\,,llllllYllYulE^ 91, D.5 w
flda'' '86 *g Z "\f) l5 70 + n # SrNUhich of the following is needed to complete the pattern? BX AU ar/Two
positions of a dice are shown below. Find the number of dots on the face of the - dice that is opposite to
the face with 1 dot. A.3 B.2 c.5 D.6 o # # tr 2 M ? I m # 1 Space for Rough Work IMO lClass-3 lLevel 2 -
O,/tnere is a certain relatiogship between figures P and R. Establish the same relationship \'/ between
figures Q and S to find the missing figure from the options. B It {, P o B. S E o EA6 c. * ? # # l,/Read the
clues and form a meaningful word using the English alphabets. ABC DE FG H I J KLM N O PQ RSTUVWXYZ
Clues :- First letter is between H and J. Second letter is thirteenth from right end. Third letter is fourth
from left end. Fourth letter is same as first letter. Fifth letter is first from left end. Sixth letter is same as
second letter. A. SQUARE C B. HIGHLY C. INDIAN D. FRANCE'B' is called 'Z';'Z' is called 'M' and 'M' is
called 'L', which letter is formed from three v straight lines? A. B. C. D. B z M L C C + I 9./Which one word
CANNOT be made from the letters of the given word ? \-/ CoNCENTRATE A. CENTRE B. CONCERN C.
REASON D. TREAT Space for Rough Work l i L 7th IMO lClass-3 lLevel 2 I I ..t , 10.5elect the correct mirror
image of figure (X). ffiu l\rv Figure (X) V mlrror A@ B@ B C@ D@ 11./How manv thousands are there \-/
in 58:/32 + 732? A. 98 B. 50000 C c.e D. 9000 lg,6inathe value of P + Q - R + S. slPl4 "5 6 x9 3 4 610 3 t5
E4 sz A. 13 x8 B. 15 c. 12 D. 16 438 E6 l{uow many tens needs to be subtracted from 5930 to get 230? A.
570 A B. 900 c. 5970 D. 179 l{Ag is --- more than the product of 9 and 8. \-/ A.72 c B. 38 c. 17 D. 30 \fi
V..V..V stands for 6, *..'V..W stands for 10, fl.g stands for goo,ffi stands for 50, then 2 @ * 39.;ft' * 3W
stands for A. 170 B. 172 c. 180 D: 232 o-2 k-6 A:€, "i;?'.*w 81 7Z Y.,,.*"-"' l7 !'2 bi ? S R *+ *B a r 5130 23(

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