Jeet Final Project Report Phase-1

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Submitted to

Sandip University, Nashik



Jeet Kantilal Patel



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Chapter Title Page

Chapter 1 Introduction 6

1.1 Classification of cracks 6

1.2 Problem Statement 9

1.3 Objective of the study 13

1.4 Scope of the study 14

Chapter 2 Literature Review 15

Chapter 3 Methodology 20

3.1 Cube Casting 25

Chapter 4 Result & Discussion 29

Chapter 5 References 31

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List of Figures

Figure no Caption Page no

1 Tensile Cracks in Masonry walls 7
Shear Crack in Masonry pillar at 8
beam support
3 Shear crack in Masonry wall 8

4 Permeability of Concrete 9

5 Corrosion on reinforcement 10

6 Moisture content 10

7 Creep 11

8 Poor construction practises 11

Cracking due to alkali-silica 12
10 Cracks below Window Sill Level 22
Cracks at Juncture of Slab and 22
Steel beam
Cracks at Juncture of brickwork 23
and Steel column
13 Vertical Cracks in wall 23

14 Cracks at corner 24

15 Cracks at beam 24

16 Casting cube mould 26

17 Concrete cube sample 26

18 Ready concrete cubes 27

19 Cube places in CTM machine 28

20 Stitching 29
Steel Fibre Reinforcement 30
Concrete (SFRC)
Glass Fibre Reinforcement 30
Concrete (GFRC)

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List of tables

Table no Caption Page no

No of sample taken
1 25
on the quantity of concrete
2 Average Strength of Concrete 27

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Chapter 1

Occurrence of various cracks in the building during construction after completion when it is
subjected to super imposed load or during the service life, is a common phenomenon. A
building component develops cracks whenever the stress in the components exceeds its
strength. Stress in the building component could be caused by externally applied forces, such
as dead, live, wind or seismic loads, foundations settlements etc or it could be induced
internally due to thermal movements, moisture changes, elastic deformation, chemical action

The crack width can be controlled and governed by adequate detailing of reinforcement. A
more number of smaller diameter bars which are placed and properly distributed in tension
zone lessen the width of crack more adequately than the larger diameter bars of the same area

It has been found in studies that the crack formations are closely related with the tensile and
compressive loadings on the concrete. Whenever there is a restraint to movement due to
dimensional changes because of internal stresses, cracks occur. Internal stresses can be tensile
, compressive or shear. Taking compressive case, before loading starts, volumetric changes
occur in cement resulting in cracks on mortar and aggregate boundary cracks do not go
beyond the boundary but when the load is increased above this limit, cracks are formed
throughout the concrete. Further increasing the compressive load above 70%, these cracks
travel even deeper in the concrete and keep going further with the increasing load. This keeps
going till the concrete finally fail and collapse. In case of tensile load, this upper limit is of
60% of the tensile strength of concrete

Classification of Cracks in Building

• Structural Cracks- These occur due to incorrect design, faculty construction or

overloading and these may endanger the safety of a building

eg:- extensive cracking of an RCC beam

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• Non Structural Cracks- These are mostly due to internally induced stresses in
buildings materials and do not endanger safety of buildings but may look unsightly, or
may create an impression or faulty work or may give a feeling of instability. In some
situations due to penetration of moisture through them non-structural cracks may spoil
the internal finishes third is adding to the cost of maintenance, or the reinforcement
thereby adversely affected the stability of the structure in the long run
eg:- vertical crack in a long compound wall due to shrinkage or thermal movement

Cracks may appreciably vary in width from very thin hair crack barely visible to naked eye to
gaping crack, depending upon the crack width cracks are classified as:
• Thin Crack- less than 1mm in width
• Medium Crack- 1 to 2 mm in width
• Wide Crack- more than 2 mm in width
• Crazing- Occurrence of closely spaced fine cracks at the surface of a
material is called crazing

Cracks me of uniform with throughout or maybe narrow at one and gradually widening at the
other . Crack maybe straight, toothed, stepped, map pattern or of random type and maybe
vertical or horizontal or diagonal. Cracks maybe only at surface or may extend to more than
one layer of material. Cracks due to different causes have varying characteristics and be the
careful observation of these characteristics, one can diagnose the cause of cracking for
adopting the appropriate remedial measures

Figure 1: Tensile Cracks in Masonry wall

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Figure 2: Shear Crack in Masonry Pillar at Beam Support

Figure 3: Shear Cracks in Masonry Wall

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Chapter 1.2


1. Permeability of Concrete:- Permeability is a measure of the amount of water,

air and other substances that can enter the concrete matrix. Concrete contains pores that can
allow these substances to enter or depart. Permeability of concrete can be primary reason for
concrete deterioration due to reinforcing steel corrosion and other deterioration mechanisms.
On a macro scale permeability also refers to “porous” slabs used to drain pavements,
sidewalks and parking areas of water, eliminating the need for drainage slope, structure and
piping. This technology sometimes called “no-fines concrete” is gaining popularity again
with the desire to reduce surface run-off from pavements, sidewalks and parking areas

Figure 4:- Permeability of Concrete

2. Thermal Movement:- The cracks due to thermal movement is caused either

due to external heat I.e due to variation in ambient temperature or due to internally generated
heat I.e due to heat of hydration in mass concrete during construction. Cracks in the building
component due to thermal movements opens and closes alternatively with changes in the
ambient temperature

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3. Corrosion of Reinforcement:- Reinforcement corrosion induces longitudinal

cracking due to the expansive products of corrosion, which leads to spalling and/or
delimitation phenomena. Reinforcement corrosion is one of the major deterioration
mechanisms of reinforced concrete structures worldwide. The presence of chlorides increases
the severity of the corrosion attack considerably. Chlorides can penetrate into concrete which
is in contact with de-icing salts or seawater

Figure 5:- Corrosion on Reinforcement

4. Moisture Content:- It is the presence of a traceable amount of the water

molecules in soil, foods, construction materials etc. In other word, moisture is the amount of
water present as small droplets in the surrounding air. Moisture content is the biggest enemy
of almost all the things, either it is in foods or in building materials. It has ability to disturb
the molecular structure of the building materials such as woods, bricks, mortar, concrete, etc.

Figure 6:- Moisture Content

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5. Creep:- Building materials such as concrete, brickwork, mortar, timber etc. when
subjected to sustained load not only under go instantaneous elastic deformation but also
under go a gradual and slow time dependent deformation known as creep or plastic strain.
Creep may be due to giving internal vids, viscous flow of the cement-water paste, crystalline
flow in aggregates and flow of water out of the cement gel due to external load and moisture

Figure 7:- Creep

6. Poor Construction practices:- Several poor construction such as inadequate concrete

curing, lack of formwork support, insufficient concrete compaction and adding water
concrete in the field can cause crack development in plastic. There is a general lack of good
construction practices either due to ignorance, carelessness, greed or negligence. For healthy
building it is absolutely necessary for the construction agency and the owner to ensure good

quality materials selection and good construction practices

Figure 8:- Poor Construction Practices

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7. Movement due to Chemical reaction:- The concrete may crack as a result

of expansive reactions between aggregate, which contains active silica and alkaline from
cement hydration. Certain chemical reactions in building materials result in appreciable
increase In volume, developing internal stresses which result in outward thrust and formation
of cracks. The materials involved in reaction also become weaker in strength. Sulphate attack
on cement products, carbonation in cement based materials, corrosion of reinforcement in
concrete and brickwork and alkali aggregate reaction are the common chemical actions on
building materials

Figure 9:- Cracking due to alkali-silica reactions

8. Poor Maintenance:- A structure needs to be maintained after a lapse of certain

period from its construction completion. Some structures may need a very early look into
deterioration problems, while others can sustain themselves very well for many years
depending on the quality of design and construction. It is not only essential to repair the
deteriorated concrete but it is equally important to prevent the moisture and aggressive
chemicals to enter concrete and prevent further deterioration

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Chapter 1.3


The construction industry is constantly developing both in materials, techniques and
equipment. However, this growth is not always accompanied by labor, which can lead to
constructive incompatibilities, giving rise to some problems

There are several factors that prove the importance of study and it can be used
from a data base to morphological behaviour knowledge of cracks in buildings as well as use
by professionals of area in form of strategic planning, using the materials in a very to
correcting greater prevalence failures and intensity detected, factors that often occurs due to
lack of technical practical knowledge. This results on problems that can be corrected in
several phases and a building, both in the design, execution and building use, given that the
literature gives indications that sooner their diagnoses and their possible solutions are started,
less is monetary value involved

Objective of the Study

• To provide informative technical details on the non-structural cracks
• It covers principal causes of non-structural cracks, general measures for prevention with
commonly observed crack patterns in building and their preventive measures
• To upgrade maintenance Technologies and Methodologies and achieve improvement on
productivity and performance

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Chapter 1.4


Scope of the Study
• To adopt effective remedial measures for reducing or eliminating the early stage
cracking problem in structure
• Concrete can undergo early stage cracking depending on the mix composition, exposure
environment, hydration rate and curing conditions. Understanding the causes and
consequences of cracking thoroughly is essential for selecting proper measures to
resolve the early stage cracking problem in structure

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Chapter 2


This chapter includes review on past analysis and experimental work done and what results
were obtained for the development of structure to repair cracks. The below mentioned are
some reviews which are provides necessary help for each considerations and development in
the structure to prevent cracks

Kishore Kunal, Namesh Killemsetty (2014) “ Study on control of cracks in a Structure

through Visual Identification & Inspection” Structural Cracks are a common occurrence
in all types of buildings. To ensure the longevity of the structure, engineers are often required
to look into their causes and carry out suitable repairs and remedial measures. For repairs and
remedies to be effective, it is essential that the engineer should have a proper understanding
of various causes of occurrence of cracks. For investigating the causes it is necessary to
observe carefully the location, shape, size, depth, behaviour and other characteristics of the
cracks, and to collect information about specifications of the job and time of construction. It
is also necessary for the engineer to keep track of when the cracks first came to notice. This
paper talks about how visual inspection of cracks can be helpful in order to identify and
categorise them with respect to various parameters by taking case study of an institutional

Rishabh Pathak, Deepak Rastangi (2015) “Case study on cracks in Public Building and
their Remedies” Cracks are inherent and detrimental elements of building detailed
investigation should be carried out regularly to ensure the assessabillity and serviceability of
the building. For rehabilitation of cracks it is important to understand the causes and the types
of cracks appeared in the structure. This paper shortly describes the causes and types of
cracks and they're remedial measures. Non destructive testing methods are used to access the
strength of the structure at a first instance to know the actual state of the structure whether it
will be serviceable/workable or to be demolished. Few case studies were conducted at
different public buildings at Gwalior M.P. Political science, economic and archaeological
blocks of Jiwaji University. Moti Mahal building.NITM (Nagaji institute of Technology and

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Management building. Which were reported cracks and they were in suspension to whether it
will work or should be demolished. The purpose of this study is to determine the position of
structure whether it is further serviceable or not and secondly, if we use the same building
how it will be repaired.

Mulla Fayaz (2018) “ Study on Causes & Control of Cracks In A Structure” A crack is a
complete or incomplete separation of concrete in two or more parts by breaking or fracturing.
It is a inherent feature in concrete which cannot be prevented but controlled and reduced.
Structural Cracks are a common occurrence in all types of buildings. To ensure the longevity
of the structure, engineers are often required to look into their causes and carry out suitable
repairs and remedial measures. For repairs and remedies to be effective, it is essential that the
engineer should have a proper understanding of various causes of occurrence of cracks. For
investigating the causes it is necessary to observe carefully the location, shape, size, depth,
behaviour and other characteristics of the cracks, and to collect information about
specifications of the job and time of construction. It is also necessary for the engineer to keep
track of when the cracks first came to notice.

Samiksha Semwal, Sushmita Dhonriyal, Rakhi Negi, Prateek Gangwar, Anoop

Bahuguna (2020) “ Cracks IN BUILDING AND THEIR REMEDIES” Cracks are the
kind of problem of concrete construction. It affects the building artistic and function and also
destroys the wall’s integrity; even reduce the durability of structure. Cracking is any response
in a structure which is unavoidable. Some structure designers are trying to eliminate many of
the causes of cracking. We all want our structure safe. Due to some faulty steps during
construction and due to environmental reasons different types of cracks starts to seem on
various structural and non- structural parts of the building. Identification of such cracks and
adopting precautions are essential. There are different material and different techniques to
repair cracks according to their size, position in different parts of the structure.

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Principal Causes Occurrence of Cracks in Building are as follows
1. Moisture changes
2. Thermal changes
3. Elastic deformation
4. Creep
5. Chemical reaction
6. Foundation movement and settlement of soil
7. Vegetation

1. Moisture Changes

As a general rule, most of the building materials having pores in their mortar,

burnt clay bricks, some stones, timber, etc. Expand on absorbing moisture and shrink on
drying. These movements are reversible, that is cyclic in nature and is caused by increase or
decrease in the inter-pore pressure with moisture changes, extent of movement depending on
molecular structure and porosity of a material. The various effects of moisture changes:-
a) Reversible Movement
b) Initial Shrinkage
The various causes of initial shrinkage are
- Cement Content
- Water Content
- Aggregates
- Use of accelerators
- Curing
- Presence of excessive fines
- Humidity
- Composition of cement
- Temperature

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2. Movement deu to Thermal Variation

It is a well-known phenomenon of science that all materials, more or less,

expand on heating and contract on cooling. Magnitude of movement, however, varies for
different materials depending on their molecular structure and other properties. Factors
affecting the thermal movement are:
• Colour and Surface Characteristics
• Thermal Conductivity
• Provision of an insulating or Protective Layer
• Internally Generated Heat

3. Movement deu to Elastic Deformation

Structural components of a building such as walls, columns, beams and slabs,
generally consisting of materials like masonry, concrete, steel etc undergo elastic deformation
due to load in accordance with Hook’s law, the amount of deformation depending upon
elastic modulus of the materials, magnitude of loading and dimensions of the components.
This deformation under circumstances such as those mentioned below, causes cracking on
some portions
• When walls are evenly loaded with wide variations in stress I different parts, excessive
shear strain is developed which causes cracking in walls
• When a beam or slab of large span undergoes excessive deflection and there is not much
vertical load above the supports, ends of beam/slab curl up causing cracks in supporting
• When two materials, having widely different elastic properties, are built side by side,
under the effect off load, shear stress is set up at the interface of two materials, resulting
in cracks at the junction

4. Movement due to Creep

Some building items, such as concrete, brickworks and timber, when subjected
to sustained loads not only undergo instantaneous elastic deformations, but also exhibit a
gradual and slow time dependent deformation known as creep or plastic strain. The latter is
made up of delayed elastic strain which recovers when load is removed and viscous strain
which appears as permanent set and remains after removal of load
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5. Movement due to Chemical reaction

Certain chemical reactions in building materials result in appreciable increase
in volume of materials and internal stresses are set up which may result in outward thrust and
formation of cracks. The materials involved in reaction also get weakened in strength.
Commonly occurring instances of this phenomenon are sulphate attack on cement products,
carbonation in cement based materials, and corrosion of reinforcement in concrete and
brickwork, and alkali-aggregate reaction

6. Foundation movement and settlement of soil

Shear cracks in building occur when there is large differential settlement of
foundation either due to unequal bearing pressure under different parts of the structure or due
to bearing pressure on soil being in excess of safe bearing strength of the soil or due to low
factor of safety in the design of foundation. Buildings constructed on shrinkable clays which
swell on absorbing moisture and shrink or drying as a result of change in moisture content of
the soil are extremely crack prone and special measures are necessary to prevent cracks inn
such cases

7. Cracking due to vegetation

existence of vegetation such as fast growing trees in the vicinity of compound
walls can sometimes cause cracks in walls due to expensive action of roots growing under
the foundations. Roots of a tree generally spread horizontally on all sides to the extent of
height of the tree above the ground and when trees are located close to a wall these should
always be viewed with suspicion

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Chapter 3


Study on Cracks

Casting of
Curing of Cubes

Adding Steel
Testing on CTM & Glass Fibres
on other
Concrete Cubes

& Testing on CTM


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Methodology of the Work

For a better and throughout understanding a case study was carried out at O.P.

Jindal Institute of Technology, Rajgarh Chhattisgarh. OPJIT although being a fairly new
institution having started in 2008. Most of the structure in the campus including institutional
building, Hostel etc are composite structures where columns are of structural steel slabs being
RCC. This combination has led to occurrence of cracks at all the major juncture points of
steel and concrete. The use of improper design mix. Improper curing along with many other
reasons has led to different structural and non-structural cracks. For the cracks all the
prominent cracks were identified and classified on its possible causes. Subsequently remedial
measures for each of those cracks have been identified and listed. The second stage,
responsible for diagnosis, explains the influence of any information on global construction
behaviour. Continuing the last and third stage consists of prognosis that is mentions the
consequences that will arise if the corrective measures for problem elimination are not made,
indicating what are these if the corrective measures to be executed in the building. In the
month of July 2014, the main building of the college and as well as all the internal rooms was
inspected carefully and each type of cracks were photographed and recorded for the further
The cracks have been categorised on the basis of
a) Thin:- less than 1 mm in width
b) Medium:- 1 to 2 mm in width
c) Wide:- more than 2 mm in width

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Figure 10:- Cracks Below Window Sill Level

Width - above 3 mm
Type- wide crack
Probable causes- Settlement of soil, shrinkage
Construction or overloading

Figure 11:- Cracks at Juncture of Slab and Steel Beam

Width- above 2mm
Type- non-structural, wide crack
Probable causes- due to joint occur between two walls

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Figure 12:- Cracks at Juncture of brickwork and Steel column

Width- below 1 mm
Type- thin crack, non-structural
Probable causes- less bonding between cement and steel, improper curing, shrinkage of slab
and thermal variation

Figure 13:- Vertical Cracks in wall

Width- between 1 mm to 2 mm
Type- non-structural, medium
Probable causes- temperature variations, shrinkage and moisture changes

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Figure 14:- Cracks at corner

Width- above 5mm
Type- gap crack
Probable cause- improper cantilevering, due to joint and heavy exposure to water

Figure 15:- Cracks at beam

Width- above 2 mm
Type- structural, medium cracks
Probable causes- due to overloading, and improper design

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Chapter 3.1

Cube Casting
Sample of Concrete
Sample of concrete for test specimen shall be taken at the mixer. Such samples shall be
obtained by repeatedly passing a scoop or pail through the discharge stream of the concrete.
The samples thus obtained shall be mixed on a non-absorbent base with shovel until it is
uniform in appearance

Number of samples to be taken depends on the quantity of concrete. As per IS-456, the
following table shall be followed during sampling

Quantity of concrete in the work

Number of samples
1-5 1
6-15 2
16-30 3
31-50 4

4 plus one additional sample for each

51 and above
additional 50 m3 or part thereof

Table 1:- No of sample taken on the quantity of concrete

Procedure for Casting of Concrete Cubes

1. Clean the standard cube moulds thoroughly and tight all nuts bolts properly
2. Apply oil to all contract surface of mould
3. Size of the mould is normally from the mixing spot while concreting
4. Take the random sample from the mixing spot while concreting
5. Fill the concrete in cubes in 3 layers
6. Compact each layer with 35 nos of stroke by tamping rod
7. Finish the top surface by trowel after completion of last layer
8. Cover the mould by damp hessian cloth immediately to prevent loss of water

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9. Watch specimen should be taken from various locations of proposed concreting

10. After 24 hours remove specimen out of mould
11. While removing take care to avoid breaking of edges
12. Put coding on cubes by paint or maker, coding should be self explanatory showing site
name, concrete location, building number and date of casting
13. Submerge the specimen in clean fresh water till the time of testing
14. Test specimens for 7 days and 28 days curing
15. Average strength of cubes represents the strength of concrete of particular portion of
the structure

Figure 16:- Casting Cube mould

Figure 17:- Concrete Cube Samples

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Figure 18:- Ready Concrete Cubes

Average Strength of Concrete for various periods

Period Strength
7 days 2/3 of 28 days strength
28 days 1.0
2 months 1.1
3 months 1.16
6 months 1.2
12 months 1.24

Table 2:- Average Strength of Concrete

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Testing of cubes in Compression Testing Machine CTM

1. Enter the details of cubes in testing register
2. Weight the cube and note the figure in register
3. Cube size is 150mm cube, then the volume of cube concrete is (150 x150 x150)=
0.003375 cubic metres
4. Check the dates of casting and testing for 7 and 28 days
5. Place the cube in testing machine, so that the load is applied to the opposite side of the
cube as cast
6. Record the maximum load applied to the specimen
7. Observe the appearance of concreted with the failure and note the same
8. Calculate compressive strength= ( maximum load at failure) / ( contact area of the
9. Take average strength of specimen cubes
10. This average strength represents the strength of concrete particular portion of the
11. Prepare the test report and submit to higher authorities

Figure 19 :- Cube placed in CTM machine

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Chapter 4

Result & Discussion

As the pronouncing is going “prevention is better than remedy” we always find ways to keep
away from the problems resulting from cracking by way of adopting good enough substances
and strategies, right layout and effective specs and supervision. The preliminary matters that
need to be taken care of to avoid the phenomena of cracking are as follows

a) Stitching:
Stitching is a manner of drilling of holes on each the edges of crack in which grouting
is done with the assist of U-formed steel devices that covers the crack. When cracks
are fashioned the tensile energy is relatively misplaced, on the way to advantage this
misplaced tensile energy sewing is used, at the side of the drilling of holes, this system
also entails cleansing the holes and filling the holes with the grout having significant
bonding power

Stitching is a permanent structural repair for cracked masonry and wall reinforcement.
Simple and effective, our crack stitching repair process involves rods that are grouted
across cracks in walls in order to reconnect and strengthen masonry

Figure 20:- Stitching

b) Steel Fibre Reinforcement Concrete:

The use of steel fibres has led to the improvement of the concrete’s mechanical
properties such as materials toughness in tension and also durability. Many types of
steel fibres are used for concrete reinforcement. Round fibres are the most common
type and their diameter ranges from 0.25 to 0.75 mm. The main advantage of

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deformed fibres is their ability to distribute uniformly within the matrix

Steel Fibre Reinforcement Concrete (SFRC) can in general produced using
conventional concrete practice, though there are obviously some important
differences. The basic problems is to introduce a sufficient volume of uniformly
dispersed to achieve the desired improvements in mechanical behaviour, while
retaining sufficient workability in the fresh mix to permit proper mixing, placing and
finishing. The performances oh the hardened concrete is enhanced more by fibres with
a higher aspect ratio, since this improves the fibre mixed bond.

Figure 21:- Steel Fibre Reinforcement Concrete (SFRC)

c) Glass Fibre Reinforcement Concrete:

Glass Fibre Reinforcement Concrete (GFRC) is a type of fibre reinforced concrete.
Glass fibre concerted are mainly used for plastics materials to increase tensile
strength, creep resistance, impact resistance, dimensional stability, heat and chemical
reactions. Due to use of glass fibres in a concrete matrix a lot of properties such as
crack distribution and crack development in the concrete can be improved. Glass
fibres are able to improve the flexural strength due to their high tensile strength

Figure 22:- Glass Fibre Reinforcement Concrete (GFRC)

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Chapter 5


1. Research paper 1:- Samiksha Semwal, Sushmita Dhonriyal, Rakhi Negi, Prateek
Gangwar, Anoop Bahuguna (2020) “ Cracks IN BUILDING AND THEIR
REMEDIES” bridges by Shri V.K.Raina
2. Research paper 2:-Mulla Fayaz (2018) “ Study on Causes & Control of Cracks In A
Structure” for construction by Shri V.K.Raina
3. Research paper 3;- Rishabh Pathak, Deepak Rastangi (2015) “Case study on cracks
in Public Building and their Remedies” Concrete Handbook of building construction
by Shri M.M.Goyal
4. Research paper 4:- Kishore Kunal, Namesh Killemsetty (2014) “ Study on control of
cracks in a Structure through Visual Identification & Inspection” https://
5. Fig 1:-
6. Fig 2:-
7. Fig 3:-
8. Fig 4:-
9. Fig 5:-
10. Fig 6:-
11. Fig 7:-
12. Fig 8:-
13. Fig 9:-
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14. Fig 10:-

15. Fig 11:-
16. Fig 12:-
17. Fig 13:-
18. Fig 14:-
19. Fig 15:-
20. Fig 16:-
21. Fig 17:-
22. Fig 18:-
23. Fig 19:- -
24. Fig 20:-
25. Fig 21:-
26. Fig 22:-

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