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Possibilities of tourism In nepal

Submitted by :

Abiral chand

Blue zone

Kathmandu school of law

Submitted to:

Asst. Prof. Rajeeb Bista

Kathmandu school of law

Purbanchal university

I,Abiral chand,hereby, declare that this essay paper entitled

“Possibilities of tourism in nepal ”submitted for the terminal
evaluation of BALLB first year,under the faculty of law,
Purbanchal University, Is my orginal work.
I would like to express my sincere gratitute to my teacher Rajiv
bista and my institution for support for completion of this
Tourism means temporary movement of people from their usual environment where they live; perform
different activities to new environment for various purposes like adventure, recreation activities,
business, etc for specific period of time. Tourism are of two types ie; domestic tourism and international
tourism. The concept of tourism was developed after the Second World War to improve the economic
situation of the country. In today’s world tourism is recognized as a chief industries and every country
tries to get maximum benefit from tourism. Tourism is the main source of foreign exchange and major
source of income for various developing countries like Nepal.

From the perspective of tourism industry, Nepal has a great potential to become a top destination for
tourist as a nation is famous for its natural beauty like big mountains, abundant flora and fauna,
adventurous trekking routes along with rich and diverse culture and heritage. It is a land of discovery
and unique experience. Nepal is blessed by nature and beautiful culture, each year large number of
tourist visits Nepal to explore those beauty , so the possibilities of tourism is very bright.

Natural beauty
Nepal is a country with plenty of natural beauty. Various number of tourist visit here to see the eye
catching view of snowcapped mountains, waterfalls, attractive caves, pleasant lakes etc.

World heritage sites

UNESCO World Heritage Sites has listed four sites in Nepal. Among them two are in culture category ie;
lumbini the birthplace of Buddha and seven monuments of Kathmandu valley within the radius of 20km
and two are in natural category ie; Chitwan and Sagarmatha National parks.

Ancient art and culture

Nepalese art, architecture, sculpture, painting, arty-crafts are rich and famous in the world. Our past,
tradition, culture are reflected on those arts. Many tourists from different part of world come to enjoy
in such areas.

Although Nepal is a small country, it is a house of different plants and animals. Out of total numbers,
8.90% of species of birds ,3.72%of butterflies , 2.8%plants ,3.96%mammals are found in Nepal. Tourist
with special interest like bird watching, safari, etc often visits Nepal.
Cultural Diversity
Nepalese culture is a fusion of different culture. Although, it is small in geography but it is a house of 125
ethnic groups of people and more than 123 languages are spoken there . Each group has their own
culture, customs, tradition, identity, language, norms and values. This cultural diversity attracts the
interest of tourist all over the world towards Nepal.

Religious Sites
People from different religions such as Hinduism, Christianity, muslims, Buddhism lives here. Temple
Pashupatinath which is world’s one of the main hindu religious sites attracts large number of pilgrims
and tourist in Nepal. And the world heritage site Lumbini, birthplace of Gautam Buddha is popular
destination for the followers of Buddhism and tourist.

Place for Adventures, Sports, Mountaineering

Nepal extends from 60m to 8848.86m from sea level, it is a suitable place for adventurous, sports. It
contains all type of land topography so different sort of tourism activities such as rafting, bungee
jumping, rock climbing, trekking, paragliding, mountaineering etc can be carried out. It invites
researcher, saints and adventures which promotes tourism.

Nepal is a small country with abundance resources. It is rich in every aspect. It has different topography
and climatic condition in various part of a country. As it has various aspects of tourism that tourist seek
while visiting any country, it could be one of the popular destination in the world.

In modern world, tourism industry has become one of the significant economic activity .It is the major
source of income of different countries. It plays a vital role in the economy of developing countries like
Nepal which is indicated by the following points.

Foreign Exchange Earning

Tourism is important source to earn foreign exchange in the Nepal. The foreign currencies earned from
tourism sector provides good amount of revenue to country in form of taxes, visa fee, entry fee , hotel
tax, etc. These foreign currencies earned from tourism helps to maintain balance of payment of country.
Tourism has become the important source in economy of Nepal. Tourism sector has contributed large
amount of sum in foreign exchange earning of country. The foreign exchange earning has been
increased in past decades due to the increase of tourist in the country.

Foreign exchange earnings from tourism, 2000/01-2019/20

Source: Nepal tourism statistics 2020

Contribution to GDP of Nepal

Tourism has a multiplier effect, it means money earn from tourism goes directly or indirectly to very
sector. It brings new money in our economy ie; increase our GDP. Tourism industry contribution has
increased from 2.6% 2013/14 to 2.8% 2014/15. The activity generate by tourism industry like hotels,
travel agents, transportation has been attracting various numbers of tourist which can lead increase in
tourist along with GDP of nation.

Income and employment

Tourism industry provides employment opportunity to large number of people directly and indirectly.
Although people get seasonal employment, it provides wide range of employment from semi-skilled to
highly skilled person. The people who provide first hand service to travelers such as travel agent,
trekking guide, taxi drivers, hotels etc are directly employed person by tourism where as construction,
entertainment industry, farming etc fall in indirect employment. Tourism sector is highly responsible for
employment of people in developing countries. During the time of earthquake and pandemic various
numbers of people became unemployed due to few numbers of tourists that affects the economy of
nation negatively.

Infrastructure development and living standard

The development of infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water supply, hotels, airports etc is
important to provide better facilities and hospitality to tourists. The investment done in such
infrastructure attracts various tourists as they got to choose different destination according to their
preference. This development activity not only facilitates the tourist but also the resident of those areas.
It helps to increase the living standard of people. The development of modern infrastructure welcomes
new economic opportunity. This increases the growth of industry and agriculture sector which brings
benefits in the economy of country.

Trade effects and local development

Tourism has a great impact on trade industry .Trade industry runs according to the interest, choice and
demand of tourist. These industry produce skillfull, handcrafts products which are highly preferred by
the foreign tourists. Due to globalization, the produced products got local and international market .It
creates market for local goods and creative skill of people got introduce to impress more number of
tourists. It helps local people to earn income which highly impacts their lifestyle and reduction of

The tourism industry has great importance in the economy of Nepal. Besides agriculture, tourism has
become the major source of employment in developing countries like Nepal. Many people are seems
too engaged in tourism sector to run their livelihood. Nepal has great potential to become the top
destination for tourist. So the advancement of nature, facilities, culture, etc will attract the large
numbers of international tourist. The study shows the positive impacts of tourism for both citizens and
government. Arrival of tourist creates opportunity for people and contributes in economy of country
directly and indirectly. The tourism industry has provides employment to 20% active population and had
contributed about 3% on the GDP of country.

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