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Which philosophical topic encountered by Hamlet do you find most


I found revenge the most interesting in Hamlet. As this play is a revenge

tragedy we get to see the consequences of Hamlet to reach the goal of getting his

revenge to avenge the death of his father. It is not only Hamlet who is seeking

revenge but also Laerters. Hamlet and Laertes are both on the same mission, and

while Hamlet is pondering his approach to the problem Laertes is determined to

kill him as Hamlet has killed his father, Polonius. This is a double revenge story.

Shakespeare explores the topic of revenge by having two approaches to

the idea. Laertes being hot-headed and abandoned, and Hamlet on the other

hand having an approach that is cautious and philosophical. The parallel values of

the two on revenge builds up to the duel where both of them die along with

Claudius. Through these two characters' parallel views and approaches,

Shakespeare is trying to communicate that the path of vengeance is a messy one

with destructive repercussions and it often snowballs and creates more damage

than the start. Which is at the end where the path leads to all of them dying along

with other innocent people to also die due to their actions through emotions but

not rationality.

Though we do not know Shakespeare's views on revenge, he allows the

idea of “revenge” and many other topics today through the works of Hamlet to be

discussed. This allows the idea of revenge in Hamlet to be more interesting than

ever, different cultures and environments have different views therefore

everyone’s opinions on revenge is different. The work of Hamlet doesn't answer

the question but asks the question.

Which philosophical topic do you feel is most relevant to you at this point in

your life?

Human Value is definitely the most relevant philosophical topic to me at this

time of life. And I believe that human values would be important to anyone at any

given time of life. Human values are lighthouses that guide us in making decisions

in life. On The basis of human values we can make choices, and these choices

can make our life conditions high or low. The quality of our life is undoubtedly

affected by our value system, as the more people learn to strive together and be a

good person, the quality of life increases.

I believe that it is the basic foundation for anyone to have in society. Any

human without values cannot be regarded as human. Everyday there are people

who don't regard value and use personal wealth to gain or even go beyond

measures to break the law to gain society's respect just for personal ego. It takes

just 5 steps to gain the same, not only respect and appreciation but most

importantly, respect for yourself. I am someone who doesn't seek respect nor

anything, I believe that it is important to 1. Be real and Honest, 2. Do not judge

anyone 3. Do not hate those who offend, but ignore them 4. Minding my own

business 5. Showing real appreciation for every good deed you get. The most

valuable thing is that none of these cost money, it is completely free.

Because of our human nature. We are so diverse, that we as species are

capable of the worst crime, or the most kind actions. We are not rational beings,
but sensible beings managed by our own wishes, that we rationalize. And by

human nature, we need others. A human is not an isolated individual, but related

to others, and in our relationships with others, there will never be enough written

rules, for make our relationships grow. We can emotionally attack a person, with

just a gesture. But it's impossible and impractical, to regulate in detail, all the

complex and diversity of human relationships. Values are what make humans

grow emotionally and in responsibility. Not laws, not Human Rights. Sadly, in

modern days, most of us are consumed by the lust of our egos, in turn become

slaves to them and make unwise decisions. The only thing that could save these

people and overcome their ego, to grow as humans, are strong values.

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