Position Level

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Factors Unskilled/ manual Office and Skilled Professionals Managers Executives /Top level managers

Workers Clerical Workers


Problem solving Involve straight forward job-

related facts or situations
Involve facts or
situations, some of
Involve a range of
technical challenges or
Involve a range of facts or situations,
which require in-depth analysis or
Involve complex facts or situations,
which require high level analysis,
Involve highly complex facts or situations,
which require high level analysis, data
/ complexity which require situations, which comparison of a range of options interpretation and comparison of a range articulation, modeling, interpretation, and
analysis. require analysis of options and decisions comparison of a range of options. and make

Communication Provide and receive routine

information orally to assist in
Provide and receive
routine information
Provide and receive
routine information
Provide and receive Provide and receive Provide and receive highly complex,
information which information which is highly sensitive or highly contentious
undertaking     orally, in writing or orally, in writing to requires tact or persuasive complex or sensitive or information, where developed persuasive,
own job. electronically to inform work skills, complex or provide direction, instruction, or training motivational, negotiating, training,
Communication is mainly with inform work colleagues, or to sensitive information, or to groups, empathic or re-assurance skills are
work colleagues colleagues, clients, receive work order. provide advice, instruction. Communication is within and/ or outside required.
Communication is Communication is within and/ or the company. i.e., top management, Communication is within and/ or outside the
within and outside the outside the company i.e., clients, clients, suppliers etc. company. i.e., castle group, government
company suppliers etc. . officials, clients, suppliers etc.

Physical Effort Require highly developed

physical skills where a high
Require minimal
physical skill,
Require highly
developed physical
Require developed physical skills Require physical skills which are
normally obtained through the use of
Require minimal work-related physical skills.
to fulfil duties where there is a
degree of precision or speed and advanced keyboard skills where a high specific requirement for speed or some tools and types of equipment.
high levels of hand, eye and use, and high levels degree of precision or accuracy.
sensory co-ordination are of hand, eye speed and high
essential. coordination are levels of hand, eye
essential. and sensory co-
ordination are
essential for
manipulation of fine
tools or materials
Mental Effort Require general awareness and
sensory attention
Require general
awareness and
Require specific
technical awareness
Require frequent concentration where
the work pattern is unpredictable, or
Require frequent and prolonged
concentration, or
Require frequent and intense concentration for
prolonged hours.
sensory attention, an and sensory there is an occasional requirement for there is an occasional requirement for
occasional attention, an prolonged concentration. intense concentration
requirement for occasional
concentration where requirement for
the work pattern is concentration where
predictable with few the work pattern is
competing demands somehow predictable
for attention with competing
demands for

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