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Son Oeda Llnfversity CoJ!egtJ or Law ~ RGCT Bar Operatlons C<mter

a. fmployment or occupation; drops, or other electric service wires, without

b. Qegree of intelligence, physical condition; previous authority or consent of the private
and electric utility or rural electric cooperative
c. Qther circumstances regarding persons, concerned;
time and place (Id. at 1:321 ). b. Tapping, making or causing to be macie any
connectio11 to ll1e exi:;tin9 electric service
ELEMENTS OF SIMPLE IMPRUDENCE: facilities of any duly registered consumer
(LaNot) · without the latter's or the electric utility's
r.onsP.nt or authority;
1. · There is Lack of µrecaution on the part of the c. Tampering, installing or using a tampered
offender; and ·
electrical meter, jumper, current reversing
2. The damage impending to be caused is Not
transformer, shorting or sliunting wire, loop
immediate nor the danger clearly manifest
connection or any other device which
(REYES, Book Two, supra at"1334). interferes with the proper or accurate
registry or mP.tering of electric current or
otherwise results in .its diversion in a manner
SPECIAL PENAL LAWS whereby electricity is stolen or wasted;
d. · Damaging or destroying an electric meter,
equipment, wire or conduit or allowing any
SUMMARYOF of them to be so damaged or destroyed as
to interfere with the proper or accurate
ELEMENTS metering of electric current; and '
e. Knowingly using or receiving the direct
benefit of electric service obtained through
any .Qf the acts mentioned in subsections
, ,: (<;1),·(b), (c), and (d) above.
ACTOF2016 _... 2 .. Theft of Electric Transmission Lines and
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1 fi"8~3 Materials::_ (Sec. 3)
a. Cutting, sr1wino, slicing, separating,
splitt1rig, severing, smelting, or removing
any electric power transmission
ELEMENTS: (TIB-CoVIF), , 'Jine/mate[iafor meter from a tower, pole, or
'any other installation or place of installation
1. There is an actual Iaking of the vetJicle;
or any other place or site where it may be
2. The offender !ntends to gain from the takiny uf
the vehicle; ·· rightfully or lawfully stored, deposited, kept,
stocked, inventoried, situated or located,
_3. The vehicle _§elongs to a person other than t/le
without the consent of the owner, whether o·r
offender himself;·
not the act is done for profit or gain;
4. The taking is without the Consent ofJ!,e owner
b. I oking, carrying away or removing or
thereof; or that the taking was committed by
trnnsferring, with or without the use of a
means of Yiolence against or lntimidation of
motor vehicle or other means of
persons, or by using .Eorce upon things (People
conveyance, any electric power
v. Garcia, G.R. No. 138470, April 1, 2003).
trnnsmission line/material or meter from cJ
tower, pole, any ot11er installation or place of
installation, or any place or site where it may
be rightfully or lawfully stored, deposited,
ANTI-ELECTRICITY AND kept, stocked, inventoried. situated or
ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION located without the consent of the owner,
LINES MATERIALS whether or not the act is done for profit or
PILFERAGE ACT OF 1994 c. Storing, possessing or otherwise keeping in
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7832 his premises, custody or control. any electric
power transmission line/material or meter
wi'.hout the co11sent of the owner, whether or
not the act is done for profit or gain; and
PUNISHABLE ACTS: d. Loading, carrying. shipping or moving from
1. Illegal Use of Electricity (Sec. 2) one place to another, whether by land, air or
a. T3pping, muking or causing to be mad8 ;:,ny son. uny electrical powteI lrc1rrsnrlssion
connection with overhead lines, service line/material, whether or not the act is done
• '_h, ' ' ' • ' '


Criminal Law

for profit or gain, without first securing a 25. Gathering and Marketing of Shell Fishes or
clearance/permit for the said purpose from Other Aquatic Species (Sec. 110)
its owner or the National Power Corporation 26.- Obstruction to Navigation or Flow or Ebb of Tide
(NPC) or its regional office concerned, as in any Stream, River, Lake or Bay (Sec. 111)
the case may be. 27. Noncompliance with Good Aquaculture
Practices (Sec. 112)
28. Commercial Fishing Vessel Operators
Employing Unlicensed Fisherfolk, Fishworker or
THE PHILIPPINE Crew (Sec. 113) .
29, Obstruction of Defined Migration Paths (Sec.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8550, 30. Obstruction to Fishery Law Enforcement (Sec.
31. Noncompliance with Fisheries Observer
, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10654 Coverage (Sec. 116)
32. Noncompliance with Port State Measures (Sec.
33. Failure to Comply with Rules and Regulations on
PUNISHABLE ACT$: Conservation and Management Measures (Sec.
1. Unauthorized Fishing (Sec_ 86) • ,,, 118)
2. Engaging in Unauthorized Fisheries_ Activities ~4. fJohcqmpliance with Vessel Monitoring
(Sec. 87) _. • ••- : . · . , Measures (Sec. 119)
3. Failure to Secure Fishing f>e'rrr\it Prior• to . · .. :35_. Construtti'hg, Importing or Converting Fishing
Engaging in Distant Water Fh:;hing (Sec.. 88) Vessels .,-or- Gears. Without Permit from the
4. Unreported Fishing (Sec. 8~} Depa'rtineht (Sec. 120)
5. Unregulated Fishing (Sec.,90} ·-. _ _ -· _• 36. Use ufbnlit'timse!;l Gear (Sec. 121)
6_ Poaching in Philippine Waters (Ser.. 91) 37. Falsjfyin~Lcfonce~ling or Tampering with Vessel
7. Fishing Through ExploDivcs; Noxious _ or ..·. M~r~ings, ld~r,itity Qr Registration (Sec. 122)
Poisonous Subst;_:rnr.e, Fier:tr:icity (Sic: 92) 38. Confealing; _Tarr1pering or rn~rosing of
8_ Use of Fine Mesh Net {Sic. 93) . . Evicfence F\elating: to an Investigation of a
9_ Fishing in Overexploit~d Mc1f!c1g(;)rr1c=;r1l Areas · Violl;ltion (Si.k. 12~),.
(Sec. 94) ; • .: ' .. · 39. Noncornpliahce with the Requirements for the
1Q_ Use of Active Gear in M\.micip91 Water.s;, Bays I ntrdduction of f;oreign or Exotic Aquatic
and Other Fishery Managertie·nt'f-reas (Sec. 95) Species ($~c. 124,j
11 _ Ban on Coral Exploitatiorl~md Exportation (Sec. 40: Failure to Comply with Standards and Trade-
96) - Related"Measures (Sec. 125)
12_ Ban on Muro-ami, Other Methods and Gear 41. Pm~sessing, Dealing in or Disposing Illegally
Destructive to Coral Reefs and Other Marine Ca-~ighf"or Taken Fish (Sec. 126)
Habitat (Sec. 97) 42. Unauthorized Disclosure of Sensitive Technical
13. Illegal Use of Superlighls or Fishing Light .- lnforina'iion (Sec 127)
Attractor (Sec. 98) 43. 0ther Violations (Sec. 128)
14. Conversion of Mangroves (Sec. 99)
15. Fishing During Closed Season (Sec. 100)
16. Fishing in Marine Protected Areas, Fishery
Reserves, Refuge and Sanctuaries (Sec. 101) ANTI-f'ENCING LAW OF 1979
17. Fishing or Taking of Rare, Threatened or
Endangered Species (Sec. 102) PRESIDENTIAL DECREE
18. Capture of Sabalo and Other NO. 1612
Breeders/Spawners (Sec. 103)
19. Exportation of Breeders, Spawners, Eggs or Fry
(Sec. 104)
20. Importation or Exportation of Fish or Fishery ELEMENTS: {CAKI)
Species (Sec. 105) 1. A ~rime of robbery or theft has been cornrnille<..f;
21. Violation of Harvest Control Rules (Sec. 1 06) 2. The accused, who is not a principal or
22. Aquatic Pollution (Sec. 107) accomplice in the commission of the crime of
23. Failure to Comply with Minimum Safety robbery or theft, buys, receives, possesses.
Standards (Sec. 108) keeps, 8cquires. conceals. sells or disposes, or
24. Failure lo Submit a Yearly Report on All buys and sells; or in any manner deals in any
Fishponds, Fish Pens, and Fish Cages (Sec. article, item, object or anything of value, which
f&rlZm \ /

San Bede University Conegr: of t.flw - ROr.T f:IAr ll~mtkin<i C'ente-r
,;', ·

has been derived from the proceeds of the said

3. The accused Knows or should have known that
the said article, item, object or anything of value
has been derived from the proceeds of the crime NO. 1689
of robbery or theft;
4. There is, on the part of the accused, !ntent to
gai11 fur lrirnself or for another ((;ahulogan vs,
Peop/A, GR No, 225695, March 21, 2018). ELEMENTS:
1. Estafa or other forms of swindling under Artie/es
315 to :; 18 of the Revised Penal Code is
BOUNCING CHECKS LAW .2. It is committed by a syndicate of five or more
· BATAS PAMBANSA BLG. 22 persons; and
3. Defraudation results in the misappropriation of
moneys contributed by stockholders, or
members of rural banks, cooperative,.samahang
nayon, or farmers' associations, or funds
PUNISHABLE ACTS: solicited by corporations/associations from the
1. Making or drawing and issuing a check knowing general public (People v. Tibayan, G.R. Nos.
at the time of issue that he does not have 209655-60, January 15, 2015).
sufficient funds (B.P. Big. 22, Sec. 1, Par. 1).

B. That a por~on ,Makes or draws and .,."MIGRANT WORKERS AND
any check
b. That the check is made or drawn arwUssued
to apply on' Account or value; ' ' ' for . ••··• OF1995
c. That the person Knows that aCtt}t;):time of REHlmLIC ACT NO. 8042,
issue lie <.Ives not have sufficieritfunds iri or ·
credit with the drawee bank fbr' thet,1)''1111ent _/A!s AMENDED BY
of such check upon its presentmenf; and REPUBLIC
'":?.~-£,;__;,-. ,-~ :.·; :..,,:·_i·~ ,' ::;:~:-i:-f;.~.
ACT NO. 10022
d. That the check is subseqliently Q,1Sf1onored_ < t~>'.

by the drawee bank for insufficiencyctif funds_

or credit or would have been.di~l)cihqi-ed for
tho same reason had not the d1awer, Without
any valid reason, ordered the bc1nk to stop
payment (REYES, Book Two, supra at 86j-
M~. .
1. The offender undertakes either any activity
within the meaning of "recruitment and
2. Failing to keep sufficient funds or to mainta!n placement" defined under Article 13(b), or any
credit to cover the full amount of the check (B.P. of the prohibited practices enumerated under
Big. 22, Sec 1, Par. 2). Ari. 34 of the Labor Code
2. He has no valid license or authority required by
ELEMENTS: (S90D5) law to enable one to lawfully engage in
a. That a person has §ufficient funds with the recruitment and placement of workers; and
drawee bank when he makes or draws and 3. The illegal recruitment is committed by a group
issues a check; of-three (3) or more persons conspiring or
b. That he fails to keep sufficient funds or to confederating with one another (People v.
maintain a credit to cover the full amount if Gallo, G.R. No. 187730, June 29, 2010).
presented within a µeriod of 90 days from
the date appearing thereon;
PROHIBITED ACTS (R.A. 8042, Sec. 6 as
c. That the check is Dishonored by the drawee
bank (REYES, Book Two, supra at 862); amended by R.A. No. 10022, Sec. 5)
and When any person, regardless of whether he is holder
d. After receiving such written notice and of a license or authority, performs any of the
demand. refuses or fails to pi:ly the value of following prohibited acts:
the check within .§ banking days (FEST/N, 1. To charge or accept directly or indirectly any
SPL, supra at 157). amount greater than that specified in the
schedule of allowable fees prescribed by the
ml!m!iim \ /
. . '

Son Beda Unfversity Collage of law - OOCT Bar Operations Ct;Jnter ,-~ )
~' : ': ,; <
. 389

Filipino worker or deduct from his or her salary ACTS PUNISHABLE UNDER SEC. 28
the payment of the cost of insurnnce fees, and 29
premium or other ins11rnnce reiated charges, -as
Unlawful acquisition or possession of firearms
provided under the compulsory wo,kur's
and ammunition (Sec. 28),
insurance coveI8ye.
2. Use of loose firearm, when inherent in the
commission. of a crime; shall be considered as
an aggravating circumstance (Sec. 29).
NO. 1602, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8049,

Illegal Numbers Game is any form of illegal gambling ELEMENTS: (ESP)

activity which uses numbers or combinations thereof 1. A person is placed in some gmbarrassing or
as factors in giving out jackpots (R.A. No. 9287, Sec humiliating situation or §_ubjected to physical cir
2). These are: psychological suffering or injury; and
1. Jueteng 2. These acts were employed as a frerequisite for
An illegal numbers game that involves the the person's admission or entry into an
combination of thirty-seven (37) numbers ., .. • ;,; :ornclni?fl:frfon (People v. Bayabos, G .R. No . .
against thirty-seven (37) numbers from number 17i22i';;i;t()bruary 18, 2015).
~ .-;..
one (1) to thirty seven (37) or the corJibihation of
thirty-eight (38) numbers in some ari',as,.serving PUNISHABLI; ACTS: (PFAC)
as a form of local lottery where bets are. placed
1. farticjpatlbn ir the hazing;
and accepted per combination, and its variants.
2. Eailute tq pre,yent the hazing from occurring
df;:~P.Jt~,.?-9~H,.-. · ,wledge thereof;
2. Masiao
An illegal numbers game wherethe winning
3. ~d4~J:ei~n~L the ~azing; and .
4. .Q_ooperatIoh in carrying out the hazing by
combination is derived from thefesuits of the inducing the victim to t:>e present thereat (R.A.
last game of Jai Alai or the Special Llave portion ·• , ,:N.9- 8049, Sec. 4).
or any result thereof bc1scd on any f1Ctitious Jai
Alai game consisting of ten (10) players pitted
against one anothBr, and its variants.
3. Last Two
An illegal numbers game where the winning DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT
combination is derived from the last two (2) OF2002
numbers of the first prize nf the winning
Sweepstakes ticket which comes out during the
weekly draw of the Philippine Charity AS AMENDED BY
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), and its variants. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10640


FIREARMS AND R.A. No. 9165: (ST AD 3 T)
AlVIMUNITION 1. §.ale of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and/or
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals
a. The !dentity of the buyer and the seller, the
AND R.A. N0.8294 object and the consideration of the sale; and
'' ' '\


Criminal Law

b. The Qelivery of the thing sold and the have any financial or material interest in any
payment therefor (People v. Vil/af)ermosa, transaction requiring the approval of their office.
G.R. No. 186465, June 2, 2011). 2. Qutside employment and other activities related
2. Irading - Transactions involving the illegal thereto. - Public officials and employees during
trafficking of dangerous drugs and/or controlled their incumbency shall not:
precursors and essential chemicals using a. Own, control, manage or . accept
electronic devices such as, but riot limited to, employment as officer, · employee,
text messages, email, mobile or landlines, two- consultaf)t, counsel, broker, agent, trustee
way radios, internet, instant messengers and or nominee in any private enterprise
chat rooms or acting as a broker in any of such regulated, supervised or licensed by their
transactions whether for money or any other office unless expressly·alfowed by law;
consideration in violation of this Act (R.A. No. b. Engage in the private practice of their
9165, Sec. 3, Par.jj). profession unless authorized by the
3. ~dministration. - Any act of introducing any Constitution or law, provided, that such
dangerous drug into the body of any person, with practice will not conflict or tend to conflict
or without his/her knowledge, by injection, with their official functions; or
inhalation, ingestion or other means; or of c. Recommend any person to any position in a
committing any act of indispensable assistance private enterprise which has a regular or
to a person in administering a dangerous drug to pending official transaction with their office.
himself/herself unless administered by a duly -3, . Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential
licensed practitioner for purposes of ryied19ation : information. - Public officials and employees
(R.A. No. 9165, Sec. 3, Par. a). ,. ' . ;... st,iaU•nolc,yse or divulge, confidential or classified
4. Qispensation -Any act of givingwaway, s.ellin,g: or·. ··• infor/naliortofficially known to them by reason of
distributing medicine or any d,?Tlg°Elrpu's 9rdg with their'offi9e"arid not made available to the public,
or without the use of prescriptign (ff!?,/No.,9165; either; . . ·.
SRr. . .1, PM. m). ,; . . .. a. ·:To ''turthe·r thP-ir priw1t8 int8msts, nr oivP.
5. _Qelivery - Any act of ;knowingly PflSSing a undue_ advantage to anyone; or
dangerous drug to a.nether,;. persQnal_ly or b. To preh.1di¢e t~e public interest.
otherwise, and by any [means, with 6r wi,thout 4. §olicitation , or .. accieptance of gifts. - Public
consideration (R.A No.(9{65, 9ec. 3, par. k). officials and employees shall not solicit or
6. Distribution of DD and/or GP/EC; and.:· accept, directlf'or indirectly, any gift, gratuity,
7. fransportation of DD a1citor Ci?/EC. · favor, entertainnje'nt, loan or anything of
monetary val@frorn any person in the course of
POSSESSION OF DANGERQUS'DRUGS their official duties or in connection with any
(Sec. 11) operation being regulated by, or any transaction
which niay be affected by the functions of their
1. The accused is in _Eossession of an item or
object, which is !dentified to be prohibit~d or
regulated drug; ·
2. Such possession is _t!ul c:1ul11uiiLeLl by law,anu
3. The accused freely and fonsciously possessed·
the drug (People v. Trinidad, GR. No. 199898, PRACTICES ACT
September 3, 2014). REPUBLIC ACT NO. 3019,
EMPLOYEES 1. Persuading, inducing or influencing another
public officer to perform an· act constituting a
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6713 Y.iolation of rules and regulations duly
promulgated by competent aut~ority or an
offense in connection with the official duties of
the latter, or allowing himself to be persuaded,
PROHIBITED ACTS AND induced,' or influenced to commit such violation
TRANSACTIONS (Sec. 7): (FOOS) or offense {R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 3. Par. a);
1. finonciol Gnd motoriol intoroct. · Public offir.i:il,,
and employees shall not, directly or indirectly, \ '
San Boda University College of LBw - RGCT Bar Operations Cantor

ELEMENTS: (PAV) or other pecuniary or material benefit for

a. The offender is a fublic officer; himself or for another (Tecson v.
b. The offender persuades, induces, or Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 123045,
influences Another public officer to perform November 16, 1999).
an act or the offender allows himself to be
persuaded, induced, or influenced to commit 4 Accepting or having any member of his family
.:in rict; and ;:icceµt !;_111ploymant in a private enterprise which
c. The act performed by the other public officer has pending offlclal business with him during the
or committed by the offender constitutes a pendency thereof or within one ( 1) year after its
Yiolation of rules and regulations duly termination (R./\. No. 3019, Sec . .1, Pai: d);
prornulgated by comreh=mt authority or an
otteneo In connoction with the official duly of 5. Causing any !,!ndue injury to any party, including
the latter (Ampi/ v. Office of the the governrpent, or giving any private party any
Ombudsman, G.R. No. 192685, July 31, unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference
2013). in the discharge of his official, administrative or
judicial functions through manifest partiality'.
2. Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any evident bad faith or gross inexcusable
Q.ift, present, share, percentage, or benefit, for negligence. This provision shall apply to officers
himself or for any other person, in connection and employees of offices or Government
with any contract or transaction between the corporations charged with the grant of licenses
government and any other party, wherein the or permits or other concessions (R.A. No. 3019,
public officer in his official capacity has to Sec. 3, Par. e);
intervene under the law (R.A. No. 3019, Sec. $';; ·
Par. b); · · · H< ELEMENTS: (P 2 U2A)
f· a. That. the accused are Public officers or
ELEMENTS: (ORB-CR) ,; ; )i? • •·· prjyatj;l persons charged iii conspiracy with
a. The Qffender is a public officer; ·'-/ ·tttem';;
b. Who _!!cquested or received'''B · gift, a b. That S,iJid public officers committed the
prci::cnt, a 3hare, a percentage, i:,,r Y.~riefH; . frqhibit~rl acts during the performance of
c. On §ehalf of the offender pr aFJY,: other theiir ;official duties or in relation to their
person; . public positions;
d. In Connection with a contract 0l'll.:111saction c. I hat they caused !,!ndue injury to any party,
with the government; an.if . . ·-. · }.',(t'tetb'e(11}~;c.Government or a private party;
e. In which the public officer. in arf,;official d. Th~(isuch· injury was caused by giving
capacity under the law, ti'as. the _Bight to. !,!nwarranted benefits, advantage · or
intervene (GRrr.ia v:
Sandiganb,ayai,; G.R. preference to ~ut.:11 parties; And
No. 15[i[i74, Nuvfdmber 20, 200$). · . Tbal lhe public officers ~cted with manifest
partiality, evident bad faith or gross
3. Directly or indirectly requesting or rec;ei_ving any inexcusable negligence (Dela Chica v.
gift, rm'lsent or other ·pecuniary 0rY•h1otoriel Sandigc111buyan, G.R. No. -f44823,
benefit, for himself or for another, from any December B, 2003).
person for whom the public officer, in any
manner or capacity has secured or obtained, or 6. t!eglecting or refusing, after due demand or
will secure or obtain, any government fermit or request, without sufficient justification, to act
license, in consideration for the help given or to within reasonable time on any matter pending
be given, without prejudice to Sec. 13 of this Act before him for the purpose of obtaining, directly
(R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 3, Par. c); or indirectly, from any person interested in the
matter some pecuniary or material benefit or
ELEMENTS: (PSe-HeRe) advantage, or for .the purpose of favoring his
a. That the offender is a Eublic officer; own interest or giving undue advantage in favor
b. That in any manner or capacity he has of or discriminating against any other interested
Secured or obtained, or would secure or party (R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 3, Par. f);
obtain, for a person any government permit
or license; ELEMENTS: (PORN)
c. That he requested or received the gift, a. The offender is a E_ublic officer;
present or other pecuniary or material b. Such failure to act is for the purpose of
benefit in consideration for Help given or to Q_btaining, directly or indirectly, from any
be given; and person intere:,ted in the matter some
d. That he directly or indirectly Requested or pecuniary or material benefit or advantage
received from s;:iid person any gift, present in favor of c1n interested party, or
',. ! ' ' . , . ,•


I • ,1) I Criminal Law

discriminating against another interested not qualified for or not legally entitled to such
party; license, permit, privilege or advantage, or of a
c. Reasonable time has elapsed from such mere representative or dummy of one who is not
demand or request without the public officer qualified or entitled (R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 3, Par.
having acted on the matter pending before j);
him; and 10. Qivulging valuable information of a confidential
d. The said officer has _lieglected or has character, acquired by his office or by him on
refused to act without sufficient justification account of his official position lo unauthorized
after due demand or request has been made persons, or rejeasing such information in
on him (Sa/vacion v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. advance of its authorized release date (R.A. No.
No. 175006, November 27, 2008). 3019, Sec. 3, Par. k).

7. Entering on behalf of the Government, into any PROHIBITION ON PRIVATE

contract or transaction manifestly and grossly INDIVIDUALS: (AIKI)
.Qisadvantageous to the same, whether or not
the public officer profited or will profit thereby 1. Taking ~dvantage of family or close personal
{R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 3, Par. g); relation with public official who has to Jntervene
in some business, transaction, application,
request or contract of the government with any
other person; by directly or indirectly requesting
a. That the accused is a Eublic officer;
or,.receiving any preserit, gift, or material or
b. That he .!;_ntered into a contract or
transaction on behalf of the goverrii'nent; p9.cupi~ry advantage from such public official.
and . 2_. Jinowingly !nducing or causing any public official
c. That such contract or transaction, is.gfossly to, commitany of the offenses defined in Sec. 3
and manifest!{ .Qisadvantageous to· the of this Act (R.A No. 3019, Sec. 4).
government (Braza v.Bandiganbayan, G.R;
No. 195032, February 20, 2013). PROHIBITION ON CERTAIN RELATIVES:
The spouse cir 'ariy' rl:llative, by consanguinity or
8. Directly or indirectly having financial or affinity, within tn_e third civil degree, of the President,
pecuniary !nterest in any business, contract or the Vice-President, Senate President, or the
transaction in connection with which he Speaker_ of the-·- House of Representatives of the
intervenes or takes part in his officiaLcapc1city, Philippines is prohibited to intervene directly or
or in which he is prohibited by the Constitution indirectly, in any business, tr~nsaction; contract or
or by any law from having any interest (R.A. No. application with the government.
3019, Sec. 3, Par. h);
ELEMENTS: (PF-TIP) 1. Any person who, prior to the assumption of office
a. That the accused is a Eublic; officer; ofany'of those officials to whom he is related,
b. That he has a direct or indirect financial or has been already dealing with the government
pecuniary interest in any business, contract along the same line of business;
or transaction; and 2. Any transaction, contract or application already
c. He either: existing or pending at the time of such
i. Jakes part or !ntervenes in his official assumption of public office;
capacity in connection with such 3. Any application filed by him, the approval of
interest; or which is not discretionary on the part of the
ii. Is Erohibited from having such interest official or officials concerned but depends upon
by the Constitution or by any law (Teves compliance with the requisites provided by law,
v. COMELEC, GR No. 180363, April or rules or regulations issued pursuant to law;
28, 2009). and ·
'1. Any act lawfully performed in an official capacity
9. Directly or indirectly becoming !nterested, for or in the exercise of a profession (R.A. No. 3019,
personal gain, or having material interest in any Sec. 5).
transaction or act requiring the approval of a
board, panel or group of which he is a member; PROHIBITION ON MEMBERS OF
and which exercises discretion in such approval. CONGRESS: UNLAWFIL ACTS
even if he votes against the same or does not
1. Member of Congress: To acquire or receive any
participate in the action of the board, committee,
personal pecuniary interest in any specific
panel or group (R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 3, Par. i);
business enterprise which will be directly and
Knowingly approving or granting any _bicense,
particularly favored or benefited by any law or
permit, privilege or benefit in favor of any person
resolution authored by him previously approved
fZ'iE1llD \ /

San Boda Univorolty Collogci of low •- nocr Oer Oper&tion9 Cento,

or adopted by the Congress; PLUNDER

2. Any other public officer who recommended the Any public officer who, by hirnself or .in connivance
initiation in Congress of the enactment or with members of his family, relatives by affinity or
adoption of any law or resolution: To acquire or consanguinity, business associates, subordinates or
receive any such interest during his other persons, amasses, accumulates or acquires ill-
incumbency; gotten wealth through a combination or series of
3. Both member of Congress and publir. officer: If overt criminal acts as described in Section 1(d}
he/she has an interest prior to the approval of hereof in the aggregate amount or total value of at
such law or resolution authored or least Fifty million pesos (PS0,000,000.00} shall be
recommended by him, continues for thirty (30) guilty of the crime of plunder ::ind shall be punished
days after such approwil to retAin such interest by reclusion perpetua to death. Any person who
(R.A. No. 3019, Sec. 6). participated with the said public officer in _the
commission of an offense contributing to the crime
of plunder shall likewise be punished for such
offense (Sec. 2, as amended by Sec. 12 of R.A No.
R.A. NO. 7659


Any asset, property, business enterprise or mater,lt:l~}}f~
possession of any person within the purvi§W of}}
Section 2 hereof, acquired by him -,f!,if.bctly _or ,
indirectly through dummies, nomine~~. agents;\'
subordinates arnl/01 business assocl~!es;:!qy . any
combinatio11 or series of the follq)Nirig aj~~:i'i$ or .
:-ii111il1-1r Sr.hemes: (MRS-MAC) ·" ,...., ". :: ,,,,.,.• '' J fj \ ING OFFENSES
1. Through .M_i~appropriati?n,aQ9riVt?$]0~/!:1isl!,~~ DED)
or malversat1on of public funds or rari:fs,on thf;r. 1. Mo .. g is committed by any person
~·(:'.'.'·:·, . :

public treasury; ~, .. .i ' , wllu, !mowing that any monetary 111i;lru111ent or

:2. By Receiving, directly or indirectly, any property represents, involves, or relates to the
commission, gift, share, percentage, kickbacks """ eeds of any unlawful activity: (TC 2 A2 P)
or any other form of pecuniary beneflHr-om ~PX, >, 3ahsacts said monetary instrument or
person and/or entity in connection. with}ifiy property;
government contract/project or by re'asor:i <Jf the b. Converts transfers, disposes of, moves,
. office/position; · · ·· acquires,' possesses, or uses said monetary
3. By obtaining, receiving or accepting, directly or instrument or property;
indirectly, any ~hares of stock, equity or any c. Conceals or disguises the true nature,
other form of interest or participation including source, location, disposition, movement or
promisP. nf f11t11re employment in any bui;;iness ownership of or rights with respect to said
enterprise or undertaking; monetary instrument or property;
4. By establishing agricultural, industrial or d. ~!tempts or conspires to commit money
commercial Monopolies or other combinations launderin·g offenses referred to in
and/or imp~menting decrees and orders paragraphs (a), (b), or (c);
intended to benefit particular persons or special e. ~ids, abets, assists in or counsels the
interests; commi88ion of thn money laundering
5. By taking undue {ldvantage ot ott1c1al position, ottenses referred to iri paragraphs (a), (b},
authority, relationship, connection or influence to or (c} above; and
unjustly enrich himself or themselves at the f. Performs or fails to perform any act as a
expense and to the damage and prejudice of the result of which he facilitates the offense of
Filipino people and the Republic of the money laundering referred to in paragraphs
Philippines; or (a), (b), or (c) above.
6. [3y the illegal or fraudulent fonveyance or 2. Money laundering is also committed by any
disposition of assets . belonging to the covered person who, knowing that a covered or
government (R.A. No. 7080, as amended by suspicious transaction is required under this Act
R.A. No. 7659, Sec. 1, Par. d).
' .
:_ 394 . . . '' SUMMARY OF ELEMENTS
< • ' Criminal Law

to be reported to the Anti-Money Laundering lawful or unlawful. in order to prevent a person

Counc,~I (AMLC), fails to do so (R.A No. 9160, from appearing . in the investigation of or in
Sec. 4, as further amended by R.A. No. 10365, official proceedings in, criminal cases; and
Sec. 4). 9. Qiving of false or fabricated information to
mislead or prevent the law enforcement
agencies from apprehending the offender or
from protecUng the life or property of the victim;
OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE or fabricating information from the data gathered
in confidence by investigating authorities for
LAW purposes of background information and not for
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE publication and publishing or disseminating the
NO. 1829 same to mislead the investigator or to the court
(P.D. No. 1829, Sec. 1).


1. ~reventing witnesses from lesliryi11g in any ANTI-TORTURE ACT
criminal proceeding or from reporting the OF2009
commission of any offense or the identity of any REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9745
o~ender/s by means of _,tiribery; -!-.:,:.

misrepresentation, deceit, intimidation; fofC€:!, or

threats; ./ " . ' · ·,
2. ~ltering, destroying, suppressjng, o},cgiiJea1ir'ig ,PUNl~HABL,E,ACTS:
~ny paper, record, docum~5t'Qt pfJ)ect, :with-
rntent to impair its verity, 9i:Jth!;lriticjty, legibility, . C 'Physi#ai tg,11~,re
availability, or admissibility iaS.-f:}yiaen~ in any - is\a for_m'Oftreatment or punishment inflicted
investigation of or ofpcial pmcee<;lings in, by cl; perso,n in avtflority or agent of a person in
criminal cases, or to be (Jsed in,the inv~stigation authprity u~oof a'n<i>ther in his/her custody that
of, or official proceeding's in, .C,riininal c~ses; cau~es sev~re- pai!J, exhaustion, disability, or
3. .!:!arboring or concealjng, .. pric facilita,ting the dysfµnction (of onr;;0r more parts of the body,
!;)scape of, any pers~n;C h_e f knowsv \or has such as: (Sf:ECS-J~0-FEP2O)
reasonable ground to ~eliey~\or susp~.;;t;- h·as a. f §y~tem~tic _., ~eating, head banging,
committed any offense:. tinder existing/penal pl!hchir_ig, ldqkipg, striking with truncheon or
Jaws in order to prevent 'pis arrJst, proSflc0tiori .. rifle putt or other similar objects, and
and conviction; · · · · jumping on tl)e stomach;
4. fublicly using a fictitious n'a(lle for th1: p4rpose.. b. ,Eood deprjvation or forcible feeding with
of concealing a crime, evading prose'cuJion or • spoiled fo,od, animal or human excreta and
the execution of a judgment, or,cor::ic'?alih~ chis other sJuff or substances not normally e~ten;
true name and other personal ciq::un;ist.:'ttjce~dor t.. . J;lec::tric shock;
the same purpose or purposes; ., d. ·Qigarette burning; burning by electrically
5. Qelaying the prosecution of criminal cases by heated rods, hot oil, acid; by the rubbing of
obstructing the service of process or court pepper or other chemical substances on
orders or disturbing proceedings in the fiscal's mucous membranes, or acids or spices
offices, in Tanodbayan, .or in the courts; directly on the wound(s);
6. Making, presenting, or using any record, e. The ~ubmersion of the head in water or
document, paper or object with knowledge of its water polluted with excrement, urine, vomit,
falsity anc:l with to affP.c:t lhP. c:oursP. or and/or blood until the brink of suffocation-
outcome of the . investigation ·of, or official f. Being Tied or forced to assume fixed ~ml
proceed111g5 1n, cru11111al ca5es, stre33ful bodily po3ition;
7 Snlic:itin!J, ~Cr.P.ptin!], or 8QIP.P.ino lo 31" ;my g. Rape and sexual abuse, including the
benefit in consideration of abstaining from, insertion of foreign objects into the sex
discounting, or impeding the prosecution of a organ or rectum, or electrical torture of the
criminal offender; genitals;
8. Ihreatening directly or indirectly another with h. Mutilation or Amputation of the essential
the infliction of any wrong upon ·his person, parts of the body such as the gen1talia, ear,
honor or property or that of any immediate tongue, etc.;
member or members of his family in order to i. Qental torture or the forced extraction of the
prevent such person from appearing in the teeth;
investigation of, or official proceedings in, j. Pulling out of fingernails;
criminal cases. or imposing a condition, whether k. Harmful Exposure to the elements such as
8i!'l1SZD \ /

San Beda Unlveraity CoJ!ege of law - RGCT Bar Operations Cante<

sunlight and extreme cold;
The use of materials like Plastic bag and
oihers piaced over the head to the point of

Engagement in any of the following acts,


regardless of the stage of execution: .

m. The use cif _Esychoactive drugs to change a. acts intended to cause death or serious
the perception, memory, alertness. or will of
bodily injury to any person, or endangers_ a
a person; such as administration of drugs to
person's life
induce confession and/or reduce mental
b. acts intended to cause extensive damage or
competency; use of drugs to induce extreme
destruction to a government or public
pain or certain symptoms of a disease; and
facility, public place or private property
n. Other analogous acts of physical torture
c. acts intended to cause extensive
(RA No. 9745, Sec. 4, Par. a).
interference with, damage or destruction to
critical infrastructure
2. Mental or Psychological Torture
d. Develops, manufactures, possesses,
- acts committed by a person in _authority or
acquires, transports, supplies or uses
agent of a person in authority which are
weapons,· or of biological,
calculated to affect or confuse the mind and/or
nuclear, radi9logical or chemical weapons;
undermine a persqn's dignity and morale, such
e. Release of dangerous s·ubstances, or
a. Blindfolding.
causing fire, floods or explosions; and
b. Threatening a person(s) or his/her Ix, _
2 The purpose of engagement in any of the acts
relative(s) with bodily harm, executi~m 9fctt'
under paragraph (a) by its nature and context, is
other wrongful acts; ,:tJ,1. · to:
c. Confinement in solitary cells or §ecr!;'it>./1:
to intimidate the general public or segment
detention places; ' -. "1'
d. _erolonged interrogation; · >'}?
an atmosphere or spread a message
e. Preparing a prisoner for a "show tri,9p;e_ublic
of •.
displc1y or public humiliation of a'c)etainee or
to ijfqV,ke or influence by intimidation. the
prisoner; )>- ·. . .. . , goyeifnment or any international
f. Causing Y,nscheduled trans.fer.of J i:>,erson ,Y f! t
omanizatlpn, or
deprived of liberty from''"·one Rlace to
,., riodsly (iestroy the fundamental political,
another, creating th.e beJiet that lie/~he shall
be summarily executed;•/ '''"'" ,. > · · seriously undermine public
4.1, /RR)
g. ,Maltreating a member/s of 8cf~_rs·<?r;l:? family;;;
h. Causing the Iorture sessions to be
witnessed by the person's family, refotives CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT TERRORISM
or any third party; ·· ·· · · · !S,.£2pspiracy when two (~) or· more. pern~ns
i. Denial of sleep/rest; . . lh:1Wagreement concerning the comm1ss1on
j. Shame infliction such as stripping the of terrorism and decide to commit the same (R,A.
person naked, parading him/her'ih pu~lic 11479, Sec. 7).
places, shaving the victim's head or putting
marks on his/her body against his/her will;' PROPOSAL TO .COMMIT TERRORISM
k. Deliberately prohibiting · the victim to This is committed by any person who proposes to
£ommunicate with any member of his/her commit terrorism as defined in Section 4 (R.A.
family; and 11479. Sec. 8).
I. Other analogous acts of
mental/psychological torture (R.A. No.
9745, Sec. 4, Par. b).
This is committed by any person who, without taking
any direct part in the commission of terrorism, shall
incite others to the execution of any of the acts
specified in Section 4 by means of speeches,
ANTI-TERRORISM ACT proclamations, writings, emblems, banners or other
OF2020 representations tending to the same end (R.A.
11479, Sec. 9).
., ,


Criminal Law


1. Offender commits an Act punishable under any
of the cited provisions of the RPG, or under any
of the enumerated special penal laws;
2. Commission of the predicate crime sows and 1. Financing of Terrorism (Sec. 4)
creates a condition · of widespread and a. Directly or indirectly, willfully and without
extraordinary · Eear and panic among the lawful excuse, possessing, providing,
populace; and · collecting or using property or funds or
3. The furpose of the crime is to coerce the making available property, funds or financial
government to give in to an unlawful· demand service or other related services, by any
(Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network, means, with the unlawful and willful intention
Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, G.R. No. 17(!_5,52; that they should be used or with the
October 5, 2010; R.A. No. 9372, Sec,,,3f :: ..j<nowledge that they are to be used, in full or
.. ,,.• ,'1,
iri'part: .
PREDICATE OF CRIMES Of/ i: ta c;:irry out or facilitate the commission
Qf'aiiy terrorist act;
TERRORISM: ·v / ii:. by a feJrorist organization, association
1. Under the RPC: (PReCK-:,Mp) •.. \ / .· ' or grbi'Jp; or
a. _!:iracy in, g~neral ::1116 MUtil)Y in {ho High )ii. by ah iridiyidual terrorist
Seas or in the Philippine W 9ters (,f.rt. 122); b. Orgariizi('ig: <'ir'; directing others to commit
b. Rebellion or lnsurre(';tion:(Ah. 134jr . financing ~fJerlprism
c. ~oup d'etat, inclu~1ni;(acfs comitiitted by
private persons (Art. 1:}4~fi!J; · 2. Dealing with Property or Funds of
d. ,!Sidnapping and Serious, 'lllegarl;)~tention Designated Persons (Sec. 8)
(Art. 267); : t: \ , :.. ' . a. bealingidirectly or indirectly, in any way and
e. Murder (Art. 248); and . . •· . : :by ant: 'means, fwith any property or fund that
f. Crimes involving Qestruction':(Art. 324). he ts.nows o/ has reasonable ground to
bel.ieve is {>wned or controlled by a
2. Under Special Laws: (FAP~TH) . designated person, organization,
a. Decree Codifying the Law,s on ljlegal. and asE1ociation or group of persons, including
Unlawful Possession, Manuf,;1cture', De.afjng. fudds, derived or generated from property or
in. Acquisition or Disposition •of,f:ireartns. funds owned or controlled, directly or
Ammunitions or Explosives (P.O. No. 1{166) indirectly, by a designated person,
b. Law on 8rson (P.O. No. 1613); organization, association or group of
c. Anti-f_iracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law persons;
of 1974 (P.O. No. 532); b. Making available any property or funds, or
d. ~tomic Energy Regulatory and Liability Act financial services or other related services to
of 1968 (R.A. No. 5207); a designated and/or identified person,
e. Toxic Substances and Hazardous and organization, association, or group of
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 (R.A. No. persons.
6969); and
f. Anti-!:!ijacking Law (R.A. No. 6235) (R.A.
No. 9372, Sec. 3).

It shall be unlawful for any person: (TPA)
1. Not being authorized by all the parties to any
private communication or spoken word, to Iap
tlilRIID - \ /

Son 8oda Univorei\y Colleg,, of u,w • RC3CT Bw Oµ,<,ratlons Cr;nter
. . 397

any wire or cable, or by using any other device a. fybersex;

or arrangement, to secretly overhear; intercept, b. Chi!d .e_ornography;
or record such communication or spoken word c. !!_nsolicited Commercial Communications;
by using a device commonly known as a and
dictaphone, dictagraph, walkie-talkie, or tape d. !)be! (R.A. No. 10175, Sec. 4).
recorder, or however otherwise described (Sec.
1, Par. 1); 4. Other Offenses (Sec. 5)
2. Be a participant or not in the act or acts a. Aiding or Ahl'!tting in the Commission of
· penalized in the next preceding sentence, to Cybercrirne ·
knowingly e_os:;css ,my tape recorc-J, wire record, Any person Who willfully cibets or aids In
disc record, or any other such record, or copies the commission of any of the offAnses
thereof, of any cornniu11ication or spoken word enumerated in this Act shall be held liable
accured either before or .:ifter the effective date (Par. a).
of this Act in the manner prohibited by this law;
or to replay the same for any other person or b, Attempt in the Commission of
I persons; or to communicate the contents
thereof, either verbally or in writing, or to furnish
Any person who willfully attempts to
transcriptions thereof, whether complete or commit any of the offenses enumerated in
partial, to any other person; and this Act shall be held liable (Par. b).

NOTE: The use of such .record or any copies

thereof as evidence ·in any civil, criminal
investigation or trial of offenses mentioned . in ANTI-CHILD
Sec. 3 hereof; shall not be covered by this'
prohibition (Sec. 1, Par. 2). PORNOGRAPHY
3. Willfully or knowingly doAf. or who al).oll Aid,
' :; l;i~L;,. .. ACT OF 2009
permit, or cause to be done any:•;Of'the acts .
/:; ::
ACT NO. 9775 \

declared to be unlawful in the prec:fi9ing,section

.,· ii '
or who violates the provisions qf,!he [0ll0w'ing
section or of any order issued"lhereJ'nder, or
aids, permits, or causes su~J{violation,(Sec. 2).
1. To-Pco . ,tftl~~ct, manufacture or create any
for~bf ' ____ '.j5Sfnography;
2, To P.ublish offer, lr.:1nsmit, sell, distnbtJtf!,
CYBERCRIME PREVENTION broadcast, advertise, promote, export or import
. ,Bony form of child pornography;
ACTOF2012 •- 3!'· 1ToRossess any form of child pornography with
.- _,
- ·-
the intent to sell, distribute, publish, or
broadcast: Provided, that possession of three
(3) or more articles of child pornography of the
same form shall be prirna facie evidence of the
CYBERCRIME OFFENSES: intent to sell, distribute, publish or broadcast;
4. For a !:arent, legal quardian or person having
1. Offenses Against the Confidentiality,
custody or control of a child to knowingly permit
Integrity and Availability of Computer Data •
and Systems (120S-MC):
the child to engage, participate or assist in any
form of child pornography;
a. !llegal Access;
5. To .e_ossess any form of child pornography;
b. !llegal Interception;
6. To g_onspire to commit any of the prohibited acts
c. Data Interference;
stated in this section. Conspiracy to commit any
d. ~ystem Interference;
form of child pornography shall be committed
e. Misuse of Devices;
when two (2) or more persons come to an
f. fyber-squatting (R.A. No. 10175, Sec. 4).
agreement concerning the commission of any of
the said prohibited acts and decide to commit it;
2. Computer-Related Offenses: (F 2 1)
7. To !:!ire, employ, use, persuade, induce or
a. Computer-related forgery;
coerce a child to perform in the creation or
b. Computer-related ,Eraud;
production of any form of child pornography;
c. Computer-related !dentity Theft (R.A. No.
8. To sngage in the luring or grooming of a child;
10175, Sec. 4).
9. To Willfully access any form of child
3. Content-Related Offenses: (CPUL)
' ..
· Criminal Law

10. For Film distributors, theaters and or any similar activity through VCD/DVD,
telecommunication companies, by themselves internet, cellular phones and other similar
or in cooperation with other entities, to distribute means or device ((R.A. No. 9995, Sec. 4, Par.
any form of child pornography; d).·
- 11. To !;_ngage in pandering of any form of child
pornography; and
12. To _!Snowingly, willfully and intentionally provi<;le
a venue for the commission of prohibited acts ANTI-SEXUAL
as, but not limited to, dens, private rooms,
cubicles, cinemas, houses or in establishments
purporting to be a legitimate business (R.A. No. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7877
9775, Sec. 4).


1. The offender has aut~ority, influence or moral
1. That there must be representation of a !::,hild;
ascendancy over victim in a work, training, or
2. That the child is !;ngaged or involved in real or
education environment;
simulated explicit sexual activities;
2. The offender demands, requests or otherwise
3. That the representation of the child may ~~- .•·
.r,equires any sexual favor from the victim (I
Visual, audio, or written form or corribination .
CAMPANJLLA, SPL, supra at 51).
thereof; and ,., ,,., :'~ .
4. That the representation of tt-ie;•~hilq !iit
Electronic, mechanical, digitai,:6ptid:il, n\:igriEltlc
jt{ . . . '\~~
or any other means (/ CAMPf{Niu;A,; $Pi, $Upra

at 143-144).
PE.l{S()NS ACT OF 2003
REP~lflC);_ACT NO. 9208,
-~PUBLICl\.ct No. 10364
voYEurusM ACTbF 2do9 I•

-REPUBLIC ACT NQ. 9995 ?. .. ' -· ..;, ·~~

·: .. ·.

1. 'Acts of.Traffic~ing in Persons: (RIO-UMAFO-
1. To Take photo or video coverage of a p"er.soh br a. To •Recruit, obtain, hire, provide, offer,
group of persons performing sex_µal 'ad or'any transport, transfer, maintain, harbor, or
similar activity or to capture an Tm,'!ge: of the riicetve a person by any means, including
private area of a person/s such as the hakid or those done. under the pretext of domestic or
undergarment clad genitals, pubic area. overseas emp1oyment or training or
buttocks or female breast without the consent of apprenticeship, for the purpose of
the person/s involved and under circumstances prostitution, pornography, or sexual
in which the person/s has/have a reasonable exploitation;
expectation of privacy (R.A. No. 9995, Sec. 4, b. To Introduce or match for money, profit, or
Par. a); material, economic or other consideration,
2. To fopy or reproduce, or to cause to be copied any person or, as provided for under RA
or reproduced, such photo or video or recording 6955, any Filipino woman to a foreign
of sexual act or any similar activity with or national, for marriage for the purpose of
without consideration (R.A. No. 9995, Sec. 4, acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading
Par. b); him/her to engage in. prostitution,
3. To Sell or distribute, or cause to be sold or pornography, sexual exploitation, forced
distributed, such photo or video or recording of labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt
sexual act, whether it be the original copy or bondage;
reproduction thereof (R.A. No. 9995, Sec. 4, Par. c. To Offer or contract marriage, real or
c); or simulated, for the purpose of acquiring,
4. To Publish or broadcast, or cause to be buying, offering, selling, or trading them to
published or broadcast, whether in print or engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual
broadcast media, or show or exhibit the photo or
video coverage or recordings of such sexual act
Cil:IJllllD \/

Son Sada University ~ of l.nw - R{;c;T ~ OperntOO~ Cooter
· 399

exploitation, forced labor or slavery, iii. The use, procuring or offering of a child
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; for the production and trafficking of
d. To !,!ndertake or organize tours and travel drugs; and
plans consisting of tourism packages or iv. The use, procuring or offering of a child
activities for the purpose or utilizing and for illegal activities or work which, by its
offering persons for prostitution, n;:iti irP. or the circumstances in which it
pornography or sexual exploitation; Is carried out, is likely to harm their
e. · To Maintain or hire a person to engage in health, safety or morals; and
prostitution or pornography; I. To Qrganize or direct other persons to
t. To 8dopt persons by any form of commit the offenses defined as .acts of
consideration for exploitative purposes or to trafficking (R.A No. 9208, as amended by
facilitate the same for purposes of R.A. No. 10364, Sec. 4).
prostitution, pornoQraphy, sexual
exploitation, forced labor, slavery, 2. Attempted Trafficking in Persons
involuntary servitude or debt bondage; In cases ~here the victim is a child, any of the
g. To adopt or Eacililate the adoption of following . acts shall also be deemed as
persons for the purpose ·of prostitution, attempted trafficking in persons: (FERS 2)
pornography, sexual exploitation, forced a. Eacilitating the travel of a child who travels
labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt alone to' a foreign country or territory without
bondage; valid reason therefor and without the
h. To recruit, hire, adopt, transport, transfer, required clearance or permit from the
obtain, harbor, maintain, provide, offe.r,;;. r, Department of Social • Welfare and
receive or abduct a person, by means;t~f. Jl~t Development, or a written permit or
threat or use of force, fraud, deceit, violen¢'1n; ::,.< ··• · justification from the child's parent or legal
coercion' or intimidation for the purpose'}be\r guaroian;
removal or sale of Qrgans of said persc:i,n;'
i. To recruit, transport, obtain, transf(;)r,hatbor,
r · · ing, for a consideration, an affidavit of
tor a written consent for adoption;
maintain, offer, l1ire, provide,.·. receive or:· B_ec~.1 ;ng a woman to bear a child for the
adopt a child to engage in 8rm~. 9clivities> purpoM,of selling the child;
in the Philippines or abroad; . . . , d. §ip'111\~tir\o r1 birth for the purpose of soiling
J. To recruit, transport, transfer'.harbdt'obtain, tiff! r.nilrl: 'and
111ainlc1i11, uHer, hire, Pt◊vide or,receive a e. §eliciting a,child and acquiring the custody
person by means defin~:i:1 in Sei;;tibp 3 'for -gh any means from among
purposes of forced labor, sJav,~i:y, debt. , clinics, nurseries, daycare
bondage and involuntaty ·SeP(itudej' centers, refugee or eviJCUt.1lion centers, and
including a scheme, plari; ,or pattern low-income families, for the purpose of
intended to £ause the person either(• the child (R.A. No. 9 745, as amended
i. To believe .that if the per§on did ,r,i_or No. 10364, Sec. 4-A)
perform such labor or services, heior
she or another person woul~ ·. suffer 3. Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons
serious harm or physical restraint; or (Sec. 5, RA 9208 as amended by Sec. 8, RA
ii. To abuse or threaten the use of law or 10634): (LPA 2-FC-BDe 2 U)
the legal processes; and a. To knowingly !,_ease or sublease, use or
k. To recruit, tr 9nsport, harbor, obtain, transfer, allow to be used any house, building or
maintain, hiro, nffr:?r, provide, adopt or e~tablishmenl lu1 llw purpose of promot1ny
receive a child for purposes of exploitation trafficking in persons;
or trading them, including but not limited to, b. To froduce, print and issue or distribute
the act of baring and/or selling a child for any unissued, tampered or fake counseling
consideration or for .§.arter for purposes of certificates, registration stickers and
exploitation. Trafficking for purposes of certificates of any government agency which
exploitation of children shall include: issues these certifi.cates and stickers as
i: All forms of slavery or practices similar proof of compliance with government
to slavery,. involuntary servitude, debt regulatory and pre-departure requirements
bondage and forced labor, including for the purpose of promoting trafficking in
recruitment of children for use in mm0.rl persone;
conflict; c. To 8dvertise, publish, print, broadcast or
ii. The use, procuring or offering of a child distribute, or cause the advertisement,
for prostitution, for the production of publication, printing, broadcasting or
pornography. or for pornographic distribution by any means, including the use
performances; of information technology and the internet,
\I,._' • ' _, , ,:

' ' '

· 400
' '
Criminal Law
. .

ofany brochure, flyer, or any propaganda

material that promotes trafficking in persons: ANTI-VIOLENCE AGAINST
d. To ~ssist in the conduct of WOMEN AND THEIR
misrepresentation or fraud for purposes of
facilitating the acquisition of clearances and CHILDREN ACT OF 2004
necessary exit documents from government REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262
agencies that are mandated to pmvide pre-
departure registration and services for
departing persons for the purpose of
promoting trafficking in persons; ELEMENTS: (RAD)
e. To facilitate, assist or help in the exit and
1. The offender has or had a sexual or dating
entry of persons from/to the country at
Relationship with the offended woman;
international and local airports, territorial
2. The offender, by himself or through another,
boundaries and seaports who . are in
commits an Act or series of acts of harassment
possession of · unissued, tampered or
against the woman; and
fraudulent travel documents for the purpose
3. The harassment alarms or causes substantial
of promoting trafficking in persons;
emotional or psychological Qistress to her (Ang
f. To ~onfiscate, conceal, or destroy the
v. Sagud, G.R. No. 182835, April 20, 2010).
passport, travel documents, or personal
documents or belongings of trafficked,,,
persons in furtherance of traffic_~ing'.' or to ·
prevent them from leaving the',:c,qurifr:y or
. re
seeking redress from the ,ctjov,ernmen( or·
appropriate agencies; ., :. · \ _.,.. ,.. I CH{L:IlRE:N AGAlNSTCHILD
g. To knowingly ftenefit-_'frori'i,,,fin~ricial or . AnUSE,~XPLOITATION
otherwise, or make ds'e.. b(,.)Jhe ,iabor or
services of a person·held tl::r'a condition of A'ND)JIS~RIMINATION,
involuntary servitu!'lc1. forced l~bor,. or . AS1AMENDED
slavery, . ,. · .•· -.. ..
h. To tamper with, destrdy; or cause t_he
Destruction of eviderJG(j!, or to influence. or
attempt to influence ., . in an
investigation or prosecutlori; · · •· ·•-. ELEMENTSjOF;SE.XUAL ABUSE UNDER
i. To Destroy, conceal; re~ove, co~fisc~te or'
possess, or attempt . to destroy, conceal, SEC 5(a), ~rt. Ill of R.A. No. 7610: (EACA)
remove, confiscate or·• possess, _any actual . ·1.. The accused fngages in, promotes. facilitates
or purported passport- or other. travel, or induces chil_d prostitution;·
immigration or working permit or document; 2. ,.Ttie ~ct b Ll0ne through, but not limited to, the
or any other actual or purported govern·ment. . foHowir'lg means: (PIA-VM)
identification, of any person in. o·rder to · a. actihg as a frocurer of a child prostitute;
prevent or restrict, or attempt to prevent or ., .b. '!nducing a person to be a client of a child
restrict, without lawful authority, the person's prostitute by means of written or oral
liberty to move or travel in order to maintain advertisements or other similar means;
the labor or services of that person; or c. taking ~dvantage of influence or
j. To !l_tilize his or her office to impede the relationship to procure a child as a
investigation, prosecution or execution of prostitute;
lawful orders. d. threatening or using Yiolence towards a
child to engage him as a prostitute; or
4. Qualified Trafficking in Persons (Sec. 6, RA e. giving Monetary consideration, goods, or
9208 as amended by Sec. 9, RA 10634): othP.r f)P.r:11nirlry to a child with intent
(CASA-PM-AIDS-60M) to engage such child in prostitution;
a. When the trafficked person is a ~hild; 3. The f hild is exploited or intended to be exploited
b. When the ~doption is effected through RA in prostitution; ahd
8043, otherwise known as the "Inter- 4. The child, whether male or female, is below
Country Adoption Act of 1995" and It Is for 1U years of Age (People v. Dulay, C.R. No. 193854,
the purpose of prostitution, pornography, September 24, 2012).
sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
involuntary servitude nr rleht honorigfl;
c. Wt1e11 lile cri111e is committed by a
§_yndicate, or in large scale:


Snn Booo Uriv9rolty CoHogo oi Lnw


RGCT Bot OporotioM Cooter


ELEMENTS OF SEXUAL ABUSE UNDER gratification of the perpetrator with the effect
SEC.-5(b), Art. !II of R.A. No. 7610: {SPA) of demeaning, harassing, threatening or
intimidating the offended party including
1. The .accused commits the act of §.exual flashing of private . parts, public
intercourse or lascivio11s conduct;
masturbation, groping, and similar lewd
2. The said act is Performed with a child exploited
sexual actions (R.A. No. 11313; Sec. 11-b)
in prostitution or subjected to other sexual
3. Third-Degree Offenses:
3. The child, whether male or female, is below 18 a.· Stalking
years ofM}e (Garingarao v. People, G.R. No. b. Any of the acts mentioned in Section 11
192760, July 20, 2011). paragraphs (a) and (b), when accompanied
by touching, pinching or brushing against
the body of the offended person; or
c. Any touching, pinching, or brushing against
SAFE SPACES ACT the genitalia, face, arms, anus, groin,
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11313 · breasts, inner thighs, face, buttocks or any
part of the victim's body even when not
accompanied by acts mentioned in Section
11 paragraphs (a) and (b) (R.A. No. 11313,
The Safe Spaces Act addresses four (4) categories Sec. 11-c).
of gender-based sexual harassment: gender-based .,.J,,.
streets and public spaces sexual hamssmen,:_,;:;t·!f
gender-based online sexual harassment; gendE:t],{;Y,
based sexual harassment in the workplace; a~?Ji\
gender-based sexual harassment in educational a~d:/
training institutions. •": ,§if,,- online sexual harassmBnt includes
.. ,.;:, acts l"" information and communications
GENDER-BASED STREET~[ AND., , ;f · te9hnology t~\~errorizing and intimidating victims
PUBLIC SPACES \.S§XUAL , :~[: \~ro~ihy:sioti_.{ :_~;i,_,chological, and emotion-al threats,
HARASSMENT . ·,. " · -- Y :,,
1/1; unwa~ted: sexual misogynistic, transphobic,
PUNISHABLE ACTS: ho '" ' ic ahd sexist remarks and comments
1. First-Degree Offenses:
a. Cursing
~mt,.. .'g'ei;
1mublicly or through direct and

b. Wolf-whistling 1fl 2. Invasion of victim's privacy through

c. Catcalling :_:;f:._,_,_,_> cyberstalking and incessant messaging;
d. Leering and intrusive gazing . .. .'• ading and sharing without the consent of
e. Taunting, pursing, unwantod invltntiona. · ./J~Jlii m, any form of media that contains
f. Misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, and photos, voice, or video with sexual content;
sexist slurs · · 4. Any unauthorized recording and sharing of any
g. Persistent unwanted comments ~ri one's of the victim's photos, videos, or any information
appearance on line;
h. Relentless requests for one's personal 5. Impersonating identities of victims online or
details such as name, contact and social posting lies about victims to harm their
media details or destination reputation; or
i. Use of words, gestures or actions that 6. Filing, false abuse reports to online platforms to
ridicule on the basis of sex, gender or sexual silence victims (R.A. No. 11313, Sec. 12)
orientation, identity arid/or expression
including sexist, homophobic, and GENDER-BASEDSEXUAL
iransphobic statements and slurs
j. Persistent telling of sexual jokes
k. Use of sexual names, comments and PUNISHABLE ACTS:
· demands; and 1 . An act or series of acts involving any unwelcome
I. Any statement that has made an invasion on sexual advances, requests.or demand for sexual
a person's personal space or threatens the favors or any act of sexual nature, whether done
person's sense of personal safety (R.A. No. verbally, physically or through the use of
11313, Sec. 11-a). technology such as text messaging or electronic

mail or through any other forms of information
2. Second-Degree Offenses: and communication systems, that has or could
a. Making offensive Liuuy gestures at someone have a detrimental effect or, ll 1ti wrn.lilions of an
and exposing private parts for the sexual

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