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person. The view from the

Now, the dallas – fort worth middle of the river is more
airporrt recently declared the dramtic than the glimpse of

entire passenger terminal off the same scenery that a
limits to smokers. Those passenger sees on the train
wishing to smoke will now ride alonh the river bank from

have to leave the airport cologne to franfutt. For futher
premises to do so. Perhaps information a
more far reaching is the law contact your local travel
passed in los angeles and agent and request the
new york which makes “RIVER CRUISE TO

cigarette smoking illegal in EUROPE PACKAGE” OR
restaurants. violators face a THE “SILLIA TOURS
$50 fine for the first offense, PACKAGE”
$100 for the second offese
within a year, and $250 fine TRAVEL HIGHLIGHT OF
for every offense after that. THE SEASON
Be cautions when traveliing The greek islands
SMOKERS MEET NEW no to violate unexpected
smoking laws! ‘there are over 3,000 island
RESTTRICTIONS DURING which comprise what are
TRAVEL commonly reffereds as “ The
RHINE greek islands” However, only
Travelers should be aware of 170 of these islands are
increased constraints on the inhabited, each with its own
ability to smoke in public Strasbourg, the capital of
french alsace, is a wonderful character and terrain. This
places. About five years ago, summer, sunshine travek
smoking was prohibited on all city to begin or end a cruise.
Its pink sandstone cathederal networj is offering special
domestic airline flights. fares on cruise to rhodes ,
and a well- preserved old
town are enchanting heraklion, santorini, and
TRAVELERS TRIVIA : piraues cost $799 per person
attractions for vacationing
tourist. The cost of three day Since the prices include
Q:what city is said to fabulous meals and
take its name from a cruise including two evening
meals, two breakfast, two breathtaking landd tours, this
huron word meaning package is definitly the buy of
“meeting place of the luncheons and coffee and
cakes will cost the season ! don’t miss out !
waters?” Call today (211) 555-5555
A: toronto approxiamately $567 a

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