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Question Option1 Option2 Option3

What are the different types of Process parallelism, Data parallelism, Component Phase parallelism, Component parallelism, Pipeline Component parallelism, Data parallelism,
parallelism in Ab Initio? parallelism parallelism Pipeline parallelism
What is component parallelism? A graph with multiple processes running A graph that deals with data divided into segments A graph with multiple phases running
simultaneously on separate data uses component and operates on each segment simultaneously uses simultaneously on separate data uses
parallelism. component parallelism component parallelism.

What are the Dedup criteria? Unique only First Last

Replicate component supports which Data Parallelism Component Parallelism Pipeline Parellelism
type of Parallelism?
A configuration file contains the The name and version number of the database to The name of the computer on which the database The name of the database instance, server,
following information: which you want to connect. instance or server to which you want to connect runs, or provider to which you want to connect.
or on which the database remote access software is

What is the notation to specify the URL hostname/path/ protocol://hostname/path path

of a layout.
Which of the following components merge interleave gather
need a sorted input?
why is a gather component used To reduce data parallelism To reduce component parallelism both of the above
What is the maximum number of input only one 2 4
ports a join components can have?
For which join type the record-required inner join outer join explicit join
parameter is used
What does the max-core parameter The maximum memory the component can use The maximum CPU utilization the component can The maximum time limit the component can
refer to use use

What does layout of a component The place where the component works The depth of parallelism Number of partitions
How is reject-threshold calculated ramp * limit + number of records ramp + (limit * number of records limit + (ramp * number of records
using limit and ramp
processed so far processed so far) processed so far)
Which component produces Roll up Scan Aggregate
intermediate summary records while
Using which component can we specify Throttle Fuse Scan
the rate of data movement from input
to output
Which component among the following Concatenate interleave Gather
is the most efficient
Which component saves the status Phases Check points Phase breaks
information among the following

Classification: Public
When complex joining expressions are look up Join Merge
required which component among
these is preferred
Which component gives sorted output merge sort rollup
Which of the following component will run program readraw reformat
you use to parse programatically
Which of the following has got a Filter Join sort
deselect port
What does a redefine component do? It changes the value of the data records according to It renames the fields in record format and changes its It renames the fields in the record format
expression value according to expression without changing its value

which one of the following is a broadcast merge trash

miscellaneous component
What is the maximum value allowed for
max-core 231-1 221-1 211-1
Which parameter specifies the reject port reject-threshold parameter max-core parameter
components tolerence for reject events.

In which way conflicts arise during check The Graph In Sandbox Not Latest The Graph Check In Happens In Different Project Both The Above
What a find splitter component does Splits The Data In To Ranges Splits A Flow In To Different Flows Both The Above
How can an explicit join perform inner joRecord Required Parameter For Both Ports Are Set ToRecord Required Parameter For Both Ports Are Set T Record Required Parameter For Port 0 Is True
What is the use of merge component? Joins Different Flows Sorts Data Join Different Flows By Sorting It
Explain maxcore parameter? Amount Of Main Memory Allocated To An Component Amount Of Main Memory Allocated To An Instruction Amount Of Main Memory Allocated To Store A
Which of the following is incorrect Gzip reduces the volume of data in flow Compress reduces the volume of data in flow in Gunzip reduces the volume of data in flow
UNIX platform
Which component is more powerful Rollup Join Sort within groups
and easier to use than the aggregate
What component will you use to undo Partition by Expression Partition by key and Sort Interleave
the effect of Partition by Round Robin ?
Component that is used to reduce the Compress Compress,Gzip Compress,Gzip,Gunzip
volume of data flow due to narrow band
width or lack of enough disk space to
store data
What all components require sorted Rollup Join Dedup Sorted
The component stops the execution of limit+ramp
the graph if the number of reject
events exceeds the result of the limit + (ramp * limit * (ramp
formula: number_of_records_processed_so_far) +number_of_records_processed_so_far)
For which component connecting the Run SQL Intermediate file Output file
ports is not mandatory
Which is the generally used De Concatenate Gather Merge
Partitioning component?
What does a watcher do? Eliminating To Do Cues Turn on the debugging mode Displays flow patterns

Classification: Public
What does a throttle component do? copies records from its input to its output at a rate ends a flow by accepting all the data records in it and generates a series of cumulative summary
that you can specify discards them records
Denormalize sorted requires grouped input consolidates groups of related data records into a generates a vector field for each group and
single output record optionally computes the summary field in the
output record
A file containing information about flows,components A file containing the summary of the graph run All of these
,phases during the most recent run.
What is a summary file?
What is max core parameter maximum number of core components maximum memory usage interms of bytes maximum no of records that can be passed
The component sorts records Checkpointed sort Find splitters Sample
according to a key specifier, and then
finds the ranges of key values that
divide the total number of input records
into number of partitions.
What is true about a multifile? it’s a file which is divided into so many partitions and a multifile contains one multifile and 2 data partitions a multifile contains one multifile and one or
stored in the same disk many data partitions

What does a Broadcast component do? It arbitrarily combines all the data records it receives It appends multiple flow partitions of data records one It echoes the final status of the graph run
into a single flow and writes a copy of that flow to after the other.
each of its output flow partitions.

What are the different types of Process parallelism, Data parallelism, Component Phase parallelism, Component parallelism, Pipeline Component parallelism, Data parallelism,
parallelism in Ab Initio? parallelism parallelism Pipeline parallelism
What do u call the file which can treat Summary File Event Log File Adhoc Multifile
several serial files having the same
record format as a single graph
what is the control partition It is partion where the same data is run location of multifile's datapartition A partition which divides the control
simultaneously in different components informations
Component used to create surrogate Assign Key Component Fuse Run Program
Function of Throttle component? Reads the records from its inputs and compares the Combines all the records from input in the append it can copy record from input to output at the
records one by one fashion rate specified
What is component parallelism? A graph with multiple processes running A graph that deals with data divided into segments A graph with multiple phases running
simultaneously on separate data uses component and operates on each segment simultaneously uses simultaneously on separate data uses
parallelism. component parallelism component parallelism.

What are the Dedup criteria? Unique only First Last

Replicate component supports which Data Parallelism Component Parallelism Pipeline Parellelism
type of Parallelism?

Classification: Public
A configuration file contains the The name and version number of the database to The name of the computer on which the database The name of the database instance, server,
following information: which you want to connect. instance or server to which you want to connect runs, or provider to which you want to connect.
or on which the database remote access software is

In which way does conflict arise during The Graph In Sandbox Not Latest The Graph Check In Happens In Different Project Both (a) and (b)
check in?
What a find Splitter component does? Splits The Data In To Ranges Splits A Flow In To Different Flows Both The Above
How can an explicit join perform inner Record Required Parameter For Both Ports Are Set Record Required Parameter For Both Ports Are Set . Record Required Parameter For Port 0 Is
join? To False To True True And For Port 1 Is False

what is the use of merge component Joins Different Flows Sorts Data Join Different Flows By Sorting It
If there are 100 records and only 10 limit=100;ramb=10 limit=0;ramb=0.1 limit=0;ramb=10
percent rejection can be pemitted the
what is the value of limit and ramb?

Where is the finalize transform function Dedup sorted Denormalize Sorted Rollup
The main programs required for abinitio only GDE OS and GDE Co operating System and GDE
Which partition balances the workload partiiton by round robin partition by percentage partition by load balance
between CPU's
What does a package consists of It has all the shell scripts it has all the transform functions,types ,global it has the combination of all the components
The parameter used to specify the path AB_SASHOME AB_SAS_CONTROL_FILE AB_SAS_AUTOEXEC
containing sas esecutables
All packages has the extension .xfr .pkg .mpc
What is false about api mode?? ablocal_expr parameter is available only when The expression is evaluated once per partition cannot be used for fanout specific
dbms_interface is set to api. components

The component which does not have look up Run SQL Scan
any ports
How to change a Graph so that CPU Use partitions If transformation has many local variables make it Reduce the Degree of parallelism
consumption is less global
If Ab-initio is installed in aunix .ksh file .xfr file .dml file
environment, then the .mp files is
converted internally to
which of the following components match sorted join merge
does not require a sorted input
which is the default name of a parameter name.component name component name_parameter name parameter name_component name
component parameter when it is
which type of sql statement activity group by joins both A and B
should be most avoided when parallel
unload from table is perfromed

Classification: Public
when using a macro which of the components flows parameters
following relating to that macro become
runtime parameters
which of the following components has concatenate gather parttion by key
an ordered input port.
The usage of which sort and join(input needs to be sorted or grouped) join(in memory,inputs need not be sorted or lookup file with reformat
component/components is grouped)
recommended when the incoming data
records is unsorted and needs be
joined with a small set of records.
The value of the AB_MAX_CORE memory usage per partition memory usage over all partitions disk space usage for each partition
parameter should be set based on
deadlocks occur because of no automatic flow buffering partitioning and departioning occur in the same both A and B
which of the following components rollup join concatenate
requires a sorted input
string_concat('string',NULL) in the string NULL compile time error
expression editor will result in
which of these components has the partition by range recirculate assign keys
number of partition as a required
which of the following can be a state of unresolved stale current
a file in the sandbox in relation to its
A file in your sandbox is in the conflict conflict unresolved stale
state and the conflict has been
modified) .Now the file version in the
data store has changed again because
someone else has checked in.The
state of your file is unresolved
(conflict).Now when you check out the
graph keeping the datastore files which
of the following states does your file
belong to.
A graph has been checked out from the 1 0
data store by userA and userB.Now if
the graph has been locked by userA. Is
it possible for userB to edit it.

In which type of predefined sequence index phonebook machine

specifier are puctuation characters
for which of the following does dml packed decimal(8,3,unsigned) packed decimal(5) packed decimal(4,stripped)
allow four bytes for storage
delimiter "\001" refers to space delimiter NUL delimiter double space delimiter
what does varstring in the drop-down variable length string fixed length string length prefixed string
menu in the GDE's Record Format
Editor refer to

Classification: Public
Usage of which lookup function is lookup lookup_count lookup_count_local
recommended when one wants to
check up whether a given key value
exists in a serial lookup file

which keyword should be used in order foldcase ignore fold

to make a custom type sequence
specifier treat a group of characters as
equivalent to each other

Subgraph is used when a single executable has to be created number of components and their arrangement are components,number of components and
constant from one run of the graph to other their arrangement differ from one run of the
graph to other
which of the following components partition by key concatenate interleave
does not have an ordered output port.

Classification: Public
Option4 Answer Module Level

None of the above Option 3 GDE 1

A graph with multiple components Option 1 GDE 1

running simultaneously on the
same data

All of the above Option 4 GDE 1

All of the above Option 2 GDE 1

You generate a configuration file Options GDE 1

by using the Properties dialog box 1,2,3,4
for one of the Database

None of the above 2 GDE 1

All of the above 1

None of the above 3 GDE 1

20 4 GDE 1

All of the above 3 GDE 1

The maximum number of rejects 1 GDE 1

the component can alllow

All of the above 4 GDE 1

limit/ramp + number of records 3 GDE 1
processed so far

All of the above 2 GDE 1

Sample 1 GDE 1

Merge 3 GDE 1

Commit 2 GDE 1

Classification: Public
Gather 1 GDE 1

All of the above 4 GDE 1

run sql 2

reformat 1
It copies the data records from its 3
input to output record format and
changes its values accourding to
key expression.

denormalize 3 1

no limit 1

log-reject parameter 2

Conflicts Doesn’t Arise
None Of The Above
Record Required Parameter For Port
None Of The Above
Amount Of Main Memory Allocated
Gunzip reveses the effect of 3
None of the above Option 1 GDE 1

Partition by Range Option 3 GDE 2

None of the above Option 2 GDE 1

All of the above Option 4 GDE 1

limit*ramp Option 1 GDE 2

Broadcast Option 1 GDE 1

All of the above Option 4 GDE 1

Edit Key specifiers Option 2 GDE 1

Classification: Public
None of the above Option 1 GDE 1

All of the above Option 4 GDE 2

none of these option1 GDE 1

first and second option2 GDE 1

none of these option2 GDE 1

roundrobin partitioning is not used option3 GDE 1

to partition data in multifle

none of these option1 GDE 1

None of the above Option 3 GDE 1

Custom File option3 GDE 1

none of these option2 GDE 1

Sample option1 GDE 1

None of these option3 GDE 1

A graph with multiple components Option 1 GDE 1

running simultaneously on the
same data

All of the above Option 4 GDE 1

All of the above Option 2 GDE 1

Classification: Public
You generate a configuration file Options GDE 1
by using the Properties dialog box 1,2,3,4
for one of the Database

Conflicts Doesn’t Arise option3 GDE 1

None of the above option1 GDE 1

Record Required Parameter For option2 GDE 1
Port 0 Is False And For Port 1 Is
None Of The Above option3 GDE 1
limit=0;ramb=0 option2 GDE 1

Scan option2 GDE 1

None of these option2 GDE 1

none of these option3 GDE 1

None of the above option1 GDE 1

None of the above option1 GDE 1

.mdc option1 GDE 1

first and third option3 GDE 1

Fuse option1 GDE 1

3rd and 4rth option4 Use partiions 1

.sh 1 GDE 1

dedup sorted 2 GDE 1

component name.parameter 2 GDE 1

none 1 GDE 1

Classification: Public
all the above 4 GDE 1

Reformat 1 GDE 1

sort and match sorted 3 GDE 1

disk space usage over all 2 GDE 1

none 3 GDE 1

merge 4 GDE 1

run time error 3 GDE 1

normalize 3 GDE 1

all the above 4 GDE 1

current 3 GDE 1

1 GDE 1

none 2 GDE 1

packed decimal(6,unsigned) 1 GDE 1

NULL delimiter 2 GDE 1

none of the above 3 GDE 1

Classification: Public
lookup_match 4 GDE 1

ignorecase 3 GDE 1

none 2 GDE 1

partition by Round Robin 1 GDE 1

Classification: Public

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