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DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar Patel, 1500 words-CP3

DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar
Patel, 1500 words-CP3
by Ayantika Sanyal

General metrics
3,287 530 33 2 min 7 sec 4 min 4 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

81 29 29
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 81%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Unique Words 46%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Report was generated on Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021, 08:13 PM Page 1 of 5

Report: DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar Patel, 1500 words-CP3

Rare Words 36%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 5.1

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 16.1

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

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Report: DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar Patel, 1500 words-CP3

DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar
Patel, 1500 words-CP3
Areas of Development – Emotional Intelligence and Professionalism.
Section 1.
Situations in which the weaknesses can be addressed250
Project management teaches us about controlling emotions, maintaining ethics
and behavioural decorum aligned with maintaining professionalism. Since I am
an emotional person, it is a challenge for me to control my emotions. Stress
from work affects my mental peace and thus I often get disturbed and feel
changes in my behavioural outcomes. My lack of communication skills is the
main reason behind this imbalance of emotional intelligence and disturbed
mental health. I have observed that I get easily affected by criticisms and
overthink creating unhealthy scenarios mentally. This greatly affects my
performance delivery and affects my team management as well. I am often
irritated and impatient as I am constantly thinking about what others are
thinking about me.
Due to a weak level of emotional intelligence, I experience rapid outbursts in my
teammates. I tend to defend myself which at times makes me quite
unprofessional in my use of language or body language. Initially, every project
seems to be progressing gradually but with time all these issues start to appear
in the picture. I have witnessed people not sharing their discomfort or
criticisms on my face but they would rather talk behind my back. This changes
domains of relationships and creates tension amongst teammates. Confusion
generated from these miscommunications results in negative in uences such
as internal politics and unfair play which are unhealthy practices. I am

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Report: DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar Patel, 1500 words-CP3

determined to improve my tolerance of outside criticisms and opinions and

strengthen my level of emotional intelligence and re ne my professionalism.
Section 2.
Actions to be taken to address the weaknesses 250
I have assessed my imbalances in emotional intelligence and professionalism
concerning Hall's re ective cycle. I need to work on my self-re ection and
assessment further to discover more areas of my personality that would likely
have scopes of improvement. I need to learn about controlling my emotions and
thoughts. I have decided to meditate regularly and learn to calm my mind and
soul. Once I master this art of calming and soothing I will be able to deliver
impressive performances. My mind makes me think about a lot of things that
are greatly irrelevant to my work life so I need to stop caring. Self-criticism is
an ideal learning scope with regard to my issue of emotional intelligence. I will
be practising emotional management techniques and thus, improving my
professionalism. Thinking about work outside my workspace needs to be
stopped and I need to learn to be able to keep my personal and professional life
separated. I need to be aware of my boundaries and also mental state. Not
every work or behaviour can be shown towards everybody. So, I need to learn
and control my outbursts.
I discovered that I am capable of taking responsibilities for new work and
successfully deliver it, when I have this capability all mI need to do is improve
my skills better and sharpen them to inculcate in my personality and build
myself stronger in handling professional hardships. I am sure that once I am
fully improved I will be able to reach higher levels in my career soon

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Report: DEB-APR-20421-846AM-TJ339, Sagar Patel, 1500 words-CP3

Report was generated on Tuesday, Apr 20, 2021, 08:13 PM Page 5 of 5

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