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Job Id: DEB-APR-22421-1145AM-TJ343, Abhishek Rajvardhan, 7000 Words-CP1


Country NA

Company NA

Industry IT

Please skim/read through all the documents shared with you in the Template brief mail
and answer the questions below in brief.

Q1. Based on your understanding of assignment documents, please share as to what needs to be
done in this assignment? (50-100 words max.)

As per the given job card, here in this assignment we have to study about various planning and
scheduling softwares available in market.

Q2. Did you identify any specific setting or organization or country or topic in which the
assignment would be based on? If yes, please specify. (10-25words max)

Topic – Assignment 2 Option 2 – Technical Report

Q3. Does this assignment need any specific information, which is missing in the assignment
documents? If yes, please clarify. Any doubts, please mention them here.

Q4: Please specify Referencing Style. Any specific requirement regarding references, which is
asked in the assignment


Q5. Please fill up the table below to mention the structure of the solution.

Paragraph Heading / major purpose of paragraph Approx. Word count for

the paragraph / section

A Draw WBS for the project and discuss the importance of

WBS as a Project Management tool.

B Explain why identification of the critical path is important.

Also explain the difference between ASAP and ALAP methods

C Explain and discuss the process of resource leveling 250

D Compare pros and cons of various project planning and

scheduling software available on the market. Which one would 250
you choose in your future career and why?

PART 2 4D Planning

1 Reflect upon your experience attending Synchro Pro lab

session in Week 7. What can this software do, would it be
useful for your future career and why 500

2 Define 4D planning. Discuss the purpose and benefits

of 4D systems as a Project Management tool in an Engineering
industry. 500

Total 2000

Q6: Please mention if there needs to be an appendix/diagram and how many

appendices/diagrams will be there?

Table- 1-2, Diagram- 2-4, Appendix- 0

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