In-Course Assessment (Ica) Specification: Advanced Project Planning and Visualisation

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Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment

School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University


Module Title: Module Leader: Dr Vladimir Vukovic

Advanced Project Planning and Visualisation
Module Code: CEN4009-N

Assignment Title: Deadline Date: 2nd May 2021

Assignment 2 Option 2 – Technical Report
Deadline Time: 11:59pm

Submission Method:
Online (Blackboard) 
Middlesbrough Tower 

Online Submission Notes:

 Please follow carefully the instructions given on the Assignment Specification
 When Extenuating Circumstances (e.g. extension) has been granted, a fully completed
and signed Extenuating Circumstances form must be submitted to the School Reception
or emailed to

Central Assignments Office (Middlesbrough Tower M2.08) Notes:

 All work (including DVDs etc) needs to be secured in a plastic envelope or a folder and
clearly marked with the student name, number and module title.
 An Assignment Front Sheet should be fully completed before the work is submitted.
 When Extenuating Circumstances (e.g. extension) has been granted, a fully completed
and signed Extenuating Circumstances form must be submitted to the School Reception
or emailed to



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Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment
School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University

Assignment 2 Option 2 – Technical Report

Submission deadline 2nd May 2021, midnight

You must adhere strictly to the word limit specified for each question. Writing beyond the
specified limit will be ignored.

Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria:

 Your understanding of the main themes of the lectures.
 Evidence that you have read additional material and refer (using references) to the
contributions from relevant authors in the field.
 Clear structure and presentation of the MS-Project outputs and their analysis.
Report Submission
 You should submit on the Blackboard, No extension is given
 Report should be submitted in a single .doc or .docx format file; pdf, .xls or other
format is not accepted.
 File name of the submission should include student’s first and last name

The Assignment is worth 50% of the module. Each part of this assignment is worth 25%
of the module.

PART 1 (50% of the assignment)

A Teesside PLC has won a contract to work on a major Project to start on 1st September 2021.
As a Project Manager you need to develop and analyse the planning schedule for this project
using MS-Project. Your project team has identified major activities of the project, their
dependency and resources needed to run each activity (see Appendix 1).

Appendix 1 provides information about the project, which includes project logic (activity links
and their relationship – finish to start (FS), start to start (SS), and start to finish (SF)), activity
durations, resource allocation and work breakdown structure (WBS).

A: Draw WBS for the project (must include Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4) and discuss
the importance of WBS as a Project Management tool. (250 words – 12.5% of the
B: Explain why identification of the critical path is important. Also explain the difference
between As Soon As Possible (ASAP) and As Late as Possible (ALAP) methods. (250 words –
12.5% of the assignment)
C: Explain and discuss the process of resource levelling. (250 words – 12.5% of the
D: Compare pros and cons of various project planning and scheduling software available on the
market. Which one would you choose in your future career and why? (250 words – 12.5% of
the assignment)

 Clearly identify each part of the answers to the questions.

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Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment
School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University

PART 2 (50% of the assignment)

4D Planning

1. Reflect upon your experience attending Synchro Pro lab session in Week 7. What can this
software do, would it be useful for your future career and why (500 words – 25% of the

2. Define 4D planning. Discuss the purpose and benefits of 4D systems as a Project

Management tool in an Engineering industry (500 words – 25% of the assignment)

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Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment
School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University
Appendix 1 Details of activities, relationships & resources for the Project

Level 1 Work Activity (Level 4) Immediate Type of Lag Duration Equipment Skilled Unskilled
Packages Description Predecessors Relationship (Days) (Days) / day Worker / day Worker / day
(Level 2) (Level 3) (numbers) (numbers) (numbers)
+ -
Project Start - - - FS - - 0 - - -
A1 - Project Start FS - - 10 3 2 3
P A2 - A1 FS - - 9 2 2 3
R A3 A2
O - FS -
J 3 23 1 1 4
E A4a A3
FS - 8
C 13 1 2 2
T A4b A4a
FS 1 -
Activity A 7 3 3 3
X A5a A4b FS - - 24 1 3 3
Project A5b A5a FS - 1 5 1 2 2
Start date A6a A5b FS - - 15 2 3 3
01/09/2021 A6
A6b A6a FS 5 - 6 2 3 3
A7a A6b FS - - 20 2 3 3
A7b A7a FS 3 - 17 2 1 1
B1a B1b
FS 6 -
17 4 1 1
B1b A7b
Activity B FS - -
B1 11 2 1 1
B1c B4a FS
- -

B4b FS
- -
23 2 - 2
B2 B2b FS - - 28 3 2 2

Page 4 of 7
Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment
School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University
Level 1 Work Activity (Level 4) Immediate Type of Lag Duration Equipment Skilled Unskilled
Packages Description Predecessors Relationship (Days) (Days) / day Worker / day Worker / day
(Level 2) (Level 3) (numbers) (numbers) (numbers)
P B2a B1a
R FS - 4
J B2b B1b FS - - 21 1 1 2
B2c B1c
C FS - -
T 16 3 - 3
B3a B3b FS - -
X Activity B
FS 2 -
Project B3 12 3 4 1
Start date B3b B2b FS - - 13 3 3 3
B3c B2c FS 2 - 19 3 - 3
B4a B4b FS - -
B3a FS - - 37 3 3 3
B4 B4b B3b
FS - -
12 3 3 3
B4c B3c FS - - 15 3 - 3
Project B4c
- - FS 6
Completion 0 - - -

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Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment
School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University
Assessment criteria

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Advanced Project Planning & Visualisation Assignment
School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University

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