AWS Interview Quesions

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1. What is the minimum permission for a file or directory at any level.

A: ‘0’ Maximum permission is =7, i.e., read R =4, write W =2, execute X=1

Default permissions of file and directory and full permission of file and permissions.

Default permissions of file = 644

Default permissions of directory = 755

Full permissions of file = 666

Full permissions of directory = 777.

2. What is U-mask in Linux?

A: Default files and directory permissions are stored in U-mask.

3. How to find private and public IP addresses?

A: command for Private IP If config -a

For Public IP Curl -s if

4. How to change ownership of a file or a directory?

A: chown -R user: user filename

5. How many components are available in MBR.

A: 3 components

1. Primary boot loader-446 bytes.

2. Partition table information-64bytes.

3. MBR validation check-2bytes.

MBR size-512 bytes.

6. What’s the main configuration file for GRUB.

A: /boot/grub/grub.conf and this etc /grub.conf

7. What’s the process I’d of INIT and ROUTE.

8. Define each INIT levels
9. What’s the purpose of run level.

A: During booting time we can install any application or backup the files.

10. Difference between at Job and Cron job?

11. Fields in the Cron job?
12. Difference b/w update and upgrade.
13. Difference b/w restart and re-load?
14. Booting process in Linux
15. What Is the zombie process?
16. What is the use of loopback address?
17. Loopback address Ip address starts with?
18. User’s list info.
19. How to find specific file permission.
20. Difference b/w YUM and RPM?
21. Difference between AT JOB and CRON JOB?
22. What’s the purpose of MBR in the booting process?
23. How to check the port no of the installed application?
24. How to check whether specific applications are installed or not?
25. How to check whether the database is installed or not?


26. Types of clouds

27. Difference b/w private and public subnets.
28. Difference b/w NAT instance and NAT gateway
29. How to access the VPN link in your organization?
30. How to connect application instances in your organization?
31. How to choose the right region?
32. Difference between default, main, and custom routing tables?
33. Difference b/w Private and public, elastic IP addresses?
34. Difference b/w VPC peering and Transit gateway?
35. How to provide security to the VPC.
36. If one AMI is copied from one region to another, snapshot also copied or not?
37. NACL inbound and outbound rules.
38. What are the fields available in /etc/stab
39. How to increase volume size in EC2-Instance.
40. Can we able to decrease the volume size in EC2-instance?
41. How many types of storage classes are available in S3.
42. What’s diff b/w EBS and S3, EFS.


44. What is Dev-ops

45. Dev-workflow or Jenkins workflow
46. Difference b/w continuous integration, continuous delivery and deployment?
47. CVCS and DCVS or Git and SVN.
48. Difference b/w cloning and forking.
49. Difference b/w push and pull.
50. Explain Git workflow in your organization.
51. Difference b/w pull and fetch?
52. How to undo the changes in the working area.
53. Explain branching strategies in your organization.
54. Explain merging strategies locally?
55. What is Git cherry pick?
56. Difference b/w branches and tags?
57. Git-stash
58. Difference b/w Maven and Ant?
59. What are the Fields available in the Pom.xml file?
60. What is Super. pom and Parent. pom
61. As an operator where we involve in Pom.xml files?
62. Please explain the maven life cycle.
63. Difference b/w maven releases and snapshots?
64. Where are war, ear, and jar files located?
65. What is the Maven-Home directory?
66. What is the Tom-cat home directory?
67. How to change Tom-cat default port numbers?
68. How to add the SSL-Certificate link in tom-cat?
69. How to upgrade the Tomcat instance?
70. Diff b/w var/libs/Jenkins and var/libs/Jenkins/workspace?
71. If you give both deny and allow which one will have access?
72. Diff b/w Pollscm, build periodically, webhooks.
73. How to change Jenkins default port no?
74. How many ways to install plugins in Jenkins?
75. How to safely restart the Jenkins dashboard?
76. How to create users in Jenkins.
77. How to provide security to the Jenkins instance.
78. How to delete users in Jenkins.
79. What is port no of My SQL.
80. How to take back-up of Jenkins instance.
81. How to take Jenkins configuration backup.
82. What is pipeline in Jenkins.
83. How to upgrade Jenkins instance in your organization.
84. Where is Jenkins root password is located?

A: var/libs/Jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword


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