Answer Paper BSBTEC404 Assessment

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BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment

Assessment Answer Paper

Training Package: Certificate IV in Business

Due Date: Week 4 Assessment Type:

Assessment Guidelines
Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.

1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in

2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please
inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to
complete this assessment.
3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the
assessment submission on Moodle.
4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal
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5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-
assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.
6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the
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7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and

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BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
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BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
Please put your answer below:

Activity 1A

1. Identify one current collaborative way of working in your organization, and identify
which software and hardware are used for this. Answers should be no more than 100 words.
The new inventions have converted the world into a global village. Collaborative technologies
have helped the workers to collaborate and communicate with each other by acting as a digital
home base working platform. Being a software developing organization, we use conferencing
technology for collaborative working. We use internet or cloud-based platforms for video
conferencing and for sharing data. Hardware which are being used for this includes laptops,
computers and iPad.

2. Assess the performance of the current collaborative ways of working and identify what
could be improved. Answer in relation to your organizational strategies and objectives.
Answers should be no more than 100 words.

It is important for any organization to assess the collaborative ways of working to see whether
they are aligned with the organization’s objectives or not. Being a software developing
organization, our objectives are to develop a new website and improving online marketing. Use of
conferencing technology for collaborative working is the best way for communication because it
allows each employee of company to access, make changes if needed. A drawback of using this
technology is that there may be security risks for organization’s data. For future we need to work
on security of data to avoid any big loss.

Activity 1B
Conduct a roleplay meeting with another learner, with yourself acting as a manager and the
other learner as a member of staff.
Using the information collected in Activity 1A, review the performance of existing digital
technologies in your business. Collate this information and communicate it to relevant
personnel. Gather feedback from them and make suggestions for changes/improvements to
digital technologies.

Scene 1
Being a manager of the software developing company, after reviewing the performance of
existing technologies , I found some drawbacks in using conferencing technology. I asked my
operational supervisor to join me in office so that we could discuss the issue and find a solution.
(note: in dialogues; operational supervisor will be identified as “A” and manager is with “B”)

A: Sir May I come in?

B: yes please , have a seat.
A: thank you sir
B: I need to talk about an important matter, as you already know that, we are using conferencing
technology for collaborative working. Today, I reviewed all the data and the past experience of
using this technology. While reviewing these, I found that, our official data is not safe. Because
every one can access it using this conferencing technology and we can not trust everyone.
What do you feel about this point?
A: that’s a valid point. We must consider it and find some solutions to keep our data safe. If you
have identified this risk, then I am sure you may have some solutions for it.
B: yes I do have. But I don’t know whether everyone will agree or not. Anyhow, let me tell you.
So I think we need to upgrade our technology. I mean, we should move one step a head and use
Premise-based collaborative software.
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
A: would you mind if I ask to tell about this technology?
B: actually, premise-based collaborative software is used within the company’s network. It is
used to share project management functions and only allows the relevant staff to access the data,
find important network files, make needed changes. And the most important point is that, this
software can be only used within the company. It will not be accessible to anyone else. So I
think, using this technology can reduce our security risk.
A: I had never heard about this technology before. You are right we must use premise-based
collaborative software. We must discuss it with our staff members for the implementation.
B: yes you are right. Let me, call a meeting of all the staff.

Scene 2 (meeting with staff)

Being the manager , I shared the risk we had for our organization and asked from the staff
members if they have any solution for the risk. Each staff member gave their own opinion. Some
said, there isn’t any risk. We should not make any change in this technology. While, some staff
members agreed with our concern and gave suggestion of introducing passwords to each
employee for access of data. At the end, the operational manager shared the solution that we had
planned in our meeting.

Scene 3(ending)
Everyone agreed to shift the technology from conferencing software technology to premise-
based collaborative software. Everyone did their signatures on the meeting minutes sheet.

Activity 2A
Refer to Case Study A – Digital technology
1. Identify which digital technologies Simply Living would need to implement to meet their
goals and objectives, and briefly explain the benefits of each.
Simply living is a company that sells home essentials, including furniture. They aims to expand
their business, use a better communication plan and get feedback from their clients. To achieve
their goals, the simply living company can use Email technology . This technology helps to
deliver the message quickly, helps to get the contacts from computerized address book. It also
saves time, paper and printing.

2. Identify four different sources of information.

The sources of information which simply living company can use are; web pages, blogs, media
and customer opinions.

Activity 2B
Refer to Case Study B – Specialist advice
1. Identify four different ways to seek assistance when researching and implementing digital
The four ways to seek assistance when researching and implementing digital technologies are;
industry experts, former partners of business, industry bodies and supervisors.

2. Write a short email from ABC Books to the marketing agency to seek their assistance
with promoting and marketing the website. Explain who ABC Books are and what the
website intends to achieve.

To: the marketing agency

Subject: seeking for assistance

Dear sir,

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
The ABC books are bookshops located in seven cities across the country. we want to shift our
business from this traditional way to online business. But, we do not have expertise to develop a
website so that, customers could buy online.
It would be a great honor for us, if you could guide us how to develop a website for our shops,
what type of content marketing to be post on website and how to analyze success.
Your guidance and assistance can help us to expand our ABC books business.
Looking forward for a positive response from your end.

With best regards

Graham Brown

Activity 2C

1. List five metrics that can be used to assess the performance of existing digital technologies
in a business.
The metrics which can be used to assess the performance of existing digital technologies in a
business are as following;
1. Traffic; it includes the total visitors, where traffic comes from and new verses returning
2. Interactions with the business for queries, downloads and purchases.
3. Time spent by customers
4. Feedback from customers
5. Return on investment

2. What is the digital workplace framework, and how is it used? Explain in no more than
200 words.
Digital workplace framework is a platform for organization where they can identify areas of
opportunity. It also helps to expand the business by showing new and better ways. There are four
layers of digital workplace framework. The first one is Use: the digital workplace framework
allows the workers to do their job with their best by collaborating, communicating and connecting
with others. Secondly, Technology: it is a digital tool box which depends on organization’s
needs. The most important thing is to select the right one. Thirdly, control: governance
structures and management processes are very important for any organization to minimize the
risk. The last one is Business drivers: it is important for a business to drive and shape the digital
workplace. To get the positive results, the digital workplace must be in the same direction as the

3. List three opportunities for digital technology in collaborative work.

The three opportunities for digital technology in collaborative work are;
1. Entering a new market
2. Reaching a target market easier
3. Improving efficiency and streamlining existing processes.

4. List three challenges associated with the use of digital technologies.

The three challenges associated with the use of digital technologies are as following;

1. Organisational restructuring challenges

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
2. Resistance to change in an organisation

3. Lack of required digital skills

Activity 2D

1.What are the key factors to consider when preparing a business case?
The key factors which must be considered while preparing a business case are;
Know your business objectives: for a business, it is important to be aware of your goals and
objectives which must tell about your business.
Do your research: before your business presentation, it is important to be well prepared so that,
you could present your business in an effective way. Ask your colleagues for the assistance to
avoid any mistake.
Adapt for your audience: be careful about the targeted audience. Mention the required data
which would help to persuade your audience to buy business. Avoid to round around the bushes
because this could impact negatively on your business.
Manage changes in the workplace: once you achieved the target, you must make sure that all
the employees are familiar to the technology or not. Introducing a technology is a huge change in
any business.
Seek advice: Searching for an experienced person will help you to get advice about the business
case which will give success to the business case.

2. List the different sections of a business case template.

The business case template is consist of Purpose, context, goals and objectives, approaches,
strategic costs, business benefits plan, results, project approach, dependencies, risks, assumptions
and business case sign-offs.

3. Prepare a business case for implementing a new digital solution in your organization or a
hypothetical organization. This can be produced over two weeks and then submitted to the
assessor for review.
A business case is a document used to explain what is going to implement and how it can be
Being a software developing organization, our aims are to develop a new online website for
marketing. This online website will help the people who want to do online selling of different
The stakeholders who will be involved in developing website are, IT manager and their team. We
would need $8,000 for the launching of website. The website will be launched in the month of
February 2023.
The most important point is to know whether the employees know how to use this website or are
they familiar with using digital tools. So, the employees must get training about the website and
its uses, till the end of second week of January 2023. The HR manager will be responsible to
conduct the trainings for the employees.
This business case will further be shared with the CEO of our organization for the approvals and

Activity 3A
Refer to Case Study C– Implementation plan
Write an implementation plan for ABC Books according to organizational requirements.
This should be aimed at employees in the business. The plan should be no longer than 250
The implementation plan is a plan, which helps to organize the project in a way that objectives
could be achieved timely. It consists of objectives, roles and responsibilities, budget, resources

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
and time of completing the project. For the successful completion of any project, implementation
plan must be developed.
Implementation plan for ABC Books
The ABC books is a chain of bookshops located in seven cities across the country. At the
beginning, they were selling books in just one store, but now they want to expand their business
by converting it to online business. The Graham Brown is the CEO of the ABC books.
Now, the website is officially given the go-ahead. The owner has started to make a plan to
implement it.
The implementation schedule is divided into three stages. The below table shows the crux of
implementation plan of ABC books.
Serial stages time Budget and resources
1 Developing the It must be completed over the Budget $6,000 has
website first six months of 2018 been allocated
2 Training employees April-June 2018 Enough computers for
3 Marketing new Must be completed a month Flyers and posters
website before launching the website in prepared by marketing
August department

Activity 3B
Conduct a role-play meeting with another learner, yourself acting as a manager and the
other learner as a member of staff. This can be completed in a workplace or simulated
environment. The role-play should last around 10-15 minutes.
Use the implementation plan created in Activity 3A and communicate key features of the
plan to the relevant stakeholder (e.g. member of staff). Ask for feedback on the plan during
the meeting and make notes of this. You will need to demonstrate good verbal and non-
verbal communication skills.

As a manager of ABC books, Observing the implementation plan in office. I make a phone call to
my assistant and ask her to send the team leader team leader of marketing group to my office.
Scene 2
The marketing team leader enters to my office and seeks permission
Note: (A is denoting team leader and B is manager)
A: May I come in sir?
B: yes please have a seat,
A: thank you sir
B: I wanted to talk about the implementation plan prepared by the honor of our company for
developing our website. I would like to know your feedback about the plan so that we could see it
closely to find if any data is missing or the plan has been prepared properly or not.
A: thank you for your consideration sir, let me have a look to the document of
implementation plan.
(the team leader starts reading and observing the plan)
The plan has been developed very clearly and relevant to our organization goals. Which includes
developing website for marketing. But I would like to suggest that, the time duration for
developing website is not enough. Developing a website is not that much easy which could be
completed in just six months. Sometimes it takes a lengthy period of time. So I think we should
give one more month or contact software developers to ask whether this much time is enough or

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
B: you are right, we must consult to the software developers for mentioning the time they need.
They are the responsible people to develop the software and they knows well that how much time
they would need.
(office boy enters to the office with two cup of coffee.)
A:one more point which must be considered is that, the training for the employees must be started
as soon as possible. Because this is a new thing which is going to be implement in organization
and most of the employees doesn’t know how to use internet. So it will take time for them to get
familiar to the laptops, internet and then website. We must be well prepared till the website
launching. For that, our employees must get more and more trainings to avoid any hurdle in
B: that’s another valid point. We must extend the training time. So that the employees must be
well prepared for the launching of website. For this, let me contact with the HR manager and ask
him to share the training plan with me.
Scene 3
B: thank you for your time, let me discuss it with the CEO and make the changes where needed.
A: okay, good luck. See you…..
(the team leader leaves the office)

Activity 3C
Refer to Case Study C – Implementation plan
Complete the following table, identifying the timeframes, people and resources required for
each action to implement the website.

Digital imitative Develop and launch the website

Action Time frame people resources
Developing the First six months of Marketing manager Budget $6,000
website 2018 and the employees
Training employees April-June 2018 HR manager and floor Computers for all
on how to use employees
Marketing the A month before The team leaders and Posters and flyers
website launching the website floor employees

Activity 3D
1. Identify four different ways to conduct training and briefly explain the benefits of the
The four different ways to conduct trainings are;
1. Instructor-led or classroom training: this method of training helps to train a large
number of people in a short time. It is beneficial for the learners because they can easily
interact with each other and make themselves understand about the presentation.
2. One-to-one training: it is useful to train the people with specific needs.
3. Virtual classroom training: the training can be conducted or received by sitting
anywhere in the world.
4. Blended learning: different ways can be used to deliver trainings. It is good for
organization with diverse training requirements and learning objectives.

2. Explain how to encourage feedback and innovation from relevant stakeholders.

Encouraging the stakeholders gives them strength to move a step ahead and work for organization
with their full spirit. It is very important to encourage feedback and innovation from the
stakeholders to boost their participation in the organization. The feedback can be positive and
negative, the organization must accept them and make the stakeholders feel that their views are
being considered.

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
1.Identify two common digital applications in your workplace or one you are familiar with,
and explain the key terms, concepts, and user features of each one.
The digital applications are divided into two sections; software and hardware. The software is
related to the applications that are used to run the computers, laptops or mobile phones. While
hardware’s are computers, phones laptops and mobiles. The two commonly used digital
applications in our organization are; Emails and laptops. Email is an example of software
application which is used to send the messages and documents to one or more than one person.
Laptop is an example of hardware used to make documents, presentations and sending mails.
2. List your organization’s requirements, policies, and procedures. (You may refer to a
workplace you are familiar with as an alternative).
A company will be unable to achieve its goals until and unless it doesn’t create policies and
procedures. As a web developing company the policies we have are based on code of conduct,
performance review policies, safe computer use policies and employee security policies.
3. List five different types of collaborative technologies and explain their use in a business
The five types of collaborative technologies includes; Email, Instant messaging apps, team,
department chat forums, digital voicemail application.
Email: it is used to send and receive the important messages and documents to one or more than
one person at the same time. Email collaborative technology is widely used in any organization
for collaboration.
Instant messaging apps; instant messaging apps are also used as collaborative technologies for
sending and receiving the messages. They are useful to convey the message in few seconds.
Team, department wide chat forums: many organizations uses department wide chat forums to
convey the message and data to all the employees at the same time.
Digital voice mail applications: digital voice mail applications are also being widely used by the
organization to convey messages. Watsapp is one of the example of voicemail applications.
Voice-over-internet Protocol calls. Almost every organisation uses this technology to save the
time and convey the message in short time period.

4. Briefly explain the format and content of a business case (in no more than 100 words).

A business case is a written document which explains about, what is going to be implement and
how it will be implemented. The format of business case consist of, purpose, context, goals and
objectives, approaches, strategic fit, project costs, business benefits plan, results, project
approach, dependencies, risk, assumptions and business case sing offs. A business case template
must define all the mentioned required elements so that it would be easy to a relevant personnel
to understand about it and give the approval.

BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
5. Create a strategy for training and coaching in digital technologies for your organization
or one you are familiar with.
It is very important for any organization to train their stakeholders about the digital technologies.
Being a software developing organization, before launching any new website, we use to provide
classroom trainings to our employees. These trainings helps the stakeholders to know about the
new website and how it can be used in positive way to get good results. The following table
shows the strategies for the upcoming training in our organization a lunching of new website.
Launching a new online marketing website
Action Time Supporters Resources
Train the In the first two The HR manager Computers or
employees weeks of and IT manager laptops for all
January 2023 employees
According to the above table, training for the employees will start on 1st January 2023 and will
end on 15 January 2023. The HR and IT managers will be responsible for conducting the training.
The HR manager will arrange the resources required for the training, while the IT manager will
explain, train, and clarify about the new website.

6. What are the commercial strategies relevant to digital technologies?

 The commercial strategies relevant to digital technologies include;
 Digital Diagnostic 
 Digital Operating Model –
 Digital Transformation Mapping 
 Innovation-as-a-Service 

7. What are the key sources of information for digital applications, and which options are
specific to your business?
The key sources of information for digital applications are: developers interview, colleagues,
magazines, online articles, competitors, web pages. For our business, the online articles and web
pages are the options of collecting information for digital application.

Section C, Performance Activity

1. In a workplace or simulated environment, produce a plan to implement the use of digital

technology for collaboration in a work environment.
To complete this activity, you will need to:
 Review business use of technology for collaboration and identify opportunities,
priorities and risks associated with adopting new technologies according to
organizational strategies
 Collect, analyze and present relevant information about digital applications
 Create and present a business case to relevant stakeholders for adopting new
collaborative digital technologies
 Develop and communicate a plan to implement new ways of working collaboratively
using digital technologies.
This activity can be completed over the course of two weeks (can be longer if required).
Once completed, the plan should be submitted to the assessor to check through.

10 | P a g e
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges
Introduction to organization
Being a software developing company, the main objective of our organization is developing new
websites for online business.
Business use of technology
The commonly used digital technology for collaboration in our company are computers and
emails. These software and hardware technologies are the main sources for developing a website
and for collaboration in organization.
A business case
Different new technologies are being introduced which may help to develop a website in a very
short period of time. Such as Laptops. Being a software developing organization, we must move
from traditional computers to the new and updated technology. Our organization must arrange
laptops for all the employees who are working on development of new website. taking this step
will help to complete the target in less time, because the workers can easily work on laptops by
sitting anywhere. They can work on the project from homes or anywhere in the world. The HR
manager is responsible to arrange the laptops for the employees and IT manager, along with his
team will be responsible to explain, train and guide the workers on how to use the laptops
properly. This work has to be done in the month of January so that, employees will start working
on the main project which is to develop new online business website.
The CEO of the company will approve the proposal for implementation.
Communicating plan
An important meeting of all the stakeholders who are going to contribute their services in
developing the plan will be arranged. The objective of conducting meeting is to communicate the
plan of introducing new technology which will be used for developing the new online marketing
website. Each stake holder will be given chance to give and recommend their feedback about the
new technology.
Implementation of plan
The following table shows the implementation of plan
Action time responsible resources
Buying laptops January 2023 HR manager Laptops for all
Trainings In the first week of IT manager and IT Laptops for all
February 2023 team
According to the above table, the laptops must be arranged in the month of January 2023 so that
the workers will get trainings of using these laptops in the first week of February and will start to
work on developing the new website for online business.

11 | P a g e
BSBTEC404 - Use digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Answer Paper – Mercury Colleges

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