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Meaning of Recruitment of selection to
Recruitment is concerned with attracting the candidates for consideration of seleobs.
various jobs. li enables the management to select suitable employees for differe itive
Recruitment is done before selection or employment of employees. Recruitment is c i e s .
process of searching the prospective employees and attracting them to apply for vace

Recruitment is the process of identifying the sources for prospectve candidare

stimulate them to apply for jobs in the organisation. It involves seeking and attracu
pool of people from which qualitied candidates for job vacancies can be chose
The process of identification of different sources of personnel is known as recruitme
precedes process as it attracts suitable applicants who apply for available jobs.
positive the selection process and aims at creating a pool of candidates so that management
can select the most suitable candidate. For this, the human resource department communicates
the vacant job positions through notice board, advertisement, employment exchange, webSITe, etc.

The process of recruitment

identifies the different sources of labour supply,
) assesses their validity,
Gin chooses the most suitable source or sources, and
() invites applications from the prospective candidates for the vacant jobs.

Scope of Recruitment
The scope of recruitment process is very wide as the candidates for various jobs are widely
scattered. Recruitment of employees can be done from both internal sources and external
sources. Internal sources of recruitment means the personnel already working in the organisation.
External sources denote recruitment from sources outside the
organisation as shown in Fig. 4.1.






Fig. 4.1. Sources of Recruitment.

The internal sources of recruitment
include transfer, promotion and reemployment of ex
employees as discussed below:
1. Transfer. It means
shifting an
responsibilities. Transfers are done to employee from one job to another
fill vacancies with having similar staenls
According to Dale Yoder, "A transfer involves theemployees from overstaffed depaah o 0
anotherwithout special reference to changing shifting of an employee
responsibilities or compensation". fromomean
e a n s


to another and
employee from one job to another, one unit to another or one shift
i n v o l v ea r new geographical location. For example, a bank employee may be
even from one branch to another
seat (or post) to another or
is the transfer of an employee to a job that carries higher pay
o mone

romotion. A promotion

A oromotion involves reassignment of an employee to a position havingFor example, the
andSilities, higher privileges, increased benefits and greater potential. the Deputy
respost of General Manager of is company may be filled up by promoting
of a
vaC Manager. Thus, promotion a vertical shifting of an employee. The purpose
which is worth more to the organisation than the incumbents
is :to shift to job
omotion is
p r e s e n tp o s i t i o n .

to a beter
Myres, "Promotion is the advancement of an employee
AcCording to Pigors
greater skills, higher status and higher pay" The existing
i n terms of greater responsibilities, in the enterprise. Ifa vacancy
wovees may be given training promotion higher positions
for to
the enterprise, it acts as a stimulating torce for the empioyees to develop
e filed from within
who had left the
t h e m s e l v e s .

Re-employment of Ex-employees. It refers to employing the people

3. or permanent basis. temporary
because of some reason. t may be on a
araanisation earlier
Merits of Internal
recruitment are as follows
The merits of internal
having intimate knowledge ofthe organisation structure
9The internal candidates
car handle the new jobs easily.
the morale of the employees.
i) Promotion will increase know
efforts on the part of employees because they
(i)Promotion will ensure sincere
that they may rise to senior positions by promotions.
insiders for the senior posts will be less.
(v) The costs of training the the
best use of
Reliance on internal sources will enable the enterprise to make
capabilities of its employees.
(vi) The cost of internal recruitment is very

Demerits/Limitations of Internal Sources

Internal sources may be associated with the following
be reached by the management. Moreover,
) Better qualified outsiders may not
person may not possess the required qualities.
promoted to a job
restricted. Once a man joins an organisation, he
()The mobility of manpower is turnover to a certain extent is good for the
stick to that organisation. Employee
health of the organisation.
like seniority and ability. Such
(un) In promotion, there may be clash between factors
decisions by managers may lead to
if are sure about
iv) The spirit of competition among the employees hampered they
time bound promotion.
limited talent of the insiders. The
) Further growth of the business is hindered by the
will be restricted.
entry of fresh talent into the organisation

External Saurces
dany a tinme. suitable candidates are not available trom the
Intornal sources. In o
meet thedemands of the company, the external sources have to
be used. The Dare ,
Secrtment may use the following external sourcos of
he persoingl
1.Direct Recrultment. Many unshilled persons often contact
varnous enterwises to ascertain if they could be the employment sectin.
reTuitment at factory enployed. Many
firms follow the prach
gate to till casual vacancles. Such workers are known as Budli wor
Ths method is very usetul for
invohe oost of advertising the vacancies.
unskilled workers for a temporary
period. It doe
Whenever the regular workers absent
arge number or whenever there is rush of
work, this source of recruitment themsele." in
2. Casual Callers. In may be used
case of reputed
employment on their own initiative. Such peopleorganisations, many qualified people applv
calers. They serve as a are known as
unsolicited applicants or .
good source of manpower. A
proper file be kept of such
may be called whenever the need arises. may
and the candidates

Advertising. Job advertising has become a popular
higher post or when therepractice
particulariy when the vacancy is for a with the large
This helps in
approaching the candidates spread over different are a large
number of
about the job
descriptions job specifications can be
and parts of the vacanciee
the candidates who country.
given the advertisement so
in Informatinn
think themselves to be
the choice of the suitable may apply only. This that onlu
management. method also
by the Government Exchanges. There is a network of employment
vacancies through the which has also made it compulsory exchanges in the countr
for the
role in recruitment. employment exchange. Thus, employers to fill some
5. Placement
employment exchanges play an important
services to the Agencies. Professional bodies have come into
in the enterprises
supply of particular
for recruitment and existence which provide
selection of employees. their
6. categories of employees such as trained These agencies specialise
organisations Consultants or Head Hunters.
to recruit
computer professionals.
middle level and technical,
top level executive
professional and managerial consultancy firms help the
right type qualifications and skillsand placements. They maintainpersonnel. They specialise in
even advertise data bank of
Consultants, personnel. A few
examples of
the jobs on
behalf of persons with
their clients to recruit
Godman's head hunters are
accountants, engineers, International, Mantec Consultants, A.F.
etc. also etc. These Ferguson and Co., ABC
organisations. help their members to
days, professional bodies
7. suitable placements in industrial
become a popularRecruitment. Colleges and
big organisations source of recruitment for technical,institutes of
management and technology have
institutes to recruit maintain a close liaison with the professional and
is the qualified personnel for various universities, vocational managerial jobs. Many
recruitment'. jobs.
practice of business and other Recruitment from and
8. organisations. This is educational institutions
referred to as
prove toRecommendations 'campus
source of Referals. Applicants introduced
be a good or
because something about recruitment. In fact, by friends and
is known. employers prefer to take relatives may
friend recommends their many
Some some one background
for When a such
organisations have agreements is placed onpresent employe or a pers
a job, the
with the trade the job after a busine
unions to brief
give preference to

to fill the vacant

o fe x i s t i n g
Or retired employees if their qualifications and experience are suited
Labour contractors are an important source of recruitment
Labour Contractors.

who are themselves

ndustries in India. Workers are recruited through labour contractors leaves
is that if the contractor
so eS of the organisation. The disadvantage of this system leave. That is why, this source
2raanisation, all the workers employed through him will also labour
by business organisations in India. Recruitment through
ahOur is not preterred many is st
been banned for the public sector units in India. However, this practice
tractors has
onstruction industry in the private sector.

in c a s e of o
com source of recruitment
these days.
Web Publishing. Internet is becoming a popular
10. information about
certain websites specifically dedicated for the purpose of providing
There are
both. In fact, websites such as,
inh seekers and job opening and the organisations
commonly visited both by the prospective employees
etC. are very
tor s u i t a b l e
searching and
T.V. (Doordarshan
11. Telecasting.
The practice of telecasting of vacant posts over
these days. pecial programs like Job Watch', 'Youth
is gaining importance
other channels) etc. over the T.V. have become quite popular
in recruitment for
'Employment News, it are
The detailed requirements of the job and
the qualities required to do
various types of jobs. exists.
alongwith the profile of the organisation where the vacancy
Dublicised reasons for The
as a source of recruitment is used less as compared to other sources. A
this are:
0Telecasting is an expensive time and it is not repeated.
appears for a very short
(i) The advertisement fornot bejobable
The candidates may
to understand it fully.
T.V. miss the information about job
(i) The candidates who don't watch area miss the
the candidates living in such
(v) If there is a power failure in any area,
vacancies telecast during the period
of power failure.

Merits of External Sources

of recruitment are as under:
The merits of external sources
the management can
of recruitment,
() By using external sources in
Qualified Personnel.
for vacant jobs the organisation.
make qualified and trained people apply
a large number of applicants
Wider Choice. When vacancies are advertised widely,
(i) choice while selecting the
the organisation apply. The management has a wider
from outside
people for employment. infusion
limited talents. External sources facilitate
Fresh Talent. The insiders may have
(i) the enterprise. This will improve the overall working of
of fresh blood with new ideas into

enterprise. external sources, the existing staff will have

company can tap
(v) Competitive Spirit. If a will work harder to show better performance.
to compete with the outsiders. They

Demerits of External Sources

from external sources are as follows:
The demerits of filling vacancies
Existing Staff. External
recruitment may lead to dissatisfaction
() Dissatisfaction among
may feel that their chances of promotion are
and frustration among existing employees. They

tormal application for the vacant post in the firm. After the
interview, the
informed about the selection or rejection decision of the
employer. idate may ba
Meaning of Selection
Selection is the process of choosing the right
employment of workers. Selection is a negative process as it 1or
person a particular job. It lea
involves rejection of uns
candidates. More candidates are rejected than are selected. Selection involves
to weed out the unsuitable candidates for the job under consideration. several ab
Criteria are laid da
each stage. Those who do not fulfil the criteria set for a stage are
rejected immediatelv
What Is Selection?
Selection is the process of choosing from among the candidates the most
for the current position or for the future position.
suitable perso:
-Dale Yoder
Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to
those with a greater likelihood of success in a job." identify and hire
Recruitment vs. Selection
Recruitment is a positive process searching the prospective employees and
negative process because it involves rejection of unsuitable candidates. However, both on isa
and selection are the two phases of the employment process. Recruitment recruitrms
being the
envisages taking decisions on the choice of tapping the sources of labour supply. first phphase
the second phase which involves giving various Selectian
types of tests to candidates and interviewinn
them in order to select the suitable candidates. Ning


Recruitment Selection
1. Meaning It is the process of searching candidates for It is the process of selection of
vacant jobs and making them apply for the right types
same. of candidates and
them jobs.
2. Nature It is a
positive process as it stimulates people to It is negative process as it leads to
apply for vacant jobs.
rejection of unsuitable candidates.
3. Aim Its aim is to attract more and more candidates Its aim is to pick up the most suitable
for vacant jobs.
people for the vacant jobs.
4. Procedure The firm notifies the vacancies
through various The firm asks the candidates to pass
sources and distributes
forms to through a number of stages such as filing
of form, employment tests, interview,
medical exam., etc.
5. Contract of No contractual relation is created. Recruitment
Service Selection follows recruitment and it leads
implies communication of vacancies only. to a contract of service between the
employer and the employee.
6. Number There is no restriction upon the number of Only a certain number of candidates are

Significance of Selection
Selection is a critical process in the employment program of any organisation as it costs
investment of time and money to get right types of people. Induction and training
a heavy investme
of the
also high. If the right types of persons are not chosen, it will lead to huge loss a suitable
emnlover in terms of time, effort and money. Therefore, it is essential to devise more and
eelection procedure. Each step in the selection procedure should help in getting
moe information about the applicants to facilitate right selection decision.

follows :
The benefits of selecting right kinds of people for various jobs are as
Proper selection and placement of personnel go a long way towards building up a
suitable workiorce. It will keep the rates of absenteeism and labour turnover low.
(i) Competent employees will show higher efficiency and enable the organisation
achieve its objectives efficiently.
(i) The rate of industrial accidents will be considerably low if suitable employees are
placed on various jobs.
of their taste and choice, they get higher job satisfaction.
w) When people get jobs
This will build up a contended workforce for the organisation.
The morale of the employees who are satisfied with their jobs is often high. C


Selection procedure involves thefollowing steps
) Preliminary interview. (i) Screening applications
(i) Employment tests. (iv) Final interview.

Reference checking. (v)Medicalexamination.

(vi) Appointment letter.
hurdles before
As shown in Fig. 4.2, every candidate for a job has to clear a number of
he is not considered for the
getting selected for the job. If he is not found suitable at any stage,
further stages. Thus,he will be rejected. For instance, if a candidate's particulars in the application
pes if a candidate fails in the
are not found suitable, he will not be called for the tests. Similarly,
successive stages in the selection process are
tests, he will not be caled for the interview. The
discussed below:
taken for executive jobs. It
() Preliminary Interview. The preliminary interview is generally
is brief and leads to eliminating the totally unsuitable candidates. Lack of certain requirements
in education, training or experience may determine unsuitability. The candidate who clears the
interview is asked to fill in the application form to provide detailed information about himself.
The preliminary interview offers advantages not only to the organisation, but also to the
will be saved from
applicants. If an applicant is eliminated at this stage, the organisation
the expenses of processing him through the remaining steps of the selection procedure. The
unsuitable candidate will be saved from the trouble of passing through the long selection

provided to the candidates
(i) Screening of Application Forms. The application form
are on request. It can also be downloaded from the website of the concerned organisation. It asks
Tor a written record of qualifications, experience and other qualities of the candidate. The

applicaton form should be as simpie as possible and

of theapplicant for the job. A specimen of an incorporate questions about the.
application form for the post of s
s given below
stical ot
The applcation form is useful for several
reasons. It gives a
candidate to the interviewer and helps him in
formulating questions have more infeut
idea ab
about the candidate. The written
information about age, qualifications,
prove to be of
greater value to the interviewers. It makes the experience a
easy since there is uniformity of filling the data in the processing of applicati
application form. ons v
(For the Post of Statistical
1. Name Mr./Mrs./Miss:

2. Fathe's/Husband's Name: . .************* ... ***

3. Residential Address ********* "*

** **********.


4 Date of Birth ************

5. Educational Qualifications
(Atach photocopies of certificates)
Examination Board Year of
Passed Subjects Division &
University Passing taken
() High School or
(i) SSC or equivalent
(in) B.A.B.Sc./B.Com.
(a) Percentage of marks
in Statistics paper.

(iv) MA./M.Sc./M.Com.
(b) Percentage of marks
in Statistics paper.

6. Employment Exchange registration no. & date, if any .

7. Whether the candidate belongs to SC/ST or OBC category...

8. Whether the candidate
belongs to Physically handicapped/
Ex-serviceman category.
9. Experience of statistical work, if any. ...

(Attach a separate sheet of paper if the space is

. ...
hereby undertake that the information given by me is correct and that in the event of its
being found incorrect at any stage, I may be disqualified for the job.

Signature of Candidate

ieation torms are processed by th0 screening committee and propery screened
Appdidates who are to be given the employment tests and called for an interview. ne

el of such screening is to reject the totally unsuitable candidates. This will save a lot of
p u r p o s eo fs u c h

t i m ea n d m o n e y .



Letter 4

Fig. 4.2. Selection Procedure.

used to select persons for various

(i) Employment Tests. Employment tests are widely
individuals with the vacant jobs so asto
characteristics of
jobs. These tests help in matching the candidates:
employ right type of personnel. The following types
of tests are given to the
(a) Intelligence tests.
(b) Aptitude test.
c)Occupational or Professional tests.
(e) Personality test.
weaknesses of individuals which could be
Employment tests bring out the qualities and
must be designed properly. If they are biased,
analysed betfore offering them jobs. The tests and skills. Selections based on such tests
they will not be good indicators of one's knowledge
for the purpose of selection.
WIl be
faulty. That is why, tests should not be relied upon blindly
clears the various employment tests, he is
) Employment Interview. After an applicant
called for final interview. The interview is taken by the Board consisting of the HR Manager and
interview is held to determine suitability of the
e representatives of other departments. The
Candidate and to provide him a complete picture of the responsibilities associated with the job.

has also an
ade on the basis of actual behaviour of each individual in the group. It
d e made individual's traits are
aTvantAgetha thatthe personality can be more accurately judgod since the
na broad social situation.
nested candidatos
discussion, a
ina group dis specific problem is given to a group consisting of 8-12
o n e cornor doos
to iinvolve themselves in discussion. The observer sitting at
offer h s views and opinions,
who but simply directs and guidos tho discussion. In this
als tend to initiate and lead the discussion whlle others participate vory ittl.
ne individuals

with othor
sdsussions are really good where an individual has to work in co-oporatlon
of a ggroup after being selected. The observer makos obsorvations about loadorship
mbers of
behavlour can be rocorded
s behaviour, judgement and personality of the individual. The behavIOur
jective way by
a no d j e c t i v e the number of times an aggresslve or co-operative
different individuals.
displayed by


Meaning of Placement
of employees is the placement of selected candidates
The last step in the procurement
orienting them to the organisation. According to Pigors and Myers,
raht jobs and
to whicha selected candldate
Placement may be defined as the detemmination of the job
and his assignment to the job."
s to be assigned,
reason to think he can do with the job
demands (job
tis matching of what the supervisor has what he
it is matching of what he imposes (in strain, working conditions) and
with promotional possibilities etc. However, in broad terms, placement
offers in the form of payroll, includes the initial assignment
or reassignment of an employee to a new job. It
is the assignment
transfer and promotion of the existing employees.
of new entrants and the

Sigaificance of Placement
staff that each employee should be
t isimportant for both the organisation and the
the factor to be considered is not only the suitability
placed on a suitable job. While doing so, of the job to the individual. Initial placement
of the individual to the job but also the suitability
about the new employee.
is always a problem because because of lack of adequate knowledge
consideration of the demands of the job and
Therefore, placement should be made after due
which has spent a lot of time and
the social, psychological needs of the individual. A company
lose due to wrong placement.
money in making a very careful selection may
of workers can have the following advantages
Right placement
) Reduced labour turnover rate.
(i) Reduced absenteeism rate.
i) Increased safety of workers and lower
v) Increased morale of workers.
Better human relations in the organisation.
difficult to adjust for a new employee who is
Placement is not easy process. It is very
For this reason, the employee is generally put on a
quite unknown to the job and environment. At the end of the probation period, if the
probation period ranging from one year to two years.
he is confirmed as a regular employee of the organisation.
employee shows a good performance,

Thus the probation period or trial period is the transition

has to take a decision whether the period at the ond of which manar,
employee should be made regular or
discharged from
Considerations in
Placement of New Employees
Placement decisions are
consultation with higher levelsgenerally taken by line
decides the executives. It is the
supervisor wh
department's role is to advise the line placement of each
employee. The
company and to provide counselling managers about
to the
the human resource perso
While taking the employees. policies of
placement decision, the following the
kept in mind
considerations or principles
1. Job must
requirements of the
employee should be placed

job such as physical on the job

eyesight, hearing,according
job should not be and mental
adjusted according to the ability, to the
placement profile charts can be qualifications and stress, etc. Th
the used to the ne of
requirements. This profile chart match the workers physical and mental
employee. Jn
worker abilities for key features displays abilities with
worker fits of the job so that
an evaluation of both job
a job. requirements andnd
management can easily determine
2. Suitable how well a
Over qualifñed andQualifications. The job should be
under offered to a person who is
long-run. qualified persons might create suitably qualified
3. problems for the organisation
Adequate Information to the Job in the
in the firm. information and facts Incumbent. The employee should
He should relating
also be informed
to the
job, including the be
provided with
levels. about the rewards working conditions
4. associated with various prevailing
to Commitment and Loyalty. While placing the new performance
develop a sense
his commitment, loyalty and
responsibilities better cooperationemployee,
an effort
towards thé in his should be
mind so that he made
5. job, the
after theFlexibility. The placement in the initial organisation and his associates. may realise
do bettercompletion
justice. of training. The period
employee may be may be
temporary as changes are
later transferred
be utilised placement helps to
to the
job where helikely
fully if he is improve
helps to reduce labour placed on the job employee
for which morale. The
capacity of the
to the
job and turnover, absenteeism he is most suitable. employee can
placed. performs as per and accident Right
expectations, it would mean thatIf a candidate placement
4.10 INDUCTION the candidate
Meaning of Induction or
Induction is the first Orientation
channel of Employees
step in a effective
information between
Induction is
the communication
management and the which seeks
It is theconcerned with employees. two-way
to build a
him a welcoming introducing or
feeling of process to make the new orienting new a
belongingness to the organisation. employee
employee feel to the
at home
generate in

The new employeo, on his jolning the organlsatlon, must bo helpod to get acquainted and
seted with the follow employoos and the work onvironment. Rather than leaving him to groping
oway through
thro the organisation, it ls much botter to
proporly and aystematically
ha COmpany, its phllosophy, Its place In the Industry or oconomy, its majorintroduce
pollcles, nim
This phase Of induction ls properly handled by the HR department. Some large organisations
t o the new employoes motion pictures doplcting thelr history and operatlons and also
eir values
principles. The new employe0s are also glven the necessary information
and ethica
out canteen, lunch break, rest hours, wash room faclitles, etc.
The objectives of systematic induction are:
(a)To build up the new employee's confidence in the company and in himself, so that
he can become an efficlent worker.
() To give the new employee information and knowledge of the company, its
organisation structure and products.
(c) To give him information that he needs, such as the time to break, off for tiffin, where
to find the canteen, the wash room, etc. what leave he is entitled to and how to
apply for it, and so on.
)To foster a close and cordial relationship between the newcomers and the old
employees and their supervisors.
(e) To ensure that the newcomers do not form false impression and negative attitude
owards the organisation or the job because first impression is the last impression. P

0 To promote among employees a feeling of "belonging" and loyalty to the company.

Significance of Induction
Induction is a socialisation process by which the organisation seeks to make an individual
its agent for the achievement of its objectives and the individual seeks to make an agency of the
organisation for the achievement of his personal goals. The basic purpose of induction is to
introduce the new employee and the organisation to eah other, to help them become
acquainted, and to help them accommodate each other. The new employee is explained what
is expected of him and is also told the rules, regulations, policies and procedures that directly
atfect him. He is made aware of how his job fits into the overall operations of the organisation,
his own duties and responsibilities, and to whom he should look for when he has any problem
or dificulty.
The first impression made on the mind of the employee is likely to be a lasting impression,
and the treatment he receives during the early days on the new job will help to form his opinion
of his employers. Careful introduction to his job will make his adjustment to the job more rapid,
his mistake fewer and his attitude more co-operative.

Beneflits of an Induction
The benefits of formal induction are as under:
t reduces new employee's anxieties and provides him an opportunity to know about
the organisation and its people.
of the organisation and its
) t helps the new employees in knowing the expectations

nsters understanding among the emplovee

() about the compan.
and what the com
ohectves. pokoies, principles, strategies,
people. The new emnployees arealso interested in learni any expects
rnnehe "dioutg thepictutan
organisation Orientation tells them how thoy and their unit fit int.abou
k s a postve attitude towards tho company annd its stakehol
rs. FFirst
oral decause new employee remembers it for years. A well maders. da
programme leaves a lasting impression on the mind of the
the new
new aged orie
M buids and strengthens wo-way communicetion in the companloyee "
o helps speed up socialisation process by making the new emol.
the social, technical and cultural aspects of the workpla ee underst
becomes a part of the social fabric of the organisation and
devel s aempl.
Induction PRrocedure and Practice
induction may be informal in case of small firms and formal of
the duration es
weeks in case of big
need no necessarily be given on the
Orientation training course should not
be tooto
day when the new
tormal course is to be aftended after two or three weeks empioyee
on the job, the
his y duties
the immedistely needed information should be initial introd ut
anca departmental executive. provided to the new employee
by an HR v n
induction procedure should consist cutve
1. The new
of the following stepss:
person should be given a definite time and
2. The supervisor or the place to report.
immediate boss should meet and welcome
to the
organisation when the latter reports for duty. the new
3. Information about working hours,
vacations, probationary period,
suggestion systes, etc. should be conveyed to the
medical leave
Topics to be Covered in Induction
Company's histony, vision, mission and philosophy.
Products and services of the
u) Company's company.
(i) Location of
organisation structure.
departments and employee services.
(v) Employees' activities like
clubs, credit society etc.
(Personnelpolicies and procedures.
(vi) Standing orders.
(ii) Rules and
() Terms and conditions of service.
Grievance procedure.
Safety measures.
(xi) Benefits and services for
a) Training facilities. employees.
v)Transfer and promotion policies.
( Career advancement
) Counselling facility. schemes.

Departmental orientation should include, introduction to the department, explanation

*ofthe functions of the department, job Instructions and to whom he should look 1or
when he has any problem.
help and guidance
5. Verbal explananions may be suPplemented by a wide variety of printed material,
employee handbook, employee manuals, house journals, pamphlets etc., alongwith
short guided tour around the company's premises.
should be handled by persons who are fully conversant
The induction programme
with the course contents. The success of the induction course will depend upon
of trainers and their ability to draw out the interest of their listeners.
Commonly used practice of induction is talk plus audio video presentation. Motion
aids, charts, printed materials, etc. can be used to explain company policies,
pictures, visual.
should also
asses and products of the company. A round of the plant and the department
ranged to acquaint the new workers with the overall operations of the company.

Gulidelines in Elfective Inductior

For achieving intended results, care should he taken of the following points
the program should
Orientation should be thoroughly planned and those conducting C

give specific problems faced by the

due attention to new employees.
workers. Thus, induction
Supervisors should be trained in the art of orientation of new
should be treated as a special duty.
first of all the new
(Human side is the most important part of orientation. Therefore, R
whom he will work- his
employee should be introduced to the people with
be arranged for this
colleagues, superiors and subordinates. A tea party may also

(iv) The new employee should be informed about the rules that apply to him as well as
the specific work situation and job requirements.
)Orientation should be agradual process. The participants should not be
with too much information.

()The supervisions should answer the questions and clarify

the doubts that the employee
may have about the job and the organisation.

Socialisation is the process through which a new recruit begins to understand and accept
department helps
HR new recruits
the values, norms and beliefs held by others in the organisation.Socialisation helps the newcomers
Ointernalise the way things are done in the organisation".
at various levels and learn behaviours that
wmeract freely with the other employees toworking
soclo-cutural environment in the organisation.
aeacceptable. It also helps them to adjust the
of to the new
Socialisation in an organisational context is basically a process adaptation
ure of the organisation. It starts with a newand employee's initial orientation on the job (i.e.,
cion) and continues through various training development programmes. Thus, orientation
Only a small part of the overall socialisation of new employees.

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