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RB Form 6 Research Capsule

Title Research Problem

Relationship of Blended Learning Satisfaction with This study aims to determine the relationship of blended
Self-Efficacy and Work Readiness of Nursing Graduates learning satisfaction with self-efficacy and work readiness
of nursing graduates. Specifically, this study will answer the
following questions:
Significance 1. What is the level of blended learning satisfaction,
self-efficacy, and work readiness among nursing graduates?
The study will serve as a framework for nursing education 2. How does blended learning satisfaction influence
in future health crises. In addition, the results of this study self-efficacy and work readiness?
may help the Department of Education in planning for a 3. Is there a significant relationship between and among
better educational approach for the students, especially blended learning satisfaction, self-efficacy, and work
that this time of pandemic is now considered as the new readiness?
normal. Furthermore, Blended Learning can be
considered a long-term approach among educational


Recruitment of an adequate number of respondents will

be a challenge for this research as the graduates may no
longer be confined within the university at the time of
data collection. Some may already be in their provinces,
while others may be in different review centers in
preparation for their Nursing Licensure Examination,
which could affect their time, focus, and willingness to
participate in the study.

Furthermore, assessing the blended learning satisfaction,

self-efficacy, and work readiness of nursing graduates is
subjective, citing their actual clinical experience from their
blended learning in their senior year as their basis. Thus,
the results of this study can only be contextualized within
their limited exposure to blended learning.

Design Framework

A Quantitative Descriptive-Correlational design will be The study will be grounded on the the Self Efficacy
used in the study to establish the relationship of blended Theory of Albert Bandura (1977) and the Work-Related
learning satisfaction with self-efficacy and work readiness. Integrated Competence Model of Prikshat, Nankervis, and
This study will utilize the Quantitative.This design will Kumar (2019).
guide in describing the variables, as well as in measuring
the degree of relationship between and among them. BL The Self Efficacy Theory provides a framework for
satisfaction will be the independent variable. Self-efficacy understanding the factors influencing one's self-efficacy.
will be both a dependent and a mediating variable whereas The theory pertains to how an individual perceives his or
Work Readiness will be a dependent variable. her ability to perform particular behaviors to complete a
specific task (Shorey & Lopez, 2021). Bandura (1990)
identified four sources of information that influence an
individual's self-efficacy: 1.) performance
accomplishments, 2.) vicarious experiences, 3.) verbal
Rm. 310-A Third Floor, St. Martin de Porres Bdg., University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015
Tel Nos.: (+632) 4061611 loc. 8362/8241 Telefax: (+632) 731-5738
Sample and Sampling Frame
persuasion, and 4.) physiological states (Vaughan-Johnston
The respondents in the study will be limited to UST & Jacobson, 2020).
College of Nursing graduates of Batch 2022. The Raosoft
Software was utilized to determine the appropriate sample The Work-Related Integrated Competence Model
size for the study. The margin of error is set to 5%, with a (WRICM) represents the skills and competencies that
confidence level of 99% and 50% in response distribution. graduates are expected to meet aligned with multiple
With Batch 2022 having a population of 316, the software stakeholders' requirements. The theory suggests four
arrived at a recommended sample size of 215. Potential domains: intellectual, personality, meta-skill, and
respondents must meet the following inclusion criteria: (1) job-specific resources.
underwent blended learning in their senior year of the
academic year 2021-2022, (2) regular students, and (3)
completed 47 academic units in their senior year.
Respondents who had any prior clinical work experience
(e.g., Certified Nursing Assistant) will be excluded from
the study. Consecutive sampling, a non-probability
sampling technique, will be used to determine the
potential respondents of the study.

Data Collection Protocol

The proponents will seek approval for the data collection
from the university where the target population will be
coming from, after getting the approval from the Ethics
Review Committee (ERC). The group shall also seek
permission from the College Dean and College Secretary
to invite respondents during their onsite review in the
college to take part in the study. The authors of the tools
will be contacted through email to request permission to
use their tools in the study.

The data collection will be conducted online as the target
population has graduated by the time of collection. It will
be conducted using an online platform called Google
Forms. Google Forms is a web-based tool for creating
survey questionnaires for online data collection. A
three-part survey questionnaire will be constructed for
data collection, which will include Student Learning
Satisfaction in a Blended e-Learning System Scale,
Nursing Competence Self-Efficacy Scale (NCSES), and
Work Readiness Scale for Graduate Nurses (WRS-GN).
Another part will be dedicated to the first section of the
survey questionnaire for informed consent. For the
respondents to avoid missing out on important items in
the questionnaire, all items will be set to “required” as part
of a Google Forms feature to prevent submitting
incompletely answered survey questionnaires.
Backtracking will be allowed to let the respondents go
back into items they think may need reassessment. They
will be required to access the form with their emails to
ensure that only one response per respondent will be
recorded to avoid repetition. The survey questionnaire will
be deployed by having the link emailed to the respondents
of the study. Completing the survey questionnaire will take
up to 30
Rm. 310-A Third Floor, St. Martin de Porres Bdg., University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015
Tel Nos.: (+632) 4061611 loc. 8362/8241 Telefax: (+632) 731-5738
minutes. Upon completion and submission, results will
automatically be integrated into the ‘responses tab’ of the
Google Forms. The researchers will direct the data into
a spreadsheet and upload it to an online storage that only
the research members can access. All responses will be
deleted from the online storage in June 2023.
Research Instrument(S) Objectives

● Student Learning Satisfaction in a Blended e-Learning The study aims to determine the relationship of blended
System Scale learning satisfaction with self-efficacy and work readiness
○ The Student Learning Satisfaction in a of nursing graduates. It seeks to answer the following
Blended e-Learning System Scale will be questions: a) What is the level of blended learning
adapted to measure the level of blended satisfaction, self-efficacy, and work readiness among
learning satisfaction among the respondents. nursing graduates?, b) How does blended learning
This tool was developed by Wu et al. (2008) satisfaction influence self-efficacy and work readiness?, c)
primarily to present a learning satisfaction Is there a significant relationship between and among
model which examined the determinant blended learning satisfaction, self-efficacy, and work
factors for student learning satisfaction in a readiness?
blended e-learning environment. The original
tool consists of 28 items divided into 9
different constructs: computer self-efficacy,
perceived behavioral control, system
functionality, content features, social
interaction, learning climate, perceived ease of
use, perceived value, and learning satisfaction.
In the study, only a total of 19 items will be
adapted to determine the level of blended
learning satisfaction among the respondents.
The questionnaire starts with the
statement,“Having experienced blended
learning in my senior year in nursing, I can
say that...” It utilizes a 7-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7
(strongly agree). Scores will be calculated
according to the mean, wherein a higher
mean will indicate higher satisfaction, and a
lower mean will indicate lower satisfaction.
The composite reliability coefficients and the
values for the reliability of the 9 constructs
were all more than adequate. However, the
instrument will still undergo validity and
reliability testing using Cronbach alpha to
determine its fitness in the study.

● Nursing Competence Self-Efficacy Scale

○ The Nursing Competence Self-Efficacy Scale
(NCSES) will be used to measure the level of
self-efficacy of the respondents in the study.
This tool was developed by Kennedy (2013)
to measure senior nursing students’
self-efficacy in meeting competencies
essential upon entry to the nursing
profession. It is a 22-item questionnaire
organized into 4 subscales: proficiency,
altruism, prevention, and leadership. The
questionnaire starts with the statement, “As
of today, how confident are you to...”. It
Rm. 310-A Third Floor, St. Martin de Porres Bdg., University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015
Tel Nos.: (+632) 4061611 loc. 8362/8241 Telefax: (+632) 731-5738
utilizes a 9-point Likert scale ranging from 1
(certain cannot do) to 9 (certain can do).
Scores will be calculated according to the
mean, wherein a higher mean will indicate
higher self-efficacy, and a lower mean will
indicate lower self-efficacy. The author of the
instrument has done a series of reviews of
literature throughout the study to evaluate the
content validity of the scale. All items that
scored 3 or 4 on relevance and clarity by the
experts were retained in the questionnaire.
The internal consistency of the entire
22-items of the NCSES was assessed with
Cronbach’s alpha, yielding a score of .919.
Each factor was found acceptable with scores
ranging from .753 to .845 (Kennedy, 2013).
However, the instrument will undergo pilot
testing to determine its validity and reliability
in the study.

● Work Readiness Scale for Graduate Nurses

○ The Work Readiness Scale for Graduate
Nurses (WRS-GN) will be utilized to measure
the level of work readiness of the study
respondents. This tool was developed by
Walker et al. (2015) to measure the 4
constructs of work readiness: social
intelligence, personal work characteristics,
work competence, and organizational
acumen. It is a 46-item questionnaire
organized into 4 subscales according to the
listed constructs of work readiness. The
questionnaire starts with the statement “In
regards to work readiness after engaging in
blended learning, I can say that...”. It utilizes a
4-point Likert-type scale having the following
choices: 1-strongly disagree, 2-disagree,
3-agree, and 4-strongly agree. Scores will be
calculated according to the mean, wherein a
higher mean will indicate higher work
readiness, and a lower mean will indicate
lower work readiness. The instrument's
reliability was determined with the
Cronbach’s alpha, with its constructs
measuring 0.7 to 0.8 and above (Field, 2019).
However, the instrument will undergo validity
and reliability testing using Cronbach alpha
through pilot testing to determine its fitness
in the study.

Rm. 310-A Third Floor, St. Martin de Porres Bdg., University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015
Tel Nos.: (+632) 4061611 loc. 8362/8241 Telefax: (+632) 731-5738
Data/Mode of Analysis

The level of BL satisfaction, SE, and WR among nursing

graduates will be analyzed using the descriptive statistics
method. The mean scores will be calculated to represent
an instrument as a single value, along with the standard
deviation to examine the dispersion and reliability of
corresponding data from the mean of every tool.
Relationships between and among the three latent and
measurable variables will be assessed with the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM).

Timetable Ethical Considerations

● Conflict of Interest
○ The researchers of this study will not
accept funds, grants, or any financial
support from specific organizations or
sponsoring agencies. Therefore, all
researchers in charge of this study declare
that there will not be any conflict of
interest in the study.
● Privacy and Confidentiality
○ An informed consent will be part of the
survey form that will ensure the privacy
and confidentiality of the respondents in
line with the Republic Act 10173 or the
Data Privacy Act of 2012. Only the
gender, school name, batch year, intensive
nursing practicum information, and email
address will be collected as the
respondent’s personal information. Any
other personal information that may be
revealed during data collection will not be
disclosed. All data in the questionnaires
used in this study will only be used for the
agreed reasons and purposes mentioned
in the informed consent given to the
respondents. All questionnaire responses
will be uploaded to online storage, which
only the research members can access.
Lastly, all data gathered from the
questionnaires will be stored for
approximately 8 months and be deleted in
June 2023.
● Informed Consent Process
○ Prior to conducting data collection,
informed consent will be secured from all
eligible respondents through the same
Google Forms used with the survey
questionnaires. Full disclosure of the
background of the study, its significance,
benefits, risks, and privacy and
confidentiality agreement will be included
in the informed consent form. No
signatures will be gathered but an option
stating that they are willing to respond in
Rm. 310-A Third Floor, St. Martin de Porres Bdg., University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015
Tel Nos.: (+632) 4061611 loc. 8362/8241 Telefax: (+632) 731-5738
the study will be provided. No forms of
coercion or force will be done in cases
wherein respondents do not agree to
respond in the study.
● Risks
○ There will be a minimal inconvenience as
answering the questionnaires may take
some time. No risk for any harm will be
incurred in the study as data will be
collected online.
● Benefits
○ Respondents of the study will receive an
e-certificate from the researchers to
signify our appreciation. Furthermore,
respondents will also be able to assess and
reflect on their academic self-efficacy and
readiness to work in relation to their
blended learning experience.
● Incentives and Compensation
○ The researchers will provide e-certificates
through the respondents emails once they
have finished answering all the
questionnaires and other forms related to
the study.
● Community Considerations
○ Once the study is completed, the paper
and the results will be made available to
both nursing and non-nursing individuals
or groups to use as reference for
improving their educational curriculum.
This study shall serve as a basis for
institutions to craft programs to develop
the self-efficacy of students.

GO, Cheyene Franchescca M.

GONZALES, Francis Roy S.
GONZALES, Millena Maia T.
GONZALES, Sweetheart Angela C.
GUERRA, Mari Anne Estefani G.
GUMAPOS, Nelsie Faith M.

Rm. 310-A Third Floor, St. Martin de Porres Bdg., University of Santo Tomas, España Boulevard, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1015
Tel Nos.: (+632) 4061611 loc. 8362/8241 Telefax: (+632) 731-5738

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