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Assignment 4

Medical Doctors are a must in society now and days, to practice as a

medical doctor, you will need a Medical Doctor degree, along with this, Medical Doctors
must complete a four-year undergraduate course, a four-year medical school and a
three to seven-year residency course before they can study the major they choose to
study. You need to pass several certifications/exams which are the Medical College
Admission Test (MCAT), pass parts i & ii of the United States medical licensing
examination (USMLE), Board certifications and to complete Part III of USMLE. Medical
Doctors make great pay, their salary range is $61k-$350k a year. As stated in the
beginning of the essay, Medical Doctors have extreme professional demand that is
expected to grow as the aging population grows. As for personal satisfaction, yes, some
Doctors are satisfactory with their lives in the field, mixed with their personal life too.
They have many benefits such as money, high place in the hierarchy and more money.

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