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Health promotion efforts at the

Community Health Centers

Siti Meilan Simbolon, M.Kep

After completing this lesson, students are able to explain:

1. Definition of Health
2. Purposes of Health Promotion
3. Target of Health Promotion
4. Carry out clean and healthy
living behaviours
What is Health promotion
Health promotion is the process of
enabling people to increase control
over, and to improve, their health

Ottawa Charter, 1986

Target of Health Promotion

Primary  the head of the family,

pregnant/breastfeeding women,

Secondary  community leaders,

traditional leaders, religious leaders

Tertiary  Policy makers from the

center to the regions
Clean and healthy living behaviors

PHBS is a program that has been created by

the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Health

Weighing Eat healthy

Delivery at Exclusive
toddlers and nutritious
health facility breastfeeding
every month food

activity Using clean Washing hand with
every day water celan water and soap

Getting risd of Using the

No Smoking
mosquitos nests toilet well

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