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Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661

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Experimental tests and technical characteristics of regenerated films

from agricultural plastics
Pietro Picuno a, Carmela Sica a, Rocco Laviano b, Aleksandra Dimitrijevi
c c, *,
Giacomo Scarascia-Mugnozza d
University of Basilicata, DITEC Department, Potenza, Italy
Bari University “Aldo Moro”, Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, Bari, Italy
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Agricultural Engineering, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
Bari University “Aldo Moro”, Agricultural and Environmental Science Department, Bari, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Current agricultural practices require the use of large quantities of plastics, which contribute to
Received 6 April 2012 a significant increase of the quantity and quality of agricultural production, but also require high
Received in revised form quantities of plastic waste to be disposed in such way that will not have a negative effect on the land-
12 June 2012
scape and the agro-ecosystem. In this paper the results of an experimental investigation of the possi-
Accepted 18 June 2012
bilities of producing new regenerated plastic films through mechanical recycling, from post-consume
Available online 28 June 2012
agricultural plastic films are analysed. Six recycled films, made from agricultural low tunnel and
greenhouse covering films as well as from HDPE bags for agrochemical packaging, have been extruded
Agricultural plastic waste
producing films of different thickness. These regenerated films were characterized by means of
Mechanical recycling mechanical and spectrometric tests and SEM þ EDS analysis. The obtained results show that without
Plastic films adding any additives into the blends good mechanical and spectral properties can be achieved by mixing
Plastic film mechanical properties the greenhouse and low tunnel recycled plastic film coverings.
Plastic film radiometric properties Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Apart from their diverse use and contribution to a significant

increase in productivity the use of plastics causes high quantities
Plastic materials have a wide range usage due to their versatile of post-consume material that need to be disposed in such way
properties such as light weight, resistance to break, low cost, ease of that will not cause negative effect on the landscape and agro-
manufacture, fabrication and shaping [1]. Concerning the agricul- ecosystem [5]. Current intensive and semi-intensive agricultural
tural production, especially horticulture, an extensive and steadily practices require the use of large quantities of plastics [6]; the
expanding use of plastic films is reported world-wide since the consumption of plastic materials used throughout Europe for
middle of the last century. Some of the reported benefits of using agricultural applications reached 615,000 t in 2004 [7].
plastic materials in agricultural fields result from increased yields, Most recent data suggest that agriculture and horticulture are
earlier harvests, less reliance on herbicides and pesticides, frost responsible for the consumption of, approximately 1 < 500,000
protection and water conservation through the reduced irrigation t/year of all polymers in Europe. Consumption of greenhouse and
and water consumption [2e4]. It has also provided a more efficient low tunnel covering films in Europe amounts to 72,000 and
use of farm land, higher quality of crops and a resulting healthier 75,000 t/year, respectively. In Italy, with the respect to an average
environment. Furthermore, for example in arid regions, plastics annual consumption of more than 350,000 t of agricultural
piping/drainage systems can cut irrigation costs by one to two- plastic, it is estimated a corresponding flow of post-consume
thirds while as much as doubling crop yield. In particular, the material of about 200,000 t/year. Approximately, 55% of this
market of plastics used for these purposes in Europe involves quantity [8] comes from protected cultivation (greenhouse clad-
hundreds of thousands of hectares and hundreds of thousands of dings, low tunnels, soil mulching, vineyards nets, etc.). So far,
tons of plastic films per year. there is no specific legal framework in Europe to ensure and
environmentally friendly, economically feasible and socially
accepted disposal system for agricultural plastic waste [9].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ381 112194606, þ381 63268202 (mobile);
fax: þ 381 113163317. LabelAgriWaste [10] developed a proposal for improvement of the
E-mail address: (A. Dimitrijevi
c). European Legislation on solid waste (Revised Waste Framework

0141-3910/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Picuno et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661 1655

Directive 2008/98/EC) in a way of incorporating the proposed PATI SpA Company (Italy) has extruded two other materials,
labelling scheme for agricultural plastic waste [11]. densified material (Fd5) and granulated material (Fg6) obtained
The intensive and expanding use of plastics in agriculture results from regenerated granules of greenhouse and tunnel films. Densi-
in increased accumulation of plastic waste in rural areas. A large fied material (Fd5) was obtained from pellet extrusion at
part of agricultural plastic waste may be recycled, especially the 180e200  C. The pellets were of sufficiently small dimensions to be
greenhouse films, silage films and fertilizer sacks, pipes and other fed to the extruder hopper. The other material (Fg6) was obtained
plastic products. There are many studies that consider the from the densified resin that was cooled to 70e80  C and re-
mechanical recycling an appropriate system for recovery of post extruded. In this way granulated material was obtained.
consumption agricultural plastic film [12e16]. The materials analysed in this work were collected and recycled,
Recycling and reusing of different plastic materials is one of the in case of low tunnels, after one production season, and, in case of
processes to reduce the environmental pollution problem. One of greenhouse coverings, after two seasons. In order to define the
the fundamental goals of recycling is to improve different proper- mechanical properties of new recycled materials two virgin mate-
ties of the recycled plastics [1]. The properties can be improved rials were used for comparing the results. Virgin materials were
substantially if composites are made by combining plastic waste obtained from the same locations as materials for recycling. The
materials with cellulosic materials. Solution blending involves the difference of the thickness was considered when these recycled
use of solvents which are not eco-friendly. Melt blending suffers films were analysed and compared to the virgin one. Materials F1,
from some disadvantages like stress development, temperature etc. F2, F3 and F4 (respectively 40, 40, 40 and 30 mm) were compared
There is not only a lot of focus on the recycling of post-consumer with a virgin LDPE film (T1), 50 mm thick, while materials Fd5 and
solid waste, but also the plastics industry has recognized the need to Fg6 (respectively 150 and 60 mm) were compared with a virgin EVA
recycle industrial waste since all processing techniques produce some film (T2), 160 mm thick.
residues such as off-spec resin, trims of moulded parts, or poor quality All recycled films were tested by means of mechanical tests and
parts [17]. The recycling of plastic films of agricultural origin is a tech- spectral and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis.
nique of low environmental impact, well appreciated by the public Mechanical tests were carried out in the Laboratory of Material
opinion, because it doesn’t produce harmful substances as may happen Testing of the Technical-economic Department of the University of
during other disposal techniques, e.g. incineration [18]. It may also lead Basilicata, Italy. For each material n.10 specimens were cut. Five
to interesting advantages, from a technical and economical point of specimens were taken along the parallel direction of the extrusion
view, through the creation of new products, the improvement of those and five specimens in the transverse direction. The tensile tests
existing and the development of new applications, with decreasing were carried out using a computerized universal machine Galda-
costs of the whole process if mechanical recycling of heterogeneous bini PMA 10 according to the Italian UNI 8422 Standard [21], at
plastic material is possible, where the need to separate different constant deformation velocity of 200 mm min1. Each test con-
polymers is avoided. The characteristics of the recycled material cerned 10 specimens, so expressing the results in terms of average
depend on those of the virgin material, on the level of dirtiness of the value and bilateral confidence interval with 95% probability [22].
post-consume (used) material and of the recycling process itself. The results obtained from tensile tests are reported in terms of
Amin [19] discussed ways of improving the properties of maximum resistance (smax) expressed in [MPa], percentage elon-
greenhouse covering by introducing a three layer film whose gation (ε) and percentage elongation at break (εbr) expressed in [%].
middle layer is a recycled LDPE film. Research presented by Lima The spectral analysis, aimed to the definition of the optical
[20] discusses the philosophy of using two waste materials to properties of the six regenerated films, was performed in the
produce a newer material presenting comparable properties with Laboratory of Spectro-radiometric Analysis of the DISAAT Depart-
those of the conventional non-renewable materials which was ment of the University of Bari e Italy, using spectrophotometers
suggested will go long way not only in mitigating the environ- PerkineElmer UVeVIS and FT-IR 1760X [23]. The transmittance to
mental problem but also in providing additional employment radiation in the wavelength range from 190 nm to 25,000 nm was
through collection and transportation of such materials. determined. An integrating sphere was used to evaluate the diffuse
The aim of this paper is to present some research results in the fraction of the transmitted radiation in the PAR range.
area of plastic materials mechanical recycling. The paper gives the SEM analysis was carried out at the University of Bari at the
basic mechanical and spectral characteristics of the new materials Earth and Environmental Sciences Department. The materials after
obtained from low tunnel and greenhouse plastic film coverings. recycling were characterized by a SEM of LEO, model EVO50XVP.
The samples were fixed on aluminium stubs with colloidal graphite
2. Materials and methods and then sputtered with a 30 nm thick carbon film. Investigations
on the samples were carried out with both secondary electrons (SE)
Plastic samples that were tested and analysed were obtained and back-scattered electrons (BSE).
from plastic films used as cladding materials for low tunnels and Semi-quantitative analyses of the elemental composition of
greenhouses in different farms in Huelva and Almeria regions present minerals were obtained using a Si(Li) Pentafet ED Oxford-
(Spain). These agricultural plastic films were collected and recycled Inca detector equipped with an Atmosphere Thin Window 2Ó.
in form of granules by the INSERPLASA S.A. Company (Spain). After Operating conditions of the SEM were: 15 kV the accelerating
the granulation the Company extruded four transparent films potential, 500 pA the probe current and 20.0 mm the working
(F1eF4) different in their mixtures: distance.

- F1 e recycled film obtained from regenerated granules of 3. Results and discussion

greenhouse film (50%) and low tunnel film (50%);
- F2 e recycled film obtained from regenerated granules of 3.1. Mechanical properties of the recycled materials
greenhouse film (75%) and low tunnel film (25%);
- F3 e recycled film obtained from regenerated granules of The recycling of homogenous polymers is a relatively easy
greenhouse film (25%) and low tunnel film (75%); challenge only when their structure is preserved and no significant
- F4 e obtained as a mixture F1 (25%) þ F2 (25%) þ F3 degradation took place either during the lifetime or the recycling
(25%) þ HDPE, from agrochemical packaging (25%). [15]. Agricultural covering and mulching films are exposed to
1656 P. Picuno et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661

natural weathering that influences their mechanical, chemical and

optical properties in different ways leading to significant thermal,
chemical and mechanical degradation [3]. Level of the degradation
influences their post-recycling characteristic and thus determines
their future applications [24].
The results of the tensile tests, obtained for the regenerated
samples, show that there are differences in terms of maximum
resistance (smax) and percentage elongation at break (εbr). When
compared to the LDPE film, recycled samples (Table 1) show similar
and higher values of the maximum resistance. According to EN ISO
527-3 standard [25] that deals with mulching films, all these films
except F3 have appropriate characteristics in terms of maximum
resistance (smax  20 MPa). The highest value was observed for the
F2 material and the lowest for the F3 material. The results reported
by Ma and La Mantia [24] stated that with the recycled LDPE worse
characteristics are to be expected when compared to the virgin
LDPE. They reported 15.2 MPa maximum resistance for the virgin
LDPE and 11.5 MPa for the recycled LDPE.
The F1 and F3 samples show similar values for maximum
resistance regardless of the tension direction, while there are some
differences regarding F2 and F4 samples showing higher values in
the direction transverse to tension direction (Fig. 1).
Concerning the percentage elongation at break there was an
obvious worsening of the material properties. All the materials
show lower values compared to the virgin LDPE. Only material F2
can fulfil the standard demands [25] for the good quality mulching
film (εbr  300%). Mechanical properties of the recycled materials
depend on those of the virgin material [3] and the level of its
degradation after the usage correlated with the ageing, caused by
sun UV radiation exposure, and the conditions of material usage,
like exposure to agrochemicals, mechanical stress, etc. The
mechanical degradation of plastic films can affect the recyclability
of the materials as it is directly related to the chemical-structural
changes of the polymer.
Materials F2 and F4 show a certain inhomogeneity of results
when tensioned in the parallel and transverse direction (Fig. 1).
Higher percentage of elongation was observed in the transverse Fig. 1. Strainestress curves for F1, F2, F3 and F4 material in the parallel (TP) and
direction for both materials. The reason can be found in the inho- transverse (TT) direction to the extrusion.
mogeneity of the materials themselves. Based on the mechanical
test results it can be said that a combination of 75% of greenhouse
properties compared to tension in direction parallel to extrusion
coverings and 25% low tunnel films, after recycling can give
(Fig. 2).
a material that fulfils the standard demands for a good mulching
Tzankova Dintcheva et al. [26] and Tzankova Dintcheva et al.
plastic film. If compared with the standard mechanical properties
[27] reported the more suitable mix, obtained with about 75% LDPE
of mulching materials [25] it can be concluded that material F2 can
(low density polyethylene), 15% LLDPE (linear low density poly-
be treated as a good quality material for the normal mulching film.
ethylene) and 10% EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer),
The other group of materials that were compared to virgin EVA
revealed good characteristics in terms of flexibility at low temper-
greenhouse covering showed different mechanical properties. The
atures, resistance to degradation, and mechanical characteristics at
values of the maximum resistance varied from15.4 N mm2 (Fd5) to
high temperatures. Their analysis of virgin material influence on
18.7 N mm2 (Fg6) and were lower than the value obtained for the
the properties of new recycled films was analysed formulating
virgin EVA material as well as for the materials from the previous
different blends of virgin and used materials. Other studies showed
group (Table 2). Material Fg6 had higher maximum resistance
that the addition of different percentages of VA to LDPE increases
when tensioned in transverse direction while values for Fd5
maximum strength resistance, hardness and resistance to lacera-
materials were similar in both directions of extrusion.
tion of the recycled film and improves its radiometric characteris-
The values of the elongation at break of Fd5 and Fg6 samples
tics [28].
were similar and very low. The tests show that both materials
According to the EN ISO 527-3 standard [25] it can be concluded
tensioned in transverse direction present better deformability
that material Fg6 can be considered as a covering material that
fulfils the standard characteristics of a covering “normal film”
Table 1
Mechanical properties of F1, F2, F3 and F4 recycled materials.
Table 2
Material Thickness (mm) smax (MPa) εbr (%) Mechanical properties of the Fd5 and Fg6 recycled materials.
F1 40 20.60  2.75 246.75  25.58
F2 40 35.71  4.45 310.51  36.77 Material Thickness (mm) smax (MPa) εbr (%)
F3 40 12.54  1.23 261.95  37.46 Fd5 150 15.41  0.96 191.20  25.37
F4 30 29.93  3.66 247.69  67.00 Fg6 70 18.72  2.51 190.87  44.34
T1 50 21.74  1.23 439.90  139.32 T2 160 34.54  11.30 536.44  7.56
P. Picuno et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661 1657

Fig. 2. Strainestress curves for Fd5 and Fg6 material in the parallel (TP) and transverse
(TT) direction to the extrusion.

Fig. 3. Spectral transmittance of F1, F2, F3 and F4 plastic films (200e25,000 nm).

because its maximum resistance is higher than 17 MPa and its

elongation at break is higher than 180%. material. The highest transmittance was observed for F1 (76.4%)
and the lowest for the Fd5 material (37.9%).
3.2. Spectral properties of the new materials The more transparent the film is to NIR, the more heat will reach
the protected cultivation and the soil. In the case of recycled films
All the regenerated films showed quite similar spectral charac- that were compared with the LDPE, it can be seen that all materials
teristics (Table 3). Analysing the behaviour of the films in the solar show the same “pattern” in transmitting NIR and that all the results
wavelength range, and specifically in the PAR, it is possible to note are included in the range 81%e85% except for Fd5 (77.2%) that is
that materials F1, F2 and F3 had a transmittance higher than 80% also much more diffusive, 37% in the NIR and 39% in the solar wave-
while F4, Fd5 and Fd6 films were characterized by PAR trans- length range, compared to F1eF4 and Fg6 samples.
mittance less than 80%. Lower transmittance of F4 is the result of The greenhouse effect of the protected cultivation technique
the fact that this material in its composition had 25% of HDPE from depends on the impermeability of the covering materials to long-
agrochemical packaging which is not transparent in the PAR. On the wave infrared radiation. As is well known, not all wave-lengths of
other hand, Fd5 had significantly higher thickness compared to the the infrared (IR) spectrum are equally relevant from the thermal
other samples, contributing to the worsening of the PAR point of view, since there are “atmospheric windows” in which the
transmittance. IR radiation emitted by the Earth preferentially escapes; one of
All the tested materials show a high UV transmittance which is these windows is located between 8 and 13 mm [28]. In the wave
related to the potential photo-degradation of the polymer by range of 3000e25,000 nm F1, F2, F3 and F4 samples show similar
sunlight. This characteristic can be appropriate if the F1, F2, F3 and transmittance patterns up to 15,000 nm after this value the
F4 materials are going to be used as mulching films (with carbon patterns are slightly different (Fig. 3). The highest transmittance
black additives), while it could lead to the ageing and degradation value in the long-wave IR range was observed for F2 (78.4%)
of the film during its use, if no anti-ageing additives are used in the throughout all the range and the lowest for F1 (63.2%). Concerning
the fact that material F2 had a content made of 75% of greenhouse
covering, it was expected to have a lower transmittance in the long-
Table 3
Results of the spectral analysis of the recycled materials. wave infrared radiation. In case of Fd5 and Fg6 samples, it can be
seen (Fig. 4) that the lower transmittance was observed for the Fd5
Wave length Measured parameter Material
material (24%).
F1 F2 F3 F4 Fd5 Fg6 Therefore it can be stated that in the long IR wavelength range,
Solar Transmission Total (%) 84.7 82.8 84.0 79.1 72.7 80.0 only the Fd5 film showed a low value while all other films were
200e2500 nm Direct (%) 59.4 59.6 60.2 54.1 33.2 45.7 characterized by significantly higher transmittance values [29] than
Diffuse (%) 25.3 23.2 23.9 25.0 39.5 34.3
the optimal value of a greenhouse covering films (s ¼ 0.35e0.40).
Reflection 8.0 8.6 8.0 11.3 7.9 7.6
PAR Transmission Total (%) 84.1 81.5 83.2 76.3 69.2 77.4 From the spectral analysis it can be seen that, with reference to
400e700 nm Direct (%) 51.7 50.1 52.1 42.2 26.1 36.8 the recycled materials composition and that the mixtures were
Diffuse (%) 32.4 31.4 31.1 34.1 43.1 40.6 made partially from greenhouse coverings, it has been expected
Reflection 8.4 9.2 8.4 12.7 8.3 7.9 that recycled materials could contain some percentage of vinyl-
Solar IR Transmission Total (%) 85.6 84.3 85.1 81.9 77.2 83.5
700e2500 nm Direct (%) 66.7 68.5 67.8 65.1 40.1 54.2
acetate (VA). According to the Italian Standard UNI ISO 8985 [30],
Diffuse (%) 18.9 15.8 17.3 16.8 37.2 29.3 it is possible to calculate the material IR absorbance based on its IR
Reflection 7.6 8.1 7.5 10.1 7.6 7.4 transmittance. Since samples F1eF4 had a thickness less than
UV Transmission Total (%) 76.4 74.8 74.7 67.1 37.9 53.6 50 mm, their content of VA was negligible while for the Fd5 material
280e380 nm Direct (%) 38.4 36.1 38.4 29.3 11.8 21.1
was 7.44% and for Fg6 6.44%. It is evident that the disposed plastic
Diffuse (%) 38.0 38.6 36.3 37.8 26.2 32.5
Reflection 9.9 10.1 9.9 11.0 7.9 8.6 materials classification prior the recycling process is of high
Long-wave IR Transmission Total (%) importance and that great attention should be taken when forming
7500e12500 nm Direct (%) 63.2 78.4 64.9 73.3 24.1 49.6 blends. Serranti and Bonifazi [31] stated that no matter how effi-
Diffuse (%) cient the recycling scheme is, sorting is the most important step in
Reflection 9.7 5.1 12.3 8.7 4.0 6.3
recycling loop. A good system of material traceability should be
1658 P. Picuno et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661

Fig. 4. Spectral transmittance of Fd5 and Fg6 plastic films (200e25,000 nm).

introduced into the recycling management centres. Briassoulis et al.

[11] proposed the Labelling scheme for APW in Europe and stated
that traceability represents a key technical component that can
provide quality assurance of material from the plastic converters
level and the suppliers to the farmers and the collection area and
final disposal.

3.3. SEM analysis of new recycled materials

Back-Scattered Electrons (BSE) analysis was used to provide

information about the distribution of different elements (or
minerals) in the samples while Secondary Electron (SE) analysis
was used for analysing topography (or surface morphology) of
SEM analysis with the SE showed that all materials are
homogenous except materials F1 (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). The damages
that can be seen on the figure are mechanical and are not caused by
the chemical composition of the sample. Considering that all
materials were subjected to the same recycling process, the damage
was not done during the recycling. The reasons can be searched in Fig. 5. Surface of the F1 sample (SE images).
the post-harvesting procedures of cleaning and storage.
Previous research on chemical properties of recycled agricul-
tural plastic materials shows that LDPE recovered from green- Calcite is the main constituent of sedimentary rocks such as
houses contains oxygenated groups as a result of photooxidation, limestone and calcarenite much of which is formed from chemical
crosslinks, additives and stabilizers [14]. The presence of oxygen- precipitation in sea environment and/or from the shells of dead
ated groups can modify the solidification behaviour and also marine organisms. Calcite is also abundant in other sedimentary
crystallization. rocks such as clayey deposits. Since plastic materials were collected
Back-scattered electron analysis showed that all materials were in the regions near sedimentary rocks the presence of calcite in
rich in single elements (or oxides) like Zn and Fe as well as in every sample can be easily explained.
minerals like rutile (TiO2), calcite (CaCO3), quartz (SiO2), feldspars Quartz is the second-most-abundant mineral in the Earth’s
and kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4). The analysis showed that all mate- continental crust, after feldspar minerals. Because of its resistance
rials were also rich in chlorines such as potassium chloride (sylvite, to weathering it is very common in stream sediments and in
KCl) and sodium chloride (halite, NaCl). Typical appearance of residual soils. Quartz could remain on the material after the
sylvite was found to be as on Fig. 7. It was found like a group of cleaning and washing or can originate from some additives for
square shapes on the material surface. It appeared that sylvite was improvement of optical properties of the virgin materials. Kaolinite
starting to destroy film by making the holes in film around itself. In is one of the most common clay minerals. Kaolinite is used in
this way mechanical properties of the material will soon been ceramics, medicine, coated paper, as a food additive in toothpaste,
worsened. The origin of the halite and sylvite can be from the air as a light diffusing material. It is also used in paint to extend tita-
pollution. nium dioxide (TiO2) and modify gloss levels. In this way the pres-
Presence of rutile can be related to the additives based on tita- ence of kaolinite can be justified by kaolinite being the additive or
nium that were used during production of virgin materials since kaolinite being the residue on the film before recycling. Muscovite
pigments are used extensively in plastics for their UV resistant (KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2) belongs to the mica group of phyllosilicate
properties where they act as a UV absorber, efficiently transforming minerals and it is also a very common mineral of sedimentary and
destructive UV light energy into heat. It was found in all samples igneous rocks. It was found in F1, Fd5 and Fg6 materials.
but in lower quantities for F3 and Fd5 materials. Presence of zinc Feldspar minerals were very common for all the samples. Albite
and aluminium can be explained by the fact that these can be found (NaAlSi3O8) and potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8) appeared in all samples
in additives for film colouring. while anortite (CaAl2Si2O8) was characteristic only for the F2 sample.
P. Picuno et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661 1659

Fig. 7. SEM pictures for KCl displacement pattern in the F2 (SE image) and F3 samples
(left: SE image; right: BSE image).

indicate the oxidizing conditions [13]. Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) was

found in all samples. Presence of dolomite can be explained by the
fact that in horticulture, dolomite and dolomitic limestone are
added to soils and soilless potting mixes to lower their acidity and
as a magnesium source. Sphalerite ((Zn,Fe)S) was also present, in
very small quantities, in all the samples except F1 and Fd5.
All materials except F1 had traces of lead and material F3 had
combination of lead and chromium. Materials Fd5 and Fg6 had
antimony in traces. One of the applications of antimony is as
a catalyst for the production of the polymer poly(ethylene tere-
phthalate) (PET) and as a pigment for glass. Materials F4 and Fd5
had the barite. Talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) was found in materials F3 and
F4. Talc is used in many industries such as paper making, plastic,
paint and coatings, rubber, food, electric cable, pharmaceuticals,
cosmetics, ceramics, etc. If it was used as additive in film production
Fig. 6. Surface of the F2, F3 and F4 samples (SE images). it will appear in all the samples.
F4 material was different from all the other having the traces of
Gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O) appeared in all the samples except Fd5. nickel. Material F3 was different from all the others having the
Gypsum is a mineral that prevalently outcrops, with thick and cadmium and selenium traces. F1 was the only material having
extensive evaporate beds, in sedimentary rocks. Gypsum deposits magnesium. At the same time F1 showed traces of technetium but
occur from deposition in lake and sea water, as well as in hot this is very unusual because it has a lower atomic number element
springs, from volcanic vapours, and sulfate solutions in vein without any stable isotopes. Nearly all technetium is produced
geologic structures. It is often associated with halides and sulfur synthetically and only minute amounts are found in nature.
minerals. Halite was found in all the samples but pure sulfur was It can be seen that there is no perfect pattern of chemical
found in F1 and F2 materials. Its presence in the samples could composition and that there are no two identical samples but certain
1660 P. Picuno et al. / Polymer Degradation and Stability 97 (2012) 1654e1661

similarity can be observed for the group of materials F3eFg6. All must be paid to collecting, classification, cleaning and storage of
materials in this group, if compared to F1 and F2, do not have collected plastic materials since this can influence final technical
aluminium, sulfur, magnesium, cuprum, technetium, cadmium and properties of materials.
calcium and potassium feldspar. Mechanical recycling can represent the simplest way of
Tzankova Dintcheva et al. [26], when comparing the results of managing plastic waste and, at the same time, obtaining new
the chemical analysis and of the mechanical tests on specimens of plastic materials that can be re-used in the agricultural sector.
recycled films with those obtained in the virgin material, concluded Further investigation should be made on blends optimization and
that the recycled material can be used again in a lot of applications on improving the spectral properties of new recycled materials.
even if its optical characteristics decrease with the number of the
extrusive passages, especially due to oxidative degradation. Acknowledgement
Mechanical characteristics, instead, even worse than the virgin
material, remain relatively good after a lot of extrusions. The The Contribution to programming and executing this research is
addition of suitable stabilizers before each extrusion during the equally shared between the Authors. The Authors wish to thank Mr.
recycling process appeared anyway essential in order to obtain Cosimo Marano and Mr. Michele Cosmo, laboratory technicians,
improved properties [27]. respectively for the cooperation during the mechanical and spectral
The final properties of the new recycled material depend on the tests. In the name of the A. Dimitrijevi c, we wish to thank the
amount of degraded polymer but mainly on the extent of degrada- Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia, for funding
tion. When the degradation of the polymer is limited, good prop- her post-doc research at DITEC Department at Basilicata University
erties can be achieved, but if the degradative effects are more in Italy (Grant no. 451-03-151/2011-02).
pronounced, there is a general worsening of all the properties [3,13].
The degradation effects are connected to the applied production References
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