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Direct Method for Reconstructing the Radiating Part of a Planar

Source from its Far-Fields

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xiao, gaobiao (2022): Direct Method for Reconstructing the Radiating Part of a Planar Source from its Far-
Fields. TechRxiv. Preprint.



Direct Method for Reconstructing the Radiating

Part of a Planar Source from its Far-Fields
Gaobiao Xiao, Senior Member, IEEE

 part with achievable reconstruction spatial resolution subject to

Abstract—A planar current is generally divided into a radiating the Rayleigh diffraction limit, typically half wavelength [33]-
part that generates propagation fields and a non-radiating part [35]. If additional information, like the near fields of the source,
that generates evanescent fields. This paper proposes a direct is available, the diffraction limit may be broken and super
method to reconstruct the radiating part of a planar source from
its far fields based on their exact relationship. A standard
resolution can be obtained using proper algorithm [29]-[32].
reconstruction process is provided in which the far-fields are We have recently proposed a method for synthesis of large-
sampled at the peaks of each propagation mode. Analysis shows scale antenna arrays [36]. By expanding the sources with
that the achievable reconstruction resolution of the source Fourier series, a linear source or a planar source on a rectangular
distribution is about half a wavelength. The paper also sheet can be expressed with superposition of its harmonic
demonstrates that it is possible to reconstruct the source by components. These components have further been divided into
sampling the far-fields on a plane or along a linear path. The
performance of the reconstruction algorithm is illustrated with
two groups based on the property of the fields generated by
numerical examples. them. The propagation group consists of all harmonic
Index Terms—Inverse source problem, radiation field, inverse components that generate propagation fields, and the
scattering problem, degree of freedom evanescent group includes all other components that generate
evanescent fields. The first group is apparently the radiating
I. INTRODUCTION part of the source, while the latter one is the non-radiating part.

I N many practical applications, such as in antenna synthesis

and diagnosis [1]-[5], imaging of defects [6], radar imaging
[7], it is required to reconstruct the source from its fields. This
The exact relationship between the far-fields and the radiating
part of the current is derived in [36] and is found to be very
efficient for synthesis of large-scale antenna arrays. This paper
kind of problems are referred to as inverse electromagnetic shows that the relationship can also be applied for efficiently
source problems. Unlike in the inverse electromagnetic and accurately reconstructing the radiating part of the source
scattering problems [8][9], it is not necessary to recover the from its far-fields. The achievable spatial resolution is about
property of the media but only the source distributions. Inverse half wavelength, the same as the Rayleigh diffraction limit. The
source problems are usually linear problems. However, they source pictures can also be reconstructed with moderate quality
are generally ill-posed and have to be solved with some kind of by sampling on a plane or along a straight line, which
optimization algorithm or regularization techniques, or with the demonstrates the potential application of the method in
help of priori information [10]-[18]. The introduction of the practical applications like remote sensing.
concept of the number of degrees of freedom (NDF) of the This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the standard
fields helps to overcome the ill-posedness of the problem [19]- reconstruction process is described, and numerical examples
[22]. Although the NBF of a practical inverse source problem are provided to reveal the reconstruction performance of the
can be effectively obtained by performing singular value algorithm. The non-standard reconstruction method by
decomposition (SVD) to the corresponding operator, the sampling on a plane or along a linear path is discussed in
calculation is time consuming. The point spread function (PSF) Section III, and a brief conclusion is given in Section IV.
has been applied successfully in solving inverse source
problems [23]-[25]. However, it is very complicated to find the II. THE STANDARD RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHM
exact evaluation of the PSF. For most geometries, PSF can only Consider a current source J  r   , r   Vs , in free space. The
be performed numerically, or with approximate analytical electric field at the position r in far region can be generally
assessment. expressed as
It is well known that a source can be divided into a radiating
e  jkr
E  r    I  aˆ r aˆ r 
4 r Vs
part and a non-radiating part [26]-[28]. The radiating source e j k  r  J  r   dr  (1)
generates propagation fields and contributes to the far-fields of
the source, while the non-radiating part generates evanescent where k  k x aˆ x  k y aˆ y  k z aˆ z is the wave vector, aˆ r is the
fields and does not contribute to the far-fields. Therefore, from radial unit vector, and I is the identity operator. For a current
the far-fields of a source, we can only reconstruct its radiating source on a rectangular sheet in the xoy plane with size of

Gaobiao Xiao is with the Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education of Design Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
and Electromagnetic Compatibility of High-Speed Electronic Systems, the Shanghai, 200240, China. (

Dx  Dy and with its center locating at the origin, its far field D 
f mn  ,    sinc  x  k sin  cos   m x  
can be separated into two polarizations [36],  2 
Dy 2 Dx 2 (7)
F  ,     sin  θˆ e x y I  x, y  dxdy
  y 
jk x  jk y
x x D 2 D 2
y x
x sinc   k sin  sin   n y  
Dy 2 Dx 2
(2)  2 
 sin  y θˆ y   I y  x, y  dxdy
jk x x  jk y y
e As explained in [36], each mode function describes a beam in
 D y 2  Dx 2
the space with its peak at the direction of  mn , mn  and
The primes for the source coordinates in the integrands are
omitted for the sake of simplicity. In spherical coordinate    mn,mn  , which can be determined with equations,
system, k x  k sin  cos  , k y  k sin  sin  , and k z  k cos  .
 k sin  mn cos  mn  m x  0
In (2),  x is the angle between the position vector r and the x-  (8)
 k sin  mn sin  mn  n y  0
axis, and  is that with the y-axis. θˆ and θˆ are respectively
y x y The wavevector of the  m, n  mode at its peak direction
the corresponding unit vectors, as shown in Fig. 1. The factor
 mn ,  mn  is denoted as  k xmn , k ymn , k zmn  , and
sin  x and sin  y come from the x-polarized infinitesimal
 k xmn  k sin  mn cos  mn
dipole and the y-polarized infinitesimal dipole composing the 
current sheets. k ymn  k sin  mn sin mn (9)
The x-component of the current can be separated to be related  k  k cos 
 zmn mn
to the x-polarized far field alone,
Dy 2 Dx 2 In order to analyze the property of these modes in a simple
  e x y I  x, y  dxdy  F  ,  θˆ  F far (3)
jk x  jk y
sin 
x D 2 D 2 x x x way, we choose Dx  Dy  N x   N y  , where  is the
y x

wavelength, N x and N y are two integers. It has been shown in

[36] that only those modes belong to the propagation set  can
contribute to the far-field, where  is defined as

   m, n    2 :  m N x 2   m N y   1
 (10)
A typical constellation of the propagation group in k-space is
shown in Fig. 2, where each circle denotes the wave vector
 k xmn , k ymn , k zmn  of a propagation mode. As all propagation
modes are mirror symmetrical with respect to the current sheet,
x only the upper half of the constellation is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Fig.1 Current sheet and the unit vectors in the coordinate system.

We deliberately put the minus sign to the right hand side of (3).
Similarly, the y-component of the current can be equated to its
y-polarized far-field alone. Therefore, it is possible for us to
reconstruct the two components of the current separately.
At first, we consider the problem of reconstructing the x-
component of the source current from the x-polarization field.
Discarding the factor relating to the distance r , the x-polarized
far-field of the current sheet can be expressed as,
Dy 2 Dx 2
Fx far  ,    sin  x   I x  x, y  dxdy
jk x x  jk y y
e (4) Fig.2 Constellation of the propagation group in the k-space.
 D y 2  Dx 2

Expanding the currents with 2-D Fourier series we get, The far-field of the current sheet is completely determined by
 
j  m x x  n y y  the associated propagation modes,
I x  x, y    I xmn e (5)
Nx Ny

 
m  n 
Fx far  ,    Dx Dy sin  x I xmn f mn  ,   (11)
where  x  2 Dx and  y  2 Dy . Substituting (5) into m  N x n  N y

(4) gives with  m, n    . It is worthwhile to emphasize that (11) is not

 
Fx far
 ,    Dx Dy sin  x  I xmn f mn  ,   (6) an approximate formula obtained by truncating (6). It is a
m  n  rigorous relationship between the radiating part of the source
where the 2-D mode function f mn  ,   is the product of two current and its far-fields.
Note that at the peak of a mode function, all other mode
sinc functions,
functions are zeroes, or explicitly we can write
1, p  m and q  n
f mn  pq ,  pq   
0, otherwise

This property enables us to directly determine the coefficients Firstly, we assume all dipoles are x-polarized and choose the
of the current by sampling the far-fields at  mn , mn  in the reconstruction area as Dx  Dy  40 for all the four source
upper half space. From (11) we obtain, cases. The center of the reconstruction area is put at the origin,
1 the same as that of the source area. Since N x  N y  40 , we
I xmn  Fx far  mn , mn  (12)
Dx Dy sin  xmn can count using (10) that there are totally 5025 modes in the
The reconstructed x-component of the current can then be propagation group. Their peak directions  mn ,  mn  and the
calculated with
j  m x x  n y y 
corresponding wavevectors  k xmn , k ymn , k zmn  are calculated
I x  x, y    I xmn e ,  m, n    (13) with (8) and (9). The far-fields at these directions in the upper
m n
half space are calculated with
where  Dx 2  x  Dx 2 ,  Dy 2  y  Dy 2 , and I xmn is N dip

Fx far  mn , mn   sin  xmn  e  xmn l ymn l 

j k x k y
given by (12). Note that a qualified far-field must be zero at the (14)
l 1
direction of  xmn  0 . We may simply exclude this mode from
the propagation group to avoid possible abnormal data at this where sin  xmn  1  sin 2  mn cos 2  mn , and the number of the
direction. dipoles is N dip  364 . All Hertzian dipoles have amplitude of
In a practical reconstruction task, it is neither necessary nor unit.
easy to know the exact sizes of the source area. We can estimate The reconstructed radiating part of the x-component of the
the source area at first, and then choose a proper reconstruction source currents can be calculated with (13). The results are
area to cover it. The dimensions of the reconstruction area must plotted in Fig. 4. The 9 digits can be recognized in all these four
be selected as Dx  Dy  N x   N y  . cases. In Case-1 and Case-2, almost all dipoles can be
It can be seen from (13) that the spatial frequency of the distinguished as the smallest spacing between them is larger
highest radiating component is N x  x  N y  y  k . Therefore, than the achievable spatial resolution (  2 ). However, in Case-
the spatial resolution in both direction is  2 , which agrees 3 and Case-4, the dipoles cannot be distinguished anymore
with the Rayleigh diffraction limit. In other word, we cannot because their small spacings obviously exceed the range of
achievable spatial resolution.
expect to get higher spatial resolution than  2 with the
proposed reconstruction algorithm.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, we are now
to reconstruct the pattern of a 3  3 digit array formed by 364
Hertzian dipoles, as shown in Fig. 3. All dipoles have unit
amplitude and are located on a uniform grid with spacing ddip
in the xoy plane. Four cases of source distributions are
examined. They all have the same patterns as shown in Fig.3,
but the spacings and the source areas are changed, as listed in
below: (a) (b)
Case-1: d dip   , resulting a source area of 21  39 ,
Case-2: d dip  0.75 , source area is 15.75  29.25 ,
Case-3: d dip  0.5 , source area is 10.5  19.5 ,
Case-4: d dip  0.25 , source area is 5.25  9.75 .
The numerical experiments are carried out in an ideal
situation that all far fields are accurately calculated at the
required sampling directions. No noises are included.
(c) (d)
Fig.4 The reconstructed pictures of the four sources. (a) Case-1, (b) Case-2,
(c) Case-3, and (d) Case-4.

From (10) we observe that larger reconstruction area

generates larger number of propagation modes, and requires
more sampling data of the far-fields. As a result, more
information can be recovered. However, it is not necessary to
use a reconstruction area much larger than the estimated source
area. As shown in Fig.4(c), (d), there is almost no useful
information in the blue area outside the source region.
To exploit the effect of the reconstruction area, we choose
Dx  D y  20 for Case-3 and Dx  D y  10 for Case-4,
Fig.3 Source picture to reconstruct. 364 Hertzian dipoles locate on the xoy
which are in proportion to their source area. The number of the
plane, with each dot representing a dipole.
corresponding propagation modes are then reduced to 1257 and

317, respectively. The reconstructed results are shown in Fig.5.

It can be seen that the definition of the reconstructed source
pictures is almost the same as that in Fig.4(c), (d). The
reconstruction area mainly affects the range of the
reconstructed picture, but has little effect on the spatial
resolution. We may use smaller reconstruction area to alleviate
the requirement for large amount of sampling data.

(a) (b )

(a) (b)
Fig.5 The results with smaller reconstruction areas. (a) Case-3. (b) Case-4.

In many situations, there may have no priori information that

we can use to choose the direction and the center of the (c) (d)
reconstruction area. However, their choices have inevitable
impact on the reconstruction results. We will use Case-3 to Fig.6 The reconstructed currents when the source area rotates with angle of (a)
45 , (b) 80 , and shifts by 20 (c) in x-direction, (d) in y-direction.
reveal this effect. First, we rotate the source area with an angle
of 45 and 80 in the xoy plane, respectively. The polarization Generally, it requires to reconstruct both the x-component
of all dipoles is rotated in the same way. Assume that we still and the y-component of the planar current in order to recover
reconstruct only the x-component with the reconstruction area the total radiating part of the source. We still use the Case-3 as
of Dx  D y  40 . The resultant pictures are shown in Fig.6(a), the source to recover, but the polarization of the middle raw of
(b). Since the polarization of the far-fields rotates with the digits, i.e., “456”, is changed from x-polarization to y-
sources, the x-polarization component of the far-fields polarization. The reconstructed x-component source picture and
decreases with the increase of the rotation angle. Therefore, the y-component source picture are shown in Fig.7. Each
effective information for the reconstruction decreases, and the reconstruction process can accurately reconstruct the
definition of reconstructed source picture deteriorates. The corresponding component of the source current. However, we
recovered source picture blurs when the rotation angle is 80 , have to combine them together to get a complete source picture.
as shown in Fig.6(b).
Next, we shift the center of the source area to  X c , Yc , 0  ,
while the reconstruction area is unchanged. The center of the
current I x  x, y  expressed by (13) will also shift to  X c , Yc , 0  .
As is shown in (13), I x  x, y  is a 2-D periodic function with
periodicity of Dx and D y in x- and y-direction, respectively.
We can truncate I x  x, y  in the reconstruction area to obtain
the reconstructed current distribution. We have examined two
cases in which the center of the source is shifted to  20 , 0, 0 
and  0, 20 , 0  , respectively. The recovered source pictures are (a) (b)
Fig.7 The reconstructed pictures of a source with two polarizations. (a) x-
shown in Fig.6(c) and (d). The spatial periodicity of the component, (b) y-component.
reconstructed pictures is clearly demonstrated.
In the standard reconstruction process discussed in Section II,
the spatial samplings are performed at the peak directions of all
propagation modes. We will show in this section that it is
possible to reconstruct the source picture by sampling at other
directions with the same number of sampling data. As the
sampling points are not at the peaks of the mode functions, the
coefficients of the current cannot be determined directly with

(12). Instead, they have to be calculated by solving a matrix In this example, the source cannot be correctly reconstructed
equation. For the sake of convenience, we reorder the when  s ,max  20 or  s ,max  60 .
coefficients of the current to form a single column vector I and
number them from 1 to Npro , where Npro is the number of
the total radiating harmonic component of the current, and is
also the number of the total propagation modes. The sampled
far-fields are arranged as a column vector F far in the same order
with I . Then the current vector can be obtained by solving the
following matrix equation,
ZI  F far (15)
The entries of the impedance matrix Z and that of the far-field
vector F far are respectively expressed as follows,
Z  u, v   Dx Dy  
1  sin 2 u cos 2 u f v u , u 
(a) (b)

F far  u   Fx far u , u 

u, v  1, 2, , Npro

J (c) (d)

(a) (b)
Fig.8 Sampling the far-field on a plane. Dots are the sampling points.
(a)perspective view, (b) side view with   45 .

Assume to sample the far field at ru  xu , yu , z0   Psam , as

shown in Fig.8 (a),
 xu  ru sin  u cos u
 (e) (f)
 yu  ru sin  u sin u
 z  r cos   z Fig.9 The reconstructed results sampling on a planar grid above the source
 u u u 0 with different  s ,max : (a) 15 , (b) 25 , (c) 35 , (d) 45 ,(e) 55 , (f) 65 .
The plane Psam is in the upper half space and is parallel to the
The sampling grid is not necessary to be arranged within a
source plane with its center locating at  0, 0, z0  . A convenient square-shaped area. In practical applications, like remote
strategy is to sample the far-fields at a uniform grid with sensing, we may sample the far-field using aircraft along a
spacing of d sam . The number of the sampling points has to be linear path Lsam , as shown in Fig.10. In this situation, the
exactly equal to Npro . In order to indicate the sampling area information in the transversal direction will be lost, and only
intuitively, we use a parameter  s ,max to represent the largest the source distribution in the direction of the sampling path can
be reconstructed. We again take the source Case-3 as example,
polar angle of the sampling points.
and all dipoles are x-polarized. The far-fields are sampled right
We use a reconstruction area of Dx  D y  30 to above the source area, along a linear path in the x-direction and
reconstruct the source Case-3, where all Hertzian dipoles are x- the y-direction, respectively. The reconstructed results are
polarized and the smallest spacing is 0.5 . The far-field is shown in Fig.11 (a), (b). Actually, they are 1-D pictures. They
sampled on a uniform grid within a square region at the plane are uniform in the transversal direction, while in the direction
with z0  100 . By adjusting the sampling spacing d sam , we of the sampling path, the reconstructed source distribution at a
can make  s ,max varying from 15 to 65 . The recovered certain point includes the contributions from all the sources on
the transversal line.
source distributions are shown in Fig. 9. Although the quality
of the recovered source pictures are different, the 9 digits can
be distinguished when  s ,max equals 25 , 35 , 45 and 55 .

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