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Numeralul  multiplicativ  (The Multiplicative Numerals)

double = twofold = dublu = indoit
triple = threefold = triplu
fourfold = impatrit
    tenfold = inzecit
    a hundredfold = insutit
    a thousandfold = inmiit
once = o data                             ten times = de zece ori
twice = de doua ori                         fifty times = de cincizeci de ori
thrice = de trei ori                         a hundred times = de o suta de ori
four times = de patru ori                         a thousand times = de o mie de ori
five times = de cinci ori
He has a suitcase with a double bottom. = El are un geamantan cu fund dublu.

Numeralul  distributiv (The Distributive Numeral)

one at a time = cate unul o data                    one by one = unul cate unul
two at a time = cate doi o data                    two by two, by twos = doi cate doi
three at a time = cate trei o data                    three by three, by threes = trei cate trei
four at a time = cate patru o data                    four by four, by fours = patru cate patru
five at a time = cate cinci o data                    five by five, by fives = cinci cate cinci

by the dozen = la duzina                

ten at a time = zece o data, cate zece
one hundred at a time = o suta o data, cate o suta
every other minute = din doua in doua minute

every other hour = hourly = din doua in doua ore = la fiecare doua ore
every three hours = din trei in trei ore = la trei ore o data
every five hours = din cinci in cinci ore, la interval de cinci ore
I see groups of five children. = Vad grupuri de cate cinci copii.

Numeralul adverbial (The Adverbial Numeral)

once = o data                         firstly = in primul rand
twice = de doua ori                     ten times = de zece ori
secondly = in al doilea rand                four times = de patru ori
three times = de trei ori                    thirdly = in al treilea rand
They would go swimming three times a week. = Mergeau sa inoate de trei ori pe

 Numeralul nehotarat (The Indefinite Numeral)

a number of = un numar de                 tens of = zeci de
a lot of = o multime/gramada de                 hundreds of = sute de
lots of = many = multi, multe                 thousands of = mii de
Lots of people are walking in the park. = Multi oameni se plimba prin parc.
Tens of people are swimming in the lake. = Zeci de oameni inoata in lac.

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