Tour Reaction Paper

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Perpetual Help College of Manila



Intramuros Tour

A reaction paper presented to

The Faculty of the College of International Hospitality and Management

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree:
Bachelor of Science in Tourism

Arvin Bryan Doctor

Mary Kristine U. Laurilla, MBA, CLSSGB

December 2022

Perpetual Help College of Manila

In 300 words - share with us your tour experience:

Guide Questions:
 What are the things that you have learned during the tour?
 What do you want to learn more about, and why?
 What are the funny or happy moments during the tour?

Share 3 to 5 pictures with yourself during the tour.

It was a bizarre experience walking in a historical site where many not so good
happened in the past for many people lived and died there during the colonization
period. Outside, there is a sign that says “Reliving Intramuros Today” containing brief
information about the walled city and three pictures. The first thing that caught my
eye upon entering was the lovely park. There is an oasis of spring water and palm
trees in the center. On the left side from the entrance, there are war machines that
were used in the World War II before. After crossing the channel, there's a smaller
courtyard, considered one of the most beautiful gardens in Manila, where one can get
a glimpse of the Pasig River and the Rizal Shrine Museum, which honors our national
hero, on the other side. Not so far, the Dungeons of Fort Santiago where 600 bodies,
or even more buried in a mass grave by the Japanese during World War II. As I
entered, I felt weird together with some sort of creepy feeling. I think it must be the
quiet place that was causing it because many died there. It made me think of the
people who had to suffer in order for us to have our precious freedom today. And so,
to get a better sense of our Spanish colonial past, we rode on a kalesa ride.

The message of the Fort Santiago is very clear. It is to value the past because it
is what leads us to the present and the future. Yes, it is an old place but it has seen
many historical events. From the past mistakes, we can now act and correct it if ever it
will happen again. As we see the old ruins, we can easily remember what happened in
that place. Walking around there makes us reconsider how we want to live our lives in
order to avoid having regrets in the future, as Rizal did. We must never forget how
many people died for us to have the freedom we have today. Indeed, this is a fantastic
escapade with a lesson from the hectic life in Manila to the beautiful Fort Santiago.

Perpetual Help College of Manila

Perpetual Help College of Manila

Rubrics for Grading:

Criteria Description Rate

Introduction   Introduces the theme of paper, and articles using rich 25%
and descriptive language.  
Information Provides accurate and descriptive, concise summary of 25%
Summary article information, effectively summarizing main
points of articles. 
Critique Thoughtfully critiques author(s)’ main points, using 20%
evidence to back up arguments. The critique is
insightful and thorough. 
Organization Information is organized in a fully effective manner; 20%
presents a strong introduction, expressive body, and
purposeful conclusion
Sentence Sentences are effectively constructed with no 10%
Structure grammatical errors


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