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PT Mediantara General Sistemindo


This is to certify that products with reference as mentioned below will guarantee for 18 months after
Delivery Order (DO) date.

Reference Qty DO Number DO Date

LNA2900121 560 2131079214 11 January 2022
F1426USM 198 2131097694 1 August 2022
E227F_ABE 198 2131100177 9 June 2022
LNA0100321 101 2131102533 30 June 2022
LNA0300321 250 2131102533 30 June 2022

Jakarta, 10 October 2022

PT Schneider Indonesia

CCC Customer Support Assistant Manager

PT Schneider Indonesia
Gedung CIBIS Nine Lantai. 16
Jl TB Simatupang No 2 Kel Cilandak Timur,
Kec Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12560
Tel: 021 – 50966000
Customer Care: 1500055

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