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Student Responsibilities

Now that you have transitioned into college, you will have new responsibilities.
Research has shown that students who get involved in career-planning activities stay in
college longer, graduate on time, improve their academic performance, and tend to be
more goal-focused and motivated. Overall these students have a more satisfying and
fulfilling college experience. This is why an important first step in college is examining
your personal identity and values. By examining your values first, you begin the process
of defining your educational goals and ultimately planning your career.

you are a responsible student when you do the following:

 Uphold the values of honesty and academic integrity.

 Arrive on time and prepared for all classes, meetings, academic activities, and
special events.
 Give attention to quality and excellence in completing assignments.
 Allot sufficient time to fulfill responsibilities outside of class.
 Observe etiquette in all communications, giving respect to instructors, fellow
students, staff and the larger college community.
 Take full advantage of college resources available to you.
 Respect diversity in people, ideas, and opinions.
 Achieve educational goals in an organized, committed, and proactive manner.
 Take full responsibility for personal behavior.
 Comply with all college policies.

 Student life is the happiest and the most crucial period in the life of a person. It is not just
about attending classes in a course and working hard to attain an appropriate level of
mastery of a subject under the guidance of an instructor. Student life is a phase where a
person acquires the values of hard work for better grades, discipline, punctuality, teamwork,
unity, and more, and strives to become a successful and good human being. It is a period
that shapes an individual and prepares them to face the upcoming challenges of life with
courage and strength.

The various responsibilities of students towards their school and

society are:
Eradicate literacy by using their acquired skills, and teach others to read and write. One way of
achieving this goal can be actively participating in literary campaigns organized by schools and
imparting mass education.

 Fight anti-social activities of a few corrupt people.

 Work with the teachers and other staff members of the school to uplift the socially and
economically disadvantaged groups, blind children, and orphans.

 Be sensitive towards their environment, and devise ways to protect their environment from
pollution, fight energy crises, and more. Some ways of doing this are keeping their localities
and school clean and tidy, practising reuse, recycling, and reducing, et cetera.

 Students are the future of their nation, and it is important for them to actively participate in
cultural, social, political, and economic affairs, striving to be the change they wish to see
around themselves.

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