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[M3_CSQ3] Draw a flowchart and construct a python program for the course BCSE101E, bonus marks are awarded

to the students according to their mark scored in the exam and the class type. Write a python program to accept
the marks, class type ?T?for theory or ?L?for lab. Display the final marks by adding the bonus mark to the original
mark, based on the given conditions. [Note: If the mark given by the user is 0 then display the message: ?Enter
appropriate Mark?]. [CO1] [L2]



Input marks

Print "Enter the

If marks >0 No A
appropriate mark"


Input style

If style If style
=="T" or Style No =="L" or Style No B
=="t" =="l"

Yes Yes

If marks >=80 Yes bonus = 8/100 bonus = 6/100

If marks >=80 Yes

No No

If If
marks >=60 bonus = 6/100 marks >=60 bonus = 4/100
Yes Yes
and marks and marks
<80 <80

No No

If If
marks >=40 marks >=40
Yes bonus = 4/100 Yes bonus = 2/100
and marks and marks
<60 <60

No No

bonus = 0 bonus = 0

final = marks (1 + bonus)

final = round (final,2)

Print final



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