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03 eLMS Activity 2 (Essay) - ARG

Before reading the story “Old Sultan” I thought that the story was about an old Muslim
king because of the word “sultan” which means a person who has the strength and power
to rule. But after reading the story, the Old Sultan was about a story of an old faithful old
dog and its owner. The story Old Sultan was one of the classic stories of German
scholars, cultural researchers, linguists, and authors who are Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
compiled and published a series of fairytale stories in 1812.

The characters in the story are the old sultan, the farmer and his wife, a wolf, a cat,
and, wild boar. In the story, there is the old dog whose owner believes that Old Sultan
has outlived his usefulness. One day, Sultan's owner eventually decides to get rid of the
dog because he has become too old and has lost all his teeth. And the old sultan has
heard what the farmer said “Tomorrow I intend to shoot Old Sultan, he is no longer any
use” with all the plans that the farmer and wife were planning, the sultan finds it
unacceptable that’s why he asks for his friend's advice. Fortunately, Sultan has a friendly
wolf who comes up with a great plan on helping to save the Old Sultan’s life. When the
plan succeeds, the dog must rescue the farmer's child from the wolf's hands just to prove
the old sultan's value to its owner, the wolf asks for a kind of payment for his services to
the old sultan. After receiving nothing in return, the wolf challenges him to a fight and in
the end, eventually reconciles their friendship.

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