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Events Management

Version 3

Generated on 2016/01/15

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This document defines the complete Service Level Agreement (SLA) for BANKSETA's Events Management. This document should be read in
conjunction with the Service Definition (SD) schedule, which contains the division of responsibility for each described service between the
prospective service provider, BANKSETA and any relevant 3rd party service provider(s). For purposes of this SLA the Events Management function
is divided into the following functional areas:
 Events Calendar - Describes the planned events for calendar year.
 Events Management - Describes the requirements related to event management.
 Catering requirements - Describes the requirements related to catering.
The reporting period for all service level requirements defined in this SLA is monthly unless otherwise stated. A default measurement period of a
calendar month must be assumed for the service level requirements where no specific measuring period is listed.
The following figure depicts the layout of the service level requirements and a general explanation is provided for the intent and use of each
section of the service level requirement table:

# Type Service Description Service Level Measurement

Task - General description of the task, which together with the other tasks in this section describes the functional area.


 Line 1 (Dark grey) – Header repeated on all pages.
 Line 2 (Light grey) – Task name and task description. Repeated for every task in the functional area.
 Service level requirements consisting of the following sections:
 A – Cross reference to accompanying Service Definition (SD) and, if defined, the Business Metrics (BM).
 B – Priority of this service level requirement e.g. “H” for High priority, “M” for Medium priority and “L” for Low priority.

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 C – Service Element name. Where the same Service Element has more than one service level requirement this field is left blank for the
second and subsequent service level requirements.
 D – Service Element description. A description of the Service Element including pertinent information on internal and external influences
on the rendering of the service. Where more than one service level requirement exists for the same service element this field is left blank
for the second and subsequent service level requirements.
 E – Service Level Agreement. A qualitative and or quantitative description of how the specific service element, which is described in full
in the accompanying Service Definition, will be rendered.
 F – A description of how the service delivery for this service level requirement will be measured and where and how it will be reported.
It is important to note that the format and layout of this document is part of the SourceIT™ methodology which is owned by iSource Investment
Holdings (Pty) Limited (iSource) and employed by Concise Consulting Services cc and that no part of it may be used or altered without express
written consent from iSource.

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1. 2016-2018 EVENTS CALENDAR

Describes the planned events for 2016 - 2018 calendar year.

# Service Description Responsibilities Retained Responsibilities

Off-Site Strategic Session – The two Off-Site Strategic Sessions are held once or twice a year and attendees include the BANKSETA
Board and Management team which is made up of between 15-25 people. This session is held over two or three days and
accommodation is required. Both pre-event and event management will be required

Annual General Meeting - The Annual General Meeting is held once a year. The attendees include all of BANKSETA's stakeholders.
Between 50 and 100 people attend this function. Both pre-event and event management will be required. Both pre-event and event
management will be required

National Info Sessions – The Stakeholder National Information Sessions are held in 7- 9 provinces per annum depending of
requirements. Between 30 and 50 people attend these sessions.

Training Provider Workshops – The training provider workshops are held in 7-9 provinces per annum depending on requirements.
Between 50-100 stakeholders attend these sessions.

Ad-hoc events that may be hosted as per requirements.

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Describes the requirements related to event management.

# Type Area/Service Description Service Level Measurement

Events Management - Describes the requirements related to Pre-event Planning and organising the event.

EV1.1 H Pre-event Defines the requirements 0 incidents where scheduled Measured by recording the
Management related to planning preparing debriefing sessions were not number of incidents where
and delivering for mass and attended. scheduled debriefing sessions
corporate events were not attended.

EV1.2 H 0 incidents where the Measured by recording the

deliverables as per the agreed number of incidents where the
project plan wasn't met. deliverables in the agreed
project plan wasn't met.

EV2.1 H Event Defines the requirements 0 Incidents where the required Measured by recording the
Management relating to facilitating the close out report were not number of incidents where
event on the day of the submitted. required close out report were
event. not submitted.

Ad-hoc Events - Describes the requirements related to quoting for ad-hoc events not covered by the Events Calendar.

EV3.1 M Ad hoc Events Describes the requirements No more than 2 incidents Measured by recording the
related to quoting for ad-hoc where quotations were not number of incidents where
events not covered by the submitted within 2 working quotations were not submitted
Events Calendar. days. within 2 working days.

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# Type Area/Service Description Service Level Measurement

EV3.2 M No more than 2 incidents Measured by recording the

where quotations didn't include number of incidents where
the minimum details as quotations didn't include the
stipulated in the service minimum details as stipulated
definition. in the service definition.

EV3.3 M No more than 2 incidents Measured by recording the

where ad-hoc work was not number of incidents where the
completed within the agreed to agreed to timeframe and cost
timeframe and agreed to were not met.

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Describes the requirements related to catering.

# Type Area/Service Description Service Level Measurement

Catering Requirements - In addition to the events listed in the event calendar, BANKSETA has a requirement for only catering at
certain events.

CA1.1 H Catering Describes the requirements 0 Incidents where the catering Measured by recording the
Requirements. relating to catering. was not delivered according to number of incidents where the
the brief provided. catering was not delivered
according to the brief

BANKSETA - SCM - Events Management Commercial in Confidence Printed 2016/01/22

SourceIT™ Service Level Agreement – © 1999-2011 iSource iSSM 1.9.86

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