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Coming of age

Jack Johnson

My Favourite Place
Hobbiton, New Zealand


My country
• Vaughn Bayley
• Harald Berings
• Griet Bogaert
• Véronique Fricot
• Jessica Morseau
• Joost Swaenepoel
• Hilde Vanachter

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3 Editor’s letter

4-5 About you – Think outside the (lunch) box

6 In numbers – Plastics: in your face!

8-9 Report – Coming of age

10 Games

11 Opinion – Are you vegetarian?

12-13 My favourite place – Hobbiton, New Zealand

Welcome back!
cool stu ff for you.
e out we have some
In this edition of Ac
e, you’l l find
do an d if you like to be creativ
There is an experim
en t to tion to give that
di ce . Ar e you loo king for some inspira
g your ow n oblem.
some tips for mak in u lik e your da ily ch eese sandwich? No pr
ur lunch box? Or do
persona l touch to yo ty pe are you?
ake a world. W hi ch
It ta kes al l sorts to m A normal brain
wh ich yo u do n’t need to be Einstein.
zzles for
We also have some pu
wi ll do! plastic and
fa ct s ab ou t we ird animals, Australia,
y of interesting ant World of Tom Gates
There are also plent bo ok ? We review The Brilli
ready for an En gl ish
money. And are you

Have a nice Ace out!

Miss Ace

14-15 Fashion – Kings and Queens of fashion

16-17 Spotlight – Five odd ways of getting around

18 Traditions – Thanksgiving

19 Beauty and the beast – Hamster and mole rat

20-21 Book tip – The Brilliant World of Tom Gates

22-23 Song page – Jack Johnson

24-26 Interview – Touchdown!

27 Mystery solved – An (almost) perfect plan

28-29 My country – Australia

30-31 History – Money, money, money …

32 Silly science –Make your own dice

About you

Think outside the

Everybody has to eat. But do you enjoy your lunch?
Or is it just interrupting your fun? Perhaps you’re
a foodie. And maybe food is so unimportant to you
that you forget to eat. Exactly what does
your lunch box say about you?

The commuter The early bird

Your train arrives You’re a happy, cheerful and energetic
twenty minutes person. When your alarm
before school starts. goes off, you jump out
What’s the point of of bed. You make your
making lunch at own lunch. To have some
home if you can buy variety, you try different
something at the station? At least then types of bread and drinks.
you can sleep in a bit longer. And it gives You make your sandwich
you something to do in the wait before more tasty with lettuce,
school starts. A lot of teenagers like tomatoes or cucumber.
Danish pastries for lunch. Do you have a Lunch time is a social
sweet tooth? event, but you want something
nice to eat as well.

The traditional one

Your father or mother has made your lunch
ever since you started primary school. You don’t
use a lunch box with superheroes or princesses
anymore, but the food hasn’t changed:
slices of bread with ham or cheese,
and sometimes a piece of fruit.
A bit boring, but you don’t mind.
You like things the way they are.

(lunch) box
The fruit-hater The foodie
You really don’t like fruit, Your dream is to have
but your parents make you your own restaurant.
eat it anyway. They know You bake your own
you might throw or give birthday cake and love
away your apple, so they to experiment in the
try to make you feel guilty kitchen. Cleaning up
by adding little notes to your is not your strongest
lunch. It doesn’t work. Well, you do feel guilty, point. But you have
but you still trade the apple for a waffle or some plenty of enthusiasm
crisps. Or chocolate. and curiosity. You
Or chewing gum. enjoy putting new stuff in
Anything your lunch box, and exotic foods
that isn’t fruit. like couscous, wraps or sushi.

The active one

You’re always full
The forgetful one
of energy and have
You forget everything, so you difficulty sitting still.
need a lot of back-up plans. During your lunch break you
Putting a reminder in your have to run around. You don’t
phone is not enough because have a lot of time to eat, so you
you might forget your phone! just grab a roll or two from the
You might even forget where cafeteria. But only if it comes
you forgot it! That is why your fully prepared. You simply
mother puts a note in your cannot waste time by making it
lunch box. Great! Unless you yourself.
forget to bring your lunch to It’s already bad
school. Luckily, your friends enough that you
forgive this forgetfulness. can’t do sports and
They are happy to share their eat at the same
lunches with you. time!

The organised one

You spend your evening getting ready for the
next day. Any leftovers from dinner? You just
put them in your lunch box and add some
extra raw veggies. Doing this doesn’t take
up a lot of time and it gives you a delicious
lunch. People always want a taste of your
lunch and are a little bit jealous. You also like
the fact that it’s good for the environment:
you don’t like to waste food.
In numbers

Plastics: in your face !
Everybody knows plastic doesn’t belong in the ocean. And
everybody knows that big pieces of plastic, from shopping bags to
fishing nets, cause big problems. But does anybody know that small
pieces of plastic are an even bigger problem? 1% of the plastic that
causes trouble is so small we can’t even see it.

Some plastics are

designed to be
small. We call them
92.5 % of microbeads. You can
find them in toothpaste
seabirds found
dead had consumed and cosmetics like
54 % of the 120 5
plastic. % of scrubs. A tube of face
wash can contain over
endangered 92.5 % their body weight is
marine mammal plastic. 330,000 microbeads

From face to fish

species have been called ‘polyethylene’.
caught in plastic or
have swallowed it. Other plastics, like car
tyres, are big at first,
but they lose particles
when you use them.
Americans use roughly These microplastics
100 billion plastic bags are washed to sea by
per year. Plastic bags the rain. Microplastic
take 400 to 1,000 concentrations in
How big is the problem? years to decompose, the North Pacific have
30,000,000,000 kg but their chemicals multiplied by 100 in
of plastic is spread around the stay in the water even the past 40 years.
world by ocean currents. longer.

Currents carry the

When circular currents collect plastic in plastic everywhere.
oceans around the world, they create plastic Rubber ducks lost from
islands. There are 5 big garbage islands. a shipping container in
the North Pacific were
found in the North
Atlantic Ocean near Fish eat microplastics
Scotland. Tsunami by accident. Because
debris from Japan one plastic particle
arrived in North can absorb up to
America after 1,000,000 times
crossing the largest more chemicals than
ocean on Earth in just the water around it,
10 months. the fish itself becomes
the world currents toxic. So, who wants fish
for dinner?


© 2016, ΜEDASSET

The plastic in our seas is killing hundreds of thousands of sea

turtles and other marine life each year, as they often mistake it for
Help protect marine biodiversity by adopting habits that minimise the use of
plastic. Consider using a reusable bag when shopping, avoid single-use plastic
items, look for products and packaging made from renewable resources, choose
products with the least plastic packaging and recycle what you can’t refuse!

© 2016, MEDASSET

inheritance surv
& help our wildlife

Coming of age

Starting secondary school? It’s a big step. Turning sixteen? Maybe you’ll
celebrate with a sweet sixteen party. Becoming a youth movement
leader? Another sign of maturity. But how do other cultures mark the
transition from child to adult, the ‘coming of age’?

Bullet ant initiation Bar and Bat Mitzvah Rumspringa

Are you ready to be a At the age of 12, girls Imagine living a life
warrior? The Sateré-Mawé celebrate their Bat without electricity, with
people in the Amazon Mitzvah. Boys have no running water and
like to know you’re up to a Bar Mitzvah at the not even a telephone.
the job. They make gloves age of 13. They are now A life where you wear
of leaves and fill them allowed to participate the same simple clothes
with biting bullet ants. in all areas of life in the day after day. This is
Boys prove themselves by Jewish community, from how the Amish live. You
keeping their hands in buying a house to getting learn everything you
the gloves for ten minutes married. The celebration need to know about life,
- without crying. The includes reading from the farming and religion in
ant venom will probably Torah, wearing religious your community. Until
make their arms useless symbols, sharing a big Rumspringa: this is the
for hours or days. But that meal with family and time between the ages
will pass. That is the good friends, and throwing of 14 and 16 when you
news. There’s also bad a fantastic party. It is a go away to experience
news. They need to wear party for the parents too, and learn about the
the ant gloves twenty because from now on they modern world. You are
times over a period of are no longer responsible suddenly allowed to
months or years. for the wrongdoings of wear jeans, drive a car,
their children, sorry, drink alcohol, go on
adults. dates, use a computer
and take a selfie. After
Rumspringa you decide
whether you will go back
to your community or
leave forever. But ninety
per cent decide to wave
goodbye to modern
life and stay with their

The Sateré-Mawé Amish people in

Jewish people
people the USA
of p a s sa g e
Ri t e s d
t he w or l
ar ou n d

Land diving Cow jumping

Children in Vanuatu, a This is exactly what it
group of volcanic islands sounds like. When the
in the middle of the men of the Hamar tribe
Pacific Ocean, have to in Ethiopia are between
face their fears and jump the ages of 17 and 22,
from a 30-metre-high they need to jump over
tower. Their legs are tied cows. Up to thirty bulls
to vines: it’s like bungee are lined up, side by side.
jumping with a rope The men then have to run
made of plants. across their backs four
You can do this from the times, without falling.
age of eight – and your And they do it naked,
parents have to watch. of course. If the men
They will bring a favourite succeed, they are allowed
childhood toy and throw to marry, have children
it away after the jump. and … own cattle.
This symbolises that their
brave little offspring is no
longer a child.

Naghol people in
Hamar people in Ethiopia

Boggle Silly stuff

Play this game with two people. Set a 1 I start with ‘P’ and end with ‘E’, but I
timer for two minutes. Who can find have thousands of letters. Who am I?
the most words? You can choose how
Answer: Post office

you make the word as long as the letters

touch. We give you one example. 2 What is the word that is spelled
incorrectly in all dictionaries?
Answer: Incorrectly
2 or 3 letters: 1 point
4 letters: 3 points
Y G W L 5 letters: 5 points 3 What has to be broken before you can
Z L G S 6 or more letters: 10 points
use it?
T E N N WISH = 3 points Answer: An egg.

Boggle 4x4 Boggle 5x5 4 What has a neck but no head?

Answer: A bottle.
E T E R E A S T F 5 What kind of room has no doors or
D E N I A C K E O Answer: A mushroom.


Across 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Used with every infinitive
2 Cars, bikes, buses and others on the road
3 Looks like an ugly mouse 2
4 [(365-95) x 43 x 0] + (7-6)
5 Cocaine is a type of … / big Australian bird 3
that cannot fly 4
6 To make something go from one place to
another / Anno Domini 5
8 Water from the sky
9 Table to work on / You hear it again 6

1 Day of the week 8
3 Type of clothing
4 A colour and a fruit
5 Past simple of ‘to eat’
6 Completed
7 Not locked up
8 3.14159265359/ Month
9 White or grey thing in the sky


Are you vegetarian?

‘Beco m i n g a vegetarian is
Ye s ‘Give p e a s a ch ance’
a bi g m i s se
Are you nuts? Eating blood
and muscles? Yucky! They
My favourite food is steak even put animal bones in
and hamburgers. Don’t gummy bears! Why?
take that away from me!
And I really don’t like jam
on my sandwiches. I prefer
savoury things such as ham
or curry. Or those little Lisa
sausages with garlic and
Billy peppers … Yummy!
When I was eight my
father, a doctor, showed me
how they did laser surgery
In meat there are lots of … on a chicken. I have been
minerals and other healthy a vegetarian ever since.
things. I don’t think it’s And after reading the book
good for you if you only ‘Eating animals’ by J.S.
eat vegetables. I eat a Foer, I turned vegan. That
bit of everything. A bit of Natalie means I don’t eat anything
chocolate and ice cream that comes from animals,
too! such as eggs. I don’t wear
Anna-Joy fur or leather either.

Well, most of the time I

Have you seen the food in am a vegetarian. We eat so
the school restaurant? I love much meat it isn’t healthy
veggies and fruit, but the anymore. Not for our
stuff they’re giving us … bodies, and definitely not
Brrr! The meat is the only for the planet. This is my
edible thing. Well, the meat way of doing something for
and the bread rolls. the environment.

Alexander Mehmed

Did you know?

• Vegans don’t eat or

use anything from an
• Vegetarians don’t ea animal.
t meat or fish.
• Pescetarians don’t
eat meat, but do eat
• Flexitarians try to ea fish.
t as little meat as possi
• Most Eastern religi ble.
ons encourage a vege
• There are 375,000,00 ta ria n diet.
0 vegetarians worldwi 11
My favourite place

Hobbiton, New In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty,
dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and
an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with
nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a
hobbit hole, and that means comfort.
(J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit)

Hi there! My name is Bilbo Baggins. With my fellow

hobbits I live in Hobbiton in the Shire. You might
think that it’s not a real place because it’s just from
a film. But … you’d be wrong. You can actually come
to New Zealand and visit the film set. It was built on
beautiful, green Alexander Farm in a small town called

So if you ever visit, this is what you can

expect. On the drive towards Matamata,
you will be impressed by the beautiful
countryside: rolling green hills dotted with
sheep and patterned with winding roads.

Watch out for the Hobbiton

street sign. It shows you where
to find our houses. They’re
difficult to spot!


Our houses have all been built into the

hills. We do this for a number of reasons.
Being ‘underground’ is a good way of
making sure your house is warm in winter,
but not too hot in summer. It also helps to
keep the landscape looking natural. We
hobbits care very much about nature. Just
have a look at our beautiful gardens.

You might ask yourself why our doors

are round. Well, our forefathers used to
dig tunnels in the ground to live in. They
closed these holes with round pieces of
wood. Our houses are more sophisticated
today. But we have kept the round doors
and windows. We also use a lot of wood
inside our houses. This is environmentally
friendly and very cosy.

As a matter of fact, all this talking has

made me thirsty. I think I will go to
the Green Dragon Inn for a bottle of
Southfarthing Ale. I hope you enjoyed my
little tour through Hobbiton. Please come
back any time you like! Bye for now!


Kings and Queens

Millions of teenagers want to look like their idol. We have selected four
kings and queens of fashion. Four celebrities who have millions of followers
on social media. How to dress like your favourite singer?

Billie Eillish Harry Style

Actor and singer Harry Styles isn’t just

stealing girls’ hearts. His fashion style
Billie Eilish is one of the most talked about inspires millions of men.
music stars on the planet. She is best He wears a wide variety of outfits. This
known for writing electro/indie pop music makes it pretty easy if you want to dress
with her brother Finneas. like him.
But her music isn’t the only thing that You can wear ripped jeans and look like
people talk about. She is a true fashion him. But he sometimes also dresses up in
hype on Instagram. In this picture she a floral two-piece with cowboy boots. So
is wearing a bluish suit with a white even your grandfather’s wardrobe can help
shirt. The mixed prints are remarkable. you to dress like Harry.
Her wardrobe also consists of shapeless, In this picture he is wearing a Hawaiian
baggy shorts. So, you can throw away your shirt with black, white and reddish
skinny jeans. If you want to look like her, colours. So you no longer have to be
choose a loud colour palette of green, blue, ashamed of your Hawaiian outfit. He is
orange and red. Wear a colourful hat and also wearing his favourite pair of skinny
buy your own oversized sunglasses. And jeans and sunglasses. He also loves
last but not least, change your hair colour wearing jewellery. So save some money to
every month. buy your own ring or necklace.

of fashion
Ariana Gran Drake

Drake is one of the most famous and

popular rappers on our planet. He
performs for thousands of fans around the
American singer and actress Ariana world every night.
Grande influences and inspires millions He is often spotted in trendy brands like
of young people every year. If you want Stone Island and Moncler, but he also loves
to dress like the former Nickelodeon wearing pieces from Champion, showing
and YouTube star, you could just get an that he is still a man of the world.
oversized sweatshirt and knee-high boots. Drake is often spotted in an oversized
In the picture, she is wearing a baggy or baggy hoodie or jumper. He also likes
sweatshirt and over-the-knee boots. wearing leather jackets. You can start
If you want to steal her style, go to saving money to buy your own leather
the shop and buy some great platform jacket.
sneakers, ripped jeans and pleated skirts. The most important thing to remember
You can also throw away your shapeless, about Drake, and almost all rappers, is
baggy trousers. that they do not wear skinny jeans. So,
bye, bye, skinny jeans.
When it comes to colour, Drake usually
goes for dark when on stage, as you can see
in the picture, and bluish. Keep it simple
and wear plain T-shirts. So, no giant logos
or prints for you.


Five odd ways of

So you’re tired of your everyday ways of moving around?
You want to go places without taking dull buses or walking
all the way? Then you might consider these five odd ways of
transportation that people across the world have come up with.

#1 The hoverboard
The hoverboard originally became famous
through the popular Back To The Future
movies in the 1980s. On screen, the main
character Marty McFly rides a skateboard
without wheels. Fans of the movies had
been waiting a long time when their
fantasy finally became a reality in 2015.
Car manufacturer Lexus has built a real
hoverboard, which floats just above the
ground or water. It works the same way as
a skateboard and can reach speeds up to
30 km/h.

#2 The duck boat

These amphibious trucks were designed by
the American military during World War II
to transport equipment and troops over
both land and water. Nowadays, you can
take a trip in these Ducks in central London.
On a tour you’ll drive past the famous
London landmarks before dramatically
launching into the River Thames to get a
view from the water. This is the only way
to experience the sights of central London
by land and water – without leaving the
comfort of your seat!

getting around
#3 The dog sled
Imagine drifting across a
white canvas of snow as
a troop of husky dogs pull
your sledge – it sounds like
something from a Christmas
movie. In reality, dog sledding
isn’t quite so graceful. It can
be a very bumpy ride, filled
with the dogs’ loud barking.
Nonetheless, it’s certainly
a unique journey. For some
Alaskan locals this is a day-to-
day way of getting around, but
for tourists it’s a special way
to travel, and something you
can’t do in many parts of the

#4 The Maglev #5 The Jeepney

When the American troops pulled out of the
Philippines at the end of World War II, many
of their army jeeps were left on the islands.
Local people stripped them down, added
roofs for shade and started to decorate them
in colourful ways. The name comes from the
words ‘jeep’ and ‘jitney’, which was a name
for a ‘shared taxi’. Today, the Jeepney is used
as a popular form of public transportation in
The people of Shanghai (China) cities.
get to the airport a little faster
than we do. They ride aboard
the Maglev, which stands for
Magnetic Levitiation. It glides over a
magnetic field, reaching speeds
of up to 431 km/h. Don’t worry: it
won’t pull off your watch or swipe
the coins out of your pockets,
but it will certainly send shivers
down your spine! The speed is
shown in each car, on the most
photographed speedometers in
the world.

T a
hn ksg iv in g
My great-gre at-great-gre at-grandfathe
Grandpa Cheese, greeted the first British
pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Harbour
America in December 1620. They left their n, women
home country, Britain, because there was The 102 colonists - me hard to
from rk ed ve ry
I’m Cheese and I come ys! and children - wo .
s tur ke no religious freedom. ke a ne w ho me
a long line of famou ma

When all hope seemed lost, the

erica was not
But the climate in Am itain. The Wampanoag Indians came and helped the
rves t was
good for plants fro m Br colonists. They showed them how to plan
t In the autumn, the ha
people didn’t ptain
harves ts fai led an d the American fruit and vegetables and how to successful and the ca
ople died. ge fea st.
have food. A lot of pe fish and hunt. organised a lar

And to give thanks for all the food,

people in the
That is why today the ever y year the president chooses
ica celebrate
United States of Am
Thanksgiving Da y wi
th their families
one turkey that is saved from being
eaten. He liked me best and that is
and friends on the fou
in November.
rth Thursday
how I ended up here! T hanksgiving!

Beauty and the beast

Hamster and
mole rat
The hamster
The hamster is a cu
te and very popu lar
to have as a pet. It’s animal
an easy animal to
care for if you keep it
away from other
hamsters. If you don’t
, they’ll fight. Or
have babies. You don’t
want that: they
have babies up to six
times a year. And
the pups start havin
g babies of their ow
when they are on ly n
four weeks old. Befor
you know it, your ho e
use wi ll be ta ken ov
by fighting hamsters. er
Because we don’t lik
e smelly houses, a
hamster’s cage need
s to be cleaned. Don’t
it too often, because do
the hamster likes to
ow n … poo! eat its
W hen you ta lk to a
hamster, use a high
mouse-li ke voice. Yo -pitched,
u wi ll never know if
hamster answers. It the
uses ultrasonic soun
cannot hear. ds we

The naked mole rat

rts of
lives in the dr y dese
The hamster’s cousin digs
mysterious mole rat
Eastern Africa. The co lon y of one
enough for a
complex tunnels, big st lik e honey
ey live together ju
hundred animals. Th Th large
a specific function.
bees: they each have th to al l
s, the queen gives bir
mole rats are soldier them.
pu ps an d th e sm al l workers ta ke care of
the can find
e pups poo until they
The workers feed th und parts
rats eat the undergro
their ow n food. Mole plant.
refu l not to ki ll the
of plants, but are ca di gg ing
e in handy when
8 9 Their big teeth com th e mole
6 7 els are too smal l for
3 4 5 tunnels. These tunn move
1 2 in. Luck ily, they can
0 rats to turn around for wards.
ly as they can move
backwards as qu ick animals
in te rested in these little
30 g
Scien tis ts ar e ve ry
can live up to
The na ked mole rat
for severa l reasons. other smal l
than hamsters and
31 years, a lot longer na ked sk in
reason is that their
animals. The second al l is that
es n’t fee l pa in . An d most interesting of
do aybe this
doesn’t get cancer. M
the na ked mole rat that cure
help find medicines
specia l animal can
make us live longer?
human diseases? Or
Book tip

The brilliant world of

There’s a reason why this
book is so wonderful.
It’s about you. The main
character, Tom Gates,
he is you. At least if you
have these problems:

• a teacher who gives you too much homework;

• a sister who annoys you;
• parents who are programmed to embarrass you;
• a girl at school who you have a crush on, but who
Does it sound familiar? You thinks you’re an idiot;
might find the solutions to • a very big talent for getting into trouble, even when
your problems in The Brilliant
you have the best of intentions.
World of Tom Gates. Or you
might discover how trying to
solve the problems results in a
lot of extra trouble. But it will
definitely make you laugh.

Don’t expect a difficult plot

and pages and pages of text.
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates
is written as a diary. We read
about ‘Dogzombies’, the band
Tom’s trying to start; about
his crush on Amy; and the
different tricks he plays on his
ha ir
f y c
© Li z Pichon

Tom Gates
by Liz Pichon

With a little bit of text here and there, and

plenty of pictures in between, it’s a cross
between a comic and a novel. It’s funny,
it’s full of imagination and most of all,
it’s entertaining. Don’t believe me? Start
reading and find out.



ic hon
© L iz P

Song page

Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson grew up on the Hawaiian

island of Oahu. Like most people on the
island, he loved the waves of the Pacific
Ocean. His father — the famous surf
champion Jeff Johnson — inspired him to
start surfing too. Jack had his father’s talent
and was doing well. But when he was just
seventeen, a serious accident ended his
professional career.

While he was recovering from the accident,

Johnson started focusing on music. He
learnt to play the guitar and the ukulele.
He began to write his own songs. After the
success of his first two albums, he travelled
the world with his music, but his heart
stayed in Hawaii. A lot of his songs are about
surfing, love and nostalgia for Hawaii.

Do You Remember
Do you remember when we first met? I sure do
It was some time in early September
You were lazy about it, you made me wait around
I was so crazy about you I didn’t mind

I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours

It wasn’t hard to find ‒ you painted flowers on it
I guess that I was afraid that if you rolled away
You might not roll back my direction real soon

I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all,
Over ten years have gone by
And you’re still mine,
We’re locked in time
Let’s rewind

Do you remember when we first moved in together?

The piano took up the living room
You’d play me boogie woogie, I played you love songs
You’d say we’re playing house, now you still say we are

We built our get away up in a tree we found

We felt so far away but we were still in town
Now I remember watching that old tree burn down
I took a picture that I don’t like to look at

Well, all these times they come and go

And alone don’t seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can’t rewind,
We’re locked in time
But you’re still mine

Do you remember?

© Jack John son Music


American football is – as the name suggests – mostly played in the
USA. But did you know that it is becoming more and more popular
in Europe as well? Ace Out went to see the Ghent Gators play the
Brussels Black Angels. Afterwards, we had a chat with two
Gator players. Meet Andreas and Simon, two brothers who play
in the same team.

You’ve just played your first game of the

season. How did it go?
A: We are a little disappointed because we lost the
game 33 to 16. But since we played against last year’s
champions, it’s not too bad.

There are only nine Flemish teams so far.

Why is it so hard to form a new team?
S: Well … first of all, you need thirty
to forty players in each team! So you’ll
need a dressing room that’s big enough!
(laughs) This makes it more difficult than
starting, say, a volleyball team. And most
boys and girls don’t know the sport.

You say ‘boys and girls’. Can girls also

play this sport?
S: Officially, girls can also participate in
the men’s games. Especially in the youth
ranks there are some girls who are just
as strong and fast as the boys.


The goal of the game is to get the ball to the

opposition’s end zone. Each time, you get four
attempts to win at least ten yards. That’s why
there are numbers painted on the field. If you
move forward ten yards, you get another four

There are different ways to reach the end zone.

Most often, the quarterback will throw the ball
to a teammate who will then try to run as far
as he can. But kicking the ball is also allowed.
Sometimes the quarterback will even try to run
the whole distance himself without passing the

If you reach the opposition’s end zone you get

Of course, as you get older, it gets tougher to a touchdown, which is worth six points. You
tackle the big guys. But they can always sign can also earn points for kicking the ball through
up as cheerleaders, because right now we the tall goal posts (field goal) or by tackling an
don’t have any … (laughs a lot) opponent in his own end zone (safety).

Let’s go back to the team. How do you Each game is divided in four quarters of 15
get two teams of forty players on one minutes. But every time the play stops, the clock
field? is paused as well. Most American football games
take about two or three hours in total.
S: There are only eleven players of each
team who are on the field at the same time.
The rest are on the bench. Each team is
divided into three groups: offensive players,
defensive players and a special team for S: There is one store in Belgium which
kicking the ball. The offensive team has to sells all the equipment you need to play
get the ball to the other end of the field. The American sports such as baseball, basketball
most important player is the quarterback. or American football. Or you can just buy it
He has to throw the ball to a teammate or online, of course.
choose another smart move to get the ball
forward. It looks like all American football players
are big tough guys. Or is that just the
A: Simon and I are both in the defensive illusion caused by the outfit?
team, which means we need to stop the
S: Most players are indeed pretty strong. We
other team from going forward.
train our muscles at the gym because power
So that means a lot of tackling. Luckily
you are protected by that impressive
outfit! What do you need to play?
A: First of all, you need a helmet. This is
important for protecting your head from
concussion. You can never take off your
helmet as long as you are on the field. Then
there are shoulder pads – those are the
things that make us look so big. The pants
also have padding to protect your knees
and thighs. You can wear normal soccer
boots, but you can also buy special American
football shoes.

is important in this game. But each team
also needs smaller and faster players who
can quickly slip through enemy lines and
catch the ball.
A: Our team is very diverse. There are players
with a weight of 130 kg, but also guys who
weigh only half that.

What about injuries? It looks like this

sport can be tough on you sometimes.
A: We have been lucky so far; we have never
had any serious injuries ourselves. But last
year, one of our teammates was tackled
so hard, his spleen ruptured. Another one
dislocated his shoulder for the fourth time,
so he had to quit playing, unfortunately. But
I guess injuries are part of any sport, not just
American football.

In Belgium, American football is just

beginning to grow. But in the United
States people have been nuts about it
for years.
S: It gets really crazy on Super Bowl Sunday.
That’s the big final of the football season,
where the two best teams face off against
each other.
A: It’s like a national holiday. The whole of
America takes a break. People invite friends
to Super Bowl parties where they serve
special snacks.
S: Hundreds of millions watch the game
on television. During the half-time show,
celebrities like Coldplay or Beyoncé perform
live on stage. And commercials during the
game cost about $160,000 per second!


There are nine teams in Flanders, ranging from
Ostend to Limburg. There are competitions for all
ages from 10 upwards. Look for a team near you
on the official website of the Flemish American
Football League:
Mystery solved

An (almost)
perfect plan
Stuart Hall was a desperate man. He ‘I can’t really tell you much. I was woken
was bankrupt! He needed to come up with by a dull thump. Then I heard noises on
a plan … the ground floor. I took my gun and crept
downstairs. I shouted, ‘Stop, or I’ll shoot!’
His wife and daughter had left for a family and then all hell broke loose. He shot at
visit in the country. That was the moment! me three times and I shot back twice. The
With the help of some ‘silent’ dynamite, shadow disappeared through the kitchen.
he blew open the safe in his office. Then he I wanted to phone you, but my phone was
messed up the desk drawers and smashed broken. 15,000 pounds in cash and 10,000
his mobile phone. pounds in valuable papers are missing
from my safe.’
As it became dark outside, he pulled on a
pair of oversized boots he had bought in The forensic team arrived. They took
advance. He turned off all of the lights and plaster models of the footprints, dusted for
walked up and down the garden before fingerprints and dug out the bullets.
kicking in a window. He trampled through
the house in his dirty boots, leaving a trail
leading into the office. fi ngerprints
Then he went back the way he came, pulled
the boots off outside and entered the house
just wearing socks. He cut the boots into
little pieces and flushed them down the
toilet. At 11 pm he went upstairs, put on
his pyjamas and got into bed. Five minutes
later he got up again, took his gun and

hurried quietly into the hallway. He fired
upwards three times. Then he raced up and
shot downwards twice. It was now 11.08
pm. Stuart knew that his neighbours had On Monday morning, Hall received
good ears. another visit from the same Sergeant
Bayley. ‘Please get dressed, sir. You
In the bathroom he splashed some water are coming with me to discuss the
on his face and on his pyjamas. At 11.17 pm consequences of faking a crime!’
he heard the sirens. Three officers stormed
through the kitchen door. Detective After thinking long and hard, Stuart
Sergeant Bayley found a shaking Stuart, finally realised the mistake he made. What
bathing in ‘sweat’, making a statement: did he do wrong?

In the police laboratory, they found out very quickly that all five shots came from the very same weapon.

My country

y a ’ g oin ’
‘ ow
mat e?

We’re the Hemsworth brothers from Down Under.

All three of us are actors. Work has taken us all over the
world, but Oz will always be home.

In the centre of
Australia there is a
giant, red rock: Uluru
or, in English, Ayres
Rock. It plays an
important part in the
stories of Aboriginals
because they believe it is
the home of spirits. They
150 years ago one of the also have ‘Dreamtime’
colonists brought 24 rabbits into stories about animals,
the country. He thought the where to find water in
introduction of a few rabbits the desert and how to
could do little harm. But he live together.
was wrong. Now there are 300
million rabbits. They eat all the
grass, so there is not enough left
for the native animals.


Country name: Australia

Capital city: Canberra
Total area: 7,692,024 km² (250x Belgium)
Population: 24,000,000
• Native Aboriginals
(now only 2%)
The outback is not a specific area,
• Descendants of Irish/
but refers to locations that are far
English colonists
away from big cities. If you live in
• Large Asian, Greek and
the outback you may be hundreds of
Dutch groups
kilometres from the nearest town. The colonists thoug
Flag: the Southern Cross Going to school – or a hospital – is to become ‘better’ p
stars and the British not very easy. Luckily there are the thousands of Abori
flag Flying Doctors and the School of the from their parents
History: 1606 – Discovery by Dutch ships Air. Knowing how to Skype is a life These children – no
1770 – English colony for criminals skill around here! Stolen Generation.
1901 – Australian independence
’strayan lingo = Australian language
’ow ya’ goin’ mate? = Hello!
28 Good onya, mate! = Well done!
She’s a top sheila = She’s a nice girl.

There are so many interesting the platypus. It’s a mammal but it
animals in Australia! Four out of five has a beak, it feeds its babies milk
animals that live there are unique. but it lays eggs.  
You can’t find them anywhere else The rainbow lorikeet is one of the
in the world.  most beautiful birds in Australia.
The koala and the kangaroo are They often travel in pairs and love
special because they carry their fruit and nectar. 
babies in their pouch. They are both Dingos are the biggest carnivorous
herbivores, which means they eat mammals, so they only eat meat.
grass, flowers, leaves, ferns, moss They look like a pet or domestic
and sometimes insects.  dog but they live in the wild. They
Bandicoots look like a mixture usually live alone. 
of a big rat and a rabbit. They are There is also a wide variety of
omnivores, so they feed on plants snakes, spiders and other deadly
and meat.  creatures in Australia. 
One of the most bizarre animals is

The Great Barrier Reef is filled with the

most beautiful coral and fish you could
possibly imagine. But the water around
Australia is also filled with sharks,
crocodiles, jellyfish, octopuses and
snakes that can kill each other. Or you!
Official reports say  that climate change
causes huge damage to the reef. The
corals lose their colour and die. Many
species that live on and around the
reef are in danger. The Australian
government has already spent millions
of Australian dollars to rescue the reef. 

Cigarette butts, glass bottles

ght Aboriginals needed help and lightnings can easily start a
people. From 1905 to 1970, bushfire. Because the Australian
ginal children were taken eucalyptus trees are filled with oil,
to be raised by Europeans. the fire can become uncontrollable.
ow adults – are known as the Every year, people, houses and
animals suffer from bushfires. On
the other hand, the fire makes a lot
of plant seeds open up so they can
start growing.


Money, money,

Next came classical antiquity.

In prehistory people With such a big empire the
exchanged goods: Romans needed something that
sheep for fish, apples could be easily used as currency.
for eggs. They were They used coins with the
hunter-gatherers picture of the emperor at
who could find their the time it was made;
‘money’ in nature. Vespasian for example.
He taxed the urine
that was used to make
leather. After all, money
doesn’t stink …

ca. 3500 BC


7000 BC 6000 BC 5000 BC 4000 BC 3000 BC

In the Middle Ages, religion was

very important in most people’s lives.
Lots of Christian people believed that
working with money was not good, so
Jewish people became the first bankers
and diamond traders. In this period
banknotes were introduced into Europe.

In Near Eastern civilisations gold was very

special. Egyptian pharaohs didn’t use it as money
because it was the ‘flesh of the gods’. Normal
people had to use grain as money. Luckily they
were farmers. They could grow their own money!

money …
NON SEQUITOR © 2011 Wiley Ink, Inc. Dist.
By UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with
permission. All rights reserved.

In early modern history, The most popular ‘money

European kings spent so face’ you can find in
much money on wars, they current history: portraits
needed extra money. After of Queen Elizabeth II have
the discovery of the Americas, appeared on the money
the hunt for the legendary of more than 30 different
golden city of El Dorado was countries for more than 60 years. And
open. In their search, the Europeans with increasing numbers of electronic
found lots of Inca treasures that they payments going through, nobody will
melted down into coins. ever beat her record.

ca. 800 BC ca. 500 ca. 1450 ca. 1750 ca. 1945

early modern

late modern
Near Eastern classical Middle



Civilizations antiquity Ages

2000 BC 1000 BC -1/1 1000 2000

In late modern history, paper

money was used. One banknote was
worth one gold coin. But politicians
needed more money; they just
printed extra. Then you had two,
three, twenty or even a hundred
banknotes, but still only one gold
coin. Paper money was worthless:
in Germany in November 1923, a
loaf of bread cost 200,000,000,000
marks! There was more and more
industrialisation. People worked
harder and harder but… the
money they earned was not worth
anything. Children played with it.  

Silly science

y our
make ice
o w n d
The word plastic comes from the Greek word for shape,
Supplies form. You can form bioplastic in any shape you like and –
■ 250 ml of milk unlike other plastics – it doesn’t damage the environment.
■ 60 ml of vinegar In this experiment, we will show you how to make dice, but
■ Strainer
you can choose another shape if you like.
■ Kitchen paper

1 • Microwave the milk in the bowl for two minutes, but

without boiling it. It just has to be really hot.
2 • Use the strainer to drain.

• Add the vinegar. Stir gently.

3 • If needed, use a spoon to

press the milk mixture
through the strainer.
4 • Put it on a piece of paper
towel. Press the water out.
Repeat if necessary.
5 • Bend a piece of strong
paper into the shape of a
dice. Put the mixture in.

The science behind
e made of very
Vinegar and milk ar
n you mix the • Let it dry on the heater. This
smal l particles. W he
, the particles may take a couple of days.
vinegar and the milk
ains. The chains • Paint the eyes on the dice.
make real ly long ch
m a strong
get mixed up and for
substance: bioplastic

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