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An Internship Report On

Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

Submitted By:

Bhawana Khanal

P.U. Reg. No: 2017-2-03-0194

Exam Roll No:18031139

Level: BBA 4th year, 7th Semester

Submitted to:

Apollo International College

Faculty of Management

Pokhara University

Submitted for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A)

New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

February, 2022
I hereby declare that the internship report entitled “An Internship Report On
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited” submitted to Apollo International College,
Faculty of Management, and Pokhara University is my original work done based on
learning during internship program for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) under the supervision of
Professor Ganesh Koirala.


Bhawana Khanal

January, 2022




It was a wonderful experience to work in Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited,

Maitidevi Branch office as an intern, indeed it was great opportunity for me to
experience internship program, as the basic purpose of fulfilling the partial
requirement for the Degrees of Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) under
the course designed by the faculty of management of Pokhara University.

First of all I would like to thank Pokhara University for including internship
program in our course of BBA 7th semester. This gives us chance for gaining practical
knowledge to boost our interpersonal skills.

I express my sincere honor and special sense of gratitude to the principal of Apollo
International College Prof. Ganesh Koirala for his generous guidance, thoughtful
encouragement and brilliant insight throughout completing this internship report.

I owe great intellectual debt for support and immense contribution to administrative of
Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited and thankful for accepting my presence and gave
me space. I would like to express sincere gratitude to all the staffs of Rastriya
Banijya Bank Limited for their helpful co-operation. I would also like to express my
gratitude to Assistant Ashim Shrestha and Sanjana Tandukar for supporting me
throughout my internship period. I am thankful to all of them who have immensely
helped, guided and supervised to complete the internship.

Finally, I would like to thank my teachers and friends of Apollo International

College who directly and indirectly motivate and lead me for internship and also by
providing a good deal of knowledge and ideas for the existence of internship.

Bhawana Khanal

BBA 7th Semester

Apollo International College

February, 2022


BBA: Bachelor of Business Administration

Ltd: Limited

P.U: Pokhara University

RBBL: Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited

ATM: Automated Teller Machine

BOD: Board of Director

FY: Fiscal Year

NRB: Nepal Rastra Bank

ECC: Electronic Cheque Clearing

FD: Fixed Deposit

CCTV: Closed-Circuit Television

%: Percentage

KYC: Know Your Customer

NRP: Nepalese Rupee

An Internship Report On..........................................................................................i
BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE....................................................................................iii
INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE.................................................................................iv
CHAPTER – 1...........................................................................................................1
ORGANIZATION PROFILE.................................................................................1
1.1Description of the Organization............................................................................1
1.2Organization Mission and Objectives....................................................................2
1.3Major Markets and Customers..............................................................................2
1.4 Products and Services...........................................................................................5
1.5 Organization Design and Structure.......................................................................9
1.6 Financial Structure..............................................................................................11
1.7 Organization Performance..................................................................................11
CHAPTER- 2..........................................................................................................15
PROFILE AND ACTIVITIES PERFORMED JOB...........................................15
2.1 Job Profile...........................................................................................................15
2.2 Activities Performed...........................................................................................18
2.2.1 Customer Service Department.........................................................................18
2.3 Problems Faced and Solved................................................................................20
2.4 Intern's Key Observation....................................................................................22
LESSONS LEARNT AND FEEDBACK..............................................................24
3.1 Key Skills Learnt................................................................................................24
3.2 Attitudes Learnt..................................................................................................25
3.3 Feedback to the Bank.........................................................................................27
3.4 Feedback to the College/University...................................................................28




1.1 Description of the Organization

The word bank was derived from the Latin word “bancus”, Italian word “banco” or
“banca” and French word “banque” meaning “bench” on which the bankers facilitate
monetary transactions. Bank is a financial institution that deals with monetary transaction.
The history of modern banking can be traced back to the 19th century. The first
institutionalized credit house called “TejarathAdda” was established by Rana Prime
Minister Ranodip Singh in 1877 AD which was fully subscribed by the government of
Kathmandu valley. This led the initial step toward origin and the establishment of banking
in Nepal. This house used to disburse credit at a very low rate of 5 percent to the people on
the collateral of gold and silver, but this institution was not accepting any deposit from the
public. This pioneer foundation of banking flows for a long period of time. Apart from
these there was no new development in banking sector despite of its acute need.

In 1934 AD, the establishment of Nepal Bank Limited (NBL), with the Imperial
Bank of India came into existence under “Nepal Bank Act, 1937” a first Nepalese
commercial bank. Initially, government owned 51 percent of the shares in the bank and
controlled its operations to large extent. Later Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) was established as
a central bank in 2013 BS. A decade after the establishment of NRB, RastriyaBanijya Bank
(RBB), the second commercial bank under the ownership of His Majesty’s Government of
Nepal (HMG/N) was established. Likewise, Agricultural Development Bank was
established on 7thMagh 2024 BS under the Agriculture Development Bank Act 2014 BS.
The country’s central bank; NRB was established after nearly two decades of NBL having
been in existence. NRB was empowered by the Act to have direct control over banking
institution within the country.

Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) is fully government owned, and the largest
commercial bank in Nepal. RBB was established on January 23, 1966 (2022 Magh 10 BS)
under the RBB Act. Now, the bank is running under bank and financial institute act 2063.
RBB is a commercial bank which is service oriented and of philanthropic nature. RBB is
'A' grade commercial bank.

1.2 Organization Mission and Objectives

1.2.1 Mission of the organization

Mission represents the purpose of the company or any organization. It is the reason
behind the existence of any business institution.

Mission of RBB is“To provide easy and innovative banking products and services
for our customers by implementing one stop service concept from our wide network using
our modern technology qualified human resources in competitive environment. We always
look for the benefit of the local communities supporting entrepreneurship, social
responsibility and economic prosperity of the nation."

1.2.2 Objectives of the organization

Objectives of any organization are designed to achieve them so that it will be

proven healthy for the organization. The main objective of RBB is to provide banking
services to the people in general of the country thereby enhancing their economic interest
and facility as well   and contributing in the socio economic development of the country.

The objectives of the RBB are as follows: -

 Focus on providing innovative financial services.

 Increase in capital base of the bank by meeting the minimum capital requirement.s

 Grow business and increase in market share.

 Enhance operational efficiency.

 Sustainable increase in profits.

 Focus on empowerment of deprived class.

 Facilitate lending at productive sectors.

1.3Major Markets and Customers

1.3.1 Major Markets

The bank is committed to building and maintaining strong ties with large
community. So, the bank operates its branches all over Nepal. The bank with more than
2600 hands has expanded its wings in the most part of the country through multiple
distribution outlets of 238 branches, 93 branches less banking (BLB) and 204 ATMs.

1.3.2 Major Customers

Customers are one of the important players in any businesses whether be it a bank
or any other organizations. They are the one who demand the services and consume the
products created and produced by the firms or the organizations. The bank with as many as
1.7 million satisfied/direct customers. The bank has deposit base of with more than 1.3
million depositors. The depositors are individuals, institutions, private organizations,
business houses, non-profit organizations, social organizations, industries, finance
companies, co-operatives, etc. The bank has more than 500,000 clients who have used the
bank’s resources for their business and development activities. They vary from big business
houses to public sector enterprise, medium and small-scale industries to farmers and
individuals. The major customers of the bank include.

 Individual Customers
 Institutional/Corporate Customers

Individual Customer

When an account is opened in individual name, it is called as individual

account. The person or account holder who handles that account is the individual
customer for the bank. RBBL includes various types of individual customer and some
of them are

 Students
 General Public
 Senior citizens
 Salaried persons

Requirements of Individual Customer are

 Completed Account Opening Form(AOF)
 Copy of identification document
 Copy of document confirming verification of Residential Address
 Birth Certificate(in case of minor accounts)along with identification of the
adult operating account
 Foreign currency earning source document for Nepalese/Indian nationals in
case of opening of FYC Account
 Recent Photographs

Institutional/Corporate Customers

Institutional customers is a term used in the financial services industry to

differentiate retail customers and corporate customers from other financial institutions
such as banks. There are various institutional/corporate customer in RBBL too and
some of them are

 Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC)

 Reliance Spinning Mills (RSM)

 Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC)

 Daily Development Corporation (DDC)

 Fulbari Resort and Spa

 Himalayan White House International College (HWHIC)

 Himalayan Bank

Requirement of Institutional/Corporate Customers

 Completed Account Opening From (AOF)

 Copy of Registration Certificate or Certification of Incorporation
 Copy of Tax Registration Certificate or Pan as application
 Copy of Memorandum and Article of Association
 Copy of Board Resolution and Power of Attorney as applicable
 Copy of Document verifying Registered and Trading /Operating address

 Copies if ID Documents of at least 2 of the main Directors (Including the
Managing Director ) and all signatories with a significant level of authority in
the line with the requirement for personal customers
 Copy of Document verifying Residential Address of at least 2 of the main
Directors (including the Managing Director) and all signatories with a
significant level of authority in the line with the requirement for personal

1.4 Products and Services

1.4.1 Major Products

Broadly speaking there are two types of products of commercial banks. They
are deposits and loans/credits. The major products of RBB are as follows.

1. Deposit

RBBL, like other commercial banks, accepts deposits from general public or
surplus unit of an economy. They accept deposits in different headings and in
different schemes. Interest is provided to the depositors in conditional and negotiable.
Brief summary of different types deposits schemes that RBBL has at current are as

A. Saving Account

Designed with many array of features, Savings account at RBBL not only
ensures attractive returns to your idle money but also makes your personal banking
convenient and efficient. It provides attractive interest rate affordable balance,
unlimited withdrawals/deposits, withdrawal below minimum balance, extended
banking hours in KTM valley branches, free check book, ATM card etc. Bank
provides different interest rate to different types of saving account. The minimum
interest rate in saving account is 5.05% and maximum is 7.05%.

B. Current Account

Rastriya Banijya Bank has a tailor-made current account that rightly meets the
customer’s needs in today’s fast-paced business. A networked branch of Rastriya
Banijya Bank gives one the power to transfer funds in and across cities (where
Rastriya Banijya Bank has its offices/branches) in a flash.

C. Fixed Deposit Account

Tenure ranging from seven days to over two years, Fixed/call deposit at
Rastriya Banijya Bank allows you to diversify your portfolio to best suit your
investment plan.It has features like attractive interest rate, wide options of tenure,
convenient account opening, auto renewal possible, and loan facility up to 90% of
deposit amount and also provides free check book.RastriyaBanijya Bank offer the
following fixed deposit account.

 Individual Fixed Deposit Account

An individual fixed deposit account is an investment account and a type

of savings accounting which money is deposited for a stated period of time and
a fixed interest rate is paid at the end of that period by bank to individual customers.

 Institutional Fixed Deposit Account

An institutional fixed deposit account is an investment account and a type

of savings accounting which money is deposited for a stated period of time and
a fixed interest rate is paid at the end of that period by bank to institutional customers
like school, hotels, companies etc.

Table: 1

Types of Fixed Deposit Account

Fixed Deposit Years Interest Rate

Individual Up to 1year Min.6.05%
Above 1 year Min.7.05%
Institutional Up to 1 year Min.5.05%
Above 1 year Min.7.05%

D. Others

RBBL has provided various account services with special nature to meet the
needs of the particular target group or customers. There are also some other deposit
accounts like Call deposit, Mahalaxmi Bachat Khata specially for women, Karmayogi
Bachat Khata for men, Chunamuna Bachat Khata for Children and Teacher’s Bachat
Khata for the teachers. There are different provisions and offers regarding these

2. Loans

RBBL provides variety of credits to the customer. Not only to the individual
but also to the corporation, provides credit to them. Different kinds of credit facility
by RBBL are as follows.

A. Business Loan

The business loan provides finance to support or expand the existing business
and also to start up the new business. RBBL provides full range of banking solution to
meet the financing needs. Business loan can be further classified as Funded and Non-
funded loan. Bank charges 2.40% to 4.40% premium rate for business loan.

B. Retail Loan

RBBL provides the retail loan to meet the personal needs of the customers or
individual. It includes Housing loan, Vehicle loan, Apartment loan, Educational loan
and many others.For retail loan bank charges premium rate 2.40% to 4.40%.

C. Agricultural Loan

RBBL also provide the agricultural lending to its clients considering the due
importance of developing agricultural sector as it is a predominant contributors of
Nepalese economy providing employment to 66% of active population and
contributing 38% in GDP. This venture of RBBL is crucial in commercialization of
agriculture sector as Government of Nepal has been providing prime focus on raising
agriculture production through commercialization involving the grower farmers,
processors, traders/marketers and consumers in a commercially viable value chain. In
this field it provides the loan in areas like Agronomy, Horticulture, Livestock, and

Floriculture etc. Premium rate 2.10% to 3.30% is charges by bank for agricultural

1.4.2 Major Services

The major services of RBBL are as follows.

A. RBBL ATM and Debit Card Service

RBBL is a visa associate member bank. Bank has launched Debit Card
Service for all branches within Kathmandu valley and the service has been extending
to other branches out of Kathmandu valley. Bank has launched issuance of Visa
Electron Debit Card from all of its branches. And bank charge Rs.500 for activation
and Rs.250 for annual charge.
RBBL is issuing three category of Visa Debit Card:

 Visa Domestic: valid in Nepal and India only.

 Visa International: valid worldwide.
 Visa travel Quota: valid worldwide issued against Travelers’ check.
B. SMS Banking and E-banking

RBBL has started SMS banking Service. It has made the bank balance at the
finger tips. RBBL also provides E-banking that has made balance and statement
enquiry possible from homes. With just the click of the mouse the customers can track
their account from anywhere in the world. All branch offices from within and outside
KTM valley are providing this service. For SMS banking bank charge Rs.0 for
activation and Rs.150 annual charge.

C. Any Branch Banking Service (ABBS)

RBBL has been providing Any Branch Banking Service from all the branches
across the country. It provides inter branch check payment, cash deposit, Balance
Enquiry fund transfer and so on. ABBS service is free, there is no any charge.

D. Mobile Pay Services

RBBL is providing Mobile Banking financial service with its service powered
by pay bill. The customer of RBBL can pay utility bills, shop online, buy tickets, send
gifts, pay bills and even transfer money through the mobile phone. It is easy, simple

and secure. Mobile banking service provides by charging Rs.150 annually and Rs.10
per time for set up. The following services are available.

 Recharge pins purchase

 Bills payments
 Payments on retail outlets
 Online shopping
 Person to person fund transfer
 E-sewa fund transfer
E. Cash Deposit Machine Service (CDMS)

The services available are cash deposit and cash deposit to third party
accounts. This CDM service is available for the RBBL customers and anyone who
wants to make a cash deposit or payment to a RBBL accounts.

1.5 Organization Design and Structure

1.5.1 Organization Design

The Board of Directors of RBBL comprises of 7 members who are responsible

for managing the overall activities of the RBBL. The BODs of RBBL are listed in the
table below.

Table: 2
List of Board of Directors

S.No. Name Designation

1. Dr.Balaram Pathak Chairman
2. Mr.Kedarnath Sharma Director
3. Mr. Janak Kumar Baral Director
4.  Prof. Dr. Rajan Bahadur Paudel Director

5. Prof. DR. Madhav Prasad Dahal Director

6. Mrs.Romila Dhakal Upreti Director

7. Mr. Kiran Kumar Shrestha CEO


1.5.2 Organizational Structure

Organization Structure is a system used to define a hierarchy within an

organization. It identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within the
organizations. Organizational structure provides the guidelines for the system of
reporting that drives an organization, dividing it into areas or departments that are
responsible for certain aspects of the organization's purpose; it shows the relationships
between areas and individuals needed to achieve more efficient operations while
attaining the goals of the organization. This structure is developed to establish how an
organization operates and assist an organization in obtaining its goals to allow for
future growth. It designs process, organization act to improve the probability that the
collective efforts of burs will be successful. It is used to match the form of the
organization as closely as possible to the purposes the organization seeks to achieve.
The organization structure of RBBL is presented in the following diagram.

Figure 1: Organizational Structure

Board of Directors

Directors Credit Chief Executive Officer Audit Committee


IT/MIS Manager

DGM-Risk DGM-Operating & DGM-Corporate Internal Audit

Management Control Support Department

Branch Departmen
Manager t Managers


1.6 Financial Structure

Financial structure refers to the specific mixture of long term debt and equity
that a company uses to finance its operations. Financial structure in broader sense
refers to the degree to which financial objectives being or has been accomplished and
is an important aspect of finance risk management. Financial structure reflects the
status of working capital and cash flow, salaries payable, accounts payable and taxes
payable. The fund provided by the government is managed by the bank to operate and
distribution of fund by the bank to operate smoothly for one period is shown in the
following table.

Table: 3

Financial Structure of RBBL

Particulars Amount (in NRs)

Authorized capital Rs.10 billion
Issued capital Rs.9 billion
Paid-up capital Rs.8.59 billion

From the above, we can say that authorized capital is Rs.10 billions, issued
Capital is of Rs.9 billions and paid-up capital is Rs.8.59 billions.

1.7 Organization Performance

An organizational performance is an analysis of a company’s performance as

compared to goals and objectives. In other words, organizational performance
comprises real results or outputs compared with intended outputs. The performance of
organization can be discussed below.

1.7.1 Financial Performance

The recent fiscal year was yet another challenging year for Rastriya Banijya
Bank Ltd and the banking industry as a whole. However, this bank shows that in spite
of these challenges; the bank was able to post satisfactory results. The comparative
financial indicators of the bank are presented below.

Table: 4

Financial Performance of RBBL

S.N Particulars 2077/78 2076/77 2075/76

1 Net Profit (in millions) 3,499.31 3,659.27 2,776.3
2 Net worth (in millions) 22,570.18 19,070.77 10,484.0
3 Deposits (in millions) 175,693.39 169,330.98 153,581.0
4 Net Interest income (in 7,379.78 9,114.23 8,887.9
5 Capital Fund % 12.81 11.22 10.39
6 NPA % 4.28 4.75 3.77

In overall financial performance of RBBL it seems to be positive and

satisfactory. It provides information regarding net worth, deposit, capital structure, net
profit of the bank.

1.7.2 HR Performance

HR performance of Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd. is satisfactory. They

performed their work honestly and sincerely. There are frequent interns in the
organization throughout the year and every branch has allocated adequate no of
employees. The bank provides several development trainings to its employees to
improve their skills and performance. There is good chain of command and
coordination among employees. They are devoted to customers for providing the
required facilities like foreign currency issuance like dollars, cheque clearing.

 Favoritism and Nepotism should be completely removed at work

 Hire applicants having digital skills
 Bring the IT and other departments closer
 Re-design career paths
 Encourage innovation in training

1.7.3 Resource Utilization

Resource utilization is the efficient and effective use of an organization's

resources when they are required. An enterprises resource can include such things as
financial resources, human resources and physical resource.

 Financial Resource Utilization

Financial resource utilization is the utilization of money available for

spending in the form of cash, liquid securities and credit lines. RBBL has also
invested in different hydro sectors but because of political instability it is not
completely possible. So banking sector cannot grab the resources available in our
surroundings. RBBL has to invest their finance in different sectors (such as; health
and education sector, developmental sectors and so on) in a manner that minimizes
banks cost arising from wastage and lost opportunities due to delays in operations and
idle or non-productive resources.

 HR Resource Utilization

HR resource utilization means the fully utilization of human resources in the

Bank. RBBL has fully utilized its HR resources. The Bank is neither under employed
nor over employed. The HR resource is fully managed and utilized properly. In total
there are more than 2600 staffs and all of them are fully devoted towards their works.

 Physical Resource Utilization

Physical resource utilization refers to the utilization of equipment and tools,

inventories, storage, production and distribution facilities provided by bank. RBBL
has sufficient number of branch offices, buildings, automobiles, office equipment and
so on. The bank has enough physical infrastructures needed to run an operation.
There’s neither unnecessary equipment available nor less than needed. The physical
resource of the bank is properly managed and utilized.

Thus, the finance resources, physical resource and HR resource are utilized by
the bank where it’s needed.

1.7.4 Social Works and Responsibility

Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd. has conduct various activities for the welfare of
the community. Some of the social Responsibility conducted by RBBL are as follows.

 Prabhat Pheri Program (2020/01/18)

 Blood Donation Program (2020/01/20)
 12 Lakh Cash Support to Muskan Sewa Nepal (2018/11/20)
 Financial Literacy Campaign (2017/06/24)
 Computers Handover to the schools of rural area of Bhojpur district
 Bagmati Clean- up Campaign (2017/03/11)
 RBB Golden Jubilee Scholarship Distributed to Six Students (2017/02/17).



During the 8 weeks of my internship period in RBBL, I was placed in
customer service department which operates under the branch operation department
where I performed lots of activities and solved various problems. This report also
focuses on the activities performed by the internees in the department of the bank.

2.1 Job Profile

Different departments of bank are responsible for different activities and tasks.
They perform their activities individually but they are interdependent. The major
departments and their functions of the organization are as follows.

 Customer Service Department (CSD)

Customer service department is the front desk of the bank where the customers
first interact with the bank as soon as they enter the bank’s premises. A
bank’s customer service department is often the first (and sometimes the only)
personal contact to a customers. The customer service department plays an important
role in the survival and continued functioning of any bank. The service provided by
CSD gives an overall impression about the bank so it is one of the major departments
in bank. Major functions of the department that affect an entire bank include public
relations, positive company culture, and customer retention. Its main objectives are
to serve the customer and provide the maximum satisfaction by their full support band
effort. The problems faced by the customers are also taken care in this department.

 Cash Department

Cash department refers to management a broad area of finance involving the

managing, collection, handling, and usage of cash that import and export in bank. It is
the important part of General Banking. It is the most important department of the
bank where there should be direct interaction with customers. Usually cash
department receives and pays cash directly which work as a media to communicate
with the clients. Some register books use in the cash department are receiving

cashier’s book, payment cashier’s book, cash balance book, vault register or safe–
in and safe-out register, key register, remittance registers.

 Loan Department

Loan department is concerned with measuring the extent of credit availability.

The function of this department is to examine the eligibility of the concerned party to
determine whether to provide the loan or not. The process involved in it are pre-
sanction (it include reporting, follow up, performance evaluation of industry, branch
monitoring in item of credit, consortium finance). When one bank cannot provide the
loan as required by the borrower it make joint agreement with other bank to meet the
amount required called as consortium finance. RBBL has developed new credit
product like housing loan, education loan, auto loan, term loan, mortgage personal
loan, personal loan, loan against fixed deposit, loan against share etc. It prepares a
legal document format to lend a loan recovery by the process of follow up. It prepares
any kind of documents as required by the credit departments from time to time.

 Electronic Cheque Clearing (ECC)

ECC department in Nepal is operated by Nepal Clearing House Ltd. The

presenting bank sends an electronic image of the cheque along with the relevant
information like the MICR code line data, date of presentation, presenting bank, etc.,
to the clearing house. The clearing house forwards the images along with data files to
the drawee/ paying bank. The paying bank branch takes the ‘Pay’ or ‘No-Pay’
decision based on the image of the cheque.

 Human Resource(HR) Department

The human resources department handles a range of different functions within

an organization. The department is responsible for hiring and firing employees,
training workers, maintaining interoffice relationships and interpreting employment
laws. The department works diligently behind the scenes to ensure an organization
runs efficiently.

 Marketing Department

The functions of the marketing department of a bank are to advertise about the
bank and reach more potential customers who would open accounts with the bank.

They usually start up a campaign or a promotional scheme explaining/offering a host
of benefits that come along with the process of account opening with the bank. Such a
campaign usually results in the increase in the customer base and increased
revenue/profit for the banks.

 Compliance Department

Many banks differ in how they operate, but one thing they have in common is
a compliance department. We describe the compliance department as a bank's internal
police force. It is the unit that ensures that a financial institution complies with
applicable laws, regulations and rules, and it plays an essential role in helping to
preserve the integrity and reputation of the bank.

 General Service Department

The functions of CSD are to provide excellent customer service and

satisfaction; provide courteous professional services; maintain and enhance facilities;
reduce energy use in GSD managed buildings and increase sustainable and resource
conservation in the core civic buildings; work collaboratively across all departments;
deliver projects and programs in a timely and cost effective manner.

 Risk Management Department

All banks set up dedicated risk management departments to monitor, manage,

and measure these risks. The risk management department helps the bank's
management by continuously measuring the risk of its current portfolio of assets, or
loans, liabilities, or deposits, and other exposures.

 Legal Department

Legal departments within a business work to maintain and prevent

any legal issues that arise. They play critical roles in reviewing and drafting contracts,
employee policies, and handling court cases.

 Treasury Department

The treasury department of a bank is responsible for balancing and managing

the daily cash flow and liquidity of funds within the bank. The department also
handles the bank's investments in securities, foreign exchange and cash instruments.

 Finance Department

The functions of a finance department typically include planning, organizing,

auditing, accounting for and controlling its bank's finances. Finance department is
also responsible for balance sheet related issues, publishing balance sheet,
managing bank's capital and related jobs.

 IT Department

The information technology department in a bank is responsible for the

architecture, hardware, software and networking of computers in the bank. As an IT
professional, you perform a number of duties to ensure that employees have full
access to the computer systems.

2.2 Activities Performed

During internship period of two months in RBBL Kalanki, it helped to gain

the knowledge on how the employees work under hierarchy and about the
organization’s design and structure also about the flow of chain of command in a real
organization. Thus, the Kalanki branch of RBBL observe the overall statistics, its
function and vision of the internal banking and its ability to work to get developed in
banking industries in Nepal. The main department where I worked as intern in RBBL
is discussed below:

2.2.1 Customer Service Department

The main purpose of this department is to provide various services to the

customers who visit the bank. It is the important department of an organization. It
basically details with the issue of cheque book, the opening and closing of various
types of account as per the customer requirement, the maintenance of bank statement,
provides various cards such as ATM, Credit card, SMS banking, Debit card, etc. Main
task I performed during my internship are

 Account Opening

At RBBL, I got to learn about account opening, where I was given a task to
help customer for filling the form to both individual and corporate customer and
check if the required documents are complete or not. After checking the documents

and the form if it is filled up properly or not, I had performed on software scanning
called AML check and only then an account for individual and corporate are opened
only if the AML screening is clear. But if the screening showed up some unusual
things, I would forward to compliance and wait for reply then only used to start a
process for opening account in software of bank.

 Balance Inquiry

As CSD is front desk of the bank, customer directly comes to interacting in

this department. I got to learn about the process of balance checking because the first
thing that any customer would want to know was the balance they have on their
account. I was taught to tell the balance only if the account holder is asking which can
be identified through their signature card and other were allow to know the balance

 Providing Bank Statement

A bank statement shows the entire banking transaction of the account. I was
trained how to print bank statement for individual customers, and corporate customer.
For individual customer they need to fill up the bank statement request form with their
account number, name, date from when they want the statement and most
importantly, their authorized signature. But for the corporate customers, if they send a
third party to receive a bank statement they need to write an application with their
account number, authorized stamp, proprietor’s authorized signature and receiver’s
name, mobile number and identity card. After verifying the authorized signature onlyI
was allowed to provide bank statement.

 Printing and Providing Cheque

A cheque is the most needed thing for account holder. I was trained how to
print cheque. If the customer is issuing a cheque, requisition slip should be filled up
including their account number, account name and authorized signature. The customer
who issues a cheque for a first time can get only 10 leaf of cheque and for second and
more then that customer can get more then 10 leaf. If third party receives the cheque
bank need to record receiver name, mobile number and identity card before providing
a cheque to them.

 Mobile Banking and Internet Banking Activation and Deactivation

Mobile banking and internet banking are software that allow customer to
enquire the balance, fund transfer, getting statement and so on. RBBL Kalanki branch
has taught me about the process of activation and deactivation the customer mobile
banking and internet banking as per their request. The customer needs to fill up the
mobile banking form with their name, mobile number and their authorized signature.
The customer needs to fill up internet banking form with another additional terms and
condition, including account holder name, e-mail address and authorized signature.
And the mobile banking system and internet banking system are activated through
intranet software only after the verification of the provided signature.

 Account Closing

At RBBL Kalanki branch, I got to learn about account closing as well which
is performed if the customer does not want to operate their account for certain reasons
they need to bring some documents like; original citizenship for individual customer
and all the original certificates with members agreements for corporate customers. To
close an account, an account holder need to bring all the products and services
provided by the bank such as, cheque book, ATM Cards and so on and their account
should be KYC updated.

2.3 Problems Faced and Solved

During the internship period internee had faced various problems and solved
them either by self or by the help of the concerned staff.

 Problem 1: Once the cheque printed the two numbers, serial number of cheque
and the issue number which did not match.

Solution: The internee immediately consulted the CSD in charge about the
problem and the cheque print was cancelled, that led very few cheques to be

 Problem 2: Next, the customer came and complained that she never gets the
messages from the bank when she does transactions in her account (depositing
and withdrawal). So, there was the problem in mobile banking.

Solution: The internee consulted with the concerned staff and the staff
checked whether the customer is activate on the mobile banking services of
the bank and found that the customer’s account was not registered for SMS
alert service. Then internee advised the customer to write a request letter and
helped her. Then the concerned staff added SMS alert service to the
customer’s account.

 Problem 3: One customer who had an account in RBBL came to complain that
he used his ATM card in ATM booth of Global IME Bank Ltd, his account
was deducted by Rs 20000 but he didn’t receive cash.

Solution: The internee consulted the concerned staff and the staff checked his
statement whether the amount is deducted or not. Then the internee advised
the customer to write a request letter to Global IME Bank Ltd and helped him.
Then the concerned staff sent e-mail to Global IME Bank.

 Problem 4: Once the customer informed through phone for KYC update since
he had already visited KYC section when it was too busy, and the customer
was 87 years old. He was unable to fill the form.

Solution: The internee prioritized the customer for his comfort and filled up
his KYC update forms, convincing other customers to wait for few minutes
and asking for apologies with him for being few minutes late.

 Problem 5: One customer, who had an account in RBBL, came with the
grievance that when he used ATM card of ATM booth of others bank, it did
not work. And no cash out.

Solution: The internee discussed this matter with the concerned staffs and as
per the instruction given by them the internee suggested and helped the
customer to fill up a dispute form and attach the photocopy of citizenship card.
It would take 1day to 1 month for the cash to be deposited back in the
customer’s account.

 Problem 6: Once, while informing the customer for the KYC update, the
internee came to know that the account holder has been demised.

Solution: The internee informed the family member to visit the bank and get
enough information for further procedure they had to go through to provide
the nominee for the remaining balance.

 Problem 7: A customer tried getting inside the bank after the bank was closed,
he was so anxious. The internee tried to inform him as it was already an hour
late to get service. He rudely spoke back to internee.

Solution: In this case the internee remained calm and informed CSD senior
staffs during this time, he was found out to be a known customer and what
internee realized is that there are some considerations that could be taken for
good and known customers.

2.4 Intern's Key Observation

Through internship, the internee has developed communication, interpersonal

skills and built the knowledge base about a specific field. The internee by practices
realized a higher level of responsibility and developed confidence, understood the gap
between theoretical knowledge and practical field, got familiarized with office
equipment and understood the similarities between bank and college culture.

 Organization Culture

Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs

which governs how people behave in organizations. Organizational culture at RBBL
is quite impressive and maintained. The staffs of the RBBL are punctual about their
working time and they have their proper dress code of the bank which makes them

 Working Environment

The working environment of RBBL is very friendly. The staffs of RBBL

make the intern feel free to ask about the job and moreover they also provide
information if it is required for intern. Similarly, there is an advance working process
and the modern technology used for functioning. While working in the bank as an
intern I observed many things but main things that are only observed are the key to
understand the bank and its operating process.

 Co-operation by Co-workers

Cooperation in the workplace with co-workers is integral to the ability of all

workers to complete projects and assignments successfully. An effective workplace
requires employees who know how to work together to get the job done. The co-
workers at RBBL Kalanki branch were really very cooperative. The internee felt very
much comfortable to work with them. When internee does something extraordinary,
the in-charge head appreciate the job. Thus, internee got to know how the work is
done and how the staffs interact among themselves and with the customers.

 Behavior of Supervisor

Supervisor is a person in the first-line management who monitors and

regulates employees in their performance of assigned or delegated tasks. At RBBL
Kalanki branch, Mr. Yubraj Ghimire (Supervisor of RBBL of Branch Operation
Department and CSD) supervises the employees and so to the internee. My supervisor
was very supportive and co- operative. He was very energetic and he encouraged me
to be focused on my task. He was always ready to help me in finding out the solution
of my problems and he helped me to clear my confusions and queries regarding my

 Working Process and Technology

Technology is one of the major factors that minimize the operational cost and
increase the efficiency. RBBL has all the latest technologies and modern working
process for functioning. RBBLis well equipped and had recently updated the banking
software (Pumori Plus III). The bank has computers and printer in each department,
CCTV cameras to supervise, cash counting machine and so on for the effective work
processing. During my internship period, I observed that CCTV cameras are very
helpful for the supervision of workers and to get detailed footage of every activity to
reduce conflict and robbery in near future at bank and computer and printer are
compulsorily needed in bank.



While working at RBBL as an intern, I had one of the great experiences,

which will be very helpful in my future life. I am now more visualized about the bank.
Bank should have potential and skilled manpower. No matter what is their
qualification, they must give 100 percent in their work. It is the idea and innovation of
staffs that leads the bank to the success. Through internship, the internee has
developed communication, interpersonal skills, somewhere leadership skills and built
the knowledge base about a specific field.

The internee practices a higher level of responsibility and confidence,

understood the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical field got familiarized
with office equipment and understood the similarities between bank and college
culture. There is advance working process and modern technology used for

3.1 Key Skills Learnt

Gap between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge can be observed

during internship period. Internship provides an opportunity to work and get
knowledge and skills required at that workplace. Some skills that I learned at
Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd are as follows:

 Operation Skills

I learnt to make different entries while recording the ledger and opening the
account of the customers. I learnt to post the transactions in the computer and also I
have learnt to open and close different types of account, learnt about the withdrawal
and deposit process. I learnt the process of issuing and printing cheque books and
balance statement. I have learnt the process of issuing ATM card. I have learned to
identify different type’s legal documents.

 Communication Skills

The regular interaction with the customers helped me a lot to develop

communicating skills. I came to know about, how to present oneself in front of the

customers in such a way so that customers feel satisfied in every aspect about their
queries that had been presented. Convincing power to the customers increase while
dealing with them. I learnt to deal various commercial as well as others levels bank

 Interpersonal Skills

As working in the Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd I developed interpersonal

skills to communicate with others easily in the bank. I had to talk and understand
every employee and their demands and queries. I developed mass facing ability,
facing various types of customers.

 Technical Skills

Before internship I was unable to use any of the technical instruments like
printers, computers, scanner and different software of the bank. Hence, I learnt the
basic necessary skills for operating, printing, using computers, scanner and software
after internship and it was only possible because bank placed me in customer service
department and taught to perform activities related to it.

3.2 Attitudes Learnt

As the intern in the RBBL, I learnt few other things apart from the skills and
that is attitudes toward the organization and co-workers. I used to feel uncomfortable,
nervous while interacting with anyone but after completing my internship I am
boosted up with confidence as I learnt attitudes like, to boost confidence level to
communicate and co-ordinate with strangers who lacked before working in this
organization. Some other attitudes that I learnt during my internship are follows.

 Positive Attitude

The positive attitudes that I developed are as follows.

 I found most of the staffs in the organization were helpful and co-operative
which helped me to gain working knowledge and perform different tasks.
 I was punctual and obedient towards my work and organizations management
that help me to drive positive attitude towards management.
 I learnt that behavioral issues are the most important inside the organization.
Customers feel satisfied when they are behaved properly.

 The working environment of RBBL Kalanki branch office was very friendly,
comfortable and satisfying which gave me energy to work more actively.

 Negative Attitude

Some of the pleasing work at RBBL Kalanki branch gave me positive attitude
but there are some negative approaches as well that I noticed during my internship
period are as follow.

 Many customers were not satisfied with ATM services and machines provided
by the bank.
 Loafing of by some team members could lead to huge negative impacts on the
overall team performance.
 I perceived that employee showed different assertiveness towards different

Specifically, there are various attitudes toward different people and environment and
some of them are as follow.

 Attitude Learnt Towards Customers

I had learnt both positive and negative attitude towards customers. Some
customers behaved so well and behavior of some customers was not so good.
Sometime, it was difficult for me to handle all customers at a time and they had to
wait for a minute.

 Attitude Learnt Towards Supervisor

My attitude towards supervisors was positive. Supervisors used to visit my

department in the bank and help or advise me if I got any trouble while working.
Supervisors helped on making banking environment familiar to internee in their
internship period in RBBL.

 Attitudes Learnt Towards Co-worker

As working as intern in the bank, I came to know that some co-workers were
polite and some were not. Most of the co-workers in the bank were helpful and co-
operative, they helped me in learning process and gave me an idea about how to

perform various activities which helped me to build positive attitude toward them.
They encouraged me to work in team and created good working environment in bank.

 Attitude Learnt Towards Working Environment

On my eight weeks of internship period, I was familiar towards the working

environment of RBBL. I found working environment of the bank was good for all
internee and employees because of which I performed my work without any
disturbance. Working environment of bank was friendly, comfortable and satisfying
for internee and employees.

 Attitude Learnt Towards Overall Perception

Before starting intern, I used to be uncomfortable and nervous while

interacting with anyone. But, during internship period I got an opportunity to deal
with different customers and agents which helped me to build my confidence level. I
was introduced as a team member and was assigned various activities that had to be
performed in a team, which helped me to increase my team work skill while working
at RBBL. So, my attitude towards overall perception of the bank was positive.

3.3 Feedback to the Bank

During the internship period, it was discovered that the bank has been
performing its functions very effectively through the coordination and efforts of the
bank employees and the administration. RBBL also accepts deposits and lending
loans, which seemed to be passiveness of the bank. But now the bank has analyzed
the current growing scenario of the banking scope and thus increased its pace of
banking transactions and strategies. The financial position of RBBL is concluded to
be in strong position. The bank has provided loan on unproductive sectors for short,
medium, and long term. Besides these, RBBL seems to be not satisfying its customer
needs properly. Customers are unsatisfied due to its slow working procedures and low
interest rates on its products and services. Still the bank needs to review the
management and adopt the better technologies. The working method is too slow.
Every transaction is posted manually into register and then into computer, which
makes work lengthy and complicated too. More training must be provided to the staff
in short interval of time so that they become familiar with the new modern
technology. Moreover, staffs are not familiarized with the lasted skills and

technologies. Traditional procedures are still adopted, which certainly delays service
delivery and leads to customer dissatisfaction. This must be stopped by upgrading the
technology used in the bank and its branches. However, there are few things to be
checked upon, within the bank and they are as follows.

 Photocopy machines should be in a condition and it should be quite enough to

facilitate all the staffs.
 It should reduce the over-employed staff so as to reduce cost and bring
efficiency in the job.
 The organization should improve its departmental overload which is now for
few staff only.
 The operations should be systematized in proper flow of the work.
 The bank should provide adequate resource plan and policies for career
development, reward, and facilities on the basis of performance.
 The bank should initiate the systematic record –keeping. The scientific system
should be used while filing. The indexing should be encouraged.

RBBL should increase the number of ATM machines both within and outside
the valley so as to attract more customer towards the bank.

3.4 Feedback to the College/University

The internship program is to be conducted by the students as per the

requirement of the university. It is also a responsibility of the college to provide good
and practical opportunities to the students to impart the real world situations. The
experience from the workplace can help internee to gain necessary skills and
knowledge that can improve their career. Therefore, here are some proposals for the

 The time period for the intern should be extend more so that they can develop
their skill, knowledge and the job experienced and also can learn the
organizational culture.
 Regular monitoring should be done by the supervisor regarding the
involvement of the students.

 University should do negotiation with some big industrial houses, and
financial institutions so that there won’t be any hurdles for students while
searching internship.

 The college should conduct different types of educational programs and invite
the organizations so that they will be aware about the talent of the students.
 The internship program would be effective if it was in the eighth semester. It
would be easier for the student to join the organization if an offer will be

In spite of all, I would like to thank to Pokhara University and Apollo

International College, for giving such mind blowing course structure, extremely ace
designating teachers, and better environment and giving such passage level position
undertakings to get the learning of organization under studies.



Annual reports of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited (2073/74-2075/76 B.S)

Brochures of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited


Kandel, M. (2070). Investment Management. Kathmandu: Januka Publication.

Shrestha, M.K. (2008). Financial Markets & Institution. Kathmandu: Asmita Books
Publishers and Distributors.

Shrestha, M.K. & Bhandari, Dipak B. (2009). Financial Institutions and Markets.
Kathmandu: Asmita Books Publishers and Distributors.




All Branches of RastriyaBanijya Bank Limited


Key Parameters of RastriyaBanijya Bank


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