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English for Engineering

Task 2

Name : Marta Dinata

Major : Teknik Sipil
Date : 06 October 2021

Instruction of the assignment

a. Answer briefly
b. Do in the file given then submit in PDF format

Read the skill needed by the engineering below then write why the skills are needed how to get or
develop the skill!

1. An engineer must equip himself/herself with the latest technology knowledge dealing with
his/her field.

Why the latest knowledge about technology needed?

Because an engineer will certainly use technological means to work

How to get it?

By studying and following technological developments

2. An engineer must have good skill in computer

Why the computer skill needed

Because the computer as a means of working an engineer

How to get it?

By studying it

3. An engineer must be ready for pressure.

Why pressure management is important?

Because we don't know what obstacles and situations we will face in the future

How to get it?

Able to master the situation at work and get used to working under pressure

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