The Toolbox (Inspirational Document)

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I grew up seeing carpenters, plumbers, builders coming with toolboxes when called for the
job. They would know which tool to use on certain areas which need repair or fixing. I then
realised how crucial or handy a tool box is.

The story of David and Goliath helps as to know how successful in life we can be if we
remember to use our toolboxes. Which are these? Let us see the story in 1 Samuel 17:32-
37;40-51. In this text, we see two people coming together to fight, each with his tools:

Sword Five stones
Spear Shepherd’s pouch
Javelin Sling
Curses Confidence, trust in God. You come against
me with sword and spear and javelin, but I
come agaist you in the name of the Lord of
Pride in his big body Trust in the Lord

Looking at the above, we see the difference between the two, David and Goliath.Golith was
full of pride and scorn. He also thought that the sword, javelin and spear were useful pre-
requisites for confronting and defeating David. It was a kind of toolbox for him. On the other
hand, David had five stones, shepherd’s pouch, sling in his toolbox. These are simple things
used by shepherds. A shepherd is someone who holds a simple position in everyday life but,
in this scenario, he had an added advantage, full trust in the Lord God of hosts. With this he
defeated Goliath.

The word ‘trust ‘appears 153 times throughout the books of the Bible. Let us just have a
glimpse of some bible verses which allude to trust.

Isaiah12:2 Isaiah 26:3 Isaiah 41:10

There are many more as cited before
The bible can be likened to a Christian’s toolbox.
Our life is full of twists and turns. When we are at the crossroads, faced with obstacles,
persecutions, challenges which tools are handy for us? What do we use?

Written by Sr Felistas R. Mandinyenya LCBL

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