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Jan. 17, 2023, 3:21 p.m.

Your score: 100% /
15 15
Duration: 0:14:01

1 / 1 point
1. A nurse is caring for a patient with liver
failure and is performing an assessment in the
knowledge of the patient’s increased risk of
bleeding. The nurse recognizes that this risk is
related to the patient’s inability to synthesize
prothrombin in the liver. What factor most likely
contributes to this loss of function?

Your Answer: Correct

Alterations in glucose metabolism

Retention of bile salts

Inadequate production of albumin by


Inability of the liver to use vitamin K

1 / 1 point
2. A nurse is performing an admission
assessment of a patient with a diagnosis of
cirrhosis. What technique should the nurse use
to palpate the patient’s liver?

Your Answer: Correct

Place hand under the right lower abdominal

quadrant and press down lightly with the
other hand.

Place the left hand over the abdomen and

behind the left side at the 11th rib.

Place hand under right lower rib cage and

press down lightly with the other hand.

Hold hand 90 degrees to right side of the

abdomen and push down firmly.

1 / 1 point
3. The nurse is caring for a 55-year-old
man patient with acute pancreatitis resulting
from gallstones. Which clinical manifestation
would the nurse expect the patient to exhibit?

Your Answer: Correct


Left upper abdominal pain

Ascites and peripheral edema

Temperature over 102o F (38.9o C)

1 / 1 point
4. A nurse is completing the admission
assessment of a client who has acute
pancreatitis. Which of the following findings is
the priority to be reported to the provider?

Your Answer: Correct

History of cholelithiasis

Serum amylase levels three times greater

than the expected value

Client report of severe pain radiating to the

back that is rated at an "8"

Hand spasms present when blood pressure

is checked

1 / 1 point
5. A nurse is completing an admission
assessment of a client who has pancreatitis.
Which of the following is an expected finding?

Your Answer: Correct

Pain in right upper quadrant radiating to right


Report of pain being worse when sitting


Pain relieved with defecation

Epigastric pain radiating to left shoulder

1 / 1 point
6. A nurse is reviewing the health record
of a client who has pancreatitis. The physical
exam report by the provider indicates the
presence of Cullen's sign. Which of the
following is an appropriate action by the nurse
to identify this finding?

Your Answer: Correct

Tap lightly at the costovertebral margin on

the client's back.

Palpate the client's right lower quadrant.

Inspect the skin around the umbilicus

Auscultate the area below the client's


1 / 1 point
7. Pancreatitis is commonly characterized

Your Answer: Correct

Edema and inflammation.

Pleural effusion.


Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.

1 / 1 point
8. A major symptom of pancreatitis that
brings the patient to medical care is:

Your Answer: Correct

Severe abdominal pain.



Mental agitation.

1 / 1 point
9. The nurse should assess for an
important early indicator of acute pancreatitis,
which is a prolonged and elevated level of:

Your Answer: Correct

Serum calcium.

Serum lipase.

Serum bilirubin.

Serum amylase.

1 / 1 point
10. Nursing measures for pain relief for
pancreatitis include:

Your Answer: Correct

Encouraging bed rest to decrease metabolic


Teaching the patient about the correlation

between alcohol intake and pain.

Withholding oral feedings to limit the release

of secretin.

All of the above.

1 / 1 point
11. Which of the following diagnostic
studies could identify an increase in the
diameter of the pancreas?

Your Answer: Correct


Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.


Serum amylase.

1 / 1 point
12. Which of the following is considered a
“hallmark” symptom of pancreatitis?

Your Answer: Correct


Mid-epigastric pain that radiates to the back

Gradual onset of pain

Alcohol consumption

1 / 1 point
13. A 54-year-old patient admitted with
diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, osteomyelitis,
and alcohol abuse has a serum amylase level
of 280 U/L and a serum lipase level of 310 U/L.
To what diagnosis does the nurse attribute
these findings?

Your Answer: Correct



Alcohol abuse

Diabetes mellitus

1 / 1 point
14. Which of the following can be used in
the treatment of acute pancreatitis? Select all
that apply.

Your Answer: Correct

Parenteral fluids

Nasogastric suctioning


H2 receptor antagonists

Narcotics or Demerol

Surgical resection of the pancreas

1 / 1 point
15. Which lab test result would indicate
that Mr. Walker has acute pancreatitis?

Your Answer: Correct

Elevated bilirubin levels

Elevated serum lipase and amylase levels

Low white blood cell count

Elevated blood alcohol level


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